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 Irisa Alexander

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Irisa Alexander Empty
PostSubject: Irisa Alexander   Irisa Alexander Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 9:13 pm

Irisa Alexander Blonde
Irisa Alexander W_ajustment
http://larkys.deviantart.com/art/Violet-eye-77663229 (her eye color)
Irisa Alexander Tattoo (first tattoo)
Irisa Alexander Shooting-star-tattoos(second tattoo)
Irisa Alexander Flower(third tattoo)

Nickname: Iris

Age: 17

First Name: Irisa

Middle Name: Ramira

Last Name: Alexander

Year: 6th Year

House: Slytherin

Blood purity: Pure

Wand type: 11 inch Cottonwood wand with a Dragon Scale core, springy and best for those who deal with Dark Magic

Occupation: Student, possible Death Eater

Pet: She has a Sugar Glider that she named Oreo, from the color of his fur

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): French, Greek, British (read history)

Distinguishing Characteristics: For only being 16 years old she has three tattoos, her ears double pierced, her belly button, her lip and nose pierced. People usually think she is three or more years older than she really is, which makes them more shocked to see her tattoos and piercings.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 132

Eye/Hair: Her natural hair color is a chocolate brown but recently this summer she dyed her hair a light blonde almost white color. Her eye color is an unusual violet. People always say her best feature is her eyes.

Mental/Physical Disorders: OCD

Quirks: She has an even amount of everything, beside for her piercings/tattoos (but if you add them both together they are an even number), when she eats anything with more than one color (m&ms, skittles, crunch berries, etc) she always eats her least favorite color first, then her second least and so on, when she walks into her room she always has to touch her bed then her lamp before doing anything else, the numbers on her clock have to add up to an even number before she goes to sleep, she always touches all of her piercings and tattoos at least once a day (she says its to check and see if they're still there).

Personality: Irisa has a very strong willed personality and will do what she wants even if she's not suppose to. After a while her parents just started to let her do what she wanted when they caught her friend giving her a tattoo two years ago (it's the 2nd tattoo but only the big star). Most people actually look up to her for advice and knowledge. To the untrained eye Irisa looks very approachable, but if you bug her at a bad time she snaps. You do not want to be around her when she snaps. Irisa isn't a mean person per say, she just has that kind of controlling attitude and when she doesn't get her way she will do anything until her way is given. Once you get to know her though, she is very sweet, funny, nice, and an all around good person. Just think of her as a mean girl who wants everything to be her way all the time and if you mess up the order of things be prepared for her wrath. Oh and she also hates change, to anything besides herself and to her friends if they are okay with it.

Talents: Irisa is very gifted in athletics. Her favorites include; basketball, gymnastics, Quidditch, polo and the list goes on and on. When she was younger she was kicked off her soccer team for being too aggressive. She is very flexible. She can tie a cherry stem into knot with her tongue. Irisa was the first in her year (at her old school) to be able to fly and has been a beater on her house team since after Christmas break of her first year. She is also an artist (she has designed all her tattoos and all of her friend's tattoos too.) She is fluent in French, Greek, Latin, English, and German.

Hobbies: Playing sports, making people feel little, drawing, hanging with friends, being with Marcus

History: Irisa was born into one of the most well known pure blood wizard family. Her father is the heir to the Alexander fortune (they are the founders of almost all of the the famous Wizard newspapers (the Daily Prophet, Witches Weekly, etc.) they also own the one of the biggest broom making companies (they make the Firebolt and Nimbus)).
Her mother is the heir to her family's fortune (one of her great relatives, Falco Aesalon, is recorded as the first Animagus so they own the rights or whatever to that) her parents are famous designers for Quidditch teams and even makes the uniforms for Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and many other Wizarding Schools)) as well.

Her father, Nicolas, is half English half French. For the first part of his life (before he went to wizarding school) he lived in France, but his father favored Hogwarts over the other wizarding school, so they moved to his parent's mansion. As for Irisa's mother, Adonia, she was born and raised in Greece. They met when Nicolas went on vacation to see the famous wizard town in Greece, he never left from his vacation. Irisa is not their only child, but they disowned their first born who was born squib. They put him up for adoption after a year and a half, when they had him tested to see if he would produce any powers. Irisa believes that if her parents kept her brother it would shame the family name of both of her parents.

