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 The World is Changing...

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2 posters

Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 12:45 am

The moment Thane woke up he knew that today would not be the greatest day. Sure the birds were chirping the sun was shinning, it seemed that the whole place would start singing Zip-a-dee-do-Dah any second now, oh how he loathed it. Kicking off the covers Thane stood and stretched, his wings extending to their fullest, sighing in pleasure Thane proceeded to crack his toes against his smooth shag carpet before reaching into his closet to pull out a shirt. He hated how every shirt he bought, even his school uniform, had slits in the back for his wings. Not that Thane hated his wings, he loved them, it was just so inconveniant to have to hide them even worse to explain them. Once the black shirt was situated over his wings Thane turned to the mirror, his raven locks were hanging messily in his face. Sighing he picked up his brush and began the laborous task of detangleing them, what had his last boyfriend said? Oh yeah, to braid his hair before he slept to keep in untangled. Grinning Thane tied his hair back and searched the room for a clean pair of pants, though he managed to trip over his sneakers on the way. "Thane! Are you okay baby?" His mother called, Thane rolled his silver eyes and called back "I'm fine mom..." Thane slipped into his blue jeans just as his mom knocked on the door. She didn't wait for him to answer but simply came in and wrapped him in a hug. "This is your big day, a new school a new life for you are you excited?"

Thane rolled his eyes before answering "About as happy as a rehab patient Ma why do you ask?" She looked at him frowning though she didn't know he could see her and tried to keep her voice cheerful. "Well it will be fun sweetie, now come on I want to walk to you the bus stop I won't be seeing you until you graduate after all." Thane shrugged and turned his back to her, grabbing his bag. "Thanks but no thanks mom, no offense but you signed me up so I don't leave this place at all, I'm getting two years of seperation from the world because you and 'Ted', so I'd rather go alone, so you won't have to spend another moment with your handi-capped son." Thane threw on his duster and slung his back over his back and was out the door before his mother had time to work up a good cry. All the way to the bus station Thane stewed, when he arrived he noticed he was the only one at the station, and when the bus pulled in he was ready to split. "You here for S.H.?" The driver asked. Thane lowered his shades, revealing his mercury colored eyes which glowed in the early morning light. "What do you think?" The driver smirked as Thane boarded the bus. "Alright kid hold on." The bus rose into the air almost as soon as Thane was seated and rocketed into the sky, Thane barely noticed the trip as he had his eyes shut the entire time.

Kei slipped on the powder blue jacket and buttoned each button carefully, he then straightened his tie. Turning he looked at his lean form in the mirror and grinned. "Another year Kei, then off to medical school to save peoples lives, just make it threw, ah what am I kidding this is my senior year it's time to party." Grinning Kei opened his windows and looked out at the campus. So green, so fresh, so filled to the brim with new boys, very hot new boys. "Oh I must go and introduce myself, surely the friendly hand of a senior is something they wish for." Kei moved his head so his hair blew in the wind and his eyes sparkled "Off I go to greet the new students!" Hand on his hip Kei sauntered out of his room and unto campus. Cries of 'Hey Kei' and 'Looking fine Tsubaki' filled the air as Kei passed his classmates and former lovers. Kei quickly found a face he didn't know and quickly sauntered up to the boy and flipped his silver hair and made his eyes sparkle. "Hi I'm Kei, can I show you around, campus can be confusing when you're new."

When Disney Kennedy stepped off his bus and the hand cuffs were taken off he knew he really was in hell. All around him were preppy bastards milling about excited about a new semester and wow did you get your hair cut its awesome! The way they were talking you'd think they were a bunch of chicks! Grumbling Disney shoudered his pack and walked away from the security bus, into the throng of students. Of course you could tell the students apart, the jocks, the preps, the pansies, but something Disney couldn't tell was which ones were queer or not. He always figured that it would be easy like picking a lab out of a group of yorkies, but no it truly wasn't. Gulping a bit Disney tried to avoid the gaze of anyone and went to the dorms as quickly as he could. Walking he soon found the builidng and hiked all the way up to D floor room 409. Opening the door with his key he was shocked and pleased to note that his single room was very spacious with a kitchen area, and a sitting place. Disney was also pleased to see that it was stocked with everything he'd need or want, including a t.v. Placing his bag on the floor Disney laid on the bed and stared at the white ceilings, maybe hell wouldn't be so bad. He blew a peice of his red hair out of his face and closed his eyes, not so bad at all.

