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 Paige's Profiles

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeWed Jul 22, 2009 12:15 am

Paige's Profiles Drew-barrymore-41

Nickname: Sid, Frost

Age: 19

First Name: Sydney

Middle Name: Eirwyn

Last Name: Frost

Gender: Female

Mover/Pusher/Watcher/Bleeder/Stich/Wiper/Phaser/Shadow/Sniffer/Reader/Shifter (Hybrids allowed): 2nd generation Reader, 1st generation Pusher

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Works as a waitress/bartender, Student, Dancer

Ethnicity: American

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132

Eye/Hair: She has sort, curly blond hair with blue gray eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: none

Quirks: She lives out of her backpack yet she lives in a small apartment big enough for two...has many 'souvenirs' from people so she can find them whenever she wants. When she's nervous she tends to light a cigarette but doesn't really smoke it.

Personality: She has a very bubbly personality despite her past. Sydney never had to try that hard to get anywhere being a pusher but she enjoys a challenge. Though she looks sweet and innocent she packs a mighty punch. Sydney also is a quick learner and has learned how to master her powers by seeing people on the street using them. She is also so innocent looking that no one ever suspects her of anything.

Talents: Blending in, learning quickly

Hobbies: Dancing, running for fun, making jewelry

History: Sydney's mother is one of the most powerful Readers Division had ever seen. When Sydney was four her mother was 'captured' by Division and Sydney lived with her father. At age six she started showing signs of being a pusher when she actually made her father buy her a pony. For six years Sydney learned to control and use her powers when she would be walking home from school. In her neighborhood there were many different types of psychics and she learned how to use her pushing skills from the little old lady that lived next door.

At the age of twelve her mother arrived at her home, saying that she had escaped from Division and that she needed to come with her to be safe. Little did Sydney know that her mother had been working for the Division since before she was born. Sydney was taken to Division and tested on because she had another ability without needing the gene for it. For two and a half years Sydney lived within the walls of Division until one day her mother came to her. Though her mother worked for Division she let Sydney escape because she couldn't just sit back and watch her daughter in pain.

From the age of fourteen until now Sydney has been on the run from Division. Yet for three years she went back to living with her father. They kept having to move from town to town whenever Sydney saw one of the Sniffs looking for her. To keep her safe Sydney's father told her to only take what she really needed. She and he lived out of his car for those three years and out of a bag, but she didn't seem to mind. When she graduated high school at age 17 her father was diagnosed with cancer and as a final gift to her he sent her to London to study dance, her one passion.

Sydney has lived in London for two years now with no contact from her father, he doesn't want him to be the reason she was captured. Though Sydney knows her mother works for Division she can't help but be worried for her. When her mother helped her escape she gave her daughter many bags containing something of importance to all the members of Division that her mother worked with, including herself. Sydney works almost everyday, to take her mind off of her fears, yet her father paid for her college fully for four years.

Inventory: In her backpack: ballet shoes, running shoes, many pairs of undies, three or four different outfits and her work uniforms, many different things for making jewelry, wallet, her 'souvenirs', toothbrush, hairbrush


Strengths: Dancing, Pushing, Reading, Her personality

Weaknesses: Her past, being afraid for both her parents, fear of Division

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Paige's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 7:34 pm

Paige's Profiles Stacey_farber

Nickname: Carter, Rissa, or just Karissa

Age: 22

First Name: Karissa (birth name) Carter (she goes by this name (her mom's maiden name))

Middle Name: Ann

Last Name: (Carter-) Romano

Gender: Female

Mover/Pusher/Watcher/Bleeder/Stich/Wiper/Phaser/Shadow/Sniffer/Reader/Shifter/Porter/Changer (Hybrids allowed): 3rd Generation Shifter, 2nd Generation Mover.

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): A full time art major student who is taking a class that tours various countries to view their art for a whole semester.

Ethnicity: Italian/English

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Height: 5'3 1/2"

Weight: 124

Eye/Hair: A reddish brown hair color with more hints of red and blue gray eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: None

Quirks: When Carter sees something really interesting to her she tends to just drop everything and draw a picture of it to make sure she remembers it. Carter really likes humming random show tunes or songs whenever she has a long walk or is in deep thought or when she is very concentrated on something.

Personality: Carter is a very social, sweet, and energetic girl. She is one of those girls that seem like she has a perfect life but in reality she doesn't. Carter can have her mean streaks so don't think that she's just this sweet little girl. They say red heads always have a temper, well that doesn't always describe her. Carter is mostly very mellow about things and doesn't tend to take things to heart unless its something she already feels self conscious about. She is the girl that everyone likes and many girls envy and really Carter gets along with everyone. She always claims to be an open book to people, waiting for them to hear her story.

Talents: Very talented at drawing things, she is every good at shifting (see history)

Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music, practicing shifting things, walking

History: As much as Carter knows she never really had a mother or father. She was raised by her mother's parents, her grandparents, for as long as she can remember. Though they tell her often that she lived with her parents until she was around the age of 5. When she has glimpses of those memories her grandmother always tells her the same story.

'You were born during the middle of one of the worst storms the state had ever seen. Your parents were newlyweds having their first child in their first house. Needless to say it was a hard labor for your mother, but you were definitely their biggest dream come true. You see your parents met each other when your mother was visiting Italy for a class trip and they said it was love at first sight. After you were born your parents gave you everything you needed and any thing else they could give you. Then when you were almost 5 something happened, but your too young to understand that now. Any way, your parents thought it was safer for you to live with me and grandpa until you're old enough to know the truth.'

Now that Carter is 22 and graduating from college she has still yet to know what really happened to her parents. When she returns to the states she is going to ask her grandmother right away what really happened. After all she knows that she is a third generation shifter because of the other stories her grandmother had told her and she was taught by her grandmother everything she knows about shifting. The reason for Carter wanting to be called Carter is because she feels it makes her closer to her mother having her maiden name as her first name and her father's surname as her own. She has two more weeks left of this semester tour and if she is willing to go for the next semester she will be able to spend more time in the more art cultured countries. For her last two weeks she will be staying in India, one of the countries she is most excited to visit!

Inventory: She carries around a big 'artful' bag that she keeps a lot of her pencils and other art stuff in. She also has always carried a backpack instead of a purse. It's a small backpack that has two other complete outfits in it, her wallet, cell phone, iPod, hair supplies and make-up. Since Carter is technically in class, she has another book bag full of study books and she has two full suitcases back in her hotel room.


Strengths: Personality, her shifting abilities from being taught by one of the United States greatest shifters, drawing

Weaknesses: Doesn't know her history, she can have a temper, seems younger than she is
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