Irisa was born in Greece and lived there until she was 6, when her parents decided to live in France. Irisa first learned about her brother when they were moving to France. She found a box full of pictures, most were pictures of her parents holding a baby that looked exactly like her father (she looks like her mother). She confronted her parents about this and they told her that they weren't ready to have a baby at that time. Somehow Irisa knew that her parents were lying to her, and she promised herself that once she was living on her own with her parent's control, she would find the baby in the picture, the one her parents named Lucas.

Until she would receive her letter, Irisa was forced to go to public school, that is until she was in second grade. They had recently moved to the new school and right away Irisa didn't like the people in her class or her teacher. Her parents were told that she was being a 'distraction' in class and that the school district advised for her to be home school. What really was happening was Irisa would get in a mood at different times during the day and make things explode, make things levitate, and many other things. At the age of 9, going against her parent's orders, one of Irisa's friend's mother pierced her ear for her. That night when she was sleeping her mother took out the piercing, ever since then Irisa checks to make sure all of her jewelry is where it should be.

She first received her letter when she was 12, her mother think it's because they count a person's age after a year of being born but in Greece you are one when you are born. For the first 2 years of her schooling career at Beauxbatons, Irisa was known as the school bad girl and well bitch. She and her friends all got tattoos of the heart above (its so that they knew no matter where their heart goes or what happens to it (meaning their heart takes on different designs) the most important one will be remembered) when they went home for the holidays. Also that Christmas Irisa had her ears double pierced. For her 13th birthday Irisa had her belly button pierced and the Aesalon logo tattooed on her left hip (where the band of her pants start you are able to see half of the tattoo).

To her parents disappointment Beauxbatons asked that she be taken out of their school system. They told her parents that she is a very bright girl, but has a sour attitude and a big attitude problem. One of their girls was in the hospital because Irisa put a tongue-tying curse on a girl, while she put a fixing charm on the girl and drew on her face and read the girl's diary out loud. The only choice she had was to go live with her aunt and uncle McKinley and go to Hogwarts. She had only met those relatives once and that was when she was 5 and her aunt (her father's younger sister) had just had a baby girl that had the dark hair that was clearly the Alexander trait, but her other son was blond and looked nothing like the father or her. As one of her many going away presents Irisa got a tattoo of a shooting star tattooed on her shoulder blade. She says that she's the big star shooting off to find her own way away from her past and into her future.

In her forth year the threats of Death Eaters became more active and even were carried through. Dumbledore made training for attacks a mandatory course to be taken every year. Students were then told to find a weapon, but just like their wands, the weapons choose the person. Irisa was matched with a bow and arrow that were then mixed with her magical core. To her surprise she had a very good aim and shot with them, so training became easy for her in the beginning at least.

Irisa and Marcus have been together since the Halloween party her third year. Last year, however, Marcus started to be a Death Eater in training and has actually been helping them plan their attacks on certain cities. Irisa still sees him as a boy that is misunderstood and has a hard exterior that has nothing to do with his caring interior. Marcus has asked her many times to join the Death Eaters with him. Irisa asked her parents this summer and they said it would be a blessing for her to join the Dark Lord's army and it would help their family name. She is going to become a Death Eater like Marcus, she just hopes that he hasn't gotten the Dark Mark encase they lose the war, so he won't be punished.


Powers: Normal wizard powers

Animagus is a Ferruginous Hawk
http://www.hawkquest.org/mews/Ferruginous_Hawk.jpg (cause photobucket sucks!)

Patronious is a Red Fox
https://media.photobucket.com/image/red%20fox/The_Mighty_Fox/fox-red.jpg (the picture is really big!)

Inventory: Bag with her make-up bag(s) in it, iTouch, iPhone, her laptop, books, parchment, quills, ink, magazines.

Weapons: A bow and arrow (it is somewhat an endless hole of arrows) that are mixed with her magical core giving her the ability to never miss her target.


Favorite Teacher/ Subject: Her favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts. Most of her classmates don't like her to admit this, but her favorite teacher is McGonagall but she says it's Snape.

Strengths: Her attitude, ability to do whatever she wants, flying, able to stand up for herself, Marcus

Weaknesses: Her personality, family issues, feels abandoned from her parents, Marcus


Camden's Tux- http://www.specialoccasionsbridal.com/images/jimspic.jpg

My Hair- http://www.heresyourshampoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/classic-wedding-hairstyles-3.jpg

Irisa's- http://www.bride.ca/wedding-ideas/images/blog/weddinghair/crystals-hair.jpg
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