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 Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon

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Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 8:58 pm

The group of Pokemon ran threw the woods. The only thing that was uncommon about this was that they were all different types and that none of them were known to live in the area. All who saw them simply shrugged and looked away, most likely a trainer had gotten attacked and freed all their pokemon before they could be snatched up by one of the groups roving the lands these days. With Giovanne reopening Team Rocket in the area there were problems, but nothing the locals couldn't handle. Then Team Magma and Team Aqua came to town demanding that this region be theirs. Problems had ensued ever since.

No one noticed the girl with blue hair nestled into the nine-tails fur, or the fear in her eyes as she glanced at the surounding trees. They didn't see how she held on for dear life or how she clutched the smooth egg to her chest, protecting it as much as possible. "Come on Naruto! Faster, we have to go faster!" Violet said into her pokemon's ear. He could feel the tension in her, the fear in her voice and the scent of it filled him, Naruto roared and started running hyper speed as Vi called Jesse and Soulta back as only Bella could keep up with Naruto.

It wasn't enough though, the Rockets had already gotten in front of them and as Vi called for Naruto to stop the helicoptor decsended. Violet crawled off Naruto and gave him a pat before putting him back in his pokeball, he tried his best and deserved the rest. Keeping the egg wrapped in her arms Vi and Bella walked towards the chopper and the black clad members of Team Rocket.

"Violet so nice to see you again, I see you still have that tacky Umbreon." Violet gives a good glare to the Rocket girl to the right, Umbreon brisltes and growls at her, Vi simply put a comforting hand on her pokemons head and said "Settle Bella..."

"Scarlet fabulous to see you still haven't realize that plastic surgery is always the answer in cases like yours." Scarlet stiffened and was about to say something when her male partner spoke. "Violet lovely as always." Violet couldn't help but blush as Thad's voice smoothed over her. Devilishly handsome, Thadeous Burke was only six or so years older than Violet and had always had a yen to become her partner in more ways than one.

The heliocopter door swung open and Giovane stepped out, his prized Persian at his heels. "Violet darling." He walks towards her and embraces her Violet couldn't help but to hug him back and remember back to a time when he had meant more to her than a father ever could.

"Giovanni." Violet says softly as he breaks the hug and touches Violet's face, even though it feels so right and good and familiar Violet knows that he can't be to her what he used to be. "What do you want?" Her voice was cold, and she could tell it hurt him.

"For you to come back to us, but I know you're in your rebelious stage so I won't ask that of you. I just wanted to tell you that no member of the Rockets or of Magma and Aqua will touch you, I have made that crystal clear. You are precious to me. I wish you would call me Papa again, but that to I know is more than I can ask of you now." Violet stiffened and thought, I'm precious to you just like a caged canary.

"Thank you, but I can fight my own battles, I have been since I was young you made sure of that." It was Giovanni's turn to stiffen. "I made you strong, it is that Professor you've replaced me with that makes you weak." Violet caressed the twitching egg in her arms. "You're wrong, Father...but it was nice to see you again." Giovanni nodded and touched her face once more before going back to the chopper and taking off Scarlet and Thad at his heels both on Fearow.

Violet wrapped her arms around Umbreon and wept, sad and bitter tears soaked Bella's fur and yet it comforted Vi to know that she wasn't alone here.


Torn's to come tomorrow! LOTR NOW!
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 11:06 pm

Laying near a nice pond, Kendall stretched and turned over, exposing her back side to the sun. She had been walking for what had seemed like days before she finally found the pond that meant she was near a town. Deciding she needed a little break she had let her Pokemon out of their balls and gave them some food and told them to behave or else they would go straight into the ball again. Bubbles had just popped out of the water again and gave her a refreshing mist has she dried herself off. "Thanks Bubbles!" Kendall said reaching into her bag and pulled out one of Bubbles' favorite snacks. Bubbles took the snack and sat next to her. Sparkie was watching the new hatchling, Puff and Lark and Sara were battling each other for practice. Keiko was sitting on her other side looking out at the lake. "Beautiful isn't it Keiko?" Keiko nodded and laid her head near Kendall's. Kendall sighed, how could this day get any better.

