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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 11:24 pm

I woke up the next morning to a loud BEEP BEEP BEEP coming from the area around my head. I pat around my night stand and finally manage to turn off my alarm. I sit up, rub my eyes, open them and then scream. I had no clue where the hell i was! How did I get in this shirt?! Paige ripped open my bed curtains, worry in her eyes.


"Oh. Yeah." I say. I forgot I was at Hogwarts. I rubbed my eyes, and climbed out of bed. "I forgot where I was for a minute." Paige just rolled her eyes, and smiled at me. I grabbed my towel and robe and padded my way to the bathroom, with my laptop too. I turned my music on loud, the water on hot, and the relaxation on high. I scrubbed my hair with shampoo and then conditioner, a washed myself off. I did all the necessary shower things, and then just stood under the hot water for a minute to think. I had a feeling that Paige wanted Draco the way I did, if even more. But she did seem like any boy could amuse her. Like harry. I let my thoughts wander in circles until I could barely stand in the hot water anymore.

I dried myself off, put my hair stuff in my hair, and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom, and sat on my bed. I still had 10 minutes till breakfast. I pulled on my socks on, and then my shoes. I opted out of thhe nice dress shoes that almost everyone else wore, and just slipped on my chuck taylors. Paige had already left for breakfast, and I used my photographic memory to backtrack towards the great hall for some pumpkin juice.

When I entered the great hall, I glanced at the slytherin table to see draco and blaise. Draco waved me over, and I rolled my eyes, smiled, and walked towards the slytherin table. "Did I bore you last night?" asked me as soon as I was in hearing distance.

"Maybe just a little." I replied, a smirk on my face. "What'd you and paige talk about?"

"Oh, a little of this, a little of changing your clothes." I laughed at this.

"That's how i got into that shirt last night! I was wondering."

"Go eat your breakfast slacker." He told me.

I walked away, but turned around, smiled at Blaise, and wished him a good morning. He smiled and nodded at me. I waved to taylor where she was at the hufflepuff table, and took a seat next to Paige.

"Remember where you are now?" She joked, a big grin spread across her face.

"Yes, thank you. I also know how I got into my pj's last night now!" I grabbed the pitcher of pumpkin juice and poured myself a cup. "Draco told me all about you stripping me down last night."

"Oh, he just wishes he could've been there!" she teased, and winked across the hall at Draco.

"I have no doubt." We smiled and laughed as McGonnagall handed out our schedules. "Charms, Transfiguration, and then double potions."


"Hey little firsties, how's your morning?"

"Good morning taylor!" Paige and I chanted
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 23, 2009 11:51 pm

"Good morning little firsties!" I hear myself say, though I really have no clue how I made it to the Ravenclaw table in about a split second though if I am getting ablitilies like the Flash I won't be too put out. Maybe it's because I'm so tired...I can only remember to the strange night I had with Snape and then how Cedric had kept me up with his weak stomach and bad memories, it was enough to drive anyone insane thankfully I already was.

"You're looking very chipper this morning, trust me it won't last." Once the homework started to drag on them we'd see how giggly they were in the morning, or perhaps that was because of a certain blonde. Glancing over to Slytherin my eyes meet Draco's and he motions to outside the hall. Reluctantly I turn back to Kristen and Paige "Hey chica's catch you later I gotta go have a meeting with some very important people..." Before I leave I glance back "Nice shoes Kris." I say motioning to the chucks before motioning down to my horribly tatty vans that've taken more than a few dumps in the lake.

Outside Draco is waiting tapping his foot looking slightly distressed. "What's up squirt?" I ask him once I'm sure we're along, he holds out a parchment to me wrapped with a green ribbon. "This for me?" He nodds "My father sent it for you this morning, I don't know what it is..." Taking a deep breath I reach out and pull the ribbon before that familiar sickening pull picks me up and whirls me out of the entrance hall.

Landing with a thud I quickly stand draw my wand and glance over the area, it's a tiny cluttered office that reeks of garlic. "Ah Miss Taylor I presume?" That smooth silky voice sends shivers up my spine and checks into the familiar part in my brain. "Lucious Malfoy." I say to the shadows, it's dark and hard to see as I'm the only thing in the light currently.

"I see my reputation proceeds me." The dominating figure steps out of the shadows and into my direct line of sight, stopping only a few feet away from me so that I have to tilt my head up to see him properly. "What your reputation as a Deatheater, child killer?" His face hardens. "I heard you had a mouth on you, but one should know when they speak to their betters." I can't believe I didn't see that blow coming, the bastard. I taste blood in my mouth, I know my lips cut and that my face will swell later, what a prick.

"And you should know when to get a hair cut you look like a pussy." Rage flares in his eyes, but I simply put my wand to his throat "You wouldn't know how to use it if I gave you the chance..." He says, hand raised ready to strike me again "Let's see who's faster then..." I'm about to cast a spell when a voice wheezes out of the darkness.

"Lucioussss leave that girl be..." Lucious steps back and bows, as a shadowy form walks from deep within the shadowys. It gives it's own light off and I can see it's connected to a body I just can't tell who. "Ssshe iss important to uss." I want to bury myself in a hole and cry, instead I clutch my wand until the magic is flowing all threw me.

"Voldermort." I spit out the name and Lucious draws in a breath "You dare let a mudblood speak your name?" He questions and the shadow hisses in laughter. "Not a mudblood Luciousss, but a wicca." Blood icy in my veins I can't help but want to hear him speak to me more...

'Taylor are you alright?" Glancing around I'm not in the room anymore, the man who haunts my sleep is gone so is the creature he serves. I'm lying flat on the floor at the entrance to the Gryffindor tower. Phyre looks down at me concerned. "Was I yelling?" He shakes his head "You weren't breathing..." I manage to laugh it off as he helps me stand, it must have been a dream, all sleep walking and such. Until Phyre's hand brushes my lip and I wince in pain "Your face is bruised and you're bleeding..."

"Yeah I fall alot remember? Come on let's get breakfast before they stop serving." We rush to the Great Hall just in time for McGonagall to give us our schedules. I hurry up to Paige and Kristen, snatching Paige's sausage, she prefers bacon anyway. "So ready for the first day? Trust me the first is always the hardest..." Haha yeah right just like the first hole is always the hardest....
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 12:20 am

Paige and I glance at each other. She wasn't gone for that long, maybe 10 minutes. I can see slight bruising on her face, and sip my pumpkin juice. "Aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" Taylor asks me.

"I don't eat breakfast. I'll have some juice or some milk, but I generally don't eat." I reply, and sip my juice one more time for effect.

"Really?" Paige asks me in a shocked voice. "Why?"

"I'm not hungry in the mornings, and when I eat in the morning, I don't feel good, and it just distracts me from school."

"Wow. You're weird." Taylor tells me.

'Yeah,' I think, 'I'm the weird one.' But I smile and say to her "Yeah, maybe just a little!" The bell rings just then, signaling 10 minutes till class.

"Better get going guys! You don't want to be late!" Paige and I grabbed out bags and headed up to the Charms hallway. We had to stop and as directions once from one of the ghosts. We managed to make it on time, and took a seat next to draco and Blaise. We made it through the class relatively easily. All we did was wave our wands around a little bit. One boy did manage to blow something up, but that was as exciting as it got.

In transfiguration, we did manage to see the teacher change from a cat to herself. Harry and his redheaded friend ron managed to be late to class, but other than that, it was all notes. And in potions, Harry managed to get yelled at by Professor Snape in the first 5 minutes of class, and it was pretty funny. After that, a bit more notes, and then we actually did something. We made a very crude, very easy healing potion. This gryffindor girl by the name of hermione granger got swallowed by her hair, i swear! And ron managed to mess up his potion, and then another gryffindor blew up his cauldron. All those gryffindors, I swear!

We had break after class, and then lunch. We managed to catch up with Taylor at break. "So," I asked her, "what's up with this Professor Snape? He seems . . . rude. And kinda greasy, and a little mean. But . . . I dunno. Only mean to the Gryffindor's and the Hufflepuffs. What's with that?"
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 10:14 am

The bruise had crept along my face slowly threw out the morning leaving my cheek dark with purple, damn that man had a hard slap I don't even want to imagine if he would have really meant it. Hell I still didn't know if I'd been dreaming or having a vision, having confronted Draco about it earlier I saw no lie in his eyes no knowing, so maybe it had all been a very painful, complex vision.

Class had been interesting, with McGonagall furious with her Hufflepuff was already in negative points, the great thing was when Sprout had come to confront McGonagall. Sprout simply said that if I were continually punished because of a prank I had pulled with help then she would punish the other offenders. Go Sprouty! Even for a Hufflepuff she was badass.

Potions was as always fantastic. Surprisingly enough Snape, even when I screwed around, was never short with me I think he recognized a bit of himself in me maybe...Who knows. That entire class period all I could think about was the note he gave me, perhaps he could help me sort things out....

"Miss Morfey see me after class..." I nodded at him as the Slytherins in class made 'Oooo' noises, even though they do consider me one of them most days. Class was over and I stepped up to see Snape who was busy mixing together some herbs over a steaming cauldron. "You wanted to see me sir?"

"Your face what happened to it?" I pressed a cool hand to my hot cheek, oh yeah and I was still bleeding a bit. "Lucius Malfoy struck me this morning." Snapes busy hands stopped, he turned to look at me. "You're sure of this?" I nod and lower my hand and my eyes "I don't know if it was a vision or real...all I know is that I wasn't strong enough." My hands clench into fists, damn him, damn him! I would get stronger next time we met it would turn out different.

