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 Playable Races

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Playable Races Empty
PostSubject: Playable Races   Playable Races Icon_minitimeFri Jan 02, 2009 4:02 pm

It is the early 1800's England and France are at war and all of Europe's people, vampyres and mortals alike, suffer. The two species that had lived in harmony in Europe for centuries were being torn apart. A secret organization known as Hunters have been assasinating vampyres in power as well as new fledges that were abandoned by their sires.

Napoleon has discovered a way to cross wolves and humans threw a strange ritual. These creatures known as Wolves or Lycans have been terrorizing all coutries that oppose Napoleon, mauling and killing human and vampyres alike. There is only one safe place left.

The New World Colonized by Britian and France, accepting all refugees there is only one problem. The French and English Navy prowl the seas attacking ships and forcing the men into service, whether they be human or vampyre. There is only one way to gain safe passage to the New World, by signing on with pyrates.

Though even in the New World there hardly seems to be a place for Vampyres, to many there is only one place left...the open seas where they could sail for eternity.

Human-Humans are just that human. They are the shopkeepers, the barmaids, those who fill the streets and many of them work on the sea though it has become a dangerous business. Also many more of them are blood donors to the very profitable business of having your blood on tap. Many humans contain a heightened sense of awareness from living so long in close quarters with Vampyres.

Hunter-A human who believes that it is God's will to drive vampyres out of Europe and ride the world of them. There are variations amoung the Hunters classes A threw D, Class D are merely the folk plucked out of the streets looking for a good fight, Class C are those folk who have survived long enough to be promoted, Class B are those with an inkling of spiritual powers and Class A are those who have full blown spiritual powers. Spirit powers include: Purifying Vampyres, changing vampyres back into humans, blessing new born children (protection against vampyre bites.) Hunters with spiritual powers are unable to use them against Lycans.

Vampyre-The only accepted paranormal creature in Europe, Asia and African they have long lived in peace with humans there. There are three ways to make a vampyre. Saliva, this always produces a vampyre called a Minion, this happens when the fangs penetrate the skin the only way to stop this is to break the neck of a victum.

The next way to make a vampyre and the most popular way is by blood, this way also always produces a vampyre however as many times as a Master vampyre is born from this a feral vampyre is born. A feral vampyre is one who craves blood with no mind to control them only instinct.

The last way to make a vampyre is to use semen, this process is very difficult and none but those using it or having it performed on them have witnessed it. Semen however produces the strongest vampire known as a King vampyre, they who can control both Masters and Minions and create their own covens. Vampyres can also have special abilities and apperances though everything varies.

Vampyres can walk in sunlight when they drink enough blood, its only those who don't drink enough that are pale. They also have superhuman reflexes and are very beautiful by nature.

Wolf-Wolves are a creation of Napoleons, during the first few years after their creation the wolves were wild ruled only by the instincts to maim and kill now however that the originals are dead and only their offspring remain they have turned into cold-bloodied killers with finesse and flair. Few people survive bites from wolves because of the odd way the genes act with most blood types however they are capable of breeding with each other and have formed small clans. However many of the women and children of the clans have wished to go away from the bloodshed and there are rumors of natural born shapechangers in the New World.

Witch-Witches are very rare in both the old and new world in the west and the east. Witches are however very powerful even more than hunters. They practice charms, potions, they have kinetic abilities and are very beautiful. Many witches are immortal and just as many ride the seas, where they rarely have to hide their true nature.

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