ZOOM! Kendall felt it more than heard it and jumped up, immediately ready for a battle. When she didn't see anything she sent Sara, Sparkie, Puff, and Keiko back to their balls. Grabbing her clothes and putting them on she strapped Bubbles on to her chest and hopped on Lark. "Hold on Bubbles this may get bumpy." Bubbles nodded and Kendall gave Lark a quick soft kick which sent her into a full on run. "Follow the scent of the Pokemon that just ran by Lark." Picking up speed Kendall knew they were on the trail of another Pokemon. Maybe it has a master. It would be cool to have someone around more often than just Bubbles. She thought as they flew through the forest on Lark. Suddenly Kendall heard the sound of a helicopter taking off and made Lark slow down. Looking up she saw the helicopter with the Team Rocket logo on it. Hissing she made Lark move at a slower pace, happy she didn't meet up with them.

When they went through the clearing Kendall sucked in a breath when she saw an Umbreon and a Ninetails. Looking closer she saw a girl crying on the unusually colored Umbreon. Whispering Kendall said "Okay Larkspur lets pretend like we just walked out and don't even notice her." Lark nodded and started at a slow even pace. When they were within a few yards of the girl and her Pokemon she heard them hiss at her and the girl jerked into a standing position. "Who who are you and what do you want?"

"Hi, I'm Kendall and these are my Pokemon, well two of them at least." Giggling she made Lark keep moving slowly toward the girl. "This is Bubbles she's a Piplup and this is Larkspur, or Lark for short, she's a Leafeon. I see you have a Umberon I've always wanted to see one." They were less than three feet away now. "So who are you and why were you crying?" Gasping she remembered the helicopter, "Team Rocket didn't steal a Pokemon from you did they?"
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Number of posts : 169
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Registration date : 2008-12-30

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 9:47 pm

Vi laughed and she had to say it was quite a bitter laugh. "Oh no, no I'm just crying because someone I was very close to just happens to be very evil." What was she supposed to say? Oh hey yeah my surrogate father is the Leader of Team Rocket and he just popped in to say that he wants me to come and steal pokemon for him again? Yeah that always went over good. "I'm Violet this is Belladonna and Naruto...your pokemon are in quite good shape I must say, though your Piplups coat is looking a little dull...." Violet took off her backpack and dug threw it before she found a red box, opening it she selected a tiny blue pill. "Here try this." She gestured to the Piplup who though wary ate the pill.

"That's something Professor Oak and I have been working on, it helps regulate captured Piplup's fur better than brushing does." Violet stood and held tightly to the pokemon egg in her arms before smiling at the girl. "So what other pokemon do you have?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 5:13 pm

Kendall listened to what the girl, Violet, was telling her. Strange, she thought, was someone she used to love a member of Team Rocket? Not wanting to intrude she watched her give Bubbles a pill. "Oh that's amazing." Kendall said as she saw Bubbles' coat seem to get a little shinier. Kendall picked up Bubbles and gave her a nice scratch on her head. "Your Umbreon and Ninetails seem to be in good shape too. I'm guessing Belladonna is Umbreon and Naruto is the Ninetails right?" Violet nodded. "Well I already introduced you to Lark and Bubbles so why don't I just show you my other Pokemon instead of telling you about them. They love meeting new people." Kendall reached into her bag and pulled out four more Poke-balls. "Alright everyone come out!" She shouted and all her Pokemon erupted from their balls. "Okay, this is my Pikachu named Sparkie, be careful he likes to shock people. This is a Kirlia that I named Keiko. It means beloved one, I named her that because when I found her she was in really bad shape. She hadn't evolved yet and I nursed her back to health. Didn't I Keiko?" She said and rubbed her nose to Keiko's head. "I caught Scyther in a Sarracenia bush so that's what I named her, Sara for short though. And the newest addition to our family is Puffball or just Puff our Igglybuff. I found him as an egg and raised him to hatch, so now I'm training him. So what other Pokemon do you have Violet?" Kendall asked as she sat down and took off her backpack. "Lunch time guys." She said to her Pokemon and removed the dishes she made for all her different Pokemon at the last town. Kendall also pulled out some leftovers from the night before. "Want some? I promise I didn't put anything weird in it. Just some salad with some homemade dressing. I have an extra sandwich if you would like that better." She decided she was going to like this Violet girl as she started to dig in and eat.


