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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 26, 2009 11:50 pm

I was so confused, emotions whirling inside me faster than a hurricane. When Paige wrote back to me ‘Well I guess it’s not that unusual except if you think of it as kissing your father and it felt nice!’ I started to feel sick, Severus could get in so much trouble if anyone found out what had happened I didn't know what happened in the wizarding world but I knew what hapened in the muggle world and it wasn't pretty. "Why do you have to say things like that? I already know that he's older but he's only old enough to be my dad if he had a kid during school." I write back trying to wipe away the damn tears that are streaming down my face. Why am I being such a whimp these days? Ever since school started I've been weepy, maybe I need to take a breather to my hiding place to center myself.

Getting out of bed, already dressed in my white flowy nightgown I slip my feet into my yellow slippers. Taking journal, quill, and lighting my wand I slip into the tunnels. So most Hufflepuffs only use the tunnels to go from common room to dorms and of course as short cuts for when they're late to class but they just don't have it in them to explore the tunnels the prefects don't show them, thankfully I was courageous enough to do at least that.

I'd found caved in tunnels, and ones that lead into teachers classrooms, many were uncompleted but all had the tile floor and lighted ways no matter what, leaving me to believe that the blocked and unfinished tunnels simply had spells on them. The ones that worked lead to all manner of places, my favorite was the tunnel I traveled now. There was one tunnel that had tiny lions carved into the tile, this lead to Gryffindor tower and came out in their common room, the one with ravens lead to raveclaw and came out in the same place, however the one with snakes on it lead somewhere completely different. It was this tunnel I traveled now.

When I came to the end of the tunnel I breathed on the stone snake and the door handle twisted open leading me into a large room. When I'd found it at the end of first year it was a cold, dank room just a bitter shadow of it's former self. Thankfully in second year I'd known enough spells to repair the furniture, antiques all of them desks, couches, bookshelves, lamps. I'd scrubbed the floors and walls with my own hands leaving nothing unturned. The fire place was cleaned with help from the house elves, stained glass windows polished with my instruction by house elves (they wouldn't let me get on the ladder), and finally the small pool in the corner that was fed by a water fall from the lake was cleaned loving by me and filled with fresh water plants and fish to fertilize them and eat them.

Above the desk that I often used for studying was a portrait that I'd found in the corner covered with stained velvet cloths, and long since forgotten. The frame was cracked, no protection charms had been placed on it, or they had been forceably removed, the canvas was scorched. It had taken nearly two months two repair the frame, another three the canvas. When I finished it was a silver frame with snakes carved intricately around it, the canvas was a smooth mossy green. I hung it up and two weeks later the portraits owner returned. It frightened me the first time he came into the room, but I was used to his comings and goings now.

Salazar Slytherin was in his portrait when I arrived that night. "Ah Taylor my girl, I was hoping you'd be around sometime tonight, it was a long summer." I smile at the handsome wizard, most take Salazar to be ugly because he is always portrayed so but like he said they always must distort what they do not understand. After his falling out with the other founders Salazar's portraits were all destroyed except for this one, which somehow managed to escape the fire Gryffindor students had set to his office. For all these years he'd been hiding in other portraits in the school waiting for someone to find him and restore him.

Thankfully I'd been that person and he'd told me where he'd hidden all of his books, which had escaped the fire and the ravages of time quite nicely for which I was greatful and now shone like new in the bookcases I'd fixed.

"Hey I told you I'd take you with me but they'd catch me before I got out of the school." He nodded and smiled "So I just happened to be in the Potion Master's quarters tonight." I let my mouth gap open as I set the buzzing journal down and crossed my arms at him. "You've been peeking!" I accused and he looked taken back and sneaky, his green eyes flashed and I instantly thought of Harry hmm, I'd have to go poking threw Dumble's records again.

"I wasn't, and before you get huffy I just wanted you to know that I think you'd be a good match." I was still shocked and scoffed to hide it. "What me and Snape? You can't be serious he's sixteen years my senior." Salazar nodded and smiled "I was eighteen to my wife, and you balance each other quite well..." I opened the journal "Ignoring me are you?"

"I've got something important to do now, but I'll visit on Friday and bring newspaper clippings, and some television I taped for you over the summer." Slytherin gave a satisfied smile and faded into the portrait even though I knew he'd still be watching.

Paige wrote back that she was sorry she just didn't understand what I saw in him. Sighing I picked up my quill and wrote 'It's not that it's anything it's just when I think of a guy I want to be with I want someone smart, and kind, someone who isn't afraid to stand up to me and someone who won't push me around. Severus fits all that, and though many people don't think so he is very handsome, espically when he smiles, it's verging on adorable." It was only a few moments before she wrote back.

'Sounds like you've got it bad sister. So tell me about this Cedric dude, isn't he the one from the train that got hexed?' Laughing I wrote back "Yes I've got it horribly bad, but I don't know what to do about it....Cedric is the one from the train, he's amazingly nice and cute, but tonight he forced me to kiss him, and actually hurt me a bit. He's done it before and it didn't bother me but tonight Snape saw a bruise and it made him really angry.'

'Well that's not too nice and cute of him, why would you let him do that?" Paige writes back drawing a little confused face on the paper. I scribble back 'Cedric's got it bad for me, and a horrible home life. I'm hoping I can teach him how to be a gentlemen before he gets a new crush...' I could almost hear the sigh in Paige's voice "Okay, as long as you know what you're doing.." I do I wrote back 'Well alright, good night then.' I wished her good night and when to sit in one of the many armchairs in the room while Salzar came back and we started to talk about varying hexes.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 4:26 pm

When I woke the next morning, I was absolutely exhausted. I turned off my alarm, the buzzing just giving me a headache and making me want to go back to bed. I slipped on my slippers to protect my feet from the cold floor, and I padded softly across the room. I waved to Paige, scratching my head. I quick grabbed my laptop, powering it up. I found my music, and quickly put on my showering music, which always woke me up. It was almost like coffee, which I absolutely hated. I set my laptop in a safe place, and got into my shower stall. Stripping, I turned on the water and let the jets beat into my back. I washed myself and shaved, feeling awake and relaxed.

I stepped out of the shower less than 15 minutes later. I dried myself off using a spell I had found in one of my many researching books I had read over the summer. I magiced my hair to be in my perfect curls, and pulled on my clothes. Feeling satisfied, I grabbed my makeup bag and did the usual. Eyeliner, mascara, a bit of eyeshadow, today in bright green to make my brown eyes pop, and some foundation.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, and walked into the room to find Paige gone already. I got on my socks and my Chuckles, grabbing my bookbag from the side of my bed, and headed out of the common room. I had 20 minutes until breakfast, so I walked at a nice slow pace. I dragged my hand along the wall, enjoying the cool feeling of the stone wall against my hand. I wasn't paying attention at all, and thus didn't notice when I bumped into someone. I fell on my butt, as did they. I pulled my hair out of my face to notice a very cute looking boy staring at me in the eyes.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention at all!" I stuttered quickly, my scottish accent more prominant now more than ever. He grinned at me, and cheeky little grin with adorable dimples.

"It's no problem. I wasn't paying attention either." He said at me, through a little smile, with a little irish lilt that just made my heart melt. He stood up and reached out a hand. I grasped it, and he pulled me up. "I'm Oliver Wood." he told me, still holding my hand.

"Kristen Kennedy." I replied, getting a little twisty feeling in my stomache. He let my hand drop, and I immeadiatly missed the warmth it had.

"I was just heading down to breakfast. Would you like to accompany me? It's the least I can do for knocking you down." He smiled down at me, his brown eyes making my heart beat faster than I thought possible. I blushed deeply.

"As long as you let me help you pick up your books. It's the least I can do for knocking you down." He smiled at me nodding just a bit. I crouched down, picking up a few quils, some books, and parchment. He in turn, cleaned up the broken ink bottles, and siphoned up the spilled ink. He pocketed his wand, and I handed him is books. I grabbed my bag, and we started walking down the hallway together.

"What year are you in?" He asked conversationally.

"First. And you?"

"Third. I'm also Quidditch captian for the Gryffindors." He boasted.

"Really?" At his nod, I just smiled. "I'm impressed. And I feel bad for the Gryffindor team. If I can knock their Quidditch captain off his feet, then it cant be to hard to knock him off of his broom." He laughed loudly, and I was immeadiatly addicted to his laugh.

"I'm gonna hold you to that. We'll see if you could knock me off my broom!" I smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna have to learn how to fly one first!" I pointed out.

"That just might help some! Of course, if you're afraid of heights, you have no hope." he added.

"Crap. I'm sore out of luck! I'll just have to let someone else do it!" I said, adding disappointment to my voice.

"Well, what if I took you up on my broom, do you think you would be okay then?" he asked. I was surprised. Was this third year, this amazingly beautiful third year, flirting with me?

"I think so." He smiled brightly, and I did in return. By then we were at the doors to the Great Hall. I started to head over to the Ravenclaw table, when Oliver grabbed my hand.

"Why don't you eat with me today?" He asked my, and I again blushed the color of the gryffindor banner.

"Sure. I'd love to." I caught Paige's eye while following Oliver down the aisle. She sent me a questioning look. I just shrugged at her and smiled. We sat across from Harry and Ron, along with Hermione, the girl with the bushy hair. I kept getting questioning looks from Draco across the hall, who was also glaring just a bit. I turned once to see Paige smiling at me, and I caught Taylor's eye. She smiled and laughed a bit, winking slightly. I turned back toward my breakfast, and talked with Oliver, Harry and Ron until breakfast was over. Double History of Magic was first, and the riding lessons. Oliver found this very amusing, him knowing I was afraid of heights. I meanwhile, almost peed my pants.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 27, 2009 10:57 pm

As I walked to the Ravenclaw table I couldn't help take a glance toward the Hufflepuff table. I waved at Taylor who simply rolled her eyes and continued her conversation. Searching the table, my eyes caught the dark blue eyes of Camden's. Smiling at him he smiled back and muttered something to his friend. Then his cute brunette friend looked at me and blushed, when he saw me looking at him. They started talking and I rolled my eyes and sat at my table. Cho was already sitting and talking to one of the boys in our year. Complaining, as usual, of what classes we had today. "I can't believe we have to start the day off with one of the most boring classes ever!" I loaded my plate with eggs, hash browns, and a piece of toast. Taking a big bite of my eggs I looked across the table to Cho, "So if you're complaining about a class that's suppose to be easy as pie for us Ravenclaws and actually really interesting according to my sister. Pardon my French, but how the fucking hell did you become a Ravenclaw?" Her jaw immediately dropped and I couldn't even hold back the laugh that just burst out of me. Still laughing at her gawking face I didn't even feel the tap on my shoulder until I felt a really cold hand on my shoulder. "What the? Oh it's just you. How are you Camden? You can sit if you'd like." I told him gesturing to the seat next to me.

"So I was wondering what you were doing during break today." He asked and put my hands in his. I glanced over at Cho, her jaw still opened almost to the ground, I struggled to keep my composure. "Umm, studying I guess. Why?"

"Oh no reason really. Except I was thinking we could study together and talk you know?" His eyes felt like they were entering my mind. I had reason to believe that he already knew the answer before I told I actually said anything. "S-sure that sounds good to me." I said, feeling my face start to blush immediately.

He smiled that wonderful smile that I've only seen once before but I couldn't help my heart from melting anyway. "Great! So what class do you have before break?"

"Umm I think I have Herbology. Yeah I have Herbology right before break, you?" I said, twisting a piece of hair that had fallen in my face. I made sure to keep one of my hands holding his.

"Care for magical creatures. So I could drop by the Herbology house and pick you up." He said and stood up, still holding my hand. "Don't forget to bring you books to study with." Never letting my eyes leave his, he moved down and gave me another sweet kiss on the forehead then cheek and whispered "I'll be thinking about it all day." It sent shivers down my spine and when he let go of my hand I felt something leave me with him.

Turning my attention back to Cho I glanced over her shoulder to see Draco look at me then turn away toward that Pansy girl. Weird name, it makes her sound like she is a pansy you know? Oh well I wouldn't let it bother me, I had a 'date' to look forward to with Camden McSexy! I smiled to myself and drowned out the noise of Cho complaining and finished eating my breakfast.

The classes went by quickly today. Cho of course was complaining about the whole History of Magic class. Whatever no big deal I had all of Taylor's notes from her first year and even her book, which was in great condition. It was actually very interesting just like Taylor said. The only class that I really didn't like was the flying lesson. I was able to get on my brom it was just the matter of wanting to fly on it, that's all. "Look everyone! The Morfey is afraid of heights." Pansy yelled across the field after Madam Hootch left the to take the Neville kid away.

"Shut up all of you!" I shouted. "Unless you want to have a mind blowing experience...literally." I saw Draco smirk and I smiled at him. Pansy caught the direction of my smile and turned toward me. She would be a really pretty girl if she wasn't so mean and wearing such an ugly outside completion.

