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 On the High Seas

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2009 9:52 pm

At the helm Flynn breathed deeply as he watched the sun rise in the East. The explosions of colors never failed to shock him into awe as well as filling him with humbleness. It was privelege Flynn knew, not a right and certainly not something destiny had choosen. Though Flynn had never told Kerri, he knew quite well that the vampiric woman that had taken him to her bed that night had every intention to kill him, it had been a mistake, an accident that in his desperation to escape, to return to his sister that he'd bitten her. Once that first drop of blood had hit his tongue he was a dead man, the taste the smell, everything he knew of the coppery liquid was heightened in that moment he felt real life. Flynn remembered that night clearly, every detail except for the woman's face. Well she'd cursed him, cursed him for taking the kill from her, but now she would punish him. This woman denied him his new craving and took his blood while making love to him, before draining his blood at the final crushing orgasm. He'd woken blind and deaf and tired as hell. He'd nearly caught fire running back to the ship and Kerri. She'd nursed him as the painful, disorienting and scaring experience of becomeing a vampire took him. "Flynn?" Shaking himself from his morbid thoughts Flynn looked to see the fiery red hair and green eyes that were so like his own. "Morning my love, did you sleep well?" Flynn grinned noticing that the sun was completely up now, he'd missed the sunrise in his brooding. "You were brooding again." She stated and Flynn simply nodded and patted her head "Nothing to worry your pretty head about my love, we're making port tonight tell the young ones, that we'll be getting fresh supplies." Kerri nodded and skipped off, Flynn could only shake his head.

Kerri'd woken that morning with an eager cabin boy in her face. "Mornin' Miz Kerri!" It wasn't odd to see the once dark skin paled and yet still as lusterously dark as the moment they'd met. Franklynn was young still and couldn't stand the sunlight yet, but Kerri had been feeding him a little of her old blood every day and he'd been getting stronger. "Morning Franklynn, ready for breakfast?" The young boy had been changed and left in an alley, Flynn had rescued him from a pack of wolves and the twins had nursed him slowly back to health. "Yes ma'am." Kerri slowly uncurled herself from the bed and slinked to him. Exposing her throat she winced only slightly as the eager boy bit her. In a few moments it was over and Kerri rushed on deck to greet her brother. She saw him standing there blonde hair blowing in the wind as he stared out to sea. She'd always admired him the muscles she'd never have. Kerri loved being a woman it was just that being a man was so much easier espically in these times, and for a vampire.

Jaqui layed in her wolf form in a dingy gutter. The sun was up now and heating her fur nicely after the night had chilled her to the bone. Transforming back into her human form she lay under her filthy blankets for a moment before standing and gathering her things. She didn't remember the last time she'd bathed and from the looks she was recieving it had been a lot longer than she assumed. Running fingers threw her dirty hair Jaqui combed threw the messy and very dirty locks before pulling them into a tight braid before gathering the rest of her things and strapping her sword to her hips. Though she was disheveled and dirty that was meticulousy clean. Walking briskly threw the crowds she made it to the warf and into a very nice though inexpensive tavern/inn. "A room and a hot bath please, then a meal." The woman at the bar eyed her "Got money fer thet?" Jaqui noticed the eyeing over and stiffened her spine. "I do." The woman grinned showing she had a few golden teeth in her mouth "Need a job, yer pretty enough for these boys." Jaqui shuddered on the inside, that was basically asking if she'd be up to becoming a whore for a permanent room and a tiny profit. "No thank you ma'am as it is I'm currently searching for my husband part of the navy." The woman's eyes softned "Course lovely, but should he be found dead..." Jaqui took the hint, with cleaning up she'd bring in a lot of customers, a young widow. Of course she wasn't married but a little white lie was better than the truth in this case, which was that she'd escaped from Napoleon. Taking her key Jaqui went to her room and waited for the servant to bring her hot water for her bath.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2009 4:44 am

Valerie woke in her bed; her limbs stretched out and sheets pushed off to the floor. "What happend last night?" she groaned feeling her forehead in pain. Against her will she went to the mirror and gasped in horror. Blood was crusted in her wild hair and underneath her finger nails. "What 'ave I done?" Val shook and used water and soap to scrub it out of her nails. And after she cleaned herself up she joined her parents in the kitchen.
"Valerie dear did you go last night? The door was open when your father came home." Her mother asked as she sat down to eat breakfast.
"Yes, I had trouble sleeping...I needed a run, but don't worry I was careful," she gave them smile, but really inside she was troubled and not at all in the mood to eat. After forcing down the food she left to the shop. Using her key she opened the door and flipped the sign to read "Open". Valerie sat down and continued to pick at her fingernails...'did I kill someone?' she wondered, 'why am I doing this at night?' It wasn't new to her that her werewolf tendancies got out of control, but they have never gone this far and it scared her more than anything.

Chris Falcon had boarded a ship for a ride to the next port. His magic told him that this port was going to see a spike in vampire activity. In the morning they arrived and he disembarked to the port town he had never visited before. For a shilling he was able to buy a local newspaper from boy at the dock. The front page had a catching title story. "Popular watchmaker found dead, wolves be at fault". Chris shook his head and laughed, "ignorant bastards.." It disgusted him to hear that werewolves were flurishing in this cute little town..but the vampires came first for him, then if he had time he'd deal with this wolf business.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 10:34 am

Flynn's eyes narrowed as his nose twitched and burned with a smell he was very familiar with as his faithful ship Wasp made port. Beside him Kerri noticed the way her brother's body stiffened as the wind blew in from the port town, taking a deep breath Kerri instantly clamped her hands over her nose and let her eyes water while making a small noise of disapproval. "Wolves? This far north?" She managed to say before Flynn started laughing at her.

