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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 7:13 pm

So let's get this going!


I walked through King’s Cross Station, holding my mother’s hand, while my dad pushed my cart with my trunk and my owl. I was amazed by the sheer size of the station, and by the amazing amounts of people. I was nervous. Like I’m gonna shit my pants type of nervous. I couldn’t believe it. Me. A witch? Me? Going to a school called Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry? How the hell did this happen? My mom squeezed my hand, sensing my nerves. I looked up at her, and she smiled gently at me. The reassuring smile she gave me on my first day at school in Canada. And now she’s giving it to me now, so everything must be fine, cause she only gives that smile when she knows that things will be alright.

We approached the gate between platforms 9 and 10. Some guy with a white beard told us how to get to platform 9¾ a couple weeks ago. Apparently he was the headmaster of this school, Hogwarts. We looked around, watching the muggles walk around the platform. Muggle. I will never get used to that word. Really. It sounds like a disease.

When no one was looking, we walked through the portal thing. I had to close my eyes, and when we passed through the portal, my ears were ambushed by the noise of rushing people, and the noise of a steam engine. I peeked through one lid, then opened it all the way, then slowly opened my other eye. In front of me was a brilliant red steam engine, to my left and right were massive amounts of people, and through the crowd I could see the cutest boy ever. Blond hair, ice blue eyes, and the best face I’d ever seen. Although, the hair did lack style, all greased back like that.

I smiled to myself, and in a sudden burst of confidence, let go of my mother’s hand, not wanting to look like a baby in front of all my soon to be fellow classmates. We walked over to the train entrance, and we took my bags into the train, found a compartment with no one in it, put my bags up into the rack, and we went out to say our goodbyes. I wouldn’t see my parents for four months, until Christmas. I could feel my adrenaline pumping, and my confidence rising. I could do this. Easy peezy lemon squeezy.

My mother teared up, and my father gave me a tight smile as we said our goodbyes, and god, did I want to cry my eyes out. I hugged my mother extra tight. “I promise I’ll write as often as I can.” I whispered into her ear, and she squeezed me so tight, my ears popped. She let me go, and then my dad crouched down to my measly short level.

“Be good.” was all he said, and he hugged me tight. I was going to miss him most. If anything, I was a daddy’s girl.

“Bye daddy. Bye mom.” was all I could say. I turned around, walked up to the steps of the train, mounted them, and disappeared inside of it. I knew this was going to be the best year of my life. I walked through the hordes of students crowding the train, and opened the door to my compartment to find the blond boy sitting in one of the seats, with an equally good looking black boy sitting next to him. I couldn’t help the blush rising up to my cheeks, and I slipped inside and sat in down across from them.

The two boys looked at me, glanced at each other, and looked back to me. All I could do was cross my legs, and stare right back. The blond boy smirked at me, and the black one just stared with no emotion. “House?” the blond boy questioned me, and I smiled. Thank god I read all of those books about Hogwarts. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Ravenclaw hopefully. House?” I asked right back. I was dieing to know is name, hoping it was as good of a name as his looks.

“Syltherin. Definitely. Name?”

"Kristen Kennedy. Yours?"

"Draco. Draco Malfoy." I smiled. He was my age. And he had an awesome name. Dragon in Latin. I looked at the other boy, raised my eyebrows, and the blond boy named Draco answered for him. “His name is Blaise. He’ll be in Slytherin with me.”

“Slytherin, huh? Evil and conniving, are you?” The boy smirked, and I sat back and relaxed. This was going to be a good ride.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2009 11:42 pm

The car ride was long. Not that I mind being in a car for a long time, I can curl up with a book anywhere and drift into the story. What made the car ride long was the fact that the car built for a large family was stuffed with that large family as well as two school trunks, two duffel bags, and two slightly irritated pets. The Accura was awesome but simply not built for this day, the day where I'd be returning to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Paige would be starting as a first year.

If I didn't know what I know about magic I would say that my sister's and I are akin to the Halliwell sisters on that show Charmed. I see things like Phoebe and Paige can control earth like Piper does fire, my mom doesn't know it yet and neither does Paige but Autumn can heal kinda like Paige (in the show) but not with a warm light more of a blue mist. I caught her fixing Mom's tomatoes in the garden a few months back, it's our little secret. Plus we are each almost exactly two years apart, that's gotta count for something.

So, we're all crowded in the car, Mom and Tom in the front flirting like newlyweds as Mom touches her stomach lightly. Even though they're both really young Mom had complications with Autumn so everyone was sure, even the doctors, that she and Tom would never have a child together. They were wrong thankfully and in about six months we'll have a new sibling, or two but I promised Mom if I saw that I wouldn't tell so my lips are sealed.

Frank and Phil, Tom's sons and the bane of my existence are sitting in the middle counsel. Frank is about a year and a half older than me and thinks that because he can drive he's hot shit, but I bet he can't make a rat into a tea cup. Phil is my age exactly and he's kinda jealous that I'm a witch and he can't be, but that's just becaus we've always been so uber competive that he thinks I'll always be one step ahead of him now.

As we pull into the station after a three hour drive Paige's cold, clamy hand clamps on my warm, dry one. "What's up?" I ask leaning in, she's tough and the boys would give her hell if they knew she was scared. "What...what if the other kids don't like me?" She looks at me with those baby blues and I'm done for, that's what happens, I can't fight against Paige and Autumn.

"If they don't like you, which they will, they had better watch their asses." I tug her close and whisper in her ear before winking and giving a wide smirk. "Alright crew outta the bus, we've gotta get those trouble makers off to school." Tom's in the back already unloading the trunks, Mom's behind him with Sebastian and Cotton's cage's firmly in hand. (Of course Cotton's in his travel sized cage, Paige has a huge fuck ton of loops and wheels packed in with her books and clothes his Cotton-miniyum)

Frank and Phil each grab the duffel bag that was sitting in between the seats (Mine's yellow and Paige's is pink) and head out of the car. Autumn and Paige get up next leaving me alone in the car. I slowly put my book mark in and close my eyes, I was finally going back were I belonged. Yes I love my family, but I saw how they looked at me after I've had a vision, I know no matter what they'll love me, but I don't fit in their world anymore I belong at Hogwarts.

As I climb out of the car I notice Autumn has a mischevious look in her eye, my left hand travels down to the wand holster I always keep securly on my waist. Though I'm right handed my dominant arm is my left, which gave Ollivander quite a start, but then again I am a bit of an odd duck. My hand closes around the smooth beech wood and the golden warmth travels from finger tips to soul, putting me in connection with the magical world. I glare at my younger sister and make sure Paige has her wand too, don't want to leave it behind with the Demon spawn.

Paige and I stand side by side looking at our family. Tom has the trunks both on carts with Sebastian and Cotton securely on top, each duffel is on the floor near their prospective cart and the gang is line up for hugs and good byes.

I tackle Autumn first, memorizing how she feels in my arms, knowing that when we get back she'll be taller. "Take care of them for me." I whisper in her ear, and as tears prickle her eyes she presses something into my hand and dances away to Paige. Opening my fist I see it's a dream catcher carefully made with yellow and orange sting and what looked to be twigs from my tree in the garden. Good girl, she always worried about my nightmares.

Phil's next, we hug softly. "Watch out for those British girls." I tell him, he gives me a quick harmless nuggie "Watch out for wizards."

Frank and I shake hands "Don't crash your car, I don't wanna have to ferry you around on my broom." Frank grins sloppily and pats my shoulder "Witch on a broom, classic sis." He still doesn't really get it.

Mom and Tom I hug the hardest and longest, I want to remember everything about this moment, we won't see them until end of term. "Write." Mom says simply and Tom smiles and tells me "Focus." I grin back "Don't I always?" They laugh, it fills me up with silver bells of light.

"I'm getting on the train Paige, we'll get a compartment." I grab my trolley and sprint into the wall bursting unto Platform 9 3/4. The train is the same as are the people, and the smells, grabbing Sebastian and stowing my things I go threw the train saying hello to familiar faces. Then I come across a compartment built for eight or so with three first years in it. Smiling I unlatch Sebastian's cage and the irritated boy climbs unto my shoulders to nestle. "First years I take it? Mind if I sit my sister's a first year as well and I'd rather her not meet my friends just yet, they are the rowdiest bunch." Just thinking of the Weasley Twin's made her shudder and laugh at the same time and let's not forget about Diggory, so calm and collected in public but fucking insane everywhere else.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 3:14 pm

Oh my god! When is this ride ever going to end?I thought to myself as I tapped my foot on the ground. My legs were smooched, I would rather by laying on a bed, and the boys smelled horribly of body odor. Some people forgot to shower today or even last week for that matter. I looked over to see Taylor happily reading her book, one that she probably had read four or more times before. Sitting on Tay's other side was Autumn, happily coloring in her coloring book.

