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 Paige's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:08 pm

Paige's Profiles C2c82ba1 Paige's Profiles Cuteanimeboywithglasses (him normal)

Nickname: Li-li, Plant Angel (he calls himself that sometimes)

Age: 17

First Name: Liam

Middle Name: Ryan

Last Name: Armstrong

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi): He is Bi-sexual

Good/Evil/Neutral: Neutral?

Occupation: Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish

Distinguishing Characteristics: His big blue-gray eyes and the hats that he wears

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 146lbs (he's very skinny)

Eye/Hair: He has large blue eyes that sometimes look gray. His hair he keeps spikey and is a light brown color. He does wear glasses but usually wears contacts

Mental/Physical Disorders: OCD (it's a mild case though) he suffers from a mild case of depression (see history) he has a hard time trusting some women.

Quirks: He takes a long time in the bathroom fixing his hair, yet he always wears a hat. When on a date, he never gives the person flowers but a drawing of one (see powers for reason)

Personality: He has a light personality, but is very out spoken. He loves sports but doesn't play them, he's too small. He really gets along with everyone he meets. When Liam is around people he finds attractive or likes he gets so shy that he only stares or "mmm". He is very bright he is a straight B student and proud of it!

Talents: He is very gifted at drawing and he enjoys playing the piano. He also is a skillful gardener.

Hobbies: He loves to hang out with his fellow classmates, draw pictures, be outside in the gardens or the woods, and loves to listen to classical music

History: Liam lived a pretty normal life. Except for the fact that he was adopted because his mother had killed herself because of him. His mother was a very gifted singer and fell in love with a man whom she said "looked like an angel". When she found out that she was pregnant with his child she went to tell him but her love was no where to be found. She named him Liam because his father's favorite brothers name was Liam, which means determined guardian. When Liam was one, his mother realized that his shoulder blades were sticking out strangely. Within two months, Liam had sprouted wings. She was frightened by him, she didn't understand how or why he had wings. By the time he was 1 1/2 he was able to hide his wings but that did nothing to comfort his mother. When he was 2 though, she become paranoid and couldn't understand anything anymore, she felt like she was living in a fantasy. Two weeks later the neighbors saw her hanging from a tree, with a letter saying that she was a witch.

Liam was taken to an orphanage where he was adopted within a few months. His new family was actually made of his father and his new wife. Liam learned, from his father, that he was a very special boy for he had wings. By the age of six Liam had sprouted a flower from his hand as when he looked at a picture of a beautiful flower. From then on Liam had to learn to control growing plants from himself. When he gets angry he still grows tiny thorns and when he's sad he grows blue bells that 'weep'. He was accepted into the school and learns how to control his emotions and keep his poweres under control during them. He still doesn't understand how his mother could hate him so much to kill herself, but he deals with it some how.


Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?): He is able to grow plants from his skin, he also grows wings and can fly. He likes to call himself the Plant Angel because he helps plants grow and he has angel like wings.

Inventory: A sketch book, pencils, his iPod, many pins (he collects them), he always has a water bottle near him (he gets dehydrated easily)


Strengths: The sun, rain, light winds, his creativity, his bright personality, kindness

Weaknesses: he gets lonely, gusty winds, cloudy skies, his trust issues

Paige's Profiles Normal_pretty_man

Nickname: Kenny, Kay

Age: 18

First Name: Kavan

Middle Name: Kenny

Last Name: McKenny

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Bi

Occupation: Student

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Irish Gaelic

Distinguishing Characteristics: He always wears a dog tag necklace and when he's not in uniform he is usually shirtless n very sweaty (in a sexy way though, not a stinky sweat either). Kavan also has many tattoos on his back n arms. He doesn't have any tattoos on his lower half of his body. His favorite one is of the Japanese love symbol that is on his neck that spell out the names of the people he loves the most. (below are some of his tattoos)

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 162

Eye/Hair: light brown hair and gray eyes.

Mental/Physical Disorders: He doesn't have any but he did go to therapy. (see history)

Quirks: Likes being shirtless, hates being the odd man out, doesn't really like sports but is very good at them.

Personality: Kavan is very very friendly! He loves to talk and will talk to you even though he might not even know your name. Kavan has had many sexual encounters and is known for it also, he likes to call himself the sex god. He is also a hopeless romantic. When he's in a relationship he is very kind to his partner's friends and family. Once, for Valentine's Day, he bought out a restaurant so he and his partner at the time could have a meal of peace and quite. Then he filled his room with roses, candles, and chocolate. Kavan is very bold when it comes to someone he likes. He'll walk straight up to that person and say "I like you, and I hope you like me. Want to hang out?" Just be careful not to piss him off. Kavan has the biggest mouth ever and if you piss him off a lot he will kick your ass.

