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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 10:49 pm


When Ece exploded at Zander, Ithy and I took out our wands, and pointed the directly at her heart, ready to kill. We had been prepared, and warned when we started school here we would make enemies quickly. Thankfully, Ece's twin had done whatever he had done. Ithy and I had pocketed our wands, and dragged Zander out of that room as fast as possible. Of course, Ithy being who she is, gave him a lecture about watching what he says. And he, of course, responded saying that all the other kids had been saying it too, and he didn't understand why he was the one to get bitched out.

Ithy stayed in my room for a while that night, as did Zander. They weren't quite comfortable with their roomates, after what happened at dinner. Zander didn't quite know what to say. He was shocked. He hadn't meant anything by the statement. He was just saying how weird it was for him. There was no malicious intent. And Ithy, her roomate hated her guts, and she knew Leanna would hate her now more than ever.

"I don't quite understand how they can just hate us so totally and so completely. Is it because we have no heritage but we can do the same thing as them? Or is it because we have no side? I mean, our powers have no particular source. They come from the inside, and the wizard decides the magic. I just don't understand!" She was pacing the room, while Zander and I just watched her curiously. I didn't see how she could care so much. Maybe just having to share a room with a girl that hates you adds extra stress. And Zander was quiet. I think he knew his mistake, and I think he knew what he had done wrong.

"Blaze and Blaise seem pretty nice. And so do Aiden and Nixie." I pointed out. She glared at me, and I silenced myself.

"Yeah, they seem nice! But they're friends with Leanna. How can people that nice be around someone so mean! I don't understand. Maybe I'm just roping them in with Leanna. That's probably all. I'm just angry. I'm stereotyping. That's all." She muttered.

Right before lights out, both Ithy and Zander left. I settled into my expanded bed, which Ithy had done for me. I had brought my blankets and stuff from home, and softened my mattress to my liking. I fell asleep fast, comfortable knowing that Ithy had put protection charms all around my room.


When I left Indy's room and entered mine, I barely even recognized it. The living room was in garish colors. Orange pink and other nasty things coated the entire thing. I rolled my eyes, and reminded myself not to spend to much time in here. I heard loud music coming from the area of the bathroom, and figured Leanna was in there. I entered my room, the music instantly quieted by my charms.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to stand the common room area for to long, I extended my room yet again. I conjured some chairs and a table, creating a nice sitting room of my own. It was like my own palace, and I felt instantly at home. I was thirsty. Amazingly so. I left my room, relaxed beyond belief. I entered the kitchenette, and opened the fridge. There were tons of things in there, but none quite what I wanted. I dug through, and everything that filled the fridge was labeled Leanna. She had taken over the ENTIRE fridge. I sighed a rolled my eyes. I took out my wand and wrote on her fridge LEANNA in bright pink. I then conjured my own fridge. On this I wrote ILITHYA. Knowing I couldn't conjure food or drink, I settled for calling up my houself.

She popped into the kitchenette, and I was immediately relieved daddy had bought Indy and I a houself. "Hey, twixy, do you think you could manage to go to the market and get me some food and drink. You know what I like. Just get a little of everything."

"Yes miss!" She bowed and popped out. I then noticed Leanna standing in the doorway of the kitchen, a surprised look on her face.

"A house elf. She was just doing some grocery shopping for me."

"What the hell is a house elf?" She asked, completely perplexed.

"Well, I guess they're like servants. They live to serve us. They do whatever we wish. It's cruel, but they would rather serve us then be free."

"I've never heard of one."

"You'll be seeing a lot of her, she'll be around often. We just come from different magical areas. Maybe that's why you don't understand the way my sister and I can have no heritage of magic. That's what I meant by mutation, by the way. We were born magic, but no one else in our family is, or ever has been. A mutation, a discrepancy in the genes of our family. "I started to walk away from her, back to the sanctuary of my room. "Oh." I added, turning around. "If you're wondering how we can be neutral, it's because our magic is."

I was getting angrier with each word. I could tell Leanna wasn't feeling good, but I had to get this off of my chest. It was going to eat me alive. "The wizard comes from the magic, not the magic from the wizard. The wizard decides whether our magic is dark our light, but it does not decide whether we are dark or light. We do. And yes, I do know you will be talking about this 'conversation' with your friends later, and I don't care. I'm done trying to be civil with you Leanna. If you don't want to bother even trying to put in an effort, than I won't bother acknowledging your existence. I shower in the mornings at 6:50 sharp. I suggest you not be in there when I wake up. I'm not a morning person." I smiled at her, a condescending smile that just told her what an Idiot I thought she was.

I entered my room, and was immediately surrounded by silence. I felt bad for ranting at her like that, but I was fed up. I knew she didn't feel good after using that much power at dinner today. It wasn't very nice, but she hadn't been the nicest. I didn't hear Leanna enter her room after that.


She knew. That fucking bitch knew! The moment I entered my room, my sanctuary, I stopped time. I paced back and forth, going over what happened at dinner over and over again. I had just been repeating what all of the other kids had been saying. Why was I singled out? What exactly had I done? Was talking to Ithy and Indy the wrong thing to do? Obviously, they had made enemies, but they seemed like the good guys. I was confused, but most of all, I was pissed. I had worked so hard to keep my secret for years, and in just a few simple words, one person knew. She would share, I felt almost certain. And then I did something I hadn't done since my mom died. I cried. I left time paused, and I cried for hours, while really i didn't cry for even a minute of time. Feeling exhausted, I let time go, and I passed out, exhasted from the tears, and just exhausted from the anger. I calmed myself enough to sleep, and I slept like I hadn't done so in 10 years.

Last edited by Kris Kringle. on Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 29, 2009 10:08 pm

Nixie was talking and laughing to the Blaise's when she looked up to see Ece's eyes turning black. She looked across the table to her brother and jumped a bit when she heard the table start to splinter. Nixie had only seen this a rare few times and the times that she did were horribly scarred into her memory. "Ece are you okay?" Asked Blaise and Blaze. Aiden looked fearfully at Nixie. Making sure to keep eye contact with Nixie, Aiden "It's the demon inside her..." and Nixie finished his sentece, "Quin usually calms it..." The von Allen boys pulled out their books and Leanna stood, Nixie could feel Leanna building to attack Ece if needed.

Suddenly Ece threw a fire ball at Ithy and Indy received a torrent of ice. Nixie focused her powers and made the ice turn a sharp left and a sudden drop to the floor where it shattered. Aiden, at the same time, used his powers to make the fire ball, aimed at Ithy become a little puff of smoke. "I don't think we can hold her off for long." Aiden said toward his sister, Leanna, Blaze, and Blaise. Nixie looked over at Leanna and saw her pupils start to dilate, Nixie knew that Leanna was probably the strongest telekinetic she had ever seen come out of their old school. Ece then walked up to the new kid Zander. So he's the reason she couldn't tame the demon inside of her. Nixie thought as she was ready for anything Ece threw at her or others. Nixie heard everything Ece said to Zander.

"Who. Do. You. Think. You. Are?" Ece screamed, and Nixie saw each element covering an arm as Ece's now black eyes were trained on Zander. "Weirdos? The only ones I see here are those unexcepting of others because they are different. Ithy and Indy appear normal but practice witch craft, yet so do Blaise, Blaze, and Leanna and yet you would be unexcepting. We are new here, we don't even belong in your world. A normal person would try to learn about us before making decisions so you must be a weirdo." Black tears streamed from Ece's face and Nixie couldn't stop her own from forming. Ece froze his feet to the floor and her wings grew as she leaned into whisper in his ear. Nixie couldn't hear what she said, but whatever it was it made him shiver. Stepping back Ece rose her flaming arm and yelled "You've made a powerful enemy in me when you insulted those I consider family..." Aiden looked at her, ready to stop any attack as Nixie tried to thaw the ice that trapped Zander to his death.

