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 Paige's Profiles

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2 posters

Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Paige's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:23 pm

Paige's Profiles Jack Paige's Profiles Anime_Boy_by_itachinejilover

Nickname: Leahman, Aid, Hot Head

Age: 17

First Name: Aiden

Middle Name: Night

Last Name: Leahman

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bi-Sexual

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf) n/a

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Mutant

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) n/a

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): half Irish, half German

Distinguishing Characteristics: His oddly colored hair, his outfits, his wings that are the same color as his hair, the height difference between him and his twin sister, and his necklace's end ornament (I don't know what to call it)

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 156

Eye/Hair: He has a dark brown hair that has a reddish tint to it (natural), he has a darkish green eye color but when he gets upset they turn brown and almost look red

Mental/Physical Disorders: He has temper issues





History: Nixie and Aiden were born to Seth and Macie Leahman 17 years ago. Aiden was the first born then Nixie was next. Seth and Macie choose their names after both of them were born. Nixie, meaning water sprite, was named that because she looked pixie like with her dark hair and ageless beauty. Aiden, which means little fire, was named that because he had a head full of red hair and was actually a lot hotter in temperature than Nixie was. The new parents never imagined that both of their children would inherit a gene from their gene pool, causing a mutation. The mutation didn't of course show until they were a little older, around the age of 10 or 11.

Nixie received her powers when she was ten, a year before her older brother. She was complaining to her mother of feeling sick in her insides. Her mother thought that she might have the flu, but that day proved that she had something else. Nixie's back was hurting so she decided to take a shower. While in the water, her back started to feel relieved but when Nixie went to rub her shoulder blades she felt wings instead. Terrified, she jump out of the shower and ran to the mirror, seeing that the 'water' wings her now solid wings, but of a smaller size. Screaming for help, her mother entered to find her daughter dry and having 'glass' wings. Immediately Macie called the doctor, asking if this was normal or if her daughter would be subjected to testing. Instead of answers he gave her a number telling her that these doctors will be of more assistance. Later that day, Nixie and Macie went inside a building where they were told that Nixie had inherited a rare gene giving her mutant powers. They also explained to Nixie what her powers were and if, within the next year, her twin receives powers that they should be transferred to a special school for their kind.

Then, as if luck would have it, less than a year later Aiden received his powers. He didn't complain of being sick but was at school on the monkey bars when some kid behind him started yelling at him to move faster. Instead of moving faster, Aiden's hands began to burn straight through the metal, causing him to fall. He landed on his feet and smiled in triumph at the sound of the other boy's screams. He, too, was taken to the same strange building and was told what his powers were and that he and his sister must immediately transfer to the school. Seeing as Christmas was coming soon, they didn't transfer to the school until after the holiday season was over. Seth and Macie were scared but happy to be living with mutant children. They never saw Aiden and Nixie as different or as mutants, but as their flesh and blood. So when the time came for them to go to the boarding school, long and heart felt farewells were given.

When they arrived at the school, Aiden and Nixie took each others hand, as the did when they were younger, and walked into the building together. Throughout the next six years, Aiden and Nixie learned how to master and control their powers, while learning very important things along the way. Sadly the year before their graduation, their headmaster died and they had to relocate to a school not for the 'gifted' as their parents put it. Now they have to deal with stares and glares of students who are not used to seeing people with gifts or powers or wings or different colored skin for that matter. They both agreed that one the first day of school, they will walk hand in hand together as they did on every first day of school since they were kids.


Powers: He has the ability to fly and control the element of fire. He can produce his own fire that when he is very angry can cover his whole body, but he mostly produces it from his hands/arms.