Large hands cup my cheeks, they're warm and caloused with scars that I can feel brush against my skin as the hands draw my face upwards. He's looking at me again, just like he did last night. "No one would expect you to be, you are just a child still." One hand slips down to my shoulder and then around to my back while the other slips into my hair as he pulls me into him.

A hug, another from the potions master who always kept his emotions gaurded. What can I do but wrap my arms around him? Making the contact I see Severus close to my age, laughing with a girl with red hair and green eyes, like mine...Ah that must be it then.

"I'm not a child though, not now I need to get stronger...to protect those I love...can you help me Professor?" He releases and it seems comes back to the present. "Yes, I can but first your face." His thumb brushes over my cheek once more before the potion gives a slight whistle. Severus simply brushes a hand over it and it cools, before he puts it in a vial and hands it to me. "This is a healing salve of my own design, it makes bruising dissapear and will help with cuts however you will have a scar."

Taking the vial I smile "It's like you expect me to get in trouble or something." Letting out an uncharacteristic chuckle Snape then dips his fingers into the cauldron and spread the cold salve on my cheek. Instantly it's better, but I really can't help but wonder why I'm getting warm tummy tickles about Snape? Sure I always tease but now that he's being so kind and nice...Woah! Wait Taylor he's thirty years old, that's sixteen years older than you!

Thanking him I went to the rest of my classes and by lunch the bruise is gone and the cut has left a nice half moon shaped scar is on my lip curving along my dimple line. When I touch it it's cold like the salve and I wonder if that's a side affect of the salve and if so if Severus's scars are cold? God I'm perving out right now. Kristen runs up to me at lunch thankfully knocking the pervish thoughts out of my tiny head.

"Snape? Oh well he's a genius so I guess he's allowed to be eccentric and he's more sarcastic really. He's the Slytherin head of House so you know of course he despises Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are usually just stupid, no offense to my house mates but they're kind but not up to par with others, in fact only Diggory and I are competeing neck and neck with the Ravenclaws in our year..." I take a bite of my crab salad and chew thoughtfully and gesture for her to sit down. "Trust me his hair is not greasy, it's just really soft and shiny."

Smiling a bit I sip my pumpkin juice "How was your morning other than the expolsions? Trust me Snape was so peeved about that he complained to my class the whole period...Though Flitwick said he gets someone every year that blows stuff up so hmm..." I remembered that it was Diggory, poor boy lost his eye brows, then we became study partners...

((I bumped his age down a bit don't sue me!))
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 10:59 am

I smiled as Taylor told me about Professor Snape, who, I could tell, she thought highly of. When she told me about her hair, I was tempted to laugh, but she was so serious, I didn't want to make her mad by laughing about it. I noticed the bruising on her face had gone down, and that a slight scar was developing, one right along her smile lines. I was surprised to hear that Hufflepuffs weren't quite up with the rest of the school. I would've thought for sure that everyone would be on the same level, cause really, this was a magical school. They could've probably used a potion or a spell to make themselves smarter . . .

"Well," I replied to her question, "There was a gryffindor girl that got swallowed by her hair, and the transfiguration professor turned herself into a cat and back! It's was pretty wicked! Speaking of the whole changing from one thing to another, when do we take that animagus potion thingy? Cause I read in the letter that we took a potion to figure out our Animagus form. When do we do that? Today? What's your animagus form? Why can that Phyre guy change all of his looks whenever he wants? What do you call that?" A laughed at Taylor's stunned face, and I smiled. "Sorry. I'm just really curious!"

"I can see that." She said, the look still on her face.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 11:29 am

I listen as Krisen chattered about her day, it made me smile knowing that I'd get the same thing from Paige later. "Woah slow down, girly. Yes everyone takes the potion the first day of school and then you learn how to change some take longer than others and most can't do it at all. Actually most of the Hufflepuffs can't do it, because it comes down to magically ability and the power of your magical core. That my dear is why they are always behind." Taking another bite I chewed slowly and then grinned mischeviously, "You wanna see what I can change into?"

Kristen quickly nodded and I couldn't refuse. So I stood from the table and smiled. It was easy for me to change now, having had a lot of practice I simply felt my human body dissolve and reform into that of the red wolf. The only thing that didn't morph with me were my tennis shoes. I was about ready to leap up and lick Kristen's face when I felt the conciousness of others in the room, images of running flashed threw my mind.

I changed back to quickly pull my shoes back on. My pack mates were asking for a run tonight, of course I agreed maybe then I'd get some sleep. "I'm a red wolf, Diggory is a sheep dog, and that Hannah girl is a rabbit, we're the only three Hufflepuff's in our year to be able to transform. Now you wanted to know about Phyre, he's a metamorphus meaning his biological code is unstable compared to the rest of ours and he's able to control the changes actually allowing him to morph into a different person. You could think of it as being a switch that everyone has but only in some people does it turn on. That's another cool thing about the animagus potion it reveals if you're a metamorphus or not." I laughed remembering back to that day.

"So they had all of us first years in a room and one by one paired us with an older student, together we make the potion and they instruct us to drink it. The potion forces you to revert to original form so if your hair is dyed it changed it Phyre was posing as an italian, imagine his partners surprised when he turned into the white haired Reonf...Anyway so it forces the change of your soul animal or the one you'd be most suited to. I scared my partner so bad, and Phyre's an ocelot so he did as well..." Sitting back down I put my arm around her shoulder "You'll do fine, if you're lucky you'll get me or Phyre and hopefully Paige will get the other ya know...Cuz then we have to teach to how to transform and all that good stuff..."

I was just about to finish my salad when the bell rang and Dumbles voice echoed threw the halls "First years please find your head of house the animagus tests are about to begin. Perfected animagus students please report to the fifth dungeon to be paired up with your first year...that is all." I winked at Kristen and grabbed my things before being surrounded by my boys, Phyre, Cedric, George, Fred and Lee as we walked down to the dungeons.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 1:23 pm

I weaved through the crowd with paige in tow trying to find our head of house, Professor Flitwick. I smiled as we approached with the rest of the first year Ravenclaws. "Come with me! We are going to the dungeons the brew the Animagus potion, and assign you with an accomplished Anamagi." He shouted in his squeeky voice, and pointed at me. "Come help me off these books!" he yelled, trying to be heard. I walked up to him, and awkwardly put my hands under his arms. I lifted him up and gently set him on the floor. "Thank you!" he squeeked, and started on his way. I gave a slight grimace to Paige, who just busted out laughing. We slowly filed behind him towards the dungeons.

We arrived in a large dungeon to find 200 or so other students. "First years, you have all been assigned a particular student to help you brew your potion and develop your animagus, should you have an animagus form." Came a voice from the corner of the dungeon. Out stepped a old looking man with a long white beard and some half moon spectacles. Professor Dubledore, or Dumbles as Taylor puts it. "Students, please find your first year and start your potion."

The boy Taylor was hanging out with before came up to me. "Kristen?" he asked me. I nodded. "I'm Phyre. I'm gonna be helping you brew your potion and also develop you animagus. Come on, we have the table next to Taylor and Paige." We walked through the dungeon towards the back of the room and stopped at the last 2 cauldrons.

"Your the metamorphagus, aren't you?" I asked him.

"How do you know that?"

"Taylor." I said simply, and started to read the directions. Complicated, but not entirely impossible. I started following the directions, while Phyre visited with Taylor. About two hours later, all of the potions were made, and we were ready to start testing. 'Dumbles' cleared away all of the cauldrons and tables, giving us space to transform. Phyre poured me the right amount of potion into a vial, whispered "good luck kid," to me, and I downed the vial.

There was a curious tingling in my whole body, and a warmth. It spread from my head to my toes, and stopped. I opened my eyes, and looked at Phyre. He was staring at me curiously, so I lifted my hand to look at it.

I sighed. It hadn't changed a bit. I wiggled my fingers, and then put my hand down. I glanced around the room to notice Paige had turned into a cute little dog, and there were several other scary looking animals around. There were also several people that looked like themselves, completely unchanged. I looked up at Phyre sadly. "I guess I'm just not meant to be an animagus." He laughed, and then whipped out a mirror. Taylor was staring at me curiously, so I glanced in the mirror. "That potion turned my hair purple?!" But then I noticed it wasn't just my hair. My eyes were a bright green, my nose a little more buttonish, and my lips a little plumper. My hair was also pin straight, and my face was thinner. I looked at Phyre curiously, and then turned toward Taylor.

"What's going on?" I glanced back and forth between the two, and then Phyre rubbed my head.

"Congrats kid! Your a metamorphagus!" I stared dumb founded. I was a metamorphagus? Really? "Now, concentrate all of your energy on turning back into yourself. All of it. You should turn right back into good old Kristen." I did as he said, and pulled all of my magic and energy toward the picture of myself in my head. I felt the tingling again, but this time it was only on my head. I opened my eyes, and glanced back in the mirror. I was myself again, but I felt different somehow. Special. By then Everyone had turned back into they're normal selves, and several were staring at me. I blushed a deep red.

"The rest of the day will be spent with your mentors, First years. You will learn how to develop your powers and learn the laws of being an Animagus."

