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 Paige's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:15 pm

Paige's Profiles DcII (hair color) Paige's Profiles Shorthair (hairstyle)
Paige's Profiles Blue (Training/Battling outfit)
Paige's Profiles Girlinpink Paige's Profiles Punk (both are every day wear)

Nickname: Kenny, Jen, Jenna, Bells, Ken-Bell

Age: 13

First Name: Kendall

Middle Name: Jenna-Bell (actual first name (see history))

Last Name: Stewart

Gender: Female

Origin (Place of Birth) Johto in Cherrygrove City

Occupation (Professor, Trainer, Cordinator etc): Trainer

Distinguishing Characteristics: Her white hair with it's blue and pink tip ends. Also she carries a back with her poke-balls in it.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 136

Eye/Hair: Her natural hair color is a pure white, but she puts blue and pink strips and tips in it. Kendall cuts her hair because it's too much work to have long hair, yet she keeps it long enough to pull up, when necessary (picture Misty). She has big blue green eyes (natural) but she does need glasses so she either wears clear contacts or different color contacts (her favorite right now are the light brown color contacts.)

Mental/Physical Disorders: None but she has very strong emotions (see personality)

Quirks: Kendall is very 'lazy'. She would rather ride in a car or something but since that's not an option people find it odd that she bikes, roller blades, skateboards, or runs with some of her Pokemon. Also she is said to look like a little girl but she is more 'developed' than most girls her age. Her favorite color is white and she tries to wear something of that color in every outfit she wears.

Personality: Kendall is the type of person you would call 'wears her heart on her sleeve'. When she feels very strongly about something she will fight for it. Her favorite quote is "I'm a lover not a fighter, but I will always fight for what I love." She is a very sweet person and is very personable. She makes friends very easily but if you go against something she loves or feels very strongly about, you will know it and hear it from her. Kendall is also very smart and is a very quick learner. She can almost name all the Pokemon known to man, in alphabetical and numerical order. She hopes after she finishes her dream of being a famous trainer she can sell her Pokemon food recipe and maybe study the Pokemon and/or becoming a Professor eventually. Even though she is very smart she can be very naive at times.

Talents: She is very good at catching/training Pokemon. Battling however comes a little harder but she is still pretty good at it. She is also good at caring for her Pokemon. She even has invented her own food that she feeds her Pokemon and she was asked to sell it. Capturing rare and her favorite Pokemon on film

Hobbies: Catching, training, and caring for her Pokemon. She also loves to take pictures of the Pokemon she sees/catches.

History: Kendall was born Jenna-Bell Kendall Stewart Elm. Of course she doesn't go with two last names, she goes by her father's sir name. Her grandfather on her father's side is Professor Elm. During the summers she would stay with her grandpa Elm while her parents would go on vacation. While staying with him that's how she fell in love with Pokemon. Even though her mother, Joy, wanted her to become a nurse like herself but was not disappointed in the fact that she wants to train them. Her father use to get the same joy out of training that Kendall does, but he hung up his dreams when he met her mother. He runs a Poke-Mart, where they sell poke-balls, nets, food and other items.

When she would stay with her grandpa he would teach her everything he could about Pokemon. This also helped her learn about the best types of foods, medicines, and training techniques for each type of Pokemon. Also she would help her grandpa study the different Pokemon when they would arrive at his Lab. Then during the week she would either go to work with her dad or with her mom. While she would go to work with her mom, she learned many things about working on a Pokemon in an emergency and how to take care of eggs/Pokemon alike. So when she decided to become a trainer she asked to switch her middle name to her first name. Her argument that other trainers wouldn't take her seriously if her name was Jenna-Bell but if it was Kendall they would think she was tough because it seemed like a 'tough' name. So of course her parents bought it, but they still call her by her birth name and Kendall alike.

She got her first Pokemon when she was 6 years old. She keeps Bubbles as a pet but still enjoys training him. One day, now, she hopes Bubbles will evolve. She started her journey as a Trainer 3 years ago and she was 6 gym badges. The first ever Pokemon that she caught was an Eevee and she trained it around a leaf stone which made it evolve into a Leafeon. Over the next 4 months, after her first catch, she caught a total of 62 Pokemon. Throughout the two years that followed she picked the Pokemon that she either was in love with before she became a trainer, because of Grandpa Elm, or that she wants to train to evolve. She believes that she should make friends with her Pokemon first then train them.

