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 Paige's Profiles

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 5:56 pm

Paige's Profiles Butterfly Paige's Profiles Rpgcharacter2-1

Nickname: Nah Nah, Savvy or Sav

Age: 16

First Name: Savannah

Middle Name: Rylee

Last Name: Franklynn

Gender: Female

Parent: Persephone

Year: 3

Occupation: Student, Corner Cafe, gardener in the private gardens

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: She has naturally curly hair and a very petite figure. Unknown to most Savannah has a tattoo of a butterfly on her left shoulder blade.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 136

Eye/Hair: She has very light blonde hair with pale blue eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: Besides for being very naive she has none

Quirks: She doesn't really like the winter, because all of her favorite plants don't grow then. She likes to hop down the stairs when she walks. Even though she loves the spring her favorite color is black.

Personality: She is very naive but very sweet. She doesn't ever think badly about anyone. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. When she's angry, she runs to express her anger in a positve and healthy way. She isn't very book smart but with her powers she is almost at the top of her class. Savannah makes friends very easily, mostly because she doesn't see the differences between being nice and being sarcastic.

Talents: She can wash twenty dogs within ten minutes. Even though she looks like she's a girly girl she loves to climb trees and sit with the birds. She is very gifted in designs for clothing.

Hobbies: She loves to garden, she was given a spot in the private gardens because of gardening skills. She also loves to listen to classic music. She also loves to create designs on her uniform and make hair ties.

History: When Savannah was born, she was given up for adoption. When she was two she was adopted into a newly-wed couple. Two years later they adopted a boy from the same orphanage. She lived happily with her parents and never realized that she was adopted until the age of ten. For her 10th birthday her parents got her a puppy. Every morning when she would wake up, she could hear this weird noise, like another voice was in her head. This only happened when she was the one to let the dog out in the morning. Within weeks, she found out that she was able to understand everything her dog was telling her and she could somewhat communicate with it. Her parents were afraid that if they sent her to a mental home she would be taken from them, so they never spoke of it.

Then 6 months after her birthday (the day before she was 12 1/2) she had a dream of goddess named Persephone. The dream was filled with her favorite things; many different animals and plants. The goddess said that she had a secret for her but when she was about to share it her alarm clock woke her up. During breakfast that morning there was a knock on the door. When her father went to answer it there was a man at the door saying that he was a worker for the great Hermes. Her mother came forward and said it wasn't so but somehow Savannah knew that she was always different. She now knew that her biological mother was a goddess and so was she. It took her some adjusting but she okay with it. The move to a different school filled her with joy and she was finally able to understand her strange gift and learn her other ones.


Powers: (are you psychic or just plain normal?) She has the ability to talk to animals, able to make plants grow and bloom

Inventory: hair clips of her favorite animals (mostly the butterfly), iPod filled with classical music, plant seeds

Uniform Modifications: She made her her once black shirt shorter, to show off some of her midriff. She kept the buttons (which she turned to look like pomegrantes) but only about 4. She made sure her shirt was larger so she could wear her shirt in an 80s style. She shortened her skirt to 2 inches exactly above her knee and added yellow ruffles underneath her all black skirt (the cuts in her skirt are a very light yellow (alternating from yellow to black with the opposite color polka-dot)). Her shrt she bought a black and yellow tie (think of the ties in Harry Potter). Then on her breast pocket she made it yellow with a pomegrant on it. Her long sleeve ends she has yellow lace. Her shoes she designed swirls surrounding flowers. Then instead of socks she switches from them to black and yellow stripped stockings and yellow leggings with lace on the ends. With her extra fabric she designed a belt that she sometimes ties in her hair.


Strengths: The sun, rain, her friendliness toward others, being around many plants and animals

Weaknesses: The cold, sleet, gusty winds, no sun light, being naive

Paige's Profiles 463 Paige's Profiles Barn-owl-flying (her wings look like this) Paige's Profiles Purple_eye (one of her favorite eye colors)

Nickname: Lily, Jet, Pixie (since she can fly)

Age: 18

First Name: Lilith

Middle Name: Jet

Last Name: Fletcher

Gender: Female

Parent: Hermes

Year: 4

Occupation: Student, waitress at the Bar, baker/waitress at Ann's Bakery

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): English

Distinguishing Characteristics: She has very large eyes that are black (because of her bird) she tends to wear contacts to change the color, she wears a necklace with a big jewel at the end.

Height: 5'6 1/2

Weight: 138

Eye/Hair: She has very long, pretty, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are pretty much as dark as her hair or darker. Since she has a need to wear glasses (poor eyesight) she wears different colored contacts to make her look less, well freaky.

Mental/Physical Disorders: She has many different phobias; Claustrophobia (fear of confinded spaces), Coulrophobia (fear of clowns), Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (fear of long words), Globophobia (fear of balloons), Peladophobia (fear of bald people), Spermatophobia (fear of germs), Suriphobia (fear of mice), Equinophobia (fear of horses). And her worse phobia is that she is a hypochondriac or she is afraid of becoming sick or worrying about her health.