The smell wolves had was very distinct, like fruit melting on a hot summer day extremely sweet, hot, and raw. For vampires it burned their nostrils reminding them of the sun that even the old ones couldn't stand, however the more one was around wolves the less it burned and the more pleasant it was like a first kiss or a ripe strawberry. Kerri had not spent as much time with wolves as Flynn had.

Vampire's had a similar effect on wolves. The vampire's smell was a cold burn much like your first breath on a dry winter's day when all one can smell is snow and frost, it bit at their noses. Once they had been in enough contact with vampires however the smell changed to one similar to fresh dew on a foggy morning.

"Napoleon's reach is strong however there is no scent of his war here, there is something else." Kerry glared at her brother "You know I can't smell that much, I'm a Master not a King." Flynn smiled and kissed his sister's forehead "That I know twin, that I know it's just barely there besides but only the old ones can go on the town tonight." Kerry narrowed her eyes "Why what's out there?" Flynn grinned as they were greeted at the port by shippers and dockhands. "A hunter." Kerry let out a small gasp and ran to tell the crew. They'd lost five at the last port from a group of Class C's, another three before that in fact this port they were recruiting as well as getting supplies.

Only Flynn and Kerry went into the town to buy and gather supplies, the other old ones were guarding the ship and the young ones. "Alright keep your eyes peeled anyone that looks suspicious you hightail it back to the ship." Flynn looked at his sister who was currently dressed like a young boy, she grinned at him "I know, I'm faster than you so if you smell any hunters..." The phrase was left unsaid. The hunter was more of a risk to Kerry than to Flynn, only a class A would have hopes of killing him but Kerry could be hurt by a group of class C's or a single class B.

The Twins parted and Flynn traveled down the streets to a small shop, the smell of wolves radiated off of it as he went inside he put on his most charming smile. He was looking for a new sea chest for Kerry, Flynn was expecting a grizzled old shop keeper he never expected the young woman to greet him. "Hello I'm Captain Flynn of the HMS Wasp I'm looking for a sea chest can you help me Mrs..." He hope to god she wasn't married, such a pretty young thing, wolf or no was such a waste as a shop keepers wife.

Jacky was clean her rich clothes nestled away in an old sea bag. She was in a flowing white dress, simple cotton and wore no shoes, the only thing that could draw attention to her was the sword strapped at her waist even in disguise she refused to take it off. Walking threw the streets she recieved many calls from dock workers but Jacky ignored them as best she could which was very well if she said so herself. She was looking for a ship any ship that would take her to the New World where she could forget this life. Jacky was day dreaming as she walked and didn't notice the man right in front of her until she smacked right into him.

Normally Jacky was an example of grace and elegance but at the particular moment she found herself landing hard on her tail bone. Grimacing she looked up at the man she'd run into and her eyes immediately locked on his sword and pistol. Jacky widened her eyes and tried to give the appearance of being a lowly street girl, simply prowling the docks for a bit of spare change, it would have worked better if she hadn't been so clean. "B-begging your pardon s-sir." She stuttered out in perfect english...
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 6:22 pm

Valerie could sense vampires in the area and she crossed her fingers in hopes they wouldn't enter her shop. Vampires were always so difficult to deal with on the rare occaisions they came to her shop for supplies. She had just finished stocking a shelf and turned around to see the vampire captain standing there. In surprise she shook, which usually wasn't the case..but after her strange morning her senses were off. "Hi.." she breathed out with the small amount of air that was left in her chest. "Miss.." she corrected. "Martinez," Her smile showcased her canines which she didn't need to hide from the vampire. "Chests are this way," she turned and walked down the row dried fruit and salt to a back room that contained weapons cases, polish and chests. "Any particular size you have mind?" Valerie wondered what the vampire wanted with a sea chest, but it was probably best not to ask. Instead she examined him as he looked at the chests available. He looked really powerful and the scar that ran across him was deep. Having worked in the shop for many years now Val encountered a lot of tough, rude, drunken sailors passing through town and always managed to stay nice and friendly..but of course not too friendly because they were sailors after all, of all breeds and none of them could be trusted with any range of commitment. Not to mention her father would go on a rampage if she was seeing anyone other than a wolf.

Chris was standing, facing the sea as he eyed what he believed as a vampire ship in port. His head shook knowing it was suicide even for a high level hunter such as himself to go alone. His eyes spotted a pair that had stepped off the ship and split off..this was his chance. But before he could take a step someone bumped right into him from behind. Fearing it was a mugger he drew a knife from his belt and turned around ready for attack. But none was standing there...his eyes looked to the ground seeing the girl wide-eyed dressed as if she were a greek goddess, but the elegant figure seemed tarnished with the appearance of a sword strapped around her. Something about her seemed to set off alarms in his brain...yes...it was a spell he had performed before arriving which warned him of the immediate presense of wolf blood. He was afterall a human..his hunter skills came easy when it came to identitfying vampires, but werewolves were more tough for him since he hadn't the training yet to become sensitive to their unique presense. His eyes glared...the headline of an innocent good man killed by wolves entered his conscious. "Do you know who I am?" He folded his arms across his chest...he wondered if his name had reached to the wolves of this area yet..Behind it was his relentless disgust for their kind and the ruthless consequences that followed to commiting horrible crimes against humanity. It usually wasn't his job to hunt this breed of monster..but if the crimes were bad enough he'd track down the killer.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 7:03 pm

