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 On the Open Seas

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:14 pm

The following events take place some time in the early 1800s.

Felicity Cross slammed her mug down onto the table with a loud CRASH, and a loud cheering erupted from all sides. "I told you that you were no match for me." She exclaimed cheerfully to the burly man who sat across from her with a grimace on his face. Her small hand whipped out and grabbed the money from the table and she stood up abruptly and straightened her fashionable little hat. "It looks to be about that time boys. I'm to be home for sunrise or my keep will die from shock when I'm not in my bed when she awakes." She said with a flirtatious smile that she flashed freely around her. "Thank you, Mr. Connolly. You are a fine gentleman and scholar. Do be sure to find me when your ship sails in next, for how I love easy money." She teased, although very aware of his red angry face that appeared to be turning crimson.
As Felicity stepped outside she took a deep breath of the fresh salty sea air. The soft night breeze cooled her cheeks, and took away the flush that came from a bar full of sweaty men and smoke-filled air.
Suddenly aware of how late it was, she set off into a clipped gait towards her home.
Oh, these damn corsets! She was breathless after only moments of twists and turns down alleyways, and she had to stop and clasp her hand to her stomach to steady her breathing.
"Fine night for a stroll, ain't it, Miss?" A voice from behind her caused her to start and go deathly pale. "I'm very late, I'm sorry." She mumbled as she hurried to walk away. A hand reached out and grabbed her wrist gingerly, as if they meant no harm.
"Please, I really must go now." A shiver of ice cold fear shook Felicity. She was no fool. A dark alley in the middle of the night with a stranger was no safe place to be.
"Just wait a moment, deary."
She tried shaking her hand free from the grip, but she couldn't. The hand pulled her slowly closer, until she was close enough to the body belonging to it to see that it was a young man, a few years older than herself.
"I'm so cold. Why don't you come keep me warm?" He sneered as he pulled her into his chest.
Fear made her stiff and shortened her breath. There was no air to scream with.
"Please.. don't!" She whispered, but all she received as an answer was a cold snicker.
He leaned down, and pressed his lips to her pulsating throat, and his lips quivered; like you would see a cat's do while he is bird watching.
"Oh, you smell delicious..." He breathed. His ice cold breath sent goosebumps all over her body.
A piercing pain shot through her as his fangs punctured her jugular and she saw stars dancing in front of her eyes just before she fainted..

Flynn steered his great ship the Wasp into London harbour. It was half past the midnight hour and his crew was glad to see land. They had a huge prize getting ready to be sold and Flynn had already doweled out their share. "Remember men, I don't want you to be drinking offa any of the lads or lassies here. Get the blood you need from the pubs from no where else." Flynn took off his Captain's hat and sat it on the wheel. "Anything else to add Mr. Fletcher?" Kerri swung down from the riggin, her face a bold smile. "I smell fresh blood on any of you coves I'll run you threw and make sure the good king himself sends you down to Austrailia where there ain't no blood on tap." Grumbles rose from the men but Flynn yelled "Dismissed." And they scurried off to shore.
Flynn walked over to his sister and put a hand on her shoulder. He was bulky she was small, but the fire was dancing in her eyes. "Let's go to shore brother, and restock this pour Brigantine." Flynn nodded and the two ran to shore, carefree like they were young again...It had been over twenty years since they'd been bit.

Felicity walked into the pub with a grin plastered on her face. Tonight was the night.
She was going to go through with it this time. She won't chicken out like before.
The hunger burned at her inside like a fire and she couldn't put it off any longer.
It has been two weeks since she fully changed over, and she hasn't had a drop of blood that whole time.
Oh, she was so tempted to back at the school, but she wouldn't let herself bite any of her schoolmates.
A new ship has just pulled in. That's good. I won't be noticed then. She thought as she sauntered over to the bar maiden. "Pint of blood." She demanded as she smacked her money down on the bar.
While she waited for her pint, she took a look around the pub. It was full of smelly seafarers fresh off of the boat. It was a smell she recognized, but it was mixed with a new smell she could only pick out with her new found senses.
It was an ancient smell. It was sickeningly sweet. "It smells like me!" She whispered in awe. They're all vampyres! Her mind raced. "Your pint, hon."
Felicity turned around and took the pint from the bar maid and took a long drink. She almost choked from drinking too fast.
The sweet, glorious, metallic taste filled her mouth and her throat and her belly, putting out the fire as it slid down like a dream.
It was gone way too soon. With her eyes gleaming, she put it back down on the bar and pulled out more money. "More.."