"You wish Morfey! Draco doesn't like mud-bloods like yourself. You only wish you could have a chance with him." Everyone around oohed at us and I stepped toward her, dropping my broom.

"Don't temp me to do anything harmful to you Pansy because I don't really know how to control it myself." I was face to face with her. I only did what I did because, well, when I got that close she spit on me and said "Filthy little mud-blood." Raising my hands I made a rock right next to her foot explode. Next came her watch, then one of her books that hand fallen out of her book bag. "Stop it!" She screamed at me which only made me happier.

"Take it back!" I said hands reading to make something else explode. "I never say sorry to a mud-blood." That just crossed my t and I made the broom in her hand explode, causing her to be shot backwards. "You should've just taken it back. Next time you won't be so lucky." We were all sent to the library because Madam Hootch had to stay in the hospital wing with Neville.

I caught up to Draco as we were heading to the library, Pansy had excused herself to he hospital wing to get her hand looked at, she blamed it on her falling and hitting it wrong and burning it the other day. "Draco! Draco!" I yelled at him and he stopped and looked around toward me and motioned with his eyes to a bookshelf. "Why didn't you say something to her? I didn't want to hurt her you know that."

"I know you didn't, but I couldn't let it look like I actually care about a, well you know what." He said and moved closer to me, I'm practically pushed against the books.

I push him away. "And why not? You do care about me, right? I mean I thought we were friends?" I said, the hurt clear in my voice.

He looked at me and shrugged. "We are, but I don't want anyone else to know that, not yet anyway." "Why?" I demanded. "Because it will hurt my reputation of hating mud-bloods." He gasped when he realized what he had just said. My eyes started to water. "Paige I didn't mean that." He tried to say and grabbed my shoulders so I would look at him. All I did was put my hands up and stop him right there. Moving out of his grasp I ran down the narrow way of books and unfroze everything.

I continued to run until I was outside again. Once I was outside I collapsed on the ground and began to sob. I didn't think hearing him say that, even if it really wasn't about me, could hurt me so much. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks and I didn't try to wipe them away. I sniffled and just looked around at the beautiful sunny day. I felt like someone ripped my heart out and then stomped on it. I didn't think I cared that much about how Draco thought or about how he saw me, but it turned out I did. Hearing footsteps coming up behind me I didn't even care if anyone saw me crying.

"Paige?" Came the voice, but I was crying so hard that my head wasn't comprehending anything around me. When the person go closer I simply turned my body and grasped the legs of who ever it was. I knew it was a boy because he was wearing pants. I cried and cried and didn't even care, I didn't care what anyone thought. How could I possibly care when I was hurting so much?
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 9:26 pm

"Come on! Flying lessons today! Did you forget already!" I grabbed Paige's hand and started running off toward the Quidditch pitch, dragging Piage along behind. I was so giddy and happy. When we got to the pitch we slowed to a walk. "I met this really cute guy today. You know, the one you saw me at breakfast with? His name is Oliver Wood, and he's a third year Gryffindor. And he's their Quidditch Captain!" I told her. We found two brooms next to each other, and stepped up to the left hand side.

Just as we got into place, Maddam Hooch walked out onto the pitch with four people following behind her, one of them being Oliver. He smiled at me and gave a little wink. I grinned back, and turned my attention towards Maddam Hooch.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Stick your right hand over the broom and say UP!" We did as told, and only one person managed to do it, that person being Harry. "With feeling now!" We did it again, and I managed to get the broom up into my hand. I glanced over to see Paige's broom going up into hers. We grinned at each other. I wanted to pee my pants. I hated heights and everything involved with them. Once everyone had their broom in their hands, Maddam Hooch started talking again. "Now, I want you to mount your brooms. Very Good. Now, these young folks will be walking around to help you with your grip and stance, and make sure you're ready to fly.

Ignoring all the girls vying for his attention, Oliver came straight over to me. "Surprise." He whispered in my ear, smiling his boyish little smile. He placed his hands over mine, shifting slightly. "This will help with your steering." He said at a normal voice. He let his hands linger there for a moment longer before giving me a slight smile and moving on. He stopped at Paige and told her to narrow her stance a little bit.

Once everyone was situated and all four of the students were up behind her, she comanded our attention once again. "Now, I want you to kick off from the ground. Hard. Hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly, and touch back down. One, Two, Three!" Oliver gave me a reassuring smile, and Maddam Hooch blew her whistle. Just as I was ready to kick off, I heard a slight holler. I looked up to see Neville rising into the air higher and higher. He went up and up and up, and then started jerking around on his broom. He zoomed around the pitch, hollering the whole time. Finally, he fell to the ground.

My eyes were wide, and I was breathing heavily. I think I was having a panic attack. Oh god. Oh god, oh god, oh god. I was going to fall the moment I got on that broom. I just knew it. I hated heights. HATED them. And not even a mild dislike. It was a passion. And it wasn't even the heights, it was the prospect of falling.

Maddam Hooch took neville off to the hospital wing, and I felt a warm hand slip into mine. I hadn't even noticed dropping my broom. I squeezed to hand, thinking it was Paige's. When it squeezed back though, I realized it was a little to big to be a girls hand. I looked up to see Oliver standing there, staring into my eyes with his. With his hand still in mine, he put his other arm on my shoulder and leaned his head on it, so that our heads were close enough to kiss. "Calm down. You won't fall. Even if you do fall, I'll catch you. Always." His deep brown eyes bore into mine.

"Swear?" I asked in a little voice.

"Swear." He stated simply, and I felt slightly better. I heard yelling coming from above me. Harry was soaring away from us, in obvious persuit of something Draco had apparently thrown. "Wow. A first year flying like that. He'd make a fantastic seeker. Look at that catch!" And just like that, he was in his quidditch world.

I felt Paige to my right, and smiled. I leaned my head toward Oliver and rolled my eyes, earning a bit of a grin. I leaned close to her. "He's cute though!" At that, she gave a full laugh. I grinned, proud of myself. "How was your morning? We haven't really gotten to talk all day!" I asked her.

Last edited by Kris Kringle. on Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 10:35 pm

"Paige?" I heard again, this time my eyes were all dried out. Wiping my face I looked up to see a devilishly handsome Slytherin. He had a beautiful mixture of blue and green eyes. His hair was an amazing dark brown that had hints of light brown throughout them. His smile was breath taking; every tooth was brilliantly white. "Yes?" I asked him, still having my legs wrapped around his legs.

"So your name is Paige, good. I was thinking I heard it wrong. Your sister is Taylor right?" I nodded and he smiled again and bent down and sat on the grass next to me. "So why were you crying? I'm Adrian Pucey, second year Slytherin."

"N-nice to meet you." I told him, and it sounded like I was about to burst out crying again. "I don't really know why, but shouldn't you want to leave?" He gave me a questioning look. "I thought all you Slytherins hated muggle born witches, or mud-bloods." I hissed out the last word which made him laugh and I wanted to listen to it all day long.

"Most of us do, but you and your sister are something special, so says Snape. I really don't care about blood purity and that shit, 'cause hey I'm half blood myself." My jaw dropped and he laughed again. "What you never heard of a half-blood Slytherin?" I shook my head and he laughed some more. "Well now you have. So you really didn't tell me why you were crying in the first place." Adrian said.

"Well I was called a mud-blood by someone that I thought would never call me that. It hurt a lot and I don't know I kind of overreacted I guess."

"If someone called me a mud-blood I would've punched them right in the kisser and wouldn't even regret it. Sounds to me that you need to start to not make excuses for people, especially when they hurt you. So who was it any way and why does he or she matter so much?"

"Draco Malfoy." Sniffling I moved so I could look at him in the face. "He said it would hurt his reputation if he were seen with me, being a you know what." He nodded and muttered 'ass whole.' and I just laughed. "So what can you do that's so important?" I asked him.

"How do you know I can do something special?" He asked and I shrugged "A lucky guess." I told him and he smiled. "Well I happen to be the house chaser for quidditch."

"Wow that's amazing! I wish I wasn't so afraid of height 'cause I bet I could totally be a good Quidditch player!" I told him and he laughed.

"Well you'll have to come see our first game. It's in three weeks, we're going up against Hufflepuff. Hopefully we'll kick their asses, no offense to your sister." I laughed. He got up and outstretched his hand for me. Taking it, he pulled me up (he definitely was strong!) and held me there. "So, if you're not doing anything really important for lunch, want to take some and sit out by the lake?" Nodding he smiled and held my hand. "Mind if I walk you to class?" He asked.

"I don't mind. Just take me to the library please, I don't want you to have to walk all the way to Herbology for me." I told him as I gathered my books and he his, and we started down the hallway.

"No biggie really, I have Care of Magical Creatures with Hufflepuff today. Don't know why though." We talked all the way to the green houses and stopped out front. "So bring you favorites and I'll snag us some dessert and meet me outside of the Great Hall okay?" I nodded and he bent down and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "See ya later Paige, have fun in Herbology."

"Thanks. Have fun in Care of Magical Creatures." I told him back and when he was gone touched my hand to my cheek. "Draco who?" I muttered to myself. All during Herbology I had to remember that I had a 'date' with Camden during break and a lunch 'date' with Adrian. I couldn't care less if Draco called me a mud-blood, actually I'm happy he did 'cause if he hadn't I wouldn't have met Adrian.

As I walked into the green house Kristen ran up to me and, while yanking on my arm squealed "Guess what guess what?!?!"

"What?" I asked her as we found a seat and sat down.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2009 11:32 pm

So I'm a dreamer, as soon the whole school would know soon, did I really care that they knew? Yes I did and to let out my frustration I took out my broom and walked down to the Quidditch pitch. Since I didn't make the team last year I was hoping this year I'd get put on. So I rose above the stands and let myself float up there, the breeze taking me the ways it wanted to. I was perfectly content before the winds rose up making me take a firmer grip and with that grip came the vision. It was calmer than normal the mist I walked threw to get to visions of the past...I was on the lake I knew that I was only many a decade back because of the hair styles as robe styles never really changed. The world was in black and white so as I watched I got the distinct flavor of this being a past that I needed to pay special attention to the small details. I continued to walk and saw a boy sitting under my favorite tree that hung into the lake.

He was reading and I couldn't see his face, but I did see boys coming up to hassle him, for some reason there was no sound...not important, not yet. Then I saw her, she ran forward and her eyes, were my eyes and his eyes and he only had eyes for her...'Mudblood...' The voice so familiar said and those green eyes turned gray and cold to him. The mists pulled me back just as I was re-entering the pitch.

My broom floated being taken by the wind away from me, "Accio Broom!" I screamed with all my might, grabbing the broom with one hand just before I toppled into the stands. The crunch distracted me for a moment before I climbed on the broom and flew it back to the shed. Nothing about me appears to be broken thankfully, just my shoulder is sore from the jerk of going from free fall to still ness. Just as the sun rises I go to the Great Hall for breakfast. The owls fly in and the posts are given out, already I hear the disbelief, and sentences like wow she's even more of a freak than I thought! Sighing I try to remain normal and even give Kristen a wink as she walks in with Wood, that boy is such a man whore.

Harry comes up to me when I'm mid-way threw my granola cereal, I'm probably the only person in the whole joint that eats cereal regularly, with a strange look on his face. "What's up Harry?" I ask and he blushes and smiles "Well I wanted to say thanks...and wonder if we could set up a meeting?" Grinning I pull a ticket out of my pocket, its filled out with the corridor and time I want him to meet me, down to the portrait I want him standing by. "Meet me here, don't be late." He runs away quite happy to his gaggle of friends, he's such a good kid.

After breakfast I have potions, the class I loved long before the strange friendship formed with Snape and now it's my escape. Snape doesn't tolerate any shit in his class, ever. Today we're making just a simple healing potion for which I'm glad cause I can use that to help with my shoulder, so I'm concentrating hard on my potion when some idiot bumps me and adds a powder to my cauldron. I notice the color change rapidly and I scream 'Hit the Deck!' as I dive beneath the deck and my potion explodes. Fucking Ravenclaw bastards laughing with his friends, 'Bet you didn't see that coming little seer.' Grumbling I pull my wand out and curse him and his buddies before they even blink. All of them are lying on the floor covered in boils and sores. "Bet you didn't see that coming." I say back before I feel the burning on my ankles, looking down I see the potion has already eaten threw my clothes and is trying to go threw my skin.

"Ah!" I yell and jump out of the potion knocking myself to the ground while screaming my bloody lungs out. "When I heal this you are dead! You'll be lucky if you can ever reproduce!" I scream and this finally draws Snape. I hear him growl and he picks me up bridal style and rushes me into his room. "Class is dismissed! Fifty points from Ravenclaw and detentions all around!" Still moaning he lays me on his desk and easily removes the rest of my potion covered pants, robe and shirt. Thankfully I'm still fully covered but the potion is still eating at my skin. "Ow, ow, fuck me ow!" I say trying to claw at my skin. "Stop it, you'll spread the potion." Snape mutters under his breath and removes the potion and my infected blood. Trying not to cry I bite my lip and clutch the table as he puts a green cream on my injured legs and stomach, it burns before it cools and thankfully the skin grows back, then he covers it with the potion he gave me last night, healing it but leaving angry vine like scares in the affected area.

