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 Starting fresh...

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeMon Feb 02, 2009 8:06 pm

Lilith picked up her flute case while struggling to carry here other bags. Summer break is over and its time for a new semester, new classes, and a whole new year! As she walked across campus in her regular clothes, she got many stares, mostly by the new year students. Their stares made her feel uncomfortable, but she decided to stride the rest of the way to her dorm room. 'So many new students this year.' Lilith thought. Looking at her schedule see saw that she had the same room as last year but she had to deal with another different roommate. Another room mate to have to explain her phobias to. Another person that would think her to be weird. Since she was a second year, all of her roommates were either in their graduating forth or fifth year, which meant she had had a new roommate every year since she was 14. As she reached for the door, someone from inside opened it first and hit her square in the head. "Ow!" Lilith groaned as she fell to the floor. "Sorry," the person said. "W-what?" When she opened her eyes she saw a hand reaching toward her.

Savannah skipped down the path to the Mansion, humming her favorite Disney movie song. She passed many beautiful flowers and plants, but stopped when she saw a group of almost dead dahlias. "Oh poor things." Savannah said as she bent toward them. She leaned toward them and gave them all a kiss while still humming the song. Blooming at an amazing rate, the dahlias were all healthy and alive. "There you go! I'll be sure to visit you guys more this year." Picking up her things, Savannah started to walk away, giving the beautiful dahlias one last look. Finally reaching the school she looked around the campus. Many new faces found her and she couldn't help the blush rising to her face when she saw the, well now, second year boys. They really grew up during the break, she thought. As she was walking toward the Mansion to drop her things up she saw a new face and she knew that person wasn't a first year. "Hi! I'm Savannah, daughter of Persephone, and you are?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 19, 2009 4:30 pm

Kelvin strode toward the campus, head held up high. Every new student took one glance at him and would quickly walk in the opposite direction than they were originally walking in. This, like it did every new year, made Kelvin chuckle a deep throaty chuckle which in turn had other students who hadn't noticed him start walking away. Smiling Kelvin saw a group of new students straight ahead of him. Stopping to tie his shoe, he heard them approaching him. Brave kids. Kelvin thought. Raising back to his feet he saw a few of the kids take a step back except for one. "What's your problem kid?" Kelvin asked, annoyance clear in his voice. "I don't have a problem sir." Oh so the kid's a show off, Kelvin thought. Trying to show the other kids he's tougher than he looks, well so am I. "Sorry kid, I'm not in the mood today. Maybe tomorrow I could schedule you in for a heart-to-heart chat, kay?" Kelvin started to walk away when he felt something wet hit him in the back of the head. The fucking kid's a son of Poseidon! Why are they always looking for fight? Turning around, Kelvin felt his anger rises and heard some of the girls scream. 'Jacob! Jacob come on! We don't want you to fight him anymore! Look at his eyes! They look like fire!' He heard the girls say but was so enraged that all he could think of was walking forward toward the little punk. "What. The. Hell. Was. That?" Kelvin said, trying to suppress the anger he felt rising inside him. Sensing his anger, Jacob took a step back. "N-nothing m-mister..." "Kelvin. The name's Kelvin Galloway. You better remember that name kid 'cause if you so come up to me and do that shit again I will personally teach you a very, very valuable lesson. You hear me?" The kid nodded and ran away, his friends following closely behind him. Muttering to himself, Kelvin walked toward his room. He needed to go somewhere, maybe the gym or something, to let his anger out. Suddenly, he turned in the direction of the gym and ran toward it. He had to control his temper this year or else he could be expelled. Just breath Kelvin. Don't do anything stupid like finding that kid and beating his...no don't do that. Just go to the gym, punch a little punching bags for a while then go to your room and relax. He had to keep telling himself that but with every step he took, it was harder and harder for him to keep convincing himself that.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeThu Feb 19, 2009 9:21 pm

Ryder couldn't believe he'd knocked into a student and a girl at that. "I'm so sorry miss. Please allow me to make it up to you." Ryder helped her up and then gave a slight bow. "Ryder son of Erebus, at your service." Warily he glanced at her and tried to give her a weak smile. He was so stupid sometimes, feeling alone he fought the urge to hide himself away from her and stood tall before her.