Kioshi stretched out on his bed enjoying the way his toes curled against his satin sheets. When he had finished stretching Kio leapt out of bed and threw open the curtains, letting the warm sun soak into his pale flesh. He'd been ill over the holiday and was pale compared to the other boys, espically the sunny beach blondes coming in new. Blushing Kio threw his uniform, his tie was skewed and his hair was a mess, though he was trying furiously to pin it down. Then he set his eyes on the room, his former roomate had graduated so Kio was trying to look forward to a new roomate, the room was a mess though and he didn't want the boy to think he was sloppy. Scrambling around the room Kio ended up tripping and falling flat on his face, and somehow managed to tangle himself up in a sweater or two. Groaning in anguish he realized the door was opening. "Ah who is it!" He managed to squeak out before getting himself in even more of a tangle.

Viktor walked unto the school grounds with Ishi happily in her normal spot, sitting on his shoulder exclaiming how wonderful it was to be back in school. "Don't you think so Dragon?" Ishi chirped happily as her white hair brushed into Viktor's face, he batted it away and looked at the school. "It is my home Ishi, more so dan Russia...it is here dat I belong." Newer students were glancing at Viktor who looks of wonder as Ishi waved at them, but it was older studnets who took them aside and explained the Russian's special friend. "The world is changing Dragon, to the school comes the Rose and the Weaver they along side the Champion, the Minx, the Raven and the Healer, they'll shape the lives of the Dragon and the Stone more than even the Stone can know." Viktor nodded at his companion and continued walking along. He was glad to see new faces and old, and younger students who were eager to begin lessons like Powers Training and Side-Kick training. Viktor was eager to start cheering again, sheering on his team as, without powers, they proved victorious almost everytime it was all that he could ask for in his last year at Sky High.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2009 6:22 pm

Liam walked off the bus with a smile on his face. Breathing in the fresh air, he walked to his dorm room. His dad and Keely really over did themselves this year when they were buying things for his dorm. One whole suitcase was full of food and canned goods. Another full of decorating stuff; lamps, pictures, candles, vases, rugs, etc. Then there were two suitcases full of his clothes and bed sheets and drapes for his room. Thankfully his dad used a potion or spell or something to shrink two of them to fit in his pockets. Looking around, Liam saw many new faces. One face, well actually hair, made him take in a deep breath. There he was, with hair as red as a rose, walking quickly toward the dorms. Liam walked after him but was stopped by someone tripping him. "Hey Armstrong! Look where you're going next time." Liam picked up his suitcases and glared at one of his ex's, Luke. Luke had his long black hair pulled back in a pony tail and his ear glistened with a new piercing. Liam sighed, "Sorry 'bout that Luke. Didn't mean to trip over your ego. I'll try to be more careful next time, but only if you promise not to leave it hanging out for everyone to see." The only reason they broke up was because Luke 'wasn't ready' for a relationship. Yet three days after said break up, he started dating someone else. Liam secretly thought Luke still had the hots for him, even though he was in a relationship.

As he walked away, he saw Luke turn a deep shade of red. Laughing to himself Liam pulled out his schedule and checked to see what his dorm number was. "Floor B room 206," he said to himself as he opened the door. Walking down the hall, Liam searched for room 206. When he reached the door he heard ruckus inside. Slowly Liam opened the door, hoping he wasn't assigned the wrong room. "Ah who is it!" Answered Liam as he walked in. On the floor was a boy tangled in five sweaters. "Oh my god! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Liam said as he raced over to the boy, throwing his stuff to the side. "No, no, I'm fine." Answered the boy as Liam started to untangle him. "Well, this is quite the welcome. Maybe we should start the introductions. Hi, my name is Liam Armstrong or as most call me Plant Angel, okay I call myself that. I believe I'm your new roommate and you are?

Kavan ran around campus, sweat glistening on his chest. He had had to stay here during summer break, his grandmother was staying at a nursing home while his brother was visiting other relatives while she got better. "If I was home she wouldn't have fallen down the stairs and broken her hip." He thought as he rounded another corner. During break he had been counting the days till his friends came back. Break was so boring while they were all home. Since there was no one to talk to, Kavan had to resort to drawing people to have a decent conversation with, among other things. Slowing his pace, Kavan could see groups of people already talking and exchanging stories of their summer. He didn't have any interesting stories to talk about. Well he could tell them about how he had a wonderful date with Spider-Man then Mary Jane, but no one would care. Reaching into his back pocket, Kavan unfolded three pieces of paper. Picking the one with a water bottle on it he silently said "come out" and he pulled the water bottle from the picture. Opening the bottle he drank a few drinks of it and poured the rest over his head, the coldness easing his heat.