"Thanks for that." He meets my eyes "Your welcome." The tension builds and freaking out I slip under his arm and leave. "I'll see you tonight Severus." It's only when I'm out of the room that I realize that the boy was Snape and the girl with the green eyes was the girl he loved, the girl with green eyes like me.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 4:35 pm

That whole day, I barely saw Paige. We did have history of magic together, but we were so engrossed in taking notes, we barely had time to talk. After History of Magic, paige had herbology while I had DADA, and then break. Luckily, Draco had DADA with me, so when we left for break, we just walked out together. We headed out of the dungeons in a comfortable silence, and then turned to go out of the castle. We walked to the grounds not really talking, and started to circle the black lake.

"So, what's up with you and Paige?" He asked me, taking me completely off gaurd. That was one question I wasn't expecting.

"What do you mean?" I was confused. Why would he ask this?

"Well, you two are just so different. She's outgoing and flirty, while you're quiet and relaxed. It's just, you guys are complete opposites, yet you seem like such good friends."

"Well, yeah. Haven't you ever heard the expression 'opposites attract?'" I asked him, and I could tell by his expression that he hadn't. "We just complement each other I guess."

"That's weird. 'Opposites attract,' huh? Well, does that mean that i should end up with a quiet, shy girl?" He asked, his icy blue eyes bearing into my soul.

"I guess." I said, a slight blush creeping onto my cheeks. We found some trees near the edge of the lake with a good view of the school to lean against.

"You know. I said some bad things to Paige today. I don't want you to hear it from her and think badly of me for it." He said, his gaze wandering around anywhere but my eyes.

"What did you say to her?"

"I told her that I didn't want to be seen with, well, a mudblood." He said, a slight grimace on his face. "It was an accident. I didn't mean it how it came out. I think I even made her cry."

"What's so wrong with calling her a mudblood? It's just another word for muggleborn, right?" He nodded.

"It's a bad word though, like saying nigger in the muggle world. You just don't say it to one." He sighed, and I just laughed.

"Draco, she'll get over it. You didn't call her one out right, so I don't see what the huge problem is, really. Her feelings were probably just hurt, and she overreacted a little bit." He nodded at me, and we fell into a comfortable silence. "You know, you shouldn't really have you're hair greased back like that." I told him, reaching over and messing up his hair a bit.

He smirked. "Well, I happen to think I look absolutely ravishing with my hair like this." He said, and I laughed, earning a smirk from him.

"Well, I bet with your hair just regular, you would think you look absolutely ravishable." I said pointedly, earning a full blown smirk. That stupid smirk. That stupid, hot, sexy smirk, that I just loved so much.

“Ravishable? I think I just might have to test that out.” And then he winked. He WINKED. Gods. That boy will drive me bonkers.

“I said you would think so, not anyone else. Maybe your just not good looking enough for any girl, no matter the hair style.”

“Oh? You think so?” And then, that boy got in my face. So close that I could feel his breath of my face, and taste it on my lips. I caught my breath. I couldn’t speak, nor could I focus. “What do you think now, Miss Kennedy?” My head was already against a tree, so I couldn’t move away, and those icy blue eyes held mine in place.

I leaned forward, as if to kiss him. And just when I got close enough for our lips to touch. I stopped. “Definitely not ravishable, Mr. Malfoy.” He raised his eyebrows, and sat back a little, yet not all the way. I smirked at him, and stood up. "I'll see you in class Draco." And I walked away, smiling broadly.

"Maybe I was wrong about her." I heard Draco muble to himself. I turned around and smiled broadly, and gave a little wave. "Definiatly was wrong about her. There's more to her than just cuteness and smarts." I smirked to myself, and then remembered that we now had flying lessons, and the I remembered Oliver, and his promise to take me up on his broom. I was on cloud nine, and everything was perfect.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 7:32 pm

"What?" I asked her again, class had already started but Professor Sprout wasn't in the classroom yet (she had an emergency in the hospital wing that needed some special plants). She looked from me to the door then back to me again and then turned face on to me.

"You know the guy at our flying lesson today?" She asked and I nodded, "Yes, continue." Taking in a deep breath she continued. "Well he said that he would take me out on my own private flying lesson! Isn't that crazy?!" She said almost bouncing out of her seat.

"Calm down Kristen and yes but it isn't crazy...it's wonderful!! I'm so happy for you! He seems really nice and sweet." She nodded and I said to her more in a whisper because we were starting to get stares. "So what's your plan during break?"

She looked nervous for a minute then said coolly, "I don't know studying in the library, why?"

"Well I didn't want you to get upset if I wasn't there." She gave me a questioning look. "Well I kinda have a date with Camden during break and I was going to study with him."

"That's great Paige!" She squealed and squeezed me till I almost couldn't breath. Then Professor Sprout came in and the lesson started.

Herbology was interesting but there were way too many plants to worry about and how they were classified. Since some Gryffindors were talking during our lesson, we were given a study packet for our test that she moved from next week to Thursday. Grumbling to myself I picked up my bag and plopped my books in it. I walked out of the green house with Kristen by my side, she was also complaining about the stupid Gryffindors. As we approached the doors to Hogwarts I heard my name being yelled behind me. Turning around at the same time, Kristen and I looked to see who it was. Camden ran up the hill, hand waving, and walked toward us.

Kristen looked at me and motioned with her eyes that she was going into the castle. I smiled and she left and Camden said, "I thought I was going to meet you at the green houses?" He said once he caught his breath and flashed me a wonderful smile.

"Oh my god! I completely forgot about that! I'm so sorry Camden! It's just that some Gryffindors were talking and we..." He covered my mouth with his hand and laughed. I glared at him, which made him laugh even more and he uncovered my mouth. "What's so funny?" I asked him.

"I'm not mad at you, I was just a little confused. You didn't have to give me this whole big explanation on why you weren't there. So are you ready to study?" He asked and held out a hand for me to take.

I laughed and took his hand, "I'm a Ravenclaw Camden, I can't get enough studying!" He laughed along with me and we walked up the hill and to the side of Hogwarts that faces the lake. There were many tables there and some student were already studying with their friends. He picked the one that had the best view of the lake and we sat down. I dropped my books on the table and he sat across from me and did the same with his books.

"So are we really going to study or just get to know each other?" I asked resting my head on my right propped up hand.

"Maybe a little of both, I was thinking more of getting to know each other to be honest." I smiled and he did the same. I took out a piece of parchment and a quill and ink while I opened my Herbology text book and study packet. I let my left hand rest on the table while I looked for some answers and Camden took my hand in his. I was wearing a mood ring that Taylor had given me and he was playing with it. Looking up from my text book I saw Camden only paying attention to my hand and not his work.

"Is this why they call Hufflepuff the slacker house?" I said and put my quill down on top of my parchment.

"No actually and I've never heard that said about us." He flashed me a smile and looked back to my hand. "It's just that your hands are so...beautiful." I laughed and pulled my hand away to cover mouth from letting the laugh be to loud.

"How are my hands beautiful? How can any hands be beautiful?" I asked when I could properly pronounce words again.

"Well when you used to date a girl with hands like a man you'll understand my reasons for liking your hands." I laughed again and he took my hands in his. "Also I've never seen a girl have nails one color one day and a different one the next."

"I like to mix things up a bit. Oh and the nail polish matches my personality today. I feel like being all glittery today, which means I'm in a good mood." He smiled and held my left hand in his. It felt so good to have our hands like that. I wondered what it would feel like if more of his skin was touching more of my skin. Whoa! What did I just think? I quickly pulled my hands away and held them against my chest.

"Is something wrong?" Camden asked, concern clearly in his voice. I shook my head and he said "Well than why did you pull you hands away? I wasn't hurting you was I?" I shook my head again. "Well then what happened?"

Could I tell him what my brain unconsciously thought would be a good idea? Could I tell him that I felt a connection with him so strong that I didn't know how to feel about it? Could I possibly tell him that I was falling for him so quickly that I didn't even realize what I was doing? Of course not so I stuck with the lame excuse "You shocked me, that's all. It was just like weird feeling that's all." I said and smiled to him.

"I don't really believe you but it's good enough, for now. I will ask you again later, because I'm known for having a really good memory." I laughed and brought my hands back down to the table, but this time I grabbed his hands in my own and started rubbing them. "That feels really good." He said and closed his eyes.

Giggling a little I started rubbing up his arms. I stopped for a couple seconds and moved so I was behind him. I brought my hands back to his arms and slowly moved them up to his shoulders and started massaging them. He sighed and I smiled and started moving down his back. I continued this for about five minutes or so when he put his hands on mine and pulled them to wrap around him. He moved so I was sitting on the bench next to him, my arms now wrapped around his neck. He looked at me with those beautiful eyes.

"That felt wonderful." He said in a soft whisper and I smiled. "You are wonderful." Camden whispered now in my ear. I felt my face flush and felt a shiver run down my spine. He moved his head back so he could look me in the eyes. Then he slowly inched his face toward mine and I didn't hesitate. Closing the distance between us he kissed me a soft, sweet kiss. When he started to pull away I kissed him right back.

I was glad that he didn't rush the kiss or me. This made my first kiss that much more special. I felt fireworks explode in my head and soul and all around me. Wanting to deepen the kiss, I moved my right hand up his neck and into his hair, grabbing a handful of his beautiful hair. As I did this he moved his hands to wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. I felt his hands move up and down my back, in a soothing way. I started getting breathless and finally pulled away. He looked like he just had a wonderful high, his eyes all glazed over as my probably were too. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You taste like raspberries and smell like strawberries." He said and I laughed. "Thank you, it's my lip gloss and moisturizer." I ran my fingers, still entwined in his hair, through his hair and he leaned his head back. I laughed and leaned into the space between his neck and shoulder. I laid my head down and breath him in. He, too, smelled wonderful; fresh from his shower and manly from his cologne. "You don't smell too bad yourself." I told him into his neck and he laughed.

I felt it bubble out of him and watched his Adam's apple move. I leaned in and kissed it which made it stop moving instantly. He gently pushed me up and looked at me, serious oozing out of his eyes. "I don't want this to go too fast Paige. I still want to get to know you better." I smiled and said "Me too." We spent the rest of break talking and studying (a little). I found out that he went deaf in his left ear when he was three but his mom charmed his earring so he could hear out if it again. If I ever took it out he wouldn't hear anything I might whisper in his ear.

We walked hand in hand up the hill to the entrance and he walked me to the library, I was suppose to meet Kristen there and go up to our dorm room to change. We didn't have any more classes today and we were suppose to spend the rest of the day studying. Kristen and I decided to study after lunch if we didn't have other plans. When we were within a few feet of the library Camden leaned in and gave me another soft sweet kiss. His lips were warm when he moved them to my cheek. He whispered into my ear, "I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast." I smiled and nodded.

Hands still as one, he started walking away looking back at me. Once he couldn't keep a hold of my hand any more we broke apart and I walked to the library. Seeing Kristen I ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "You wouldn't believe what a wonderful break I had." I told her and as we walked to our room I gushed to her about everything. "So what did you do during break? Anything interesting?" I asked her, wanting to tell her about the kiss later.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 7:54 pm

When Paige asked me what I was doing during break, I was a little nervous. I didn't quite want to tell her. After meeting up with Draco for a bit, I was planning on messing with mymetemorphagus, and was researching it. I had managed to change my boobs a cup size larger, and even make myself taller. Tomorrow, I was going to mess around with my hair color, if I could manage. I had tried, but couldn't quite get it right. I practiced all break, and had worked hard. I checked out all of the books I possibly could on metamorphagus. About 5 minutes before break was over, I started working on homework. While messing around, I had found a spell book on how to use muggle technology for my homework. I ran back to the tower and grabbed my laptop, and by time Paige arrived, I had perfected it.

""You wouldn't believe what a wonderful break I had. So what did you do during break? Anything interesting?" I smiled at her.

"Not really. Just a bit of studying and research. I actually found a spell that you can use to do your homework on a computer and transfer it to parchment in your own handwritting!" I said excitedly, even if that wasn't the most exciting thing I had done that hour.

We had gotten all of the books we needed out of the library, and heading up to our room, out arms were loaded down. When they got to the entrance of the common room, the gargoyle came to life. "Brad stared through the dirty soot-smeared window on the 22nd floor of the office tower. Overcome with depression he slid the window open and jumped through it. It was a sheer drop outside the building to the ground. Miraculously after he landed he was completely unhurt. Since there was nothing to cushion his fall or slow his descent, how could he have survived the fall?" He asked. We both thought for a minute.

"He was outside and jumped in." I told him confidently. The door opened right up, and we went in and claimed a table near a window. A big table. "What do you want to start with first? Transfiguration essay? Potions essay? History of Magic studying? Herbology packet and studying? Our options are open!"