Sighing I let my head rest on the head rest and looked out the window. Not only were we driving on the wrong side of the road, but everything here looked so different than back in America. Even though I lived there two years ago, there still seems like my home. Not only is my daddy buried their, but all my aunts, uncles, and grandparents are over there too. I don't usually think about it a lot anymore because I've started to like living here. Sure the people may talk in funny voices and yeah they do call me a 'stupid American' but this is my home. Looking around the car I know this is my family. Mom resting her hand on Tom's (or dad 2 or just dad) thigh while another hand rested lightly on her stomach. Phil and Frank were arguing about something boy like, and even though I hate to admit it I will miss them all so much.

As I look out the window again and feel the car slowing down I see the train station coming into view. Putting my hand on Taylor's and squeezing, I can't look away from the station. "What?" she asked me putting her book down. I look straight at her, seeing her warm green eyes looking back I find my voice. "What...what if the other kids don't like me?" She laughed and pulled me closer to whisper in my ear, "If they don't like you, which they will, they had better watch their asses." Smiling I looked away and heard Dad telling us, "Alright crew outta the bus, we've gotta get those trouble makers off to school." Boy is that man quick, he was already in the back getting out all our things.

Finally settling their fight or whatever it was, Phil and Frank take our duffel bags and head out. Autumn's right out with them and running to catch up with mom to hold her hand. I climb out next and look back at Taylor. Still into her book I decided she probably wanted to be alone for a while. Slowly I start walking toward my family and I can feel my heart rate pick up. You're not afraid, just nervous. Another new school with new people won't be that bad. But what if they don't like me? I had to stop myself their because Taylor already promised that they would. Putting my hands in my coat pockets my fingers wipe across the smooth surface of my wand.

When I got my letter I was so happy but I could see the worry in mom's face when she knew their was another witch in the house. It had been hard enough getting Tom to believe that Taylor really and actually had powers, then it was me. Looking up I see mom and Tom holding hands and smiling. I know they'll miss me but I think with the baby arriving soon they would want as little of noise as possible. I stand there looking at my family when Taylor comes to my side. She went straight for Autumn and I went straight for the boys. Hugging Phil I look up at him, "Don't miss me too much! And I promise to get you something cool if I can if you promise..." He smiled and finished my sentence "I know I know to get Green Day's autograph for you." Smiling back at him I give him a bigger hug and move on to Frank.

"Try to be careful driving that thing, please. We don't want mom going into early labor because you crashed the car." He laughed and hugged me hard, lifting me up when he did. "You promise not to let anyone pick on you okay, that's my job." I laugh and give him one more good squeeze and go to Autumn.

She was already crying when I got to her. Wiping her tears I told her, "I promise to write and tell you everything I can to describe it to you. You only have to wait two more years you know." She nodded her head and gave me an Autumn hug that could always make my knees go weak and my eyes start to water. I kiss her head and squeeze her back.

I gave Tom a hug first and a big kiss on his cheek, "Take care of mommy okay?" He smiled "That's a deal, as long as you make sure your sister stays out of trouble." Sighing I say "I'll try." Then I move on to mom. Giving her the biggest hug I could ever give anyone I nuzzle into and I can feel the tears start to slid down my cheeks. "Don't cry baby we'll see you soon. Just promise to write everyday and be on your best behavior." All I could do was nod and say "I love you mommy!" Kissing me softly she says "I love you too baby."

Taylor had already gone through the entrance so I had to run to keep up with her. I grabbed Cotton's bag and hop on board the train. Seeing so many faces, some relived and some more nervous than me, I walked down the aisle trying to find Taylor. When I see her cat walking around on the floor of a compartment I enter it without looking around. "Taylor you should've seen this kid he looked like he was going to pee his pants." Finally I looked around the compartment and see a very handsome well two really handsome guys and a pretty girl sharing with us. "Oh hi, I'm Paige, Paige Morfey. And this is my older sister Taylor." She nodded and turned her attention to her book again. Rolling my eyes I ask, "And you are?"

The red headed girl smiled and said "Kristen Kennedy." Before I could say anything else the blonde boy piped in and said "Draco Malfoy. House?"

Not knowing what he meant I answered. "Ravenclaw I hope, Taylor's in Hufflepuff. You or house?"

Smirking the blonde said "Slytherin." The way he said it sent goose bumps up my spine but in a good way. I knew this year more than ever before was really going to be an adventure.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 3:39 pm

When Paige bursts in and does her flurry of introductions I can't help but notice the smirk that blonde first years got on his face when she says I'm in Hufflepuff. "Well, fucking Draco Malfoy the Slytherin prince thinks he's the high and mighty first year." I stand though I still half my book in hand, only the truly skilled could annoy me that much. "Yes, I'm a Slytherin legacy and you, you're nothing more than a mudblood you and you're American sister."

I slowly rest my book on the seat and glance at Paige who's looking flushed, she's never really picked up the accent thing like I have. "I'm sure you've heard of me Draco, I'm a legend at the school after all, that's Taylor Morfey." Ah, that quick look in his eye, the dashing back and forth, I knew he'd heard of me.

Wizards talk, it's what they do and when something unusual comes along it's big news, so the girl who took nearly an hour to get sorted and who then plays the meanest pranks and gets as many detentions as the Weasley boys should be talk. I was also sure that Dumbles had let it slip about my sight, silly old bastard.

"You'll play nice Malfoy, just like all the Slytherins ahead of you, no one picks on my sister and gets use of important body parts back got it?" The little, and quite adorable, blonde is so angry his hair is curling but he nods.

"Of course, I've heard all about that, I didn't know sorry..." He mumbles, I sit back down to open my book. "We'll have a nice ride then, snacks on me." I wink at the Malfoy and Zabini, his sister Maria is after all in my year, "We're making friends and nicey nice."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 7:08 pm

I looked around the compartment, a little confused about how things had gone. Who is this Taylor? And why is Draco so afraid of her? And how can this Paige have abnormally large boobs? Draco just smirked at me, and I felt the compartment go into a semi-awkward silence. I felt the need to fill the noiselessness, so I tried to think of something to say.

“So,” I say, turning to Paige, “You’re a first year, right?” She nods, and I smile. “And you want to be in Ravenclaw?” Again, she nods. Draco sits and observes us two, Blaise stares out the window, and Taylor is absorbed in a very well worn copy of a book. “Me too! Hopefully we’ll get sorted together!” I say, with a bright smile on my face. I can tell she is kinda nervous, and I know how she feels. I’m trying really hard not to shake I’m so nervous, and excited at the same time. She smiles back at me, and I’m hoping I just made a new friend.

“HOOT!” Everyone looks around the compartment, looking for the cause of the loud high pitched noise. Gasping, I jump up, climb on top of the seat between Draco and Blaise, and take the cover off of my owl’s cage.

“SILEAS (sigh - lee - us)! I forgot all about you hun!” I whip open the door of the cage, and attempt to wedge the oversized owl out. I manage to just get him out, and cuddle him to my chest. I jump off the seat, and plop back into my own. I blow the hair out of my face, and find the whole compartment staring at me and my overly large owl.

“What is that?” blurts Blaise, the first sentance - or even word - I’ve ever heard from him. I stare at him. And blush brightly.

“My owl. Sileas.” I reply, petting him lightly. I smiled, but there were still stunned looks all around me. “What?” I ask, genuinely confused and curious.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 7:31 pm

"Your owl is abnormally large, I could shrink him for you." I twirl my wand before I finish the last page of my book, ah such a classic is Lord of the Rings, my utmost favorite series. Noticing her shocked look I smile "Just kidding, pets come in all shapes and sizes just ask Paige."

Stretching because it feels like I've come out of a really nice dream I watch Sebastian slink over to study the owl. He's such a naturally curious cat, more so than most. He reaches out his paw to pet the plushie lookig bird and when it gives a 'hoot' that could have been in protest but sounded more like a laugh to me, Sebastian gives a sniff and trots back over to me. I stroke him as he contentedly purrs. "Finished making trouble have you? Just like your owner."

"So you want to be in Ravenclaw, that's quite exciting, perhaps I'll let you come and party with us in Hufflepuff sometimes, so many in that house need help it's ridonkulous." Draco laughs and I join him, I like to think he's more comfortable now that he knows that I'm not the average Hufflepuff.

"It's true, my father said that the only good thing that comes out of Hufflepuff are dunder-heads and healers." I let a smile spread once more on my face as Sebastian plods over to Draco and plops his furry bum on the blonde's nice new robes, silver cat hair will certainly improve them. "Yep until me..."

"You should have been in Slytherin, our father's think so at least." Blaise says cutting off Draco from saying what I assumed was the same thing. "Yes, my godfather is certain they should hold a resort for you." Draco said petting Sebastian. What can I say? I'm just a living legend.