"It's not the size that counts it is the handi-work my dear." Flynn said seeing her eye him up, though techinacally he was considered a pirate he always adheard to a special moral code that his crew did as well, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. "You see it's for the love of my life, my twin sister who sails with me. Our birthday is coming up soon and I'd like to get her something pretty and yet usefull. We both have an interest in pretty things." Flynn gave her a quick wink before touching a dark stained wood chest with two dolphins jumping on it in front of a rising sun. "Now this is quiet beautiful and adds quite the flair I was looking for, who much Miss Martinez?" Flynn liked the way her skin looked under the natural light that was flitered by the windows, warm, soft almost glowing. Her skin smelled just spicy enough that he knew the wolf blood in her was dialuted by human blood and that thought alone peaked his interest even more.

Noticing the way his eyes narrowed had Jacky and standing. "No but the way your looking at me tells me I should have." Dusting the street grime off her dress Jacky hated the way he had height on her that would make taking him in battle more difficult than she previously thought. "My name is Jacky, by your accent I can tell that you are not a spy who was sent after me or an assasian, so let us get one thing perfectly clear." The french now apparent in her voice Jacky spoke rapidly fiddling with her sword "If you choose to engage I can assure you that neither of us will live to see the end of the fight." She smiled up at him her fangs apparent and her voice edging on feral. "I am very good at what I do sir, and that is to kill things like you." As always her mouth always got ahead of her.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Jun 11, 2009 8:50 pm

Valerie raised a brow at him, it wasn't very often that sailors came for "pretty" things...in fact they never did. It sounded kind of sweet that he treated his twin sister so kindly and thought of her as the love of his life..Valerie never had brother, but knew they could be pain in the asses because she thought of her pack as her brothers. However she felt a sinking in her gut as he admited to liking pretty things and winking at her. "Uhmm.." she stammered, "Twenty shilings." Valerie said after looking up from the chest. She started to think about how insane her friends would think she is if she told them about this strange encounter with a captain. She lightly scratched the back of her neck as she waiting for his response to the price..which she deemed fair because of hand painted design being so large. As he looked at her though she could see mind busy at work through his eyes. Could this vampire really be interested in her? Valerie shook off the thought, it was a dangerous idea to even consider.

Chris wanted to laugh at the little wolf...so he did. "You can't be serious..you what army little one?" He took out his sword and held up, "You see this sword...I've decapitated more vampires than you could even dream of. I am not a spy..I am a hunter, I hunt creatures that are not welcomed here and you are out of your league I believe. I've been killing long before your diseased blood first pumped through your feral heart," His accent thick, hoping to invoke some terror in her. Chris put the sword away, "I doubt you've ever encounted anyone like me..much less killed things like me. I am not here to engage with you..but rather to destroy some vampires and find out which of your breed killed a well liked watchmaker." Looking down at her he knew she was no threat to him, but she was pretty witty..either that or just plain ignorant he wasn't too certain. Chris thought it was cute she thought he might be some kind of spy or assasin, 'what a wild imagination' he thought. Chris didn't have really any idea who the girl before him was..but that didn't really enter his mind.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 11:18 am

Jingling his leather money pouch Flynn took out a few gold coins and a few silver coins and handed them to Val. "Sorry this is all I've got on me at the moment." It was much more than her asking price but then Flynn always tended to over pay, he prefered to have many friends than many enimies. Hiking the chest under his left arm Flynn gave Valerie a sweet smile. "How about you join my sister and I down at the local pub tonight for some dinner? It isn't often that you meet such lovely people in a port town and I'd like to give you a night out..." Flynn wondered why he wanted to take her out so badly, why he wanted to show his sister this charming young girl so much. Yes it was partly because as a wolf she provided experience to his often foolish sister but also...also because she was beautiful and he wanted to spend as much time with her as he possibly could. Kerry would certainly tease him, as would the rest of the lads, after all it was highly unusual for a vampire to become enamoured with a wolf but then Flynn always was slightly stranger than other vampires.

Jacky gave him a cheeky grin. "Oh a hunter, save poor little me!" She said and mocked terror, Jacky knew she wasn't really thinking about what she was doing but then again when did she ever? When she had to worry about her life, when she had someone to live for....Straightening her back Jacky said "You're probably right, three years is a short time to be a wolf but considering I was simply a lucky child who was affected by wolf venom I'd rather be alive than dead." Jacky drew her own sword and let the metal shine in the sunlight. "Knowing that the only means you have to hurt me is that sword I don't mind telling about myself, as you and I certainly aren't taking the other seriously. With this sword I have killed many of Napoleon's inner circle..." Jacky's normally light and playful eyes darkened as she sheathed the sword once more "Many hunters, vampires and other wolves have stood in my way, but I did my duty for England and for France these past few years...I belong here as much as you do, but what would like now is a home across the sea where I don't have to worry about having a dagger placed in my back or my belly..." Looking up at him Jacky gave him her cheekiest and most arrogant smile. "And I'm only feral when I'm having fun..."
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2009 9:43 pm

Her eyes widened looking at the coins he had given her. The brightness the coins possessed shimmered from the morning rays that shown through the front window. She almost didn't want to accept it as payment because even one of the coins was too much, but the couldn't just let him have the chest for free. The wolf closed her fist and held the payment close to her chest. Valerie blushed a bit at the suggestion of meeting him for dinner, "I don't know...would your sister even be alright with that? You know I am a werewolf after all." She couldn't control her smile and deeply wanted to go but if any of the pack saw her the pub with two vampires what would they think? Especially with one who seemed to take a more intimate interest with her, Valerie could tell the different between kindness and flirting. But unlike the other times she was more relaxed by the flirting from the captain. "Do you think it would be wise..for the both of us?"