When Kavan finished the water, he brought out the paper again and silently said "go back" as he set the bottle within the paper. Walking toward a group of his friends he was greeted by 'What's up McKenny?' and 'Looking good Kay.' As he reached the group, out of the corner of his eye he saw that Viktor kid and his weird little friend. Truth be told he didn't know much about the kid, only that he had been going to the school since he was like seven. When the conversations were over Kavan was, once again, alone on the campus. He wasn't really alone, just not with anyone he knew. He didn't want to go back to his dorm, he had had enough of that room this summer, Kavan went to the stairs and sat upon the ledge. Thinking about how he to repeat all of his classes from last semester, he was interrupted by a very feminine looking guy. Turning around the guy introduced himself "Hi I'm Kei, can I show you around, campus can be confusing when you're new." Kavan had to hide his laugh at the thought of that, Kei, thinking he was new. "Um no thanks Kei, right? I'm not new here, just don't want to be in my dorm. I'm Kavan by the way, Kavan McKenny. I think we had a class together last year, um the Sky High History course I believe. Ah Miss Cleavland, one of my favorite teachers you know. Any way, I'm bored and I need someone to talk to and I would love to get to know you better. How was your summer?" Kavan had to admit that Kei was drop dead gorgeous. So what if he looked almost girlish, the more the merrier he thought. His eyes were what Kavan liked the most about him so far, and his boldness. He liked that in a guy, someone not afraid to go up to you and start a conversation and not to mention he was hot too.

The World is Changing... Paperclips The World is Changing... Sunglasses The World is Changing... Colorful The World is Changing... Shoes-1 The World is Changing... Thfruit-of-a-different-color

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 6:40 pm

Saxton walked across campus, looking at all the new freshies! Oh how he loved seeing the new years always made him feel happy one the inside. As he walked toward the buses, he already saw groups of them sticking together. Huh, afraid of the big bad seniors? Or are they afraid of the big bad gays? Thinking that made him laugh a little. He knew that at least one of the groups of the new fresh-meat were not gay or even bi-sexual, at least not yet he thought with a grin. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a very sexy young man with a walking stick. Hmm, that's odd. Why would he need a...oh! Could he possibly be blind? As he was walking, he found his feet moving him toward the newbie. Why would he, someone who was considered a senior, be walking to someone considered a freshman? Digging into his bag he pulled out his newly bought Gucci sunglasses and put them on. Running his fingers through his hair Saxton let out a deep shy, he tapped the guy. "Hey, I'm Saxton Bartlett. You must be new, mind if I show you around? I mean I don't think you can really see where you are going and I do know where everything is. How bout it?"

The World is Changing... Paperclips The World is Changing... Sunglasses The World is Changing... Colorful The World is Changing... Shoes-1 The World is Changing... Thfruit-of-a-different-color

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 11, 2009 6:39 pm

Thane gave a glance at the boy before he remembered about the whole blind thing. Instead he twirled on the boy his hair and duster flaring out behind him, the wind picked up slightly and Thane gave a faint smile before putting a hand to his eyes. "Oh I can't see I hadn't realized! Wow I guess I should learn to pay more attention." Thane's tone was dripping with sarcasm and yet his smile was friendly. "Sure I guess I can allow you to show me around, at least for today but should you ever want to help me again it'll cost you." Thane hefted his bag over his shoulder once more and stuck out his hand. "Thane Grayson, resident cripple." Threw the silver haze that was his world Thane was able to see Saxton's defined features, his slimness, and the way the boy fidgeted with his hair and had what appeared to be new glasses. It made Thane cringe inside though his smile remained friendly.

Kio untangled himself and beat red skittered to the window to take a deep breath. "My name's Kioshi Applegate, I'd be pleased if you'd call me Kio." Kio turned and grinned at his new roommate is tail flicked lazily as his ears perked forward. "I'm glad that my new roommate is someone older, I can't stand the younger boys most days." Kio curled his toes lazily before lying on his bed. "So what are your abilites if you don't mind me asking of course, if you have them I mean." Kio blushed and looked away, he was being a little wordy wasn't he...