"Yeah, Snapey pie is just dying to get me in with the snakes. Whatever, it'll just do the same thing I do what I like house can't determine that." Happy with myself, I'm about ready to close my eyes and try to sleep when a boy dressed all in yellow and black bursts into the compartment.

He gives me a sloppy smile and his tongue ring clicks against his teeth as his eyes flash threw a rainbow of color. "Hiya Morf." He sits next to me and puts his arm around me jostling my curly hair out of place. "Phyre don't make me slap a ho, you hiding from your brothers again?" By the look in his eyes I can tell I asked the right question, because they turn black instantly.

((Introducing Phyre, more from him in my next post.))
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 7:43 pm

I smile down at my owl, perfectly content, but still a little confused. Suddenly, another boy let's himself into the compartment. Another good looking boy. Gosh, this school was just full of them! I catch draco's eye, sending a question wthout a word. He just gave a slight shake of his head, and giving a look that I knew meant 'not right now.' I nodded slightly, and settled back into my seat, questions swarming through my head. Who are these morfey girls, and why is Taylor so special? Maybe the something that makes taylor so special was her ability to change at will, you know? One of those metamorphagus things that I read about. She certainly looked like she could be, and she was obviously powerful somehow.

"Uhm, Taylor? Can I ask you a question?"

"Depends on what that question is." I felt a little uncomfortable under her penetrating green eyes, and hoped to god that my question wouldn't be offensive, or even make Draco realize how ignorant I really was.

"Why are you a legend? You know, like when you told Draco your name, he just new who you were. How - or why - is that?"

"You don't know?" Draco asked me. I shook my head, and he seemed a little stunned.

"Well . . ." started Taylor
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 8:13 pm

Kristen is her name, she must come from a muggle family and that's totally cool I mean so do I espically to not know about me. Phyre let's his jaw drop and I close it for him. "It's okay Phyre darling, we'll talk later." He settles in his arm still around me, which is way okay with me as Phyre is smoking hot.

"Okay just to clear up any rumors and to educate you all, even Paige cause she doesn't know everything about it." I clear my throat and think back to that first feast. "So first of all my legend-ness is my sorting. It took about an hour or more to sort me into Hufflepuff and then when asked the hat simply said that I could be in all the other houses but because I didn't care enough it had to put me in Hufflepuff." Tucking my hair behind my ear I continue.

"Then I'm right handed but I'm left wanded, that doesn't happen often. Okay, so first year some gryffindors thought it'd be funny to play a prank on some Slytherins and I got caught in the cross-fire. So about a week later all the boys bodies were switched...god that was so freaking funny...I was given detention for a month with Flitwick. After a week with me he passed me to Sprout so on and so forth so now the only teachers who will even consider giving me detention are Snape and McGonagal, though she only does it if Snape will carry them out."

Phyre's laughing his ass off, being a year older than me he enjoys the pandemonium that I cause. "Plus I hit on Snape all the time he is so fine." Draco starts to gag and I giggle "Oh shut up, you're his god son and let me tell you your dad has one fine ass as well." Ah that shut him up, nodding my head I continue on. "So basically I like to take revenge on everyone who pisses me off, staff included. I swear more than anyone I know besides Diggory" Phyre adds in his own 'Amen to that' before I talk over him "And even seventh year Slytherins are afraid of me."

Draco give a small nod "It's true, which is why later I'll be needing to talk to you on behalf of my father." I'm surprised that I'm already getting a pitch from the DE's, usually they wait a few days. Phyre takes my hand and gives it a squeeze I wave him off "Certainly, but I can tell you now I'm not really into extracurricular activities." I'm about to lay on Phyre and sleep before I remember. "Oh yeah and I can see the future, and astral project plus my animagus is a wolf the first Hufflepuff to have a dangerous animal since Herclonius the Strange was a bear."

Draco looks pointedly at Kristen with a look that says 'I have a reason to be scared.' As I settle in to watch Paige and them chitchat a bit.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 8:50 pm

After the introductions and watching Tay tell that Malfoy kid off (which I was totally going to do because he called me A) a mudblood and B) he totally dissed Americans. I'm sorry we have better accents than he does), I didn't really feel like talking much until that Phyre guy showed up, man oh man is he fine, and the Kristen girl asked Tay why she was legend. I swear I thought she was going to ask her why she was so rude, but I ask Tay that myself sometimes. Some of the things Tay told them I didn't even know, like how she will take revenge even on teachers. That was a jaw dropper for me but I made sure to keep my cool. After she was finished telling her tale she nuzzled into Phyre and started to drift off.

"So," I say turning toward Kristen, "you're pet is an owl. I wanted an owl but the ones I could choose from didn't really feel like they were for me you know? So we went to a regular pet shop for maybe a rat, not a cat 'cause I'm allergic, 'cept for Sebastian, I found the pet of my dreams." Taking Cotton out of her carry on house I give her a few soft pets. "This is Cotton-Ball or just Cotton, my hamster!"

"You have a hamster? Is that even allowed?" Draco asked when he saw Taylor was pretty much sound asleep, Phyre was also.

"Well Cotton is a hamster mister Slytherin legend and my parents made sure she was allowed the day we got her. Apparently Professor Dumbledore is on their speed dial or something like that." I told him matter of factly. As I started to let Cotton wander around on the seat, Sebastian jumps off Draco's lap and comes to sit between Kristen and I. Turning toward Kristen I asked "Your owl won't eat my Cotton will he or she? Sorry I'm not very good with telling female and male owls apart just yet."

I turn toward Draco and Blaise, "So do you guys have any pets?"

Blaise looks at me like he's never seen a girl before and starts to blush, "Well umm I actually have an owl. I named her Gaia, after the Greek Goddess of the Earth. It's also because she has blue green eyes that I've never seen on an owl before."

Listening to every word he said I asked, "Well can I see her? She sounds amazingly beautiful and I just love owls."

Before he could say anything Draco butted in, "Well my owl is much better than Zambini's owl would ever wish to be. He is a pure bred owl that are almost extinct, his name is Ares." As if on command a beautiful owl, a kind I've never seen before flew in a landed lightly on Draco's shoulder.

Entranced by the sheer beauty and grace of the owl I reached out and touched the feathers. Hooting in delight I continued to stroke the owl while keeping Cotton in my hoodie pocket. "He's amazing Draco, just wonderful." Smirking Draco nodded and watched me continue to stroke is owl. "So why did you choose the name Ares?" I finally asked after I stopped stroking the owl. Upset the owl hooted flew to the rack above Draco.

"Simply because Ares is the god of war and the markings he has look as if he was wounded in battle." Nodding I looked up at the owl. "Brilliant." I said and couldn't help to blush a little when Draco smiled at me. He was so cute, yet so arrogant and rude at the same time, but I had a feeling there was a soft side to him. Trying not to stare at him I turned toward Kristen, "So why do you want to be in Ravenclaw? Have your parents pressured you into being a Ravenclaw or something?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 9:03 pm

During the whole thing, I could only bounce back and forth between Paige and Draco. DAMN this girl talked fast! I felt I could keep up with her, and I think her speed was just perfect for what my friends and I really talk. When she spoke to me again, i was a little shocked, because I wasn't quite expecting that question.

"Well. Uhm." I cleared my throat. "My parent's don't actually do the whole . . . magic thing. They're human. Or. Erm. Muggle. That's the word. They're muggles. I did research on the school and read a couple of books, and although all of the houses sound good, Ravenclaw just kind of suited me. I'm really into the whole school thing, even if I'm not quick whitted. I'm actually really horrible at comebacks and the like." I blushed, noticing how the whole cabin was looking at me. I had no clue how I was gonna make it through the sorting without my face lighting on fire.

"You're a mud . . . muggle born?" Draco asked, noticing the quick look Taylor shot him through her half closed eyes.

"Well. Yeah, I am." I said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"What did you say your last name was?" Blaise asked me, a questioning look in his eyes.

"Kennedy, like that President in America that got shot in the 60's." Blaise and Draco exchanged wierd looks, as if they had something to say. "What?"

"Nothing." They both replied a little to quickly.

"Anyway . . ." I started, but then the door slid open and an old lady with the snack cart asked us if we wanted anything. We all got something, and just let the conversation flow.

"So, what is Hogwarts like anyway? I mean, I've read about it, and read pictures, but what is is really like?"
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Number of posts : 169
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Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 9:27 pm

"It's about as awesome as awesome can be and then some." I let the words roll out of my mouth before Taylor can say the same thing, we're cool like that knowing what each other is going to say and do and all that, we must have similar souls...I look at the first years before me and see how neat the color of Draco's eyes are.