Sawyer was invisible again. Slipping threw the crowds of people she thought she was alone she reappeared and sighed deeply before she heard the sweet hyper voice. "Oh um hi." Sawyer said squeeking slightly before turning and giving a shy smile. I'm Sawyer West daughter of Hades." Sawyer felt her face turning scarlet and all of the sudden she felt herself starting to turn invisible and tried to force the feeling aside but her hands and arms were already gone. "So umm you're in Third year, do you like everything?"

Cora and Nora were walking hand in hand in their matching uniforms. "So Sunshine what classes are you taking that are different than mine?" Cora asked as they walked into another hallway and the others scattered, they had that effect on people. "Choir, and I know you're doing the horse thing again." Cora nodded and the twins began to skip and giggle. They skipped into the next hallway and saw a seething boy who looked about ready to kill anything. "Hey you, with the face what's got your goat?" Nora yelled at the boy, the hall echoing with her loud voice. Nora smiled and said "What she means is you look upset would you like to talk about it?" Nora elbowed her sister and told them in their secret twin language to mellow out. "I'm Nora and she's Cora, daughters of Hephaestus..."
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 2:38 pm

Dusting herself off, Lilith looked at the boy, well actually man, that had knocked her down. "I'm Lilith, Lilith Fletcher, Daughter of Hermes. Nice to meet you Ryder son of Erebus." When he straightened himself back up, she realized he had 6inches over her. "You're very tall for a son of Erebus, you know." Blushing slightly Lilith added, "Not to sound mean or anything. I'm sorry and you really don't have to do anything to make up for me falling, I do it naturally anyway." That reminded her that she didn't know if she had any cuts or scratches that might need tending to. Reaching for her bag she rolled up her sleeves and skirt, looking for any imperfections on her skin. Opening her bag Lilith pulled out a band-aid and applied it to her elbow, there was a little scratch on it. Breathing slightly harder, Lilith remembered that she hit her head. Leaning against the wall, she started to feel dizzy and not able to catch her breath. Oh, no. I'm going to die I can feel it coming over me! Breath in and out, oh screw it! Help! Someone help me! Taking in one more deep breath, Lilith let out a loud cry as she feel toward the pavement.

"Oh, yes I'm in Third year and I absolutely love everything about this place! I feel almost normal here, you know? Sawyer West? Hmm, I think I've heard that name...oh my god! What's wrong with your arms?" Savannah looked around for someone to help, but there was no one in sight. "Are you okay? Just breath, okay? Take deep breaths in and exhale! Oh no, you're hurt aren't you? Can I do anything to help?" Panicking a little Savannah looked again and spotted a very rare plant, that is suppose to help stop the spread of some sicknesses. "I'll be right back okay?" Running toward the plant, Savannah knelt down and picked three of them and ran back toward Sawyer. "Okay these might be gross tasting but they'll help whatever is happening to you and slow down it's pace." Pulling off the petals, Savannah bent Sawyers head and placed three petals on her tongue. "Okay all you have to do is swallow."

Kelvin was almost to the gym when a loud and very different sounding female voice yelled at him, "Hey you, with the face what's got your goat?" Stopping automatically, Kelvin took in deep breaths, trying to calm himself. Then another voice followed but he didn't pay attention. Turning he saw two girls, in the same outfits; one with an apologetic look on her face and the other with an annoyed look. Making sure he directed his words toward the right girl Kelvin shouted "What the hell do you want?" Walking toward her, heat rising to his head, making it hard for him to concentrate on calming down, Kelvin clenched his hands into fists. "Cora or Nora? Whomever you are I don't care. You have no clue what you just did." Clenching his jaw from saying anything rude, Kelvin just breathed in heavily. "Kelvin, son of Ares." was all he could say. Don't do anything stupid Kelvin. They're just girls, they just want to help. Don't do anything stupid! Raising his fists he walked closer to them, then he raised them out and hit himself in the face and fell straight to the ground.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeFri Feb 20, 2009 9:41 pm

