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 Taylor's Profile

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
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PostSubject: Taylor's Profile   Taylor's Profile Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:18 pm

Taylor's Profile Anime-2 Taylor's Profile Fairy Taylor's Profile Fairy-1Taylor's Profile Fairy Taylor's Profile HalfDarkFairy


Age: 18

First Name: Ece

Middle Name: Landry

Last Name: King

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf)

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Demon/Elf Princess

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) Hakatashi

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): Demon/Elf

Distinguishing Characteristics: Ece has four black wings that protrude from her back, though they appear frail they are incredably strong and grow to a sixe large enough to carry her when need be. Ece's ears are also long and pointed like her elf heritage suggests they are also peirced all the way up and Ece tends to dress in a very punk/modern/scene style all her own she doesn't know how she'll deal with the uniform at Ouran.

Height: 5'5

Weight: 123

Eye/Hair: Ece's hair is currently pink but her hair is normally a dusky blonde. Ece's eyes are a bright whiskey colored amber

Mental/Physical Disorders: None

Quirks: Let's just say she's quirky enough

Personality: Ece is very sarcastic and levelheaded yet she can be hotheaded at the same time. The most important thing to do is stay on her good side and if you are on her bad side stay out of her way.

Talents: Violin, Piano, Fire, Ice, Puzzles

Hobbies: Music, Games

History: Ece and her twin brother Quin were born on a double full moon on the seventh day of the seventh month. They were the first of their kind, born of an elven prince and a demon princess, an end to the wars between their two kinds. As they were the first of their kind no one knew what to expect out of the twins, but they showed the full potential of each of their races.

They grew up living priveledged lives and learning all about themselves, their people and how to defend themselves. They both attended the school for the gifted until it was closed down. Now Quin goes to run there father's kingdom (patrilocal) kingdom and Ece is forced to continue school until she goes to rule her mother's kingdom which is matrilocal.


Powers: Ece has control of the elements fire and ice one demon and the other elven. She is also a gymnast and a dancer.

Inventory: Ece carries an iPod and her sword which she likes to weild annually


Strengths: Her powers, her mind, her sexual nature

Weaknesses: Her brother, her female self
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Profile   Taylor's Profile Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:21 pm

Taylor's Profile Vampire15Taylor's Profile Deathnote145
Taylor's Profile Coolxk5ehhok

Taylor's Profile 6skhugzTaylor's Profile 534926eaa305c22460bdffce7d3509dd
Taylor's Profile Ummidk

Nickname: None

Age: 18 and 17

First Name: Blaze, Blaise

Middle Name: Henry

Last Name: van Allen

Gender: Male

Orientation: They Couldn't Care Less

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Witch

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Students

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): English

Distinguishing Characteristics:
Blaze: Blaze dyed his hair black to distinguish himself from his brother Blaise. When he is angry or using his magic curling horns sprout from his head a tribute to the black magic he weilds. Blaze is also constantly wearing a rosary and can be seen running around with a cigarette in his mouth, though what the rosary means to him is something only Blaise can answer and the cigarette not only feed his desire for a bad boy image but a craving for darkness he tries to hold at bay.

Blaise: Has a familiar called a wyrn with is a basically a white shape that follows him around, it's name is Bell. Bell likes to take a number of shapes to make Blaise happy, but she can also be dangerous to Blaise's enimies. When Blaise feels a strong emotion his hair turns an almost radioactive blue color.

Blaze: 5'11

Blaise: 5'5



Blaze: Blaze's hair is normally a golden blonde color very rich the color of wheat but he dyes it black so he and Blaise look less like brothers and his eyes are a very dark green color like the color of an evergreen.

Blaise: Blaise has very light, fair blonde hair that is often windswept sticking out in various places; his eyes are a very clam, serene blue.

Mental/Physical Disorders:
Blaze: Blaze, because he is a dark witch, has to fight against the blackness trying to eat away at his soul. If he were to let the darkness consume him then he would go insane and kill everyone he used to love, eventually being killed by a white witch (much like the story of Elphaba and Glinda, but that's a different part of the tale)

Blaise: Naive in a horrible sense of the word, because he is a white witch he can easily be corrupted or influenced by outside forces, many of his kind are turned to addictive darkness before they are eighteen. Blaise has already had an attempt on him three times in his life which is why Blaze refuses to leave his side now. Over eighteen usually whites have a better time at staying true to their crafts but even then many stray and too often their is an imbalance of power.