Nash was racing his bike quickly down one of the trails to get to yet another city. He had let Espeon, Umbreon, and Flareon out of their poke-balls to run with him toward the next town. He was tired, hungry, and in need of a serious bath. He had biked for almost 14 hours straight before he finally stopped and set up camp for the night, no where near a lake. Then he woke up early today to leave. He wanted to get to this town quicker than he had ever before. Nash hated sleeping outside sometimes and just wanted to get to another center for him and his Pokemon to rest. He could almost see the clearing when he saw a helicopter with the Team Rocket logo on the side, just coming out of the clearing. Stopping quickly his heart rate quickened and his Espeon, FLareon, and Umbreon had to stop and turn around to him. "It's okay guys, I think we should just wait here for a while take a little breather." Lowering his voice he whispered, "But be on your guard Team Rocket members might be around." Immediately Umbreon looked at Nash and started to search around for any signs of other people. All three Pokemon turned their heads toward the clearing. "Good job guys. Okay get ready for anything, lets move slowly so we won't be caught off guard."

Nash hopped back on his bike and started to ride again, this time slowing his pace so his Pokemon really only had to walk to keep up with him. As the got within a few feet of the clearing Nash's breathing started to quicken. He had only seen a Team Rocket member once, seven years ago when his father died. He had to run his tongue around his lips to moisten them. Suddenly Umbreon shot into the clearing followed by Flrareon and Espeon close behind. "No guys! Stop! Don't go out there!" Nash yelled and picked up his pace within a matter of seconds. Light flooded his eyes and he saw his three Pokemon approach two figures. Going even faster than before Nash yelled "DON'T YOU TOUCH MY POKEMON!" Toward the figures. Once his eyes adjusted and he was almost to the people Nash realized they were girls. Not just girls, young trainers with their Pokemon. Distracted Nash found he was headed straight for the lake and fell right in.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?!" Came the yells from the girls. He heard footsteps, many footsteps, coming his way. Nash was pulled out of the water by his Umbreon. "Thanks Umbreon." He said and turned his attention toward the girls, "Yeah I'm fine just fine. I don't think my bike is though." He said looking at his yellow bike sinking toward the bottom of the lake.

"I'll get that for you." One of the girls said. "Bubbles go get his bike will ya?" He heard a splash then heard and saw his bike coming out of the water and so did a Piplup. "Good job Bubbles!" The girl said again and the Piplup ran toward her. "Hi I'm Kendall Stewart! You are?"

"I'm Nash Kennington. Isn't Kendall a boy's name?" He asked toward the girl with white hair and blue tips in it. "Yeah it is but it sounds way better than my real name, especially when battling. My real name is Jenna-Bell Kendall Stewart but I go by Kendall Jenna-Bell Stewart. And you're not allowed to call me Jenna, Jenna-Bell, or Bell or anything dealing with my real name got it? My name is Kendall, period." She told him.

Wow this girl is definitely weird but sweet enough. Looking toward the girl with blue hair he asked "And you are?" "Violet." Nodding his head he sat down. "So who's a member of Team Rocket around here?" He knew he saw a Team Rocket helicopter and but he didn't want to freak them out encase it was farther away.
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Number of posts : 169
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Registration date : 2008-12-30

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 10:49 pm

Violet sat in the grass as the foolish looking boy rushed out of the trees and then took a tumble into the lake. She gratefully took the sandwhich offered to her by Kendall and brought out her own addition bread rolls, a lump of cheese and jerky plus pokemon food. Violet laid out what she had to offer the group on her blanket and called out the rest of her team. "You already know Bella my Unbreon and Naruto my Ninetails, but this is Soulta my Absol, Jesse my Girafarig, and Mal my Milotic has to stay in his pokeball cause you know he's a water pokemon that can't leave."