Ryder managed to catch her before she fell to the pavement. Grimacing slightly he picked up the girl, her instrument and class schedule which was thankfully sticking out of her pocket. "Why do I always do this to myself?" He asked himself as the limp girl flopped in his arms as he took her back to what he hoped was this years dorm room. Walking in he recieved stares and wished that he could cloak himself, but all cloaking himself would do was bring his father down on them and that all he needed, someone important to catch him with an unconcious very pretty girl. "Ryder where in god's name are you taking that girl?" The stern matronly voice of the principal was suddenly hard and sharp as she addressed Ryder. Turning very slowly Ryder broke out into a sweat and let out a nervous grin. "Ms. Mitchell, this girl just fainted and I was trying to take her back to her dorm." The daughter of Hera before him looked espically dangerous in her purple suit today, and her green eyes flashed. "I'll take that student off your hands its time for your weekly session with your father." Ryder nodded and handed Lilith to Ms. Mitchell before bowing to show his respect to the older woman. "Thank you, I'll see you at dinner." Ryder nearly ran to the room where his father was sitting. The god smiled and embraced the boy as soon as he set eyes on him. "It's good to see you son." was all that was heard before the door closed.

Sawyer rolled her eyes and spit the petals out making a sound that resembled 'taau'. "You haven't been paying attention in history have you?" Sawyer smiled what she thought was warmly but was actually slightly creepy and a passing freshman was soon covered in goose bumps and ran for cover. "It's not a problem I do this all the time, most of the time I'm invisible it's normal like you working with plants...just a part of me that sometimes people don't understand."

Cora and Nora each looked at each other with shock on their faces. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" They both shouted at each other at the same time. "Well what are we going to do about it?" Again they were both speaking at the same and furious they each had their hands clentched and at their side. "Well I'm not taking responsibility for it." Nora said finally crossing her arms and turning away her head. "Well it certainly wasn't my fault!" Cora said back mimicing her sisters movements. Then almost as if they were a mirror each twin turned to look at the other and sighed. "You carry his bottom half." Cora said and Nora groaning picked up Kelvin's feet. Cora grabbed under his arms and together they were able to swiftly get him back to their dormroom. Laying him on the king size bed they shared Nora went to boil hot water 'Cause that's what they always do Cora!' while Cora stayed by Kelvin's side. He was handsome when he wasn't being menacing and in this unconcious state he was quite adorable. Nora flopped a cold compress on his head and Cora smiling bribed the girl next door to heal him though the bribing was something along the lines of 'Do you really want to aggravate us? We are your neighbors...' So Kelvin's bruises were healed and both girls took a steady watch on him Cora on the right and Nora on the left to see when he would wake.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeSat Feb 21, 2009 6:41 pm

Lilith was prepared for the fall onto the pavement but wasn't prepared for what she woke to. Opening her eyes, Lilith saw a pale blue room with three windows on one wall. Lifting her arm she saw an iv stuck in her arm. At least I'm not dead. Unless this is what it looks like. No they wouldn't let that happen to me. Wanting to look around to find the nurse she went to turn her neck and pain seared through her skull. Letting out a quiet yelp Lilith swiftly went back to the position she was originally at. As if on cue, the nurse quickly walked to Lilith's bed. "Well you're finally awake deary." Came the soothing Scottish accent from the nurse. "Here take these and drink this water." Doing as instructed to, Lilith took the pills and drank the water. Swallowing Lilith asked, "W-what happened? Is my neck broken?" Laughing a little as the nurse checked her pulse she said, "Of course not silly. Your neck is just a little sore." Fussing with her iv cords she continued. "All of sudden I'm just fixing the beds and in walks the principal with you in her arms. I asked her what happened and she said apparently you fainted. Trying not to be rude I said really and also asked her if you hit your head. She answered she wasn't sure." Huffing a little she continued, "Well I told her that didn't help me any but of course by the way she was carrying you I knew that your neck was going to be hurting. I mean she had your head just bobbing over her shoulder. So I told her to lay you on the bed and leave you to me. Then when she was leaving she told me about how a boy was caught carrying you back to your room. What kind of person wouldn't bring you here?" Fluffing Lilith's pillows the nurse turned to leave. "If you need anything, anything at all just call for Tibby." As the nurse left all Lilith could say was "Ryder."

