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 Taylor's Profile

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Taylor's Profile   Taylor's Profile Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:12 pm

Taylor's Profile Gothgirl5 Normal wear
Taylor's Profile Girl What Vi wears when she's cordinating

Nickname: Vi

Age: 15

First Name: Violet

Middle Name: Gwenifer

Last Name: Mego

Gender: Female

Origin (Place of Birth): Starburst Island

Occupation (Professor, Trainer, Cordinator etc): Violet started out as a trainer/captor for her employeer but she soon trained just for herself and then began working for various professors and currently has caught every pokemon recorded except of about four legendary ones, she's currently hunting them up and trying her hand at breeding and cordinating as well as trying to stay away from her current employeer (she is at master level and when she finishes her current quest shes planning on opening a gym)

Distinguishing Characteristics: Violet is still tall and gangly for her age

Height: 5'8

Weight: 135

Eye/Hair: Violet has light powder blue hair that is long and usually sticks out at all angles when she has it up, and warm green eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: None

Quirks: Vi enjoys keeping her pokemon out of pokeballs, she hates flying and prefers to walk or roller blade she also likes training pokemon with four legs but she really enjoys all pokemon

Personality: Violet has a nasty streak that she keeps hidden but if any threat to her pokemon comes along she turns vicious and will not stop until the threat is illiminated. Normally she is sweet as pie and talkitive but during battle or compitition she is hard as a Steelix.

Talents: Catching, raising, breeding, training and raising pokemon once upon a time she was good at stealing pokemon and probably could again but she vowed never to again

Hobbies: Pokemon are her hobby, she also enjoys rollerblading

History: Violet was born on Starburst Island and she still claims it is her home even though for most of her life she lived away from the peaceful tropic island. Violet's father was part of the Elite Four until his disappearance around her second birthday, her mother went in search of him with her Growlithe leaving Violet with her grandmother and she had disappeared as well. It wasn't long before the young Violet decided she and her baby Bella (the Eevee her father had given her before his disappearance) should go find her parents.

It didn't take long before the talented (and spunky) tot was snatched up the notorious group Team Rocket. Violet was raised under Giovanni in his mansion, though she didn't spend much time with the main mostly just the incoming recruits and seasoned vets who found it interesting that their stern boss kept the little girl around.

So Violet grew up surrounded by theives, tricksters and a master battler. She and her Eevee grew together into a steadfast team and learned the tools of the trade fromt the Rockets. Violet was small and innocent looking so early on she was sent on missions to comendeare pokemon, to her it was all a game the more challengeing the better.

As Violet became better she began to loose interest and Giovanni thrilled with her success decided to give her a new challenge. Giovanni got her his best technicians and they taught her how to hack a system and got her a physical trainer. So while Violet worked her brain she also worked her body. She was perhaps the only ten year old in the Kanto region that had muscles everywhere and could run a marathon.

Now her missions became more complex and dangerous, and Violet became one of the Boss's favorites, she had the perfect eye for pokemon and was steadfast in her loyalties to the Rockets, until she met Professor Oak. She was on a mission to steal his recently captured Charmander for the newest trainee. As she crept into the house the old man caught her much to her displeasure.

She considered killing him, and taking his remaining pokemon until he complimented Belladonna. Flattered that he considered her a good trainer she allowed him to call the police and turn her in. After that Violet stayed with Officer Jenny and was trained by Professor Oak. This was how she began to orientate into society again and realize how wrong the Rockets were.

Violet was sent back to Starburst Island where she began her pokemon journey. It didn't take long for her to collect gym badges from all the nations and reach Master level. It was then she looked up Professor Oak again and began becoming a Pokemon collector. It was then that she discovered breeding and coridinating and took them as new challenges. Giovanni still tries to contact her and occasionally she catches him a pokemon just to pacify him.