Violet stretched back to eat with her team, letting the pokemon egg warm in the sun with Bella gaurding it when that odd boy Nash asked who's a member of Team Rocket around here. Swallowing difficultly Violet gave a weird half smile half frown, they were nice, and they were all sharing lunch she might as well tell them. What was the worst that could happen, they leave like all the others? No big, Violet was used to solitude.

"Well actually my father, well not my father father, but my adoptive father is the Leader of Team Rocket." She said looking at the ground, trying not to look at their stunned faces. "I lived with them for about eight years..." Violet petted Bella's head softly waiting for their responses.


It was amazing how all the rivers and lakes in this region were connected Torn thought as he surfaced from an underground channel into another lake. He was on his Dragonair with his Dratini and Wartortle following behind, his Altaria flew above cawing out a greating as they broke the surface.

"Okay guys we're back at the road." Torn jumped off Dragonair and swam to the edge of the lake, he wore only his swimming shorts and water proof bag. Calling all his pokemon back Torn then called Lucario. "Alright Lucario let's get going, it's a good few miles till the next city and we're running behind. His Lucario looked at him and Torn laughed "I know but that hotdog vendor was so worth it." Chuckling they started walking, Torn was of course still barefoot he heard voices in the distance and knew that he would see the people responsible in a few moments, but he really wasn't in a hurry to get there.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:04 pm

Kendall looked at Violet, jaw down touching the floor. "You mean your daddy is like Team Rocket?" Kendall still couldn't wrap her mind around the potential fact that Violet was living with the world's most notorious Pokemon thief. "Yea sort of." Violet said. "It's just that you don't seem like the type of girl or even person that would choose to live with someone so horrible like that. You work for Professor Oak now right? So that means that you want to capture, train, and study your own Pokemon rather than take someone else's. Plus, he's really mean!" Kendall said matter-of-factly and crossed her arms across her chest. She picked up a slice of her sandwich and took a big bite. There was no way this girl could possibly be telling them the truth, Kendall thought. She gave all her Pokemon a little snack that she makes special for them and handed the bag to Violet, "Here it's kind of like a dessert for your beautiful Pokemon." She said and waved at them. "So how did you manage to capture them. I've tried but it's harder than it looks."


Nash couldn't breath when he heard Violet's confession. Memories of his father fighting to protect his Pokemon, his work, and his life flashed before Nash's eyes. He could hear distinctively the yells and the punches coming from his father and the members of Team Rocket. It felt like he was reliving that moment; He was crawling on the ground away from where his father was and heard the crash of his father hitting the floor for what it felt like the twentieth or more time. He quickly unlocked all of the cages of the Eevees and the evolutions, they were all sad and pissed by having to watch what Nash himself was watching. He moved to a corner, holding his own eevee, and watched as the Pokemon tore the members to pieces. Running toward his father he saw blood bleeding out of his head. "Daddy? Daddy are you okay?" He asked, shaking his father. His father grumbled something and, using his last breath, he said "I'm so proud of you Nash...take care of your mama." Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to wake his father up again. Picking up eevee he ran out of the lab as fast as his little legs could take him and didn't stop until he reached the forest area that surrounded his house.

Coming back to reality, Nash shook his head and marched up to Violet and looked at her straight in the face. "Your 'daddy' was going to steal my family's Pokemon. Your precious little 'daddy' was going to steal everything my family worked and lived for. Your dumb ass of a 'father' killed my only father right before my eyes!" He yelled at her face. Emotions were rushing threw him and he didn't know how to contain them. "How do you feel about your dad now? Does he seem evil enough for you now? He destroyed my family! He destroyed my life!" The adrenaline rush ended and Nash collapsed to the ground and wept like he hadn't done since the night of his father's murder. "How could you let him do that?"
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Number of posts : 169
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Registration date : 2008-12-30

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 8:42 pm

Violet looked at him intrigued "And you're what? Twelve, thirteen? I'm fifteen, I left the Rockets at age eleven after they were the only people I knew since I was three because guess what? Both my parents disappeared and left me alone." Violet stood and walked over to Nash. "I see that you're still alive, the death of your father hasn't stopped you from raising and journeying with Pokemon so your life must be fine..." Violet smirked at him and sat back down next to Kendall where she smiled and changed from the cold person that was there the moment before to a warm friendly one. "Catching pokemon is easy if you know where to look for them. I caught Naruto when he was a vulpix at the base of a volcano in the Johto regin, what's really hard are the legendary ones." Violet popped a bit of food into her mouth and grinned.