Talents: Kavan is a very gifted artist. He can draw everything and anything and he will be able to do this very quickly. Kavan also has a love running. Every morning, during his work out, he will run up to 2 miles or less. Kavan also has a talent in playing string instruments. His favorites are the guitar and cello.

Hobbies: He likes drawing, reading, and playing his instruments

History: Kavan was born by a mistake, he doesn't even know who his biological father is. He was conceived while he mother was at a party. She had gotten drunk, so drunk that she strayed from her newly married husband with another man. Later that night she woke up in a hotel room, in a bed by herself. One month later, she realized that she was pregnant, but her husband (he's in the army) was away for a mission for the past month since the day after the party. When he came home she told him that she was pregnant but she wasn't sure if it was his. Nine months later she gave birth to Kavan, and asked for a paternity test. The test came out that her husband was not the father. Because of this, her husband left her. Four months later she re-married and moved to Ireland.

Throughout his childhood, Kavan and his younger brother were abused by their 'father'. Kavan, though, was the only one sexually abused by him. His mother would work the night shift and that's when they were abused. They never told their mother that they were being abused. When Kavan finally told someone it was when he came to school with a black eye and a bruise covering his wrists. Usually he would tell his mom or teacher that he had gotten in a fight with either his brother or another boy. His teacher didn't even ask him, she just brought him to the principal's office and called his mother. Later that night, his 'father' came home with a vengeance. Instead of taking out on just him, he took it out on him, his brother, and his mother. The neighbors called the police and he was arrested. That was when Kavan was only 7 years old.

One year later, when he was drawing a picture of a water bottle, just a random object, he suddenly became thirsty. When he touched the picture when he was getting up to get a glass of water, the bottle just appeared out of no where. This happened off and on until he it puberty. During his first year at Sky High (age 14), Kavan became angry with another student (he was able to blend into objects (camelion)) because he kept popping out of places and scaring him. Kavan wished he could have his power to show him that it isn't funny. All of a sudden he looked at his skin and he was blended into the scenery. The kid was shocked and looked around for him, and just as he was about to walk away Kavan jumped out and scared him so bad that he tripped over a rock and landed on his arm, breaking it.

Kavan was never good in school. He was always more interested in sexual things rather than school work, yes even during the summer. The first time he had sex with a girl he was twelve, the girl was fifteen and it was in his mother's bed. Kavan almost flunked out of school after his second year. People, including his mother, thought that he would have issues with men but the opposite happened. He found men more attractive than women. He therapist thinks its because he felt that his 'father' loved him more than his mother because he was having sex with him and his mother wasn't. Kavan still enjoys sleeping with women, mostly women older than himself, but would rather be with a guy. Kavan likes older women so much, to pass a class when he was 16 he had sex with his women history of powers teacher. He said it was the most incredible night he ever had. After that, he passed with all As and never any tests.

The other horrible instant in his life was when his mother and her new husband were in a car accident and died instantly. He and his younger brother moved in with their grandparents. Three months later his grandfather died of a heart attack. He then asked his grandmother to get a tattoo of the Japanese symbol for love in a heart. The heart was formed by the numbers of the date of death and the symbol was made with their names in it. He drew this and put it on his neck.


Powers: He is able to to mimic other powers while he is near the user. Which means that if he is within 200 yards of a person with powers he can mimic or have the same power that the person has. Kavan must know that they have the power to be able to use it. He can also take on multiple numbers of powers. Kavan also can pull objects out of a picture into reality. Since he is a gifted artist he usually likes to make his objects reality. To pull them out he needs a phrase same to put them back in. Also, if the picture that the object is from is damaged the object will permanently stay in our reality.

Inventory: He carries a back-pack with his iPod, sketch book, pencils, erasers, color pencils, the book that he would be reading at the time, cologne, and a water bottle. He also never leaves without wearing his dog tag necklace. On it it has the date of his mother's death, and his grandfathers death and birth date on it. It is the most important thing to him. Even though he has a tattoo of the same thing, he likes to be able to see and feel that close to him.


