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 Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 34
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 8:47 pm

The wind was bitter cold and the loose snow swirled around Leo's feet as he walked home. Tucking the too long sleeves of his sweater closer around his fists Leo tucked his hands under his arms. He'd just finished another eighteen hour shift at the diner and had hoped for a snow free walk home, of course he had no such luck. Leo finished the three mile trek back to his apartment building and was greeted by the landlord. Vikki Pavlov and her husband Stranz were tall, burly and certainly grouchy Russians. "Where is your money?" Vikki spat at him and Leo dragged his frozen fingers threw his pockets to grasp the thick wad of bills. "Here, for his month." Leo spoke in his fractured Russian as he handed over his hard earned bills. The couple grinned and went to have their usual dinner out on the town, Leo stuck his tongue out at them and rushed up the stairs. Seven flights later he reached his eigth floor apartment, he was still frozen to the bone when he opened the door to find Sky sitting in front of their wood stove shivering.

"Oh sorry Sky, they asked me to pick up the extra hours and I couldn't say no." His sister turned her large eyes on him and smiled, all was forgiven if she had even been upset in the first place. Leo smiled and grabbed their blanket off the couch to throw it over her shoulders, and stooped to add more wood chips to the glowing embers. Giving sky a quick kiss on the cheek he rushed into the dingy kitchen (which happened to be in the same room the toilet was the only seperate part of their apartment) and pulled open the cupboards, minutes later he had corn mixed with peas mashed with oatmeal cooking over the stove.

"Well what did you do in school today Skyla-la?" He said using his mother's nickname for his little sister, turning around he found that she was standing behind him holding up an A paper and a colored picture of a sunrise. "Oh very nice, you're much better with Russian than I am Sky." Sky beamed and skipped back to the wood stove to color more. She'd been drawing her visions lately thanks to a suggestion from a local watcher and they'd found much to Sky's delight that she had quite the talent with her pictures and took pride in drawing them. Plus it seemed to help her when the visions were too scary to concentrate on the drawings.

Plopping a bowl of the mush on her lap Leo sat beside her with his own glad that they could stretch the pot into meals for the next few days. Then he talked to her as she ate, telling her about his day and practicing his Russian on her. Until her eye lids started to droop, the Leo took their bowls to the pot and scrapped their scraps back into the bubbling pot and scoured their bowls. Leo scooped Sky up and settled them both on the couch. He burried his face in her hair and drifted off into sleep ready to wake them both at four to get ready for work and school.


Maggie walked the crowded streets of India. Her wool sweater was wrapped around her waist leaving her arms bare in the white wife beater she wore. Across her visible body was an array of purple and green bruises, and a few deep gashes, Maggie wore a sharp limp along with her stern face. She'd let them get too close to her, they'd almost caught her this time, now she was paying the price. Maggie had burned her small hut to the ground making sure that everything but her weapons and the clothes on her back were burned to ash.

Now she was seeking a Stitch so she could flee the country before Division got wind that the Sniffs that had found her were dead. Turning the corner Maggie found the address she'd been given by one of her friends. Walking up the stairs she made an appointment with what passed for a receptionist. An hour or so later a pretty blonde came out and called her name. "I'm Maggie." She said limping up to the girl, no sparkle in her eye she knew how much stitching hurt, and she wasn't looking forward to it.
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Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 1:21 am

Jessica was being tested today by her instrutor. He had told her that a woman named Maggie would be arriving for services. Of course he told her this while she was on the otherside of of the city buying groceries. Quickly she hurried home to drop off her purchases and headed to the buddist temple, wearing black silk garments that covered her hair as well. When she arrived her teacher breathed a sigh of relief but cursed her that the woman had been waiting for about an hour. Jessica apologized and removed the hood from hair befored greeting Maggie. "I"m Jessica," She noticed the limp and could smell residue of ashes. The woman looked very abused, to say the least. "Please lie down here," she instructed. "I'll also need you to remove your shirt.." she said after noticing it was blood stained from wounds underneath. While she waited Jessica applied a silver cream to her hands. "I will need you to refain from making any loud noises. It will be very painful but we musn't disturb any of the visitors. Don't worry I will try to be quick." Closing her eyes she started with the bruising on her arms, easier at healing than the gashes she had.