"Woah sweetie you're doing it again aren't you?" Taylor asks me and I look up not really focusing on anything at the moment. "Huh?" Sighing she takes a handful of my hair, which is much longer now and bashes my head not to lightly against the window. "You're scaring the first years...again!" She cries, pulling out a mirror. I glance into it and am pleased with the results. My eyes are the same shade as Draco's to the point of being exactly alike, my hair had grown out to a length below my shoulders and was the same terrific platinum blonde as his except when I turn just right it turns the same color as the eyes.

"You look like a young Lucious with an attitude problem." Taylor says to me annoyed, I can only laugh, at the peircings on this face don't really fit the image of Lucious Malfoy now. "But did you see his eyes! They're such an awesome color and they'd only go with this hair and....OW! Again with the window and the face!" Giving out a laugh Taylor smooths my hair down "Change back please, I like you better the original way." Sighing I vow to remember this look for later, I change from the outstanding features of the Malfoy family to the ones I was born with minus my tattoo, I hate that thing.


It's really fun hitting Phyre, hell hurting anyone is a blast but Phyre makes it so easy. "He's a metamorphus who likes to become obsessed, congratulations Draco, where he was once obessed with yellow he is now obbsessed with your eye color and the moment he's out of my sight will revert into that almost mockery of your father."

"Now Taylor I think I did a good job...HEY!" Phyre lets out an almost girly squeal as I calmly say "Head meet window." And once more rattle his brains with an easy slam.

I'm not violent I just hate people acting stupid, and Phyre's obbsessions were always going to be at the top of my list. They kiddies look around the room like they don't want me to know what they've been talking about and I know everything, duh. I also happened to sneak a peek in Dumbles' records one day when he was lemon-dropping me to death and could put two and two together about this Kennedy girl, whoop-ti-do another pureblood.

"Now the thing you need to know about Hogwarts is it's all rep. Paige will be a big cheese cause let's face it I'm the biggest fish in the pond right now until Harry Potter gets sorted, Draco and Blaise will be for reasons that we know and will not disclose to the general public." The boys shoot smiles of innocence at me that makes me snort a bit, really like they could ever have been innocent in their entire lives. "You my dear will be in shadow mode until something happens to you, then you either get big or get forgotten that's what happens. Plus magic rocks, so a magic school would rock even harder..."

Popping a Bertie Bott's I instantly spit it out and throw it at Phyre. "You asshole." I'd charmed the bag so they were all butter beer flavored, that was not butter beer. "I hate licorice!" Phyre's laughing, his open mouthed guaf that he uses when he finds something really funny so I take the oppurtunity to shove all the beans into his mouth.

"Serves you right." I say as he chokes. "I hear choking Twin...As do I twin...She's at it already...Didn't even have the decency to wait for us..." I slap my hands over my face and close my eyes. "Three, two one..." Two red heads burst threw the door and scooped me up. "Gred! Feorge! Put me down and get out or I will hex your genitals into the future." The bustle stops and I get set down nicely. "Fine, after dinner then, party pooper." Fred says before they leave the cabin.

I look at Paige and Kristen and in a firm tone say "Stay away from them you're not even close to being in the same league yet so don't even try."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 9:44 pm

This Taylor girl, I like her, she has this certain thing about her that just attracts me to her. But, she scares the shit out of me. Like the whole window - head bashing thing. That was unexpected, and even so the bertie botts every flavor beans thing. She was just out there, and completely fine with it. She was hot shit, I could tell. And then Phyre, who just changed his hair AND eye color without even knowing. God, I wish I could do that.

And then the whole reputation thing, I was just scared now. All reputation? Well, I'll never be able to get Draco with no reputation, and I wasn't anything special. I mean, I thought I was because of me being muggle born, but maybe it's more common than I thought. What the hell was I gonna do?

Taylor gave me a knowing look, and then I remembered. I would have to keep my thoughts in line around her, or maybe do something to block her. I'd figure it out. I heard Hogwarts had and AMAZING library.

"Well, what about the Professors, and the students? What are they like?"

"The professors," Taylor started, but didn't get a chance to finish. Just then a boy with jet black hair and a lightning bolt shaped scare on his forhead fell into the compartment. Even as a muggle born, I knew who this was. Harry Potter, the boy who lived himself.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 10:04 pm

There he was...in the flesh even. Harry Fricken Potter! I couldn't help but blush and giggle at the faces of everyone in the compartment. Not knowing what to do or even what to say I did what just came naturally. Putting Cotton back in her carry on house I rushed to the floor to help the guy up. "Are you okay?" I asked feeling his pulse, mom had taught me CPR this summer.

"Yeah I'm fine I just..." He did the same thing Blaise did when he saw me and Kristen I bet. It seemed like every guy in this school didn't know how to handle talking to a girl, except for Draco of course and Phyre, though he didn't count since he was older. "I just was trying to catch up with the candy cart and the train must've taken a sharp turn or or something and I just kind of flew in." He gave a nervous chuckle as he propped himself on his shoulders looking at me. "I'm Harry Potter and you are?"

"Kristen Kennedy." Kristen said behind me and waved at him. He waved back and looked at me in all seriousness. "I'm Paige Morfey. Up there is my sister Taylor, she's a third year Hufflepuff." Taylor nodded her head and continued to give Phyre one of her amazing back massages, maybe it was because she felt guilty for hitting his head against the window...nah.

"I'm Draco and this is Blaise but we already met Potter." Draco spit at him and Ares hooted along with him.

"Draco be nice, it wasn't his fault he fell in here." "But he..." "No buts Draco I don't want to here it." Putting my hand up as if saying 'talk to the hand' I helped Harry stand up and let him sit on the seat next to me. "So..." I was about to ask him a question when another amazingly hot male popped his head into our compartment.

"Oy Taylor! Fred and George are having a hexing dule and Diggery is trying to stop them. I tried to warn him not to, so now he's laying there on the ground groaning and something is coming out of his ears and belly button. We don't anyone coming back here and yelling at us, if that's even possible. So would you mind helping us out a bit?"

Sighing Taylor got up. "Yes okay Camden I'm on my way. Sorry ladies and gents I have some business to settle." As she left the compartment I could hear her yelling to the twins. "Boy oh boy are you boys going to get it."

(I'm done for now but you will see more Camden in the next post...tay wanted me to hurry up so yeah)
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Number of posts : 169
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Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 10:18 pm

I cracked my knuckles and followed Camden I did however pop my head back in the compartment to give Draco and Blaise one of my famous glares "Be good or having things coming out your belly button will be the least of your worries....Oh and Harry, it was a pleasure to meet you, I'll send you an invite for tea an cookies back at school kay?" Such an adorable little boy he simply stuttered out a yes before I flew off to the back compartment.

"Oh Boy oh boy are you going to get it." I yelled and all noise stopped except for Cedric who was sadly moaning as more stuff was expelled from his ears. "We didn't do it!" Fred, George and of course Lee all hid their wands behind their backs and tried to look innocent, I have to say Malfoy is a lot better at it.

"Accio wands!" Three wands flew into my outstretched hand and the boys tremble. "Sit." Rumps hit seat as I crouched and knealt over Cedric. "You stupid head, haven't I told you that you're too much of a Hufflepuff to mess with Gryffindors? Espically these gryffindors." Cedric moaned and tried to talk but more icky stuff came out of his mouth. The three behind me gulped, they knew I had a soft spot for the kind hearted party boy with a fucked up father.

Casting a quick charm I was able to identify the hexes and counter them. When Cedric regained the ability to speak and function without nastiness spewing from him he said "I didn't want you to have to get up, I know you like to nap on the train and Phyre was in your compartment...I made a mess of things didn't I?" Kissing him lightly on the forehead I smirked "You kidding, I would interupt all my naps to be your knight in shinning armour espically from those three...Who if they don't sit back down will not have anything to sit on!"

Once more rumps hit chair. I stood and whirled on them. "You are all going to pay, but I'm not going to do it now. I'm going to let you think I forgot about it and then I'm going to hit ya...Sleep with one eye open boys...One eye." They gulped and I hugged Camden "Next time petrify the hero okay?" He nodded and I kicked Diggory playfully. "You better get better before the party tonight." He gave me that pants dropping smile "Wouldn't miss it."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 10:38 pm

His bellbutton? How does something come of a bellbutton? Isn't it like, a sealed part of the body? I wondered to myself, noting that i did not have all of the facts Like I thought i did. Draco came and sat next to me, apparently not wanting to sit next to harry, Although, Blaise didn't seem to mind.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Paige asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit of a fall." He replied. And smiled at her. She blushed, and he looked away as if embarrassed by making her blush. Just as this was occuring, a voice rang throughout the train.

"Students, we will be arriving at hogwart's in 5 minutes time. Please change into your robes. First years, when you deboard the train, Find Hagrid, and he will escort you to the school."