Chris rolled his eyes at her mocking of terror. "Lucky? is that what they call these days?" He laughed. His eyes looked on as she drew his sword, there was no reason for him flinch or be alarmed..simply due to the fact that there were so many people around. His brow raised and he thought back to what he had said, "Honestly I don't give a damn about you..and I wouldn't be surprised if those that stood in your way were weaker than a hag. They probably saw you as a easy target, because why else would a hunter or vampire give you the time of day? My allegiance is with Spain. I advise you leave Europe as quickly as possible." Chris nodded and started to walk on his way past her.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeMon Jul 20, 2009 5:31 pm

Flynn put a hand to his chin and circled Valarie making a few noises before shaking his head. "You're right...my sister has this thing about brunettes..." Flynn gave his version of a stern look before shaking in laughter "She's jealous of them, tends to think darker hair is more feminine. I can't change her mind either way..." Flynn wanted to run his fingers threw Val's hair but restrained himself, wolf bites stung like hell. Giving her a nod and another wink Flynn started walking to the door before turning around to give Val one last look. "You know when I look at you all I see is a beautiful woman, being a wolf not important...what do you see when you look at me? We'll be at the Hogs Head at sundown...I hope to see you there." With that Flynn left the shop, whistling a jaunty tune and hoping to get the chest into Kerri's room before she returned home...and really hoped that Val would join them that night for dinner.

Jackie growled at the Spainard and turned. Damned if she'd stand and be insulted when she had money to spend on safe passage to the New World. Still fuming about running into that annoying hunter Jackie let her guard down as she entered an alley way to head into the tavern district. "Idiot, thank god I'm in such a good mood today..." A cloud passed over the sun and Jackie perked her ears at a sound and barely avoided the dagger thrown at her back, instead it just grazed her shoulder. The burn was intense, "Ow a silver dagger honestly!" Jackie drew her sword and spun around to see two wolf trackers. "You're under arrest for crimes against the Queen if you come quietly we won't have to use force." Jackie's eyes turned black as her blood boiled. "Your blood will stain the ground before I you lay hands on me." It all happened in a blur and ended with both men lying on the ground their stomachs split open, and Jackie with a silver dagger in her leg. The blood hissed as it poured out of the wound a darker color than it should have been as the poison spread threw her blood. The handle was laced with silver so Jackie couldn't pull it out, grimacing Jackie crawled out to the street hoping that she could get someone to pull out the poison dagger before it killed her.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 12:26 am

Valerie could smell the changes that were going on in Flynn's body, such as the sweet scent of sweat. Part of her was scared of his sister already, not only did she have her lycanthopy against her but the color of her hair and the affections Flynn displayed towards her. She knew how a woman like his sister would react, but wasn't it worth it? He said she was beautiful, and this time it wasn't coming from a lustful wolfman looking for someone to bang. Valerie smiled back at a loss for words when he posed the question to her. But in her mind she had already answered: she saw chilvery...a knight. Vampire yes...but he didn't act like any vampire she had encountered before..They would have paid no attention to her or if they did they'd call her the rotten of names. Nothing but a beast in a woman's clothing. Hogs Head was it? Her thoughts quickly went to what she had planned today. There was a pack meeting, but that wasn't to be until two or three in the morning when the night was most dark. Valerie decided that she had to go, because not going would only make her wish she would have. Now there was a spring in her step as curiosity for the vampire grew by the hours. Valerie kept cleaning the shop...day dreaming about his green eyes, until she smelled the scent of wolves blood.

Leaving the shop, she followed the scent to a woman who looked in pain from a dagger that protruded from her leg. "O my.." The silver shinned in the sunlight. "Let me help you," she said taking the girls hand. "In my shop I have gloves..we can pull it out safetly there." Valerie felt obligated to help this woman because she was one of her own kind..the sword she carried made her a little nervous.

Chris kept walking till he noticed the vampire he had seen from before leaving a supply shop carrying a chest. He stayed in well range behind the vampire, but wondered how many of his kind were aboard that ship..of course he wouldn't know unless he went aboard. Tonight he'd take a peak, it would be safe then since most would be at the taverns drinking till the passed out. That was the plan.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 9:20 pm

Jackie looked up at the girl her eyes glazed over in pain and gave her a slight smile. "I'd appreciate that...very much." Giving a hiss in pain Jackie let a tear slide down her face as her body changed into that of the small black wolf. The dress stayed on the wolf but her belt fell steadily off her and Jackie took it in her mouth. She followed the girl back to her shop, limping and barely keeping her conciousness. The extraction of the blade was painful and quick and the wound bubbled as her body rejected the silver poison. When all of it was gone she changed back and though she was quiet sick held her hand out to the woman. "Thank you, I'm Jackie is there anything I can do to repay your kindness?"

