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 Taylor's Random Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
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PostSubject: Taylor's Random Profiles   Taylor's Random Profiles Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 12:35 pm

Real Name: Illyana Rasputin
Nickname: Magik or Darkchild
Age: 16
Height: 5'10
Weight: 154
Hair Color: Illyana's hair is a long silky blonde that reaches to her lower back.
Eye Color: Her eyes are a deep green and blue mix that allow them to appear brown on certain occassions.
Job: Unknown to her brother Illyana had to strip to pay her way back to the US from Russia, and to afford train tickets and taxi money after she was left in Iowa by her ride.
Family, History & Powers:

Pets: None
Family Members: Her brothers Peter (Tin-Man, Colossus) and Mikhail, her parents were both killed
History: Illyana was the only one in her family that did not exhibit mutant tendencies at an early age. Though at six she was abducted by an enemy of the X-Men and held. Her brother Peter came and rescued her and soon after Illyana was captured and trapped in a seperate universe called Limbo.

While in Limbo Illyana learned of her mutant powers and also learned both types of magic (light and dark), she also learned to create and weild a sword known as the Soulsword. On her escape from Limbo Illyana discovered that she and the world had aged seven years. At age thirteen she was living at Xavier Institute with her brother but she experienced a horrible case of home sickness and returned to her home in Russia.

In Russia, Illyana studied hard and was at the tops of her classes, though one day after school she was taken by mutant registers and held captive for six months. While held in captivity Illyana realized that she couldn't hide in the world, and that she couldn't run from her mutant traits and past. After escaping from a holding facility Illyana returned to her home to find her parents ill. Immediatley she dropped out of school and began working two jobs to pay for her parents bills. Her father died on her fourteenth birthday and her mother died half a year later. With nothing left for her in Russia, Illyana decided to return to New York and to Peter, though she did not even tell her pen-pal Kitty this.

It took about a year and a half of dancing for Illyana to raise the money to go to America, she was supposed to land in New York but the airline was unreliable and she was dropped in Iowa. Using her magic and charm Illyana got another job dancing and is finally making it to New York to be with her brother.

Mutant Powers: Illyana has just recently learned to use 'stepping disks' to step between places, though she is currently reluctant to use them because the mid-way trip is through Limbo, for which she still has a child-ish fear of; she is also afraid to use this form of teleporting because many times instead of being transported to a place she is transported to a time and has experienced many weeks of de jai vu. Illyana learned both white and black magic in Limbo and is extremely powerful there, but on Earth she is limited to astral projection, sensing others with mystical powers and cast simple spells (Various cleaning, charm, simple seeking spells ect.) Most of Illyana's (non-mutant) powers come from her Soulsword, which is a peice of her own aura. When she weilds the sword Illyana sprouts horns and a tail; she also gains a body armor much like her brother while weilding the sword. Illyana has a split persona that is demonic, though throgh vigorous trails in Limbo Illyana is able to keep this evil at bay. She is also able to form psionic sheilds, and her mind can not be read by other telepaths. Illyana has an unusual bond with both Kitty and Storm as she was with alternate versions of them in Limbo, it is due in part to Kitty, Storm and Peter's strengths that Illyana is able to keep her demonic self at bay...

Real Name: Emily Rose Pandora Xavier
Nickname: Pandora
Age: 14
Height: 5'0
Weight: 136
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: An etheral mix of greens and blues
Job: Student at Parish School
Family, History & Powers:

Pets: None
Family Members: Charles Xavier her 'father' and his good friend and genetic partner Scott, both are her only known genetic donors.

History: Unknown to the X-Men Charles Xavier once had a son named David, who was autistic and had multiple-personality syndrom. David was an extremely powerful mutant but severly flawed in each personality controled a power and one of his personalities (Lucas) was able to control them all. David was killed by Magneto when he was in his late twenties, as David was trying to kill Magneto. Charles felt the loss of his son and contacted a good friend of his who worked at a genetics lab. Charles and Scott Pelwitzsky created a special lab/nursery, where the clone of Charles could grow up without the pressures of living at Xavier's. When the extensive building had been finished they began work of the specific DNA to be transferred to the clone, and with Charles wishes other strands of DNA were entered into the clones genetic make-up. What was created was a working 'sperm' a group of clone possibilites encased in sperm, a foster mother was found and impregnated with the clone sperm. At the end of her term she was taken to the hospital and the baby born, following this Xavier erased her memory of the child and what she'd done for the past nine months, giving her alternate memories. It never bothered Charles that his clone was a girl, he named her Emily Rose Pandora Xavier.