Inventory: Hand coolers (specially made), back-pack full of school things, necklace that was given to him at birth from his great grandmother, fire proof gloves (like in the first picture), iPod, hat,





Paige's Profiles 1127066709_yPictures1 Paige's Profiles Normal_black_cat

Nickname: Nix, Miss Leahman, Coldie, Pixie

Age: 17

First Name: Nixie

Middle Name: Akilah

Last Name: Leahman

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi-Sexual, but she prefers the opposite sex

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf) n/a

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Mutant

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) n/a

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): half Irish, half German

Distinguishing Characteristics: Her hair color, her necklace that looks like it has a bar code on it, her wings that seem to be made of ice and crystals, the height difference between her and her twin brother.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 132

Eye/Hair: She has dark black hair that has an icy tint to it in certain light, her eyes are a crystal blue that when she's angry seem to turn icy.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Let's just say she can get very upset, happy, sad, etc very easily and can stay that way for awhile and she is slightly OCD

Quirks: She always brushes her teeth before she eats any breakfast not after, when she first wakes up she brushes her hair then makes her bed then does whatever else she wants, hates wearing uniforms, will not have her hair longer than her shoulders or shorter than her chin.

Personality: Nixie is a very energetic and a very passionate person. She is in love with the arts meaning almost all of them; dancing, singing, playing instruments, drawing, painting, photography, etc. When she puts her mind to something, she will get it done and will do a fantastic job at it as well. Her brother teases her about her being OCD; she brushes her teeth in a specific order (up down in the front twice, two circular rotations on the right, then the same to the left, repeating these three steps five more times before spitting then doing it three more times before finishing), but she doesn't let his comments bother her. Then again when other people comment about her strange habits, it's off with their heads. Nixie is usually very sweet and friendly but if you get on her bad side once, you are likely to stay on her bad side for a long while. She also has very strong emotions. Meaning when she's happy, she is really happy and when she is sad she is very very sad. Her emotions usually stay the same one for awhile but most of the time her friends can 'snap' her out of them.

Talents: Nixie is very good in school and in many different arts (her powers, drawing, dancing, singing, etc)

Hobbies: Singing, dancing, drawing, painting, playing her four favorite instruments (piano, flute, harp, cello), etc

History: Nixie and Aiden were born to Seth and Macie Leahman 17 years ago. Aiden was the first born then Nixie was next. Seth and Macie choose their names after both of them were born. Nixie, meaning water sprite, was named that because she looked pixie like with her dark hair and ageless beauty. Aiden, which means little fire, was named that because he had a head full of red hair and was actually a lot hotter in temperature than Nixie was. The new parents never imagined that both of their children would inherit a gene from their gene pool, causing a mutation. The mutation didn't of course show until they were a little older, around the age of 10 or 11.

Nixie received her powers when she was ten, a year before her older brother. She was complaining to her mother of feeling sick in her insides. Her mother thought that she might have the flu, but that day proved that she had something else. Nixie's back was hurting so she decided to take a shower. While in the water, her back started to feel relieved but when Nixie went to rub her shoulder blades she felt wings instead. Terrified, she jump out of the shower and ran to the mirror, seeing that the 'water' wings her now solid wings, but of a smaller size. Screaming for help, her mother entered to find her daughter dry and having 'glass' wings. Immediately Macie called the doctor, asking if this was normal or if her daughter would be subjected to testing. Instead of answers he gave her a number telling her that these doctors will be of more assistance. Later that day, Nixie and Macie went inside a building where they were told that Nixie had inherited a rare gene giving her mutant powers. They also explained to Nixie what her powers were and if, within the next year, her twin receives powers that they should be transferred to a special school for their kind.

Then, as if luck would have it, less than a year later Aiden received his powers. He didn't complain of being sick but was at school on the monkey bars when some kid behind him started yelling at him to move faster. Instead of moving faster, Aiden's hands began to burn straight through the metal, causing him to fall. He landed on his feet and smiled in triumph at the sound of the other boy's screams. He, too, was taken to the same strange building and was told what his powers were and that he and his sister must immediately transfer to the school. Seeing as Christmas was coming soon, they didn't transfer to the school until after the holiday season was over. Seth and Macie were scared but happy to be living with mutant children. They never saw Aiden and Nixie as different or as mutants, but as their flesh and blood. So when the time came for them to go to the boarding school, long and heart felt farewells were given.