Kerri had been watching the man all morning, and now that he was staring at the ship again she decided to make her move. Rushing up she tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned to look she went in front of him. "You know that's a vampire ship...the Wasp it's called." She gave him a cheeky grinned and sauntered just far away that she wasn't within easy reach of his sword. "The crew, they're under the protection of England...it'd be bad for anyone to even look at it wrong...espically a hunter like you." He smelled like one, her nose wasn't that good yet but she could tell that he had power, it churned her stomach a bit. "So you should mind your busniess and find a weaker target." Oh yes full of cheek Kerri was, Flynn always blamed her red hair.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:44 am

Valerie was new to nursing wounds, even wolf ones but taking out the blade seemed simple enough with the help of gloves. She watched the poison ooze from the wound, the smell was nauseating to her wolf senses. "Oh there is no need to repay me, you're just lucky I was able to track the scent of your blood. But you can tell me who it was that hurt you. I'd like to avoid a worse fate." Val returned with some bandage to place her leg to help it heal. "Are you with the army?" she asked remembering the sword she carried. "Ohh" Valerie felt a little embarressed in forgetting to introduce herself, "My name is Valerie..of the Kappa clan," she shook her hand.

"Protection of England?" he raised a brow looking at the new stranger that had the guts to touch him. "What makes the British think that they can protect vampires? Blood sucking murders?" Chris looked at the Wasp, "I don't go after weak targets...How many vampires are aboard that vessel? Since you seem to know so much about it?" A grin started grow on his face as he recognized this woman as the one he had seen earlier leave the ship with the guy he was just watching. "Have any other good reasons why I shouldn't perform the ritual right now?" He took a step closer to her, "I can purify you..turn you back to a human and make vampires afraid to even be in your presence..let alone turn you again."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 10:51 am

Jackie grinned and leapt off the table, feeling a lot better now. "Yes I was with the army, both French and English but don't worry the ones that got me won't come after you and yours. Their job was to find traitors and bring them back to face trial, they were English." Jackie pondered on it for a moment before adding "They wouldn't come after you if you were French either for that matter." Moving her leg Jackie was pleased that her advanced wolf healing had already gotten the better of the wound, it wasn't as fast or nearly as effiecent as a vampyres but it did the job alright. Jackie then took the time to really smell the girl and couldn't help but smile "It's nice to see that clans are building up I'm not a born one myself." Jackie showed Valarie the large bite wound on her calf, the thing that had changed her life around. "But it's nice that the others are branching away from Napoleon and starting out on their own...however if their is nothing else I can do before I depart let me tell you this." Jackie strapped her sword back on and felt all the better for it "A hunter is prowling the habors looking for the killer of a watchmaker, he is under the impression it is wolves. Tell your pack to be on their guard."

Kerri laughed and danced away a bit, though truth be told she was a little worried. "Well for one, the ship helps protect others from the looting of valuables and people from Napoleon's fleet. The other is that they don't kill, they only drink what's on tap." Kerri gave him a sweet smile, knowing he knew her game. "The entire ship is crewed by vampyres down to the last cabin boy, so let's see." Kerri made a slight show of counting on her fingers "Just a little over a hundred I'd suspect, and I know so much about it because I'm the first mate." Kerri would have extended pleasentries but that would be too...pleasent wouldn't it. "If you turn me back into a human you'll have to deal with my brother, Captain Flynn and a King vampire in his own right...nothing except my death would keep him from turning back into a vampire..." Straightening her back Kerri glared at the man, so much taller than her most likely stronger than her. "You'd be better off leaving us be..."
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 4:38 pm

Valerie nodded, she considered herself niether French or English so she didn't worry, but her father fought once for the French. "I hope you have better luck next time if they find you again.." She wondered why Jackie was a traider. Val looked on in awe at the bite mark on her calf. "Yes my father fought for Napoleon..before I was born.." she sighed and wondered if the bite hurt when it happend, since he had only known those born lycan. The word hunter dragged her out of her thoughts, "A hunter? I'll tell them right away..do you know anything else about this hunter? A name, a scent, or a symbol he carries that makes him distinct?" Valerie heard about the watchmaker, "Sadly his impression may be correct. The pack is trying to figure out if there is an outcast in town that doesn't know the law." She smiled, "my clan will appreciate this very much, thank you."

Chris laughed, every word that left her mouth felt like an invitation to him. Although he'd like to prove her wrong..over a hundred vampires was over his head..fifty maybe, but not a hundred. "Cause any trouble here and I'll hunt you and your captain brother down." He was a little surprised to hear she was the first mate, but her attitude towards him seemed to show it. Chris scratched the back of his head, "I believe he do have a common enemy though. A lycan may have killed a popular watchmaker..know anything about it? If you do have the information I seek, I promise not to trouble you again..unless you commit some unspeakable crime against the people here."
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 11:46 pm

"I was lucky this time." Jackie gave a bright grin before trying to rack her brain for details about the hunter. "Okay I'm going to try something..." Wolves had the ability to communicate when they were transformed however usually it involved a pack to form the link, Jackie had no pack and as such had never linked her wolf mind with that of another. She lightly brushed Val's hand and grasped at her wolf mind, the link was hazy at first but grew stronger and Jackie tried to send the hunter's scent and facial features to the other wolf before breaking the contact. "Did it work?" Jackie asked before grabbing her throbbing head, she couldn't believe that packs actually enjoyed doing that, they must be crazy.