Pokemon (Include Pictures if you Can)

Umbreon named Belladonna who has blue markings instead of yellow (Dark) Taylor's Profile Umbreon

Absol named Soulta (Dark) Taylor's Profile Absol

Girafarig named Jesse (Normal-Physic) He's just old enough to ride Taylor's Profile ThGirafarig

Ninetails (Fire) named Naruto Taylor's Profile Ninetails

Milotic named Mal who's body is the same color but his tail instead of being blue and red is gold and black (Water) Taylor's Profile Milotic-2

Violet also has a pokemon egg that she found when she was in the underwater caves and she thinks its close to hatching though she has no idea what it is because most eggs have a color to do with the pokemon they contain this one is just a normal creamy white

Inventory: Rollerblades, numerous pokeballs, headphones


Strengths: Her training, her pokemon are the most important things in her life, her friends

Weaknesses: Giovanni still has the fatherly pull on her, and her record continues to follow her

Taylor's Profile AnimeGuy5
Taylor's Profile __Be_alive__by_Lasaro

Age: 14

First Name: Torn

Middle Name: Balin

Last Name: Gale

Gender: Male

Origin (Place of Birth): Ecrutek City

Occupation (Professor, Trainer, Cordinator etc): Trainer wants to be the greatest Pokemon master and activist

Distinguishing Characteristics: Torn has six yo-yo's strapped to his belt that he keeps his pokeballs in, he always has a toy of some kind in his hands, it's also very normal to see Torn covered in burns, cuts and all manner of injuries

Height: 5'6

Weight: 129

Eye/Hair: Torn has silver, messy, spikey hair that's long enough to brush his shoulders so he constantly tries to fight it into a tail; his eyes are a very cocky arrogant blue eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: None

Quirks: Torn really likes to play with his pokemon it's one of the ways he trains them he figures that he should endure what they do so he lets them practice their attacks on him before on each other and wild pokemon. Torn also really likes old school toys, like yo-yo's, jacks, blocks etc. He likes them so much he integrated them into the way he trains his pokemon and even how he fights with people. It' his belief that pokemon should not be used to settle personal fights so he settles them himself by using his modified 'toys'.

Personality: Torn is a goofy kid, he tries to never take anything to seriously unless it has to do with his destiny as becoming the greatest pokemon master or his pokemon. Becuase he acts so careless sometimes he's had trouble keeping travel companions, they don't understand why he has to detour to see things or how he can just hang out in the wild with his pokemon for weeks on end without seeing another human. Torn knows he is destined for greatness and often lets that cloud his thoughts, he is very determined.

Talents: Modifying his toys into weapons, training his pokemon and himself.

Hobbies: Toys, playing with his pokemon

History: Torn is the younger brother of Ecruek City's Gym Leader Morty and is the cousin of Saffron City Gym Leader Sabrina, like his brother and his cousin he has slight telepathic abilities but he is more suited to empathy and unlike his brother and cousin he chose not to specialize in ghost/physic pokemon. Torn at a young age decided that he would be a water/dragon trainer.

Torn was raised by his older brother and spent time being shipped from Morty to Sabrina watching their battles until he was old enough to recieve his own pokemon. Torn recieved a Squirtle and began his journey, because of all the side trips he takes it's taken him years to get the badges he's taken but his pokemon are in fine shape.


Pokemon (Include Pictures if you Can):

Wartortle (Water)- Taylor's Profile Wartortle

Dratini (Dragon)-Taylor's Profile Dratini

Dragonair (Dragon) Torn's is golden instead of blue due to toxians in the sea- Taylor's Profile Dragonair

Gardevoir - Taylor's Profile Gardevoir

Lucario (Fighting-Steel)-Taylor's Profile Pokemon-1

Altaria (Flying-Dragon)-Taylor's Profile Altaria

Inventory: Pokemon, pokeballs, yo-yos, tops, headphones, gym badges


Strengths: Pokemon, attitude, older brother, and cousin support him

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