When they arrived at the school, Aiden and Nixie took each others hand, as the did when they were younger, and walked into the building together. Throughout the next six years, Aiden and Nixie learned how to master and control their powers, while learning very important things along the way. Sadly the year before their graduation, their headmaster died and they had to relocate to a school not for the 'gifted' as their parents put it. Now they have to deal with stares and glares of students who are not used to seeing people with gifts or powers or wings or different colored skin for that matter. They both agreed that one the first day of school, they will walk hand in hand together as they did on every first day of school since they were kids.


Powers: Nixie can control the element of water and she can fly. She can also form the water into ice and when very angry she can make it snow and rain. Her wings are easier to hide than her brother because they are smaller and she can form them because they are made of ice. Nixie, unfortunately, is as cold to the touch as her ice that she can control/make. She will not get sick from being too cold but from being too hot, if she reaches a human's normal temperature she will be in need of medical help.

Inventory: Her 'bar code' necklace, many items for her hair, purse full of cosmetics and other things, book-bag full of school supplies, iPod, wrist bands that warm her hands, she always carries at least one to two coats, jackets, or sweat shirts to keep her temperature warm enough for contact, she sometimes carries a hat or two for an outfit's needs, and her cat, that isn't really a cat, named Kristy (her cat is actually her special non-melt able ice that she has taught to move covered in one of her old stuff animal 'fur')


Strengths: Parents, brother Aiden, powers, friends, intelligence, easy personality

Weaknesses: Being cold, mood swings, being to passionate about something
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Paige's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:24 pm

Paige's Profiles Animedarkangelgirl Paige's Profiles Anime-girl-1 Paige's Profiles Slave Paige's Profiles 35df8101 (Leanna when she was younger)

Nickname: Lea, Anna

Age: 18

First Name: Leanna

Middle Name: Kelsey

Last Name: Miller

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi-sexual

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf) n/a

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Witch possible host

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) None

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): English (British whatever)

Distinguishing Characteristics: She was long wavy, gray hair that is natural. She was born a blonde and colors it blonde sometimes but prefers her standout gray hair. Leanna also always wears a bracelet that she keeps up on her arm. Leanna has her ears pierced twice and has her cartage pierced. She also has her belly button and tongue pierced (she's getting her nose pierced sometime soon). She has three tattoos; on her right arm by her shoulder she has a small tattoo of the triangle eye on the back of the dollar bill, on her left shoulder blade she has a shooting star with four smaller stars around it, then above on the left side of her chest (where the heart is) she has a small golden lock in the shape of a heart (who ever she marries will get the key to her heart tattooed on themselves (she even has a picture of what the key will look like)).

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 132 (she is very muscular for being skinny though)

Eye/Hair: Naturally a blonde, when she was about 9 years old her hair turned a gray almost silver color. Her eyes are actually a very very light blue but they seem to look silver/gray like her hair

Mental/Physical Disorders: none available unless you count being addicted to sex and shopping a disorder

Quirks: She hardly ever wears pants (not saying she walks around in her underwear it's just that she likes wearing shorts and other show off-y outfits). Leanna doesn't like milk in her cereal but she likes apple, orange, or any other kind of juice in it instead. She picks out her outfits the night before but usually ends up wearing a different one the next day.

Personality: She is a very happy person that can seem stuck up and bitchy if you don't really know her that well. People know her as the whore (they call her that) she just says it's just because they are jealous that they aren't her. Let's just say that she's been around the block a couple of times and has made a trip around town too. Her closest friends think of her as this bubbly air head girl that likes to party, shop, and have sex way too much. Leanna is very bright but likes to act dumb to get attention from boys (she says it's because boys like air heads more than they like smart girls.) The reason she is known as a bitch though is because she will bitch you out for saying anything rude about her or her friends and the bitch out will (most likely) turn into a full out cat fight. She is stuck up and she doesn't care. Her parents are rich, she's hot, and there's nothing anyone can say to put her down. If they try she will make sure they are put face down on the ground.