She thought for a minute before answering.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 30, 2009 10:09 pm

Kristen and I took a nice big table close to the window and laid our stuff on top of it. "What do you want to start with first? Transfiguration essay? Potions essay? History of Magic studying? Herbology packet and studying? Our options are open!" Kristen said too enthusiastically and I couldn't help but laugh. Looking around the pile of books on our table I randomly picked a book.

"Looks like we're going to work on our Transfiguration essay. Then..." Closing my eyes again I picked another book. "Then study for History of Magic. After we're threw with that we can start to work on..." I chose one more book. "our Potions essay. Which means Herbology is last." I said and Kristen and I busted out laughing. "Hey it is the only fair way to choose." I told her gaining my breath again. Before we started we each took turns to run upstairs and change our clothes. Kristen was first and I decided to start reading up on chapter one in our Transfiguration essay. The essay was about some basic things wizards use Transfiguration for today and who was the first person to ever use Transfiguration successfully.

I looked up from my reading to see Kristen in a pair of jean sorts and a t-shirt with the band nevershoutnever! on it. I smiled and she laughed. "What can I say? I heart this band and I don't care if they are a muggle band." She said and sat down in her chair. "So how far did you get in the chapter?"

"Um I think I'm a little over half done. It's not very long, maybe twenty pages with a lot of pictures. All right I'll be right back down. I need to get changed out of these robes!" I said and ran up the stairs. Opening my closet (it's easier to spell than the other thing) I looked threw it. I found the perfect outfit and threw it on the bed. I undressed quickly and hung my robes up in my closet again. I put on a cute jean mini skirt and a really really cute pink stripped tank top (I have links at the bottom to show you what I'm talking about). Deciding I should probably wear a jacket of some time, I chose a cute white and pink zip up hoodie from my favorite muggle store American Eagle. I put on a pair of flip flops and threw my hair up in a messy pony tail I raced down the stairs and sat at our table.

We finished our Transfiguration essay, our studying for History of Magic, and started on our Potions essay before it was time for lunch. We walked down the stairs talking and laughing, arm in arm like we have started to do. Once we hit the main level I saw a head full of blonde hair waiting for us. I rolled my eyes and looked away from Draco.

"Hello ladies, don't you look lovely. Mind if I escort you to lunch." He said and I could tell he lingered on me a little longer than Kristen. I was still pretty pissed about what he said to me earlier and I like holding grudges.

"Of course! We would love you to." Kristen with a smile. Draco smiled and gave her a wink. He cut in between us and I wrapped my arm with his. I made sure I didn't look at all happy or even look at him. Once we came to the Great Hall entrance Draco looked at Kristen. "Mind if I talk to Paige alone Kristen?" She shook her head and walked down to the Ravenclaw table. I knew she was making sure to sway her hips a little more because of Draco and that made me smile, a little.

"Paige I'm really and completely sorry." He said and moved his hands to hold my own. I rolled my eyes and pulled my hands away, crossing them over my chest. "It was a complete accident I swear. And the next time someone makes fun of you again I will stand up for you, I swear." He said crossing his heart. I was about to say something when a masculine voice over powered mine.

"There won't be a next time for you Malfoy, not as long as I have a say in it." Adrian told him and stepped protectively in front of me.

"Shut up Pucey or you'll be sorry." Draco told him in his arrogant tone. This made Adrian laugh and I couldn't help but smile up at him.

"What could you possibly do to me Draco? Call your father? I'm not threatened by him and any curse you may know, I know how to shield it." He turned around and grabbed my hand "Come on Paige I already grabbed at least two of each item." I smiled at him and held his hand. We started walking out of the Great Hall and I saw Draco look defeated which made me feel both happy and upset at the same time. Maybe after lunch with Adrian I'll ask Kristen to use her parchment that's magically bonded with Draco's I thought as I walked out of Hogwarts, hand in hand with Adrian Pucey, down toward the Black Lake.

These are the links to see the top and skirt I was talking about. I couldn't find a really good picture of a cute hoodie so you'll just have to use your imagination https://media.photobucket.com/image/jean%20mini%20skirt/Princess_Chrissy/SOLD/DSC00043.jpg?o=28 https://media.photobucket.com/image/cute%20tank%20top/and_heartz/Items016-2.jpg?o=9
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 9:07 pm

I grinned as Paige randomly chose books from out massive pile. Transfiguration first, History of Magic, Potions and then Herbology became our schedule. We decided to change into more comfortable clothes because these robes were simply suffocating. I changed first, running upstairs. I dug through my armoire and found my favorite pair of jean shorts, and then dug through the shirts hanging up. Finding one that I loved to wear - my NeverShoutNever! shirt - I changed quickly. I put my chucks back on, and then quickly fixed my makeup. I changed my eyeliner from brown to black, and then put on light pink eyeshadow to match the purple and pink tones of my shirt. I focused my powers on my appearance. No better time to practice than now. I took a picture of myself in my mind. I had perfectly wavy hair, a little bright red, with greener eyes. It took me about 10 minutes, but I finally got it. I grinned at myself in the mirror, and skipped downstairs.

Paige looked at my shirt, and laughed. "What can I say? I love this band, and I don't care if they're muggle or not!" I sat in my chair, smiling broadly. "So, how far did you get in the chapter?" I asked. She was supposed to read while I went up and changed.

"Um I think I'm a little over half done. It's not very long, maybe twenty pages with a lot of pictures. All right I'll be right back down. I need to get changed out of these robes!" I grinned at her back, shaking my head lightly. Man, this girl was full of energy! I picked up my Transfiguration book, and started on the first page. I read quickly, absorbing everything. I had already read through it once, having read through all of my books, so it only took me about half the time. I studied the pictures, and re-read my notes. We only had to write 12 inches, so I started. I opened up my laptop, and grabbed a word document. Thank god for that spell I found, otherwise this would have taken hours. When Paige came downstairs, I was about a quarter of the way through my essay. I glanced up at her. She looked wonderful, and pink really was her color.

We managed to finish our Transfiguration, our studying for History of Magic, and got about halfway through our potions essay by lunch time. We walked down the corridors, arms linked, talking about all of the cute boys we had seen so far. When we finally made it down to the main level, I felt Paige tense up. I looked around, a saw a bright blond head weaving toward us. "Hello ladies,
don't you look lovely. Mind if I escort you to lunch." He asked us, and his eyes lingered on Paige longer than the did me.

"Of course! We would love you to." I interjected quickly. I didn't want to have a fight of any sort bust out, so I quickly offered my arm up to Draco, and took mine and forcibly to Paiges. He walked us to the door of the Great Hall.

"Mind if I talk to Paige alone Kristen?" I shook my head, and waved at Paige. I walked toward the Ravenclaw table. I shook my hips a little more than necassary, but that was because I was a little pissed that Draco wanted to talk to Paige. Alone. On my way to the Table, I noticed Oliver watching me. I flashed a dazzling smile, and waved slightly. His cheeks turned pinkish color, and he smiled slightly. I giggled to myself, and could feel my own cheeks turn red.

I sat at my table, and picked up a ham sandwhich. I never was fond of British food, and I always went for the most American things I could. I poured myself a glass of lemonade, started eating, listening to the song in my head. Of course, it was a NeverShoutNever! song. Trouble, one of my favorites. I'm in trouble, I'm so cliche, see that word just wears me out, it makes me feel like just another boy, to laugh and joke about but even, worse I can't stop calling her, I love to hear that voice, and honestly, I'm left with no choice I thought to myself, tapping my feet along with the beat.

I glanced up to see Paige with Draco and another boy I didn't know. They looked kind of angry, but things seemed under control. I glanced over to the gryffindor table, and stood up. I wiped my hands on my pants and walked over to Phyre.

"Hey, Phyre, can I talk to you?" He nodded, and I sat. "Well, do you think we could get together sometime, and work on the metamorphagus and animagus stuff? I want to get it under control as soon as possible."
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri May 01, 2009 11:55 pm

I looked up at the sexy second year Slytherin male holding my hand. He looked down at me and smiled a brilliant white smile. I couldn't help but smile back, and as we walked hand in hand, I leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in tighter. Why do all these men smell so amazing? I thought. They all smelled so different yet were all so different. Draco had this scent to him that made him smell mysterious, just the way he is; Camden had an aroma that was sweet and tangy all at the same time which he definitely was (sweet yet something special); and Adrian well he almost smelled like all of them put into one with something more natural than the others.

We finally made it to the black lake and I gasped in shock. "So I take it that you like it." He said as I gawked at the beautiful seat up. Adrian had laid out a blanket of the Slytherin colors, which I thought nothing of, underneath a weeping willow (and it wasn't the beat you to death willow, it was just a regular weeping willow). Then hanging from one of the branches was a mosquito net looking thing that seemed to be made of gems that sparkled from the reflection in the water. Inside was pillows for us to sit on and a basket full of food and drinks for us. Plates were also on the blanket and there was a little vase full of beautiful dahlias of every color. I looked at him and a smile, that I just couldn't hide, practically ate my face whole.

"This is wonderful Adrian!" I said and ran the rest of the distance to it. I walked inside and it seemed to grow and expand so that their was even a little sitting area full of blankets, pictures, lights of all kind, and many other things. "Adrian, how did you manage to do all this?" I asked in awe as he joined me and sat on a group of brightly colored pillows.

"I don't know, I guess I just thought this would be something you would like." He said and I sat right next to him and hugged him. "Look at that sight. Nothing looks more beautiful than seeing the fish in the lake surfacing and seeing everything in the reflection of the lake." Adrian said and wrapped his arm around me. I leaned willingly into him and looked at the beautiful sight.

"This is perfect Adrian, simply amazing." I told him and just then my stomach growled, ruining the mood.

He laughed, "Sounds like someone's a little hungry." Reaching for the basket he opened it and pulled out everything that I saw at the Great Hall and set in on the blanket.

"You really did bring two of everything they were serving in the Great Hall." I said with a smile and piled somethings on my plate. He laughed at my enthusiasm of getting lunch that he piled some on his plate too. We ate and talked about school; I complained about Herbology today and the stupid Gryffindors and he just couldn't stop his laughter at hearing a Ravenclaw think that way. Once we were finished, I moved into the little open space and leaned into a huge mass of pillows, and Adrian did the same.

"So..." He stated and I just laughed. "So what?" I asked. "So tell me what's so special about Malfoy anyway."

I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him. "What do you mean?" He did the same and looked at me all serious like. "You know what I mean. Why does what he say bug you so much?" I thought about that and I really didn't know the answer to it. "I don't know." I told him and he rolled his eyes. "What?" I asked him annoyed.

"Oh come on Paige! I saw the way you looked at him and almost gave into him back there. Does he have you under some kind of spell or something?" I punched his arm and he winced "Ow that actually hurt." He said rubbing his arm.

"Good that was the whole point!" I said and stuck out my tongue and sighed. "I really don't know the answer to that Adrian. He's different when he's around me I guess. He's sweet and nice and he doesn't give into bull crap. He's fun to hang around with, except for when he's acts like a jerk. Then there's his smile, that when he shows it to you, your heart just...what?" Adrian was looking at me with his huge bug eyes.

"Did you hear what you just said? You are completely in love with him and what you've only known him for three days at the most?!" He said.

"That sounds like something my sister would say. Are you sure you're not under some kind of spell by her?" I asked and started checking him for any imperfections (which there were none but I liked his laughing). Some how all mayhem broke loose and there was a huge, well some what, wrestling match going on. I would tackle him but then he would creep up behind me and tickle me, which just wasn't fair. I started to laugh so much so hard I couldn't take in a proper breath, and neither could he, so the short lived match was up...but I had one more thing up my sleeve. I leaned into him, trying to slow my breathing, then pushed on top of him and sat there. He looked at me perplexed and just laughed.

"Wow you are a very good competitor I must say, for a girl anyway." He said and propped himself up on his elbows.

I laughed "Well I guess that's what you get when you live with two teenage boys and Taylor." He laughed and I laughed again. Once the laughter died out I looked at him in the eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are the perfect mixture of blue and green; there's just enough of each to even each other out." I told him and laid on him. I could hear the beating of his heart and feel every breath that he took in.

"Well thank you for that." He said and started rubbing my back. I closed my eyes and just listened the the rhythm of him. Then he gently pushed me back to a sitting position and held on to my arms. "Well I like your eyes better. They look blue but if you look deeper their a mixture of different colors that look gray, yet blue at the same time. Just like you and your eyes, there is more than just a first glance." I blushed a deep red and he smiled. He leaned up more and before I knew what was happening his lips met mine.

His kiss was soft but it wasn't the same as when Camden kissed me. Oh. My. God. Camden! I pulled away from him and got off. "What's wrong?" He asked as I grabbed my hoodie. "Nothing it's just that I have a lesson to get to." I said not looking at him and ran off. I yelled back "Thanks for the lunch!" And ran up the hill toward the castle. How could I do that to him? What was going on with me? Everything felt so wrong and yet so right, how could that be? I was so confused, which is something I'm not used to, as I walked into the main hallway and toward the staircase. "Oh crap!" I said and raced up toward the library.