Isaac had been in Russia for two days now and the sniffers that were leading the way had lost the trail because of the blankets of snow. "Keep at it you dogs!" he growled at them. He spotted some people standing on the corner, so he pulled out both Leo and Sky's picture from inside his jacket to show them. Asking them in Russian he said "Have you seen them?" Two of them shook her their heads no, but one recognized the girl. "Sky..yes..yes..she goes to school with my son." Isaac nodded, "where does she live?" he knew now that they were close..She pointed him North, saying somewhere in that neighborhood. "Many thanks." He called over his sniffers, "North...we'll move in now and take them back tonight. Boss says he needs me in India on wednesday..so let's get this over with now."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 34
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:21 am

Leo woke to Sky shaking him, her eyes were filled with still falling tears. "Sky what's wrong?" She opened her drawing pad and quickly sketched something before shoving it in Leo's face. It showed two men with the bodies of dogs being led on a leash by a man, it also had them hiding in the corner. "Sniffs are coming for us?" Leo asked alarmed he figured they'd be able to hide in Russia a bit longer, though three months did seem quite a long while. Sky nodded frantically her brown hair covering her face. Leo lept from the couch and ran to the small dresser they had. Pulling out his napsack he grabbed out Sky's clothes, then filled the bag with food, their blanket and their toothbrushes. "Come on Sky, get dressed." She had her school uniform on but slipped on her tights and the mens shirt over that and then the sweater over them. Leo forced her feet into a used pair of black boots that he'd been saving for her birthday.

Shouldering the bag Leo then tied Sky's hair in a tail and shoved it inside the hat he crashed on her head. Picking her up he said "Away we go my damsel." And kicked over the wood stove. Instantly the lead paint and old wood caught fire and began to smoke and spread at an alarming rate. Running down the stairs Leo shouted "Fire!" In Russian getting the other occupants to realize the situation. Then they were out on the streets, Leo and Sky running with their hands clasped together. They ducked into the subway, no one asking what they were doing or where their money was, as Leo had explained they had left their passes at home. Kissing her cheek Leo smiled at his sister "Good job Skyla-la. I know it scared you but it saved our lives..." For now he thought...only for now.

To say it was painful would be an understatement but Maggie was used to the quick and horribly painful healing. Clenching her teeth she didn't make a sound as her spine stiffened and all her nerves felt as if they were on end. Then the healing was done and Maggie felt like a million bucks...except for the pounding headache that followed all her healings. Sitting up Maggie put her shirt back on and smiled at the woman "Thanks, should I pay up front or to you directly?" Maggie used English because, heck she knew the woman could understand her before she cocked her head to the side "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Maggie said before the memories of Divisions wanted list returned to her, this girl wasn't at the top of the list but she had been on there. "Jessica Gray right?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:30 pm

Sydney walked home from another long day at work only to find that it was starting to snow. She made a mental note to herself to buy a long sleeved shirt soon. Looking up at the sky Sydney's mind wondered to her mother. How was it that she could be worrying about her when her life right now was in danger because of her. Shaking her head she boarded the bus, pushing into the bus drivers mind that she had already paid. Walking down the isle Sydney took a seat across from a women holding her new born. She smiled at Sydney and continued to coo to her baby. Sydney always loved babies, it was just something she couldn't help. She opened her bag and took out the envelope that was waiting for her at the bar. As she opened the letter she suddenly saw the images of the person it was from.

Her father rushed into his one bed room apartment, bleeding from head to toe. He was holding the piece of paper in his hand and stopped at his counter. Looking over his shoulder he quickly scribbled his letter to his one love, his daughter. Once he had finished he tore off the address from a letter he had gotten earlier that week. Suddenly there was a pounding coming from down the hall and he knew he didn't have long. Opening the window silently he escaped his home and ran down the fire escape. He reached the post office and shoved the letter into the out of state drop box. Looking down the street he made his way to the bar...

Sydney's eyes formed tears and she ripped open the letter. Inside was a wad of money and a note saying 'There isn't much time. Make your way to Russia the night you receive this, they are looking for you...I'm sorry I cannot say more. I love you more than the air I breath -Dad' Sydney clutched the letter to her chest and wiped at the falling tears. Looking out the window Sydney left at the stop at the airport. She quickly went in line and bought her one way ticket to Russia.