I noticed eveyone standing up to get their robes, and I did the same, but thanks to my short stature, I had to get up on the seat to find them. We went our separate ways to the bathrooms. Me with Paige, and Draco with Blaise. Harry departed to go get his own robes, paige and I promising we would see him later. As we walked back from the toilets, robes on and our spare clothes in hand, I managed to accidently catch a glance of Draco changing into his robes. Sneaky little Slytherin forgot to close the bathroom door all the way. Or maybe he didn't forget.

I tapped paige on the arm, and when he noticed us staring at his very nice chest, we blushed, giggled, and made our way back to the compartment, to find Taylor sitting there, already in her robes. As the train roled to a stop, I finally felt it hit me. I just wanted to go home. There was no way I could do this. This witch thing. I was only Kristen, the muggle - born from scottland/canada. Draco and Blaise filled past us, each grabbing an arm, and pulling me and paige into the hall. Taylor waved with a reassuring nod and we were on our way.

I could her some guy calling for the first years, Draco dragging me toward it, and Blaise dragging Paige. We found the booming voice, only to find a man that was enormous. There were students surrounding him, and I noticed Harry and a red haired boy in the crowd. Paige and I waved, and Harry waved back. The giant man, who I assumed was Hagrid, had us walking towards a giant lake, that was still as glass, and black as the Harry‘s hair. There were boats scattered on a dock. Hagrid, got in his own boat, and Draco, Blaise, and I got in ours, we were then joined by two of Draco’s other friends, Crabbe and Goyle. They had missed the train. How that happened, I don’t think I’ll ever know. The boats were 6 to each, so we didn’t have to sit with anyone else.

The boats jerked forward, as if being pulled on a string, and started towards the school. I hadn’t noticed it until now. And why I hadn’t noticed it, I had no clue, cause for anybody else in the world, it was impossible to miss. The school was a castle, and not just any castle, a HUGE one. Towers, balcony’s, a lake, a forest, it had everything. I looked over to see Draco’s reaction, but all he did was a whole lot of nothing. He sat there, uninterested, and glanced over at me. I smiled at him. “Amazing isn’t it?” He asked me. I nodded at him, the huge grin on my face widening. “Not just amazing but . . . I dunno. It’s more than amazing. There isn’t a word to describe it.” I said, a blush coming to my cheeks and my total and complete ignorance to the magnificence of this school. Paige seemed just as entranced as I was, and we smiled at each other.

We sat in silence for the rest of the ride, me and Paige absorbing everything around us, and Draco and the boys, chatting in the back. The boats pulled into a tunnel under the school, and as they stopped one by one, every first year got out. I stood next to Draco, nervous and cold. I read about the sorting ceremony, of course, but that was nothing like experiencing it. The sorting hat, the students, everything, it was just so much. We walked up some stairs and into the entrance hall. I had to catch my breath, and I heard Draco chuckle beside me. I turned to look at him, and this time he didn’t smirk, he smiled. We stopped at the top of the stairs to see a stern woman in a to tight bun, and green robes.

“Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few moments, you will go into the Great Hall, and be sorted into your houses. The for houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw,” I grabbed Paige’s arm when Ravenclaw was mentioned. “Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.” She spat the last house in a show of obvious disgust. Draco just turned to the three boys on his side, gave a little nod at the name of the Slytherin house, and gave his smirk. I was beginning to think that that was his signature smirk. He did do it quite a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2009 10:54 pm

In the carriage was when we planned the plan and boy was it good. It was easy sometimes to see Fred and George as the same person but they were as different as fire and ice, one had the ideas and the other planned it out, together we were an unstopable unit with Lee to back us up no matter what. Upon entering the great hall I was immediatly taken by Snape out into the hall.

"I knew you missed me." I said matter of factly to him and he sneered, that really meant he had. "I would miss boils more than I would miss you Morfey." I grin and fiddle with my wand. "So what did you want to talk about?" Snape stopped his pacing to look right at me, god he was just a little more than gorgeous it always bothers me that no one else sees that. "I have been instructed by my Master to keep a close eye on you this year, and your sister as well."

I can only narrow my eyes, his master. I've known since I started having visions that Voldermort wasn't dead, because everynight I dreamed of him I only got a name to put with the face once I started here. Then because of the way I am and how I work he became interested, espically when I managed to trick Snape one night, no ones ever done that before.

"You tell your master to stay away from my sister or Harry fucking Potter will be the least of his worries. I will bring a torrent of hell fire and pain down upon him that will make his rise to power look like a fucking cake walk." I can see Snape's impressed by my attitude he should be damnit, fuck that pisses me off. "Plus I agreed to meet and speak with Draco which I'm sure will include a fire call with Lucious, trust me he keeps doing this I'm going to whack someone and he won't like it."

Snape's lips curl into a smile, yeah he doesn't do it a lot but hell they do make him quite sexy. "I will tell him, he will be quite amused I'm sure."

Walking back into the great hall I manage to catch a sight of McGonagal lecturing the first and scaring the piss out of them, hopefully none of them believe that stupid troll rumor.

Running back in I catch the Twin's eyes and mouth show time.

All the first years could hear was the sound of Dumbledore screaming "How could you light that on fire it's fire proof! You there it's a lady bug not a locust settle down...That was an antique! When I find out who did this they'll get a months of detention with Flich!" The doors burst open and what used to be the Hogwarts house banners was a sign that said Welcome to Hell First Years! And with the wide spread pandemonium in the hall, I could only laugh at the first years faces, oh yeah I'm good.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 3:08 pm

I looked around at the sudden noises and yelling that seemed to be surrounding me. I caught a glimpse of a banner in the great hall that said simply Welcome to Hell First Years! and I nearly shit my pants. I smiled and life, and tried to just act like it didn't bother me. I knew taylor was behind it, but really! I was eleven years old, and a banner with the word hell on it would make me just pee my pants on the spot.

I heard Draco and Blaise chuckle next to me, and saw Paige, Draco and Blaise all smiling, and I knew that they knew that Taylor was behind it. I relaxed a little, and put a big smile on my face. I caught Paiges eye and widened mine just a bit, which I knew she understood. She just rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders a bit, and Draco just put his arm around me and Paige.

"It's okay girls, I'll protect you!" He said, smirking slightly.

"Yeah . . ." we said together, shrugging off his arms, and laughing Lightly. I hadn’t been paying attention and we had started to move. Paige had to grab my hand and tugged at me lightly. We walked through the double doors into the Great hall, and I had to catch my breath. There were hundreds of them. Hundreds and Hundreds of students. How was I, Kristen Kennedy, going to do this? Go up there, sit on that stool, put that hat on my head, and have my mind picked through in front of all of these people? I mean really! A girl can only go through so much shock in one day. Right now, all I really wanted was my mother.

The group hustled forward, in between two of the four house tables. I grabbed the closest thing next to me I gripped it tightly to steady me, and it just so happened to be Blaise's hand. He leaned toward me, “It’ll be fine. All you have to do is sit, and think ‘Ravenclaw,’ and more than likely that’s the house you’ll be sorted into. If worst comes to worst, you’ll be in Gryffindor.” I smiled at him, and we stopped in front of a three legged stool, students behind us, the teacher’s table in front of us.
The professor started calling names. One after another, the students started being sorted into their houses. Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and so on and so forth. Draco was the first Slytherin, Blaise next, and several others followed.

Finally, with only nine of us left, the professor called my name. I instantly felt my cheeks flair up to a nice red color, and my legs started to shake. I took a deep breath, mustered my confidence, and walked up to the stool, and sat. The professor placed the hat on my head. The hat started talking to me, and it kind of felt like he was psychoanalyzing me. He picked at my brain, and all I could think was ‘Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw.’

"A good mind you have. Not very whitty, but very smart. Also a kind mind. Well for hufflepuff, but a mix of evil mixed in. The only thing you're lacking is bravery." 5 minutes passed. "Very smart though. Hufflepuff's aren't generally bright. But slytherin's are smart." 10 minutes. "But slytherin's aren't nice. If anything they're mean."

'Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw!' I screamed in my mind.