Kerri scratched her head, "I really don't know any lycans....however if I learn something you'll be the first to know." Killing of the innocent bothered Kerri, it was bad enough when vampires left their fledges to die but when wolves attacked if the victum was lucky they died, if not they were in for pain... "I'll hunt some up for you, as they're more likely to trust me than you...you simply reek of hunter...Which is why I'll be able to find you quickly when I get the information you need....I'm Kerri." She held out her tiny vampire hand not expecting him to take it.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Jul 23, 2009 12:45 am

Valerie tilted her head and with Jackie's touch she was able to see the man in her head, down to every detail of his face and his scent. Blinking her eyes from their stare she nodded her head, "Yeah. He looks like a very strong hunter...I hope I never cross paths with him." Val smiled seeing her head in pain. Now she figured she'd give the pack this information at their meeting tonight. "Do you need any supplies by any chance for your journey?" She was about ready to close the store now for a lunch break..so she removed the apron she wore and took her out of the pony tail.

Christopher looked at her extended hand and raised a brow as if to ask 'are you serious?' He was a little disappointed that vampire did have the information now, since it was easier to go after lycans durin the day versus night when they traveled in packs and kept more to the forest. "I wouldn't want any of my reek of hunter on your skin.." he said to her hand. "But I'm Christopher.." he nodded to her and took one last glance at the ship, "Until then I'll be watching you all closely.." Chris wasn't going to let them slide..because then his reputation as being a great hunter would be at stake..though in a way it already was since he trusted this vampire to find a lycan for him.
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Number of posts : 169
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Location : Behind You...
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeSat Jul 25, 2009 9:39 pm

Jackie shook her head lightly though it still ached a bit she could manage after all she'd had worse than a little head pain. Case and point the silver dagger currently stained black by her blood. Carefully she picked it up with her skirt and slipped it into her boot sheath. "No thank you but no, you've helped me enough already...Let me buy you lunch." The urge had come over Jackie so suddenly that she couldn't quite hold in her anxiety and began to lightly bounce from foot to foot, maybe she didn't want to leave yet? It had been a while since Jackie had been with wolves that weren't trying to kill her. "Or maybe I could meet your pack mates...during the transfer I got a glimpse of them they seem...entertaining."

Kerri nodded and with a small leap was on the nearest rooftop, to scamper over the city. Muttering insults under her breath Kerri didn't know why she seemed so...not upset that he didn't want to touch her hand. Sliding to a stop on the roof of a cathedral Kerri came to the shocking realization, she had wanted the hunter to touch her. Angry at herself Kerri let her body collapse on itself leaving her splayed out on the roof as if she'd fallen from the heavens. "Well Kerri you've either gone crazy or need to make yourself a partner." Hugging her knees she felt the overwhelming need to have a companion, true she was Flynn's forever but shouldn't she have a forever too? Sighing Kerri stood and felt herself getting a little toasty from the sun she'd given far too much blood that morning. Dropping into the streets below she was able to slip unnoticed into a wolf tavern and after a few drinking contests (won of course) found the wolf culprit. Feeling smug Kerri left the bar just as the sun was setting, it was as if a huge strain had left her shoulders. With the sun down the world was her oyster, she was the natural predator of the night. Once more taking to the roof tops she made it back to the ship.

Flynn had been working all after noon, if she showed he would have a wonderous gift to give her...if not well the ocean would take it and someday perhaps a youngling would find hope in it. Flynn stowed it in his pocket as Kerri came in trying frantically to get her dress on for the evening. "Flynn!" She whinned and he quickly and effeciently laced both corset and dress. Kerri looked fantastic in the dark green emerald dress that made her eyes shine, Flynn wore his Captain's uniform courtesy of the British government in deep navy blue. "Happy Birthday Kerri." Flynn said when he was done and Kerri saw her chest. "You're fantastic!" She cried covering her brother with silly kisses and hugging him until his bones creaked. "Now to the tavern to get some blood in our boys." Flynn said taking his sister's arm. Kerri however had a different idea. "I'll meet you there."

Though confused by his sister's actions Flynn shrugged it off and walked with his crew to the pub. Kerri walked off the boat just a few minutes after the men, it didn't take her long to find Christopher. "Well Hunter have you found your prey yet?" Kerri asked coming behind him but making noise to allow her pressence to be known, no reason to be staked just yet.

((Sorry about the jump...And I just realized that the tavern is the same from Harry Potter...god I'm a nerd))
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeSun Jul 26, 2009 3:37 am

((Lol no problem))

Christopher left the girl and started to reflect on his time there so far. The Vampiress intrigued him because she seemed to try hard to not act afraid around him, and was very bold for a woman. He checked out a few more places, like butchers and some of the taverns that were close the outskirts of the town. Chris spotted a gang on men he could tell were wolves, but they didn't seem like the kind to murder a watchmaker. This whole idea was starting to frustrate him...wolves weren't his usual prey and the idea of that vampire ship still floating was bothering him..After going back to his room he started using magic to try and seek out unaffliated wolves. It took hours before he found himself one, it was a girl with an exquisit looking sword and a limp to her gait. He threw a bottle of rum across the room, there was no way it was her..."Crissy! don't get so mad.." a sweet little voice came from a girl that was on the other side of his bed..it was his sister. "Shut up...now is not the time.." he said to himself, burying the hallusination and grabbing his gear. Grabbing himself another drink from the bar he left the tavern he was staying at and walked out onto the streets. Seeking out creatures he didn't wasn't so hard in this town, but finding the right one was the problem...but a familiar voice made him laugh, "if I was a wolf hunter i would have...but sadly I only hunt bloodsuckers like you. It's not so much trouble finding the bastards...but finding the right bastard that did the deed you see. Judging by that look on your face...I'll say you know something I don't..." Chris set down his bottle, judging vampire body language was something he knew.