I made it to the library within a few minutes. Once I caught my breath I entered and looked around. Seeing that I was the only person there. I let out a long breath and sat at the second table on the right. I looked at the clock and tapped my nails on the table. I hated waiting, more than I hated being confused. I heard the doors open and I looked up and smiled. "It's about time you showed up." I told the third year male, standing probably at six foot. He laughed and I got up and followed him out of the library.

"Alright I have the perfect spot for this." Came the voice of Fred Weasley. "Now you have to listen and follow everything I tell you, got it?" I nodded and followed him to our practice space.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 8:22 pm

Phyre's POV

I look up at the little Ravenclaw who seems like the kind of girl that would get on my nerves, then again all first years annoy me. Swallowing my very delicious sandwhich I look up at her "Listen Kris, we can do animagus work later on tonight if you like but before we start with your metamorphas work we're going to have to go over ground rules." I notice that me fellows are listening in, so looking at my sandwhich and sighing I stand up and lead her out of the great hall. It doesn't take far to walk to where I want to talk to her, near the fountain. "All metamorphus have there hang ups, most of the time they end up getting sent to Azkaban for them so we need to ground out any dangerous ones before we start." I look at the sky and groan a bit, looks like rain for the Quidditch tryouts, Taylor wouldn't be happy. "For one we're monitored closer than animagus, I'm sure the old Bat has already sent in for your registration forms. Lots of our kind like to take the forms of other people, some have even taken over lives of others for the pure sport of it, others would do it for pranks but taking the form of someone else for a long period of time is almost always punishable by Azkaban." I licked my lips

"We all have the craving to do it, to be someone else, the power we hold is enormous but we sort out the feelings threw different hang ups. My cousin Nymphadora let's her mood be shown threw her hair, my other cousin much more distant than Dora shifts his eyes so fast it's like watching a moving train and he always changes his hands." I pulled at my currently blonde hair "Me, I'm obsessive, I see something I have to consume it currently it's the malfoy looks." I gestured to my eyes the lovely Malfoy grey and smiled.

"But you can still tell it's me, thankfully the rules of assuming do not apply here at Hogwarts so we can practice with that first. It's always easier to imitate than generate." I stood and scowled at the sky, my hair turning stormy blue, my eyes lightning yellow and my skin a dusky grey. "Now, tonight meet me at Gryffindor tower at say nine, after the tryouts...." I turned before remembering something important "And don't practice by yourself, you could get stuck and then it takes hours for the potion to set you right again!" I yelled back at her before going inside.

Taylor's POV

"Fucking Rita Skeeter!" I yelled incinerating the paper infront of me before my knees buckled and I fell to the floor. The cold stone felt wonderful against my hot head but it wasn't as smooth as I would have liked so grudgingly I rose to see a concerned Sal looking at me. "Child you're bleeding." He said softly, he gestures to my knee and growling I sit at my desk and pull out my salve, I need Severus to teach me how to make this it works so well and hell it's cool having cold scars. "Now tell me why you're upset."

Glancing up at the portrait I can't help but think that it's so ironic that all the people I feel I can confide in are Slytherins, maybe that does say something about my moral character. "The other day I had a vision and someone must have seen and sold the story to the Prophet so now this reporter is coming to the school to speak with people about the muggle born with special abilites. What's worse is that Paige will get dragged into this and we'll have to run just like I've seen."

Sal knew about my dreams, not always were they about the Dark Lord and his evil, many times it was about my sister's and I running from the wizarding world...and more recently about me turning to evil to save those I loved from those that distrusted us. Sal shook his head, I knew he wished that he where a physical form so that he could hug me but that was impossible. "It will not come to that, that crazy nephew of mine has nothing compared to what you and your sisters will have. He's turned away from his true heritage just like the others..." I smile at him, he always talks like this, but when I ask him what he means he always changes the topic.

"Thanks Sal, I have to go though, lunch, classes, and Quidditch I have a full afternoon plus I have Harry tonight so I won't be back until late." I gathered my things and quickly throw on my Herbology goggles, as I'm leaving Sal calls. "Don't you think you're spending too much time down here with an old fool like me?" I turn back to him and smile "Naw, with the rest of the world turned blind and brainless it's nice to talk to a fool every once in a while."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 9:37 pm

Phyre walked back into the castle. No practicing alone? Crap. I was shit out of luck. I was excited for the lesson tonight though. I grinned to myself, clasped my hands behind my back, and skipped inside. I was a little ball of energy right now. I went up to Ravenclaw tower, planning on finishing my homework. I gathered my books and laptop, and put them into my bag. I walked down the corridor, planning on heading outside to do my homework. I was once again dragging my hands along the wall when I felt someone grab it from behind me.

I gasped, and looked over my shoulder, heart beating at a dangerously fast pace. I looked into deep brown eyes surrounded by a wonderful face. "Oliver!" I gasped. "You scared the crap out of me!" I told him, not angry about it at all.

"I'm sorry! I just thought I would surprise you." He sounded genuinly sorry, and of course that accent didn't hurt much. I grinned at him, earning a smile that reached ear to ear in return. "Where are you going?" He asked, as we started walking down the hall way, Oliver still holding my hand. He swung my hand back and forth gently.

"I was just going to work on some homework. It's absolutely gorgeous outside, so I figured I would go sit by the lake and work on it. Would you like to join me?"

He pretended to think about this for a moment, bringing his free hand up to his chin dramatically. "Well, I dunno. Hmmm. I guess, but I don't really want to." He said, barely able to contain his cheshire grin. I tried not to laugh, failing horribly. Oliver started to laugh along with me, and we continued down the corridor in comfortable silence.

We found a nice spot under a tree to sit and relax. I pulled out my laptop and opened my half finished potions essay. "What is that?" He asked me, and generally honest perplexed look on his face.

"A computer." I tell him. "Haven't you ever seen a computer?" He shook his head. "Have you ever even heard of a computer?" He again shook his head. I laughed loudly at that. "It's a muggle thing. You can do stuff on it, like write and things. I'm doing my potions essay on it." I started to type, and Oliver just watched my hands.

"You have pretty hands you know." I laughed quietly.

"How does a person have pretty hands?"

"Well, I dunno. They're just pretty. Tiny and small." He stroked the back of my hand with one of his fingers.

"I'm not gonna get any work done, am I?" I asked him. He shook his head like a child, and he slowly shut my computer lid. He moved it off of my lap, and replaced it with his head. He took my hands and started playing with my fingers. I leaned my head against the tree, and quickly fell asleep, Oliver still playing with my fingers. Soon there after, he fell asleep too.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2009 10:56 pm

I walked with Fred outside, close to the Quidditch field. I looked up at him curiously, "What are we doing all the way down here?" I asked him and he just laughed. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him (I was sick and tired of people laughing at what I had to say). "Answer the question now, please." I crossed my arms over my chest. "If you don't I could always practice my new special powers right now." I didn't like threatening people, I really didn't, but if it got me the information I needed that was fine with me.

Fred held up his hands, "Didn't mean anything by it, Paige, really. You really are related to Taylor. You see Quidditch tryouts are today and I'm not quiet sure what time Wood wanted us to meet here by. I still have to try out, so does George, but I promised you a lesson. That lesson didn't include you practicing anything on me." He said and gulped. I laughed and walked toward the field. I heard him sigh and start walking toward me.

"I'm sorry Fred, it's just that it seems like no one takes me seriously and it bugs me." I say and stomp the rest of the way. We stop and I look up to him. Fred had really pretty light brown eyes, and his freckles seemed really light as they made a path across his face. He smiled down at me, he had a somewhat crocked smile, the kind of smile that make girls think 'what has he been up to?' or 'is that smile really for me?'. I smiled back and shook my head, clearing my head of all thoughts of him being unbelievably cute! Taking deep breaths I watched him walk around me.

"Okay first thing you need to do is just give me a normal stance. Try not to lock your knees or be too straight, we want this to me as simple as walking." I did as told. "Exactly! Okay now focus only on changing your left arm, like this." He said and showed me. I saw all his concentration go to turning his left arm into a front leg of some sort. Trying to mimic what he did I looked at my left arm and saw my hand swift to a paw. I smiled but kept my focus on my whole arm changing. It took me about one minute and when I did Fred clapped, sort of. "Great! Now change it back, but don't do it too quickly." He changed his arm back and I did too.

We continued to do each body part separate. Then when I had that down, we tried changing two parts at a time, then three, and so on and so forth. "Amazing job little Morfey!" He said and gave me a high five. I had to jump to hit it, which made us both laugh. "You definitely are a quick learner, like your sister, but are more enthusiastic about it. Alright now you and I are going to change at the same time, but I will call out body parts. So don't just change your whole self, we'll practice that another time. I want you to get the feel for if you aren't concentrating that you might be stuck with a finger on your right hand in your dog form."

I laughed and then took my stance as Fred took his. His face turned serious and I took a few calming breaths and listened closely. "Left leg!" He shouted and he quickly did it, I followed him, a few seconds behind. "Right arm!" Same went, but I was picking up my pace and it didn't hurt at all. "Nose! Left ear! Left arm! Right ear!" Every command he said, I was right on cue. "Right leg! Stomach! Back! Arse!" He laughed but I didn't, which made me change before he did. "Right eye! Tongue!" That one always got me, but I did it. "Everything else!" Then suddenly I was a Yorkie and Fred was a grey wolf. I barked and ran around him happily, which made him smile in wolf form.

I decided to run toward the field and when he saw that I wasn't running around him any more, he quickly raced to catch up. As we raced I looked around my world in dog form. Everything was different, bigger, and much scarier, but I wasn't scared at all. I started to prance the rest of the way, which made wolf Fred stop and 'laugh'. I turned around, a grin on my face and run toward him and leap on him. I caught him by surprise which made me grin even more. We started to play around in our forms, Fred could never really catch me; one minute I'm in his sight, the next I'm right next to him. Out of breath, both of us, I saw Fred start to change back and I did the same. It took me longer than it took Fred, but hey I'm still new. Once I was back in my body I raced up to Fred and jumped all around.

"That was so much fun! You couldn't catch me at all! I was here then I was there! You seemed to get so upset!" I laughed and he did too. Losing my energy I fell to the ground and just laid there. Fred sat down and I propped myself up to look at him. "You are a really good teacher Fred." I said.

"Well thank you. I might be good at this part, but the whole thing on the rules, I'm not really sure how to explain that to you. 'Cause you see, I really don't like the rules and try to forget that there are really any." I laughed and he punched me playfully. "Well I'm sure you'll be good at that too." I heard footsteps and looked over Fred's shoulder. I saw his other half running toward him, two brooms in hand, and other people walking behind him.

"I thought I'd lost you twin. Here's your broom, tryouts start soon. Better grab some equipment and gear, you don't want to fall off your broom." George said to him. Fred stood up and took the broom, smiled at his twin, and ran toward the group of people (they must've been around a trunk full of gear. "So you're the reason Fred was all excited about this afternoon." He said and put out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"I guess so, I'm Paige Morfey, Taylor's sister." I told him and shook his hand. "You're friends with my sister right?" He laughed and I did too. "Fred was just teaching me how to transform into my animagus form. He's a really good teacher...so far." I added at the end which made George laugh.

"Well I'm glad someone thinks so. I bet you two weren't finished with your lesson, so if you'd like you could watch the tryouts and catch Fred after word." He said as we walked toward the crowd. "I think I will. Besides isn't Oliver Wood captain?" He nodded. "Well I have to see with my own eyes if this guy is any good." He laughed and I walked up the stairs and sat on the bleachers, waiting for the Gryffindor team tryouts to start.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 7:19 pm

I awoke a while later to a tickle on my ear. I swatted at it lightly, and when it wouldn't go away, leaned away from it. It persisted, and a few moments later, sound came with it. "Kristen. Wake up hun." It whispered. Convinced I was having a dream I kept my eyes closed tightly.

"No." I told the voice determinedly. It chuckled.

"Come on hun. It's time to get up." I noticed the voice was male.

"No." I persisted. I was like an angry child. I turned my face away from the voice. Another chuckle. I felt soft strong hands guide my face toward it.

"Come on hun."

"5 more minutes?" I asked the voice. Once again, it chuckled. I peeked through one eyelid, and then slowly opened the other. Oliver was sitting mere inches from me. "Please?" I asked him.

"Sorry hun, but we're late." This piqued my curiosity.

"For what?" I asked him. He smiled brightly. That smile that a young child gets when he finally got the toy he wanted for Christmas.

"Quidditch!" He said excitedly. It was my turn to chuckle. "Come on." He stood up, grasped my hands, and then pulled me up with him. I rolled my neck, and scratched my head lightly.

"What time is it?" I asked, noticing the sun was getting lower in the sky.