"Come on, kid. Let's go teach you how to get that power under control!" Phyre said happily, and we walked out of the dungeon to a room off of the corridor.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 1:45 pm

All the classes were wonderful today. The funnest moment was when that Seamus kid (Gryffindor of course) blew something up in Charms the first class of the day! Kristen and I of course stuck together like glue and when we saw Draco was in our classes we made sure to get a close seat next to them. Transfiguration was okay I guess, I really don't like McGonagall all that much but the class as one was amazing, probably my favorite class! We didn't sit next to the boys then 'cause some annoying girl, Pansy, was all up in our faces about sitting next to Slytherins. Whatever, when I learn how to cast hexes, she's first on my list. Then the class I was most excited to go to, Potions. The first five minutes Harry got yelled at and got 5 points taken away from his house. Draco and Blaise sat across the room from us, which was a good thing or else Kristen and I would've had trouble paying attention. We made a potion (Kristen and I were partners of course) and we were one of the first groups done with it! Professor Snape gave us 6 points each for finishing with style and not making a mess. He is very nice deep down I think, well at that's what Taylor keeps telling me anyway. After class Kristen and I hop out of the potions room and skip down to the Great Hall for some good eating.

Taylor caught up with Kristen and I but instead of chit chatting with them I decided to eat some food and get to know my fellow classmates. Cho was telling me about how Snape was mean a cruel. I think she was just mad because she and her friend were one of the last groups done (even Ron and Harry were done before they were) and also because Kristen and I already made a good impression on our teachers. After I got sick of her whinning I looked over to see Draco staring at me. I smiled at him and excused myself from the conversation and walked over to the Slytherin table. I heard things like 'what is that new raven coming over here?' and 'is that raven a dumb one 'cause she shouldn't be heading over here.'

Draco just kept smiling and hushed all the mummers. "So Paige you definitely prove that Morfey's aren't only pranksters." At the name Morfey the Slytherins cleared a seat for me to sit across from Draco and Blaise. "It really surprised me how Sev...I mean Professor Snape actually gave you two extra points. He usually only does that to Slytherins."

"Well I guess I impressed the man didn't I?" Draco raised his eyebrows and I knew he was thinking something that he wasn't saying. So instead of questioning him I just stole a chocolate covered strawberry and popped it into my mouth. He looked shocked and I just smiled and winked at him. "Those are delicious by the way."

"Oh really? I wouldn't know that now would I?" He laughed and I laughed with him and picked up another strawberry. "Here try it." He opened his mouth and I plopped the strawberry in his mouth. I watched him eat the strawberry and I couldn't make myself look away so instead I said "So? They're good aren't they?" He licked his lips and said "Yea but I see something even more delicious than those."

What did he mean by that? I couldn't speak I hardly could breath or think so speaking was the last of my worries. Before he could move any closer Dumbledore started to speak, "First years please find your head of house the animagus tests are about to begin. Perfected animagus students please report to the fifth dungeon to be paired up with your first year...that is all." I glanced at Draco anticipation in my eyes. "Well I better go find Kristen and go to the...to the test thing. Well umm bye!" I hopped up and raced to the Ravenclaw table and grabbed Kristen's arm.

"Well where have you been Paigee?" Kristen asked me. "Hmm what? Oh just over talking to Draco and Harry and all that stuff. We don't want to be late for the testing." Skipping down the hallway I kept looking around to make sure Draco wasn't any where near us.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 3:01 pm

So testing was interesting, Paige got paired up with Fredikins and I had Harry. Phyre was paired up with Kristen and because she had everything under control he spent his time yucking it up with me while I tried to pay attention to Harry. "There's quite a lot of rumors about you aren't there?" He asks as I add in the lacewings he'd just shreded I nod "Well yes but you could say there are quite a few rumors going on about you too." He flushed a deep scarlet, so I tapped his nose and said "Hey now I'll have to change your hair color to gold if you stay that red." Harry laughed and as he did I saw a vision of him being locked in a cupboard.

Snapping back to the real world my mind reeling I noticed how thin Harry was. Narrowing my eyes I add the final ingrediant and the potion turns a nice healthy gold. "Now since I have a feeling you're going to turn I'll be your mentor and I want you to know you can always tell me anything Harry..." It was odd to feel attached to him already, but again I've always had this thing for emotionally starved boys. Harry gave me a trusting look allowing my heart to melt a bit and drip unto my shoes, I'd have to clean that later.

I watched as the warm potion slid down Harry's throat, he looked at me and shrugged before arching his back and falling to the floor. Holding him to comfort him threw the first pains of transformation I watched as his features shrunk, black fur sprouted up on his body, his face turned square into a muzzle. Harry eyes remained constant though, that same Avada Kedavera shade of green that we shared. "Congratulations Harry you're a spotted leopard." Adorable at that, he gave a playful swipe at my face and I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright now to change back I want you to think about your magic, that tight ball inside you and let it flow threw each part of your body." Other people did it differently, I know for a fact that Diggory went threw painful transformations each time as had the person who taught him, it was just something about the teacher and student bond. I saw Harry's eyes concentrate and though it was a slow transformation he did it without the bone crunching agony others endured. "That was wicked." He said to me, "Let's do it again yeah?"

I was about to respond when I heard a scream. Something had jsut exploded and surprise surprise there was Paige back from dog land looking scared shitless. "Excuse me Harry I've got to go help my sister not explode things."

I was excited about having another metamorphus in the school but we all know that with great power comes great trouble. Just look at Taylor, she was misunderstood because of her abilities and no one could help her so what did they lablel her? A trouble maker. Thankfully metamorphus were normal enough in the wizard world that being one really didn't change your life too much. I took Kristen out of the room and held up the rest of the potion.

"There's some left if you want to see if you can change into an animal, even though you have this new power it can be useful." He figured that he had better just offer it to her, however she might choose to be like Nymphadora and simply rely her whole life on the metamorphus ability. "So we'll have to talk about the responsibilites that come with this, and career options everyone always wants metamorphus, of course about the long journey it'll be to control your powers even for the gifted like myself and my cousin Tonks it takes years, on average three to get a firm hold on your powers."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 3:25 pm

I took the small vial from Phyre's hand. He nodded reassuringly, and I downed the golden liquid. I waited a second, before feeling a shift in my bones. It was painful, but not horribly so. I managed to stay on my feet for a bit, until I finally had to fall to all fours. I felt my bones extend and morph, a tail growing, my ears moving to the top of my head, and my nose extending. I stretched my muscles, and rolled my neck.

I looked up to Phyre, and noticed I was only half of his size. He smiled. "Kristen Kennedy, you are a snow tiger. Now. I want you to change back. Do the same thing as before. Focus all of your energy and magic onto yourself." I did as told, and slowly stood back up. I stretched my back. It popped a couple of times, and then I proceeded to crack every other part of my body that I could. Phyre cringed every time I popped something. Once done, I smiled at him.

"My animal is so cute! I'm an animagus and a metamorphagus!" I squealed and danced around for a bit. I was so excited! I felt absolutely happy, so I hugged Phyre. "Thanks so much!" I said into his chest. I let go, and smiled at him. I couldn't wait to find out what Draco turned into, and I couldn't wait to go running outside in my animagus form. I was so excited.

"Now, there are rules in the school about your Animagus form, and there are also laws." Phyre started, and it just ruined my moment.

"Aw! You mean, there are things I can't do while in my animagus form?" I kind of whined toward him.

"Of course! They're not just gonna let us run a muck!" He stated.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 4:02 pm

I watched her change and was satisfied with her transformation, however he was slightly displeased by the whinning "Of course! They're not going to let us run a muck!" I say with a slightly sarcastic tone "For starters for the first eight months or so you won't be able to change without the potion so don't get any ideas in your head about going for a joy ride. The potion was to simply discover your animal now the hard part will be to learn how to harness that....The same goes for your metamorphus abilities, years of study and hard practice." Phyre shifted into Draco Malfoy and approached her "You have to be able to match your subject in every aspect..." His voice shifted from the mature arrogant tone to the prepubecent snarl that Draco had in his voice, then Phyre was able to shift instantly into Paige, his voice now squeaky and bubbly "You know that if you get caught in the act by the enemy..." Now to Snape towering over her menacing "They'll kill you without a second thought..."

Back in my own form I rapped her three times on the skull, lightly of course. "Yes, it's fun to play games, change your hair, your face, but you need to be much more serious about it, than the idiots in the other room are being. You have two extraordinary gifts to learn at the same time...If you're ready to get serious follow me." I started to walk away before I turned back and smiled "Oh and if you ever think that you'll get as good as me think again girly, I've been a rapid changer since I was six, Tonks my older cousin can't even boast this much skill and she's an auror."

Laughing I changed into Kristen and left the room, waiting for my now doupple-ganger to follow me.
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 4:21 pm

As we walked into Dungeon 5 I found that I was paired with one of the twins, Fred. "Hiya little Morf. I don't know if your sister has told you about me and my amazing looks but I'm Fred, the better half of the brotherly bond." I giggle and blush. Taylor had in fact told me about the pranking duo that she had then joined and said they were both good looking. "I'm Paige, the better half of our sisterly bond." He laughed and we then moved on to the potion making. I have to say that he was impressed by how quickly I worked at the potion and how I followed the instructions to the tee. "Well you definitely like your sister except you get it done a lot quicker. All right now all you have to do is drink the potion and lets see what happens." Looking at him, nervous of course, he simply nodded and a drank the liquid gold potion. As soon as I swallowed I could feel something inside me start to explode but not in a painful way. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw that I was only 10 inches off the ground and looking up Fred looked like more of a giant than he did before. Screaming, but coming out as a bark, I jumped up on Fred's leg and he started to laugh. "Oh aren't you so cute!" I barked happily and started prancing around the ground. I saw Kristen standing there, not changing one bit, and I saw Harry turning into spotted leopard.