Valerie enjoyed a nice lunch thanks to Jackie, even though she thought the girl would have wanted to leave as soon as possible. She learned more about the people she was running from and that it had been going on for a while. After their long lunch it was already time for her to meet the handsome vampire she had met earlier, but now she started to think maybe taking Jackie with her would be a good idea...that way she'd have someone there in case things got bad. Also those that were hunting her wouldn't dare look for her there. So Valerie didn't tell her this yet..but took her back to her house to get ready. There she was able to meet some of the pack members who seemed happy to meet her and thanked her a million times for the tip about the hunter in town.

Once in her room she shut the door..."There is something I'm going to tell you..but don't freak or anything okay?" Val sighed and sat down on the bed, "at the shop..before I smelled your blood I met a vampire. He seemed different..not like the others.." she tried not to blush but was only met with failure. "He asked me to hang out with him tonight..at Hogs Head. Will you come with me? I understand if you don't want to go..its just..I don't want to go alone and I can't tell any of the pack, they'll never let me leave this house again." Valerie combed out her hair and changed clothes into something more appealing, showing off her muscles..she was frustrated that she didn't have anything more fancy, but she was just a shop girl. "If I'm crazy you can tell me that too...already think I am for considering it," she sat down on the bed next to her.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeWed Aug 05, 2009 10:39 pm

Kerri smiled and stepped a little closer to Christopher she could see him perfectly in the dim street lamps and the fading light, and his eyes were surely better than most humans but she was trying to buy her ship time being curteous was a must. "No reason to call names Christopher after all everyone here is human or once was..." Kerri wiped the smile off her face when she smelled the liquor on him, it was seeping out of his pours and combined with his blood it made a truly pugnant aroma. Trying not to breath Kerri continued "I do know something that you don't because unlike you I know how to use guile where you only use force." Why was she dragging the conversation out? Oh because she liked the look of his face, plus how often did you get to talk to hunter without having to fight them? "I found out who you're looking for a young male wolf, he was turned by those still under Napoleon and put into the first clan that was accepting new pack members." Skipping over the cobblestones Kerri looked at his stern look before stopping, spoil sport. "His name is Peter he's thirteen...The watch maker was a purposeful kill he was trying to turn the man." Kerri looked down at this point ashamed, accidentally killing with the intent to turn was horrible with her kind. "He's hiding at a farm just slightly south of town." Her cheeks flamed red, was she ashamed in herself? Perhaps she felt she was killing the boy. "You aren't going to kill him are you?" She asked with such urgency she even surprised herself.

Jackie sat and listened as Val spoke of her vampyre, when she finished all Jackie could do was give her largest wolfy grin. "You couldn't keep me away. Pubs are a great place and I haven't had a good conversation with a vamp in some time." It was odd the way Jackie was so young and yet seemingly older at the same time. Looking down at her bloody disheveled appearance Jackie took the liberty of going to the well and scrubbing her face and visible limbs with the cold water. When it came to the dress nothing could be done but ripping off the blood stained peices and wrapping them around her still aching leg. It didn't look half bad paired with her curled locks and bare feet, like she'd come off a ship wreck. Back at Val's side Jackie was practically vibrating with excitement. "Let's go out and have fun!"

Flynn had a table reserved for his crew and for his missing guests. Taking a drink of his on tap blood, he prefered AB for the kick but most of his crew had a yen for O, Flynn scanned the room for anything that appeared to be trouble. There were wolves here, humans, vampyres and a few who dabbled in magik, as well as prostitutes and their watchers. Flynn watched rowdy men of all species grab at any woman in the bar even those who didn't sell love as a profession and he was worried for Val however his men were good and would protect the women with their very lives if Flynn asked them too. So Flynn waited and ordered Val a drink, a light wine to go with the bread and cheese already at the table.
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 4:46 am

"Name calling?" he laughed, "it's not name calling, just your trade...you call me hunter, True I do hunt. And vampire you suck blood, that makes you a bloodsucker my dear." He was starting to lose his patience as she dragged on..but thanks to the alcohol he had more than his usual amount of it. But why was he telling her things he already knew? Vampires always seemed a bit too chatty for their own good sometimes...of course he figured this was due to their loneliness as a species. A smile crept upon his face hearing a name finally mentioned. Mentally he was writing all this down...if the story Kerri was telling was true..then the wolf would need to be slayed. Immediatly he raised a brow at her question, "would you prefer to kill him?" he wanted to chuckle..he knew the hatred vampires had towards wolves and thought maybe this one got her kicks off of killing them...because she sure seemed willing to help him after all. "The wolf would need to be destroyed...accidental or not, he's tasted blood," Chris took a long drink. He noticed the change of color in cheeks, but wasn't sure why she was acting in such a manner.