"Well. Ravenclaw's aren't evil though. But you're nicer and smarter than you are evil. And Ravenclaws are nice. I guess that's good." And just as I was starting to not feel my butt, the hat screamed out "RAVENCLAW!" and I was done. I let go of the breath I had been holding. The professor lifted up the hat, and I fought the temptation to run to my table. Instead, I walked slowly, confidently, towards the clapping crowd. I sat, and across the hall I caught Draco’s eye. He gave a little nod, and his little smirk. I mouthed towards his table ‘easy as pie’ and I could see him fighting off a laugh and a smile, the corner’s of his mouth twitching. I grinned at him, and he let it slide, he gave that smile, his real smile, for the second time that night at me, something I felt was never done before. The great Draco Malfoy smiling twice in one night must be unheard of.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 4:00 pm

As we entered Hogwarts and listened to one of the professor's greeting speech, I looked around and saw all the faces of the first years, just like me. There were so many I couldn't even count them because they kept moving. I wondered who would be sorted into which house, who would be my friend, and who would be my enemy. When I saw a black spot in the middle of a group of brunettes and blondes I knew it was Harry. Poking Kristen in her arm we waved at him, trying to get his attention. He looked up and smiled and waved back. The red haired boy looked at Harry with a questioning look and looked over at us. Immediately his face turned red, almost as red as his hair. Giggling Kristen and I turned our attention back to the professor. "I think that he's a brother of the twins that hurt that Cedric boy on the train." Nodding her agreement and grabbing my arm, we looked to the now opening door of the Great Hall.

When the doors opened all I could hear was crashing, screaming, and the sound of running feet. I looked in to see what all the commotion was about I saw 'Welcome to Hell First Years!' that used to be a banner of some sort. Gasping I looked around to find where Taylor was, I saw her and the red headed twins snickering in the corner. She caught my eye and winked, rolling my eyes and shaking my head I looked back over to the professors who were now fixing the mess my sister had caused. Walking in a line, Kristen and I walked arm in arm down the long hall. Sitting on a stool was this old grimy looking hat and knew instantly that it was the Sorting Hat. It was even worse looking than what Taylor had said it to be. Still looking at it I grimaced and wondered if that thing smells or if they ever wash it.

The professor who greeted us early walked up and stood behind the hat. "First years, when I call your name you are to come up here and I will place the sorting hat on top of your head. Once the hat has chosen your house please head toward your new house's table." Picking up a list she called the first name "Rachel Anderson." A very small brunette girl stepped forward and sat upon the stool. The professor then put the hat on top her head, then as if coming alive the Hat said, "Ah yes your mind tells me everything I need to know. HUFFLEPUFF!" Erupting in applause all the Hufflepuffs including Taylor welcomed her with a warm greeting. This continued for a while but the most unusual looking girl I saw was a girl named Hermione Granger, she was sorted into Gryffindor but it seemed that her hair was too big for her own head to hold it all.

"Kristen Kennedy." She looked at me, pale as a ghost, and a gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before she walked forward. "Hmm I see, some courage in you and not a bad mind either. Your blood line, well is...ah here we are. I know you'll love it here. Alright RAVENCLAW!" I saw her give a sigh of relief and hop off the stool and join the Ravenclaw table.

Taking a step forward to get closer to the stool (and closer to Draco but I would never say that out loud.) I leaned in to Draco and said "Both of your friends were sorted into Slytherin. Are you worried you won't be sorted into the same house?" He looked at me, his gray eyes seeming to try to read what I was trying to say. "Of course not, I am a legacy you know. Besides I already know I'm in." Turning back to the sorting he laughed when a boy named Neville was sorted into Gryffindor. "Pathetic, Gryffindor will take anyone, I thought only Hufflepuff did that." Looking over at me he, wait did he smile? "I wish you and your sister were pure bloods, that way you would be in Slytherin with me." Before I could say anything else I heard, "Draco Malfoy" McGonagall (I finally learned her name!) said and Draco stepped forward with, of course, a big smirk on his face. Before that hat even touched his head it yelled "SLYTHERIN!" Smiling a cheering for him I watched him sit next to his two big friends.

"Paige Morfey." I sucked in my breath. Oh god oh god, how was I going to be sorted in front of all these people? I felt a slight push from behind me and it was Harry. He was smiling reassuringly and I gave him a weak smile back as I stepped toward the stool. Sitting on top of it I tried to calm my racing heart beat and wipe off the sweat on my hands. When Professor McGonagall put the hat on me I gasped. "Ah another Morfey. You seem to have all the traits like that of your sister. Oh how I wish I could sort you into the house of the snake but just like your sister you are not pure blood. But there is something more dominate and something I see you becoming well adjusted to easily, just like her. RAVENCLAW!" The room, all houses actually, erupting in applause as I went and sat next to Kristen. "Oh my gosh I was so nervous up there!" I told her breathlessly as I continued to get patted on my back. "But it was so worth it!" She smiled and quieted me as the sorting continued. I looked over at the Slytherin table and saw Draco give me a small wink before returning his attention to the sorting.

Blushing I listened carefully, especially when Harry was up for the sorting. "Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There's talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?" Harry started to mutter something but I couldn't tell what."Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin." "Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin can help you on your way to greatness, there's no doubt about that. No?" The hat seemed to have made his decision and Harry was still muttering something but I couldn't see. "Anything but Slytherin, anything but Slytherin." "Well if you're sure, better be... GRYFFINDOR!" Harry smiled a relieved smile and joined the loudest applause ever as he joined Gryffindor.

After the sorting of Harry's red head friend (his name is Ron and I was right about him being the brother to the twins, he's in Gryffindor too) and the sorting of Blaise, Headmaster Dumbledore stood up and gave a warm welcoming speech. "And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." So when he finally ended it I made sure to listen to what he told us, no way did I want to get into trouble or die a most painful death no sir. "Oh and one more thing, for the students who made the wonderful sign for the first years, you are starting your year off very roughly."

As soon as the speech was over, the tables became alive with food and plates and drinks. Suddenly realizing I was starving I grabbed one of everything around me and added it to my tray. Turning toward Kristen, chicken wing in hand, I said "I'm so happy we're in Ravenclaw together. Don't you think this year will be so much fun?" Taking a bite of my wing wing I waited for her answer and glimpsed over to take a look at both Draco and Harry, who both gave me a smile which I couldn't help but smile back to.

((OOC: this is different than what Kristen wrote 'cause we must've been writing it at the same time. If anyone thinks i should change it or something let me know and I will. Oh and sorry it's so long!))
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 5:03 pm

(OOC: It's good paige! It all works, and it's from a different POV, so It's all okay!)

"Tons!" I squealed at her smiling. I laughed as she took a big chunk out of her chicken wing, and grabbed one for myself. "We'll even be in the same dorm! This is gonna be amazing! And maybe we'll have classes with Draco and Blaise! And even Harry!" I smiled big, and then took a small bite out of my chicken wing. I hated getting stuff all over my face when I ate, but of course, It still happened, so I did my best to avoid it.

The two of us continued eating, chatting happily with the students around us. One was Cho Chang, a pretty asian girl, and there was another named Micheal. We chatted and smiled, and after eating to our full, I was TIRED! I turned to paige, yawned, and she just nodded. "Me too!" She said, just as dumbledore stood up.

"Students, you are dismissed. Prefects, show the First years to the dorms, and get some sleep! Classes start tomorrow, 8:30 sharp!" There was a scraping of benches as the hundreds of students got up. Paige and I linked arms, best friends already. We headed toward the loud voice yelling for Ravenclaw first years, and we all huddled around him. There was a cute boy standing in front of us, with a small little badge pinned on his robe.

"Welcome to hogwarts. My name is Justin, and I'm one of the two Ravenclaw Prefects. I will be showing you to the common room, your dorms, and also how to access the common room. Please, follow me." Paige and I, suddenly bouyant, skipped behind Justin. We walked up the steps, but I didn't notice when Justin skipped a step, and me being first behind him, stepped right on it, and suddenly felt nothing under my foot. I screamed as my leg quickly fell through the step, earning several surprised gasps, and several loud laughs. I heard Draco laugh loudly across the entrance hall.

"Draco Malfoy, shut your mouth, or else I will curse you the minute I know how!" I yelled at him, and just heard him laugh louder, and fade away as the Slytherins went to their common room.

"Help me out, will you?" Justin asked Paige, and together, they put their hands under my arms, and hoisted me up. "Watch out for those steps, they're tricky!"

"Gee. Thanks." I said to him, and he just gave me a heartmelting smile, and my heart would've melted, if I could've felt my legs. We continued on our way, me rubbing my thigh, and paige quietly laughing at me as groaned every time i stepped on my numb leg.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 6:49 pm

The dinner was perfect and so filling! I swear I ate my entire weight and then some in the delicious food! Kristen and I had a great time talking about the year ahead with each other and some other new first years. Even some other older students were telling us about Hogwarts. I kept glancing at the Hufflepuff table and saw Taylor laughing with Cedric and her other friends. This was the most exciting thing ever. After I knew if I ate one more bite I would explode I looked at Kristen who yawned, making me yawn, and I said "Me too!" Then Dumbledore stood up and excused us for the night.

Latching myself to, well my new best friend, Kristen we skipped to find the Prefect. When we saw another heart melting guy (why are all wizards so amazingly beautiful?) his name was Zach another new first year. We said hello and went toward the guy yelling for all the first year Ravenclaws. Now he was truly and completely the cutest Ravenclaw I had seen so far. We knew instantly that he was the Prefect (besides for the yelling thing he was wearing a badge on his robes).