Fred clapped his hands, gaining my full attention, and I walked toward him. "Okay Paige now I want you to concentrate. You probably felt something exploding inside of you," I nodded my little doggy head. "so try to make that explosion come back to it's original shape. Remember to only concentrate on that with your magic ability and don't try to do it too quickly or else it could be painful. Trust me it's happened to me before." I did as told and set all my magic to the little particles I felt running through my legs. Pulling the pieces together was tougher than it sounds but I got it eventually and felt my height regain. I looked up at Fred, a huge smile beaming on my face. "That was incredible! Let's do it again!" I said enthusiastically.

Then something weird happened. I opened my hands (rather quickly) toward a small cauldron and suddenly it exploded! "What the bloody hell was that!" Fred said covering his head. "I don't know I'm so so sorry!" Again I did the hand gesture and thank fully it missed Fred's foot by a few inches and make the tile blow up. "I don't know what I'm doing! I don't mean to! Ahh!" I screamed when I blew up a test tube a few inches away from his hand. Then I heard students around me yelling and when I tried to tell them it was okay everything stopped (I did the hand thing and kind of moved them forward). "Oh my good God what is happening to me?!"

Taylor then walked over to me as did Professor Snape. "Miss Morfey." He said to Taylor. "Did you know anything about this, before it happened?" All Taylor did was giggle and shrugged her shoulders. "Some things are more fun to keep a secret." She told him. Not wanting to interrupt their lovely conversations but I was blowing things up and causing time to stop. "HELLO! Did you people for get about me?! Can someone please explain what is happeneing to me?!"


(In Draco's POV)

I was happy to finally find out what my form my animagus was. Not even my father had an animagus form, hopefully I get something my father would be proud of. When I walked into the dungeon I found that my experienced partner just happened to be a Weasley. "Malfoy." George said as he crossed his arms. "Weasley." I said and smirked at him. "So you actually have enough magic to have an animagus form? Impressive for a Weasel." He turned a shade of red and changed the conversation, which made me smirk. "Let's get this potion brewing and this over with." Shrugging I followed the Weasel and helped him brew the potion, watching his steps so he didn't add anything that might have a different side effect.

"All right Draco all you have to do now is drink the potion and focus on expanding your body into the shape it can become." Smirking I grabbed the vial "Give me that Weasel." I drank the potion down instantly felt a little funny. Then all of a sudden it felt like all the bones in my body went limp. I opened my eyes and saw the floor right in front of me. Looking up I saw the Weasel shaking. "Wow Malfoy you really are meant to be a snake." So I was a snake was I? Hissing I slithered around his feet which made him jump. "Stop it Malfoy! Okay now concentrate on returning to your regular form. But be careful to do it slowly, it might be painful if you transform to quickly." Draco nodded and sighed. He did as told and slowly he was himself again. "Wow Weasel you actually know what your talking about."

He looked around the room and saw Kristen with different colored hair and a weird looking nose. So it seems that Kristen has a little something extra to offer. I thought but was distracted my a loud explosion. Following the the sound of the explosion I saw Paige freaking out and the other Weasel ducking for dear life. I started to laugh and actually clapped for Paige until she made something explode a few inches away. "Oy Paige what are you doing?" I yelled and hid underneath a table. What is going on with these Morfey girls?
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 4:38 pm

Holding up my hands I continued to laugh "Okay okay stop, stop Paige." Paige froze and I put her hands at her side. "So okay I did know a little, maybe..." Glancing at Snape's glare I threw up my hands "Okay! okay I knew...fine Paige you can obviously blow shit up and stop time."

"Taylor..." Snape's voice was agrivated "Sorry about the swearing Professor..." Talking to Paige I held up my hands and showed her. "So when you concentrate and make a forceful hand gesture like so..." I showed her "You explode things...when you concentrate and make a less forceful hand gesture like this" Again I showed her "Finally to make it go away you wave your arm like so..." Once more I showed her and Snape frowned "When did you learn about this?" I smiled "A few years back, why?" Sighing he looked to Paige "Miss Morfey please be more responsible than your older sister and revert everyone back to normal time."

Paige did and of course everyone wondered how I had gotten over there so swift but they just chocked it up to me being weird again. Glancing over at George I smiled "So what's up with the Malfoy?" George growled "Fucking black mamba..." I smiled "Figures as much, but there are the rules that he'll have to adhear to..." George smiled "True, and he has to be trained by me..." That would brighten anyones day for sure.

"Taylor you will meet me in my office later tonight for concealing this dangerous information." Snape said before walking out of the room "Awh damn!" I said and held up my hands "Why is it always me?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 5:18 pm

Phyre and I entered the dungeon again, and walked into a mess. I stepped over glass lightly, feeling it crunch under my feet. I stopped by Draco. "What happened in here?"

He turned his head toward me. "Oh, Paige just has freaky powers like her sister, no biggy!" He smiled his heart warming smile, and I couldn't help but smile. And then I realized what he said.

"Freaky powers? What do you mean? What did she do?" I was freaking out.

"I dunno. She just starting flinging her hands around, and then things started blowing up, and then you walked in. That's basically it." He shrugged, and I walked away towards Paige. She looked sbsolutely freaked out. Taylor was explaining things to her. I walked up, and her something about stopping time. I looked at Paige questioningly. "I have no fucking clue, but I guess I can blow things up." She said.

"Aw! My special little friend can blow things up!" I said, and pinched her cheek. She laughed at me.

"Wanna see?" She was so excited.

"NO!" The whole room yelled at her.

"Oh. Okay. Maybe some other time, yeah?" You could tell she was put out.

"Definately!" I was so excited for her, a lost it for a second, and my hair grew to my waist, and turned a bright fire engine red. "Oh." I said. I scratched my head, and focused on changing it back. "I'm gonna have to get used to that . . . " I grinned, and my hair changed back to normal.

"Aw! My special little friend is a metamorphagus!" She said, and pinched my cheek. We smiled at each other, and laughed. Draco came up behind us and wrapped his arms around our shoulders.

"Well, my special little girls!" He said, earning a good eye rolling from me and Paige, but of course, we were both screaming inside. I was hoping nothing would change about me, showing my happiness at that exact moment.
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Number of posts : 114
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 6:30 pm

I was calmed a little bit by the time Kristen came in. Taylor was still talking to me and when Kristen and Phyre came in she whispered "Kristen's a metamorphagus, I saw it when I first touched her on the train." I nodded and mouthed 'oh' as Phyre grabbed Taylor and pulled her away. I looked over at Kristen "Apparently I can blow shit up! Do you want to see?" Then the whole room joined in with a "NO!" It hurt a little but I tried to not let it bother me; I could freeze them and put so many hexes on them that they wouldn't even know what hit them. I smiled when I saw Kristen's hair grew and turned bright fire truck red. "Aw! My special little friend is a metamorphagus!" She smiled and laughed when I pinched her cheek like she did with mine.

"Well, look at my special little girls." Draco said and came up and wrapped his arms around us. We rolled our eyes and I shrugged his arm off me. And stepped in front of the two and started walking backwards.

"Oh you totally wish we were your special little girls don't you Draco. Just like you wish you were in our room last night...we didn't write everything we did on that piece of paper you know." I winked at Kristen who winked back, and I grabbed her from him. Doing that and saying that made Draco's jaw drop.

"Wh-what? What did you do last night?" He asked. "Nothing that involves you Draco." Kristen told him. We laughed and strolled arm in arm down the hallway, Draco coming up behind us. We were about to turn into the Great Hall when Harry came running down the hall yelling my name.

"Paige! Paige! Oh thanks for slowing down finally. I wanted to let you know that the second year Hufflepuff, umm Camden was looking for you." He said out of breath and smiled at both me and Kristen and glared at Draco who gladly gave him a glare back. "So I heard about you and saw you blowing things up, Paige. It was pretty wicked. How'd you do it anyway?"

I was about to give him an answer when a gorgeous blonde with spiked hair and an earring in his left ear. I knew I saw him from somewhere. "Hey Paige." He said to me in a velvety smooth voice that made me shiver. When he spoke a flash back to him running into our compartment telling us about Cedric. "H-hi." I said.

Draco looked from me to Camden and back to be again. He stepped forward and was almost face to face with him, "What do you want McKinley?" Draco spat at him.

"Just wanted to have a little word with Paige, if that's alright with her." Camden said coolly. I nodded and looked back at Kristen, Harry, and Draco. "I'll be right back I promise. Save me a seat will ya Kristen?" She nodded.

"Come on boys, dinners starting." She grabbed both boys by the arm and pulled them with her. She looked back and winked at me as she entered the Great hall.

"S-so what did you want to talk about?" I said and tucked my hair behind my head and gulped.

"Why don't you come with me." He said and put his hand out. Taking it I walked with him down another hallway that had a bench. He sat down on it and I followed him and sat next to him. He took both my hands in his and held them on his lap. My breath started it hitch and my heart started to race but I didn't show any of it. "I've heard a lot about you." I looked at him, thinking he was talking about blowing all that stuff up. "No from your sister is what I mean. She helped me a lot in my classes first year, sometimes we would even study in her room. I saw her pictures and, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I thought you were kind of cute." I took a deep breath in. Where was he going with this? "Anyway, when I saw you on the train yesterday helping Harry, I couldn't help but wish I was Harry, laying on your lap. So I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the lake later tonight after dinner?"

