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 Taylor's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Taylor's Profiles   Taylor's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:05 pm

Taylor's Profiles __Thank_you___by_LasaroTaylor's Profiles Boyscarfsbeautiful

Nickname: Kei-Kei

Age: 19

First Name: Kei

Middle Name: Yuki

Last Name: Tsubaki

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Bi

Occupation: Student (begining his internship at a Hospital)

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): French

Distinguishing Characteristics: Very pretty for a boy, femininely pretty

Height: 5'9

Weight: 129

Eye/Hair: Kei has silvery white hair and clear blue eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: ADHD

Quirks: The best guy in science and math you'll meet, he has different personalities in male and female form

Personality: Smiley guy he cracks jokes and is open about his obbsession with both sexes. Kei is the guy you want to have around on a bad day, he'll let you cry on his shoulder and than go get you piss-ass drunk. Kei loves the quirky people and could possibly be mentally ill as he tends to say the wrong things at the wrong time, or just start blabbering jibberish. He tends to be overly emotional and dramatic.

Talents: Piano, drinking people under the table, smart

Hobbies: Being a playboy

History: Kei grew up on a base where his father was a Colenal, each morning he ran threw drills with other boys his age before going to school. As a young boy Kei often had periods when he found himself, changing, he always pushed this away. The feelings of femiminity caused him to try and become more masculine, though he was always femininly pretty.

When he reached puberty Kei had a horrible cold one day and each time he sneezed his body changed from that of a lanky teen to an awkward girl. At first this scared Kei but he learned to control the change and honed both bodies to tip top condition. One day his father found him in female form. Kei was sent to Sky High because his father wants this stamped out of him so he can pursue a military career, Kei is sure he'll be dissappointed.


Powers: Kei can change himself into his female form or what he assumes he would have been as a female. Kei can also fly and has above average strength, though he can only use these in female form and loves the idea of having a normal life in his male form and never having to worry about hiding his abilities.
Taylor's Profiles OsNLD

Inventory: Female clothes


Strengths: His smarts, his personality

Weaknesses: Overly emotional weak in his male form

Taylor's Profiles Yoyoboy

Other: Uses a yo-yo as his weapon of choice, having placed blades in the top layer that are ejected at his will

Nickname: D.K.

Age: 18

First Name: Disney

Middle Name: Henry

Last Name: Kennedy

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi): Gay

Occupation: Student, savate instructor in the school (part of his parol program)

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish

Distinguishing Characteristics: Disney is distinguished by his many peircings, around fourteen placed around his body, some more visible than others. He has quite a few black tattoos all over his body.

Height: 6'8

Weight: 160

Eye/Hair: Disney has flaming red hair that reaches immpressively large heights, his skin is the creamy color of most carrot tops. Disney's eyes are a dark green that make his eyes appear black. He reaches the immpressive height of 6'8 and has sinewy muscles and a lanky frame.

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: Has a soft side for animals

Personality: Contrary to his name, Disney is an arrogant and tough guy. He is as raw and powerful in his emotions and his mouth its not uncommon for him to start a fight and finish it. Though Disney does have a soft side for those he respects, for boys a lot younger than himself.

Talents: Fighting


History: Disney had a mother who should never have been a mother. An addict she tried to care for him but each attempt was a horrible failure that lead to her getting another fix. His father was a rich business man who used his mother as a whore, he made sure Disney had clothes and food and stayed in school, but he had a wife and another child so Disney was often forgotten. Disney grew up on the streets, unsupervised and unwanted. Disney joined a gang at a young age giving him the family he wanted. As Disney grew and he got older he became immersed in the activities. When his powers manifested he became so valuable other gangs were desperate to have him, though none of them knew about his powers. It started a huge gang war and Disney desperate to stop the blood shed left the gang life. A few years later he was picked up by the police and they told him it was either Sky High or jail (as his father reluctantly claimed him and he was a legacy there ). Looking back now Disney should have picked jail.