Talents: She's really good at telling people off. She's also good at combining outfits so they will match. Leanna can sew and make her own clothes in the matter of a few hours to maybe one day. Also she can touch her tongue to her nose and is double jointed in her arms (put her arms behind her back and bring them over her head without breaking them apart (cory potter)). Very good at shopping in a hurry and getting everything you need too.

Hobbies: Shopping, partying, having sex, sewing, reading, hanging out with friends, working out.

History: Leanna was born into one of the richest and well known families in all of England. Her father, John, and her mother, Elizabeth, were also newlyweds when she was born. Though her father didn't know this fact until she was born, her mother came from a long line of witches. By the age of two, Leanna was able to cast simple little spells when she was angry, upset, or scared. Of course he father didn't know what to make of what his only child was doing. When her mother told him about her ancestry, she also told him that if it skips a generation that sometimes the child may have extra powers that other witches don't/can't possess. Elizabeth said that it was highly unlikely that Leanna would get extra powers; even though it was never proven that, and she herself did not even possess the powers of a witch and neither does her sister. John was not too happy to find out that his new wife and child were 'mutants' in his eyes, but he couldn't help but still love them.

As Leanna grew up, she learned how to keep her powers under control from her grandma, Nana, and her great aunt Krissa. She also grew up the only child of a very wealthy family. For her third birthday she told her parents that she wanted a merry-go-round, they gave her exactly that and she sold it for even more than it was cost when she was 10. Her parents always gave her what she wanted and always a little something more. They had the money to burn and they wanted to spoil their only daughter until they realized they were expecting again. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had a miscarriage only a few days after she found out they were expecting a boy. It turns out that it is very highly unlikely for women in her family to carry male children. Though when the special gene skips a generation they can conceive and carry both male and female children.

Growing older can be difficult for everyone, but for Leanna it was extremely more difficult than any one else. When she was five she realized she had extra gifts that Nana and Auntie Kriss didn't have. She found out that she could move objects with her mind's eye at will when her daddy wouldn't let her have a piece of chocolate. While she waited in his office she kept thinking about that chocolate that he put on the tallest shelf in his office. Then when he left the room she glanced up at the spot and realized tit was empty and the chocolate was floating down into her hands. Of course this became even more useful when she started to sneak out of the house to go to parties or be with her many different boy friends.

Then about a year later, Leanna started hearing voices but not unusual voices, her parent's voices but they weren't talking. She asked Auntie Kriss why she could here them when they didn't move their mouths. So Krissa did an experiment on her; she would talk to her normally then finish her conversation in her head and then asked if Leanna could hear that. So by the age of six Leanna could hear everyone's thoughts and not at will. Nana had to find a special book about how to control that power so that she could use that only when she wanted. It turned out that Leanna had to learn how to control it by herself.

Leanna wasn't the good girl that her parents expected her to be. Only when they went to a party or a dinner was Leanna on her best behavior. Her school work wouldn't drop because Leanna was/is a very smart and bright girl that has a wild side. On week nights after finishing homework, Leanna would sneak out of her room, on the forth floor of their mansion, and go hang out with her current boy friend and/or hang out with her girl friends. By the age of twelve she started to smoke and drink, she says it was to dull out the yelling her parents would do because they couldn't have any male children and her mother didn't want to adopt. Then by the age of thirteen she got her first tattoo of the 'all seeing eye' on the dollar bill. She also then got her ears double pierced and her belly button pierced. So her parents sent her off to the school for the gifted so they wouldn't have to deal with her misbehaving all the time. Throughout her years at the school she has slept with almost all of the guys there. Then during breaks when she goes home she makes sure to spend as much money as possible and get either a tattoo or something pierced. On occasion does she smoke, either when she's really stressed or after a break up and sometimes just for fun.


Powers: Leanna is a descendant from a long line of witches so she has all the powers of the witches. She also is in possession of one of the 12 books containing all kinds of spells, potions, charms, etc. Also the witch gene skipped her mom's generation which means that she could have extra powers that most witches don't have. These powers are reading the minds of animals and humans alike, and being able to make any object (including people) move at her will.