"Aiden!" Nixie yelled when she saw him forming his own fire ball toward Ece. He turned to Nixie and a smile spread across his as he saw Quin appear. Quin threw a sword threw Ece's stomach and when she turned toward him, the demon inside was leaving her and her eyes were returning to normal. "Can't leave you alone for one minute can I twin?" Nixie ran toward Ece and caught her as she almost collapsed to the floor. "I'm sorry." Ece told Nixie in a whisper as her eyes closed. "I know." Nixie whispered into her hair. "Boys can you help me?"

Leanna stepped forward and moved her hand and concentrated all her energy and helped Ece get off of Nixie. "What's your room number?" She asked Nixie, her pupils fully dilated. "Room 444." Nixie said in a whisper. She was still frightened and yet worried about her friend. Leanna walked with Nixie and Ece's floating body down the halls to their room, Aiden, Blaze, Quin, and Blaise, not far behind. Opening the door Nixie let everyone inside and opened Ece's room. Leanna moved her inside and laid her on her bed.

Her power draining, Leanna looked at everyone. "I think I'm going to go back to my room now. I need to sleep and recharge my strength." She started out of the room and got light headed and fell to the ground, but was caught by Aiden. He looked at her, concern in his eyes. "I'll walk with you down, that sound alright?" She nodded and he picked her up in his arms and walked out of the common room.

"Will she be okay?" Blaise asked. "I'm sure she will, she can heal herself...but just encase you guys should stay here you know for if she needs a healing spell or something." Nixie told them as she went and sat on the bed next to Ece and started to play with her hair.


Aiden unlocked the door for her and brought Leanna inside. He set her on the couch and looked at her, "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked for like the twentieth time. Rolling her eyes and laughing Leanna said "Yes Aiden I'm fine. I'm just going to go into my room, listen to some music and rest. Really I'm fine, go back to their room and see how Ece is doing okay?" He nodded and put his hand on her cheek. He kept it there for, it seemed to Leanna, a life time. She loved how his skin was always so nice and warm. "You're cold and sweating, maybe you should go see a nurse."

"I'm only cold to you because you're always so hot and I'm not sweating, it's sweat still there from when I brought Ece back to her room." He smiled and took his hand away. "I'll stop back here to check on you when I leave their room."

"No please don't I might be sleeping. I'll just see you tomorrow." She told him and pointed him out the door. Looking around her room she saw it was...ALL WRONG! "What the hell did they bring me?!" She shouted to herself and got up. "I did not order this, or that, I don't even know what this is!?" She said pointing to everything in the living room and kitchen. Opening the fridge door she rolled her eyes and slammed it shut. "I don't even eat half of this stuff? God mom and dad need to learn that I am not a vegan I do enjoy meat and...what no chocolate?! Gah they mess everything up!" Leanna shouted to herself and instantly felt herself growing dizzy. Grumbling to herself she walked to her room and shut her door, locking it with a wave of her hand. Turning her iPod to relaxing music and turned it on low. She undressed and got in a tank-top and shorts pj and crawled into her bed. She conjured herself a glass of water and took out her bottle of Tylenol at took three. She had a major headache growing inside and she wanted to stop it in it's tracks. Before she shut off her lights she set her alarm clock for 6:00am so she could take a nice long shower in the morning. Turning off the lights and shutting her eyes Leanna felt herself drift into unconsciousness.

She woke up to the soft sound of the dorm room door opening. Her head still pounding she decided to get some fresh tap water. As she opened her door she saw a strange little elf looking thing pop into the kitchen. Her eyes widened when it said 'yes ma'am' to Ithy and pop out again. "What in the world was that?" She asked eyes fixed in the spot where the creature was.

"A house elf. She was just doing some grocery shopping for me."

"What is a house elf?" She asked, completely perplexed and rubbing her head, the light was too bright and was making her headache worse.

"Well, I guess they're like servants. They live to serve us. They do whatever we wish. It's cruel, but they would rather serve us then be free."

Nodding a bit I walked into the kitchen, opened a cupboard and grabbed a cup. She was talking to her but she really couldn't understand anything seeing as her headache was starting to get worse. She filled up the glass with water and heard Ithy's ending to her, apparent, rant.

"And yes, I do know you will be talking about this 'conversation' with your friends later, and I don't care. I'm done trying to be civil with you Leanna. If you don't want to bother even trying to put in an effort, than I won't bother acknowledging your existence. I shower in the mornings at 6:50 sharp. I suggest you not be in there when I wake up. I'm not a morning person." And with that Ithy left and entered her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Well I don't give a flying bag of poo if you take a shower at 6:50 sharp. If I'm in there when you wake up you're going to have to sit your ass outside and wait until I'm done." Leanna mumbled to herself as she re-entered her room. She had her whole rant or whatever it was but didn't care. She wasn't feeling good and she really couldn't care less about her explanation about her magic and what not being neutral. Leanna wasn't planning on telling any one, 'cause that would mean that she cared enough to listen to her in the first place. Leanna took two more pills and drank down her water when she climbed into her bed. Turning her music down even more than before she closed her eyes and hopefully this time she would stay in unconscious land.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:08 pm


I relaxed in my bed, sighing contentedly. I had managed to yell at Leanna with out any major repercussions. Hell, Leanna probably didn't even listen, but it made her feel happy none the less. Her room was completely silent, just the way she liked it. She turned on her side. Tomorrow classes started, and she was nervous beyond belief. She didn't give a flying fuck what Leanna did to her anymore. Her room was impossible to get in, as was her mind, and all she had to do was retreat in here and all would be perfect, as if her mom never died and her dad never ditched them.

In the morning, I woke up to complete silence. I got out of bed and stretched a little bit. I opened the door ahead of me, and walked into the bathroom. Leanna wasn't in the bathroom, thank god. I wasn't really a morning person, and if I didn't get in the shower right away, I was pissed and could do drastic things. One time, I was so pissed someone was in my shower at Hogwarts, I flew them out with my mind, into the bottom of the bathtub, and repeatedly knocked them onto the floor until it cracked. And then, of course, levitated them by their ankle until I was very much done with my shower. And that person had been someone I liked.

I jumped in the shower and did my daily routine. Wash hair, wash body, shave, and repeat the washing. 20 minutes later, I was dry and dressed. I quick did my makeup by wand, and met Indy out in the hall.


When I woke in the morning, I hadn't felt so rested. I got out of bed quickly, and dragged my feet to the bathroom. Jumping in the shower I washed quickly. It was already 7:15, and I only had 15 minutes to get ready. I didn't want to stop time to get ready. That one girl already new there was something about me, and I didn't want to alert them to anything going on. I wanted my secret a secret. I quickly dressed and dried my hair. Getting out of the bathroom, Blaise was already heading out the door. I nodded and waved, and he returned the gesture. I slipped on my shoes and followed him out. I ran into Ithy and Indy in the hall, and we headed down to breakfast together.


I woke early in the morning, excited for class to begin. The second I got out of bed, I raced to my computer and turned on my music. Trouble, by nevershoutnever! was playing, and I instantly started to sing along. Badly, I might add.