"Oh, about 5:30. We slept all afternoon." And then I blushed. We had slept together. Not in the intimate way of course, but for an 11 year old, it was a big deal. Oliver started to gather all of my stuff, and slung my bag over his shoulder. "Come on, we have to go to tryouts."

"We?" I was confused. I wasn't trying out.

"Yep. You're gonna watch me, so I can show off for you." He held out his hand, and I grabbed it lightly. He entwined our fingers, and I hoped to god that he couldn't feel my racing pulse. I smiled to myself. We walked in a comfortable silence, our hands clasped between us, and my bag over Oliver's shoulder. We made it down to the pitch a little over 10 minutes later. We had walked slow.

He walked me up to the stands, and found me a place right near where he would be. "Now don't go running off!" He joked.

"I wouldn't think of it." I told him, earning a big grin. He walked off down onto the pitch, broom in hand. He started giving out instructions to those trying out.

"Now, we aren't going to be trying out for seeker, we have already found one. If you were wishing to try out, bad luck. We'll be trying out for 2 keepers today, and thats it." He yelled loudly, I could hear him from where I sat. I then noticed a bright blond head down on the field. Paige!

"Hey, Paige!" I whisper yelled. I didn't want to disrupt the whole thing. Luckily, she heard me. She turned, and I waved, pointing to the seat next to me. She waved and started up the stands. She came and sat next to me. "What were you doing down here?" I asked her. I thought she was supposed to be in the library. Of course, I had been sleeping for the past few hours, so who knew what could have transpired.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 04, 2009 10:34 pm

I sat on the steps that were only a few feet away from the field, I was trying to hear what they were talking about. I was looking at all the handsome second and up years trying out for Quidditch this year. There were some really pretty girls that I would never think of trying out for this sport, but when they flew I could tell the sky was their sanctuary. I saw only a hand full of faces that I recognized but I was distracted from remembering their names by a somewhat loud "Hey, Paige!" I turned around and saw Kristen. I smiled and she waved me up to sit next to her. I waved back and started up the stairs.

Once I was in place Kristen turned toward me, "What were you doing down here?" She asked and I laughed. "What's so funny?"

"Well first off your hair looks like you just took a five hour nap against a tree on in, secondly your outfit is filthy with dirt, and thirdly I told you I had a lesson today." I laughed and started brushing dirt out of her hair and off her clothes.

"Thanks." She said and blushed. "Okay I'm confused, I know you had a lesson but I thought it was in the library."

"Well I was suppose to meet him in the library and I did. I thought it was going to be somewhere inside, but Fred said he didn't want to be late for tryouts so we had our lesson out here." I said with a smile and took a hairband off my wrist. Messing around with her hair, trying to find a really cute 'do' for it, I asked "So what are you doing out here? I thought you would be upstairs studying." I said and gave her a questioning look, which made her laugh.

"I really don't want to..." I 'shh'd her and pointed to the field. All the participants in the tryouts mounted their brooms and took off into the sky. Kristen and I both 'wowed' at the same and smiled. They were simply amazing, it was like they were born on brooms and they lived in the sky for their whole lives. Watching them fly made me wish I wasn't so afraid of heights.

I heard whistles and looked around, but I didn't see anyone. Looking up I saw the twins laughing about something and Oliver trying to direct them to what they needed to do. Oliver was cute, yes, but he seemed to only be interested in Quidditch (which I was still learning about the whole concept) which would just get on my freaking nerves. I looked over and saw Kristen blushing, then I looked up and saw Oliver showing off. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fred and George talking about something and I think it had to do with Oliver. I closed my eyes and waited for the yell...three...two...one! "Ahh!"

Oliver had been hit with a hex by well we all know who. Everyone started laughing except for Oliver and Kristen. Kristen looked like she was just about to have a heart attack. Oliver was hit with the canary transfiguration hex, which made him turn into a huge canary. I tried to hold in my laughter but it got the best of me and I started to crack up laughing.

"It's not funny, he could've gotten hurt!" Kristen said and punched me lightly, which only made me laugh more. Soon after Oliver molted back into himself, an angry look on his face.

"Fred and George if you want to keep your place on this team, you really shouldn't mess with the Team Captain that way." He said and flew over top of them. He was trying to be menacing, which really wasn't working on them.

"Okay Wood, take us off the team, I'm sure you'll have a hell of a time finding replacements for us." George said and started descending to the ground, Fred following closely behind him. I glanced up and Oliver looked frustrated.

"Fine! We need you! Just keep the hexing to a minimum of lets say maybe one per practice!" Oliver yelled at them. They had flown over to close to where I sat and winked at me, which made me laugh.

The rest of the tryouts were interesting, watching how they were done and what positions seemed the most interesting and which seemed dangerous. Of course Fred and George were the Beaters, the most dangerous position in my head. They were really good at it too! Angela Johnson, I figured out her last name!, was really good and was a Chaser.

After the tryouts were over Kristen and I descended the bleachers and into the midst of the new Gryffindor team. Kristen ran up to Oliver and gave him a hug and started talking to him. Me, I ran up to the Angela girl and congratulated her. "You looked amazing up there! I wish I could fly like that!" I told her and she laughed. Fred and George mysteriously showed up behind her and were draped around her shoulders.

"Don't worry little Morfey. Fred and I here could take you out practicing whenever you want." "Well not whenever twin, we still have some mayhem to do most of the days." "Yes, well on certain days twin we can leave that up to Taylor and Lee. So little Morf...I mean Paige, what do you say?" George asked and Fred looked at me, the same question in his eyes.

"Well I guess I can't argue with that now can I?" I asked them and they smiled, giving each other a high five, making Angela roll her eyes and walk away, giving me a wave. I waved back and looked at them "So are you two just using me to get into Angela's good graces?" I asked as we started walking away from the field.

"Oh most definitely. Don't you agree twin?" George asked Fred "Why I do agree with that twin. So why don't you meet us at our table and let dear Angela notice us taking pity on a little first year." Fred answered and winked.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace. Boys! I thought. I was about half way up the hill when I heard laughter coming up from behind me. It didn't sound good, so I tried running, which didn't help at all. The laughter grew louder and before I knew what was happening I was swept off my feet and into the arms of the boys. "Put me down!" I yelled at them but I couldn't stop the laughter either. The passed me back and forth and sometimes just carried me together. Let me tell you it was an interesting way to get up to the school. Once we were at the front door I said my good byes and walked up the long stair case to the tower.

I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it? I rubbed my chin and replayed it in my head. "A splinter." I said and the door opened. I grabbed all my books and walked up to my room. I put the books on my desk and threw myself on my bed. What a strange day, I thought and closed my eyes. I was only asleep for twenty minutes before I attacked my homework. Thankfully I finished everything before dinner.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 8:37 pm

I blushed as Paige picked a couple of leaves out of my hair. Thanks for telling me I look like I just had a romp under a tree Oliver! I thought. She brushed through my hair while I tried to dust off my clothes. I would have to learn a cleaning charm - soon. She started to explain about her lesson, and then questioned me about my afternoon.

"I really don't want - " I started, but Paige shushed me, and pointed to the sky. I looked up to where she was looking and wished I wasn't deathly afraid of heights. They all looked so free on their brooms. I smiled to myself, noticing Oliver showing off a bit. He wasn't lying, he was showing of a lot.

Just then, he flew over to the two red headed twins - Fred and George - and started telling them something. He started to fly away from them, down towards the other end of the pitch when all of the sudden he was hit with a spell or curse or something. I gasped, and Paige held back a laugh. Oliver fell to the ground, and turned into a giant canary. Yellow, feathery and all. Moments later, he molted, the feathers falling off in a pile at his feet and his beak disappearing for good. Paige busted out laughing, and I smacked her lightly on the arm.

"It's not funny!" I told her earnestly. "He could've gotten hurt!" At this she just laughed more. Oliver grabbed his broom and started yelling at the twins. I couldn't hear a word of what he was saying, but after a few words from Fred and George, his anger disappeared slightly, and he muttered something in their direction.

We watched the rest of the tryouts in admiration. I watched how Oliver conducted them, and vowed to have him teach me how to play keeper. It looked like the best position. If I could conquer my fear of heights, I might even try out for the team (MIGHT!). As the two chasers were chosen - Katie Bell and Angelina Johnson - Paige and I left the stands and headed onto the pitch. I started over to Oliver while Paige went over to the Twins.

When I got up to Oliver, he instantaneously put his arm around my shoulders, while grabbing my wrist and putting it around his waist. "Did you enjoy yourself love?" He asked me.

"Of course! But that whole canary thing surprised me!" I told him, and he tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"That's just how Fred and George are. No big deal! What do you think about trying out for a team someday?" He said, raising an eyebrow slightly.

"Well. Maybe if you taught me how to fly, and I could get over the whole 'in the air' thing, maybe." I told him, and he smiled. He smiled a lot. As we were talking, one of the girls came up.

"Oliver, do you know when our first practice would be?" She asked him, glancing at me quickly out of the corner of her eye. This one was Katie Bell.

"Yeah, it will be Sunday at 4!" he told her.

"Kay! Thanks!" She gave me a pointed look. "Hi, I'm Katie. I don't believe I've seen you around before." She stuck out her hand, and I took it with my free one.

"Kristen. I'm a first year Ravenclaw." She glanced at Oliver.

"A first year?" She asked Oliver.

"What can I say, my girl has charm." He told her, pulling me a bit closer. I blushed at this. My girl. I smiled to myself. All Katie did was scoff and walk away. I glanced at him, and he just shook his head. "I'm a hot commodity or something. Most of the Gryffindor's don't like me hanging with a Ravenclaw, and the third and second years don't like me hanging with a first year." I nodded. I understood. I felt special hanging out with a third year, so I could understand why some people would be angry at that. "How about we go up to the school, huh? We could grab something to eat, and then you could possibly finish you're potions essay."

"Possibly being the operative word." He laughed. I heard a scream coming from the direction of the castle. I could see Fred and George throwing Paige back and forth to each other, all the way up to the castle. I smiled to myself, and glanced up to see Oliver shaking his head slightly and chuckling. We walked over to the stands, grabbed my bag, and headed up to the castle to 'study.'
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Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2009 10:11 pm

I practically wanted to collapse when I finally finished all of my homework. That potions essay was easy as pie, but let me tell you when you piss off Professor Sprout, you'll pay for it somehow. My somehow was almost giving me arthritis by having to answer twelve pages of Herbology right after you only have been to one class. I almost feel down the stairs, my brain was so tired and warn out, it felt like silly putty in my skull. As I walked down the staircase I had to make sure to lean on the railing, I didn't want to fall. Sadly I did just that. I remembered, at the last minute, about the trick stair and when I went to jump over it like I usually do, I stumbled and fell the rest of the way down the stairs. It wasn't a long way but long enough to give me a great big bump on my head and hurt my wrist pretty bad. "Oh son of a monkey spank!" I screamed out in pain. My air was killing me and so was my ankle. I lifted my fist to the stair, "Dang you stupid step through stair!"

It took me a while to get up, but once I did I was able to limp my way down the rest of the stairs and into the Great Hall. Looking around I made sure Taylor wasn't here yet. Thank goodness she wasn't so I made my way quickly, as quickly as I could, to my seat. I thought I made it there without anyone noticing, but once again I was sadly mistaken. "Are you okay Paige?" I looked up and saw the face of an angel, well it used to be I guess.

"Draco? What do you want?" I asked and crossed my arms, which made me wince. "I don't want to talk to you right now. Can't I just eat my dinner in peace without having to have a side dish of your crap?"

"Well that wasn't very nice of you Paige. I could leave but that would mean I would have to go and see your sister." He wouldn't dare. "You see her right over there? She seems to be enjoying her dinner, I would hate to interrupt her meal by having to tell her that her sister is hurt would I?" He said with his famous smirk and sat down next to me. "So what did you do to your arm?"

"None of your bees wax!" I said and grabbed a scoop of fruit salad and put in on my face. "And if you tell Taylor I swear you'll regret it." He smirked which just made me angrier. I didn't want him to get the joy of my apology right away.

"Well it seems to me that you hurt your wrist, and possibly your ankle." He leaned in to whisper in my ear, "I saw you limping in." I put a pout on my face and he smiled. "So you did hurt yourself."

"Yes and what does that have to do with you?" I hated how he could get everything out of me so easily.

"You see, I wanted to talk to you, and when I saw that you were hurt, I thought I could help you down to the hospital wing." He said, and gave me look like a sad little puppy that needed a home. How could I say no to that face? Then I remembered Adrian telling me that I was completely in love with him. How could that be? I still didn't understand.

"Fine! I guess you can take me to the hospital wing, but you have to promise not to tell Taylor anything!" I told him and he just smiled. He jumped out of his seat and helped me, carefully, out of my own. I used him as a crutch when we finally left the Great Hall. "So what did you want to talk about?"

"I wanted to tell you that I was sorry, which I still am, about what I said to you earlier. It was wrong of me to say and I didn't think you'd get so hurt from that. So what I'm really wanting to know is if you'll forgive me and we can start over."