As she boarded the plane Sydney rummaged through her bag until she found the hairbrush belonging to her mother. She touched to see if her mother was after her but only saw her mother in a room, staring at a wall. Sydney must have spent a little less than half of her flight going through the many bags of 'souvenirs' until one sight of a tall, brunette haired, green eyed man caught her attention as he had a mission to go to Russia, she could tell by the architecture. Sighing she shoved the bags back into her own and leaned her head against the head rest. She didn't know what she had to do or even why her father told her Russia but she knew it was something of importance.
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Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 5:29 pm

Isaac noticed black smoke coming from one the buildings. "There!" he yelled and started running towards it. But the scene was chaotic as those that lived in the building were rushing out with clothing over their faces to prevent breathing in the smoke. "Damit!" he cursed looking around at their faces, recognizing none of them as Leo or Sky. "They're not here..let's move," he instructed them. Isaac had studied their patterns before and creating a diversion like this wasn't new. Luckily one of the sniffs caught a trail that led to the subway entrance, but now was the tough part. The trail ended there as the subway train had already disappeared with them on it. Isaac rushed to check the schedule, the only train that was leaving right now was going to St. Petersburg. They would have to wait another ten minutes before the next train left for St. Petersburg, but with the use of a cell phone he alerted Russian authorities that a man and young girl with Leo and Sky's description was on their way there..that they were wanted as terrorist suspects. Isaac chuckled to himself..this couldn't fail now.

Jessica smiled and started wiping her hands in a cotton towel. "uh..you pay up front," she smiled, "And you're welcome..." She had turned away to dapen the towel with water. When Maggie knew her last name she froze. "It depends..Who are you?" her eyes narrowed as she wondered if the girl she had just healed worked for the division..and if they had found her. Jessica reached behind her for the gun just incase..but her heart was pounding through her chest. She thought for sure in India she'd be free..her instructor had always assured her that there were so many people in the country it was impossible for them to find her again.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 34
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2009 12:23 am

Leo was handcuffed to a chair in a small white room, a table sat in front of him and three Russian police officers were asking him questions. Well really only one questioned him at a time, when they weren't asking questions they sent him dirty looks. Leonard kept having to ask them to slow down, he didn't speak Russian that well. They wanted to know how he could be so irresponsible with his little sister, if she was even his sister. Leo didn't speak now he just looked at them and began to tell them his story in English trying to speak in Russian when he could. He asked if he could see his sister or if they could at least loosen the handcuffs they were chaffing his wrists. Leo was amazed when they did, soon his sister was in the room with him and he was out of his handcuffs.

Sky was with a social worker she kept trying to goad her into touching something, playing with something. 'Can I brush your hair? Maybe you'd like to listen to music?' Sky couldn't help but roll her eyes, she wasn't stupid. Having anything with your scent or signiture left on it meant Sniffs could and would find you. When the guards came to get her Sky knew they were coming but waited for them to open the door for her. When she was back with Leo she clutched his hand tightly. "What is it Sky?" Leo asked watching the guards. Sky made a sniffing motion when the guards weren't looking. "The sniffs are coming?" Sky shook her head and motioned a dog collar again when the guards weren't looking. When they looked at her she stared them down. "The man leading the sniffs, he's trouble huh?" Sky nodded and hid behind Leo as the door opened.


Maggie put her hands up but deciding since she was a mover that the best plan would be for them to be down. "My name is Maggie, I'm a mover...I used to work for Division but went rouge a few years ago." Maggie sat on the table away from Jessica, hopefully she wasn't too much of a threat. "I recognize you from a breif...I mean I've been wiped so many time each time I'm stitched a new memory surfaces and that was what I remembered." Trying to keep her calm Maggie wiped her hands nervously on her pant leg. "Look I had a scuffle with Division last night, I don't want trouble here...but if I were you I'd be on you're guard...two years ago you were in the top twenty to be watched I know I am..."
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Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2009 1:01 am

Isaac was happy when he got the call from the Russian athorities that they captured Leo and Sky and were holding them until they arrived. When he got there they gave him notes, they were detailed with questions that they had asked him about why he was in Russia and how the girl was being treated. This of course Isaac was not interested in..it was only a cover story. Entering the room he noticed the girl hide behind Leo. "We've been tracking you Bones...and I must say lately you've made some pretty stupid mistakes. I've got good news though...you no longer have to run..or hide," he smiled at the cruel joke. "Russians hate terrorists Bones..and don't deny that is what you are. My men and I will be taking you somewhere where you wont harm any one ever again.." He put cuffs back on Leo and on the girl..while he led Leo out of the building to an awaiting car, one of the sniffs carried the girl. Isaac shook his head, "Why Russia anyways? You don't even know enough Russian to save your ass..."