Emily grew up in the lab, where Papa Charles visited her as much as he could and Papa Scott took care of her the rest of the time. Emily exhibited signs of developing mutant powers since her second birthday and between her language lessons was trained in how to control them. Emily was kept in the lab facilities until she was six (when she had control of her powers) she was than enrolled in a public elementary school. She was immediatley at the top of her class, but no one suspected anything of her except she was a very smart child. This all started changing when the Mutant Laws began to be talked about, that was when the other students started becoming wary of Emily. Raised on their parents fear and biased attitude Emily was attacked one day after school by a group of sixth grade boys. Unable to bat the older boys off with her tiny hands Emily was forced to use her powers, and because she was so afraid accidentily put two of the boys into coma. She was removed from school after this and was taught in the lab. She learned much faster there than she had at school and reached a highschool level by the time she was eight.

It was around this age that she began to ask about her mother. Never having cared before, Emily cared now, since Charles never came to visit her as much she began to get lonely. One night Emily woke with Scott's screaming in her ears. She ran from her room to find him missing, Emily searched around the complex. Emily found Scott the next day, her birthday, strung up a block away from a telephone pole. He was covered in vicious gashes and bruises the sign around his neck read 'Mutants This is Your Last Chance LEAVE!' Crying Emily ran back to the complex, where Charles found her later in the week. He took her back to Xavier's and she stayed in his room, because he didn't want the others to know about her yet.

What happened than was Charles enrolled her in Parish School, because he couldn't teach her at his. As he dropped Emily off at the door, disguised in a wig and sunglasses (even a different wheelchair) he told her to never let anyone know about her powers. He loved her and said he was going to come back for her soon....That was five years ago. Pandora felt Charles die and cried in her room for a week afterword. She can't leave Parish because currently she is under the Reverand's care, as she is a ward of state. As soon as Charles's will was settled she would be transfered to the care of Ororo Monroe and the others and Xaviers.

Pandora is shy of the other students and always tries to dumb down her answers, but is always studying, because a mind is a horrible thing to waste. She has spent the past few years studying Scott's papers trying to find the other donors, and waiting to go to Xaviers. She suspects that something is happening to her classmates, because they go home for a week and come back...they feel different. She is trying to discover this unknowing that she is Allan's next target...

Mutant Powers: Emily has an assortment of abilites though most of hers steam from the mind and therefore are her fathers. Emily is able to percieve the thoughts of others and project her thoughts in a 175 mile radius (this is slowly expanding), by tapping into the communication centers of the brain Emily can learn languages and teach them. Emily can malipulate the minds of others, warp peoples perceptions to make herself seem invisible, project illusions and cause loss of memory; she can also cause pain and temporary mental and physical paralysis. When she is close to people she can manipulate any number of minds to do simple things, but she can only take full control one mind at a time and must be close to them. Emily can also cause complete amnesia and can stun the mind by 'throwing' hers at it. Another thing she can do is Emily is able to sense other mutants within a certain radius of herself (she does not know this). Emily can also astral project herself and trap other astral projections in her mind. The final ability Charles tried to teach her was memory recovery, which he himself could not fully control yet and these are all the abilities taught to her by Charles.

The abilities from her second donor Scott are all animalistic qualities because he was an animal mimic, the most common is encreased hearing, strength, and sight the only off part is often Emily's pupils begin to represent reptiles and strange markings appear on her face.

Her other abilities include telekinetic ability (the ability to lift and move objects), which is quite strong, and pyrokinetic ability which is a form of self defense and can not be accessed without Emily being in danger. Abilities that seem to come and go without Emily's wish are mediumship, the ability to contact the dead, precognition, empathy, and animation. This lead Emily to believe that Xavier and Scott were her main donors but she also had six minor donors, this would also account for her black hair and strange eyes.