Abel entered the pub and went straight to the bar and ordered his blood from the pretty little girl behind the bar. He flashed her a grin and he watched in enjoyment as she blushed and batted her eyelids.
He turned away and took a look around as he drank slowly, relishing the flavor as it soothed his burning insides.
He looked down to his left and saw a small vampyre who was drinking hers as fast as she could. Obviously a freshly turned vampyre. So young...
"Slow down there, lass. You'll make yourself sick. And take it from me, it's no fun for us." He said with a wink. She looked at him for a moment before smiling a small smile and setting her empty mug down and walking away.
"Sheesh, I was only tryin' ta help." He muttered, his pride a little wounded because she wasn't charmed by his accent like most girls.
"That's a new one, right there." He pointed in her direction while looking to the large figure on his right. It was Flynn. "Never been taught, poor thing. And 'ere I tried to help, and she turned away from me boyish charms." He complained theatrically with a grin. "I just dun know what ta make of it."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:16 pm

"A lot of us were never taught, myself included...and I don't think it'd be too hard to evade your charms." Flynn said drinking slowly taking stock of the girl. She was perhaps a few weeks old and surely this was her first drink. Her skin was far too pale, meaning she hadn't been in the sun, of course the sun harmed them when they didn't have enough blood in their systems. He himself, had the sun kissed glow that all his sailors had. "If you were worried about her all that much you would've approached her differently. As it is now she won't survive to see the year mark as a vampyre..." Flynn narrowed his eyes. It seems that as the animosity between humans and vampyres grew, their numbers weakened because sires never stayed to train their fledges. "If you're all that worried Abel..." For that was clearly the vampyre Abel, an able pyrate. "I'll take her aboard my ship, yourself included if you've got a mind to avoid the hangman." Gesturing softly Flynn smiled as the small boy who'd been watching in the corner stood and sauntered over to the girl a monkey on his shoulder.

"Hey...I'm Kerry." Momo peeked over her/his shoulder and cocked his head. Sitting down with her Kerry put her/his hand out to her. "You're such a fine young thing...but your color." She/he gestured to his own cheeks, which were golden brown. "Don't you know that when vampyres drink enough they can go in the sun?" Taking a drink of his own pint he smiled at her with bloody teeth. "The ones who are persucuting us, well they go for the ones that are pale, , cause it means you're weaker. I'm not gonna lie, there's a group in the corner been eyeing you since you walked in. Now they won't be going for me and mine...so if'n you're looking to save that pretty neck of yours, you're welcome to join our company, as a cabin maid."

Felicity's eyes turned swiftly to her far right, where indeed a table of scary looking men were watching her intently.
She turned back to the boy who was staring at her, and she could see that he could be kind.
"Yours is the ship that just pulled in." She said softly as her brain raced, trying to find a reason to stay.
She didn't like the school she was in, and the girls there weren't anything worth being missed.
Her debut was going to be this summer, but who needed those, really? Then she would have to be married if she didn't run. Married to an old man most likely.
Inside, she was yearning to say yes. Yearning for an adventure, yearning to be free like the heroines from the novels Anne reads so passionately.
With a hesitant smile, she nodded at Kerry. "I'll do it." She confirmed. "I'm Felicity, but call me Fee."

Abel hesitated.
"It's been quite a long time, Flynn. Haven't seen ya around for years, but it seems you haven't lost any of your skills to old age." His voice was lowered, and his expression soothed back to the serious mask he always wore. "You always know when someone is in trouble." A tone of admiration leaked into his voice. "And you know I can't say no to you, I owe you my life on several occasions. I'll go, and I'll watch over the maiden myself." Abel took a long drink from his pint, but the flavor wasn't as vibrant as the first. The second ones never were, and he hated that. "When do we set sail, Captain?"

"Yes I sail on the Wasp..." Kerri narrowed her eyes at the men, giving them an evil glare. Taking the other girls hand she practically pulled her from the seat and up to where her brother and Abel were sitting. "Course you won't just do the cleaning, you'll learn the way to make a life at sea, as my brother Flynn and I think it's the safest place for our kind. When you start getting three good a day you'll get stronger too, don't worry we'll take care of you." Kerri gave the girl a warm smile as they reached Flynn. "Captain, got us a new cabin maid, this is Fee, formerly a Miss Felecity.."