Strengths: His mother, his powers, drawing, his music, being 'the sex god'

Weaknesses: His childhood, his powers, being angry, his 'father'

Paige's Profiles Chppoer_tattoo Paige's Profiles Gaara-3-2 Paige's Profiles Angel-wings-tattoos
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 6:10 pm

Paige's Profiles Cuteboywithglasses Paige's Profiles 145834-20050625102256

Nickname: Bartlett, Saxy (think of sexy but with an a instead of an e) The Illusionist (see powers)

Age: 18

First Name: Saxton

Middle Name: Drake

Last Name: Bartlett

Orientation (Gay, Straight, Bi) Gay (but not 'OMG! Those shoes look absolutely wonderful on you' gay)

Occupation: Student (during part of this year and next year he will be a t.a. (he wants to teach either at Sky High or some other prep school)

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English/French (half)

Distinguishing Characteristics: He is very tall and very skinny but has nice muscle structure! Also he actually likes wearing his glasses, he says they make him look sexy!

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 144

Eye/Hair: He has somewhat long, sleek black hair. His eyes are a gray (or a blueish or purplish) color

Mental/Physical Disorders: n/a

Quirks: He likes wearing his glasses instead of contacts, he hasn't cut his hair in a year and a half but has gotten it trimmed, he has a small tattoo of a rose on his hip (no one knows he has it), he would like to be able to fly.

Personality: He is sly, clever, and mysterious yet is a very faithful friend and boyfriend. When he first found out he was Bi-sexual, and had his very first boyfriend, he really only thought about him; what he could do for him, how he could be better and so on. He has had the same friends since he started going to Sky High, even if rumors were spread about them, he wouldn't listen to them and tell them that they were told wrong. He doesn't let people into his life very easily, he usually likes to be by himself. He is, perhaps, the only one of his friends that is interested in school work and actually enjoys it just as much. He is also very quick witted.

Talents: He loves jazz and classical music. He plays the saxophone, he has a talent at drawing and being creative in art but doesn't really enjoy it, is very good at studying (he doesn't know if that is really a talent), he also, when in a hurry, can clean his room within 10min. and if he is running late after lunch or in the morning he can make himself a full meal and eat it within 10min and he loves doing that too, he can also finish a book (10-600pages) in 3 hours or less depending on the page count (10 he can finish in like 30 seconds)

Hobbies: Playing jazz/classical music on his sax, reading, he also enjoys writing poems/short stories, listening to arguments, arguing tongue

History: Saxton was born into a very wealthy family. He grew up with everything he wanted. Though since he was very young he was put into a school. His parents were rarely home, and they didn't want to pay for a sitter to watch him. He was always into books also, his parents had a wonderful library and he would sit in it for hours just reading. He became interested in playing the saxophone because his parents took him to many symphonies or to see orchestras play.

By the age of 6, Saxton was at school and was bored out of his mind. He wished school could just hurry up and end and when he looked at the clock again he saw it was time to go (it was eleven when he last saw it). That's when he found out there was something very different and strange about him. That day, he asked one of his maids if there were actual people with powers like he had read in his books. She told him she knew of a man who could read minds and see the future. She also told him not to be afraid of a gift that was given to him, but just be thankful he has it for he may be the only one.

When his parents found out they shipped him off to Sky High, after they received a letter explaining it. Ever since the age of 6, Saxton had been going to school there. His first boyfriend he had was when he was 13. Since he was pretty much filthy rich, he would buy his friends and boyfriends many things for their birthdays and Christmas. He was always very liked by the teachers and many boys. He hasn't had a boyfriend for about a year now, but has kept his eyes open for someone of his likings.


Powers: He is known as the Illusionist because he can create illusions with his mind. Others can see the illusions he makes but they are not solid to them. Think of seeing a 3-D movie, everyone can see them, he doesn't go into your mind to create those illusions, but he controls them and, if he wants, he is able to touch them but only him. He also can control time. Which means he can pause/stop, fast forward, or go back/rewind time. The can only go back up to two weeks same with going only two weeks in the future. He can change the future by going in the past but cannot do any harm to the future since it will happen very soon eventually. When he goes forward or back in time he takes the place of his old/new self, most of the times (he has never really met his old/new self). He can take up to three people with him, but they have to be touching him when he stops, goes back, or goes forward in time.

Inventory: Glasses case, many books, notebooks, pens/pencils, wallet, iPod, saxophone (sometimes), he does carry a bag to keep his things in, he also always wears a watch (so he knows what day/time it is when he time travels).


Strengths: His powers, his cleverness, very faithful

Weaknesses: Not being able to trust/let people in very easily, can be an ass
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