Powers: Disney is an advanced human, every cell in his antimoy is super charged, he has advanced hearing, taste, smell, touch, eyesight, speed, strength. All of his reflexes are advanced, and he is not hindered by his size. Also due to his super charged cells he has super healing powers. He is also a savate fighter (french kickboxing) and this makes him a horrible enemy and an invaluable friend.

Inventory: Disney carries yo-yos which have blades in them and he weilds without mercy


Strengths: His powers, his attitude

Weaknesses: Insecurity about his sexual preferences

Taylor's Profiles Skool
Taylor's Profiles Misteor21


Age: 22

First Name: Aric

Middle Name: Braxton

Last Name: Addams

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Straight (With male tendancies)

Occupation: History Teacher

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): His history goes back to Russia but he hails from Brooklynn

Distinguishing Characteristics: Aric has steel gray hair that hangs straight and is often swept across his face, he has a very artistic face one that when calm reminds you of an angel and when strong emotions hit him they can clearly be seen there. He also has a fierce smirk and uses it regularly on disorderly boys in his class.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 165

Eye/Hair: Aric's hair is steel gray and straight and his eyes are a hot molten gold

Mental/Physical Disorders: Slightly alcoholic, slightly vampiric

Quirks: Morbid sense of humor likes to start his drinking at six in the morning but never gets drunk he also thinks its hilarious that he went to school with some of his students, enjoys smoking both cigars and cigarettes, slightly vampiric.

Personality: Aric is the typical Addams what's normal for him is odd for everyone else. That being said he is very kind and direct, kindly honest most would say. He does however have a very nasty streak when you upset him and isn't afraid to give out detentions right and left should someone upset him. What normally happens is someone early on will set him off and the rest of the day anyone that steps on his toes gets a detention and usually there's a pop quiz or two.

Talents: Languages, bringing history 'alive', dancing

Hobbies: Torturing little boys, teaching, dancing

History: Aric grew up in a typical American household, his older sister and brother often tried to electricute him or get him to sit in their guilitinne. His mother's posionous flowers and man eating plants kept her occupied enough of the time so that his father was able to teach him what a real man of the house did, he smoked, loved his wife, watched his children play and most of all he knew his wealth.

So Aric grew up this way his sister going to Salem Finishing School for Girls when she turned thirteen, his brother to Plymouth School for Boys two years later. Aric then had many years alone with his parents. When he was eight or so his abilities manifested and it was more than even his family members could handle, he was sent to Sky High soon after.

Aric was a good student beside for his odd tendancies and succeeded in school, and decided that he liked it so much he'd like to remain. So after graduating early (Addams' were always very intelligent) Aric attended college and came right back to Sky High with a degree in History and so began his teaching career.


Powers: Aric is able to bend reality around himself and others; he is also able to trap people in his mind where years can go by there and not a moment pass in the normal world, with this he is able to break peoples mine. He likes to bend reality around his students so that he can put them in famous battles...Aric is also slightly vampiric and can control minds, has telekinetic tendancies also, and enjoys the taste of blood.




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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Profiles   Taylor's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:06 pm

Taylor's Profiles Neko_boyTaylor's Profiles BlushingNeko

Nickname: Kio

Age: 16

First Name: Kioshi

Middle Name: Ryu

Last Name: Applegate

Gender: Male

Orentation (Gay, Straight, Bi): Bi

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Japanese

Distinguishing Characteristics: What makes him stand out besides for his almost childlike features and lithe form are the ears that are on the sides of his head and the tail that sprouts out his tailbone, both are covered in fine black hair and move according to Kioshi's will, his cainine teeth as well as a few teeth on his lower jaw support razor sharp fangs and his fingernails are always slightly longer and sharper than most boys and even girls. Also Kio is colored the way a panther is except that on his chest the dusting of fur is silvery white, where the light fur everywhere else is inky black.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 113

Eye/Hair: Kioshi is a very tiny boy reaching only 5'2, and he knows that if he gains another inch it will be a miracle. His hair is a straight black (coming from his Japanese origins) cut into a modern yet appropriate style with layers and edges, with the longest layer barely brushing his shoulders. Kioshi's eyes are a steel grey color, though in the right light they appear to be a crystal blue.