"Welcome to hogwarts. My name is Justin, and I'm one of the two Ravenclaw Prefects. I will be showing you to the common room, your dorms, and also how to access the common room. Please, follow me." Kristen and I suddenly became really hyper with excitement at seeing our room. So we decided to skip all the way to the dorms. Unfortunately for Kristen she really wasn't paying attention to where Justin was walking and stepped through one of the stairs.

I of course immediately start laughing and so did all the other first years and second years and well pretty much any student within eye sight started laughing. To the left of us I heard Draco start to laugh and I couldn't help laughing harder. I was laughing so hard my sides hurt. Kristen threatened him with an empty threat which just made everyone laugh harder. Deciding I should help Kristen out, Justin (who is so fine and strong) and I pulled her out. "Be careful the stairs can be tricky." Justin told her as soon as she was out. "Yeah thanks for the warning." Kristen said which made me laugh again.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a standing position. "This time let's watch where we step." I winked and she rolled her eyes. All the way up to Ravenclaw Tower I had to help Kristen walk (her leg must be really numb because she kept groaning when she would walk on it) which made me laugh all the more. Once we finally got up all the stairs Justin turned toward us.

"This is not like ordinary entrance into the dorms. Unlike all the other houses, which have passwords, ours you have to answer a question from the bronze knocker shaped as an eagle. For example, " Justin stepped up to the knocker and knocked it. Immediately the knocker asked him a question I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I? Smiling Justin turned back around toward us, "You see not only will it ask questions but a riddle sometimes too. This keeps our brains active at every moment and will keep us wondering what will the knocker ask me next time. Each time is different. Okay does anyone have an answer?"

I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit not alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am I? Hmm well that's easy so I raise my hand. "You the pretty blonde." I smile "The answer is a shoe, right?" When I say that the door opens up and Justin smiles down at me "Quick witted you are." I laughed, not at most other things I wanted to say. As we all walked in the dorm room was amazing. The colors were that of blue and bronze and the carpet was a midnight blue that seemed to have stars on it. I look all around and see through the windows the dark outline of the mountains and above my very head is the ceiling which is painted with stars.

When all the first years finished looking Justin cleared his throat, "This is the Ravenclaw common room. You can use this area to study, read, play a game of Wizard's Chess or just hang out. Now through this door, opposite of the entrance will lead you to your dorm rooms. Girls on your right and boys on the left. Boy I will warn you that you are not allowed to enter the girls dormitories without a permission from one of them. The bathrooms are hooked to each set of dorm rooms. All of your things are all ready in your room. Have a wonderful evening and remember classes start at 8:30 and breakfast is from 7:30 until 8:20." With that Justin watched as we all ran toward the door and up the stairs.

Opening the door to my new room I couldn't believe my eyes. The beds were so perfect, a wonderful blue spread (bronze on the opposite side) and the sheets were strips of blue and bronze. I jumped on the bed where my stuff was next to and just laid their. "Home sweet home." I said aloud and Kristen piped in saying "Amen to that sister!" We giggled and continued to explore our room and make it more roomy.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 7:25 pm

I smiled as Paige solved the question. I didn't even know that one! (OOC: I really didn't!) We walked into the common room, and I swear my jaw hit the ground. It was beautiful! It was big, in the ravenclaw colors, Blue and Bronze. Paige and I smiled at each other, and absorbed everything around us. The floor was a plush navy blue carpet, feeling like squishy moss under my feet. The cieling was also blue, with bronze stars scatered around it. There were pictures all over the walls that moved. Moved! I never had a chance to see one yet, and I was excited to finally see one! I waved at the man in the picture, and he bowed and waved back. I was so entranced, I didn't even hear Justin telling us about our dorms. There was a big fireplace on one wall, with a giant marble fireplace. The couches were plush, some bronze, some blue, and one with Blue and bronze stripes.

All the sudden, Paige grabbed my hand, and pulled me up the stairs to our dorms, and they were huge! There were only 4 Ravenclaw girls, not the Usual 5, so we had even more room. I had gotten the bed next to the window, and Paige had the one on the opposite side of it. I opened the curtian on my 4 poster bed and ran my hand over the beautiful blanket. I smiled, grabbed Paiges hand and pulled her into the bathroom with me.

"It's true, girls never can go to the bathroom by themselves!" She said as we opened the door. In the bathroom, there was a toilet, of course, but not only one, there were 4, one for each of us. There were also several sinks, again, one for each of us. And, in the center, One GIANT bathtub, with a million faucets. I grinned, and couldn't wait to take a bath in it. I opened a door on the other side of the toilets and found the shower room. They also had one for each of us, and each shower had a million shower heads. It was my dream come true! Paige and I imeadiatly claimed two of the sinks next to each other, a shower next to each other, but we didn't bother with the toilets. When you have to go, you don't really care what you do it in!

We went back to the room to unpack our zillions of things. We each had an amoire to put clothes in, and that's where I started. I hung up all my school clothes and my muggle clothes and proceded on to the pictures. A picture here, poster above the bed, a smile at Paige, a well placed alarm clock, and of course, my laptop.

With everything set up and put away, I gestured toward paige to come sit on my bed. I pulled the curtain closed hoping to muffle the noise. I pulled a piece of paper out from under my bed, and she looked at me quizically. I smiled. "It's an enchanted parchment. Kind of like IMing in the muggle world. You see, whoever I give the other parchment to, when I write on this one, it shows up on the other one, and vice versa. I bought it in Diagon alley. I sent the other one out to Draco, so we can talk to him and Blaise. And here." I handed her another sheet of paper. "This ones yours. I have one that goes to that one too, so we can talk if we don't have class together and stuff!"
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Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 9:04 pm

Seeing the bathroom made me never EVER want to leave this school again! I could survive in that bathroom just fine if anyone would ask me. Giggling and smiling uncontrollably I just couldn't help but speed 'decorate' my side of the dorm. I pulled out my suit case and took out the piece of paper Taylor had given me. On it she wrote 'Hey lil' sis! Be good this year you little know it all and don't try to out shine me grade wise okay? I'm just messing with you. If you need, at the end of the year, for me to charm your bag again just tell me. Have fun and don't get into any trouble...that's my job.' Smiling I dug into my duffel bag and pulled out all of the items I would need to make my room more roomy.

Of course their was Cotton's Cotton-miniyum and some of my favorite pass time readings and of course my lap top. After I set up Cotton's house I let her fix it up a little bit and put my other bag (it was inside the duffel bag) full of her bedding and food next to her cage. Then I went to my trunk and took out my new robes and my bathing robe and hung them up in the amoire. Then I unpacked all my 'muggle' clothes (I will never get used to that) and organized them in fall winter spring and part of summer, then I color coded them (not really just put the pinks and reds with the others of the same color and all that jazz). Finally when I was done with that I pulled out my baby pillow (which I'll have to charm to make it the Ravenclaw colors), some very festive decorative pillows and my favorite blanket then some of my pictures. Some of the whole family then some of me and my friends. After the trunk was empty-ish, I went back to my duffel bag and pulled out all my posters. Some Jonas Brothers (Cho was looking at them funny), Green Day, Twilight, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, etc and hung them all around my little place.

After the poster hanging was done and over with I went over to my own personal desk (being in Ravenclaw totally rules especially when you get your own desk) and put my extra parchment, ink, and quills in it and put some more pictures on it and my laptop (I don't want to leave it just laying on my bed). Still reaching into my bag I pulled out my expendable bookshelf (11th b-day present from Taylor) and set it on the other side of my bed. I loaded it up with my books and magazines, some of my favorite DVDs of all time and even a few stickers I found in one of the books. Finally I pulled my journal and diary out of my duffel bag and put them in the locked night stand drawer. When I was finished I went over to Kristen's bed and she closed her curtains.

She pulled out some parchment and explained that they were enchanted so we could talk back and forth with each other (and Draco and Blaise) whenever we wanted to. I giggled and gave her a big hug "You are like my new best friend. Hold on a second." I rushed to my trunk, pulled out my camera and jumped back on her bed. "Say cheese!" I said and we took a few beauty poses. After that was over with I looked at her, "So what should we write to the boys? Do you think they're still awake?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 9:20 pm

"If those boys aren't awake, I will make fun of them for the rest of their lives!" I reached into the drawer on my nightstand and whipped out a Quill. "What should we write?"

"Hell if I know! Ask them if their awake or something!"

"Are. You. Awake?" I wrote on the parchment and said aloud. "I hope they can read my handwriting! It's really bad!"