Even though she LOVES training Pokemon she would rather studying which is why her friends consider her lazy. She is very athletic though, she really loves to ride her bike and skateboard but really doesn't like to run. She enjoys letting her Pokemon out of their Poke-balls once in a while. She keeps Bubbles out of his ball at all times though, but she feels that to keep them in shape and healthy they have to come out to walk/fly once in a while. This also makes them more friendly toward her friends and her friends Pokemon. She lets her friends call her either Kendall, Jenna-Bell, or any nickname they make up. She once got into a battle with a guy because he made fun of her being called Kendall, and she won with a first caught Pokemon.


Piplup which is her first Pokemon that she named Bubbles (Water)
Paige's Profiles Piplup
Pikachu that she named Sparkie. (Electric)
Paige's Profiles PIKACHU
Leafeon that she named Larkspur or just Lark which is her favorite flower (Grass)
Paige's Profiles Leafeon_by_SailorClef
Kirlia that she name Keiko which means the beloved one. (Psychic)
Paige's Profiles Kirlia
Scyther that she named Sarracenia but she calls her Sara for short which is the type of plant she caught her in. (Bug-Flying)
Paige's Profiles Scyther
Igglybuff that she named Puffy or Puff-Ball because she's so puffy! (Normal (just hatched from an egg she found))
Paige's Profiles Th174

Inventory: Sunglasses, sunscreen, jacket/rain jacket, map, bag full of poke-balls, brush, toothbrush, sleeping bag, food for both her and her Pokemon, her Pokemon, money (she usually rents the bike and skateboard), rollerblades, camera


Strengths: Her Pokemon, her talents in cooking/taking pictures, knowledge of Pokemon.

Weaknesses: Being 'lazy', battling, being naive, wearing her heart on her sleeve.

Paige's Profiles Brownguy(hair/eye color)Paige's Profiles Coolhat every day outfit Paige's Profiles Darkhotness1 training/battling outfit

Nickname: Nashy, Kennington

Age: 13

First Name: Nash

Middle Name: Lewis

Last Name: Kennington

Gender: Male

Origin (Place of Birth): Hoenn in Petalburg City

Occupation (Professor, Trainer, Coordinator etc): He is an Eevee trainer and breeder

Distinguishing Characteristics: His amazing blue eyes that seem to shimmer when in the sun, he always wears a dog tag necklace and he has his left ear pierced

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 152

Eye/Hair: He has light brown semi-long hair, and he has crystal blue eyes. He looks almost exactly like his father with all the Kennington genes in him.

Mental/Physical Disorders: He is a very happy, sweet person on the inside, but secretly Nash feels like he is dying on the inside. Don't call him depressed because he isn't, he just never feels whole...so call it what you want, but he feels he is every bit as normal as you. (see history)

Quirks: He wakes up very early every morning, yet he is always the last person out of bed. Thinks the color blue is not a real color yet he always wears something of that color. Prefers having his Pokemon in their poke-balls, yet always seems to have one to three of them out walking with him at some point. Likes riding his bike but walks more often. Wants to try to train a flying Pokemon but is afraid to try.

Personality: Nash is very outgoing and, well loud. He is the hyper-active kid that everyone likes and can talk to. He finds that he can never just stay or sit in one place for a long period of time, unless it's his house or he's going to bed. Nash is a people person and really enjoys being in conversations even if he doesn't really know what they are talking about. In his town of Petalburg, ask around and you will find that almost everyone knows Nash and his family. He also is known as the 'class-clown'. He loves making people smile and laugh either at his or someone else's expense. Only once in a while will Nash appear shy or sad and not himself. This is normal for him and it doesn't happen very often, maybe once in every other month and sometimes it occurs more in one month than in another.

Talents: He is an excellent Eevee breeder and trainer. He is also very good at remembering people's names and faces. He is also a skilled artist, but will only draw when he's in the mood, no time before that.