"I'm in trouble! I'm an addict! I'm addicted to this girl! I sang my way to the bathroom, laptop in hand. I sure hoped my roommate wasn't around to hear my horrible singing. I turned the volume up as loud as possible. I got into the hot shower, and scrubbed myself down and washed my hair. Feeling satisfied, I jumped out of the shower. Another nevershouthnever! song. Happy, this time. "You make me happy! Whether you know it or not!" I sung. Even though this was a muggle singer, I loved him even more. Most wizards don't like muggle bands, but I did.

I dressed myself, and decided to curl my hair and let it cascade down my back. I waved my wand around my head, making my hair grow and curl into perfect ringlets. Smiling at myself, I took my wand and did my makeup perfectly. Satisfied with my look, I skipped out of the room. Now one was there. I put the computer back in my room and locked up the entire suit.

Meeting Ithy outside, we joined hands. We walked down the hall with the current of students, meeting Zander in the process. We stayed quiet, and continued our way to the Hall. We sat in the same seats. Miraculously, the tables had been repaired, and not a mark of what occurred last night existed.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 9:54 pm

Ece woke up with a sore stomach and a bone to pick. Sitting up and wincing she noticed that she was in her pjs meaning someone, most likely Nix, had changed her before leaving last night. Lifting up the shirt she winced as she saw the angry red scar that was slowly fading there. Climbing to the bathroom she was glad that Nix wasn't there to see her shed a few tears as she lowered herself into the bath tub. It was about six in the morning, so Ece gave herself a long soak before stepping out, though the scar was still there it was no longer red, and it didn't hurt as much. Ece dressed quickly and went to the kitchen to make a quick bowl of ceral for herself. Sleeping on the couch looking very elfish as he always did was Quin. Eyes flashing Ece dumped a glass of water on him.

Quin started awake and glared at his sister. "That was unnessecary." He stated drying himself of with the slight demonic magic he possessed. Ece laughed and made a bowl of ceral, and started some oatmeal for Nix. "You stabbed me, a little water is nothing to what I could have done." Ece held up a hand made of ice before it dissapated and she went back to eating her ceral. Quin stood all manner of weaponry still attached to his body, he hardly ever took them off. "I had too, you were trying to kill someone." Ece snorted "I always try to kill someone that's not the point." Quin smiled, a rare smile that he only had for Ece. "The point is I stabbed you, I know." Quin picked up an apple and bit into it. "I'll see you later twin, I have somethings to do this morning." Ece could only roll her eyes. "Go run your kingdom then." Quin left glad she didn't have his gift because then she'd be very angry with him. Ece smiled as Nix entered the room. "Ready for school?"


"I barely saw him today, and he just feels so sad Ze." Blaise said as he plodded along next to his brother on the roof of the school. They both enjoyed heights and at least here they were away from prying eyes and ears. "Stay out of his emotions and away from his head Es. Trust me, if you even try to pry that girl will catch you." Ze took a long drag on his cigarette making smoke butterflies as he breathed out. That girl was of course Ithy and her damn Telepathy. "You've thought about her a lot since we've met her." Blaise said sitting now bubbles popping out of the tips of his fingers. "She and her sister intrigue me, I think I'm going to ask her to dinner." Blaise raised his eyebrows at this as Blaze laughed. "I see how much it hurts you to feel unliked and I know how that can damage your delicate nature. So I'm going to talk to her about it..." Blaze would do anything to keep his brother from ending up the way his aunt had..."Come on we've got breakfast to eat and classes to go to."


Quin approached the table in his normal light and purposeful walk, even if they were listening for footsteps no one would hear him, he was an elf after all. However his pressence was announced by the girls pointing and giggling, it seemed that no woman could ever resist elves. The two girls at the table were who he wished to speak with, not the boy, so when he stop he said. "Good morning, we have not been introduced, I'm Quin and I was wondering if I could speak to the two ladies in private?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 10:09 pm

(OOC: Last post for the night guys! I gotta get some sleep!)

Ithy turned her head slightly. She saw a sword and a giant belt. She looked up the body of the person behind her. Damn, he's tall! she thought. What does he want with us? Oh God. This is Ece's brother! she said, finally laying her eyes on his face. He's gonna kill us! She didn't even try to entire his mind, knowing there was no way it was going to happen.

Indy meanwhile, just opened her eyes slightly. An elf! He even has the ears! That's so awesome! And so super cute! she thought. She wondered if he even walked silently like an elf. This was exciting for her. The thought that he could possibly kill them with one look never even crossed her mind.

"S-sure." Ithy stuttered out. She was scared. She slowly got up out of her seat, Indy following her lead. They clasped hands, squeezing tightly. They man started to walk away, and they followed. He even walkes quiet like an elf! This is so amazing! Indy thought. They walked out of the Dinning Hall, down a corridor or two, and into a room. He turned on them, and Ithy was prepared for anything he had, even if it was much more than she could ever possibly bring.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 7:34 pm

Quin looked at the twins, a blank expression graced his face though at the same moment appeared firm, as was Quin's gifts with looks; expression in no expression. He then did something that was very uncommon for him, he began to pace; all the while Quin kept his head up and spoke in an even, quite regal tone.

"You two have put me in quite a difficult decision I must say. As King of my country I have been in them before though never one so close to my own personal interests." Quin stopped and looked at them again. "Recently I have been negotiating an alliance with the modern wizarding world, those decended from Merlin and his kinsmen. Long ago my people served with them against evil but as they integrated more into society we fell apart, now that I am King I wanted very much to reform this friendship and bring my people into the light of the modern world."

Quin began to pace again this time irritation crossed threw his expersionless face. "Negotiations were stopped, however the moment you threatened my sister's life." The girls appeared to be speechless and the cruel fasination Quin had was intrigued, so he stopped once more to face them. "Whereas my sister is skilled in the demonic arts I am gifted with elf knowing, when I focus on one area I know what is going on and what is in the hearts and minds of all those present. Ece as my twin is always linked to me, I know that had she tried to complete her very shabby murder you would have killed her and that does not bode well with me."

It appeared that Quin vanished but appeared behind the two, damn elves and their quickness is a common curse amoung the enemies of the timeless people. "Ece is the other half of my soul, Ithy how would it feel to have your sister ripped from you?" Quin lay a clawed hand on Indy's throat before removing it slowly and smirking. "Not very nice. I hold the game at this point, I can choose to align myself with your Dumbledore or with your Voldermort, as both have offered me friendship; or simply choose to remain neutral." Quin closed his eyes and lay a hand over his face for a moment. "I'm threatening now, forgive me, old habits you know."

Quin walked away from them and then turned to look at them, expressionless once again. "Do not kill my sister, if you do I will be forced to take revenge, that will be messy and time consuming and certainly will not bode well for anyone, so let's see if we can play nicely and make it threw the school year with all limbs hmm?" Quin looked considerably chipper as he finished his statement, and awaited the girls responses.


Lissa cleared out her room, even though she had just arrived, truly just begun her adventure she was being called back. Her father was dying, the permanent death that all of her kind faced after their centuries of life, and though it would be an easy passage back to First Star or heaven, Lissa would need to learn how to rule her people; The last of the Atlantians as Queen. Sighing she left cheery glad to be going to see her father again, ready for the years of training she would have under him before he passed on (Atlantians die over a twelve year period).