Real Name: Varick West
Nickname: Cyclone

Age: 19

Height: 5'11

Weight: 155 (Lithe, a little scrawny)

Hair Color: Varick has red hair with dark and light streaks resembling fire, he keeps it long and often has this unruly hair in a pony tail

Eye Color: Opal, very white at night and often give off different colors in different light (just like an opal)

Distinguishing Features: Varick has a number of tattoos on his body including a bat on his right arm, a large tribal symbol encasing his entire left shoulder and down to his wrist, and a large map of the city sewars on his back, as well as another design on his lower arm on the right side. Varick also only wears black clothing, and has a number of peircings on his ears, naval and nose. He also wears a glove on his left had that is encripted with the passwords to various mutant safehouses in the city.

Job: Runs an underground group of mutants called the Order. They steal away mutant childern and teens who do not wish to be given the cure but are forced to by the government. The Order are also neither friends nor enemies of the X-Men, but they take any means nessecary to get the children away, many times students leave the Xavier Academy to join the Order and vice versa.
Family, History & Powers:
Pets: Do tiny children count?

Family Members: Varick has a sister and a brother that he still speaks with but he no longer sees his parents, as they tried to force the cure on him.

History: When Varick was a small child his Uncle took him to his work in a Neuclear power plant. While their Varick snuck off and ended up being in the room where tests were being run. When his uncle finally found him Varick's eyes were no longer green but opal/white. They also discovered the nine year old child was blind. This was devistating to his parents but they learned to live with having a disabled child. Around the age of thirteen Varick began to see again, except he only was able to see things when the wind blew. Which was good, because he could see things coming at him but not anything else. Perplexed, Varick waved his arms around, he created a wind storm that took out half the block! After experimenting by himself, Varick found that he could manipulate the wind around him and took to having a slight breeze around him at all times, now he could see all the time, and he was excited. When Varick told his parents, they told him they were glad they told them. They took him to the doctor the next day, and Varick (due to enhanced hearing) found out that his parents were forcing him to get the cure for mutants. Sure he'd heard about it, but now his parents thought he was a freak and were going to save him...being blind was bad enough. Varick was enraged and a small twister made its way threw the doctors office. He escaped out the door, and soon had people chasing him. Panicing Varick grabbed the first thing that came to hand, a childs kite. Running Varick picked up speed and jumped out the second story window, to his surprise the wind sped up and carried his body away from his parents. He has been living on the streets since then, and found the Order. When the leader died two years ago Varick took the position as leader and is dedicated to his 'family'. All around the city and internet they post ways of finding the Order, or more important secret ways for the Order to find you (because New York is where it started but the Order is in every major city in the US).

Personality: Varick is often considered cruel, he is certainly unwavering in his ideals that no one should be forced into anything. Most who see him can feel the cold chill coming from him, because he only wishes to talk to those who are worth his time, he is often called sadistic and is relentless in his attack on the government and those who would harm mutants.

Mutant Powers: Varick can control the wind currents around him, giving him the ability to see and to glide on a hangglider of his own design that doubles as a weapon. Also because of his blindness Varick has a higher sense of smell, hearing, taste and touch (this may also be due to his mutant gene)
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Random Profiles   Taylor's Random Profiles Icon_minitimeFri Jan 09, 2009 12:35 pm

Real Name: Steve Rogers
Nickname: Captain America, Nomad (For a time), The Captain (also for a time)
Age: 91 (appears to be in his late thirties)
Height: 6'0
Weight: 185
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Steel Grey
Job: Defender of all that is good in America (currently in suspended animation)

Family, History & Powers:

Pets: None
Family Members: Sarah and Joseph Rogers (deceased), James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (Sidekick deceased), Sharon Carter (Lover, deceased)
History: Steve Rogers was born July 4th, 1917 in Manhattan. By the 1940's before America joined WWII Rogers was a tall and scrawny fine arts student. Steve attempted to enlist by was reject due to his poor constitution. Though an Army officer looking for test subjects offers Rogers the chance to serve his country by participating in the experiments codename Operation: Rebirth. Rogers agrees and volunteers for the reseach and after a selection process is choosen as the first human test subject. That very night Steve is injected with the Super Solider formula as well as taking oral doses, then he receieves burst of 'Vita-Rays' to control the chemicals. The process alters Rogers apperance from his former weak self into a being that uses the full potential of the bodies systems.