I couldn't believe what just happened. He was asking me out on a date, me Paige Morfey! I really wanted to know but part of me told me that I should just wait, maybe learn a little more about him before I did. "Camden I'm so shocked and yet so happy that you asked me." He smiled which made my heart skip a beat. "But I just feel that this is happening so fast. I mean I hardly know you." He looked down and dropped his hands. I grabbed them and squeezed, letting them lay on my lap and I picked his head up so I could look at him. "It's not a complete no, just a no for tonight. Maybe after we talk a little more and we learn more about each other. Maybe we can even tutor each other." I said with a smile which made him laugh.

"Alright. Well just tell me the time and the place and I'll be sure to meet you there." I smiled and he took my hand, and we walked back to the Great Hall, hand in hand. When we entered the Hall he kissed my cheek and I told him good-bye and walked over to a waving Kristen. I sat down and looked over to Taylor's questioning looks and I gave her the 'I'll let you know later' look back. She nodded and I looked over to see Draco glaring over at Camden then saw my eyes. Motioning with his eyes to come over I shook my head and mouthed 'after dinner'. He rolled his eyes and nodded and continued to eat his dinner. Putting some salad on my plate I turned to see Kristen staring at me. "What?" I asked her.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 7:05 pm

Walking back from the dungeons, Harry ran up to us, telling us that some boy was looking for Paige. Just after he finished telling us this, a boy walked up, and BOY was he cute! He looked amazing, but not better looking than my little Draco Malfoy. He asked to talk to Paige alone, so I winked at her, and Grabbing Draco on one arm and Harry on another.

"Come on boys! Dinner's starting." Gosh. These boys smelled amazing. We walked into the Great Hall, the doors closing behind us. "See you after dinner boys." I kissed them each on the cheek and left the boys at the door. Walking away, I could feel their eyes and shocked expressions. I smiled to myself, and sat at my table. I caught Draco's eye across the hall. I smiled and waved. He grinned and shook his head slightly. Just then Paige sat next to me, and I saw draco motion towards her to come over there. She shook her head no, and mouthed something at him. I pretended I didn't notice, and stuck a spoon full of mashed potatoes in my mouth. I looked over at Paige.

"So, tell me what did Mr. McDreamy want?" I asked her, and cut up my piece of chicken and stuck one in my mouth.

"Well . . . hekindaaskedmeoutonadate." she said really quickly.

"HE WHAT?!" I screamed.

"Shhhh . . ." she glanced around us, "Well. Camden asked me out."

"Oh my gosh! Tell me all about it!" As we sat and ate, talking about Camden, I couldn't help but glance over to Draco every so often. He was almost always looking our direction, but at Paige or me I couldn't tell. There were also several other people looking in our direction. One being this Camden guy, the other being Harry and his friend Ron. I turned back to our conversation, but I couldn't stop thinking about how she seemed to be attracting all of the boys but I really wasn't. But hey, I was only 11, so I just let it slide, and helped Paige celebrate a hot piece of man candy being interested in her.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 10:42 pm

I skip dinner. It's not that I'm not hungry because I am but I know I'll be eating just fine later tonight after my meeting with Snape. I'm in the my Hufflepuff room waiting until everyone leaves, they try and coax me down to dinner with them but I tell them it's just one of those days. When I'm alone and just sit and breath, so happy that I can hear Hogwarts around me. It's always been important to me to feel connected to the place around me, feeling comfortable in each home was a must or I would sink into a depression of sorts. Hogwarts made me feel more at peace, at home and more alive than any other place I had lived.

Standing I ran my hands over the stones loving how they warm gracefully under my fingers. I sigh a bit and think over my day, how frustrating and confusing it was and yet at the same time so wonderful. With everyone gone I strip down to the yellow leotard I've been wearing since this morning. Braiding my hair I quickly put my clothes away and rush to the secret passage way located behind my bed.

I've had the same dorm since first year and I'd discovered it near the end of my first year. It lead straight outside near the lake. It was a tiny crawl space but big enough to fit two people about my size in it. It doesn't take me long to reach the surface. The boys are already waiting for me. Fred and George Weasley and Lee Jordin all of them were wolves as well and together we formed a pack, Cedric was there as well because even though he wasn't a wolf he was part of the pack.

"It's about time!" George said only in a pair of blue spandex shorts. "Yeah we were freezing our bums off out here!" Fred said in his red spandex. Lee wore purple and a large grin, Cedric in green just looked at me with those eyes as he always did. Fred and George, were sexy and funny and amazing boys but they were closer to me than brothers, Lee was simply one of my best friends. Cedric had always been different. Sure the others looked at me, my body and we kidded about dating but Cedric was the only one who tried to touch me, and had on many occassions kissed me.

"Sorry, sorry, well let's go!" I shifted into my wolf form and pranced around the others. George is next, like me he changes easily, then Lee who changes forms like he's apparating one minute he's human the next wolf. Fred and Cedric are slow changers but that's because Fred likes to see each body part transform Cedric just never should have learned the transformation.

So there we were two grey wolves, a white wolf, a red wolf and a sheep dog under the starry sky. We ran, we played we were connected as a family a unit...we were a pack. When the moon reached the hour I called a halt and changed back. The others followed suite and saying good bye each used secret passage ways back to the dorms. Cedric followed me in the tunnel and we could only laugh and joke about how drunk he was the night before.

"Oh Cedric you always say the same thing..." I turn on him and do my best impression of him "You're beautiful...take me to bed." I snort in his face and slip into the jeans I have stashed near the entrance. His face tightens "You are beautiful, I would like to go to bed with you." He's fourteen and I'm turning fourteen in a bit and neither of us have been in a lasting relationship. "Sure Diggory whatever." I try to play it off but he's looking at me, "Stop kidding around and go to the feast I've got Snape duty remember?"

I turn to leave, big mistake, I feel the hands grasp my shoulders and before I know it I'm thrown roughly against the wall. Cedric has his eyes trained on mine, this is a side I've never seen before. "I never kid." He tells me before pressing his lips against mine, the times before whens he's kissed me he's either been crying from me healing his wounds or his slobering drunk.

Oh! I think I say it, the surpise at the way his lips fit just so against mine, and he takes that oppurtunity to trap my bottom lip in his teeth sucking gently before biting it making me gasp out in pain and shock.

I can't help but to close my eyes as he deepens the kiss, his hands slide into my hair and he jerks me roughly towards him hungring for more...But I don't want to and as I push him away he shoves me into the wall harder...He tastes like I never would have expected any boy to taste...really good though a hint of blood is there as well as his tongue teases the tear he put in my lip. It seems like we're doing this forever, his knee is between my legs keeping me pinned against the wall. When we finally pull away from breath and I try to clear my swimming head enough to leave when Cedric moves down to my neck suckling it gently.

As my head stops swimming I try to push him away again even though I halfway like what he's doing. Until his hand skims up my side to my chest, that is a big no no. "Cedric I have to go have a meeting, with Snape...CEDRIC!" He gives my neck a final kiss before pulling away looking exteremly pleased with himself. "Don't even think that this means I like you Cedric Diggory, get that accomplished smirk off your face." He chuckles "I can't help it" His eyes travel down to my neck, oh he better not have!

"I really like you Taylor, I want to be in a relationship with you, I have for a while now. Now everyone will know you belong to me." I look at him, and balk. "Cedric, seriously?" Turning his eyes on me he grins "Would you like another demonstration?" I shake my head "I do kiss other boys Cedric..." His eyes narrow "To my knowledge you've only kissed me." Okay that might be true but I wasn't ready for this, I didn't even think I wanted this! How could I do this to Cedric when I kept thinking about a sexy Potion's Master? Even worse how could I think of Snape that way at all when I had perfectly good boys my own age who wanted me.

What the hell was wrong with me?

"I have to go Cedric." I pushed past him just as our classmates came back from the feast. "This isn't over yet Taylor." He yells after me as I skirt down to the Potion Master's keep.

I'm crying for the second time today, what was I turning into a whimp? Did I let my feelings of sympathy get in the way of hexing Cedric for doing that to me? Did I really want him to do it? So many questions were answerless I didn't know I was there until I ran into the wall. "Password?" A snake statue hisses at me "Lily." I say without a second thought, a hidden door is revealed and I walk threw it, managing to hide my sniffles.

Or so I think. The minute Severus sees me he gets that angry look on his face and demands that I sit on this very comfy black couch he has. "What happened? Was it another vision or...." His eyes that were searching my face slid down. "What is that?" I touch my neck, and pull a mirror out of my pocket. It's a large hicky that makes it look like I was hit with a curling iron, I realize now that it hurts.

"This is an involantary hicky." I say before taking the salve he made me out of my pack. My hands are shaking, god what a whimp I am, and Severus takes the salve and smooths it over my neck, his fingers gentle. "Involantary?" He asks, his voice soft, I now like to think that this voice is only reserved for me, and strangley it calms my frazzled nerves.

"I was kidding with Cedric that he always asks me stupid things when he's drunk." The teachers know we drink, but as long as no spells are thrown and no one gets pregnant they usually turn a blind eye. "Things like what?" Severus asks, taking a seat in a chair across from mine this one is a midnight blue. "Oh that he thinks I'm beautiful and that he'd like to take me to bed." Did I just see his eyes flash? No, I must be imagining it. "I told him that was complete and utter bull." Severus nods "That still doesn't explain your neck."

Flushing I tell him of Cedric pushing me against the wall, what he did, ending with me coming here. Severus's eyes are dark by the end. "You said he hurt you?" I straighten a bit "Cedric doens't know his own strength sometimes, next time I'll be prepared." Snape stands and crosses across the room. "There shouldn't be a next time, there shouldn't have been a this time do you understand? When a woman shows that she is not interested you cannot force yourself on her because you are bigger." I sigh he has to know the truth "Cedric's father beats him every time he sees him. He's fragile and if it makes him feel better to take his anger out in kissing me I'd rather it be that."

