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 Taylor Morfey

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Taylor Morfey Empty
PostSubject: Taylor Morfey   Taylor Morfey Icon_minitimeSun Feb 08, 2009 9:53 pm

Hair Style-Taylor Morfey NaimaTaylor Morfey Punkblondeanimegirl

Taylor Morfey Blonde Taylor Morfey Starwars_girl
Taylor Morfey BladeKunoichiTaylor Morfey Adel

Nickname: Tay-Tay

Age: 16

First Name: Taylor

Middle Name: Marie

Last Name: Morfey

Year: 6th

House: Hufflepuff

Blood Purity: Muggle Born

Wand type: The Wood: Beech
The Core: Basilisk Skin
The Length In Inches: 16
The Attributes: Nice and Supple
What's It Good For: Excellent for Hexes

Occupation: Student, Death Eater Spy

Pet (Include Pic): Taylor Morfey Ocicat Sebastian

Ethnicity (German, Swedish, French): German (American)

Distinguishing Characteristics: Big eyes, clothing (slightly eccentric), hair

Height: 5'1

Weight: 120 (I wish I was!)

Eye/Hair: Blonde and curly down to the middle of my back, and large green eyes

Mental/Physical Disorders: A.D.D.

Quirks: Can we just say I'm odd? I like things that some people don't like and that other people do. Once I wore leather gloves everyday for a week because I thought it was neat. I like meat a lot too, and socks I really like socks but I would prefer to be barefoot. I get detention, a lot, and it's not because I get caught it's because I let my mouth run away with me to the worst teachers, I'm the reason Hufflepuff never has a lot of house points.

Personality: I'm a daydreamer, that's what I do. If I'm not interested in something I allow my mind to wander to wherever it wishes to go. I like to think I'm a nice person but sometimes I'm not, Paige likes to tell me that if I were evil she'd run away screaming and I'd have to agree, now that I pretend to be many people do. I often get comments that I should have been placed in a different house but I always answer the reason I'm in Hufflepuff is that I don't apply myself which I don't. I like to think that if I did apply myself I would have been a Slytherin, again that whole evil thing, but seeing as I don't care that much I muc prefer casual revenge and mild to harsh pranks on the populace that annoys me. I like to talk and often let my mouth get me into trouble, at the worst times. I often have a sick sense of humor that is also preverted, I like to think I'm very unique and sarcastic which has only gotten worse the older I've gotten.

Talents: Singing, Threatening people, following threw on my threats in some way shape or form, speed reading, sarcasm, not paying attention

Hobbies: Reading, writing, music

History: I was born and raised in America. Though now I consider myself more Brit than Yank. What can I say about my history? When I was nine my dad died in a car accident, I didn't really like the man but it was still a sad day. That's when weird stuff started happening, like my cat turned purple for a while and I started having these really weird dreams but I just chocked that up to stress.

A better day in our lives was when my mom got married again and I gained two older brothers, but then we moved to England for his work. It's not that it was a bad move or anything it was just hard adjusting to a new family and a new country.

When I turned eleven I was surpirsed to recieve a letter to a School called Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. That was weird and I wasn't going to go but then a weird guy in robes came to my house and explained the whole thing, after that ordeal him telling me that I could blow up the house or something, my parents made me go.

Buying supplies was really interesting, I found a whole crapton of books that I wanted to read and found the perfect pet, a kitten that I named Sebastian. When I was there I met some really interesting people, but the ones I liked the most were these twins whos older brothers were really hot!

So then I was on the train, it seemed like my summer just shot by, nothing really interesting happened then but I did get to met more people including a boy name Diggory who was sweet but not much to talk to. When I arrived at Hogwarts all I can say is that I was spellbound. When we were being sorted mine took almost a half hour, I was worried that I wasn't going to be sorted because the hat really couldn't decide where to put me. It said I could be courageous, or very intelligent, and I had a chance to be great but because of my disinterest it couldn't decide a house (apparently I wasn't friendly enough to even be considered Hufflepufff) in the end though because of it's indecision I joined that Diggory boy in Hufflepuff and people have questioned that decision ever since.

I enjoy school, but most people consider me an odd duck, but I have many friends though not many close ones. I have been able to hone those extra abilities I thought were just normal but hey the joke was and always will be on me. I never seem to fit in anywhere, I'm too loud or too quiet.

For the past three years I've been in a relationship with a man a few years over twice my age a man I love and the person that is the closest to me who knows me almost better than I know me. In my fifth year Death Eater attacks became so frequent that everyone needed to learn to protect themselves I started to learn how to duel with dual swords with a piece of my magical core made into the steel I can use it like a wand should I ever loose my own, now the school is to the point that first years must do the same each picking a weapon that will be bonded to them like my swords are to me.

I cut my hair before the start of my term this year and I know it will shock people as well as the way I look now, harder, tougher...if they only knew what I'd done and would do they'd be even more shocked....


Powers: I have the ability to astral project myself to anywhere I wish to go, I can see the past, present, and future and this school year I've come back with a new power one that no one knows about not even Paige or Severus


Animagus: Red Wolf
http://www.druidry.org/obod/endangered/images/redwolf.jpg (hyperlinked because photobucket has no good pics)

Your Patronus Is A: Tiger
Your Patronus Is: Effective
You Use It For: Whatever I Please

Inventory: iPod (they do work at Hogwarts), laptop, books, clothes, Sebastian goes where I go

Weapons: Twin blades that contain a bit of my magical core (like sudo-wands)


Favorite Teacher/ Subject: Snape and Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts

Strengths: My frame of mind, my family, Sebastian, my looks

Weaknesses: Anxious, my family, Sebastian, my need to feel acceptance
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