Kei smiled taken back that he didn't remeber such a fine looking young man but than again last year he had been interested in a sexy brunette and a sultry blonde respectively. "Oh sure enough the dorms get boring soon enough, my roommate has yet to show up...huh." Kei shrugged and planted his gorgeous buttocks against the nearest tree and looked up at the branches. "My summer, was normal. The Sargent and I were stationed in India, his perfect wife was perfectly hitting on me while I hooked up with a sexy Major. What was your summer like?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 19, 2009 9:32 pm

Taking his hand in his, Saxton replied, "Nice to meet you Thane. Sorry if I insulted you, I didn't realize that you...umm...can you...never mind. Okay anyway, so what's your floor number and room number? Unless you want to find out where all your class rooms are. Doesn't matter to me, I've got nothing better to do. Do you need help carrying anything?" Why wouldn't he stop talking? Blushing Saxton let go of Thane's hand and ran his fingers through his hair. Thane was positively the hottest, most mysterious and somewhat funny. Blushing even more, Saxton pushed his sunglasses into his hair as he rubbed his eyes while they got used to the glare of the sun.

"No I don't mind you asking, Kio right? Any way I can grow plants from my skin and help plants grow too. I also have wings that I can tuck away under my shirts and can fly too. So what is it about younger men that irritate you?" Liam grabbed his bags and threw them on the bed. With a thump, Liam opened the first one and grabbed his sheets out and started to unfold them. "I actually find them kind of funny most of the time. You know, not knowing what to do here, or wondering if they should really be here and stuff. So how old are you exactly, if you don't mind me asking?" Blushing slightly Liam sat on his bed as a purple Iris popped out of his wrist. Embarrassed Liam pulled the flower out and put it in a vase that he just took out of his bag. "Can't help that sometimes, sorry. You're not allergic to any flowers are you?"

Simply stunned my Kei's response, Kavan blushed a little as he thought about his summer. "Well, umm...I actually spent my whole summer here. You see my grandma got hurt during the last semester and she's staying at a nursing home while my brother is visiting my other relatives. It was kind of boring being here by my lonesome all summer, but I think it was for my own good I mean. I would've wanted to stay with her and take care of her you know. It was just really hard, being here while knowing my grandma was in a home and my brother couldn't take care of her." Taking in a deep breath Kavan finished. "Through most of the summer I was thinking about what might've happened if...if the paramedics didn't come in time and...and..." Kavan covered his eyes and bent his head down. Letting the tears fall freely from his eyes, Kavan didn't even care about what Kei would think. He hadn't even told his friends this information. Sniffing Kavan looked up, tears still glistening his gray eyes. "I just can't think that way you know?"
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 10:36 pm

Thane gave a shrug "Couldn't tell you, they didn't send my info in brail and my precious mother forgot to read it to me...So I guess just give me the general tour." Of course Thane did know exactly where he was supposed to be staying but if he choose to spend the night under the stars with no-one and nothing to bother him it was his choice, and if he choose to take a leap off the grounds and plummet to the ground until he barely had time to pull out his wings before crashing that too he could do. "Don't be so nervous, I can feel it man and trust me that keeps away the ladies a nervous man that is, hell around here I guess it keeps away the men." Thane walked forward before turning back "Going to lead me or just stand their fixing yourself up?" Thane held out a hand to Saxton and grinned, he was trying to figure out if this boy were gay or not and hey he was allowed to touch all he wanted, he was 'blind' after all.

Kio nestled into his bed and watched Liam unpack. "I'm 16 and I don't like younger boys, espically the ones here, because they either assume I'm a pushover because of my size and features or they laugh at me. Most of the older boys are better but I've still known a few that have treated me like I'm their personal pet, which I'm not." As Liam continued to unpack Kio allowed himself to think back on those grabbey boys and grimaced, he was a thing to be free not something to be contained. When the flower popped out of Liam's wrist he grinned. "No I'm not, I love flowers in fact, my last roommate was allergic though...well are you allergic to cats by any chance?" Kio gestured at his ears before smiling and bounding up to the window. He opened it and allowed the summer breeze filled with the scents of flowers to fill their room.

Kei put an arm around the boy and squeezed. "Hey now, no tears on the first day, perhaps later when someone's broken your heart." Kei held him tighter and kissed his hair. "The important thing to know is that they did come in time and that she's okay...Hey I know." Kei looked into his gray eyes with his own blue sparkling. "This coming up weekend I'll get my friend Red to lend us his jet we'll go visit Grannny and hit the mall." Red was actually Doctor Roy Marshal the school and villages doctor, but he was one of Kei's closest friends. Kei smiled brightly as the wind picked up just slightly and Kavan's hair brushed against his cheek. "Now tell me something less depressing and more interesting, tell me your powers are or better yet show me! We could have a show and tell for the shameless blonde who forgets everyone." Kei always refered to himself as a blonde even though he was not and did not forget everyone, only people he hadn't been intimate with or saw everyday.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 8:06 pm