I looked at him. Looked at those beautiful gray blue eyes that were just pleading for me to forgive him. My heart ached, knowing what could possibly happen, but it also ached to see those eyes so hurt by something I did. "Of course I forgive you Draco. You're like my best guy friend ever! I could never stay mad at you." I said and gave him a big hug. I could actually hear the smile form on his face, which made me squeeze him tighter.

"So..." He started and I looked at him. "So..." I said back, smiling. "I'm I really only just your friend? Could I ever be something more?" I stared at him in disbelief. What was he saying, that he wanted to go out with me? "I...I...I..." I didn't know how to even respond to that.

"You...you...what?" He asked and looked at me with a look that had me blushing and giggling uncontrollably. He leaned toward me and my breath was caught in my throat. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, couldn't even breathe. I bent my head and leaned into him. I could smell the sweet scent of him as the distance slowly began to shrink. I didn't want this, I couldn't want this or him. I was only eleven for crying out loud. I moved my head away from his intoxicating aroma and turned away from him. He looked at me, hurt written across his face, and in his wonderful eyes.

"I'm sorry Draco. It's just that I'm not ready to do that." He had a confused look on his face (I bet he already knew about my kiss with Adrian and Camden). "I'm not saying I have never kissed a boy before...it's just that you're my friend and I don't want to screw things up between that you know?" What Adrian said finally made sense to me, I was falling head over heels for Draco, but way too fast. It's not that I don't like him, because I do a lot, it's just that I'm eleven and well I do like Camden a lot more than I like Draco (so far). As I started to move away I stepped on my ankle wrong. "Ouch!" I screamed and Draco looked at me and remembered where we were going.

"Shit! Oh shit! Hold on tight!" He said and flung me into his arms, running me all the way to the Hospital Wing. Kicking open the door Draco shouted, "Madam Pomfrey! We need you! Madam Pomfrey!" He kept on yelling until he set me on a bed.

"Yes yes what is it? Oh my dear, what happened?" She asked me rushing to my side. Through my laughter and pain I said "I jumped a few stairs and landed wrong on my wrist and ankle." She 'tsked' me and walked quickly into her office.

Draco sat at my side and started fussing around with my pillows. "I'm sorry Paige, I should've brought you straight here. It's just that you looked so cute and I just couldn't..." I put my hand up to make him shut at, and to make him stop messing with my freaking pillows. I really didn't like how he kept apologizing, I mean what happened to the guy that didn't give a damn about anyone but himself?

"I'm fine Draco, I just stepped on it wrong. Really it's not your fault." Then Madam Pomfrey rushed to my side and gave me a potion. It tasted horrible but I swallowed it anyway. "Madam Pomfrey we have another patient for you." I turned to the voice and saw Taylor being carried in by Fred and George, she looked unconscious. "Taylor?!" I said but was hushed by Draco and Madam Pomfrey.

"Oh! Boys what happened?" She was angry with them as she rushed around Taylor. "We don't know. One minute we were talking to her, the next she was gone, then she was back again and fell to the ground." George said, worry clearly in his voice. "We think she might've hit her head. We didn't know where else to take her, since we were outside." Fred finished.

"Alright everyone out, except for you Miss Morfey. You need to heal yourself. Mr. Malfoy and you two Mr. Weasley's need to live this instant and let me deal with my patients." Draco looked at me and mouthed good-bye and walked out. I paid attention to everything Madam Pomfrey was doing. Oh Taylor, what happened? What did you do? I thought as a tear slid down my face, seeing my older sister's unconscious body lying on the bed across the room from me.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2009 6:01 pm

Oliver and I walked to the castle, hand in hand. He headed up to the library while I excused myself up to Ravenclaw tower. "I'll be right back! Get started without me, I just want to change quick!" I smiled at him, and walked up the Grand Staircase, making sure to skip the trick step. I made it up to the Ravenclaw tower. The gargoyle came to life almost immeadiatly.

"I dig out tiny caves, and store gold and silver in them. I also build bridges of silver and make crowns of gold. They are the smallest you could imagine. Sooner or later everybody needs my help, yet many people are afraid to let me help them.
Who am I?" He asked me.

I stood for a minute. Dig out tiny caves could be a miner or something. And crowns of gold could go on someones head. But they are the smallest you could imagine. Everyone needs their help. And bridges of silver could just be the color . . . I thought for a minute longer.

"You are a dentist." I told him confidently. He nodded slightly, and the wall opened to reveal the door. I smiled to myself, and rushed up to my dorm. It was empty. I glanced in the mirror. My hair was a DISASTER! And my clothes were even worse. Quitting while I was ahead, I stripped off my clothes, grabbed my computer, and headed into the bathroom. A shower would work perfectly. I opened up my music, and clicked on a random song. I laughed to myself as I heard what one it was. I Say Yeah, by Dream Street. I jumped in the shower and let the water rush over me as the song started.

I know that
You know that
I cant stop watching you
I feel it
Believe me
I know you feel it too
Uh Oh yeah
Theres something
About me
That you dont know about
I'm someone
That somehow
You seem to be without
Is it to hard to see that
I'm not invisible?
Feel like a fly on the wall

So if i get a little crazy
Look a little spacey
Blowin kisses your way
Will you think i'm ok?
Set the sun on fire
Scream a little higher
Hold you in the moonlight
I say yeah if you say alright

I sang along loudly to the song while washing my hair. I forgot how amazing old boy bands were. I managed to get all of the debris out of my hair, and then set on scrubing the dirt off my body. When every speck of dirt I could find was off, I turned off the shower.

I wrapped a large fluffy towel around myself, and brushed my hair out while still singing, only this time to a different song. I took my wand off of the counter, and waved it around my head while saying a charm to make my hair straight, but with a little bit of a curl at the ends. I pulled half of it back, and grinned to myself. I then left for the room. It was still empty, and silent as the grave except my music which could still be heard from the bathroom. I pulled open the doors of my amiore, and glanced at my clothes. I pulled out a plain white tanktop and then got out a green miniskirt. I dressed, and then pulled my Chuckles on. I went into the bathroom and washed the remnants of make up off of my face. I reapplied it, and happy with how I looked, left the dorm and common room altogether.

I half skipped half walked to the library, excited for what could possibly happen, although I knew nothing would. I entered the library, the doors creaking ominously. I felt a chill as I entered the room. It was empty for what I could see, except for the elderly librarian sitting behind her desk. Maddam Pince the nameplate said. She glanced up and I smiled slightly at her. I walked down the aisles, looking for wherever Oliver would be. This library was kinda creepy at night. I saw a glow coming from the back corner of the room. I grinned and hurried to my destination. I glanced around the corner and saw Oliver sitting behind the table that had my stuff on it, working diligintly, only not what I was hoping he would be working on.

Sitting on his lap was Katie Bell, their lips connected, his hand up the back of her shirt, her hand in his hair. I gasped quietly. I walked up, grabbed my bag and started to walk away. My bag made a slight thunk when it slight slid off the table. Oliver broke the kiss, and looked at me. His eyes opened slightly. "Kristen . . . " He muttered. Katie looked at me, and a cheshire grin slid onto her face.

"Not so High and mighty now, huh first year?" I gasped, and felt a tear run down my face. I hadn't even noticed my eyes welling up. I started to run away. I heard him push Katie off of his lap, and start to run after me. I ran faster, bursting out of the library. I made a left, a right, another right, when down a flight of stairs behind a tapestry, and ended up in the dungeons. I couldn't hear oliver anymore, I was completely lost. I sat on my but, and willed myself to stop sobbing. I didn't let one escape, but the tears continued to roll down my face.

I was better than this, and I didn't deserve it. I heard footsteps coming from down a hallway near me, but they were to light to belong to Oliver. I saw a dark body round the corner. Blaise. He looked down the hall the other direction, and then cast a glance in my direction. He registered my tightly wound body sitting on the floor. "Kristen? What are you doing down here?" He approached me, and noticed the tears on my face. He crouched down in front of me and gently wiped the tears away from my face. "What's wrong? What Happened?" I just shook my head, and he sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. We didn't speak a word, and that's exactly what I needed.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 9:34 am

I was still connected to my physical body that was the strange thing. Normally when I had a vision I wasn't connected to my body, almost like astral projection in a way but still I never felt my body now I could. I felt the boys pick me up after I'd fallen, I heard them but it was like I was underwater everything was muffled.

I tried to speak and though I was yelling and screaming in my head, I couldn't make my body move. How frustrating to be in one's body, able to hear but not able to see or move. I looked around me, my form hanging in black space, again very odd because when I astral projected I had a room that I could return to, but now I was in an empty void what I imagined a black hole would be like.

It was when the agonizing pain ripped threw me, worse than anything I had ever endured that my body responeded in kind, and I felt strong hands holding my body down as I thrashed around and screamed, before my body was tied down.

I felt the ropes holding my arms but I was still free to move my body in this place. The pain hit me again and this time I was pulled out of the black void, but still I could feel my body, I was still connected it was just weaker now. I opened my eyes and I was in a well lit room, surrounded my books.

A library, an old one if the wood work was anything to tell by, and well cared for. I walked forward to study the books when I heard someone move behind me. Turning around I reached for my wand and was able to draw it, this was almost like my previous vision thingy staring Voldermort except here I was staring into the face of Salazar Slytherin.

"Sal?" I said and he startled, almost as if he hadn't seen me. "Who are you?" He asked me and I was about to speak when I noticed something, he was a lot younger than he was in his portrait, odd.

"My name is Taylor, I'm a young witch, where am I?" He shook his head before sitting at his desk, the same desk I had claimed as my own back at Hogwarts. "You are in my summer home it is 926." I let my mouth hang open in shock, 926? That was before the founding of Hogwarts, over a thousand years ago! I wasn't in a vision what the hell!

"You must have been trying to get here, clothes your mouth it is unlady-like. Magic must have advanced to the point of time travel, now tell me where did you study?" I took a seat and tried to catch my breath. "At your school." I said and he frowned "What that school God's been talking about? Did he send you? I told him that Helga and I would not participate in that it is only asking for trouble."

Again I opened my mouth "Helga Hufflepuff??" I asked, confused, and dizzy and pretty sure a potion was being shoved down my mouth at the moment. Sal smiled "She was until a week ago, she's Helga Slytherin now, oh shut your mouth." He said to me again and I had to force myself too, I really did.

"The history books never mention anything about that, and I know you start the school because I'm in Hufflepuff house, and my best friends are in Gryffindor, my sister's in Ravenclaw, and everyone even your portrait want me to be in Slytherin!" It's his turn to open him mouth but I reign in the snide comment I have on the tip of my tongue.

"Different houses? All named after us...and what traits that are given to each house by our specifications?" I nod and he starts taking notes, "And tell me more what are the traits?"

"Well Gryffindor's are called Lions, that's their house symbol they're marked by bravery, daring, nerve and chivalry...and idiots if you ask me. Ravenclaws are Eagles, marked by intelligence, creativity, wit, and wisdom...quite the snobs. Hufflepuffs are badgers and are choosen by hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play or as the stupid hat puts it they take all the rest, and Slytherin's are called Snakes and get choosen by ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness, though now it also goes with how pure your blood is."

Sal wrote feverishly until I mentioned the pure blood bit. "Well that's not right at all." I laughed "Yeah right, you even told me yourself that blood purity matter, at least your portrait did." Salazar shook his head "No, I prefer to teach those with pure magic, meaning having an origin in nature but blood purity is a load of hooey, God's more concerned with that really." I grimaced and fingered my wand.

"You're wiccan/pagan aren't you." I asked and he smiled "I am yes, we always have traits that are different than other wizards, like parseltongue." I was about to ask him another question when another violent pain shook me. He looked concerned and I brushed him off "Start the school, trust me it's worth it..." I said and he nodded before his eyes clouded over and he said in a rusty voice. "It's under the floor boards, the secret to the future....Look for the badger and the snake and here you will find yourself..."

I was pulled into the swirling void, more like ripped, and I could feel my body straining agains it's bonds to somehow come and pull me out. This time I landed hard and was in the garlic room again, though it was lighter this time. "Ah so kind of you to join us finally, you resisted longer than I expected."

"Fucking Lucious Malfoy, what the hell do you want you pure blood cunt?" Okay so it really hurt when I landed, swearing was to be expected. He sneered but held back any remarks, and his hand tightened on his wand, haha it was so fun to fuck with them.

"Only to ring your pretty little neck, but when you join us I have a tastier treat for you." He smiles, and touches my face softly. I stop myself from shivering and kick him in the knee. He hisses and stumbles back before raising his hand to strike me again. I let him this time, feeling his ring bruise my lips and leaves a cut in the same place on the opposite side of my mouth.

"Diffindo" I mutter under my breath and flick my wand at him, to my satisfaction a cut appears on his face. We take defensive positions, thankfully I knew how to duel a bit thanks to the defense teacher during first year and second year, but what I knew I knew from being in others bodies in visions, one in particular.