Hobbies: Training and breeding Eevees, drawing, talking to people, joking with people.

History: Nash was born into the world renown family of Eevee trainers, the Kenningtons. Ever since Nash was little he was surrounded by eevees everywhere he turned. Of course his first Pokemon was an Eevee, which he still has (it's his Umbreon). His great grandfather was the first Kennington to ever become a breeder and an extraordinary breeder at that. He first started breeding only water Pokemon, until he met his wife who only had an Eevee. She was trying to train the Eevee into becoming a Flareon and he helped. Since then on Eric Kennington and his new wife Linda, became one of the first successful family Eevee breeders in the world. From generation to generation the men and women children would marry other Eevee lovers and start a business of their own with Kennington being the name of the business.

Nash's parents met when his father, Lewis, and his mother, Natasha, were at a Pokemon competition and they were competing against each other with Eevee evolutions. They tell him it was love at first sight, not counting the fact that neither one of them won the battle for they each kept bringing out the same Pokemon. They became the first Kennington family in Petalburg city to start an Eevee training/breeding center. At the center a trainer can bring in their Eevee and can either choose to breed it with another Eevee to train both or have them train the Eevee to evolve into one of its 7 evolutions. They also sell food, medicine, clothing and everything else it takes to catch, train and breed a successful Eevee. All of their products are also for all of the evolutions. Nash says he practically grew up in the center, watching his parents work with all the Eevee evolutions and care for them too.

Sadly after Nash's 6th birthday, where he received his first Pokemon, his father was killed by a member of Team Rocket. They were trying to steal one of his parent's formulas to help an Eevee regain strength faster and evolve sooner, but it was just a prototype. While trying to protect all the Eevees and his work, Lewis was killed. Though thankfully, the Eevees then worked together to capture the members of Team Rocket. Then three days after his death, Natasha gave birth to their second and third children, Name (nah-may) and Lewis junior. Wanting to continue in his father's footsteps, Nash started to work at the center and help his mother. He was given his father's dog-tag that says that he is an official Eevee trainer, the name of his first ever trained Eevee Pokemon, and some basic information about him (sort of like and I.D.).

At the age of 10, Nash was given his own dog-tag after he successfully trained/bred three hundred Eevees and evolutions. With his Umbreon by his side Nash felt more at peace. Yet at night, Nash would lie awake and remember the day his father was murdered. He never told the police or his own mother, that he was down in his father's office with him during the attack and that he, after watching his father killed, let all the Pokemon free from their cages and attacked the members. His father was the most important thing in his life, and watching him die in such a horrible way, he has never felt whole from that moment on. So when he starts feeling the sinking feeling of sadness and utter helplessness, Nash draws and will not want to talk to anyone. His mother tell him that he is trying to be someone he's not, but he knows that he is himself but is hiding what he feels on the inside from the world and when he feels like he may just be sucked into the hole inside of him, he stays by himself.

By the age of 11, Nash left home to go on his own Pokemon adventure. He wanted to capture his own Eevees and train them himself without his mother's help. Over the next two years, Nash has successfully caught, trained, and battled over 60 Eevees and the evolutions. Though he only has a total of 4 badges, Nash is much more well equipped at Pokemon training than many others his age. All the evolutions he has caught and trained have first been sent to his mom then sent to the professor in Hoenn. He joined the group while he was taking a break on one of the trails. With his help, Nash has helped his friends capture at least an Eevee or an evolution of it and train it also. The last package he received from his mother was of a bunch of poke-balls that are specially made to capture any eevee evolution.


Pokemon (Include Pictures if you Can):

Paige's Profiles Eevee-1

Paige's Profiles Vaporeon

Paige's Profiles Flareon

Paige's Profiles MajesticDawn-8Glaceon

Paige's Profiles Espeon-1

Paige's Profiles Umbreon-2

Inventory: His many different hats, his Pokemon, different earrings, dog-tag necklace, back pack full of clothing, Pokemon equipment (medicines, foods, clothing, etc.) fold able bike, food, blanket, extra poke-balls, poke-dex.


Strengths: His personality, his Pokemon, friends, family, training/battling experience

Weaknesses: His family, when he gets 'depressed', feeling small to the world
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