As Thane started to walk away, Saxton pushed his sunglasses back down over his eyes. Grinning in return Saxton took his hand, "Well I would be delighted to lead your way into the unknown world that is Sky High." Laughing a little Saxton lead started to lead Thane in the direction of the dorm rooms. "Let's find out where your room is and most importantly who you're sharing it with." As they walked Saxton waved to fellow students but made sure he kept pace with Thane, he didn't want it to look like he was pulling a blind person to his room. Yet. He thought with a smile. "Here we are the housing building." Leading Thane to the plaque that it was written in, he let Thane feel the brail of it. "Lets go inside, talk to the housing attendant, and find you a room to live in." Sounding more cheerful Saxton opened the door and let Thane walk inside. Lingering a little to watch the motion of Thane's hips, Saxton followed up behind him.

Breathing in the fresh air and flower scent Liam smiled. "Nope, cats have no affect on my nasal reflects at all. I'm sorry to hear about how they treated you. You would think here, of all places, guys wouldn't tease guys about the way they look." Walking over to where Kio was he sat close to him. "I once had a room mate that was 6 foot 5 and his power was that he could turn into a sprite! This tall macho guy turned into a little 6 inch fairy. Not saying that him in his sprite form wasn't menacing in its own way, but no one ever made fun of him." Thinking again he thought of something else. "And my first room mate was this purple guy that could make slim from his body and form into other things, yet he was still always purple." Shying Liam laid down on Kio's bed. "When I first came here I finally felt normal. No one made fun of my wings or pointed at me funny. They all were just as scared as me and just as different as me." Smiling Liam looked up at Kio. As he watched he thought he saw Kio's eyes change color; they were once a gorgeous gray color and now they were a shimmering crystal blue. "Off topic question, but something every room mate needs to know about the other, what's your favorite color? I know I know weird question but I need to know these things. I have an idea, we'll play 20 questions or so. Each of us takes turns asking a question to the other than answers their own. My favorite color is blue, it reminds me of the sky and air. Yours?"

Feeling at ease in Kei's arms Kavan listened to Kei explain what they should do enthusiastically. Smiling Kavan looked into Kei's blue eyes, "Sounds great! I think you'll love my gran-gran." Blushing a little Kavan continued. "She wouldn't be expecting me but would love the company. Then the mall would be a great place to kick back and have some fun!" Straightening up Kavan's grin widened "I just can't see you ever forgetting a person in your life, let alone one who cried the first time he talked to you. Sure I guess I could show my powers, just as long as you don't laugh and you show me yours next." Standing up Kavan pulled out the three pieces of paper he had in his back pocket. "Okay, first off I can pull any object out of any picture and bring it into our reality. For example," Unfolding the picture of the water bottle Kavan placed his hand on it and said "come out" and pulled out the bottle. "Tada it's magic! I can also create my own drawings and have them come out too. Another example," Setting the bottle next to Kei, Kavan pulled at a pencil and drew a Polaroid camera on one of the other pieces of paper, then placed his hand on it said 'come out' and pulled at the camera. "Say cheese!" Kavan took a picture of him and Kei. Taking the Polaroid out Kavan wrote both of their names on it and handed it to Kei. "Now you won't forget who I am." Kissing him on the cheek Kavan took both objects, said 'go back' and re-folded the paper into his back pocket. "Now for my next trick I would love to see what you can do!"
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 8:13 pm

When they were inside Thane stopped dead and rubbed at his eyes, damn it was bright inside wasn't it. He groped for Saxton's hand again. "If you don't mind Saxton...a little help?" Thane's delicate eyes watered under the lights and he had to take off his sunglasses so they could adjust. His silver hazy eyes looked to Saxton knowing instinctively where he was by the way the air moved around him, and the smell he carried with him. Though his eyes were watering Thane pulled his outstretched hand back for a moment so he could slip his duster off. Once the heavy jacket was on his arms he made sure there were no innocents near him and extended his large, black, glossey wings to their fullest extent before he tucked them back so that they perfomed a protect sheild over his back. Thane held out his hand again to Saxton "Ready?"