Inventory: Leanna carries a purse that has her iPod, cell phone, wallet (full of money and credit cards), make-up bag, hair products, mirror, hair brush, pack of cigarettes, pack of gum, extra pair of underwear/ extra bra (you never know when you might need them), she also carries two 'balls' that she uses when fighting (she can morph them into anything she wants). Then in her back pack she has all her school supplies and an address book which she keeps her newest finds numbers in.


Strengths: Her witch powers, her extra powers, her sex appeal, her brains, her money, her grandma and aunt.

Weaknesses: Her being stuck up and bitchy, her family life, her parents being disappointed with her, smoking, being 'wild'.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Paige's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2009 9:01 pm

(Leanna when she was younger)

Nickname: Lea, Anna

Age: 18

First Name: Leanna

Middle Name: Kelsey

Last Name: Miller

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bi-sexual

Maker: (If Vampire/Werewolf) n/a

Vampire/Human/Zombie/Witch/Werewolf/Host Etc: Witch possible host

Coven/Clan: (If Vampire, Werewolf, or Demon) None

Occupation (Student/Teacher/Random Street Person): Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French, Demon etc): English (British whatever)

Distinguishing Characteristics: She was long wavy, gray hair that is natural. She was born a blonde and colors it blonde sometimes but prefers her standout gray hair. Leanna also always wears a bracelet that she keeps up on her arm. Leanna has her ears pierced twice and has her cartage pierced. She also has her belly button and tongue pierced (she's getting her nose pierced sometime soon). She has three tattoos; on her right arm by her shoulder she has a small tattoo of the triangle eye on the back of the dollar bill, on her left shoulder blade she has a shooting star with four smaller stars around it, then above on the left side of her chest (where the heart is) she has a small golden lock in the shape of a heart (who ever she marries will get the key to her heart tattooed on themselves (she even has a picture of what the key will look like)).

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 132 (she is very muscular for being skinny though)

Eye/Hair: Naturally a blonde, when she was about 9 years old her hair turned a gray almost silver color. Her eyes are actually a very very light blue but they seem to look silver/gray like her hair

Mental/Physical Disorders: none available unless you count being addicted to shopping a disorder

Quirks: She hardly ever wears pants (not saying she walks around in her underwear it's just that she likes wearing shorts and other show off-y outfits). Leanna doesn't like milk in her cereal but she likes apple, orange, or any other kind of juice in it instead. She picks out her outfits the night before but usually ends up wearing a different one the next day.

Personality: She is a very happy person that can seem stuck up and bitchy if you don't really know her that well. People know her as the whore (they call her that) she just says it's just because they are jealous that they aren't her. Her closest friends think of her as this bubbly air head girl that likes to party and shop way too much. Leanna is very bright but likes to act dumb to get attention from boys (she says it's because boys like air heads more than they like smart girls.) The reason she is known as a bitch though is because she will bitch you out for saying anything rude about her or her friends and the bitch out will (most likely) turn into a full out cat fight. She is stuck up and she doesn't care. Her parents are rich, she's hot, and there's nothing anyone can say to put her down. If they try she will make sure they are put face down on the ground.

Talents: She's really good at telling people off. She's also good at combining outfits so they will match. Leanna can sew and make her own clothes in the matter of a few hours to maybe one day. Also she can touch her tongue to her nose and is double jointed in her arms (put her arms behind her back and bring them over her head without breaking them apart (cory potter)). Very good at shopping in a hurry and getting everything you need too.

Hobbies: Shopping, partying, sewing, reading, hanging out with friends, working out.

History: Leanna was born into one of the richest and well known families in all of England. Her father, John, and her mother, Elizabeth, were also newlyweds when she was born. Though her father didn't know this fact until she was born, her mother came from a long line of witches. By the age of two, Leanna was able to cast simple little spells when she was angry, upset, or scared. Of course he father didn't know what to make of what his only child was doing. When her mother told him about her ancestry, she also told him that if it skips a generation that sometimes the child may have extra powers that other witches don't/can't possess. Elizabeth said that it was highly unlikely that Leanna would get extra powers; even though it was never proven that, and she herself did not even possess the powers of a witch and neither does her sister. John was not too happy to find out that his new wife and child were 'mutants' in his eyes, but he couldn't help but still love them.