As Lissa left an tall, blonde elf woman with disdain on her face stepped into the room. "This will certainly not do, let's redecorate before King Quin arrives." Instantly demonic and elvish decorators appeared and began to make the room fit for their king.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 8:30 pm


I no longer had to pee my pants. Quin was being nice. Well, as nice as he can be while threatening us. As far as I knew, I didn't want to kill Ece. Maybe a bit of Crucio, but never kill. I knew Ithy would've though. Ever since mom died, she had been protective of me, and if that meant starting a war between the two worlds just to save me, she gladly would have. I watched Quin pace back and forth, mild interest starting to win me over. Was this guy gonna stay at school? Where would he stay? I got lost in my thoughts on the whole possibility of him staying is school.

She felt a clawed hand around her throat, and came back too. My eyes widened slightly at Ithy. The claw moved slowly away. Too slowly for my taste. My hand twitched toward my wand, and I was tempted to curse this man. I kept twitching, even when his hand was removed. I knew that my cursing him was a bad idea, and I resisted the urge. If I cursed him, or did anything else for that matter, it would not bode well for me, my sister, or anyone else in my world.

Quin stopped talking, and I glanced toward Ithy. I hadn't been paying much attention, so I knew to bite my tongue and let Ithy answer him.


I listened carefully, making sure to put every word into memory. He was pacing, back and forth, back and forth. I could tell Indy was losing interest, and paid that much more attention.

So, they had been negotiating? Dubledore obviously had a plan, but what that was, I could have no idea. Maybe Ece and the rest being here had something to do with Indy and me being here. I didn't know for sure, but I had a feeling Dumbledore wanted us to make friends with them. Maybe he meant I would make enemies with the muggles, not the others. I didn't know, and it freightened me.

Quin disappeared from in front of me. My heart sped up, and I heard his voice coming from behind me. "Ece is the other half of my soul, Ithy how would it feel to have your sister ripped from you?" his clawed hand closed around Indy's throat, and I forced myself to stay completely still, knowing that he wouldn't do anything to her. At least not yet. He was threatening us, but not impendigly so. It was one for the future, one that was cercumstantial. If Indy and I happened to do something, than he would. At least, that's how it seemed.

He walked around us, and back in front. "Do not kill my sister, if you do I will be forced to take revenge, that will be messy and time consuming and certainly will not bode well for anyone, so let's see if we can play nicely and make it threw the school year with all limbs hmm?" He seemed surprisingly . . . happy for the circumstances.

I smiled slightly. Very slightly. "But of course. We'd never even consider unless under dire circumstances." I had no clue if this was the right thing to say, but I was hoping it was somewhere around the area. I could feel Indy twitching toward her wand, and I layed a hand on her arm lightly. I was hoping Quin wouldn't want to kill us now. Or even harm us in anyway. Indy stopped twitching, and I removed my hand. I waited for Quin's response, my heart pouding faster with every passing moment.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 9:03 pm

Quin let his eerie smile grace his features "While I am here no circumstance will be dire enough for you to consider." His face returned back to his normal mask he cocked his head to the side as he sensed a new mind entered his current feild of conciousness. "Now, I don't want to harm you unless you have some masochistic nature that yearns for it..." Quin let the sentence drop and then started again "Believe me, Ece is handled quite easily by the right person namely myself...besides the only curse that works on demons is that unforgiveable killing curse..." Quin let his hand slide down to his sword and drew it slowly, then twirled it around so quickly it became a blur of metal until it halted and the tip pressed against the flesh of Indy's neck drawing just a hint of blood, Quin did the same with Ithy. Just as he was going to tell them what he was doing a spell hit his chest and flung him away from the girls. Quin shook his head as the magic lingered on his clothes, he stood shook his head. "What was that?" He asked, that annoying interest in his voice again and a lordly smirk on his face.

"Here I am trying to form a blood magic pack with you, one that insures no one of my kin can kill you without reprecussion from me and you hit me with a spell. Tsk, tsk bad form young witches." Quin wiped the blade clean of their blood and healed the tiny pricks that had already closed. "Now would you like to continue with the magic or should I go? Both options are fine with me, I have a room redecoration to supervise."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 9:53 pm


"Sorry." I muttered. "I kinda freaked a little bit. You had a big sword thing, at you were poking at us. I just reacted." I blushed. "Continue." I muttered. I put my wand back quickly. Ithy let a small smile slip towards me. She grabbed my hand quickly, grasping it slightly. She let my hand go, and I felt calmer.

I smiled at her quickly, and looked a Quin. He was waiting for us to finish. "Go ahead!" I told him, and gestured toward his sword. "I promise I won't freak this time. You just scared me a bit."


When Quin drew his sword, I immeadiatly grasped hold of my wand, as did Indy. When he poked Indy, I drew it, and when he poked me, Indy drew hers. We didn't aim at him, or anything in general, but we were prepared. I saw he started to speak, and relaxed slightly. Maybe he wasn't trying to kill us. I was about to tell Indy to relax, she fired. Not anything dangerous, just something to get him away. She panicked, I could tell. Quin was blown off of his feet and back into the wall, the magic rippling over him.

"Here I am trying to form a blood magic pack with you, one that insures no one of my kin can kill you without reprecussion from me and you hit me with a spell. Tsk, tsk bad form young witches. Now would you like to continue with the magic or should I go? Both options are fine with me, I have a room redecoration to supervise." Indy started to apologize, and told him to continue. She put her wand away, and I did the same.

I smiled at her gently, and clasped her hand quickly. I let go, and Indy motioned for quin to continue.
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School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 10:18 pm

Quin straightened the his shirt and very quickly and cleanly sliced open his hand. "Alright then, but remember in the future as a magical creautre very few of your spells affect me hmm..." The blood streamed down the length of the swords metal and pooled at the hilt where it disappeared. Quin began to speak and his words were filled with power, as he continued to speak the room darkned as all light pulled into him.

"By my blood...
Blood of the fair who dwell where spring is ever present...
Blood of the dark ones who sleep in shadow...

Bind me now thread of silk to the mud....
Night of light sun yet cresant...
Bind me now to those of snow...

Sky to land
Life to death
Bind us now with the Thread

Let my words ring true
No one will contest me
King of the Spring realm
My word holds true
Should it be broken it will harm me
By the power...by the Three

As my will so mote it be."

As Quin finished the oath and hit the tip of his sword to the floor silver light started to radiate from him and then as he let out a sound close to a moan it errupted into millions of tiny peices. Two of them hit each of the girls in the middle of the chest, and when the last peice hand left the room Quin stood. His skin was grayed and replacing his sword he pulled stick out of his back pack that turned into a staff that he could lean on.

"It is done then, the blood magic..." He spoke slowly and leaned heavily on his stick. "No if you ladies will excuse me I must retire to my room, magic of this kind is most tiring and draining on the spirit."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 9:10 pm

Quin walked out of the room on his homemade crutch.

"That was weird." Indy muttered. "What did he do exactly?"

"I have no clue." Ithy replied. "But I have a feeling it might be something good. Something . . . beneficial. Anyway, he's staying at school now, so it might actually calm down a bit here."

"We should warn Zander though, don't you think? I'm sure if he says anything about the others again, Quin is gonna be pissed." Ithy nodded in return.

"We should get to class. The first one starts soon, and we don't want to be late!" Ithy said, and she sounded a little to excited. Indy rolled her eyes at her sister.