Jessica let go of the gun and started to relax a little. "You "were" one of them? I didn't know you guys were allowed to go rogue.." She folded her arms across her chest, "I will know when I need to be ready..I have other plans if things don't work out here." She sighed, "And what of them? Are they out there now? Waiting for you to leave this place?" As soon as she spoke it was almost like someone had heard her question and answered it with screams and blood. Jess rubbed her temples and looked up at Maggie, "Too late..you've already brought trouble here..we've got to leave now," She put back up the hood on her garb to hide her face as they started leaving through a back door. It was a good thing Maggie was healed now, however the scent of her was on her from the contact while she healed her. "There is a shadow not far from here..I think we can make it."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 34
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 5:46 pm

Bones looked at Isacc with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes as the Sniff holding Sky fell to his knees allowing her to escape from his arms to Leo's side, the man was shaking rubbing his nose as his eyes teared up. "The radiation it'll mess with any physik but Sniffs get it the worst espically when they over exert themselves..." Bones watched with a grim smile as the Sniffs nose began to bleed and he began to scream, Sky edged closer to Leo. Slowly the man stood up wobbling with a handkercheif held tightly against his nose and the other started screaming. Apparently he had tried to take off his gloves and large chunks of his skin had peeled away with it. Leo smirked at Isacc "You might want to find them a stich before they get worse." He suggested shrugging as he and Sky started walking towards the car "And I would suggest not using your gifts here, the only ones seemingly unaffected are Watchers." At that Maggie gestured to her pocket and Leo very carefully reached into his sister's pocket and pulled out a picture, it was of him and his eye was a swirl...Push? Was Sky trying to tell him that he was a push?

As they were running Maggie did a quick shift on the door they left making it appear caved in, thanks to Division training she could hold the illusion up to a few miles. "We aren't allowed to go Rouge I've been in hidding currently I'm marked for death capture if possible." Maggie angry at herself for letting something be found from her moved a group of people out of their way as they ran, it wasn't a violent move more like a gentle nudge out of the way. "I'll get us to the shadow no problem..." Maggie said feeling the power bubble inside her ready to be used.
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Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 4:12 am

Isaac's eyes widened as one of his sniff's skin was peeling off. The smell was just as horrible as the sound of pain the man was in. Freaked out by this..Isaac took a few steps back from Sky and Bones. "Radiation? How'd the hell you do that Bones?" He knew the guy to be a stitch..but how the hell was he able to do that to his men. Isaac growled at his men as the two were making their escape...but he didn't want to make the same mistake as the sniffs. "Come on!" he yelled ushering them back to the car to find them a stitch in the area. "We'll meet again Bones..and next time there will be no mercy.." Isaac was speaking of the Divisions next move against the pair, which was a full force find and destroy. A team of twenty would be assembled, suited and delivered to their next location.

While the sniffs were being treated, Isaac got in his phone, "yeah they got away...two dogs injured, I'm getting them fixed up..but it was pretty sick shit. Yeah...radiation..melted their freakn' skin off when they used their abilities...yeah India?" He jotted down some notes on his next assignment that was at a higher priority level than the two that had just escaped. "No sir I won't mess up again." He closed the phone and sighed..defeat was difficult but now he had a chance to redeem himself..in India.