"They wrote back! I guess that means they could read it! 'Of course we are you ninnies. What do you think we are, little girls?'" she read off the parchment. We laughed out loud, and Paige grabbed the quill and wrote 'Well, yes actually. We did.' We giggled ridiculously, kind of like some 11 year old girls at a sleep over (lol).

"Oh my god! Paige, look at what they wrote!" on the paper they had drawn a penis, drew an arrow to it labeled 'Draco's Dick.' I reached for the quill and wrote down 'Well, that's just sad! It's so tiny! You just might be a girl yet Draco Malfoy!' we smiled at each other, giggled, and knew we were gonna get hell for it tomorrow.

'Oh haha, very funny. Tomorrow, you are gonna pay!' the parchment said now, and we just laughed more.

'Yeah, sure!' Paige wrote back. And it went like this for a while, back and forth with some witty banter and a little bit (or a lot) of flirting.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 9:37 pm

So there I was just sitting having a normal feast with my fellow Hufflepuff's when it ended, psh bed time who sleeps? However I was still a little worried that old Dumbles would have figured out my game already so I walked out with the first years and tried to look scared and excited at the same time. Apparently it didn't work because that old Gryffindor hag had me by the ear and pulled me out of the crowd. "What!? Ow! Let go this is a delicate instrument you know!" She tsked me, and didn't let go until we reached the stone gargoyles.

"Miss Morfey I expect the best out of the older students at Hogwarts and time and time again you prove me wrong. If I have my way you will be expelled tonight for that stunt you pulled." I opened my mouth to object but no sound came out. They couldn't expel me! I was a good student I just pulled a prank every now and again if I were a Gryffindor this wouldn't be happening.

She said the password but I was in far to much shock to remember it, then she pushed me up the stairs and left me alone in Dumbles office with only Snape to watch me. He eyed me and my sulking and again gave me a smile. "Sulking I would have expected much more of you." I snapped up to meet his black eyes with my blue ones. "If you would like me to I most certainly will." I twirled my wand in my fingers glaring at him when my eyes clouded over.

I know I dropped my wand I could hear the distant clattering echo as I was projected into the future and the past.

I saw threw his eyes, the death around him the stench of it entering our nostrils, a body someone familiar Flash! A new scene in the same head yet the world was blurry, cold cruel laughter fills our ears as the stinging once more inflames our flesh Flash! A young girl with green, green eyes...Flash! cold inching creeping death, and pain then the numbness. We see him, the boy we loathe and love he whispers our name maybe only in our mind but it calms us to hear his voice as the blackness takes over.

I wake up on the floor Dumbledore and Snape both over me, I can't hear them yet nor can I speak though my throat is raw. Ah here they come, soft voices then back to normal level. "Taylor, TAYLOR are you alright?" That was Snape, Dumbles is simply murmering to himself. I lift myself up and grab my wand to center me bring me back fully.

"I'm fine..." I mumble back but unconvinced they put me on the sofa Snape conjured. "There were no words this time, you could only scream." Dumbledore says and I glance away to stare at the floor I was laying on. Snape follows my gaze and his eyes show surprise. "Albus..." Dumbledore looks and frowns "It's grown stronger again hasn't it?"

My head hurts like a bitch but I no I have to answer the questions or they'll never let me leave. The floor warped where I had fallen, fitted to my body to cradle me as I had my vision, Hogwarts and I have a weird bond like that. During my first year I'd gone into a worse fit then I did tonight, I went down on the staircases and when I'd woken up I was in wooden cacoon of sorts. We listened to each other in some way shape or form, weird I know. "Yes it's stronger now, has been since last year maybe more this year..."

Snape was confused but Dumbledore nodded "Yes I've been reasearching cases like this and I should have answers for you soon...Now about the vision..." I nod and take a deep breath "I was someone else, I saw the future first, then the past and then the future again...I died."

"Do you know who you were?" Dumbledores eyes are serious and I sniffle a bit, still shaken. Snape takes my hand and rubs my fingers surprising me...I look him straight in the eye and say "Severus." He's shocked and I can only break down in tears, I've died in visions before, but never had one been this strong. Dumbles lets me go, explusion forgotten though I doubt he ever thought about it in the first place. Snape is taking me back to the Hufflepuff dorms. "Was...was it really me?" He asks, I can't look at him but all I can do is whisper "Yes..." He's silent, "I've never heard of this before, and it's happened often hasn't it?"

"Yes..." I whisper again, looking at him "I dream of Voldermort often, what he's done and will do. I think he's like me, that he and Hogwarts are connected like I am, and now we are..." It's a fear I've always had but somehow Snape is safe, I don't even care if he tells Voldie about it, I care about nothing right now. Snape stops and grabs my shoulders, to pull me into an embrace. It's odd, but in this moment I don't think about him as a Deatheater, or as a Professor, or even as a man, he's just comforting. I break down. "It must be hard on you, to see these things to have this power..." He whispers, drawing back as I stop my blubbering.

"Most of the time, I wish I could have someone who won't use me. I know that's what that old cogger is doing, just waiting for me to get a juicy bit so that he can exploit me and this stupid war." Why do I say things like this? Snape smiles, warmly this time. "It might be hard for you to believe but you can trust me..." Before he walks away he shoves something into my hand. As soon as he vanishes I open it, inside is a bit of parchment that says 'This is the password to my private quarters, when you need me I'll be there.' Underneath it is one word Lily.

Smiling I torch the evidence and step into the ghastly yellow and black room. Where I'm instantly pulled into a tight hug by Cedric, who then sloppily kisses my cheek "Already piss drunk aye?" I say pushing him off me. He gives me a wide grin and says "You're so pretty..." Before leaning in close "Take me to bed, I love you." Oh the poor bloke is drunk. Heaving with all my might I manage to lug him up the stairs. Undressing him was a task I'd had before as was discovering the sickening welts and bruises on his body. It's because of this secret that I learned healing magic, so that I could fix Cedric each time he came back from a visit with his father who beat him senseless for looking so much like his mother.

He cries as I tuck him in and kiss his forehead, why do I always get the emotionally scared ones? I think before remembering that I choose them, always have, always will.

Last edited by Professor on Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 10:39 pm

Writing to the boys (and flirting to them of course) was a blast. Poor Draco was never going to hear the end of my torture of his little treasure down below. His empty threats kept coming, things like 'if you tell I will hex you.' but my come back would be 'oh yeah if you hex me Taylor will do something oh so worse than that.' Most of the time it worked too.

'So what class do you women have tomorrow morning?' I asked them.

'We have Charms then Transfiguration. You?' Hmm he's not saying anything back about the whole women thing, he must be getting tired.

'Same here but then I have Potions with Snape...who apparently is a hottie with a body according to my sister.' I look over at Kristen who must've fallen asleep when I took over the quill.

He drew a picture of vomit how mature of him. Rolling my eyes I write, 'Well I did see him at the professor's table, he wasn't half bad looking.'

'Well he's nothing compared to me right?' Draco asked. I could say so many things right now but Kristen wasn't awake to laugh with me at them.

'Right now anyway, I haven't had to deal with him on a train now have I?' I laugh and he draws back a smiley face. 'So are you nervous about sleeping in a new room? Is that why you are still up?'

'Of course not I only up 'cause I'm listening to your crap.' I draw him a shocked and a hurt face. 'I didn't mean it to be mean.'

'Oh i know...' 'Then why did you draw them?' 'I just wanted to see what you would say....and you said the right thing.' I draw him a smiley face and so does he.

'Well I'm getting kind of tired and I have to get Kristen's clothes off so...' before I could finish he butted in. 'Wait a minute! Why are you taking her clothes off and why am I not invited?!' Sighing I write 'Well if you would've let me finish my sentence you would've realized that she fell asleep fully clothed. I was going to leave a t-shirt on her. perv'

'Hey now I'm a growing male, I'm allowed to wonder.' Laughing I wrote, 'Yes and you're also allowed to dream about you never getting invited to something like that.' I drew face with it's tongue sticking out.

'Yeah I don't have any good comebacks right now, it's too late. Good night Paige. Sweet dreams.' Before I put it away I said 'Good night Mister Slytherin try not to have any wet dreams.' I drew a smiley face and a bed. So he knows not to write back. As soon as I'm sure he's done for the night I put the parchment back in Kristen's top drawer and take her socks off. Looking through her clothes I find a suitable night shirt an slipped it over her head (she was still in her bra) and I yanked off her pants, underwear still in place.

After finishing I tucked her in and got my pjs on myself. Before turning off my lamp I take out my journal connected by magic to Taylor's and wrote: "Good night Tay! I love you so much! Hope you had a good night I know I did. I'll stop by your table in the morning hope that's alright. Well goodnight and I love you a lot...again!" Turning my light off and putting the journal back I snuggled into bed and immediately fell fast asleep.
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