Quirks: Lilith loves Greek mythology(when she was younger) and Greek history and the outfits they wear. On the off days she wears the clothing (like the one above) that she makes. She loves to wear big gaudy jewelry with all of her outfits. Even though she is afraid of clowns she loves going to the circus.

Personality: She is very shy and quite. Lilith is also very smart sweet and kind. She once worked a double shift (14-16 hours) because someone called in then went and tutored a group of level 2 students for three hours after that. When she is working with groups she will talk but only when spoken to. Don't let that fool you though, when in battle or defending herself, Lilith will attack with a fierceness that will surprise you. If you catch her on one of her few off days, she has the mouth of a sailor, will have a snarky attitude and is very quick minded.

Talents: She is the top student in her year, she is very tough on the battle field and in the sky, a great listener, very good at writing, even though she isn't a child of Apollo she is very talented at creating, playing, and understanding different kinds of music (see history), she likes to arrange the inside of people's rooms, she is able to clean her room in five minutes (in a new order and not putting things under her bed)

Hobbies: Reading, writing, making her Greek clothing, playing her flute, taking pictures.

History: Her parents are Sophie Fisher and Alex Fletcher (see movie Music and Lyrics/picture below). Her mother is a famous lyricist and her 'father' a performer and he writes the melodies to match her mother's lyrics. She grew up loving music and learning all about music. Her mother, before meeting Alex, fell in love with Hermes in human form. She found out that she was pregnant when Hermes left her and she was starting a relationship with Alex. Alex believed that Lilith was his and still does to this day, he is her father. When she was born she had a full head of dark hair and green eyes.

By the time Lilith was two she started to sprout wings and her eyes began to get darker and darker and darker. Her parents thought the changes were caused by some chemical substance that she might have been exposed to. They were afraid of taking her to the doctor encase they might have to take her away to test on her. Thankfully three months later when the wings were fully grown Lilith was able to hide them and look normal. At the same time, however, her eye sight began to weaken and weaken. She got a very strong prescription for her glasses, the eye doctor thought that she might become blind; but that never did or will happen.

Also, because of her strange eye color, her parents kept her out of a public school until she was able to get and take care of contacts; which she has almost every eye color of and some that aren't normal eye colors. She also choose to stay out of public school because she didn't think people would like her or think that she was strange. Lilith isn't anti-social but she really would rather to be by herself than with others but she really likes living and being around large groups of people. She also thinks people won't like her because of her phobias. She has a phobia for different reasons that happened to her in her childhood (her eye sight/parents/relatives). Reasons for her phobias in order that they appear above: her cousins once locked her in a closet for three hours, she went to the circus with her parents and was running away from one clown and ran into another clown because she couldn't really see him, when she was in a (county) spelling bee she was in the top two and the word was actually the word for that phobia, while being locked in that closet it was full of balloons, both clowns were almost bald and a bald man almost walked off with her, she used to get sick a lot and her parents always warned her about germs, her house was once infested with mice and a mouse was in her bed with her, on her first horse back ride with her parents she was bucked off the horse and almost trampled by it.


Powers: Being a daughter of Hermes Lilith can fly and is able to put small parts of her body threw other objects. She also is able to hear through walls and across streets (she is very in tune with her bird's ability to use really only it's hearing). She was once able to listen to a discussion that took place at the Cafe while she was at work in the Bakery (a few blocks away). She likes to say her ability to clean in no time flat is a power of hers but she really doesn't know.

Inventory: Her bag full of notes, jewelry, books, pens/pencils, papers, packs of different colored contacts, iPod, she keeps many medicines in her bag (see phobias), and a camera, she also sometimes carries her flute with her.

Uniform Modifications: When she first received her uniforms she thought they were they ugliest things ever. Lilith actually has two different types of uniforms. One looks like the outfit she is wearing in the picture above except it is black and pink and with winged boots on the pocket that she still kept. The other one it is a three inch top (no sleeves (think of a wife beater but thicker)) that has a black and pink striped pocket with the winged boots on it. Her collar is black and her bow is pink and smaller (she sometimes wears it in her hair). The skirt still has the ruffles in it, it is a little shorter, it has really thin pink strips in it, and she added ruffles under it that are pink and black.


Strengths: Her intelligence, kindness, fierceness in battle/flying, her sense of hearing

Weaknesses: her phobias, lack of talking to others on her own, shyness, kindness

Paige's Profiles 3758 Her parents
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Paige's Profiles   Paige's Profiles Icon_minitimeTue Apr 14, 2009 5:57 pm

Paige's Profiles 7508a10a Paige's Profiles Anime-guy

Nickname: Kel or his first name or Hot-head yet he doesn't like to be called that

Age: 17

First Name: Kelvin

Middle Name: Errol

Last Name: Galloway

Gender: Male

Parent: Ares

Year: 4

Occupation: Student, works at the pet shop, is a bell hop at the hotel

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): Scottish

Distinguishing Characteristics: His eyes that seem to see into your soul, he also has both of his ears pierced three times (like in the pics above) and he has a tattoo on he middle finger on his right hand and has a tattoo of a cross with a rose around it (see history) on his left shoulder blade and a tattoo two marks (kind of looks like = but is curved (i don't know how to describe it)) under his left eye. He also wears eyeliner to 'show off' his eyes.