"Well who really pays attention in history? I mean it's so boring!" Slightly embarrassed Savannah helped the flower in her hand bloom again and set it back in its place. Then she sat on the rock wall surrounding the flowers. "I didn't know that children of Hades could go invisible. I thought they could only talk to the dead." Giggling she continued. "It's the same with me. Some people think that since I spend most of my time with flowers that I can't talk to animals. I mean do you know how hard it is to have a decent conversation with a flower is? Sometimes when I'm gardening I find myself talking to them; asking them how they are and if they would rather be set in another spot. Then if they answer I'm always surprised but then I come to find out that it was either a bird or a bug or something else." Blushing, Savannah pulled her long hair back and put it in a messy pony tail. "Do you ever feel silly or upset that you can go invisible?" Savannah asked as she reached for her bag, pulled out her sunglasses and patted a spot where Sawyer could sit. Lifting her head toward the sun, she let the rays warm her face...

Everything's dark...where am I? Kelvin asked himself. Well you certainly did something this time Kelvin, the gods finally decided to get you and...oh you stupid idiot! You punched yourself in the face! What kind of idiot punches themselves in the face like that? Hmm, not a very smart idiot that's for sure. Idiots aren't ever sma...I know that! Just try to find a way to open your eyes or something. It's a little creepy in here. Searching for wherever his eyes were Kelvin went through many memories. Memories of his first kiss with a girl, the moment when he first opened his mouth to say 'mama'. Suddenly Kelvin stopped short. The memory that flashed before him was the day he went to see his mother in the hospital. Her hair was falling out and she couldn't take in deep breaths. 'I will always be with you Kelvin, don't you forget that. Promise me one thing honey.' He nodded, 'Please try to watch your temper. If you feel like hitting something hit a punching bag, or even yourself.' She laughed and went into a fit of coughs. The doctor told him and his father to leave, but before they left Kelvin went over to his mother. 'I love you mama, please please don't leave me.' Tears rolled down his face, 'I promise I'll be good, I swear I won't do anything mean or hurtful again! Just please please don't go! I love you too much!' Sobbing Kelvin laid his head on his mothers shoulder. She patted his head and ran her weak fingers through his hair, 'Shh now Kelvin, I won't leave you forever. I'll always be watching you okay? Now listen to the doctor and go. I'll see you tomorrow.' But he never did, she had died that night in her sleep. Taking in a deep breath Kelvin tried to hold in his anger. They promised they wouldn't let her leave me! They swore she wouldn't die! A sound distracted him, he heard muttering somewhere in the distance. Well at least I'm not going to be deaf for the rest of my life, that's a relief. Following the sounds he actually located his ears yet couldn't quite understand what they were saying. Well my eyes must be around here somewhere. The noises grow louder and he actually understood one of the words 'Okay'. What was okay he wondered. Were the voices talking about him or about something else. Finally finding his some light he followed it.

The light was bright yet he couldn't help himself to seeing what was so bright about it. Taking a chance he decided to take a quick peek at where he was exactly. Through slits in his he couldn't really see anything except for a very odd color. It was, what was the name, pink? Yes that's what it was, the odd color was pink! Well he could definitely take out him being in his room. Deciding he wanted a bigger picture he closed both eyes and opened his right eye a little more. Thinking that he would see the hospital wing Kelvin let out a small shriek. Both eyes opening in surprise he saw two sets of eyes, yet the eyes were both different colors for the sets. "He's awake!" He heard before he pushed himself up. As he looked around he saw he was in a king sized bed with pink, black, and white comforter and matching pillows. Where in the hell was he? Taking another glance around he saw his shirt, shoes and pants on the floor with his bag. Feeling himself he found he was shirtless but thankfully he still had his boxers on. What the hell happened back there? I thought I just punched myself? Taking in deep breaths he turned his head to see the two girls that he had punched himself in front of. Lora and Sora? No no that's not right, Cora and Nora? Yes that was it! So he must be in their room, but why was he almost naked? "Where the hell am I?" He said slowly, trying not to get angry, yet making sure he was saying the words right.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 7:36 pm

Sawyer rubbed her eyes with her now partially visible hands. "Very few children of Hades can speak to the dead actually, we can see them but he has to allow you to drink from the river to speak to them, I unfortunately for both of us, fell into the river one summer when I came to visit." Sawyer gave out a light nervous giggle when Savannah still babbled. "Umm no it never upsets me I actually prefer being invisible most of the time, there is something very serene about being in the invisible state." Sawyer blushed and started going invisible again "Sorry I'm babbling a bit."