When the scientist is killed by a Nazi spy Rogers swears to oppose all enemies of the United States. This happening the U.S. government decides to make use of him and turn him into a super hero. Rogers gets a suit made that resembles the American flag, a bullet proof shield and a side arm, Rogers also takes on the identity of a clumsy private at Camp Lehigh in Virginia. At this time Steve was barely twenty and he makes friends with the other youngest solider James 'Bucky' Barnes. When Barnes learns of Rogers secret, Rogers offers to train him and he becomes Captain America's sidekick Bucky. Around this time President FDR presents Captain America with a new sheild made of steel and vibranium, it is indestructable and is light enough that Rogers can now throw it like a disc allowing him to forego his sidearm. A solider below him was none other than Logan who would later become Wolverine. The two teamed up against HYDRA and were friends throughout the war when ever they met.

The Captain and Bucky try to disarm a dangerous bomb it explodes sending Rogers into the ocean and Bucky to have his body never recovered. Rogers is pressumed dead. After this a new man assumed the role of Captain America and a friend the role of Bucky, they both dose themselves with doses of Nazi Super Solider formula which causes both of them to become paronoid and eventually insane. They were captured and placed in indefinite cryogenic storage. Years after this, in the sixties, the Avengers discover Steve Rogers body in the Artic, frozen with his costume on under his uniform and him carrying his shield. After Rogers is revived it is discovered that he survived due to the enhancements from the Rebirth program. Rogers rejoins the Avengers and almost takes a new sidekick before he is scared away by Captain's nemisis Red Skull. While with the superhero Falcon, Captain finds his fifties counterpart still insane and grieves that he could have had the same fate.

Rogers is told later that he must only work for the U.S. government, and having witnessed the corruption declines and simply becomes The Captain, but the replacement Captain America John Walker, goes insane trying to live up to the ideals brought on by Rogers, causing Steve once again to become Captain America. After being exposed to the explosion of a Meth lab, Captian America's body has a reaction, so he gets the Super Solider Serum taken out of his body...only to find that the Serum wasn't a drug like the Infinity Formula but a virus that has changed his body. He is placed in suspended animation and given a transfusion of blood from Red Skull which stabalizes him but doesn't cure him. He has been in this animation ever since.

Mutant Powers:
Captain America has no superhuman powers, although as a result of the Super-Soldier serum and vita-ray treatment, he is transformed from a frail young man into a "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. Captain America's strength, endurance, agility, speed, reflexes, and durability are at the highest limits of natural human potential. It has been established that Rogers' body regularly creates the super-soldier serum; it does not wear off.[60]

The formula enhances all of his metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, giving him endurance far in excess of an ordinary human being. This accounts for many of his extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1100 pounds (500kg) and running a mile (1.6 km) in little more than a minute.[61] Furthermore, his enhancements are the reason why he was able to survive being frozen in suspended animation for decades. Rogers is also unable to become intoxicated by alcohol and is immune to many diseases, as he also heals faster than normal.

Mentally, Rogers' battle experience and training make him an expert tactician and an excellent field commander, with his teammates frequently deferring to his orders in battle. Rogers' reflexes and senses are also extraordinarily keen. He is a master of multiple martial arts. Years of practice with his indestructible shield make him able to aim and throw it with almost unerring accuracy. His skill with his shield is such that he can attack multiple targets in succession with a single throw or even cause a boomerang-like return from a throw to attack an enemy from behind. In the comics, he is regarded by other skilled fighters as one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the Marvel Universe.[62][63]

Rogers has vast U.S. military knowledge and is often shown to be familiar with ongoing, highly-classified Defense Department operations. He is an expert in combat strategy, survival, acrobatics, military strategy, piloting, and demolitions. Despite his high profile as one of the world's most popular and recognizable superheroes, Rogers also has a broad understanding of the espionage community, largely through his ongoing relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. He occasionally makes forays into mundane career fields, including commercial arts, comic book artistry, education (high school history) and law enforcement