Severus glares at me "You don't get it he hurt you Taylor. He was violent in an act that should have brought pleasure instead it was pain." I nod starting to shake again, he sighs and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry I'll have Professor Sprout talk with him and maybe set up some muggle counseling..." I nod and lean into him. "So what did you want to talk to me about again?"

He laughs, again I'm starting to think that he only does this around me, and it makes me feel special. "I was going to yell at you for not telling us that your sister would have abilities, she could have blown up the school." I shake my head and smile "No she's not powerful enough for that, not in the long run...Besides I don't want her to get taken advantage of like they're trying to do with me."

Snape did something even more out of character than hugging, smiling and laughing. He kissed me. Woah! Woah! Woah! I feel like I just snorted a fuck ton of cocaine and am getting the rush of my life. His is soft, so much softer than Cedric's ever were, and though it was short my stomach feels like I got hit by a jack hammer. "Trust me, I won't let him use you." I can only nod at him and smile "So when are you going to teach me to duel?" Snape's eyes have an excited glint.

"We can start tomorrow...is this something you see?" He asks and as I grab my bag and head to the door I look back and wink "Wouldn't you like to know."

All the way back to the dorm I'm floating on a cloud. I zoom past everyone, espically Cedric who's nursing his own bottle of firewhiskey, into my room and pull out Paige's and mines connected diary. "You are never going to believe what happened to me tonight...It's so fucking out there that I don't even believe it right now." I wrote to her.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2009 11:59 pm

So I just had to gush everything that Camden said to me and what I said back. "It was amazing Kristen really it was! He's so sweet and nice and I hardly knew his name until I remembered him on the train. Even then I thought he was amazingly beautiful. I would stop time right now if I knew that only he and I would be alone together to talk." What was I saying?! I hardly knew this Camden guy and yet it felt so right when he held my hand and kissed my cheek, like it was meant to be. Sighing I stick my spoon into a huge pile of pudding on my plate and shove it in my mouth. "I don't even know what I'm saying. It must've been a joke or a dare or something. I mean why would a second year, a hot second year at that, even notice me?"

Kristen swallowed her bite of chicken and looked at me up and down. "I don't know if you haven't noticed this or something but Paige you are kind of hot for only being 11. Hey are you sure you are 11 'cause you look older to me." She smiled and cut another piece of chicken.

I lightly punched her in the arm and laughed. "Kristen you know just what to say to make me smile. Oh and thanks for the compliment, even though I know you're lying." She was about to say something when I stopped her. "Kidding just kidding!" Laughing I finished off my pudding and started on my turkey sandwich. "Kristen there is something I..." but I was stopped by that Ron kid coming over and tapping my shoulder. "May I help you?"

"Umm yeah, Harry said he has something important to tell...wow you are as pretty as...umm he needs to tell you something." Ron said and ran off to...well I don't know where he went really. Sighing I look at Kristen, "I'll be right back, promise!." Before leaving I glanced over at Draco who I could see was glaring over in Harry's direction. I got up and started over to the Gryffindor table. Seeing that there was a seat open right next to Harry I sat next to him. "Hi Harry! What's up?"

"Oh hi Paige! So I ah was wondering what Camden umm wanted to talk to you about?" So he was jealous was he? I smiled and laid a hand on his shoulder. "Harry don't worry, Camden was just introducing himself. We had seen each other on the train but I was tending to you so it's nothing really important. Is that all? Can I go finish my dinner now?" I asked with a smile and started to leave but Harry touched my arm again. "Yes what is it?"

"I was wondering if you would see your sister later tonight?" I looked at him funny. Wasn't he just jealous of me talking to Camden? "I should imagine so, why?" He took in a breath and blew it out before answering, "Could you tell her thanks, you know for helping me transform and stuff today? Oh and tell her that I would like to have a word with her before of during breakfast tomorrow, will you?" "Sure." I said and ruffled his already messy hair and walked back to my table.

Kristen leaned over and asked "What was that about?" I look at her roll my eyes and shake my head. "Boys they never will leave you alone once you start talking to them will they?" I laughed and so did she, and oddly we both looked over at Draco out of the corner of our eyes at the same time. "Anyway he wanted to know what Camden wanted. I told him that Camden just wanted to introduce himself to me. Then he asked if I would tell Taylor something later and I promised I would. That was pretty much it." I finished and took a big bite out of my sandwich.

Not wanting to say what I planned on telling Kristen I resorted to just plain chit chat and all that jazz until we left for our room. When we reached the door the knocker asked I am mother and father, but never birth or nurse. I'm rarely still, but I never wander. What am I? I looked at Kristen and shrugged. She stepped forward and said, "A tree?" The door opened and I gave Kristen a high five. "You know I read that it asks the first years mostly riddles but then starts asking you questions about Ravenclaw's history and history of the school and sometimes even recent events." I tell her as we climb the staircase to our room. We're the first one's in our room so I head for the toilet. After I'm done I wash my hands and my face and brush my teeth. Then I went back out and sat on my bed and started combing my hair. I put it in two loose braids and bring out my journal as I wait for Kristen to finish with the bathroom.

Opening my journal I read a message from Taylor: "You are never going to believe what happened to me tonight...It's so fucking out there that I don't even believe it right now." I write back, 'Well something huge happened to me too! I don't think it's as out there as what you are going to tell me but it's still out there. But before I tell you about it I have a message for you from Harry: he says thanks for all your help and support today and that he would like to talk to you tomorrow before or during breakfast.' Right then Kristen walks out and motions me toward her bed. Quickly I write 'I will write to you but Kristen and I are having girl time but I can totally write to you and talk at the same time.'

Jumping off my bed and leaping on to hers I land right next to Kristen. "All right girlfriend what are we doing tonight? Talking to the boys or just talking?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:14 am

I watch as Paige walks towards Harry, and just wish for one minute I had boys swooning over me like she did, and she didn't even notice! When we got to the room, I quick washed my face and brushed my teeth. I pulled my hair back and put on my pajamas, which were just some old boxer's and a black tanktop.

When I got out of the bathroom, Paige was writing in her journal thing, and I went and sat on my bed to set my alarm clock. Paige bounced over to my bed. "So, what are we doing tonight? Talking to the boys or just talking?"

"Well didn't you have something to tell me? You mentioned something about it at dinner before you went over to talk to Harry. So? What was it?"

She looked a little nervous. "Come on! You can tell me! Whatever it is!"

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:29 am

"Well didn't you have something to tell me? You mentioned something about it at dinner before you went over to talk to Harry. So? What was it?"

I sat on the bed beside her and became nervous. How was I going to tell her? "Oh come on! You can tell me! Whatever it is!" She said which made me feel even more horrible. I wiped my now very sweaty hands on my shirt. Suddenly the journal buzzed on my lap and I give her a one sec finger and open the journal.

"WHAT!" I couldn't believe what my eyes were reading, but it was there on the page in black and white, the only way I knew it wasn't a trick is because no one could fake Taylor's hand writing. It was so sloppy it was almost an art form. "Taylor kissed Cedric and Snape tonight! WHAT THE FUCK!!??!!"

I screamed this out before I noticed at the bottom that she asked me to keep it a secret...oops. Thankfully only Kristen heard me. The down side is that being in such a state of shock made me forget everything I'd been doing just seconds before.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:40 am


"She did what?! She kissed snape! EW! I just threw up a little bit! And who is cederic? And why is your sister getting all of this action?"

"I don't know, but it's creepy! Snapes old!" She shot back, and we both made gagging noises and we laughed crazily at her weirdo sister. "I can't believe this! It's just so weird! Snape wants my sister!" At this one, I really did gag, it was just so weird. I had no clue what Taylor saw in him!

"Oh my gosh! This is just to priceless!"

"But you can't mention that you know to taylor! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone!"

"I swear. On one condition! Tell me this secret! Now!" I poked her in the arm to emphasize my point. I had to know. I was dieing of curiosity!
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 12:54 am

It was hilarious watching Kristen gag at what I said. "You have to promise not to tell Taylor or anyone else okay?"

"I swear. On one condition! Tell me this secret! Now!" So to make it clear she poke me, and it actually hurt.

"Okay okay but you have to promise not to get mad or yell or hit me or curse me or anything! Deal?!" I stuck my pinkie out and she did the same. A pinkie promise can never be broken and I know she knows that. Taking in a deep breath I tell her. "Okay, today at lunch you weren't there right?" She nodded so I continued. "I tried to talk to Cho and her friend but they were just whinning about Snape's class earlier. So I looked over and saw Draco and he motioned for me to come over there. So I did happy to get away from Cho." Okay it's now or never, I had to tell myself. Trying to steady my breathing I continued. "So when I sat down the only seat open was next to him. Taking it we started talking and I took a chocolate covered strawberry from his plate and ate it. I told him it was delicious and that he should really try one. So I plopped one in his mouth and after he was finished I asked him if they were any good." Taking in what could possibly be my last breath I finished. "And he licked his lips and said quote un-quote 'yeah but I see something even more delicious than those.' So umm then he started to lean in toward me and me toward him (gulp) but thankfully Professor Dumbledore called all first years for the testing."