"Right. But I have to run back to my room quick. I forgot my bookbag." Ithy nodded at her, and when they left their room, they went their separate ways.


I walked down the hall slowly. I didn't mind being late to class, and hurrying just wasn't my thing. I rounded the corner to my room and noticed a whole bunch of people in the hallway that weren't in the school uniform. And the seemed to be centered around my room. I pushed my way through the crowd, earning a few 'Heys!' and rude comments. I rolled my eyes, and kept on going. I stopped in front of my door and pushed through it.

I was right, they were centering around my room, but for what reason, I had no clue. I looked around, and noticed the other room was open. Maybe they're friends of Lissa's. I thought, and went to see if it was true. I peeked my head into the doorway to see Quin lying on the bed, people hustling and bustling around him.

"Move!" One person yelled, and I was pushed out of the way.

"Who are you?" One of the many people asked.

"I'm Indy, and this is my room." I told them pointedly.

"Ah, so you are King Quin's roommate then. Well, shoo! We have a lot of work to do!" I shrugged to myself, and decided to figure all of this out later. It was almost time for class. I quickly entered my room, grabbed my bag and computer, and walked out. I made a point to make sure my room was locked. I left the entire suite, and headed for class.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 6:29 pm

Nixie had trouble sleeping that night. She was worried Ece's wounds wouldn't heal all the way and she would wake up to see her dead body lying on the bed. So every time this popped into her head she got up and checked on Ece. Of course nothing was wrong with her and Nixie finally went to bed for a good five hours (she went to bed around one thirty-ish). The next morning Nixie woke up to talking and decided she better shower and get ready soon. Before she showered she made her bed neatly and brushed her hair quickly. Walking into the bath room Nixie turned on a little lamp, to keep it somewhat dark in the room, and took a nice 'warm' shower (warm to her is not even close to being above the C). Once she was done with her showering, and brushing her teeth, she raced into her room and got ready. Tearing through her closet she put on the new uniform, which was hideous in her point of view. She decided she was going to make it more Nixie tonight when she got back after classes. Putting her hair in cute little updo and applied her make-up.

Satisfied with her look, Nixie left her room and saw Quin and Ece 'talking'. She crept back into her room until she heard the door shut. Nixie wasn't a nosy person, and decided she wanted to give Ece her alone time with her brother. Ece turned around and saw Nixie and smiled, "Ready for school?" She asked and Nixie ran up and gave her a tackle hug.

"Oh I'm so glad you're okay Ece!" Then backing away Nixie shot a water ball at Ece. "What was that for?" Ece asked, drying her face with a hand towel. "That was for almost killing someone." Nixie kept throwing water balls at Ece. "That was for making me almost want to hurt you. That's for almost dying. And that's just because I wanted to do it one more time." Nixie said once she was finished throwing the water balls. Ece glared at her and Nixie just skipped to the door and opened it. "Ready for breakfast my bestest friend in all of the universes and realms combined?" Nixie asked and got a little slap on the arm and a hug from Ece as they left for breakfast.


Aiden woke up after a really stressful night. He was worried about Ece, he was worried about Nixie staying awake worrying about Ece, and he was worried about Leanna and her room mate getting into a fight. As he dragged himself out of bed and walked into the bathroom, he saw dark bags under his eyes. He turned the knob in the shower on full heat and looked through his drawers and pulled out one of his sisters bottles of cover up (he only uses it in emergency cases like today). Rolling his eyes he jumped in the shower and quickly washed himself. After he was done, he towel dried his hair and put a little gel in it to give it a little something special.

Grabbing the bottle of cover up, Aiden walked to his room. The uniforms here were so much worse then the ones at the old school, but whatever he'd survive today. Once he had his uniform on and his bag packed he looked into his mirror and put some cover up to cover the dark circles under his eyes.He walked into the living room and saw that Blaze had already left. Looking at his watch he saw he still had about ten or so minutes left and walked slowly down the hallway. He made one stop on his way to the dinning hall.


Leanna woke to the annoying buzzer of her alarm. It couldn't be six o'clock already could it? She looked at her clock and it was in fact 6:10 (she hit it once before without knowing). Groaning Leanna hopped out of bed, grabbed her bathroom necessities, and went into the bathroom. Closing the door softly behind her, she didn't want to wake Ithy up, Leanna turned on the shower with her mind and looked at herself in the mirror. She was starting to get two little 'welts' (for lack of a better word) on the side of her head, near her temples. She was so angry! This always happened when she forced too much of her powers on something too quickly without warming up. But she might have to learn to deal with that and even at the other school they didn't teach that. Once the shower was warmed she entered it and soaked up the warmth. After about twenty minutes in the shower, Leanna left the bathroom, deciding to do her hair and make-up in her room.

She started my blow drying her hair. Once that was done and over with, she turned her curler on and started to get ready. She knew she could do a simple spell and have everything done for her but she liked wasting time now and then on stupid 'human' things. Leanna never considered herself 'human' since she was a witch and had other powers along with it. Thinking about her family she became angry and with a flick of her wrist her iPod turned on and started playing 'Perfect' by Simple Plan. The first line always got her; Hey dad look at me...think back and talk to me did I grow up according to plan? She hated how her father hated her for doing things against his rule, his 'plan' for her was to take over the family business, but Leanna always secretly wanted to be a dancer or a designer of some kind. Deciding she would rather have a smoke than do her hair Leanna flicked her wrist and her hair was instantly in the do she wanted it to be in.

Digging threw her purse, Leanna found her lighter and a pack of cigarettes and opened her screen door. Walking outside on her balcony (she added it when she first got her room), she lite up. Listening to the song play quietly in the background, Leanna leaned against the siding and slid down the wall. She cried into her arms and pulled her knees to her. Leanna hated her parents; hated them for giving her away without a second glance, hated them for giving her her 'gift', hated them for always yelling and fighting about what to do with her, hated them for not loving her the way she deserved to be loved. Tears never did anything for her except screw up her make-up. Sniffling Leanna took a drag on her cigarette and wiped away her tears. She hated feeling weak and defeated, but when she thought of her parents she just couldn't handle it. Finishing her cigarette with a long drag Leanna looked around the grounds. It was a beautiful, amazing and simply breath taking sight to see. The sun was just now rising, casting an array of colors around the school. Standing up, she put her butt in her ash tray and walked inside. Fixing her make-up and freshening her clothes with her favorite perfume Leanna left her room, charming it as she left.

When she entered the living room she saw that all the walls were bare. Good, she thought, they messed up my order and now I'm not paying for them to redo it. Smiling to herself Leanna plopped down in the old couch. She liked old things but really would rather have newer things in her new dorm room. She was day dreaming about what it would soon look like when she heard a knock on the door. Getting up and opening the door Leanna sucked in a breath. "Hi Aiden! What, what are you doing here?" She asked and leaned back against the wall.

"Just came to make sure you were doing okay. When I left you didn't look so good, and I was worried your room mate might use that to her advantage." He said and stepped into the room. "This looks nothing like I remember last night."

Laughing Leanna said "Well that's because I sent it all back. I didn't order any of that stuff. My parents transferred their order for my room here and I hated it. I mean the fridge had no chocolate in it what so ever! But the worse thing was they jam packed the fridge with food all labeled for me! I hardly eat in my dorm rooms and they weren't even good snacks. I also felt bad because Ithy didn't have any room for her things. I'm ranting aren't I?" She asked and he laughed.