Flynn lightly brushed Abel's hand "Aye Abel, you know I like to help out any in need wether they be human or vampire." Flynn who was still on his first pint looked over at the human hunter that Kerri had pointed out earlier. They wouldn't try anything with them, too many but there were a few other in the bar that they'd like to take out. "We'll be taking off as soon as the lads can get their letters sent." Flynn smiled at Kerri. "Kerri my dear what a pretty thing you've caught for us." Flynn stood and looked down at the girl. Taller than his Kerri, good bone structure, no sickness in her, just pale. "Welcome aboard, I'm your Captain. Flynn Fletcher."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:19 pm

Abel flashed Flynn a grateful look, then turned his attention to the pale girl who walked over with Kerri. "Good evenin' miss." He said politely, the serious look on his face hiding his excited emotions. He hadn't been to sea in months, and he missed it dearly. It was his life, and who he was. The very thing that kept him going when he was at his lowest points. "I'm Abel Fagan, midshipmen pyrate."

"Good to meet you, Captain Fletcher and Abel." Fee grinned. Already she was excited, and she had to concentrate on looking calm. "I've seen you ship before, captain. She's beautiful." She said sincerely. Her gazed wondered over to Abel's dark wings that were half folded behind his back. When she looked at his face, she startled herself because he had a look of angry concentration.

Abel's gaze hardened slightly. He was watching the table in the corner of the room. They seemed to be discussing something heatedly. "Captain, I think it'd be best if we hurried." He said as he nodded towards the table. They were heading over to approach the small group, and Abel felt his wings shake with excitement and his hand wondered to his belt where he kept his knife.

Fletcher watched the men. "Kerri take Fee to the ship, hide her in the stores, you know the spot. Abel and I will get the men, you get the ship ready to sail." He took another drink radiating calm as he finished his tankard. Kerri nodded and fixed her slim hands firmly around Fee's wrist. "Let's get outta here..." She said her voice slipping into the higher octave of her natural voice. She pulled Fee out into the street where another group of men were waiting. "Oh hell...Run!" She yelled her voice a high pitched squeal as she dragged herself and Fee forward. It was all fine until her foot caught and sent both of them tumbling to the ground. Momo stood above them chattering his concerns. "Momo, ship." Kerri said getting back to her feet and helping Fee up, watching as he skittered away. "We'll have to fight stay behind me..." Kerri warned her voice low, as the men approached. "We don't want you boy, we just want the little girl..." Kerri drew her sword. "You want her come and claim her, this little birds warming my sheets tonight." Her voice was back to boy octave and the words menacing. The men laughed and walked forward, ready to pounce.

Jacky was running over the roof tops, when she saw it. Five on two, and one of them a hapless female. Skidding to a halt she drew her sword and flipped off the rooftop. "Three against five seems more fair." She said her tone cold. The men hardened. "Looks like we got a wolf here..." They grinned and came forward. Jacky and Kerri both dropped into a crouch, though Jacky's was of perfessional training and Kerri's the sea faring kind. "You a wolf?" Kerri said blocking the first blow. "That matter now?" Jacky returned slicing a man from naval to nose. "Not in the least...you looking for a ship?" Kerri grinned and slipped a sword straight threw another's rib cage "We need someone who can fight better than me..." Jacky laughed and tripped a man before slitting his throat. "I'd be most interested...." Neither of them noticed the man slipping behind them....

Flynn drew his pistols and pointed them lazily at the men. "I take it you'd be after my new cabin girl?" The lead man sneered. "I know what you are, a coven leader, and you ferry poor things like yourselves away from us noble men..." Flynn narrowed his eyes. So they knew then, that he was a new coven leader and that his own floating coven was becoming more powerful. "If you take me out then you'll have no troubles than...shall we settle this outside?" Flynn smiled at the nodding and knew that Abel was ready to fight.