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 148

Eye/Hair: Very black longish wavy hair (he likes to keep his hair close to his neck) and he has gold green eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: Anger issues

Quirks: Kelvin really hates animals with fur, like really hates them, yet he works at the pet shop where there are many of them all the time and he has to walk the dogs and wash them (he hasn't been taught how to work the register). He really hates having school in the morning, he's more of a night person, and he is always seen wearing sunglasses throughout the day until about noon-ish because that's when the sun is not as bright according to him. He loves singing yet hates people always asking him to sing for them and doesn't really like singing in front of people.

Personality: He is very outgoing, very loud, and very energetic. He loves to battle, he says it helps him relax especially when he is upset at someone. Even though he can get upset very easily Kelvin loves to be around people and talk with them. He is very personable and friendly, when he wants to be. If you go up to him, uninvited and he doesn't like you, you'll know right away by him yelling at you to 'get out of his space!' (he uses that line a lot). He really isn't the brightest bulb in the box in most subjects but really excels in Battle Tactics and Strategy, it's his favorite class and he also does very well in Choir. At times, usually when he's singing, he is shy, very shy, but when someone comments about it he blows up in their face. He also is very very flirtatious. Kelvin is known for being a tease when it comes to dating people. He once was caught flirting with his ex-girlfriend's best friends, then asked them both out but actually stood them up, went out with another girl and on that was flirting with another girl. He is very well known in the detention department.

Talents: He is the choir's most talented male singer, very good in combat and battle, he also self-taught himself how to play the guitar and is learning how to play the cello.

Hobbies: Arguing, battling, singing, composing music

History: Kelvin was born to a drug addicted 16 year old mother. She was forced to give him up for adoption because she was sent to the juvenile detention center. He was put into foster care, because apparently he looked evil because of his eyes. When he was almost one he was adopted to an older couple who had been trying to adopt for many years. After the adoption was finalized the family moved to a small town in Scotland. Ever since then the family has had many sleepless nights. Growing up Kelvin would throw the worst temper tantrums that would/could last hours. Then to top it off, the father really couldn't punish him when he kept getting older because he was unbelievably strong.

Kelvin was always the bad boy in his school and then is still known as the bad boy at The Academy. When he was 10 he was in a 'gang' so to speak. His symbol in the gang is the two 'slits' under his left eye, which mean he's in that 'gang' but the second line means he is new/underage. If he would've stayed there he would've received another 'slash' which meant he was no longer 'under-aged' to them and he isn't a newbie. Then when he returned after his first summer at The Academy Kelvin had a burn on his middle finger that didn't really heal (he got it in one of his classes) but had a cool design so he had it tattooed across his whole finger. His parents really disapproved of him getting these tattoos but his father understood his last tattoo more than any of the other ones. Because when Kelvin was away for his second semester his mother became sick with Breast Cancer and died three months later. Her favorite flower was the rose and was very religious and she also would always tell Kelvin that her favorite place on the body was the shoulder blade because they showed strength yet a weakness in everyone.

Kelvin is known for his horrible temper and awful behavior yet is loved for it at the same time. After the death of his mother, Kelvin showed is friends (girls and boys alike) his sensitive side and that's really why they stick with him all the time. His teachers also know that Kelvin isn't always as mean as he may seem. Kelvin does try at school but he doesn't want people to know him for trying at school but for his powers and toughness. Kelvin is very close with his father and was given his mother's promise ring which he wears on his pinky finger of his right hand, even though he doesn't believe the same thing as she did but it makes him feel closer to his mother when he wears it. He is known to be punk/goth but he really isn't any, he just doesn't like to wear normal clothes and thinks his style is more comfortable and suits his personality.


Powers: He is very strong yet it doesn't seem that he is (he's very skinny with little muscles showing). Once when he was upset he punched a five inch hole in cement wall (he got detention for that). Also he can control lightning but not really produce it himself (he is learning though and it makes him angry when he doesn't get it right away).

Inventory: His book-bag is full of everything a student would need (books, paper, pens and pencils), his iPod, sheet music, he carries rocks (no one knows why and he doesn't tell anyone), sunglasses, and eye liner and lots of it.

Uniform Modifications: He changed his shirt so it is sleeveless and has as little pink on it as possible (he keeps it on his pocket with the boar on it, and on his zipper (in the pic it's red)) Then he tightened his pants and he wears 'high heel' shoes that go over the bottom of them. He also has a studded belt that is black and pink with a boar belt buckle. He also made his shirt a jacket and his undershirt is either black or black and pink. (like the second pic of him above) and his buttons are pink also.


Strengths: His strength, ability to control lightning, his friendliness toward some, street smart

Weaknesses: His temper, he's not very book smart, rude

Paige's Profiles 225775_hi this is his belt but with a darker pink than this one (so his all the pink he wears its like a magenta-ish color but more pink-ish if that makes sense)
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