"No, just telling me that you feel perfectly well. So are you hungry at all?" She nodded enthusiastically and took his extended arm in hers. They walked all the way to the dinning hall, arm in arm, talking about just life. A few feet from the door Leanna stopped Aiden. "What?" He asked and she smiled. "There's a reason girls wear cover up and not guys." He blushed. "I'm going to do a quick little charm that will make those baggies go bye-bye. Oh and I have this cream, well it's actually a potion, back in my room that will help make those also disappear whenever you apply it." She performed the charm and smiled. "There now those baggies are history and girls won't be wondering why his face is so dark but under his eyes is pale white." They joined the table with Blaze, Ece, Blaise, and Nixie.

"So what does everyone have for their first class?" Leanna asked as she took a bite of her toast.

http://z.about.com/d/beauty/1/0/4/n/dianekruger4.jpg (this is what I pictured Nixie hair to look like somewhat)
http://www.updoprincess.com/images/Half_Updo_with-soft_curly-long-hair.jpg (picture of Leanna's hair do)
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Location : Behind You...
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School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 11:55 am

Quin felt horrible, like the world had crashed on his head, the servants didn't help. One group was preparing his room so that he could have meetings and continue his studying with his father as well as being comfortable, the other group worked on the living area. Quin told them to make sure that it was fit for both a boy and girl, so it was done in white and blacks with red accents, very modern and not gender specific.

"I have to get to class..." Quin said and tried to stand but fell back down because of the ache in his skull. "You aren't going today, it was silly to preform that magic espically after your trip." His body guard said and Quin lazily gave her the finger. "I do what I like, espically since I have you to look after me." The elf woman smiled and wrapped him in a blanket. "Foolish boy, take a nap..." Quin didn't need to be asked twice, as soon as he closed his eyes he fell deep into sleep.


Ece, who's hair was still wet, growled. "Gym I hate gym..." Blaise let out a loud laugh. "But you're so good at it." He said to which Blaze nodded "Yeah you always kick my ass." Ece smiled and picked at her food, she really didn't want to eat after having her food earlier. "If you stopped smoking you'd be better." Ece said and Blazed rolled his eyes "You didn't answer my statement, just returned it with spite and sarcasm."

It was Ece's turn to laugh "True...I hate gym because I'm good at it...people always want me on their teams and then I have to try out for sports and then they hate me because I'm awesome! It's stupid, I'll just sit with the stoners and pretend that I'm worried about breaking a nail." Ece said giving an exsaporated sigh.

"No one will believe that but do what you want." Blaise said giving his cherubic smile. The bell rang before they could talk more and they all scattered separate ways.

Luckily Aidan was in class with Ece, Leanna was with Blaise and Nix and Blaze to his delight was in class with Ithy.

Blaze walked up to the twin witch and gave her a smile "Mind if I talk you to after class? Nothing dangerous or silly just very important to me that involves you..."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:31 pm


"Important, huh?" I said to Blaze, raising my eyebrow slightly. He nodded, and we walked into the classroom together. It was my favorite class ever, Creative Writing. I sat in a seat right in the front row, and fetl a body take the seat next to me. I glanced over to see Blaze. I smiled slightly at him and he gave a cheeky smirk back. The teacher took the 'stage' and started the class. She told us the seats we were sitting in right now would be where we were sitting for the rest of the year. I sighed slightly, but was inwardly happy. Blaze wasn't a bad looking boy, not very bad looking at all. And he was actually pretty nice. We were assigned to write a short story, an original one of our own creation. I didn't worry about that, I already had enough of those. I smiled inwardly, and did a quick run through of some of my favorite short stories. I decided on one, only to notice the room emptying quickly, and Blaze looking at me.

I shook my head slightly. "So what was it you wanted to talk about Blaze?" I gave him a slight shy smile, I wasn't good at talking to boys really. It helped a lot more when you could read their minds . . .
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School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 3:43 pm

Blaze sighed, homework already? He'd do it but he wouldn't like it damnit! Actually he would he liked writing...After class he noticed that Ithy wanted to stay in the room and talk, that was okay with him he also noticed that she was uncomfortable with speaking...must be from listening to minds so much.

"I'd like to take you to dinner tonight. Nothing fancy just a little night on the town. I want us to talk over things without our more...delicate siblings around." It was easy to see that Ithy was the stronger of the two but that wasn't the only reason that he asked her, she was intriguing and very adorable perhaps if the situation presented himself and if this went well he could ask her out again.

"The reason I say go out is because Blaise is the only one I allow in my head and he likes to eavesdrop plus my motorcycle just arrived and I want to make sure that the shop did her justice." Blaze gave her an easy smile and stood, "So what d'ya say?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:29 pm

I nodded slightly. "Of course. Yeah. I'd love to." Inside I was screaming, and I just wanted to jump around and squeel! "Wait, Motorcycle? Really?!" He nodded. "NICE!" The hole dinner thing was kind of eclipsed by the motorcycle. I loved the whole idea of just riding on one, not being encased by the car. I saw a hint of a dimple on his cheek as he smiled slightly. "When do you wanna go?" I shifted from foot to foot. It was lunch time, and I was kind of hungry. I really wanted some truffle pudding, but they didn't have any here. Just sushi and stuff. And I was really excited. I wanted to change out of these stupid uniforms and into some jeans or something like that, just something comfy.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 10:14 pm

Aiden sat down with Leanna on one side and Ece on the other. Leanna asked everyone what classes they had and Aiden was over joyed to hear that he would have class with Ece. After breakfast was over Aiden looked over at Ece, "So, shall we walk to Gym together?" She smiled her wonderful Ece smile and had Aiden's heart skipping a beat. He took her arm and they walked to the Gymnasium. Once they were inside they went their separate ways, to the locker rooms to change. When they were finished changing, Aiden and Ece sat next to one another on the bleachers. "Welcome to your first day of Physical Education. In this period we have two very special new students, Aiden Leahman and Ece King. Please treat them like you would treat everyone else...please no over obsessive staring at their wings or outer looks. Alright lets begin with all of our favorite sport...Dodgeball!" Said the female gym teacher. Ece and Aiden looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Guess we're on opposite teams." Ece said. "Why do you say that?" She laughed and started walking down the bleachers. "Because silly we are 'special' and we have 'abilities' that no one else has." He nodded and they lined up. Just like what Ece said, they were on apposing teams and not only that, but everyone did stare at them the whole time. Playing Dodgeball with them was very entertaining to say the least. Aiden had a blast kicking the ball and when someone would almost catch it, make it burst into flames. Ece did the same thing, except freeze it from the inside out, then making it explode. He didn't do it to cheat, but to enjoy watching the faces of his 'classmates'. Once Gym was over Aiden ran up to Ece, "So are you ready for lunch?" He asked.


Leanna was happy to have a class with two people with 'talents' like herself. "So Blaisey-boo, are you going to be my seat mate or is Nixie over here going to have to deal with me?" Leanna said and smiled. Nixie rolled her eyes and ran up to Blaise, "Blaise isn't going to be your seat partner, because he's going to be mine." They played a little friendly game of tug-o-war with Blaise's arms and he just laughed.

"Cut it out guys! How about I sit in the middle of you both? That way I don't have to suffer a dislocated shoulder." The girls laughed and wrapped their arms through both of his. The first class they had was Math class. Leanna moaned and Nixie groaned, while Blaise just smiled, "I love math class." He said and the girls rolled their eyes and laughed.

