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 Taylor's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Taylor's Profiles Empty
PostSubject: Taylor's Profiles   Taylor's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 5:52 pm

Taylor's Profiles Casual16
Nickname: Lucky

Age: 17

First Name: Sawyer

Middle Name: Lucky

Last Name: West

Gender: Female

Parent God: Hades

Year: Fourth going on Fifth

Occupation (Outside of the Academy or Inside Ex: Shop keeper, librarian's assistant ect): Libraian's assistant

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Her mother is English

Distinguishing Characteristics: There is nothing really distinguishing about Sawyer except that she is one of the few female children of Hades born, 98% are Male

Height: 5'3

Weight: 130

Eye/Hair: Sawyer has light blonde hair and cool green eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: Prefers to be invisible rather than visible

Quirks: A music, book, and art freak she could tell you anything you want to know about those subjects and she has a fair hand in the archery feild and sword ring

Personality: Sawyer has a very sarcastic sense of humor, she is very witty though dark and morbid at times. She can be a very happy go lucky person that will insult you while smiling. It takes quite a lot to figure Sawyer out, even her own mother has trouble with it most days, but even if you start to understand her you'll realize that under the surliness is a scared girl who just needs someone.

Talents: Artistic, Musical and tough on the battle feild (gym class)

Hobbies: Reading, playing (violin) and fighting

History: Sawyer always knew she was the daughter of Hades as did her mother but they tried to keep it hidden. It always seemed that children of Hades were more excluded than other demi-gods because he was the God of Death, lord of the underworld. So when Sawyer started disappearing in class people started to become rather cruel to her. It got to a point that Sawyer could go a whole day invisible, she spent more time invisible than visible, Sawyer still does.

Now on certain days Sawyer goes to school invisible wearing gloves on her hands and putting white makeup on her face using glasses to cover her eyes.

Powers/Equipment: Sawyer uses a hand and a half sword that her father made her as well as a bow she recieved from Artemis her sixteenth birthday

Powers: Able to turn invisible, can speak with the dead and see them, she can also make other objects invisible when she touches them

Inventory: Her gym uniform (below) which she helps focus her powers, her head phones, can of white makeup

Uniform Modifications: Sawyer turned her normal ankle length skirt into a mini skirt with alternating pink and black ruffles, while underneath the skirt are knee long black capri's made out of the left-over fabric. Her long armed shirt was made into a shirt with only one arm full length the other was cut up to the shoulder. With leftover fabric she stiched the front of the shirt so that it looked like straps going down the shirt. On her breast pocket is a pink outlining of Cerberus. The whole outfit is fitted with silver buckles and claspes and fitted out with silver chains.


Strengths: Her abilities her smarts

Weaknesses: Insecure, not as large as other children
Taylor's Profiles Sittingdownlolilovehersuit

Taylor's Profiles LockedUp Taylor's Profiles Cane-3 (School Uniform Modified)

Nickname: None

Age: 19

First Name: Ryder

Middle Name: Edric

Last Name: Frum

Gender: Male

Parent: Erebus

Year: Fifth

Occupation: Waiter at the Cafe and Bar on weekends and occasionally in the week also works at the Hotel as a bell hop

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: Peircing in his bottom lip, either a stud or a hoop, as well as multiple peircings in each ear. Ryder also has a scar on the left side of his face around his eye, as well as many scars on his body that he keeps hidden.

Height: 6'1 (Tall for a child of Erebus)

Weight: 155

Eye/Hair: Ryder's hair is pitch black cut jaggedly so that longer peices hang in his face and it spikes randomly. His eyes are like pure silver that shine in the dark and almost reflect light in the day.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Sucidal, Severly Depressed, Aphephobia (Fear of being touched, though very trusted people are allowed to touch him)

Quirks: Enjoys gardening, he has his own private plot where he grows red roses

Personality: Ryder is an introvert, and prefers to show no emotions, that doesn't mean he has none. No the trouble with Ryder is that he has too many emotions. If anyone around him is feeling something strongly its forced unto him and influences his actions. Often Ryder feels swamped by these emtions and it caused him to fall into himself. Not that Ryder isn't his own person, who is sarcastic and kind, funny and sweet in fact he is the nicest guy you will meet, in a sad way.

Talents: Ryder is a good listener, fantastic actually, he is also skilled at drawing though his drawings are often disturbing

Hobbies: Gardening, watching the clouds

History: Ryder was born into an unloving home. His mother died upon his arrival into the world and her husband blamed the half-god bastard for it. The first three years of his life were marred with anger, aggression and pain. Ryder was taken away from this before he turned and was placed in foster care, but he still bares the scars on his body from the belt his father used, and the scar on his face where the hot grease touched it.

Ryder wasn't placed until he started kindergarten, and then he was placed with a daughter of Athena and her husband a college professor, who it was thought would understand his situation. For a while Ryder was happy, he always wore longsleeves but none of the children in his school ever asked about his scar. Then around nine the problems started. Ryder got in a fight at school because the boy who sat next to him in class was being picked on, but as soon as he landed the first punch Ryder felt the other boys pain and started to cry. As the other boy began to hit Ryder it opened the floodgates and the faint memories of Ryders first few years came rushing back.

Ryder didn't talk for a week. His new mom took him to a counselor, who was a daughter of Erebus as well. The counselor helped Ryder work threw his feeling about his first dad and tried to unlock the reasons why Ryder was having such a strong inkling in his powers. By the time she was done Ryder started Olympus and was already severly introverted. At school it seemed his problem would be okay, until he again got into trouble with his emotions, only this time he started becoming like the people he was feeling and ended up in the middle of a fight between a son of Ares and his girl friend (a daughter of Aphrodite).