Jessica looked back at the door for a second but her eyes were on the look out for or the enemy. "Aparently you aren't hiding good enough!" she shrieked. When she questioned what Maggie meant by the promise she noticed people were simply being moved out of their path. "I wish these guys would just give up one day and leave us alone..." she led them into poor neighborhood where the Shadow they sought lived. But when they arrived the place was destroyed..to put it lightly. "So much for that option." Jessica took a seat, "they must have known...I bet they're on their way here right now." Her stomach was doing flips after finding out Eric..the shadow she knew had simply vanished into Division hands.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 34
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 8:04 pm

Bones watched them leave before dropping into the snow where Sky simply held him as he cried. He always felt that it was his job as a stitch to help those in need sitting and watching the men suffer even though they were Sniffs killed him. "Alright Sky I know it's hard but you need to watch closer, they can't get this close again." Sky nodded and took Leo's hand, he slung her across his shoulders and started running. Where should they go? Somewhere crowded, "Hey Sky how do you feel about India?" His sister nodded. Sky knew that big stuff was going to go down in India and they had to be there but she wished that the things she had seen wouldn't happen but already they were in motion, she only hoped that Leo would be able to survive without her should her death come to pass as she had seen.

"I was hiding just fine until so low grade watcher saw me and got caught by Division." As the neighborhood began to get shabbier and shabbier Maggie sensed that agents had been where they were going. When they reached the house it was true, destroyed. "I'm sorry was he your friend?" Maggie grabbed her guns and moved them so that they floated around her, that way her hands were free and they were armed..."We probably have a few moments, he might have been a seperate target."
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 4:32 pm

The plane landed and Sydney quickly exited the plane. Once she was out of the aircraft she asked one of the other English speaking passengers where the bus stop was located. She said thank you and headed toward the door while rummaging through her bag to find her gloves. Once she was outside she practically tore her bag about looking for gloves. Realizing that she must've left them on the plane Sydney looked back to the airport and ran inside. When she asked one of the security guards if she could go back on the plane he of course said no. Sydney hated pushing into people's minds when she was in a different place, because anyone could be part of Division around here. After she finally convinced him, she pushed him, she went back on the plane to find her gloves on the armrest where she was sitting. She grabbed them and put them on.

As she walked through the airport she looked at all the people. For some reason she knew the reason she was in Russia was to help someone coming or leaving from this airport. She sat on the bench waiting for the next bus to arrive. An old couple sat next to her and she smiled at them. Sydney always wondered if she could ever have a life like them. They boarded the bus, Sydney pushing into the driver's head that she has a bus pass.

Once she took her seat Sydney pulled off one of her gloves so she could check the brown haired green eyed man. At the next bus stop a group of people boarded the bus, including two kids. Well they weren't really kids, one looked to be almost Sydney's age. She looked at them and she dropped her glove on the ground. The boy bent down to pick it up and in that instance when their hands touched Sydney saw everything; the car accident that changed his life, him moving from home to home then finally to Division, his and his sister's escape, them being on the run, incidents of tonight, them heading to the airport for India.

"Sorry for bumping you, is this yours?" The boy, named Leo (she saw this also), asked. Sydney looked up into his eyes, he had really pretty hazel eyes for a boy.

"Oh it's okay and yes this is mine, thank you. You speak English pretty well, how is that?" She asked as she placed the glove back on her hand.

"Umm thank you and I'd rather not say. Have a nice night, and sorry about earlier." Was Leo's reply.

As he took a seat next to his sister Sydney knew they were the reason her father told her to go to Russia. She opened her bag and took out her wallet. All her money from over the years were in here and now she had to buy another plane ticket. She closed her wallet and felt eyes looking at her. She turned around to see the boy's sister staring at her. What a strange little girl. Sydney thought and turned back around, making sure not to watch them too much.
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Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeTue Aug 11, 2009 3:29 am

Isaac left the two sniffs in Russia, they were dead weight dogs and weren't fit for his next mission anyway. He was out to find to find a girl named Maggie who was ex division..he remembered the flawed mission the girl had been sent on, even was friends with Maggie's partner at the time who never recovered from what happend. It brough him great relief to hear they had caught up to her, but he knew how dangerous she was. His partner for this mission was already waiting for him in India..she was a pusher that had seen Maggie escape and find a stitch. the big boss was now hoping they'd stick together and could catch them both at the same time. Isaac hopped onto the division plane and left the frozen country for India.