Blaze: Likes melon, fruit really are his passion they are his favorite food he likes to paint still lifes' and they are on his side of the room

Blaise: Sweet sugary candies are his passion he could eat them all day, he has pictures of them in his room that Blaze drew for him

Blaze: Tends to be very driven by goodness, and rightness a desire to make the world better. He likes to try to make the world better each day, but does it in the wrong way as he is highly opinionated. Blaze can be soft and sweet and quite but most of the time he is shy but very brash and harsh when rubbed wrong or talked to the wrong way.

Blaise: Very bubbly, very sweet and kind. He can be mean and rude but he never intends it to be that way he just assumes that people think the way he does. Blaise is very much like his mother who was a white witch who was swayed after his birth, they tell him that he is like her before she went insane.

Blaze: An artist, he paints, sketches, sculpts, anything he can sink his hands into

Blaise: Very musically gifted, he can sing and plays piano and guitar and is learning to play cello and violin

Blaze: Art, reading, practicing

Blaise: Homework, his music, reading



Blaze: Blaze is a dark witch, or black witch, he practices forbidden arts that cause humans to write tales of wicked magik. However Blaze was never a white witch, he was born into the dark and is a pure dark witch not one that was swayed, as such the darkness pulling at him is richer than that that pulls at those of the light inclination. The arts where Blaze excels is the manipulation of time and space and wordless spells. He is a great caster and weaver, and the art of magic itself is his gifted area, dark magic could be described as any act done that ends badly, though many dark witches do not want the bad things to happen they are just very unlucky.

Blaise: Blaise is a light witch, he practices light magic the stuff that fairy tales are made of. He can bend light, speak to animals, heal the sick or wounded. He can also bewitch peoples minds, draw them into illusions, and certainly transport himself anyway he sees fit (by bubble if he wished).

*Not all light magic is good just as not all dark magic is bad, it is the intent of the spell caster(usually there are many exceptions) that speaks of the outcome of the spell.*

Blaze: Always carries his spell book (bound in black leather with black gold latches), and a sketch pad, also an iPod and cigarettes (Virginia Luxury Light Menthol 120's)

Blaise: Always carries his spell book (bound in light blue leather with white gold latches), and a pocket flute, as well as his iPod






Last edited by Professor on Wed Apr 29, 2009 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Profile   Taylor's Profile Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 2:14 pm

Taylor's Profile Girlvamp
Taylor's Profile Anime68

Nickname: Lissa, Lis

Age: 16 (Earth Years on her planet she is still a newling)

First Name: Vasalissa, just call her Lissa

Middle Name: Hope

Last Name: Paisley

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual her kind mates in threes

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Humanoid Alien a race that the easiest translation would be Atlantians in English

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): Atlantian

Distinguishing Characteristics: Lissa has very tiny though sharply pointy ears that are ridged much like a fin that she keeps hidden by her hair or with large headphones, she also has another set of eye lids to keep her eyes moist and to keep water out of her eyes when she swims (though you have to look closely to see them). Lissa is also very slim though instead of gangly she's elegant, her legs are longer than they should be.

Height: 6'0

Weight: 130

Eye/Hair: Lissa's eyes are the color of a sky at sunset, a deep rich blue tinged with the softest purple haze. Her hair is darker than the deepest depths of the ocean that curls gently down to her waist though she usually keeps it up with bits of shells and such tangled in so that she appears to be fresh from a ship wreck.

Mental/Physical Disorders: She needs to live on a water based planet

Quirks: Lissa is still learning about eath life and as such often says things and eats objects that others would not (thankfully her stomach can dissolve everything but earth rock). Also Lissa knows many languages but can often be heard singing in her own which, though lovely, tends to make humans wary; because of the ideas they get when they hear it (thoughts like 'If I were on a boat right now I would crash it to impress her')

Personality: Lissa is inqusitive to the point of being obbsessive, intelligent to the point that she is so bored in class she gets mischevious thoughts in her head. Like a dolphin she is overly playful and friendly, willing to make a game of everything but she has the temper of one as well and natural instincts to fight when threatened.