"It's more of a height thing actually, all the boys here are on super growth spurts or something I feel like a fish out of water and then because apparently I'm 'adorable', 'fluffy', and not the least bit intimidating like everyone else." Kio blushed and then sat back on the bed to snuggle in deep so that his eyes and ears were all that were seen. "My favorite color hmm that's difficult. I guess it would have to be purple the deep royal kind not that frilly crap..." Kio giggled and then said "Okay here's my question then, most boys here turn gay or are when they come or are really straight and avoid the rest. What are you?" It was quite a forward question but one Kio felt they should discuss before either of them got too settled "I happen to like both sexes, but girls are highly lacking here so..." He's eyes twinkled as the blush rose.

Kei laughed "Those are some pretty amazing tricks, now let me show you mine." Kei stood and untied his eye and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt. Then without any hint of struggle Kei's fair male form melted into that of a female. At least that was what Kei had always been told that his body just seemed to melt into the next. So where the haughty male once stood was now a seductively rumple female with shapely bosum and long flowing black hair. "Do you like it?" The light purely female voice was like bells tinkling and with her hand placed seductively on her hip and a full pout to her lips she grinned at the stunned boy before her.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 9:56 pm

As Saxton followed Thane he realized that Thane was struggling with something. Saxton tried to reach for his out reached hand but before he could Thane pulled it back and took off his duster and glorious wings came out. Stunned Saxton couldn't move an inch. Thane really does know how to make guys sweat. How could those wings come out of a perfect body like that? Saxton thought. "Ready?" Thane asked and brought Saxton out of his thought. "Of course! Let's go find you a room." As they walked over toward the front desk all Saxton could focus on was how perfectly Thane's hand fit with his. "May I help you?" Came the nasally voice of the receptionist. "Oh yes please. This here is Thane Grayson and he's new to this school. Unfortunately for him, he lost his schedule and room number. So could you please help us find his room number?" "Sure sure, please take a seat while I bring up Mr. Grayson's profile." Saxton lead Thane to the couches and sat down. "So I saw that you have wings. That's really cool! Is there anything else you can do?" Before Thane could answer they were told to come to the desk. "Alright I found Mr. Grayson's room number, but for his schedule you'll have to visit the school's receptionist." "Oh thank you very much Miss." As Saxton was given Thane's schedule he pulled him off to the side. "Alright let us see here. Okay, okay you're on floor A. Well that's good at least you don't have to use the stairs. Room number, room number...okay your room number is...oh my god!" Saxton's breath caught. "Well your room number is 198. Would you like to check it out?"

"Oh nice question, that was going to be my next question. Well lets see, I'm the same has you Kio. I like the ladies and the guys. I didn't really know that I would like guys that way you know? But when I got here and there was no girls I kind of saw a whole different side of guys. Alright my question now, when was your first male relationship? Mine was when I was a second year here his name was Luke. We really hit it off, we had almost the same schedule that year and we couldn't take our eyes off of each other." Taking in a deep breath Liam struggled to finish his story. "He was my first time also. We dated for almost that whole year but he broke it off. He told me he wasn't ready for a serious relationship. So three days later I saw him hanging on this other guy. So apparently he had been messing around the whole time we were together. But he's old news now." As he cuddled up with a pillow he looked at Kio's cute little ears. His once sad expression now changed into a small smile.

Eyes bulging from his skull Kavan struggled very hard to keep his heart beat down. Swallowing hard Kavan looked up and down the very feminine body. She was perfect he thought. "Oh oh yeah!" Sweat formed on his brow and Kavan quickly wiped it off. "Well that's some power you have there Kei or do you go by another name? Any way, well would you like to see my other ability?" The now female Kei nodded his/her head and Kavan's smile widened. "Alright I've never done this one before but I think it should work." Taking in a deep breath Kavan concentrated on what he just saw happen with Kei. Within an instant he could feel himself changing shape. His once short light brown hair was now a long curly blonde. His body changed and he felt his clothes become baggy on him. Opening his eyes, which were now a light brown color, he needed to look at himself. Finding his paper and pencil on the floor Kavan quickly drew a mirror and said 'Come out' and pulled out the mirror. Gasping Kavan looked at Kei, "Will you look at that?" Said a now very clear female voice. "Well this is something I've certainly never done before. So I guess this is the time I should tell you how I did this." Thankfully his shirt was long enough to cover his now naked rump. "I can mimic other people's power but only if I know what their power is." Giggling in a strange high pitched voice Kavan looked up and down his body. He never knew what it felt like to be a girl before, but he was kind of glad that he now knew. "So any other powers you can do?" Kavan walked up to Kei and put his/her arm on her shoulder looking deep into his/her eyes which were now an amazing emerald green.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 25, 2009 9:35 pm