Jessica frowned looking around at broken pieces of furniture. "Sort of..I mean..I kinda kept him at a distance. It's usually not a good idea for people like us to be together you know? That's the truth I've always gone by, because it spells trouble, brings attention. I guess it also makes it worse to see friends around you disappearing..coming to scenes like these and you wonder when they'll find you, today? Tomorrow?" She sighed. Jessica closed her eyes for a moment then opened them, "A man, woman and a girl. They will help us escape them." A smile of hope came upon her, "we must find them before they do." But then a shadow ran past one of the windows that was covered only by a towel. Her heart started to race as she feared someone was out there and had been watching them. Reaching down she picked up her knife for protection.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome)   Push (I don't have a better title, suggestions welcome) Icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 12:22 am

Carter gazed out the windows of her class's tour bus; all the beautiful architecture buzzing past her every second, she just couldn't wait to get off this bus and soak it all in. The tour guide was busy telling the students about the most visted spots in this part of India, but Carter simply zoned him out. Even though she'd never been to India, Carter felt strangley at home here in this country, more than an American citizen should feel. She slipped on her earbuds and quietly listened to the beautiful melody of Beethoven. Her gaze swifted to the whole bus as she saw her fellow classmates' eyes drooping and heads leaning against windows, while others were frantically texting their friends back at their home towns. Carter was a firm believer in studying, but why do they have to listen to this old geezer go on and on about things they wouldn't even remember in ten minutes.

Once the bus finally stopped and let them off, Carter paused her music and listened to the professor speech, "All right ladies and gentle men, I know it's been a long day, but it isn't over yet. For the rest of the day I want you to draw everything that catches your attention, and I want you to draw it in an interesting and creative way. I don't want you to sit and draw a building and make it look exactly like said building, no I want you to let your mind flow as you creat these images. You may draw three things all jumbled together in one drawing, and that's perfectly fine. For those of you that are used to drawing everything exactly as it seems, this may be harder for you, but take a chance because that's really what art is. This bus will leave at 8:30 on the dot, if you are not back in time I will find means of getting you to your room before too long. Please be sure to be careful and if you feel like going back early find your own means of getting there. Thank you all and enjoy the rest of the day!" He finished and opened the doors. Carter grabbed her backpack and unpaused her music once more.

As she roamed the streets, Carter's eyes couldn't help but to wonder. More than once she had to stop herself and draw this and that creatively as possible, which wasn't too hard for her. She soon realized that she was no longer on the main road, in fact Carter couldn't even tell where she was at all. There were few houses here but farther down there were more. 'Maybe if I toward those houses someone will be able to point me in the right direction.' She thought and decided to continue. Once she came closer to what seemed to be a small town or village something caught her attention. To her right was a house that was horribly being destroyed by a group of men. Instinctively, Carter ran and hid behind a nearby house, she knew they must be part of Division. She could faintly make out what they were saying "They will be here soon...What if they have seen us coming?...That would not be possible...Shut up you fools! Finish your jobs so we can find them before they get here...I've got the shadow now lets move, he knows where to find them..." And with that they left.

Shaking Carter took out her drawing pad and drew the scene that she just saw happen. As she finished her drawing she looked up and saw two women running toward the destroyed house. Carter stood up, maybe these were the people the Division men were talking about. The girls slowed their pace after they realized the destruction. Carter moved swiftly toward the house, she wanted to tell them about what she saw, but she wasn't sure if they were to be trusted. Her grandmother had warned her about Division workers, they were sly and very well trained. As she came closer to the house she over heard their conversation. They were talking about the Shadow that used to live in the house, then suddenly one of the girls changed the conversation and said, "A man, woman and a girl. They will help us escape them. We must find them before they do." Carter leaped up and darted back to her previous hiding place. These people weren't normal people, maybe they worked with Division as well, maybe they are the anti-Division and are looking for helpless others to join them.

Her heart was racing and she couldn't control the fear that was rising inside of her. Carter tried to control her breathing so she could hear what was happening around her, but it wasn't working. When she turned her sight to the side of her she saw the two girls from the house standing right beside her with guns and a knife pointed at her and she couldn't stop the scream from escaping her lips. The one with the guns covered her mouth with her hand and hushed her. "Tell me who you are and what you heard." The woman spoke it in an American accent and it wasn't a question but a demand and Carter nodded.

"My name is Carter Romano and I only heard you talking about the Shadow that used to live there and about a woman, man and girl helping you...That's all I heard I swear!" Carter replied as she awaited what they would do next.
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