Talents: Singing, swimming, technology

Hobbies: Hacking, floating

History: Valissa's race of aliens are humanoid in form and water based and since the distruction of their planet nearly a millenia ago they are searching for another inhabited planet where they will be able to coexist. Earth was a planet that the group tried a thousand earth years ago give or take ten years or so. For nearly four Earth cycles the Atlantians were able to live peacefully with the Earthlings they were even able to create their own city of Atlantis in the Earth's ocean. However, a group of rebel Atlantians wished to dominate the planet and destroy the Earthlings, they started sinking ships and killing with their advanced bio-technology at an alarming rate. Valissa's father had to destroy the city to stop the rebels and the race took to the skies again.

The ship that the Atlantians used was nearly the same size as the planet Earth however due to the lack of a constant natural heat source it was only capable of sustaining life for fifty human years without taking on new water and supplies. Atlantians have such long life spans that it was crucial that they find a planet willing to house them.

No such luck has happened and the peaceful race has had to practically steal the things needed to sustain them. Thankfully after meeting with Earth's Leaders they have agreed to let an embassador from the Atlantians live in each country in the world and prove that they are willing to co-habitate and are in fact peaceful.

So Valissa the only child of the King and the only one in her age group to be sent down to the planet, it is the King's hope that this will prove how serious they are trusting the Earthlings with his daughter.

Lissa has been staying with the Paisley family in Japan for six Earth years and has finally been allowed to go to Earth school along with her counter-parts around the globe.


Powers: Valissa can draw power from the earth sun and control that threw her Atlantian crystals that she wears (legend says that Atlantians came from a sun-like planet where they flouished in molten lava, this would agree with the Atlantians high temperature). Valissa is also extemley sensitive to emotions which makes her perfect to be an ambassador though they do confuse her much of the time as she sees no reason to be upset ever.

The Atlantians don't have fins even though they are akin to the traditional 'mermaids' in legend, what they do have however is advanced technology. When living in water a black seal skin like substance covers their neck, arms body and legs forming into a long fin which allows them to travel faster in water and blend in making them look more fish like. The skin is contanined in jewerly worn on the neck both wrists and ankles and can change color to suit the wearer.

Inventory: Her crystals and communicator so she can talk with 'Daddy' (who is not allowed on the planet yet), an iPod, her fin kit


Strengths: Smarts, skills, able to swim fast, alien

Weaknesses: Curiousity, smarts, differentness.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Profile   Taylor's Profile Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 12:17 am

Taylor's Profile Anime Taylor's Profile 93423 Taylor's Profile Kin


Age: 18

First Name: Quin

Middle Name: Thadrid

Last Name: King

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Demon/Elf King

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) Hakatashi

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): Demon/Elf

Distinguishing Characteristics: Quin is normal looking except for when he smiles and his sharp canines are visible, or when you notice the sword on his back, the ax on his hip and the bow besides the sword, and for the fact that his eyes are like looking at death when he takes off his glasses, which hide most of the darkness.

Height: 6'0

Weight: 170

Eye/Hair: Quin's eyes are black and empty, no light escapes from them once it enters much like black holes, his hair is black but not nearly the color of his eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: Insomniac

Quirks: Stabs, shoots, beats, axes his sister quite often and is very good at threatening.

Personality: Quin really has no emotion except for a mild, sarcastic intest in everything. He's quite the cynic and truth be told most of the time he fakes the interest unless you have something to give him. Quin is manipulative as well and likes to see how far he can push people.

Talents: Weapons, public relations, puzzles

Hobbies: Fighting, hunting

History: Quin and his twin sister were born on a double full moon on the seventh day of the seventh month. They were the first of their kind, born of an elven prince and a demon princess, an end to the wars between their two kinds. As they were the first of their kind no one knew what to expect out of the twins, but they showed the full potential of each of their races.

They grew up living priveledged lives and learning all about themselves, their people and how to defend themselves. They both attended the school for the gifted until it was closed down. Ece was forced to go to Ouran to continue schooling while Quin went to rule the elvish kingdom, however he was called to the mortal realm by Blaise and now has decided to stay with his sister until she is ready to assume the throne.


Powers: Because Quin is more elf than demon he's more a skilled warrior however the elvish gift he has that Ece does not is omnipresent, any where he can tell you what's going on and when he pushes further can read minds, emotions and intentions. Ece simply has the demon awarness of heightened chakra.

Inventory: Weaponry


Strengths: His powers, mind, fighting skills, and attractiveness

Weaknesses: His sister, his glasses
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