I looked and saw Kristen, expressionless and it looked like she wasn't breathing. "I didn't kiss him Kris and I'm glad I didn't because then I met Camden and I think I like Camden more. Or maybe I don't. Ugh I don't know what I want and don't want or what I like and what I don't like anymore! Please don't hate me forever!" I plead to her and just watch her.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 25, 2009 1:26 am

I stared at her for a second, completely shocked. And then, I jumped. I jumped on her and wrapped my arm around her. "YOU ALMOST KISSED DRACO MALFOY!" I yelled, hugging her, and we fell to the floor. I laughed loudly, and we she hugged me back.

"I swear, I thought you would kill me!" I sat on top of her.

"Why would I kill you?! You almost kissed Draco Malfoy! Sexy Slytherin extrodanaire!"

"Well . . . I thought that you liked him . . ." She said quietly.

I climbed off of her and sat on the floor. "Well of course I do! I mean, he's cute and pretty nice. Of course, we are just first years! It's not like i'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him! Whoever ends up with Draco ends up with Draco. I guess I'm just gonna have to step up my game a little bit!" i winked at her and climbed into bed. "I'm hittin the hay, I'm absolutely exhausted! You should sleep too, we have tons of classes tomorrow!" She smiled, and got into her own bed and closed the curtains. I waited until I heard soft snoring, and then waited a little longer. The snoring stopped, and I could hear light, even breathing coming from her bed. I slowly reached into my nightstand and pulled out my paper and quil.

'You still awake?' I scribbled on it. A reply came almost immediately. 'Of course. No sleeping for this little snake!' he drew a smiley face next to it. 'Oh, really? Then what were you doing in Charms today?' I wrote back with a little face with a tongue sticking out. 'Just resting my eyes a bit!' came the reply. 'That's what they all say!' I scrawled, laughing softly. He wrote back a littel face with it's tongue sticking out. 'What are you doing tomorrow during break?' he wrote after that. 'I dunno, probably doing some homework. Why?' I wrote back. 'Well, want to take a walk around the lake during break?' I silently screamed to myself, wanting so hard to do it in real life. 'Yeah, why not!' i wrote, overly eager. 'Then it's a date. I'll talk to you tomorrow, I need to sleep.' came the wonderful reply. 'Oh, the little snake needs his sleep!' I wrote back, with a smiley face. 'I'll talk to you tomorrow Draco. See you at breakfast' i wrote, and just as I was putting the parchment away, I saw his reply written on it. 'I'm looking forward to it! Love, Draco'

I nearly passed out from Happiness, and I didn't sleep at all that night. I layed in bed overly happy and excited for break time tomorrow.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 9:58 am

Camden’s POV

I walked with my fellow second years to dungeon 5. It was a year ago that I was walking toward this exact same place but for a whole different reason. It’s weird being one of the only people in your year and house to actually be able to transform makes you feel kind of special and more powerful in a way. I remember what I was feeling while I walked down this hallway ‘what if I don’t have a form?’, ‘what am I going to change into?’, ‘who’s going to be training me?’ That one was the one I was most worried about. I, being a scared little Hufflepuff, didn’t want to be stuck with a big tough Slytherin.

Thankfully when I entered the room I was paired with a fellow Hufflepuff, but one that really (I think) shouldn’t even be a Hufflepuff. Taylor Morfey stood there smiling and smiled bigger when I went over toward her. “Hi I’m Taylor! You must be Camden! I’m so excited and happy to be helping you find your animagus form. You ready for it?” She asked and pulled me to a work station and we started making the potion. Once we were finished she told me to drink the golden liquid and how to transform. So I did as she told me and looked around the room, not seeing any of my fellow house mates changing. Concentrating, I closed my eyes and felt a slight change in something. When I opened my eyes I saw Taylor bouncing up and down clapping her hands. “Congratulations Camden you are officially an animagus! Your form is a…oh you are a Mexican Gray Wolf! So does that mean you are Mexican? Just kidding, okay now to change back…” After I returned to my form Taylor told me that I was one out of 3 Hufflepuffs in my year to have an animagus form.

So throughout my whole first year I would have a day or two where Taylor would teach me about being an animagus, just like she was taught last year. She also helped me when I started to have grade troubles. She was one of the nicest girls I think I had ever met. Sometimes we would study in her room and I would ask her about the people in her pictures. The one that caught my eye the most was her younger sister Paige, who was only one year younger than me. We would also just hang out, when she had the time, and talk about school and my family.

I couldn’t believe that all of that flashed through my head just by walking down a hallway. Laughing to myself I entered the dungeon and was given my first year. A Gryffindor named Ron Weasley. Great I had a Weasley to teach. Not that that was bad or anything it’s just that, well his two older brothers are, well, kind of different. I instantly saw the head of red hair and introduced myself. “Hi I’m Camden. You must be Ron Weasley. Come over here and I’ll help you brew your potion and teach you about being an animagus.” He nodded and followed me. We brewed the potion in silence. I could tell that he wasn’t the best in potion making so I made sure to watch everything he put in and made sure to do the stirring. Once the potion was finished I told him, “All right now all you have to do is drink the potion and you might or might not feel something, well explode, inside of you.” He gave me a look like I was trying to make him explode from the inside. “No, no I didn’t mean it to sound that way. What I meant to say was that if you have the ability to change you will feel like that, umm gene inside you start to grow and expand.” He nodded and drank the potion.

He looked around and looked nervous. He was probably thinking he wasn’t going to have a form. I decided to look around at the changing first years, while I waited for the potion to work on him (it can take a little longer to work on some people than others). I saw Taylor working with Harry and saw him transform into a spotted leopard. Across from Taylor were Fred Weasley and Paige. My heart skipped a beat and I remembered her on the train yesterday helping Harry. She had transformed into a cute little yorkie dog. Turning my attention back to my pupil I saw his eyes start to change colors. Then suddenly he shrunk in size. “Congrats Ron you’re animagus is a pigmy owl. Okay to change back, make the gene inside you shrink back to the size it was before.” Hooting his okay, he closed his eyes. “Be careful not to do it too quickly, it will be painful. It has happened to me more than once.” Within a few moments the red and brown owl was now a red haired boy again.

“That was amazing!” He told me and gave me a high five. I looked over to see Paige turning back into her blonde haired self, all smiles and happy as could be. I couldn’t help but wish I was Fred, getting the hug and being her mentor. “Okay Ron, now that we know that you are an animagus there a few rules you need to follow and some more practice you need to have.” He nodded and we were about to leave the room when there was an explosion of some kind. I grabbed Ron and lead us out of there as quickly as I could (it was a good thing too because by the time we came back in all of our glassware had exploded). While we were outside I gave Ron some information and told him that we need to find a time and a place to practice and study. Re-entering the dungeon we saw glass all over the floor and students picking it up and fixing the broken glass. I didn’t see Paige or Taylor anywhere and decided to ask Harry to find her for me. “Hi Harry, I’m Camden McKinley. I was wondering if you knew a Paige Morfey?” He nodded and I smiled. “Well I think you probably saw her leave (nod). Could you catch up with her and tell her that I would like to have a word with her.” He nodded and gave Ron a shrug and ran out of the room. I decided to quickly fix as much glass as I could and start down the hallway after Harry.

When I found Harry he was talking to Paige. I said hello to her and the young Malfoy spat something at me but I didn’t care what he had to say. She looked so cute the way she stuttered and blushed. I took her by her hand and lead her down a hallway where students could stop and rest or tie their shoes (I had to do that more than once). We sat and I poured my heart out to her; telling her that I had had a crush on her since I saw her picture in her sister’s room. She smiled and held my hands, which was enough to make me never want this moment to end. Then, it’s something I hope she didn’t do, she said no. She told me that she hardly knew me, and I really couldn’t argue with that fact because truth be told I only knew what Taylor had told me. Thankfully she was going to give me another chance to get to know her better and for her to know me.

I happily took her back to the Great Hall, holding her hand the whole way there. She was like an angel fallen from heaven sent for me. When I held her hand I felt a spark, something connecting, something that just felt right between us. I told her good-bye and leaned down to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Her skin was soft and smelled like strawberries. I wished I didn’t have to let her leave; I just wanted it to be just her and me like that forever. I know it sounds weird yet I felt like she had only come to here for me. Whether it was just to be my friend or someone I could possibly love I didn’t know.

As I sat down at my house table my best friend, Ryan, gave me a once over. “So who was that hot little piece of candy and what happened man? You look like you were just hit by a curse that was good, whatever that means.” I just gave him a look and he knew instantly. “So who is she Cam?” He asked.

“Taylor’s younger sister.” His eyebrows raised and mouthed ‘wow’. Nodding I said, “I know man. She’s incredible and I’ve only talked to her for like 10 minutes but it felt like I’ve known her my whole life you know?”

Rolling his eyes he whispered to me “Dude your twelve years old and she’s what, eleven? You’re too young to be feeling that way toward some girl.” He scooped up a big pile of potatoes and stuffed it in his mouth.

Putting my arm around his shoulder I pulled him into me. “When I held her hand I felt the spark. The spark your parents and mine said they had when they first held hands. I think might me the real thing.” Sighing I took a scoop of fruit salad and plopped it on my plate. “But I think you have a point I am young to be feeling that way and so is she.” Looking at him, a smile growing on my face I finished, “So that’s why we’re going to start getting to know each other.” His jaw fell to the ground and I laughed and ate my salad. This year was going to be amazing.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 10:03 am


After Kristen almost killed me by tackling me to the ground we both got up and sat on her bed. I was so relieved when she told me that she wasn’t mad at me. Then I thought, well why would she be? I didn’t exactly kiss him, I didn’t even kiss him at all, and I think I’d rather kiss Camden than Draco. Wait what did I just think? I would rather kiss Camden than Draco? What?! Everything was so confusing I was happy that Kristen was tired because I needed to clear my head and sleep.