Fee stood in awe of the two fighting in front of her.
They moved with such grace and extreme precision, she knew right there that she wanted to learn how to do what they did, even if it killed her.
She was so caught up in watching them kill and annihilate, that she didn't see the man sneaking just out of her field of vision.
She didn't see him until it was too late, and he grabbed her roughly from behind and and she squeaked in silent terror. He pulled her into the shadows, and she could feel a knife pressed at the small patch of flesh at the top of her gown; her heart.
Don't scream... You'll get those two killed if you distract them..
In the darkness, she could barely make out the features of his face, but his eyes stood out.
They stared at each other for what seemed like minutes; A look of power and evil in his face, and fear and a sudden hunger in hers.
At first she thought the hunger was her longing for more blood, but slowly she realized that this hunger was new and strange to her. She was overwhelmed by a need that threatened to swallow her up and take over completely.
Let go.. A tiny voice breathed in the back of her mind, and seeing no other option, she did.
A sudden power took over her, and she all but went limp from the force of it.
It heightened her mind until she felt she was thinking faster than time itself.
Suddenly, it was all clear to her, as if the sun had shined down and lit up her mind like a hot summer day. Everything about this man; from the way he walked, held his knife, breathed and cut his hair, was set out in front of her like one of her grandmother's puzzles that she used to play with as a child.
And while she watched him, the pieces flew together, forming a whole.
She could see his weaknesses and strengths as if they were a part of her own.
"You are a coward. That's why she hates you." She snarled in a voice that didn't seem like her own. It sounded so powerful and dark that it chilled her to the bone.
She watched his steady glare of hatred falter as he puzzled over how she could know what was bothering his most private of inner sanctums.
Just when he seemed to least expected it, she reached up in between them and her balled fist connected with his jaw with a fair sounding, "SMACK!".
Of course, she was too weak to hurt him, but his eyes widened in shock and his knife left her chest long enough for her to reach out and take it from his unsuspecting hand.
"Your weakness is as plain to the world as your face." She hissed, pointing the blade at him with a steady hand.

Abel's dagger was in his left hand, and his sword was in his right.
His heart was pounding and his eyes were darting around excitedly. He missed getting into fights like these with Flynn.
He followed Flynn out the door along with both groups of Pyrates and non-pyrates.
Everyone was anxious and excited to see this brawl.
"I've got your back, mate." Able said with a wink at Flynn. His face was a mask of seriousness that betrayed nothing of his cocky attitude towards the outcome of this fight.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:20 pm

Kerri heard the sound of flesh colliding with flesh and dropped the man in front of her before turning around. Fee was pointing a dagger at a man and Kerri realized they'd let one get away. "Can you handle this?" She asked the other girl and Jacky simply smiled. "Easily..." Kerri ran off to stand by Fee. "I told you lad, this'uns mine." Kerri lurched forward, her long blade catching the man in the windpipe, so he fell to the ground wheezing. "He's yours to finish Fee, run the bastard threw, take him how you like, but finish him." Kerri watched with cold eyes as the girl in front of her trembled with the dagger pointed at the man kneeling at their feet. It would be hard, but with vampyrism came blood, blood that was taken or paid for it didn't matter when the time came. And when they tried to take your life you fought back with all you had it was all you could do.

Jacky smiled at the remaining two men. "You know I'll kill you as easily as I killed your mates, but if you promise to give up hunting I won't hurt you." The two men were younger than the others she'd killed, even less experienced and worse they looked to be brothers. The one she figured for the youngest set his sword shakily on the ground while the other held his high. "Give me an altimatium girl? We'll see..." He dashed forward just as the other man ran off, Jacky set her eyes cold. The pary was easy but she held back on the thrust, pricking him just a bit in the belly. As he fell to the ground and his sword clattered, Jacky cleaned her blade with his handkercheif before sliding it back in her sheif. Kneeling she put his head in her lap. "You brother was a smart one to run...But I have spared you're life because I know he'll need someone to look after him. Take my words as truth that should we meet again as hunter and wolf I will kill you but should we meet in a gracious way I will show no sign of remembering your face..." Quickly she cuffed him so that he was unconcious and bandaged his stomach, which had already stopped bleeding.

The men circled the two men, Flynn calmly loaded the pistols. "Thanks mate..." He spoke softly before firing a quick shot into a man's eye. Of all men and vampyres very few came close to the accuracy that Flynn had with pistol or any kind of firing weapon. As the man dropped to the ground, dead as the dead got the rest of the men screamed and pounced on the two vampyres. "Aim to kill I hate loose ends." Flynn told Abel clubbing a man and knocking him to the ground before shooting his heart. True enough he prefered quick killing, hating the person to suffer, it was only when he was in rare moods that torture was even thought about.

Fee nodded at Kerri, but remained still as a statue, watching the man wheeze and whimper on his knees.
The smell of his blood was in her nose, sending a screaming pain through her veins like a poltergeist. But at the same time, she was repulsed. She had never taken a victim before, and the idea made her slightly nauseous.
Don't be so weak! Her mind commanded suddenly; the scent of his blood was causing her mind to rave uncontrollably. With another tiny nod, she knelt down and pulled his wrist to her and up to her lips.
She smelled it, and forcing herself to hold back was making her dizzy.
Suddenly, when her body couldn't be held back anymore, she sank her teeth into his wrist where the blood pulsed into her waiting belly.