Captain America uses several shields throughout his history, the most recognizable of which is a nigh-indestructible discus-shaped shield made from a fusion of vibranium with an experimental steel alloy.[64] This alloy was created by accident and never duplicated, although efforts to reverse-engineer it results in the creation of adamantium. Cable reveals to Captain America that this shield still exists in one of the possible futures; Cable carries it into battle and brandishes it as a symbol.[65] Captain America often uses his shield as an offensive throwing weapon. The first instance of Captain America's trademark ricocheting shield-toss occurs in future Marvel editor-in-chief Stan Lee's first comics writing, the two-page text story "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge" in Captain America Comics #3 (May 1941).[66]

Captain America's uniform is made of a fire-retardant material, and he wears a lightweight, bulletproof "duralumin" scale armor beneath his uniform for added protection.[24] Originally, Rogers' mask was a separate piece of material, but an early engagement had it dislodged, thus almost exposing his identity. To prevent a recurrence of the situation, Rogers modified the mask with connecting material to his uniform, an added benefit of which was extending his armor to cover his previously exposed neck. Since then, events have forced him to reveal his identity to the world. As a member of the Avengers, Rogers has an Avengers priority card, which serves as a communications device.

Captain America has also used a custom special Harley Davidson motorcycle, modified by the S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons laboratory. He has also driven a custom-built battle van, constructed by the Wakanda Design Group with the ability to change its color for disguise purposes.

Real Name: Remy LeBeau

Nickname: Gambit (Primary nickname), Le Diable Blanc (The White Devil), Ragin' Cajun, Robert Lord, Death

Age: Appears in his twenties but is nearing forty ((I'm unsure of the timeline so I did it this way he's about 40))

Height: 6'6

Weight: 175

Hair Color: Auburn

Eye Color: Red Iris/Black Sclera

Job: Professional Theif, Mutant for Hire, has contacts with The Brotherhood, The Order, The Movement and the X-Men as well as both the Theives and Assasins Guild currently working with the Movement (Not the X-Men)

Family History and Powers

Pets: None

Family Members: Jean-Luc LeBeau (Deceased), Henri LeBeau (Deceased), Mercy LeBeau (Current patriarch of the Theives Guild, sister in law), Bella Donna Boudreaux (ex-wife, deceased), Nicole Reese (former lover, deceased), unborn child (deceased (to his knowledge))...Rouge (love interest)

History: Remy LeBeau was born in New Orleans, Lousiana, he was abandoned at the hospital due to the mutation of his eyes, though he was 'kidnapped' by the Theives Guild believing he was a prophised uniter of the Theives and Assasins Guilds. He was adopted by Jean-Luc LeBeau at age ten after Remy tried to pick his pockets.

Remy's bio-kinetic charging powers manifested in his teens, but were kept hidden from his friends and family. At sixteen he married Bella Donna of the Assasins but immediatley after the wedding was challenged by her brother Juilen. After killing Juilen Remy was exiled from the city, ending his marriage with Bella Donna.

Around this time, Gambit began to notice that he had an uncontrollable amount of energy in his body. Agreeing to an arrangement with Mister Sinsiter, Remy had his powers lessened, but the arrangement caused Remy to assemble a group called the Mauraders. The Mauraders slaughtered the Morlocks all except for one girl, named Sarah, that he managed to save. Sabertooth was included in the Maruders.

After joining the X-Men for a short period of time Gambit returned to New Orleans, where he was greeted with the facts that his father and brother were both dead and his sister in law Mercy was running the Theives*. Staying in the city for a short while Gambit met with Mister Sinister again and had his powers returned to him, now able to controll them. Also during this time Remy met Nicole Reese, a mutant also. After forming a relationship with her Nicole revealed that she was sent to capture him. Knowing that she was pregnant with their child, Remy moved them into a safe house deep in the Byou.

After leaving one day to get supplies Gambit came back to find their safe house in peices and blood on the floor. Fearing that Nicole and their child were dead Gambit went on a world wide search for them, but could not find them. For a short period of time (before the mutant war) Gambit stayed at Xavier's who also helped him search for Nicole. When she could not be found Gambit knew that she and their child were dead, he sunk into a depression that was only releaved when a child named Rouge came to the facility.

