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 Taylor's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Taylor's Profiles   Taylor's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 5:04 pm

Taylor's Profiles Pirate

Age: 19

First Name: Flynn

Middle Name: Connor

Last Name: Fletcher

Gender: Male

Maker: An unknown vampire

Pyrate/Navy/Bystander: Priveteer (Licensed by England to capture enemy trade ships)

Occupation (In choosen group, EX: Midshipman, Captain, Bousan, serving wench, constable...): Captain of the good ship 'Wasp'

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish and English

Distinguishing Characteristics: Quite a noticable scar that goes from left shoulder to right hip, which is one of the only scars that he has on his body.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 165 (sinwey)

Eye/Hair: Flynn has blonde hair that is cut short (disregard picture in color) and eyes as green as the hills of Kerry

Mental/Physical Disorders: Vampirism


Personality: Flynn was once a carefree boy, who loved the world, now he knows the darker side of the world. He seems big and scary, and he can be as he has killed many men but he is simply a big teddy bear.

Talents: Cutlass, Pistols, charming the ladies

Hobbies: Practicing with his pistols, the violin

History: Flynn was born in Ireland the child of an Irish slave woman and her english master, also born that night was his twin sister and love of his life Kerri, who was born with the name Moria. The two were raised however as twin brothers by their aunt after their mother died, her reasoning being that Kerri'd be safer as a boy. So it went and Kerri was told of all the dangerous things that would happen to her and Flynn learned to protect her. When they were naught but ten years old their father, a Lieutenant in the British Navy signed them on as cabin boys (Having forgotten that he had a daughter, just remembering two boys).
The two were quick to take to the sea, and by the age of thirteen had risen to the rank of midshipmen...Everything was going good on the boat until an older officer decided to take a go at Kerri. Women were few and far between and the young pretty 'boy' would do for the man, however Kerri was not a boy and Flynn did not forgive. He slit the man's throat.
Kerri and Flynn were put off at the next port and signed to another ship. This continued until at sixteen Flynn and Kerri became Lieutenants and they asked for a priveteering license. It was granted.
Kerri sails as Flynn's first mate, often times going as a woman on the docks and a man aboard the ships, though only trusted crew members knew the secert. One night, Flynn went to shore to celebrate his coming birthday, he'd be twenty the next day, and he wanted to get Kerri a presant. He was viciously attacked by a vampire, having not had his garlic juice that morning. Stumbling back to the ship Kerri cared for him until he turned. Then with tears in his eyes he turned her.
They are now the only priveteering ship to be an all vampire crew.


Powers: Vampire powers, as well as a basic knowledge of how to force his will on the winds

Inventory: Two pistols, a cutlass, many a dagger, compass


Strengths: Vampire powers, knowledge of the sea, his sister

Weaknesses: His sister, daylight

Taylor's Profiles Pirate
Age: 20 (passes for 15)

First Name: Kerri

Middle Name: Moira

Last Name: Fletcher

Gender: Female (Rigged out as a male)

Maker: Her brother Flynn

Pyrate/Navy/Bystander: Priveteer

Occupation (In choosen group, EX: Midshipman, Captain, Bousan, serving wench, constable...): First Mate and sometimes a pretend cabin boy

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish/English

Distinguishing Characteristics: Scar on her left cheek as well as lash marks on her back, wears an eye patch because she can (has one for each eye), Pet Monkey Momo

Height: 5'2

Weight: 135

Eye/Hair: Kerri has irish red hair (disregard pic) and the same color eyes as her brother

Mental/Physical Disorders: Vampire


Personality: Kerri is the polar opposite of her brother at almost all times. When he's serious she's goofy, when she's dangerous he's trying to calm her down. Though Kerri is the more impulsive of the two, and quite more brash (with a potty mouth). Though she is open to people she tends to only stay with her crew and her brother.

Talents: Weapons, navigation, seduction

Hobbies: Sword practice, target practice, dressing up as a fine lady

History: See Flynn


Powers: Vampire powers, control over water

Inventory: four pistols (she's a better shot than Flynn), sewing kit, cutlass, dagger


Strengths: Her brother her powers her knowledge

Weaknesses: Her brother, her sex

Taylor's Profiles Sexianimegirl (spy outfit) Taylor's Profiles Anima__fencer_girl_by_Wen_M-1 (fighting gear) Taylor's Profiles Aika
Nickname: Jaqui (Jacky)

Age: 15-16

First Name: Jacqueline

Middle Name: Lisette

Last Name: de Lise

Gender: Female

Maker: A member of Napoleon's Wolves (Those who would come before the troops arrived)

Pyrate/Navy/Bystander: Runaway, former spy

Occupation (In choosen group, EX: Midshipman, Captain, Bousan, serving wench, constable...): Spy/Erotic Dancer/Midshipman (got up to this rank in the French Navy when she poised as a man)

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): French

Distinguishing Characteristics: A wildness in her eyes showing her alter nature, graceful bod movements that are too delicate to be human

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120 (very tiny and muscular)

Eye/Hair: Jacky has wild and playful grey eyes, and long, shaggy, sadny blonde hair

Mental/Physical Disorders: Lycanthropy

Quirks: Still considers herself a lady even though lifes taken away her title, her future, and her family she still goes on. However she doesn't stick her nose in the air like others of her status, as she's had to live in the gutter and far worse.

Personality: Jacky is a peculiar creature. She is serious, she takes in information at an alarming rate and analyzes it. However her anilytical nature does not show in public, in public she is a charming french maiden, playful, calm cool and collected. Jacky is quite and yet loud.

Talents: A natural spy, speaks English and French, a hunter/tracker

Hobbies: Surviving

History: Jacky was thirteen when Napoleon moved threw her town. Her family being of French nobility were attacked first. Jacky was spared only because a Wolf found her first, and when the troops came they figured her mangled body was already dead anyway. Jacky wasn't dead, her body was one of the few that could accept the change from human to werewolf. When she woke she was with British Intelligence, from that moment on Jacky has been a spy for the English. It was just recently that she fell in love with one of Napoleon's officers, and he her. They were set to be married when he was killed in an English raid, and Jacky learned that he was the intended target for assisnation. Jacky left the agency is on the run from both French and English, she also fears hunters and vampyres, who all consider werewolves to be an abomination, having been created by Naploeon to give his army an edge.


Powers: Jacky can change her body into that of a small black female wolf at will, and forced to change during the full moon. She has heightened instincts, as well as ever present claws and fangs which she keeps hidden carefully. In addition to this Jacky can make herself not be seen, however this doesn't work on vampyres or if she's injured.

Inventory: Gloves, sword and dagger (all specially made), bandages


Strengths: Her intelligence, knowing she has nothing to loose, her lycanthropy

Weaknesses: Her lycanthropy, her sex, her face is known to many higher ups.
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