"Well obviously you're here." Nora stated placing her hands on her hips. Cora eyes eyes flashed and suddenly they were both the molten gold she'd been born with. "Go, go, make some tea please!" Nora gave a light growl but her blue eyes twinkled as she skipped off. Cora took the folded pile of clothes off the base of the bed and handed them to Kelvin. "You're in our dorm room, you punched yourself probably because my sister, as always likes to run her mouth. I took your clothes off so we could have the healer next door fix you up and we wanted to make sure you didn't break anything else when you fell." Cora sat on the bed and touched his jaw lightly "You're all fixed up now, and I'll ask you to stay for tea but it's your choice whether you do or not." Cora stood and went to her closent grabbing an outfit she went to the bathroom to change. Once the door was closed she slumped to the floor to catch her breath. Did the boy have to be devilishly handsome on top of being so sexually charged. Laughing a bit she began to pin up her hair before slipping it into the long orange wig that she'd dyed and styled herself.

Nora made the tea just as Cora had told her, and watched Kelvin from the corner of her eye.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Feb 25, 2009 3:53 pm

"Oh don't worry you're not babbling at all." Seeing Sawyer go invisible again Savannah told herself it was completely normal for her. "So since you fell into the river, what does that mean? That you can see and talk to the dead? Sorry but I'm a little confused." Scratching her head Savannah tried to remember what Sawyer was talking about before. Then suddenly she heard a whisper coming behind her. "Yes?" She said searching for the person. Then a squirrel popped out of the bush they were sitting in front of. "Oh hello there. What's your name?" "Hiccup. Do do you have any nuts?" Replied a very high pitched voice that only Savannah could really understand. "Umm I don't know let me check." Reaching into her bag she pulled out a bag mixed nuts. "Well that's cool, mom must've put these in here. So what kind of nuts did you want Hiccup?" "Umm I would really like a couple of walnuts please. My mom and sister are visiting my house. They really like walnuts." "Oh okay, lets see. Here's five walnuts. Can you carry all that Hiccup?" "Oh yes yes I can. Thank you Miss..." "Savannah Franklynn." "Yes thank you so very much Miss Savannah Franklynn, blessed be." The squirrel ran off into the woods. Waving good-bye Savannah turned back toward Sawyer. "Sorry about that. Hiccup the squirrel had a little problem and I had to help him out."

While he looked at the girls one of them answered "Well obviously you're here." Thinking back he remembered that same tone that had made him punch himself in the first place. Glaring at, was it Nora?, he really wished they didn't share a room. He could feel his anger rising but didn't let it really bother him. Feeling a little light headed Kelvin just took in deep breaths to calm himself, calming his nerves. As Cora firmly told her sister to do something, he felt his heart beat quicken but not in anger, in anticipation. Suddenly Cora's eyes changed into a golden color that made Kelvin want to melt. As he listened to her explain why he was here he felt more comfortable. As he was given his clothes all he could focus on was Cora's sweet and caring voice. When she moved and touched his jaw, he felt his heart beat quicken even more. The heat from her hand made Kelvin relaxed and a little, well he couldn't really put a name on it. Looking into her eyes he felt her shiver then stood. Sad that her hand left his face he watched her walk into the bathroom. Catching his breath, Kelvin stood to put his pants on. As he bent over to pick up his socks and shoes he felt someone looking at him. Turning he saw Nora turning her head back to the tea. Sighing Kelvin sat back on the bed. Feeling uncomfortable with the silence Kelvin decided to start some small talk. "So, you're Nora right? And Cora was the one that just went into the bathroom?" Not waiting for a reply Kelvin continued as he tied his shoes. "So I'm guessing you're the reason I punched myself. Sorry that was rude, I shouldn't blame you. It was that stupid new student Jacob." Muttering to himself "Fucking son of Poseidon." He looked back up and saw Nora starring at him with deep blue eyes sparkling and noticed Cora coming out of the bathroom with now orange hair.
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Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2009 5:19 am

Larissa carried a large bag over her shoulder and walked away from the car without bothering to turn back. The summer break was over, but she was sorta glad because there was tension at home as always. As she walked Larissa encountered other students talking amongst themselves. Here I am..back at freak central..Where the Gods and Goddess put all us freaks in one basket She tried not to make eye contact with them, afraid that they might come over and try to talk to her. Unwillingly she made her way inside and to her dorm room to drop off her things. When entered the room the door shut behind her, muting all the mindless chatter from the halls. Looking over at the bed next to hers there was a trunk next to it. Great..I hope this time it's someone with a spine.. Larissa's last roommate was a daughter of Demeter and they never got along. A large grin crept upon her face as she decided to go through the trunk instead of wait her new roommate to arrive.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 11:45 pm