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: Unknown to his parents and the teachers at the Academy, Kioshi smokes. He has been smoking for two years, and in some ways he hates himself for it but can't stop because it is the only thing that makes him feel more human.

Personality: Kioshi is a quiet self contained boy. He is easy to embarass, and is almost never seen without a blush on his face. That being said he is also very sensitive and if harsh words are spoken to him instantly his eyes fill with tears. Though being quiet and sensitive has not stopped Kioshi in his pursuit of knowledge, he may not always speak up in class but when he does the answer is always intelligent and thought threw (though his voice barely ever rises above a whisper which is why he is horrible giving oral presantations).

Talents: Extremely smart, musically inclined

Hobbies: Walking, climbing trees, reading

History: Kioshi was born in the back alleys of Tokyo Japan in December, his mother was a Japanese prostitute who was addicted to perscription drugs and shortly after she gave birth she returned to the hotel where her current employer was waiting. Kioshi was found late in the night by a homeless man named Kohaku who was rummaging through the garbage for cans to recycle, instead he found Kioshi wrapped in newspaper nearly frozen to death in the harsh winter. Being a kind man, Kohaku grabbed the baby and began to rub it with his hands to warm him just to see if the baby was still alive. When Kioshi began to give tiny half hearted crys Kohaku placed the baby in his jacket and ran to the nearest hospital. At the hospital Kioshi was taken from Kohaku and taken to intensive care and placed instantly on the adoption list. Within the first month Kioshi was adopted by a fine English family and was named Kioshi due to the way he never seemed to cry and sticking with traditional Japanese culture.

At age six when his mother was combing his hair she noticed that Kioshi's ears were slightly higher than they had been. As the days progressed she and Kioshi's father watched as Kioshi's ears traveled to the top of his head and became feline in nature. Not soon after the tail began to grow. Kioshi was never in pain during this but when he asked his parents why he no longer attended school they told him that the other boys and girls didn't look like him. Instead a blind tutor was found to teach Kioshi until he was old enough to attend Sky High, which was well known as a boys school but not as well known was the fact that they dealt with the strangeness that seemed to effect their son. Kioshi started the school year late due to him catching phenumonia when the family were in the Alps skiing.


Powers: Kioshi has the instincts of the larger cats in the animal kingdom, he likes to think of himself as a panther just because of his coloring. He can hear, see, smell and sense people as well as the cats, as such loud noises hurt his ears, and he has a delicate diet of rare meats and occasionally vegtables. Kioshi also walks as a feline, with pent up grace, an almost dangerous gait filled with repressed power, you'll never hear him even if he doesn't mean to startle you and he has the balance of the greatest feline killers.


Strengths: Strong, fast, agile, quick thinker

Weaknesses: short, shy, easily embarassed

Taylor's Profiles Icewizard
Taylor's Profiles Vampire-thinking Ishi Taylor's Profiles White_dragon

Nickname: Viki

Age: 19

First Name: Viktor

Middle Name: Sergi

Last Name: Rozhdestvensky

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Gay

Occupation: Student, during Hols he strips though he is starting to take over his family business slowly

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Russian

Distinguishing Characteristics: Has his ears peirced, Viktor often wears large silver earrings with blue stones. He is also constantly followed by a small girl an impish look about her

Height: 6'8 Ishsi is 4'3

Weight: 166 Ishi is 70

Eye/Hair: Viktor has distant cold blue eyes and constantly windswept blonde hair. Ishi has pitch black hair and shinning mischevious violet eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: Viktor is missing half his soul that peice of soul is sealed in the staff he carries around. That soul can be seen by certain people in the form of Ishi who is always around him.