Saying goodnight, I hugged Kristen and got of her bed. Deciding it was a good idea to go to the bathroom one more time before bed. I head toward the Lou (it’s weird I know! They named the bathroom after a dude’s name!). After I’m finished I climb into my bed and shut my curtains; I like my privacy. Feeling around my bed I find my journal and feel it radiating and buzzing. Deciding I better make Kristen think that I was asleep I start snoring softly, for about five minutes or so (I usually do that apparently), then I start breathing evenly.

Opening my journal I see Taylor wrote back again: I know it’s out of the ordinary but it kind of felt nice. My jaw drops and I can’t believe I’m reading her talking about our teacher that way, a teacher that could be our dad! I write back: ‘Well I guess it’s not that unusual except if you think of it as kissing your father and it felt nice!’ We continued writing until about eleven that night. The strange thing was it sounded like Kristen was writing something too (or to someone).

In the morning I’m the first one to wake up, shocker there! (I wake up at six o’clock I don’t know why I just do) I head toward the bathroom and take a nice hot shower. After I’m done I wrap myself in my towel and do my hair. Blow drying hair is a pain in the, you know where, and usually takes me about a fifteen minutes or so. Finally finishing drying my hair I peak my head into the room, everyone still sound asleep (wow another shocker there!) and decide to make my hair nice and curly today. Silently I go into my trunk and pull out my curling iron and plug it in.

While I let the iron warm up I go, silently, into the room and change into my uniform. I decided that I wanted to wear my favorite high heels today (okay so they’re not really high heels but they do have a little heel that makes me feel taller) so I laid them out by the door. Once I’m changed I go back into the bathroom and curl my hair to death! (Figure of speech, well sort of) My hair already has a natural curl to it anyway so it took me about ten to fifteen (or less) to get it to perfection. Grabbing a cute blue clip (with bronze in it) I clip my hair and part of my bangs to the side.

I put some of my moisturizing lotion (it smells like strawberries yum!) on my face, legs, exposed chest, and my arms. Grabbing my make-up bag I put some eyeliner on my bottom and some mascara on all lashes. Deciding I wanted to sparkle today, I put on some of my favorite bronze (it’s actually a gold color but looks bronze-ish) sparkly eye shadow and some light blue sparkly eye shadow on my lids (blue then bronze (it looked really cute trust me)). Before I leave I add some glitter lip gloss (then put it in my pocket) and some sparkle nail polish. I don’t know what made me do all this, but since I still had like thirty or so minutes until breakfast actually started, I had to pass my time by doing something.

So then after I’m done painting my nails and they dry I hear three different alarm clocks go off and roll my eyes. I looked at my clock and it’s finally seven! I smile and see Kristen roll out of bed, I give her a warm smile and she returns it with a half awake half asleep one. I grab my bag and head out to the common room. As I sat in one of the chairs waiting for Kristen I decided that I wanted to head down to the Great Hall a little early and look around the school but making sure I pay close attention to where I’m going.

Opening the door I start making the long journey down to the Great Hall. I arrive at the hall in record time (7:10 to be exact). I still have twenty minutes left so I opt for taking a right and start heading down a random hallway. I make sure to not make too many turns or else I may never find my way back. The school is so amazing and beautiful and I couldn’t even think of a word for what all I thought of this school of magic. There were so many things to see and the pictures were amazing too. Some of the pictures waved and said hello while I wandered around. I came to the end of the hallway (I kept going straight the whole time there too) so I decided to take a left.

As I walk down that hallway I feel that I’m going deeper and deeper underground and I get a little nervous. When I get nervous I tend to speed things up and not really pay attention, so that’s exactly what I did. The hallway was getting dark and there wasn’t any pictures talking and waving to me. I start to feel sweat forming on my forehead (not only because I was scared silly but it started to get really hot) and quickly wipe it off. Then suddenly as I look behind me (bad idea) I ran into a wall and fall backwards and hit my head hard on the ground.

When I open my eyes again I scream. Where the hell was I? Looking around the strange room, that I know I wasn’t in before, I see no windows and no doors. I really don’t even see the bed that I was on. I jump off the bed and I immediately feel pain in the back of my head. Gasping at the suddenness of the pain I gently rub the back of my head. While I’m walking around I continue to look at the strange room. I couldn’t even tell what was in the room because it was so dark. I feel my way around and come across a door handle. I admit that I wasn’t fully thinking at this point in time, but I opened the door.

Suddenly light floods into my face and blinds me. I step backwards blindly and hit the wall, hitting my head hard again and fall flat on my butt. “What the bloody hell?” Is all I hear because from the collision with the wall my ears are ringing. Still having difficulty seeing, I feel hands touching me. Freaking out more than I should I start to slap at the hands while yelling “Where am! Don’t touch me! Get me out of here!” After I did that for about thirty seconds or so, one of the hands covers my mouth.

“Finally you shut up. Is that something you would do if you were being attacked for real?” I’ve heard that voice before and the hand is removed from my mouth. “Draco?” I ask and I could almost hear the smirk forming on his face. “Who else would it be love?”

Opening my eyes I see Draco’s face a couple of inches away from mine. Letting out a sigh of relief I wrap my arms around Draco’s body and pull him in for a hug. “Oh Draco I never thought I would be this happy to see you!” Pulling him tighter I continue, “You saved my life! So umm…where exactly am I?” I ask as I let go of him.

Regaining his compositor and smoothing down his hair he said, “Well Crabbe and Goyle were heading out for breakfast and they said when they entered the common room they heard a knock on the door. So opening it, since they were leaving anyway, they saw your passed out body lying on the ground. Apparently they knew who you were and brought you in to our room. Crabbe woke me up, I gave him a nice talking to about that, and Goyle had you in his arms. I told them to lay you on my bed while I shower and to just go down for breakfast. Good thing I left when I did or you would’ve caught me naked, while I was getting my clothes on.”

I listened to everything he said and was thankful I didn’t see him…indisposed when I opened the door. Actually I didn’t see anything really as I was blinded by the light (isn’t that a song?). “So wait I was lying on the ground?” He nodded “And Crabbe and Goyle, your two beefy body guards, found me and brought me into you?” Nodding again he smiled. “So why exactly was I lying on the ground? I thought I hit my head on a wall.”

“Well you see that’s the entrance into our common room. You have to know where it is and say the password. It took Crabbe and Goyle a good long time to remember when to talk to the wall and when not to.” Draco said laughing toward the end. I smiled and couldn’t believe I actually accidentally ran into the entrance to the Slytherin dorm and common room.

“Well I guess I should thank my two knights in shining armor.” Draco looked hurt as I pushed myself off the ground. “Hey I already thanked you for saving my life didn’t I?” He shrugged which made me laugh even more. “I guess I could give you something for my appreciation.”

I moved closer to him and put my arms around his neck and moved my face closer to his. Whispering in his ear I said “Thank you Draco and you really need to not keep your hair slicked back all the time.” Leaning back to look at the shocked expression on his face (I couldn’t really back up since Draco had wrapped his arms around my back). I laughed and moved my hands towards his hair, messing it up and spiking it up. “This looks more you. Plus you look stylish and approachable yet still mysterious and sexy.”

“You think I’m sexy?” He asked, eyebrows raised and a smirk planted on his wonderful lips. “No but maybe to someone blind you would be.” I smiled and laughed. “Oh Draco Malfoy you silly little snake you. I’m a Ravenclaw remember, I can out smart you any day.” His eyebrows arched again in surprise and then his smile lit up his whole face. It made my heart melt and made my breath hitch. How could someone be this gorgeous?

“I don’t think you’re up to my level yet little raven.” Then in an instant I was pushed up against the wall. Draco’s face was so close; I could feel his slow even breath on my neck. My breathing quickened and my mind began to melt. He smelled so good, so fresh and sweet it clogged my senses. “So how can you out smart me now Paige?”

“Oh I think I know one way.” Swiftly and accurately I brought my knee up so that it stopped just centimeters from that Malfoy pride. Draco’s eyes widened and he let a rush of air escape his lips.

“Have I ever mentioned that you have surprisingly swift reflexes?” He said, in a dangerous position. If he tried to move I could nail him, so he had to stand and wait for me to make the decision of whether to lower my leg or let it finish its climb.

“No but thank you for mentioning it.” I liked being able to toy with him that way, now I know how Taylor felt with her multitude of curses and hexes under her belt.

Draco let out a breath, he was starting to sweat now. “And let me add that your control is amazing. For which I and my unborn children are extremely grateful.” Letting out a laugh I lowered my leg and he backed away slowly.

“It’s taken a lot of practice to get it that way, you should be lucky you weren’t one of my earlier test subjects.” He let out a small laugh, no doubt imagining those poor souls of my earlier years. The expression on his face made me break down so I was rolling on the floor with laughter, and so was he after the shock wore off.

“You’re a jerk you know that Draco?” I said when I could actually breathe again. “Yeah I know.” He said and smiled his Draco Malfoy breath taking smile and I smiled in return.

“Alright let me get my shoes and I’ll escort you to breakfast since you probably don’t remember how you got down here.” I nodded and we left the bathroom. All the way down to the Great Hall we joked and talked about how our day’s going to turn out and how our morning was so weird. “So I’ll be seeing you at lunch?” He asked.

“Yeah of course, unless you magically switched the time of your lunch on me.” He smiled and I smiled. “See you later in Herbology Draco.” I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to sit at the Ravenclaw table.
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