It was amazing that Sawyer managed to escape from Savannah with nothing but an invitation to have dinner later that week. God did daughter's of Persephone have to be so god damn perky!? Keeping herself visible on the way to her room Sawyer figured she'd have a few relaxing moments alone to herself before dealing with her new roommate. Hopefully it wasn't a son of Hades because they always clashed (Hades favored his female children) as did the children of Zeus and Poisedon (The big three seemed to always have child clashes) but normally people were afraid of her or teased her because hey death is something weird apparently. Sawyer was in her room and sliding against the door before she realized that there was another person in the room. Touching. Her. Things. Standing Sawyer strode over to the girl and hands on her hips said "You shouldn't touch what isn't yours." She was trying to stay calm she really was but already a part of her was plotting to steal the girl's pillow, turn it invisible and hide it.
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Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 12:47 am

Larissa turned around seeing the girl with her hands on her hips. It was evident she was pissed off, but Larissa didn't care. "Why not? We're sharin' rooms girly so you better get used to it..'cause if your crap is in the way then I'm gonna have to touch it sooner or later," her eyse rolled and she went over to her bed. Laying spread out on her bed she looked over at her new roomy, "Names Larissa..daughter of Ares. I saw you like music..that's cool..I play drums. The only instrument that makes a rockn' weapon," She grinned. "So what's your story?" So far with the attitude this one had she knew this was going to be a lot more fun than her previous roommate.

Nick sat outside with only his pencil and paper. He wasn't a good drawer, but wanted to improve on these skills. Whenever he saw brief moments of the future he'd draw them. In the past he was always laughed at for his lack of skill when it came to drawing reality. He sighed in content as he practiced with a large willow in front of him, the branches provided shade to a small portion of the garden. There were some students already busy at work tending to the flowers. Nick wondered how long could this peace really last?
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 10:12 pm

Sawyer twitched slightly and cooled down her rising temper by thinking about what her father would do in the situation, be calm and rational. "I just didn't expect you to go threw my things without asking, I have quite a few things that wouldn't do in any hands but mine." She was talking about her sword of course which poisoned any who held it but a daughter of Hades. "I'm Sawyer daughter of Hades." Sawyer rummaged threw her ruffled trunk and pulled out her sword, "This was given to me by my father, it will poison any who touch it, I would hate for you to be poisoned your first day back." Giving a sweet smile Sawyer put the sword under her bed. "I play the violin and I guess themost important thing you should know about me is that I spend most of the time invisible so if you see a floating towel don't be surprised." Sawyer laughed and then laid on her bed "So a daughter of Ares huh that's fasinating...what's your weapon of choice?"

After his lesson with his father Ryder was feeling emotionally light until he stepped into the halls of the emotionally tortured teens he had to live with. In an effort to clear his mind he wandered into the gardens perhaps he'd visit his roses? There silent approval and encouragement always left him in a great mood. He wandered past a blonde boy who's emotions were so calm that Ryder nearly stumbled in disbelief. Staring over his shoulder he smiled at the drawing the boy was making, "You have raw talent, it's good but you're a little heavy with your shading, lighten it a bit." Ryder heard him speak before he sat down, a good distance away from the boy but where he could still see the work. "You're eye is good...I'm Ryder son of Erebus." He offered the name but no handshake joined it, Ryder still didn't do touching.
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Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:24 am

Larissa raised a brow..a daughter of Hades, that explained a lot and probably why needed a roommate. She looked in awe at the sword, it looked nicely crafted by the fires of Underworld. It made her wonder if that poison went through material. The violin case she now noticed was against a wall on her side of the room. But when Sawyer announced she spent most of her time invisible...that kinda creeped her out. "Invisible? uhh..you're not going to spy on me or anything like that are you? I mean I got nothing to hide or anything like that...but people sneaking up on me isn't cool." Larissa started to get interesting ideas as what would make her visible..like making her wear a sheet over her like a ghost. It was hard for her not to chuckle at that little joke in her head. "Fascinating is a new one...it's usually trouble or a bitch. Well aside from a pretty awesome knife...I got my own weapon right here.." Larissa turned her palm up and tiny flames appeared. "Also...if anyone get's in your way i've got a killer punch." She smiled closing her calm. "They also say I tend to bring out the evil in others...I'm not quite sure how that works yet though." She thought for a moment, "I thought children from Hades were all boys?" the use of "boy" was intentional because they seemed to lack the qualities of real men.