Quirks: Viki only half a person as such he is out of touch with a few major emotions

Personality: Viki has always been odd, since his soul splitting ceremony he grew even odder. Viktor can be in a group of people and yet be isolated, he is distant but at the same time very close to the person he's around. Viki is loud but in a quiet way, and soft yet hard, mostly a walking contridiction. Ishi the other half of him is very bubbly and smart, almost always talking in riddles she gets bummed when people can't see her

Talents: Viktor is very artistic though he only does abstract art and sculptures, he is also a very gifted dancer and leads the cheerleading squad (yes the boys school has a squad for their boys and they do travel to other schools.)

Hobbies: Viktor collects precious stones, many times he uses them in the jewelry he makes

History: Viki is the heir to a prominant Russian family, he is the eldest of five (sisters) and all his life he's grown up with the responsibility that he is the only one who will run the family and take care of his sisters.

It was a tradition in his family, who had lived in the icy tundra since man evolved, to perform a ceremony that split ones soul and awakened ones spirit animal. Around the age of six the ceremony was performed and Ishi came into being and it was revealed that Viktor's animal was a dragon.

From then on Viktor has been at Sky High, learning to control his animal, and Ishi (who he discovered only certain people could see, usually only very powerful people), he found it odd that not everyone had a spilt soul and for a while he asked people why he couldn't see their soul.

Viktor has not lived an exciting life, sure he's had a few encounters with rival families but besides for that he lives for school. This was how he found dancing and his artistic skills, this is also how he started noticing men. Due to his soul splitting Viki finds it hard to be close to people who Ishi can't connect with but he enjoys being in relationships and knows that his parents are okay with it (many in his family are gay) and knows that when the time comes it means he must pick his heir from his sisters children.

The reason Viki started stripping was to get extra speding cash, but he found he likes the thrill of it, though he never goes home with anyone after work.


Powers: Viktor has the power to control his spirit animal, when he feels threatened or in danger Ishi changes into the form of a dragon and Viktor can control her to defeat his enimies. Viki himself is not unpowerful though Viki can control ice, he can cover his body in a layer of it to protect himself, he can form it into different things and even use it for travel.

Inventory: Various peices of jewelry his staff that carries the peice of his soul


Strengths: Ishi, his family

Weaknesses: If Ishi dies he will never be whole again (this happened to his uncle who commited sucide soon after)

Taylor's Profiles Dark_angel Taylor's Profiles 5682590b

Nickname: Thaney

Age: 17

First Name: Thane

Middle Name: James

Last Name: Grayson

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Bi

Occupation: Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish

Distinguishing Characteristics: Black wings with about a fifteen foot wingspan, that are hard as steele though as light as feathers, carries a large ebony stick that most think is used as a walking stick but he uses it to fight.

Height: 6'2

Weight: 163

Eye/Hair: Thane keeps his black hair long, and yeah he knows that his eyes are the color of mercury leave it alone.

Mental/Physical Disorders:

Quirks: Doesn't like public dispalys of affection

Personality: Thane is angry at the world. Angry that his parents are seperating, angry they made him move, angry that he's a freak. Thane can't help but feel that the world has screwed him over a few times too many, he wants to go back to a normal school not some freaky all boys school loaded with freaks like himself. On the inside Thane is hurting because the world keeps tossing him around and he's always felt that something was missing in his life.

Talents: Flying

Hobbies: Flying, fighting, reading brail (he prefers it to reading the normal way)

History: Thane grew up in Ireland, his father beat his mother and his older sister and made Thane watch. When Thane was nine he tried to pry his father's fingers off of his sister's throat, his father struck him and Thane landed on the counter top where his mother had placed th thermometor.