Thane caught Saxton's increased breathing, the way his heart started beating faster and he began to simply buzz with excitement. Most people wouldn't have caught on to that last one, nor the formers but Thane being what and who he was caught it all with normal ease just as he caught the nice receptionist thinking of when she could leave this place, as she was already annoyed with the boys running around. With an lazy smile Thane fingered his pony-tail and cricked his neck. "Yeah stairs usually do cause a bit of annoyance but you learn to deal with them." He waved the stick he still held in his hand in front of Saxton's face before cracking it on the ground to lean on it. "Yes please show me my room..." Which is also your room, Thane though giving Saxton a stare that no other blind person could boast, a stare of acutally looking at them and pierceing into there soul, peering into their mind. Thane held his hand out to the boy again and his stomach tingled slightly as he felt the heat in his hand. "To answer your early question, yes I can do something else. I can project my kinetic and potential energy so that it's visible, I can use it as a sheild but normally as a weapon as it is my will that keeps it that way, it has other uses but I wouldn't want to give away all my secrets now would I?"

Blushing at the thought of Liam...well naked Kio sat up and cleared his throat. "Well actually my first and last was my first year here. I was thirteen of course and the boy was three years my senior. He still goes here in fact, Viktor Rozhdestvensky." Kio swallowed and blushed thinking back to having the blondes lips brush against him, having the pleasure of being snuggled against the older boy when the thunderstorms raged outside and it felt that the school would drop from the sky. "We broke up because I was far to young and Victor had problems of his own to deal with other than my insecurities, we parted on friendly terms. You'll see him because he comes to visit me quite often as I do with him." Kio rolled lazy eyes over Liam to see if that got a jump out of him. At that moment a knock came to the door and Kio gave a quiet yet firm 'come in'. The lazily dressed blonde walked into the room, ducking at the short door way. His eyes swept the room cold on Liam and yet warming on Kio instantly. "Kio!" The small girl pounced unto Kio's bed and hugged him tightly. "Ishi, Viktor." Kio gave a warm grin and pushed the dark haired girl off him. "Speak of the devil I was just speaking of you." Viktor gave a soleom grin "I know Ishi told me." Kio's blush darkened and he cleared his throat "Viktor, Ishi this is my new roommate Liam a plant manipulator. Liam this is Viktor an ice manipulator and Ishi a fragmented peice of Viktor's soul that he commands as well." Viktor gave a pleasent nod and Ishi a wide sloppy grin. "We just came to say that we're on the floor up and up and up!" Kio nodded and patted Ishi's head before Viktor pulled him into an embrace while whispering to him in Russian. Without any time at all the girl was on Viktor's back and they were leaving with a promise of returning so they could escort the boys to dinner. Kio very warm and cuddley looking glanced at Liam "You didn't ask another question do I get to go again?"

Eyeing the other girl Kei let out a series of giggles before changing back to himself. As it was he and his female counter part were very similar in body type, though she was a little heavier on the chest and hip area that was only to be expected and Kei of course was very slim for being as strong as he was. "I do, but to show you would be to tell to much, as of course I've known others who could mimic and I doubt I want another Parker running around. In case you were wondering that is the name I go by." Kei buttoned his shirt and looked as pressed and sexy as he did before, then he looked the girl up and down once more and clapped his hands with glee. "You are simply adorable my dear, who knew that the sizzling slab of beef steak you were before would turn into this perfectly delicate and delightful female. Oh you'll certainly have boys fawning over you this way." Kei smiled and grabbed the female Kavan under her arms and twirled her around before setting her back down. "Now I must recommend you change back before people start to look, and when we go clubbing you'll need a name, and a good one." Kei placed his index finger on his chin "Maybe Brittani with and I or Sara without an h? Something bubbly and flirty hell I could just call you bubbles...Bubbles." The silver haired boy gave a mischevious laugh and grinned down at the girl.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

The World is Changing... Empty
PostSubject: Re: The World is Changing...   The World is Changing... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 2:26 pm