Nick looked over his shoulder, he didn't know anyone was standing there. "You really think so?" he was baffled by the compliment from the stranger. "I will do that.." he said in response the suggestion. He then erased a bit of the shading and started over, starting with the garden. "I'm Nick son of Apollo..." he paused then continued, "I've been trying to practice. I've never been as good as other children of Apollo in the art of drawing...if my gifts didn't require it i'd never think to draw again." Nick looked up again at the garden, studying the position of things. "It's a really nice day so far," he said unsure of what to discuss with Ryder.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:04 am

Sawyer gave a faint grin "I don't sneak up on people that would be like cheating, if I'm going to win I'll win fair..." Watching the flames dance for that moment had Sawyer wondering if the girl's mother had a bit of Hepheastus in her. Shrugging the thoughts off Sawyer drummed her fingers on her bed and shook her head "Really and here I thought evil was supposed to be my shtick you know daughter of the devil and all...." When the boy comment came up Sawyer closed her eyes "Most of them are, apparently my father's genes are meant to produce male children unlike the others for some strange reason...However there are occasionally girls about two percent of all of my siblings." Sawyer sat up on her bed and cocked her head to the side, besides for hearing the occasional wails of the dead that always seemed to penetrate her dreams she could hear and smell something cooking in the dining hall. "Would you like to get something to eat? Move in day always leaves me starving.." Sawyer held out her hand and let the gold coins that lay their shine "I'm buying."

"Drawing is certainly an art for the patient, but have you ever considered sculpting? Just judging but this drawing I think you'd have a nice hand with that as well and it might be a little easier..." Ryder stopped and stared at the nearly cloudless sky, his pale skin warmed nicely with it and lightened his heart a bit more. "Yes, I'm surprised no fights have broken out, move in day is normally so...hectic." Ryder would have said more but in that moment a winged student was blown threw a window with a jet of water. "That'll teach you to insult my father you winged peice of trash!" Ryder felt the bubble of anger from the daughter of Poiseidon as well as the humiliation of the winged boy..."I spoke too soon it seems..."
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PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 5:09 pm

Larissa watched her as she seemed to be listening to something..'oook,' she thought, 'this ones got some serious issues.' She sat up and thought about declining the offer..the was until Sawyer branished the gold coins, "Dinner sounds great.." As they walked down the halls she noticed some people carrying new books to their bedrooms. "Do classes start tomorrow or is it the next day?" Larissa looked around and realized this was were everyone was..at the large food court. She tied up her hair and grabbed a tray. This place a lot better than any standard food court since it was serving dinner and not lunch food. "Do you like spicy food?" she asked looking over her shoulder at Sawyer.

Nick paused to think about it, never had he really considered sculpting. He placed the sketch book and pencil down to see the arguement that had started. "Woah!" he couldn't believe that the student had just been blown through a window. If the student didn't have wings, Nick would have tried his best to run and help. "I see..incredible," his head shook from side to side. "That's usually why I stay out here for a while. The fights usually stay indoors." Putting up his arms he stretched out, "the reason I wanted to practice drawing is for my visions..I don't think sculpting would be much useful for those..but I would like to try it."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:55 pm

"The next day, more will be arriving tomorrow apparently more have come out of hiding than they expected." Sawyer walked into the crowded lunch room and happily turned her hands and feet invisible, it made her feel better for the reason it always had. Grabbing a tray Sawyer followed Larissa and nodded "I do very much so." They walked around each picking out something tastey and walked to check out. The Centaur on lunch duty took the gold coins and handed Sawyer a few bronze peices back before the two went to find a table. "I like how we still use coin money here I think it makes things easier to handle." Sawyer said picking them a table out.