The glass broke and it 'blinded' Thane it changed his eye color from brown to mercury. Thane's mother waited until he was ten before filing for divorce, finding a new husband. Thane's step-father moved them to England, away from everyone who knew them, and when his mother and sister were away at counseling he molested Thane. In Thane's mind he deserved it, but still he tried to stay out of the man's way as often as he could.

When Thane hit puberty he was walking home one day from school and his back began to ache, right before he reached his house he fell to the ground in pain and felt something ripping out of his back. Turning around he saw the black wings sprouting from his shoulders. Thane's mother was horrified and his step-father was angry, his son could not be a freak. From then on Thane got a doctors note to wear a coat in school, 'to hide a brace'.

Thane started to fight on the streets, his amazing hearing made him an excellent fighter and that was Thane's way to escape his world. Then his mother learned about Sky High wanting him to attend a school where he was normal. Thane was glad at first but when he found out it was all boys was horrifed. How could she send him to an all boys school when his stepfather, who had molested him, now hit him for liking men.


Powers: Thane is blind but he can 'see' slightly but it is all in a flat silvery haze. He is able to fly by his exceptional ability to hear and feel things, like wind currents, plus his wings are completely under his control. Besides for his wings Thane is able to make his energy visible and project it in the form of a weapon, he can also use this to pick locks and other things, it like a second set of hands.

Inventory: Walking stick


Strengths: Flight, senses, fighting skills

Weaknesses: Vunerable in bright places, insecure
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Taylor's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Profiles   Taylor's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:41 pm

Taylor's Profiles Anime31 Taylor's Profiles AnimeGuy16 Taylor's Profiles Boy23-2 Taylor's Profiles 20070217202732

Nickname: Jack, Jacky Boy

Age: 18

First Name: Jackson

Middle Name: Abbot

Last Name: Castello

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Gender less, he feels that he will never love again

Occupation: Student taking over his fathers company when he graduates

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: Jack's hair is quite distinguishing so he always wears a hat or tries to he knows soon that he won't be able to. The other thing that is quite noticable about Jack is that he has three scars on the left side of his face reaching from his chin to just above the middle of his cheek, they are the only scars on his body

Height: 5'10

Weight: 148

Eye/Hair: Jack's eyes are a soothing gray color akin to the hazing smoke on a candle, his hair is the same color except when the light hits it a certain way then it blazes to life with a dominating red color that draws the eyes to it. His hair is wavy and cut so that it hangs messily around his chin.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Often talks to dead girlfriend

Quirks: Jack's not really the quirky type though he does have a thing for socks, rum and writing fanfics.

Personality: Jack is a quite considerate guy, he's just so fucking pissed that he has to go to a school for freaks! Sure he has powers but nothing that needs to learn to be controlled! Any way he could be your best friend or your worst nightmare and that sums him up, a normal guy trapped between a rock and a hard place.

Talents: Numbers he's a whizz with numbers

Hobbies: Sleeping under the stars

History: Jack's family heads a large corporation that he is expected to run. He had the perfect life, a girlfriend off to become a school teacher and ready to get married and start a family, a supportive father, loving mother and a job all lined up. Then on the night he planned to purpose he and Sara were in a car accident on a rainy road, Sara was a gifted human with regenerative powers but she didn't survive and Jack did.

Jack escaped from the wreckage after three hours of unconciousness without a scratch on his body and Sara cold beside him. His parents rushed him to the hospital where it was found that he too was a regeneratively gifted but a latent power had activated during his unconciousness, the ability to stop all other powers but his own. Sara's autopsy showed half regrown bones and half fixed organs.

Jack doesn't know what's worse that he killed his girlfriend or that she died in pain from half of her wounds being fixed. Because he can't control this power and many others in the business are gifted everyone but Jack thinks that it would be better if he could control his powers.


Powers: Jack has regenerative powers of unknown strength and the ability to stop all others powers within twenty feet of him



Strengths: His smarts, his money and class

Weaknesses: Sara haunts him
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