She reminded him of Nicole with her spirit, and her light, she was beautiful in other ways as well with her kind nature where Nicole had been more brass. Though he could never truly have a relationship with her, as she was much younger than him, Gambit continued to watch her even after he left the X-Men. After the Mutant War, where Remy lost many close comrades to him (he wasn't there, he didn't wish to go against the X-Men) Gambit decided that the goody goody act he'd been playing for the past few years were done. He wants revenge against the humans that took away his child, and tried to take away Rouge with their cure.

Mutant Powers: Bio-Kinetic charge, Gambit can charge matter organic or not with kinetic energy which when released will explode on impact of after a controlled amount of time.

Due to his powers, Gambit's body increased his physical qualities (speed, reflexes, stamina, agility, flexibility, dexterity, coordination, balance, and endurance) to the limit of human capability.

He his kinetic energy causes a static to be around him so he is immune to telepathic probes. At the peak of his power, which he can acheive perhaps twice a week at great pains to himself, Gambit's bio-kinetic aura neutralizes other mutants powers upon touching him (though they return when the contact is lost).

Also Gambit possesses a hypnotic charm, where he can compel people to believe what he says using only his speech, though this is done threw bio-kinetically charging the brain and cannot be done if the person is aware of the charging.

Unrelated to his bio-kinetic charging, Gambit is highly trained in martial arts, and French kick boxing, he is also excellent at hand to hand combat, arobatics, and card throwing (which also helps with the throwing spikes and knives he carries on his person.) Though these abilities are enhanced due to his mutation.
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Number of posts : 169
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Location : Behind You...
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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Random Profiles   Taylor's Random Profiles Icon_minitimeSun Aug 02, 2009 7:36 pm

Thane listened to the plan intently. Figuring they had nothing else to loose and he knew speaking again might throw the plan Thane let out strangled yell and fell as far as his chains would allow him. Apparently they weren't very long because he ended up slumping with his hands above his head. Making his body tremble Thane moaned and soon enough he had the guards running. The other's in the cell skittered away from him as he rolled his eyes in his head and started speaking in a mixture of French and German, might as well speak in tongues if he was going to play...what? Ill, possessed, insane? Yeah all of the above. The guards rushed to unlock the cell before he hurt someone, Thane grinned on the inside. A guard took each limb, the one controling his head put a muzzle on him, like he was going to sprout fangs or something. Thane laughed when he heard the first one go down and proceeded to break free of the ones trying to shackle him so they could take him away. Ripping off his muzzle he was then surprised when others joined the fray against the guards trying to keep them silent. Without their powers they were a vicious lot, Thane would hate to see them with their powers.

Brogley gathered the others and just ran. She had no idea what was going to happen but damn when she heard those double voices she decided to book it! They reached a van and Brogley buckled the tinier ones up with her, Gabe was right next to her. "Alright kids let's get the hell outta here!" She yelled at the top of her lungs and started the van, someone had forgotten their keys the idiot. Gunning the truck Brogley managed to hit a few MRD guys on her way to the highway. Once they were on the smooth road and well away from the sounds of fighting Jack looked at the students she had saved. "Okay guys I'm the oldest so I'm in charge. First and foremost is anyone hurt? Secondly I need your code names, no real names anylonger you already have mine and thirdly will Vinnie be able to find us?" The steering wheel iced where Brogley had a grip on it, she was nervous as every car pased them, she wished they had something to help conceal their identites better...maybe she'd take them on a shopping spree and get them costumes? That might perk all of them up.

((My post for Angelus's google group))
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Taylor's Random Profiles   Taylor's Random Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Dec 01, 2009 11:10 am

There could be a strain that has developed in the domestic situation that affects your reputation or career, Leo, but whatever this is, it will not last for long. As a matter of fact, a new friend could emerge from this situation that turns out to be a powerful ally and advocate for you. In the meantime, though, it seems that the disturbance in the home may be something that takes more than kind words and polite instructions to fix. You need to dare to be yourself in this situation, to do things your way, yet remain sensitive to the rights of others.
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