"You should know by know the fighting never stops, like the gods our parents are we are fickle half bloods." Ryder said glancing at the pair and shivered he'd be feeling their anger for weeks to come, espically if the winged boy retaliated. Listening to Nick talk about his sketching Ryder nodded and gave a rare smile impressed "The gift of foresight, that must be usefull I can see why you'd like to sketch them out, to give you more clarity. I would say sculpting when you're tense or uneasy, it's relaxing...but I can tell you're often calm...That's my gift." Didn't want to freak the boy out but Ryder always tried to be as truthful as possible.
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PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2009 12:46 am

Larissa couldn't help but look at Sawyer's missing hands and feet..she made a mental note to ask what that was about later. Going down the line she filled her plate with meat, pasta, and bread..those three always seemed to be it for her. Then at the end she put hot sauce on everything but the bread, for which she grabbed one those tiny packets of butter. She sat down at the table across from her, "Guess that makes for a nice party tonight," she smiled. "You do know how to party right? Or do I have to teach you?" Larissa picked up the bread and used her fire ability to toast it before adding the butter. "Those invisible abilities...have you ever tried sneaking into the cellars below this place?" A plan was already cooking itself in Larissa's head, "that's where they keep the booze you know? Ha I bet you'd be the coolest on the campus if you could score some for party tonight. What you think about that?" She started speaking in a more hushed mannor, afraid one of the teachers might be listening.

Ryder was right, there was a lot of fighting but Nick had learned to tune it out or to ignore it when he could. Though he wasn't sure his "gift" was very useful, since most of the time they didn't make sense and had people in them he had never seen before. "You can read emotions I take it," He smiled, "no wonder you know so much about the disputes here." Nick said starting to realize this. "Can't you change other peoples emotions then? And make them not be so angry with each other?" Nick laid down on the ground and looked up at the clouds.."Sorry if im bombarding you with questions..I just find other peoples abilities fascinating."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Starting fresh... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 7:24 pm

Sawyer looked at Larissa "I know how to party just fine thank you." Sawyer said taking a large bite of her salad. As Larissa spoke Sawyer couldn't help but nod with her, but she didn't want the popularity and she told Larissa just that. "I have no problem doing that...but I would rather not anyone know it was me. I like that I only rise to the top of the popularity pool when I win sword fight against our rival school or when my father comes to visit." Sawyer pointed her fork at Larissa her hands back to the way they should be "I'll get the goods and you can have the credit what a good deal aye?"

Ryder nodded "Yes I do have the ability to change the emotions of others, but because my gift is so...not to be boastfull unusually strong which is why I haven't yet passed out of school." Managing to look embarassed and yet stoic at the same time Ryder continued "I might change more than the current emotion the target is feeling if I loose focus I could change their entire emotional make up...But I could give you a slight demonstration." Ryder flexed his index finger and a barely noticable strand of silver just emmerged from his finger tip. It was as thin as a spider web and with it Ryder was able to enter into Nick's emotions, soon he'd be able to do it without the use of the thread. "Now I'm going to make you unusually happy, only for a moment don't be frightened." Ryder tweaked his finger again and Nick broke into a huge smile and errupted in giggles.
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PostSubject: Re: Starting fresh...   Starting fresh... Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 3:59 am

Larissa shrugged, "if that's what you want fine by me.." She didn't understsand why Sawyer wouldn't want th credit for it. After eating some more bread she paused, "I wonder when I'll get to meet my father.." her voice had gotten suddenly serious now. "I feel like I've met him, but I haven't. It's these dreams I get from time to time, where he is doing battle and I'm him with these moves that would take me years to learn. I admire what he can do, maybe I'm just not good enough to get a visit from him?" Larissa sucked down more of her soda. "I'm not a horrible student...I have my flaws but he can't hold that against me can he?"

Nick wasn't sure if he should let Ryder demonstrate after hearing he could change his entire temperment by accident. But he didn't want to offend Ryder by thinking he wasn't capable of doing it correctly. Nick's eyes looked at the thin strand of web coming from his finger, never had he seen something like that. Before he thought the change of emotions was all mental, but based upon a silvery string. When Ryder told him not to be frightend he was already a little late for that but soon that fear was replaced with extreme happiness. Nick jumped up suddenly with a smiled on his and his left left the ground as he jumped up with his arms spread out wide...cheering, but for what he didn't know...however that wasn't important to him for some reason. Then he rolled onto the ground giggling contagously.
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