Abel nodded and at the sound of Flynn's gun, he was a blur of motion.
He plunged his sword into the man nearest him and with a sweeping movement he slit the man's throat. He pulled the blade out with a quick yank and then stomped on another man's foot and plunging the dagger into the poor bloke's mouth.
Blood was flying everywhere in only a matter of moments, and there wasn't a scratch on either of them yet.
"Come on, old man! Keep up!" He called out to Flynn in a teasing tone as he stabbed a man in the foot from his kneeling position on the ground and then plunging the sword upwards into the man's stomach.

When the man was dry as dust Kerri pulled Fee off and swiftly broke the neck. Laying him back down she dusted off her hands. "Here's something important, Flynn...err..Captain Fletcher doesn't allow live kills on deck of humans, or in port usually but he'll make an exception for this. Now what you've got to remember when you take a live kill you have to break the neck." When Fee looked puzzled Kerri sighed. "Vampires can be made three ways. The first is by blood, you, me our crew and quite a few others are made this way. This is the strongest way to make a vampire and always produces what we call a Master vampire. If no blood is mixed and it is just saliva those are called Minions, saliva always creates a minion so if you don't want to make a vampire you break the neck counteracting the saliva. The third way is with semen, which is how Flynn was made. It takes a very skilled vampire to use semen as the liquid and it always makes strong vampires called Kings, which is why Flynn can call other Masters and all Minions to serve him." Kerri mad sure Fee understood and smiled. "He doesn't though, he gets others to serve him with kindness..."

Jacky walked up to them, a slight grin on her face. "Finished with them...I'm Lady Jacqueline Lissette de Lise, female spy and former Midshipman in the French Navy. Vive la France, viva la King." Jacky spoke with her prounouced french accent before switching easily into her english voice where no accent shown threw. "I will be willing to serve on a vampyre ship as long as I can get passage to America. I have heard rumors that my kind have always been there and that they are as common there as vampyres are here..." Jacky held her back straight as those in the navy were taught to do and looked at the pyrate and the girl. "You're welcome on our ship to stay as long as you like, we can always use midshipman." Kerri took booth girls by the hand. "Come on my fine ladies let's head to the ship."

Flynn wasn't one for blood shed, but he finished the last of the men of with a bullet to the heart. The slaughter around them leaked into the gutter. "Old man? Just because I edge on forty doesn't mean I'm old...I feel...only twenty as it were..." Flynn laughed and clasped Abel on the back. "Come let's get back to the ship, we're shipping off tomorrow and we've just restocked, I'll treat you to a drink, of any kind you want." It wasn't unusual for Flynn's vampires to drink wine and ale instead of blood on occasion and he kept it all stocked.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:22 pm

Abel grinned at Flynn and followed him back to the ship. "I see our new girl and lovely Kerri have returned safely." Abel said as they boarded slowly. "Something smells a tad off, though..." He sniffed the air, and at first all he smelled was the salty sea, but a closer whiff brought back the smell of what seemed like a wet dog. "You smell 'at?" He asked quietly as he slowed down to a tip toe. "You don't reckon a werewolf got 'em, do ya?" He asked, slightly worried at the increasingly sickening smell.

Fee was standing on the main deck with Kerri and Jacky. "You two were spectacular!" She crowed happily. "I didn't doubt you for an instant." She clapped. "Where did you learn to fight like that? You must teach me!"

The sound of a young girl's merry laughter floated down to greet Abel's nervous ears. "That was Miss Fee." He whispered, flashing a look at Flynn. "What do you reckon is goin' on?"
Slowly, they tip toed up into the boat and saw the trio standing around, chatting away merrily.
One was Kerri, the other was Fee, but the third person Abe didn't know. But they appeared to be the cause of the smell. And as if he wasn't nervous enough, he could feel Flynn bristling next to him. Able obediently crouched down into his ready-to-fight pose and waiting for Flynn to speak..

Flynn's nose was startled by the smell, and when he saw this new blonde female with his and smelled her scent his eyes went wide and black. "We get the girls....and I'll take to the creature..." Werewolves were scum, they were violent and attacked anything in sight, at least that was what he'd always known them as. It was common fact that werewolves worked for Napoleon, and murdered anyone they could.