Valerie smiled relieved when Jackie sounded happy to join her at the pub...and had even talked with vampires! She almost fell the ground laughing when Jackie came back from "fixing" her appearance. "I guess I don't I have to worry about dressing down too much.." As they stood outside the pub wondering if this was a mistake...for a moment she looked behind her where in the far distance her house was..Everything would be alright..she was just going to chat and have some fun, then be back there in time for the meeting after washing up. Walking in she noticed the crowd was more diverse than she thought. "There he is!" she pointed out to Jackie..yelling over the loud conversation and music provided by some creative drunken sailors and a piano player. She smiled as it seemed he saved a place just for her. "Hi Flynn. This is Jackie...Jackie this is Flynn," she introduced them and took a seat. Her cheeks blushed and ached at the same time...she had never smiled so freakn' much in her life. Valerie almost wanted to slap the smile away because she felt stupid for it. "Is this for me?" she giggled towards the wine, taking it into her hand. Her nose could detect its sweet smell..as she drank some it went down smoother than she anticipated. "How many of these men are yours?" she asked curiously.
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Number of posts : 169
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Location : Behind You...
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 6:48 pm

He made a lot of sense more than her arguement for his age being a factor blood crazy wolves were...well they were less destructive than vampires but still dangerous. "I will not take any more part in this slaying than I already have...And though I would like to justify my involvement thus far as a way to save my ship it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth." Kerri's nose twitched as he gulped more of the liquid down. It was at that moment she realized how fraigle he really was, the liquor would rot his body, numb his senses and if the drink didn't kill him first the weakness in his limbs would make sure that a vampire did she was almost sorry for him. "Well since we have nothing more to discuss I'll be on my way." Kerri gave him a curt nod and turned to make her way to the pub.

Flynn gave Jackie a nod before turning his attention on Valarie. "Yes I assumed you'd rather have wine than what the rest of us are drinking." Flynn winked at her as his men laughed and he took another sip of his blood. "Actually at the moment I have around seventy five men in the pub the rest are gaurding the ship...." Flynn was glad she appeared to be enjoying the wine "Please have some bread or cheese, or anything else you'd like." He was stumbling over his words now, must be the blood...Flynn raised a hand and brushed a stray hair out of Val's face "You look even more lovely in candle light than you do in sunlight, I wonder what you would look like under the light of the moon." The man next to him, Jonas, ribbed Flynn who flushed a deep scarlet and took another drink tough his fingers now lingered on Val's skin.

"Damn wolves, shouldn't be mixing with our kind." Jackie heard the voice out of the corner of the room and her ear twitched. The men were burly vampires, not a part of Flynn's ship she could tell by their lack of...bathing. "Yeah it's disgraceful, and that one...bah not worthy to spit shine my shoes." The second vampire gestured at Val, and the first laughed "Yeah but I wouldn't mind to have her polish my weasel." Jackie bristled, "Excuse me I need some fresh air slightly dizzy from the wine." Jackie smiled at the vampire crew that had been speaking with her, they nodded and she stood. Walking back to the vamps Jackie gave them a warm smile "You insulted my new friends I'd like to have a word..." The next thing Jackie knew she was being thrown out a window, mid-throw she transformed into her wolf form. Landing on all paws she faced the two men.

Flynn not realizing that it was Val's friend that was fighting grabbed her chin softly and brought her face to face his. "Don't worry about them, it was centuries before humans accepted vampires and prejudice will spring when it can..." Flynn dropped his hand when he realized that his touch must be cooling her "Forgive me I tend to forget that lack of a heart beat causes the skin to be...well deathly cool."
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On the High Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: On the High Seas   On the High Seas Icon_minitimeFri Aug 07, 2009 3:37 am

Chris finished the bottle as she started to walk away.."vampires..." he sighed. Her actions confused the hell out of him which made him pause to think if it was his fault for not being able to understand..No..it wasn't his fault. Chris shook in fright when the girl from his room appeared, alcohol and stress always brought out his halusinations of his sister. "Peter...find Peter..then I'm calling it night," he promised himself out loud, not caring who or what heard him. His hand carressed the gun holding silver bullets and small sack with silver dust. It was going to be a long walk to find this guy...but of course he wouldn't be alone. In anger he threw the empty bottle at her, going right through her and hitting the tree behind her, "Stop following me.." he growled. He knew this had to be done...he didn't care about the wolf..or those that cares about him..he thought about the poor watchmaker..and probably the son or daughter who would be without a father.

Valerie was enjoying the wine and took pleasure in trying the bread. She was kind of surprised that there were so many men on his ship..but then she hadn't seen his ship either. Her eyes seemed lost in his and she stayed perfectly still as his cold fingers lingered on her skin. Valerie frowned a bit, "I don't think you'd want to know what I look like under the moonlight." She did gain her smile back though seeing his face fill with color. He looked different in the pub too, but figured it must have been the blood that brough his features more to life. His body looked stronger, but his words seemed to fail him. The breaking of glass snapped her back to reality...she had turned to look but Flynn had taken back her attention. Val put her hand on top of his, "No...it's alright. I kind of like it," she smiled closing her eyes for a moment before opening them again. "It's so strange. When I'm looking at you I feel like I can't look away, as if I'd be missing something." She put a hand on his chest, "But it's still there. I bet I could make it beat again." After the words left her mouth Valerie almost cursed herself, what was she thinking? Had she said meant what she thought she'd meant? "woah..I'm sorry," Val quickly apologized, "It's not like me to say such things I swear it." The wolf hoped she hadn't just ruined their entire night with that slip.
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