As Saxton lead Thane to the room, his heart rate quickened a little in anticipation. Not wanting to tell him they were room mates yet, Saxton became nervous. What if he doesn't want to be my room mate? What if he really doesn't like me? Saxton's breathing quickened a little to that thought. Thane must like him to have put up with him this long, right? Trying to think of something different Saxton listened with complete interest to what Thane was saying. "That's really cool that you can project your energies like that Thane. I guess you wouldn't want to give away your secrets. I mean they are yours to keep and all, so I respect that. I wouldn't want anyone digging into my personal privacy either." Gulping Saxton had to think of a way to explain to Thane why he didn't tell him earlier that they were room mates. Ding! Idea just in! All he needed to do was let go of Thane's hand for a few seconds and he would have all the time in the world. Acting like he had to cough Saxton pulled his hand free of Thane's and quickly used his ability to pause time. Within a milli-second everything around Saxton was 'frozen' in place; Thane's hand still open waiting for Saxton's. Sighing Saxton quickly ran toward his...well their room now. Digging into his pocket he searched for his key. Finding it, Saxton dug the key into the lock and unlocked the door. Pausing to catch his breath Saxton went inside and quickly cleaned up his mess. "Okay okay what do I do now? The room is clean, the bed is made, everything inside is perfect. So how do I tell Thane that we are room mates?" Shaking his head Saxton laughed. Why was he so worried? He could just lead him to the room and act all surprised like 'Oh my goodness! We're room mates!' Locking the door, Saxton went back to where Thane was. Making sure he was close to the position he was in and unfroze time. Grabbing Thane's hand again, Saxton looked at him and smiled. He sure was different, but in a good way. When they reached the room Saxton tried to hide his grin as he said "Would you look at that! This is my room! Must mean we are room mates! Shall we look around?" Grabbing his key Saxton unlocked the door and lead Thane into their room.

At the knock at the door Liam straightened up as he saw a giant of a guy enter the room, followed by...was that a girl? No no he must be seeing things, girls weren't allowed at Sky High. Yet how could Kio see his hallucination too? How could it be possible that that girl just tackled Kio? Looking back toward the door he saw the giant stare ice at him. Listening to the introductions he realized that the giant was Kio's ex. Compared to him, Luke looked like an ant. So the girl wasn't his imagination, she was part of Viktor? That made no sense but choose to not let it bother him as he looked the barely five foot girl. She was awfully cute, yet he wouldn't want to go near her in fear of being eaten. Grinning and nodding back at the two, Liam struggled to take in a proper breath. At the sight of Kio and Viktor hugging Liam felt somewhat saddened. Why couldn't he and Luke at least act friendly after what had happened between them? He knew the answer of course, because Luke was an immature bastard. As Viktor and Ishi left Liam felt a little better, knowing that he wasn't going to be eaten Yet. He thought with a grin. "You didn't ask another question, do I get to go again?" Kio asked looking very comfortable and warm at Liam. "Well yes it is your turn, I asked the last question remember? Before we were interrupted by the...umm...guests. Not to sound rude but Viktor looked like he wanted to kill me, then eat me." Laughing Liam sighed and cuddled closer to Kio with his pillow that he was still clutching tightly. "Not that it wouldn't be hard for him, but he seemed very nice. Alright, your question now."

Looking up at the now, male Kei, Kavan felt tiny. What was he, 5'4"? He wasn't sure but was very happy to be lifted by Kei the way he was. Giggling softly he/she listened to Kei talk about what he should call female Kavan. "So you think I should be called Bubbles?" Thinking, Kavan agreed that his new female form could seem very bubbly. He didn't know how to explain it, but he felt as if he really were a girl right now; not a boy in a girls body. He felt that his female side was taking over if that made any sense to him or was he a she? Not wanting to worry about it, Bubbles just wanted to talk and feel alive. "Maybe I want everyone to see." She said seductively. She walked toward Kei, hips swaying in an unusual yet pleasant fashion. Standing on her tip-toes she wrapped her arms around Kei's very strong neck. "Or maybe I just want you to see all of me." Tilting her head, Bubbles softly rubbed her lips across Kei's cheek. Moving her head back she looked at Kei. She couldn't take her eyes off of his glorious blue eyes yet when she saw the lips just below them she moved toward them. Kissing her way down from his cheek she found his warm mouth. Placing her own softly on his Bubbles kissed him sweetly. Feeling Kei wrap his arms around her, she kissed him again and again, loving the soft warm feeling of his lips on hers. Wanting to deepen the kiss, Kavan felt himself exploding out of Bubbles' body. He felt himself get taller and his shirt tightening on him, yet he didn't break the kiss. Once he felt himself again Kavan ran one hand down Kei's back, pushing him closer to his own body. Kissing Kei passionately, Kavan's other hand grabbed at Kei's silver locks. Then as suddenly as he wanted to kiss him, he stopped, remembering that his clothes had fallen off his body when he changed into Bubbles. Unlocking his fingers from Kei's silky locks Kavan bent down to retrieve his pants and underwear. Once they were back on his body Kavan, still breathing difficultly, looked at Kei who was doing the same.
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