As Leanna grew up, she learned how to keep her powers under control from her grandma, Nana, and her great aunt Krissa. She also grew up the only child of a very wealthy family. For her third birthday she told her parents that she wanted a merry-go-round, they gave her exactly that and she sold it for even more than it was cost when she was 10. Her parents always gave her what she wanted and always a little something more. They had the money to burn and they wanted to spoil their only daughter until they realized they were expecting again. Unfortunately, Elizabeth had a miscarriage only a few days after she found out they were expecting a boy. It turns out that it is very highly unlikely for women in her family to carry male children. Though when the special gene skips a generation they can conceive and carry both male and female children.

Growing older can be difficult for everyone, but for Leanna it was extremely more difficult than any one else. When she was five she realized she had extra gifts that Nana and Auntie Kriss didn't have. She found out that she could move objects with her mind's eye at will when her daddy wouldn't let her have a piece of chocolate. While she waited in his office she kept thinking about that chocolate that he put on the tallest shelf in his office. Then when he left the room she glanced up at the spot and realized tit was empty and the chocolate was floating down into her hands. Of course this became even more useful when she started to sneak out of the house to go to parties or be with her many different boy friends.

Then about a year later, Leanna started hearing voices but not unusual voices, her parent's voices but they weren't talking. She asked Auntie Kriss why she could here them when they didn't move their mouths. So Krissa did an experiment on her; she would talk to her normally then finish her conversation in her head and then asked if Leanna could hear that. So by the age of six Leanna could hear everyone's thoughts and not at will. Nana had to find a special book about how to control that power so that she could use that only when she wanted. It turned out that Leanna had to learn how to control it by herself.

Leanna wasn't the good girl that her parents expected her to be. Only when they went to a party or a dinner was Leanna on her best behavior. Her school work wouldn't drop because Leanna was/is a very smart and bright girl that has a wild side. On week nights after finishing homework, Leanna would sneak out of her room, on the forth floor of their mansion, and go hang out with her current boy friend and/or hang out with her girl friends. By the age of twelve she started to smoke and drink, she says it was to dull out the yelling her parents would do because they couldn't have any male children and her mother didn't want to adopt. Then by the age of thirteen she got her first tattoo of the 'all seeing eye' on the dollar bill. She also then got her ears double pierced and her belly button pierced. So her parents sent her off to the school for the gifted so they wouldn't have to deal with her misbehaving all the time. Though she is called and known as 'the whore' of the school, this isn't true though. Yes she has slept with men but only her boyfriend and maybe a one night stand a semester, she's more of flirt than a whore. Then during breaks when she goes home she makes sure to spend as much money as possible and get either a tattoo or something pierced. On occasion does she smoke, either when she's really stressed or after a break up and sometimes just for fun.


Powers: Leanna is a descendant from a long line of witches so she has all the powers of the witches. She also is in possession of one of the 12 books containing all kinds of spells, potions, charms, etc. Also the witch gene skipped her mom's generation which means that she could have extra powers that most witches don't have. These powers are reading the minds of animals and humans alike, and being able to make any object (including people) move at her will.

Inventory: Leanna carries a purse that has her iPod, cell phone, wallet (full of money and credit cards), make-up bag, hair products, mirror, hair brush, pack of cigarettes, pack of gum, extra pair of underwear/ extra bra (you never know when you might need them), she also carries two balls that made of her magical energy that she can manipulate at her own will. Then in her back pack she has all her school supplies and an address book which she keeps her newest finds numbers in.


Strengths: Her witch powers, her extra powers, her sex appeal, her brains, her money, her grandma and aunt.

Weaknesses: Her being stuck up and bitchy, her family life, her parents being disappointed with her, smoking, being 'wild'.
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