Torn walked into the clearing and could just feel the emotions, they were thick like pea soup...mmm peasoup....Shaking his head Torn put a large smile on his face "Hello people, can anyone direct me to the road? I'm lost and..." He saw the stunned faces and checked to make sure he had pants on...yup. Sweating Torn said "Did I miss something? Is this a private party or what?" He looked at the other boy and just thought, chill out dude you could melt chocolate with that stare...mmm chocolate...
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 10:06 pm

Kendall just stared at Nash when Violet confessed she was raised my Team Rocket. She could see all these emotions running threw him; anger, despair, grief, and many more. What she didn't expect was him exploding at Violet. Quickly his face had filled with anger then it left him quickly, replaced with his face turning completely white and him collapsing in the ground, crying. Kendall looked from Nash softly whimpering in the grass and Violet standing and turning almost cold. She started talking at him, but Kendall wasn't paying much attention, except for the fact that she lived and stole Pokemon with Team Rocket since she was so young. When Violet was finished she turned around and seemed completely different and sat down next to Kendall, "Catching pokemon is easy if you know where to look for them. I caught Naruto when he was a vulpix at the base of a volcano in the Johto regin, what's really hard are the legendary ones."

She looked at her, mouth out wide. "That was so mean what you said to him, Vi." Kendall said and stood up and walked over to him. Crouching down she softly rubbed his back. "You hardly knew your parents and that's very sad for me, but he knew his father since he was much much older than you. How would you feel, watching your father being killed in front of you when you were so young?" Kendall looked at Nash and said soothingly "Shh it's going to be okay Nash. Just let it all out." Looking back up at Violet she continued, "I know I would feel completely lost without my father beside me. No matter how old you are, when you lose your a parent part of you is lost with them."

Kendall wasn't angry with Violet, she showed that threw her even tone, she was just shocked at how Violet reacted. Then there was the whole Nash thing. She decided that some how she was going to get threw to him and know exactly what he was feeling. She felt Nash stiffen and stood up and walked back over to Violet, she knew he'd want some alone time. Turning her attention back to what Violet said before, "I've caught many Pokemon but I've never even been close to catching or even seeing a legendary one. It must've felt wonderful when you caught the one you caught right?" Kendall asked and took a sip of her water.


When Nash collapsed he felt something lifted from him. Through his sobs he heard Violet, "And you're what? Twelve, thirteen? I'm fifteen, I left the Rockets at age eleven after they were the only people I knew since I was three because guess what? Both my parents disappeared and left me alone. I see that you're still alive, the death of your father hasn't stopped you from raising and journeying with Pokemon so your life must be fine..." She hardly knew him, none of them knew him, and really he didn't know himself anymore. The sobs subsided but he still cried and whimpered like a hurt lost puppy. He was hurt but more angry at how she could stand up for Team Rocket after what he just said. Did that not break through to her at all?

He felt Kendall walk over to him and sooth him and heard her, not really telling Violet off, but stating what she felt. He started to cry more when Kendall said, "I know I would feel completely lost without my father beside me. No matter how old you are, when you lose your a parent part of you is lost with them." Nash agreed completely with her. Part of himself was lost, and never could he find it since the night his father's life was lost. Nash was done crying and started to stiffen, letting Kendall know that he was fine. He sat back up and looked at Kendall, with gratitude in his eyes. His gaze went to Violet and he glared daggers at her. She was the enemy, she could turn on them any second and take all their Pokemon with her.