Jacky smiled "I learned from my father's and brothers, and then more in the French Navy." Jacky beamed and looked at her new companions. An honest lad and a charming girl, both older than her for sure but it was nice, that they weren't worried about her little 'furry' problem.

Flynn gave the signal and he quickly rushed the blonde while Abel got the girls a distance away. As the body hit her Jacky gave a slight oomph, before she growled. She and the man that tackled her wrestled on the ground a bit before he had her pinned firmly. Flynn bared his teeth and Jacky gave a light growl deep in her throat. "Who are you and what do you want?" Jacky snorted "I should be asking the same question, vampyre." Flynn snarled "Tell me dog or I'll tear out your throat." Jacky narrowed her eyes "Lady Jacqueline Lissette de Lise."

"Flynn you rotten bastard, she saved our lives." Kerri struggled to get out of Abel's grip, in the process her long red hair came tumbling out of the hat. Flynn turned and snarled at his sister, causing her to almost heel to his wishes. "What do you want here, on my ship?" Jacky growled "I was offered a position as midshipman, by Kerri...after I saved Fee and Kerri from attackers..."

Abel charged and grabbed Kerri and Fee by their waists, and struggled to hold Kerri back. "I think maybe you should listen to her, mate." He said softly. And then after casting a quick look around the ship, he turned to Kerri. "And you'd better get that hair inside your cap again, love." He let Fee go and grabbed Kerri's hat and her hair and quickly put it back on right so all of her red flaming locks were hidden again; all the while holding her waist so she didn't charge into Flynn.

"She's telling the truth, Captain. She and Kerri saved my life." Fee said boldly, walking over next to Flynn and Jacky. "If she hadn't showed up, who knows what would have happened. We could have died."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the Open Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the Open Seas   On the Open Seas Icon_minitimeTue Dec 30, 2008 9:22 pm

Flynn snorted with fury and let Jacky up, who sprang to her feet eyes narrowed. "You may come aboard but any funny business I'll throw you overboard." Jacky stopped picking at her nails and looked up at the vampyre. Tall, strong, older, she was no match for him and probably never would be. When she had finished her appraising Jacky grinned and dusted off her dress. "No trouble at all, I told your charming brother..." Kerri had the decency to look ashamed "I'll stay on as long as it takes to get to america." Flynn looked at the girl this time, really looked, strong, lean, dangerous a perfect match for his crew. "Fine then, get your sea bag we ship out at dawn." Flynn turned and walked up to Abel, "Let Kerri and Fee go now, let them get settled before you're set to bothering them." Abel looked confused and Flynn gave a hearty laugh "The ladies will be sharing your quarters as to keep the crew from them." With a smirk on his lips Flynn walked unto the ship and into his cabin.

Kerri stared at Flynn's retreating back, her mouth hanging open. "No, no, no, no! I refuse to share a room with this womanizer! Flynn get your scrawny ass back here!" Kerri yelled but Flynn just kept walking. Slumping onto the deck Kerri sighed. "Be watching your hands with the likes of Fee Abel, or I swear Momo and I will never let you rest." The monkey which had crawled up into the rigging chattered angirily and shook a fist. Kerri motioned for Fee to sit next to her still giving Abel the evil eye.

Jacky ran over the roof tops, until she reached the chimmeny where she'd stored her gear. Grabbing the black sea bag which held all her possessions Jacky leapt unto the street to begin a calm walk back. She'd enjoyed the town, a nice place that had yet to be touched by the war with Napoleon, humming a bit to herself Jacky was about halfway back to the ship when she heard a sound behind her. Dropping the bag she swung around sword in hand just in time to block a mace. "Who uses a fucking mace?" She growled pushing the man back, he was instantly joined by five other men. "We've come from the feilds we're looking for deserters, and for spys." The man growled, and fangs showed under his hood. Jacky swallowed. They were Wolves, big ones, not old but not dumb. Sheathing her sword Jacky lowered her eyes as if in defeat and slipped the blade into her bag. "You've certainly found one boys, now let's see if you can keep her." It was as if she was melting, that's what she thought when she changed into the wolf. It shocked the wolves, now she knew they were young, when she changed. Jacky managed to grab the bag in her mouth and take off running. By the time she reached the ship she was limping on two paws, her tail was dripping red, and many spots on her fur were darker than normal. Whimpering she heavied herself on deck and lay breathing heavily, she didn't even have the strength to change back.
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