The class seemed like it went on forever. Leanna passed the time by reading people's mind; "2+2=4, but what does 2 x 2 equal?" "Why do I need to know anything about square roots? When am I ever going to use it?" Leanna smiled smugly, she was good in math, really good actually, but hated having to learn something over again, it just go annoying. Leanna also passed her time by randomly writing/changing equations on the board. The teacher kept thinking he was the one making the mistakes and not remembering them, which made Leanna even more happy.

Nixie was okay in math, never the best never the worse, but this math class she had already taken (apparently this was the highest level they offered). So Nixie was forced to make ice roses under her palm, then make them melt and change into another flower. She also had fun 'accidentally' spilling some of her water on the floor, making people walking around slip, none of them knew why either. But one time that was really an accident was when the teacher stepped in one of the puddles and actually fell on his behind. The whole class erupted in laughter and Leanna was forced to shut their mouths with a quick little spell.

Once the class was over, Leanna and Nixie looked at each other and started to laugh. They both knew what the other was doing, which made them laugh harder. As they walked out the door, they grabbed Blaise's arm in one of theirs and walked with him down the hall. "Lunch time Es! I hear they have a really good brownie today." Leanna said and smiled. Blaise's eyes widened as they got closer and closer to they dinning hall.
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School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 10:54 am

Blaze was a little taken a back at her excitement...maybe she had to go to the bathroom? Naw she looked like she was more excited about the motorcycle than the dinner proposal. "Well of course a motor cycle, Es and I don't do cars." Blaze smiled and then pulled out a cigarette as they approached the doors of the school "Tonight, at seven okay? I know how you girls like to make sure you look nice and that will give me time to get Blaise to stop crying." When they were out the door he lit his cigarette and gave her a puzzled look "Everytime I go somewhere without him he cries and begs me not to leave him...that's part of the reason I wanted to talk to you...Anyway it's a date then?" Blaze exhaled away from her face so that the smoke didn't get in her eyes.

Blaise trotted along and when he heard brownie he galloped into the dining hall. He stopped once he was in there and looked wildly around. Not seeing what he wanted tears instantly welled in his eyes "Ze?" He said pitifully making the girls around him squee with the adorableness of it. As his brother did not respond to his cry Blaise gave a full mouthed wail "Ze!" He cried and was engulfed by Ece, "He's coming he's still got class, want some cake?" She said trying to pacify the seventeen year old as if he were a toddler. "Yes please...." Blaise said but he sniffled all the way threw his cake.

"I'm going to kill him." Ece said as she watched the completely depressed Blaise eat his cake. "He should know better! I mean he is his brothers keeper basically he should know when Blaise needs him." Ece ate some of her sashimi and smirked "Oh just like you right Twin?" Ece turned around to see Quin. "You stabbed me." She said to him and he sat down "Yes you deserved it..." Ece narrowed her eyes "In the stomach." Quin nodded again and winked at Nixie and Leanna "Again you deserved it, killing the boy would not have solved anything." Ece took another bit of her lunch "Next time do it somewhere that doesn't hurt as much."

Quin nodded and began to share Ece's lunch "So I'm staying here from now on to keep an eye on you." Quin said and Ece blanched "You're what!" She cried angirly "I'm staying here, you aren't responsible enough to really stay by yourself and mother and father agree that we shouldn't be apart just quite yet...you aren't as mature as you should be..."

Ece narrowed her eyes and procedded to ignore her brother instead she talked to Aiden and Nixie and Leanna...
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 8:49 pm


A date? To tell the truth, I'd never been on a date. I mean, I've liked boys and all but . . . yeah. It just never happened. I bet he didn't mean a date date. Just like a date where to friends meet up. I thought to myself, trying to settle my excitement. I never really got a chance to go out, what with looking after Indy and stuff. This was a chance for me to be my own age. A sixteen year old girl acting like a 16 year old girl. I smiled brightly at him, my excitement settling out a bit. "It's a date." He blew his cigarrette away from my face. Such a gentlemen I thought, a quiet joke to myself. I really hadn't expected him to be a smoker, but I should've figured. He did seem like the badboy rebel type. Although, more than likely, he didn't do it for the pleasure of smoking, maybe just to help with stress or something, I really had no idea.

We left the room together, both of us having lunch this period. "So you and your brother, you guys are close then?" I asked him. I had inwardly fangirly squeeled when he had mentioned his brother crying whenever he left. So cute! I held my books to my chest as we walked down the empty hallways together, leaving the building into the nice cool air.


I hate math class. Hate. With a passion. I may be good at math, I may know how to do it, but that does not mean I enjoy it. I sighed inwardly to myself as Zander and I took our seats in the class room. We had the same schedule more or less, so it wasn't as horrible as it could be. We sat in the middle of the room, hoping to get lost in the other students. The tables only sat 2, so Zander and I sat next to each other, hoping to avoid an awkward situation by sitting with someone we didn't know.

The teacher took took the front of the room. "Stand up!" She called to us. "I will now be assigning your seats, and these will remain your seats until further notice." Everyone groaned, gathering their books. The teacher started placing us in pairs and assigning us tables. I was with a boy named Tamaki, a good looking blond boy, and that pretty much said it all. Good looking, and blond. It appeared as if nothing was happening in his brain.

"Hi!" He said to me, and a cheery voice. "I'm Tamaki!" He held out his hand. I looked at it warily before grasping it lightly. Girls glared as we touched.

"Indy." I replied, and we took our seats. The lesson started, and all hushed. At the end of the period, we had some time to work on our homework, but I couldn't help but notice the note passing going between Tamaki and another boy. Koya his name was, or something along those lines. I still hadn't gotten the grip of the whole Japenese name thing.

'If we add the new ones to the club, we can't lose!' it read.

'It's true! They could earn a nice prophet for us. Bring in some new customers and all.'

'And what about the girls? They aren't half bad, just look at the one next to me!' I could tell Tamaki had written that. The girl next to the other boy wasn't appealing at all.

'What if we start a hostess club? The girls can do the work, and we reap all of the benefits.'

'But are boys fangirly enough to pay?'

'Of course! Have you not seen the looks those new girls are getting with their short skirts and low necklines? We will make a fortune off this!'

The bell rang as I finished reading their note. A hostess club? And why would they be making money? I was confused, and I wanted answers. I planned on having Ithy look into this tamaki boys mind later to get some answers on what exactly they wanted from us. I went to the next class. My sister had lunch this period, and I was jealous. I was starving! I had it next, but first, I had to sit through a boring lecture on Japenese. I was fluent, yes, but apparently, a transfer from out of country is required to take a Japanese course. I sighed, and went on my way.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

School is in session... - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 13, 2009 10:39 pm

Blaze took another drag on his cigarette and exhaled slowly. "We're very close you could say we're just both halfs of the same coin, my aunt is his mother you see." The smoke hazed lazily up to the sky where it formed into the shapes of butterflies and fairies. Cocking his head to the side Blaze grimaced "He's crying, he thinks I'm not going to eat lunch with him...God.." Blaze sighed and cupped his hands. A blue/purple-ish mist filled his hands and formed into a small white sparrow. "Go to Blaise, tell him that I'm indesposed but I will make it up to him in chocolate and cake." The sparrow chirped and fell off to the cafeteria. "Would you like to sit?" Blaze sat at the base of a nearby tree and finished his cigarette, he took off his coat and set it on the ground so Indy could sit next to him.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon May 18, 2009 5:26 pm

I watched as the little sparrow flew away. It was cute. I glanced at Blaze. He was cute too. I smiled slightly at him. I couldn't stop smiling. Fucking disease. I forgot to take my pill this morning too. My smile twitched. Or maybe it wasn't the disease. Maybe he just made me smile. Blaze had laid down his coat for me to sit on under the big tree, facing the pink clocktower. I laughed slightly. I picked up the coat, brushed it off, and gave it back. "You're such a gentleman!" I told him, and sat on the grass. "But I'm not quite a lady." I sat 'indian' style, making sure my short skirt didn't show my undies. I looked up at him. Man, I acted like a real girl around this boy. I acted like my sister.