Not wanting to tell his parents, Ryder simply pretended everything was fine while inside he was sinking deeper and deeper into his somberness. Barely halfway into his first semester Ryder attempted his first suicide. He was found by his dormmates in the showers bleeding from his wrists and feet. Since then he's had over twenty more suicide attempts and is under constant supervision from his real father Erebus. Though he's getting better at blocking out emotions Ryder has a long way to go and is still a very timid person.

Powers/Equipment: Ryder is a ruthless killer using a long sword in combination with a short one, as well as deadly accurate with a bow. It is only in battle that Ryder is completely devoid of emotion and has nearly killed eighteen other students as such he is only allowed to be privately instructed and compete in the battle arena.

Powers: Ryder feels other peoples emotions so forcefully that it almost overwhelms him (he is often privately instructed). He can also change peoples emotions when he is at a distance and unable to feel them clearly. He can also control darkness in such a high degree that he has to be on the brink of death to release his hold on the shadows (which is how he is able to hide so well). Ryder also has the cat-like grace most of Erebus's children possess though he has no feline attributes he is simply graceful and often exudes a powerful large-cat-like aura.

Inventory: His charcol, drawing paper, headphones and pocket incense (jasmine as it calms him down)

Uniform Modifications: See pictures (mostly covering his neck adding buckles and chains to ward off others, he also is rarely without his gloves, it is a good day when his pale hands are seen: the pants are also dyed white)


Strengths: His abilities, the bonds he forms with people are unbreakable

Weaknesses: His abilities

Taylor's Profiles L_3be1d6a4bda51a4a1ec2206ddab38ea0

Taylor's Profiles Twins_sm

Cora Taylor's Profiles Katy-perry-2 Nora Taylor's Profiles Katy_perry
Nickname: Cora, Nora (Sunshine)

Age: Both are 16

First Name:Coralynn, Noralie

Middle Name: Hazelle, Helaine

Last Name: Foster

Gender: Female

Parent: Hephaestus

Year: Fourth

Occupation: Both of them work front desk at the Hotel

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: Cora and Nora each have two different colored eyes, each twin has a gold eye and a blue eye. However it seems that the twins are able to change which eyes is which color at will, when asked about it they simply giggle and skip off.

Height: 5'6 (both of them)

Weight: 135-ish

Eye/Hair: Cora and Nora have black hair, however to be 'different' than everyone else and to become themselves they dye their hair a pale tuquoise color. Each twin has a dark blue eye and a gold eye.

Mental/Physical Disorders: Exteremly Hyper

Quirks: Both girls are so overy obbsessed with Anime that on free days the cos-play as either the Weasley twins, the Hiitchain twins or their favorite yaoi couples (Sasu/Naru, Ichigo/Renji, Suichi/Yuki, Axel/Roxas, Sora/Roxas, Harry/Draco...), and they somehow out of all the children know the science of creating fire treating it as a science rather than a talent and have been able to help others learn how to create it as well

Personality: Personality wise the girls are the same and yet different.

Cora is the softer of the two though she is not a push over. Cora is more in control of her emotions and abilities giving her a calm and cool personality. When the twins cos-play she plays the calmer of the pair. Though don't let her calmness fool you she might appear one way on the inside she feels another, and Cora is often more vicious in a fight than her other half Nora. Cora is full of hard looks such as smirks and glares, shes just as talkitave as Nora but she is more prone to antaganizing and cleanly insulting her opponents than her sister.

Nora is the tougher of the twins though in a different way. Where Cora is almost somber Nora is a ball of energy. Happy and smiling all the time Nora certainly earned her nickname Sunshine, usually by her sister. Nora is often explosive with all of her emotions and is sometimes considered overly dramatic. Nora is the perfect match to Cora, they are two halves of one whole and are never without the other. In fact they often state that they both plan to marry the same man, not twins, just one between them both as they share everything in life.

Talents: Sewing, costume design, weapon design, they both play saxophone

Hobbies: Cos-playing, they breed rare fish

History: When Cora and Nora were born there was a slight rift in the godly world, Hephaestus had never before produced twins and there were questions to whether or not they belonged to the forge god at all. The twins were taken away from their mortal mother and placed in a guarded nursery on Mount Olympus. For four years the council of Olympus debated testing the twins for their heritage or simply excepting them as an anomoly, for those four years the twins were cared for by Hestia.

The council finally agreed that though it would have been inhumane to test the twins as babies it was no longer so seeing as they had left toddler years and entered early childhood. Hephaestus was appaled to learn of this decision by the council by agreed that they would be tested.

Both girls were tested seperately, Coralynn was placed into an airtight chamber with an average temperature of thirty two degrees. Noralie on the other hand was put in a circular room that no light entered. Both twins were observed and to the Councils surprise both showed ability with fire.

Fast forward a few years the twins were placed back with their mother and were attending regular school only to be kicked out for fighting with another set of twins, it wouldn't have been a problem if they wouldn't have set the poor boys on fire.

From the young age the twins had control over their powers though only when they were together when they grew up they were both very strong with their powers. The twins have always been together though and get physically sick when they are apart.


Powers: Cora and Nora both have control over the element of fire, their control is so strong that they know the fundementals of why and how they can make fire and help other students master or at least gain control of the element. They are both also very skilled with metal work and are very sought after, they can sing skills into the metal to make it stronger, lighter, unbreakable etc.

Inventory: Outfits, Cora always carries a needle and thread with her and Nora carries her tonfa

Uniform Modifications: View above picture


Strengths: eath other, their powers

Weaknesses: each other, being seperated
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