"Hello people, can anyone direct me to the road? I'm lost and...Did I miss something? Is this a private party or what?" Nash looked behind him and saw a boy, about his age, walking toward them. He stopped in his tracks when he saw them all look at him funny, Nash still had the glare on his face. Nash's features softened and said, "Nope not at all, we all just sort of met each other now. Don't think that we're all friend here, because we are amongst the presence of and 'ex-member of Team Rocket.'" Nash said, quoting with his fingers the last part and looked back over to Violet.
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Number of posts : 169
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Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 10:39 pm

Violet stiffened at the comment, her fingers itched towards her pack but refrained at a gentle nudge from Bella. Her hands clutched tightly at the egg in her hand which shuddered feeling it's owners sadness, anger, and irritation. Violet's eye twitched as she turned back to Kendall. "I didn't know my parents, I know who took care of me and made sure that I had everything I needed as a child. I've already mentioned that I left the group, and no one leaves Team Rocket, I've never killed anyone and Giovanni has been nothing to me in four years..." Violet shuddered and Bella's head laid on her shoulder, Naruto and Jesse scooted closer to their trainer. "I know he's evil but goddamnit he wasn't evil to me doesn't that count for anything?" Violet fought the tears that pricked her eyes and won keeping her face dry "Besides killing trainers means that they were sloppy, no one is ever supposed to die..." Violet said under her breath remembering her training....before letting a surprised look grace her face and she laughed. "One? No I've caught thirty-one."

Torn kept his grin strong and stepped forward "Well that's cool mate, you gotta have all kinds in this world. After all people are like fish." Mmmm, fish..."There are so many kinds but that's what makes the ocean colorful right?" Torn laid a hand on Lucario's head and sent him back to his pokeball...mmm riceball... thinking that this was not the best time to have his pokemon out, when a battle seemed on to be on the air. "Well if you'd like another bum" mmm poe' boy sandwhich... "I can shore stand a few more colorful fish in my pond." Torn picked up their emotions and sighed glancing at the food he felt his mouth water and his stomach rumbled loudly. "Wow that looks fantastic..." Torn said before hearing Violet. "Thirty-one!" He was majorly impressed.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Empty
PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 7:16 pm

"Thirty one! That's incredible Vi! How did you manage to catch thirty one legendary Pokemon?" Kendall was in awe of Violet now, more than ever. It really did take a strong person to live with the utmost evil for so long. Kendall looked over at the new guy, Torn was his name, and really looked him over. He looked to be her age or maybe even a year older than herself and yet he only seemed to be an inch or so taller than her. One good aspect for her was his hair color. She had never seen anyone else having gray, no his hair more of a silver, except for herself. She never really considered her hair a silver, more of a white, and plus she had blue tips. His eyes though, were the most incredible part of him. They were a blue, yes, but they had something about them that made you wonder what else he is thinking about. She couldn't take her eyes off of his, which probably was the reason Torn turned his attention to me. "May I help you?" He asked.

"I-I just...well you see your...so Vi tell me more about those pills you used to make Bubbles coat shinier." Kendall was never really good at talking to boys. Even when her male cousins would come and visit her and her family, she always was so shy she could hardly talk in complete sentences around them. She never really under stood why either.


Nash rolled his eyes as Violet started going on about how the team rocket leader was evil but not to her. He could care less if he wasn't evil to her, the fact of the matter is that he is in fact evil. Nash knew that Violet was trying to act all sweet and nice now, but once everyone turned their heads she would turn on them. All members of Team Rocket did eventually. Looking over at Kendall, she seemed to be in awe of both Violet and the new guy, Torn. Nash was too tired to say anything so he just leaned against his Umbreon. Today was a long weird day and Nash just wanted to take a little nap before he had to ride into the next town. His eyes started to close as the conversation around him started to drift away. Then suddenly Umbreon jolted away and Nash's head fell hard to the ground. "Umbreon?" He looked over to see his Umbreon on Kendall's lap, eating a few little Pokemon snacks.

"Oh you're so beautiful Umbreon! Yes you are the prettiest Umbreon I've ever touched before!" Kendall was saying to her while stroking her fur and feeding her. "Oh sorry Nash. Umbreon just looked really hungry so I thought I could share some with her. So have you ever considered naming her?" He shook his head. "Well I think we should giver her a name. What do you guys think Nash's Umbreon's name should be?"
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PostSubject: Re: Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon   Choices, Paths, Destiny-Pokemon Icon_minitime

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