I patted the ground next to me. I saw a slight flicker of a smile on his face. He sat next to me, and we leaned against the tree. I stared at the pink clocktower. Pink? How odd. I glanced at Blaze. He was also looking at the clock tower. I glanced at it again, but then a cloud caught my eye that was right behind it. It looked like an elephant. I tapped Blaze on the shoulder, and then pointed at the cloud. "It's an elephant!" I told him excitedly. I'd never been able to find pictures in the clouds before. I was excited about it, I wasn't gonna lie.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 2:22 pm

Blaze grinned "Yes, of course I think it looks more like an olyphant you know those awesome things from Lord of the Rings?" Blaze laughed and stubbed out his cigarette before pulling out another, he offered one to Indy before he lit his own. Leaning against the trunk he stared at the school around him, glad and yet so upset to be there, he missed his old school and the friends he left behind but he was so glad to be meeting new people. "Trust me you are much more of a lady than the last girl I dated." 'Why did I just say that?' Blaze thought to himself taking a deep breath and gave Indy his best not scary smile "Prettier too."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 7:42 pm


I blushed. And not a slight one. A bright one. You know those fire engines in America? Yeah, like that. He just called me pretty. I wasn't imagining it. Or at least, I hoped I wasn't. I stared at the cloud, focusing on it until I felt my blush recede. I studied it slightly. He was right, it did look like one of those things from Lord of the Rings. I cocked my head to the side. I wonder if he had read the books. They had been required reading back in Greece, in my pre-hogwarts days. They were okay, although I wasn't particularly fond of them. Or books in general. I could feel my fingers start to twitch. Shoulda taken the pill. Dammit. I unfolded my legs and extended them out in front of me.

"And you're much handsomer than my last boyfriend." I felt this twisty feeling in my stomach. "Well, you're handsomer than all the other boys I know. I've never really . . . dated. Or had a boyfriend." I kept looking at the clock tower, the trees, the sky, the clouds, anything to avoid looking at him. I even started twirling a stick in the air a few feet from us. I started to twitch my foot. He was silent.

Finally, I glanced up at him, up into his beautiful eyes. They were so green. He was looking at me curiously, or something along the lines. Maybe it was shock, or embarrassment. I couldn't tell. "What?" I asked him in a small voice. I couldn't glance away from his eyes. They were hypnotizing. I could feel my grasp on the stick slipping, and I heard it quietly fall to the ground. I wanted to kiss him. Badly. Very badly.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 8:42 pm

Blaze leaned in and touched her face very gently. "You have very beautiful eyes, did you know that? You can look into a mirror each day and never see how truly lovely you are." Her eyes were lavender with flecks of silver in them, as he stared deeper into them he felt the brush of her mind on his, he knew how much her magic was entwined with her life and as Blaze pressed his lips against hers he opened his mind to hers.

Ithy's lips were soft and yeilding against his, Blaze let his fingers skim over her soft flesh and cup sweetly on her neck. There minds met in a swirl of emotion which exploded into a frenzy of color. There really were no thoughts as he slowly lowered her against the tree trunk and sucked on her botom lip, until she sighed into him and Blaze slipped his tongue slowly into her mouth. She tasted like starlight and moonbeams, like dew just before the sun rised...Again their minds met, Blaze feared keeping her in contact with his mind too long fearing that the seductive darkness in him would corrupt Ithy; this time it was the swirling of her magic with his, a shimmering light with his deep blue dark.

When Blaze pulled away he gave Ithy a quick smile before nipping her delicate neck, as he sucked on one of her pressure points he heard Ithy breath catch. Blaze's mind was still connected with Ithy's and the darkness was trying to lure her away from her wizard magic into the madness and insanity that was his. Blaze broke the connection sharply and jumped about a foot away from her. He was shaking like mad, reigning in his magic, and trying to draw it out of Ithy like drawing poison from a wound.

Blaze pulled out two cigarettes and lit them simultaniously, he stuck one in Ithy's mouth and though she was surprised he shook his head. His eyes were a dark black as he spoke "Just this once, smoke it...it will get my...evil out of you." Blaze turned away from her and took a long calming drag, "I'm so sorry Ithy I didn't...I never..." Blaze ran a hand threw his hair and turned back to her "Never again I'm so sorry..."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: School is in session...   School is in session... - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 9:57 pm

His lips were soft. Delicate almost, but still, thad the toughness you would expect. As he kissed me, I felt the magic inside our bodies entwine, almost like they couldn't live without being together. His hand cupped my neck. I reached my hand up to his cheek, his hair, his neck. I was seeing rainbows. It couldn't possibly be anything else. I always heard fireworks were the thing, but those were to violent. Rainbows. Delicate, colorful, beautiful.

I sighed gently, relaxing into him. It was perfect, all of it. As I opened my mouth, he slowly entered his tongue. I could taste him, all of him it felt like. There was no way to describe it, no way to put it into words. I could feel a slight darkness in his magic, something sinister, but I didn't even think on it, it was all to perfect.

When he pulled away, I was left wanting more. Needing more. He was fantastic, in every way possible. I could feel our connection still. It was almost tangible, and for all I knew, it was tangible. He nipped my neck slightly, making me giggle just a little bit. He sucked on my neck lightly, making me catch my breath. I could feel a chuckle rise in his throat. I relaxed into the tree as he lightly sucked. I could feel his magic, more prominent inside of me now more than ever.

As I felt it's presence taking hold of me, Blaze jumped back suddenly, shocking me. He was about a foot away from me now. It had scared me, and I was frozen. I watched as Blaze's body shook repeatedly, and I felt something leaving me. I missed it when it was gone. I wanted it back. He took out two cigarrettes, lighting both at one time. My mouth was opened stupidly, and he shoved one in there.

"Just this once, smoke it...it will get my...evil out of you." I was confused, but I took a drag on the cigarrette anyway. I coughed violently as the smoke entered my lungs. I"'m so sorry Ithy I didn't...I never... Never again I'm so sorry..." His back was turned to me, and his hand ran through his hair.

I was confused more than anything, and even a little hurt. I reached out to him. "Blaze. . . " I muttered, placing my hand on his back lightly. He jerked away. I took another drag on the cigarrette, being a good girl and doing as I was told. I resisted the urge to cough. I placed my hands in my lap and just stared at them for a minute. I found a rock a few inches from my foot and levitated it slightly, turning it over and over. It's something I do when I'm uncomfortable. I made figure 8's in the air, and spelled out my name, all the while Blaze was quiet. Finally, I looked to where he was, still doing the motions with the rock. He seemed speechless, just as I was. His face was unreadable. I wanted to reach out, to hug him, to comfort him, to do whatever it took. I stopped the rock mid-air. "Blaze, I'm sorry. I . . . I dunno." I couldn't look at him, so I looked back to my rock, and set it down gently. It was all I could do.
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