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 Paige Morfey

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Paige Morfey   Paige Morfey Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 8:53 pm

Paige Morfey Rowe_upset
Paige Morfey Whyareyousolate
Paige Morfey 2j2f8g0
Paige Morfey Warrior-2
Paige Morfey Farah1

Nickname: Paigee

Age: 14

First Name: Paige

Middle Name: Nicole

Last Name: Morfey

Year: 4th

House: Ravenclaw

Blood purity: Muggle born

Wand type: 14 1/4 inch Birch wood wand with a Faerie Wing core, very powerful and good for Transfiguration.

Occupation: Student, Order member in training

Pet (include picture): A female hamster named Cotton because she's really tiny
Paige Morfey Hamster
And I have an jasper stone pet rock named Jasper of course! I got it from my sister, I don't know why she gave it to me, but I've had it since I was like 6! I love Jasper a little more than Cotton, because Jasper is easy to feed and to play with and he goes where ever I go (he's always in my purse or pocket)
Paige Morfey Shell-Jasper-therapy-stone-1

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): German (American)

Distinguishing Characteristics: My boobs you just can't cover those things.

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 128

Eye/Hair: My natural hair color is strawberry blond but over the summer I dyed it to a chocolate brown and I have blue gray eyes. I very rarely wear my hair curly anymore, too much of a hassle, so I just had it straightened permanently except for when I curl it myself. My hair is slightly longer than it used to be and I cut bangs into my hair.

Mental/Physical Disorders: A little OCD about somethings any way.

Quirks: Loves the color pink way too much! Would rather sing in front of people in my underwear than give a speech to the same people. Lets just say that I am a very clumsy person. I can trip over anything you name, including my own shadow. Sometimes I even apologize to the object for tripping over it. I like different kinds of food, like I would rather eat Chinese food for the rest of my life. I also will add ranch to any kind of food possible. Like hot dogs taste much better with ranch than ketchup!

Personality: Very sweet, but can have an evil streak. Really really naive yet can be very quick witted. I don't take crap from anyone, and if I don't like you, you'll definitely know! I really don't get perverted things really easily, or many jokes for that matter, but once I get/understand it I love to spread it. Smart, but not the smartest. Hey what can I say, I like to not do my homework sometimes, that doesn't make me a bad person! I am very friendly and will try to see the good in you, but once I try it doesn't mean you will be my friend, but that I will most likely start random conversations with you.

Talents: I can sing really well, perform a lot of curses well, very good at writing things, can write an A worthy paper the night before it's due, also I have a knack for learning spells, charms, hexes, curses and my own power very easily and I can remember them too.

Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, listening to music, singing, writing, talking with people, training

History: (As in a page of her diary) I'm a pure blood American girl! Growing up there was a breeze! I had a lot of friends and was a wonderful student. My parents loved me and cared for me like they did with my other sisters. Then the unthinkable happened, my father died in a tragic car accident when I was 7. One and a half years later my mom remarried a man with two boys. Then we had to move to England for his job when I was about 9. My family isn't rich nor are we poor, we live in a very nice neighbor hood and have some very nice things, we don't buy from big companies for like clothing and such. When I turned 11 I received my letter to Hogwarts, something that I never knew existed, well I did know it was real because my older sister got the same letter when she was 11.

When I went on the train to the school, I had tried to find and study everything I could about Hogwarts. Which wasn't hard because my sister did go there after all. I sat next to two boys and a girl on my way there. They seemed nice and sociable, I really like the girl because she was a muggle born witch too! When I intruded myself to them they laughed because I didn't have a British accent. I told them I lived in America for almost 9 years of my life. I really didn't like the red headed one but oh well. When I entered the Great Hall I was amazed at the beauty of it. Then I sat before the Sorting Hat and was sorted into Ravenclaw.

In my third year Death Eater attacks started happening more frequently and started happening more toward home. Cho's parents were attacked coming home from work. Now her mother is still in the hospital and her father is home recovering, Cho hasn't been the same since. Nowhere was safe anymore. Students and faculty alike were demanding a training course be added to the curriculum. Training in battle and defense courses are now a mandatory course for all years, starting first year after the animagus and patronus test.

Most students were given weapons; knives, swords, etc that are mixed with their magical core. Yet I was given none. Since I have an ability that most students don't have my training is mainly me learning my ability and how to control it. Though I asked to have a weapon, to throw off the Death Eaters. I was given a giant hammer (think Mario) mixed with my core but I have to keep it shrunken because I have a 'fake' bow and arrow set with two small knives that I keep around my armor. Since my hammer is only mixed with a small amount of my core they added a piece of my armor (my chest piece) with some, they said it was a safety thing, whatever. I've always been a lover, not a fighter but if they go for someone I love I will fight till the death.

Camden and I have been dating for three years now and we couldn't be happier. Everything is going great for us, except for one little teeny tine problem, Draco. Things between Draco and me have been really hot and heavy since the Christmas party at his house three years ago. Every time I sneak out to see him I'm more frightened of my dream coming true that I had first year. I feel like a snake each time I lie to Kristen or Camden and I hate it but yet I love doing it.

Autumn started her first year here this year and teachers are already wondering if she'll have a gift like me and Taylor. That's another thing that worries me, how strange Taylor's been acting lately. This summer she cut her hair and changed her appearance drastically. We've been drifting apart, except for when we have our private lessons together, and it scares me how little I know about her. I know she wants to help me and keep me safe, but I'm worried about her and what this war has and will do to her.


Powers: Regular wizard powers but I can also manipulate the atomic structure of the environment I'm in, basically I can cause the atoms to collide making the body or object seem to explode, in this sense I can also slow down the atoms so that it appears time has stopped to everyone but those I wish it to not affect. However powerful wizards and creatures are only affected for a few moments by this and the exploding can be stopped by a powerful shield charm. I didn't figure this out until the Animagus test though Taylor knew about it for ages! Damn her.

Animagus/Patronus: Patronus is a phoenix Paige Morfey Phoenix

Animagus is a Norwich Terrier Paige Morfey Norwich2

Inventory: iPod, purse (with make-up in it), books, wand, hair clips, anything else that I can't think of at this point in time LOL

Weapons: I have a giant (shrunken) hammer and a chest piece of armor mixed with my magical core, I always have a bow and arrow and two small knives that are pretty much useless to me seeing as I don't know how to fight with them, they're just for show.


Favorite Teacher/ Subject: Favorite teacher is Snape, even though he doesn't really like me *winks* Favorite subject is Transfiguration.

Strengths: Smart, big boobs, Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, quick, my looks

Weaknesses: Naive, I don't know how to fight with some of my weapons, worrying about my sister

Paige Morfey Thcolor14 Paige Morfey Paperclips Paige Morfey Rainbow-1 Paige Morfey 4music_notes-1 Paige Morfey Colorful-14

**for me only people (mcd04231c) (Crew, 04231) (USER ID: EMSZCNPA PIN: 3150)**

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