"That stance is very familiar..." Lucious says softly and I smirk, I was Severus Snape and Sirius Black for a while and had combined what I knew from each of them to make this slightly yoga-ish stance. "It should be, you've dueled both the people I learned it from." He doesn't want to kill me, just test me I can feel it...Voldermort must be watching.

Ah there it is, the hissing laughter from the dark corner of the room as Lucious fires a fiendfyre at me. I'm able to block with a quick sheild charm and cast a Finite charm to stop the spread of the fire before I cast a furnunculus charm, it misses him by a few inches, but hits his left hand, causing it to spread nicely up his arm a bit.

"Little bitch, I'll enjoy breaking you." He snarls and fires a Langlock hex, which hits me straight in the chest, great now I can't talk. Furious I can only use the one spell I've been able to use worldless successfully Flagrate. Thankfully I modify it a bit so that a whip of fire sprouts off the end of my wand. Lucious's eyes widen and he grins, before we start to dance him firing spells, he dodging and getting a few good lick on him with my fire.

"That isss enough Luciusss.." The voice says, after I'm on the ground bleeding with a nice shattered ankle and Lucius is nice and crispy. Lucius nods and unlocks my tonuge. "I'm going to fucking kill you Lucius." I say after I catch my breath he smiles. "You were right my lord, she will make an excellent addition, and a fine mistress."

Mistress? "Ew, gag me with a fucking spork. I'm fourteen and you're just a prick, I'll fucking cut it off before you even get near me." His smile fades "We will have to cure you of that muggle talk first...Now I believe my Lord has some questions for you."

I straighten, as much as you can with a busted ankle, and a crapload of bruises all over your body. "Yess thank you Luciusss....I've heard taless of your ssisster are they true?" I narrow my eyes.

"Even if they are, I'll kill you before you come near us." He and Lucius both laugh. "Sure child, like you did now. You will need to learn a lot more if you hope to win against us we'll meet again." Lucius says...before I am released from this world as violently as I was brought in.

I open my eyes and my left eye is nearly swollen shut. Madam Pompfrey is just standing over me watching, Paige looks like she's been crying. I feel like crap, like my souls been pulled apart and I'm still fucking hurt from that damned deatheater prick. "What happened?" She asks me before shoving a nasty potion down my throat.

"Nothing you would believe, now let's get me healed I've got Quidditch to try out for." She shakes her head, muttering about my being insane or something of the sort and I turn to look at Paige. "Freaky huh? What did you do? Do I have to maim someone, cause I am certainly in a maiming mood."
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 4:17 pm

I sprinted down the hallway, my flip flops in hand, feet smacking against the floor. I turned a corner into another corridor that ended in teh hospital wing. I ran into the wing, stopping at Paiges bed. "PAIGE! What did you do?! What did Taylor do?!" I'd heard about both of the Morfey's being in the hospital, and I'd come straight here.

"You guys aren't hurt right? You're both fine?" I was a little disheveled. I was breathing hard, and I could feel my hair falling out a bit. Both of the girls' eyes were wide, like they hadn't expected me to come busting in. Even Maddam Pomfrey's eyes were slightly larger than normal.

After Maddam Pomfrey recovered from her initial shock, she set her tray down on Taylor's bedside table. "Out! These two need their rest!"

"But - " I protested.

"No buts!" She took her wand and levitated me out of the room. I waved at the girls!

"I'll be back! Promise!" I yelled at them as the doors slamed behind me. I huffed slightly and walked down the corridors. I wanted a bath. I walked my way back to the Ravenclaw common room. I pushed my way into the dormitory, and then into the bathroom. I started up the taps and climbed into the bath, relaxing against the marble bath. I hummed to myself. I wondered what Paige did. She probably tripped. And Taylor, she just looked like crap. She might have had one of her visions. I guess that was always a possibility. I slowly started to relax, the bathwater uncoiling my tight muscles. I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock. 8:30. I sighed and pulled myself out of the bath.

I had to go to that lesson with Phyre. I pulled my clothes back on, and headed out of the common room. I had to find a Gryffindor to show me where the common room was. Then I had to make them go fetch Phyre from inside. I was sitting outside the common room when he climbed out of the portrait hole. I stood up quickly, fixing my skirt.

"Hey Phyre, ready for that lesson?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2009 10:47 pm

Watching Taylor thrashing around on her bed made me almost sick. I actually got sick when I heard the crack from her ankle. Madam Pomfrey had to strap Taylor down, so she wouldn't fall from her bed and injure herself more. When I threw up the only food I had in me, Madam Pomfrey ran over to my side and drugged me out, so that if I saw or heard Taylor get hurt anymore I really wouldn't register it. I knew Taylor must have been having one of her visions, but she's never had one that got her hurt so badly. I knew she's had some where she might get a fat lip or something, but nothing so severe. It makes me sad to see her in so much pain, that I want to take all the pain away. I didn't even notice my eyes becoming watery and streaming down my cheeks. Once Taylor's fit was over, she just sat straight up.

Madam Pomfrey couldn't believe her eyes and just asked "What happened?" She asks Taylor and pretty much shoves a potion down her throat, probably the same nasty one I was forced to drink earlier.

Taylor replies after forcing down the potion, "Nothing you would believe, now let's get me healed I've got Quidditch to try out for." I saw her shake her head, and heard her muttering about Taylor being insane by wanting to endanger herself even more. Taylor rolls her eyes and looks at me, "Freaky huh? What did you do? Do I have to maim someone, cause I am certainly in a maiming mood."

I give her a weak laugh and shake my head, "No one did this to me. I-I just fell down the stairs." She laughs, "Sounds like something you would do. How'd you fall?" She asks. "Well I was trying to jump the 'fall-through-me' step and I succeeded in missing it, the landing part was really my down fall." I say and she laughs some more. I look over and see Madam Pomfrey coming over to me with a tray of food. "This should help your stomach settle." She told me and I couldn't be more grateful for the food right now.

She brings Taylor a tray too but all of a sudden the doors burst open. I'm scared out of my mind, thinking someone's been attacked, when I see Kristen running in straight for me. "PAIGE! What did you do?! What did Taylor do?!" She pretty much shouted into my face. I was still shocked and kind of pissed that the news about me falling down the stairs was getting around, and that they were talking about Taylor too. "You guys aren't hurt right? You're both fine?" She asks us again and I roll my eyes. Thinking to myself I say "Well lets see...my left wrist and right ankle are in a cast and Taylor looks like she's just been beaten to a pulp by a book or something...nope we are definitely fine!"

Madam Pomfrey finally comes out of the same 'shocked' coma that I was in and shouts "Out! These two need their rest!" Kristen struggles with her "But-" "No buts!" She said and levitated Kristen out of the room. From the outside I heard Kristen yell "I'll be back! Promise!" I smile to myself, thanking god for such a caring and good friend. Madam Pomfrey touches her hand to her face and walks back to the office muttering something about how she doesn't get paid enough for this job (such a muggle thing to say which makes me smile more). Once her doors shuts I dig into my food and look over at Taylor.

"So...can I ask what happened? I mean I know you were having a..." I looked around to make sure Madam Pomfrey wasn't within hearing distance. "...a vision of some sort. Was it of...you-know-who?" I ask. Voldemort is one scary dude I hear, and from what Taylor has told me he is really mean too. I pray to the dear lord Jesus that he wasn't the one doing this to her, or else I would have to find his ass and beat it with my new found powers.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2009 4:34 pm

Setting the tray of food aside I look at Paige. "Actually I don't think it was a vision, it felt more like astral projection." Madam Pomfrey left the room and Taylor climbed out of the bed, her ankle was wrapped and awaiting cast though I wanted just to take the skelogrow potion and re-grow her bones but she'd heard that that caused your bones to weaken so she was just going to have to try out handicapped.

"At first I was back in time and then..." I touched my face and grimaced, "I was with Lucious Malfoy and...him." I shivered a bit "We dueled, that's why I look like this, and leads me to assume that every hurt my astral self take is given to my physical."

I let out a soft laugh "They want me to join them that's ridiculous...Well..." I stood up and tested my ankle, seeing that it was fine I cleaned her face. Though I still looked like I'd been been put in a blender and they'd hit frape', I felt ready to go. "I'm going, I have Quidditch try-outs cover for me." Grabbing my bag I hopped out of the room and managed to make it down to the Pitch just as they were signing up.

"Morfey what happened to you?" "I heard she passed out." "I heard she got in a fight with a werewolf!" The other Hufflepuffs were whispering as I hopped forward broom in hand. "It's nothing really, trust me the other guy looks worse." Cedric came up behind me and hugged me tight, kissing my neck softly he whispered in my ear. "We need to talk." He said and I smiled "Later Mr. Seeker, I've got some try-outs to nail."

I like Cedric I really did, just like I really liked Snape except both of them were dangerous and powerful men, I seemed helpless against them....Thinking that way I thought back to Lucius would I soon find him irresistable too? Would I be helpless against him? With these thoughts in my head I took to the sky...

Phyre's POV

I was dressed in my Gryffindor pride clothes, red jeans, black shirt with a gold lion on it. Smiling at Kristen I ran a hand threw my white hair, to really show her I was in my actual appearance, rank tattoo and all. "Hello little Raven, yes let's go..." He walked a few steps ahead of her and lead her into an empty classroom. "Now the first part of being a metamorphus is knowing your limits, we all have them, for example I can't do feet impossible for me, Nymphadora has it worse though she can't change her plumbing if you get what I'm saying." I smiled "It's easy to change when you're emotional though usually it's only one part of you and with girls its typically the hair, so that's what we'll start with."

"Okay first you want to concentrate on your body, feel all the little peices of yourself espically your magical core, that little fire in you. Now concentrate on your hair, feel each strand each atom, molecule of it and will it to change, nothing big just a little shorter, or a different color black is the hardest blonde the easiest some find one of them easier than the other go ahead and try it." I said and sat in a desk to watch her.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 11:58 am

I sat in awe as Taylor was telling me about her vision. My heart stopped and my breathing became quicker; she had met and seen Voldemort. At first I thought she dueled with he-who-must-not-be-named himself, but I knew that it was Lucius who she did duel with. I couldn't believe she could be so cool and calm about it. Then when she laughed about them wanting her to join them, I just had to put my foot down. "Well...I'm going, I have Quidditch try-outs cover for me." I stuttered when she said that and I saw her starting to walk out.

"Taylor I really don't think that its a good iea for you to be walking around just yet." She started to walk out the door "Taylor listen to me please!" I shouted at her and started to get out of my bed. I started to walk after her but when I walked on my ankle pain took over me and I just hopped back on my bed. "You're going to get in big trouble for this!" I yelled at the now closing doors.

Huffing I folded my arms across my chest. I couldn't believe her, just walking out of bed and going to tryouts for Quidditch! She was seriously going insane. I barely twisted my ankle and it hurt for me to walk on it, but she broke her ankle and was just fine. Looking around the now empty Hospital Wing I realized it was really creepy being here all alone. Shuddering, I went under the covers and started to eat my meal. I kept glancing at Madam Pomfrey's door, making sure she wasn't going to step out.

Once I was finished with my food I set the tray on the nightstand next to my bed. My eyes started to get heavy, so I decided I should try to sleep. As I was falling asleep, I wondered if Madam Pomfrey actually put a sleeping potion in the food, to help me sleep. Almost to unconsciousness, I heard the door open and bolted awake. The room was growing dark but I could see a figure walking toward the beds. My heart started to race and thought it was some one checking up on Taylor. I decided to try to run to her side of the room and I hopped in her bed. As I started to situate myself I heard the footsteps quicken their pace. I lay in Taylor's bed and wait to see who the stranger was that wanted to check up on Taylor.

"Taylor?" I heard a deep voice whisper. I had to keep telling myself to relax and stay calm. "Taylor are you okay? Will you tell me what happened?" A hand started to stroke my hair back as a body sat on the bed with me. I knew that if that person really knew Taylor then they would instantly know it wasn't her. "Maybe you're too tired to answer now, I'll be back later. Make sure to use that potion that I made you." My heart started to beat and I knew instantly who it was. I tried my hardest not to say anything. "Sleep well, I'll check on your sister for you now. I know you're probably worried about her." He couldn't be serious could he?

I felt him get up and start heading down the aisle toward Madam Pomfrey's door. Taking in a deep breath I pushed myself out of the bed and ran across to my bed. When I went to jump on it, the bed made a small little noise, making the Professor turn toward me. I made sure to make my features look like I was startled awake by his presence. "Who...who's there?" I said, making my voice quiver.

"Ahh young Miss Morfey. I hear you took quite a tumble down the stairs today. How are you feeling?" Professor Snape asked me as he lit the tip of his wand up. I covered my eyes with my hand, the light was hurting my eyes. He knew that the light hurt my eyes so he dimmed it so that it really only lit up my face, instead of the whole room.

"Pro-Professor Snape?" I asked and he nodded. "What, what are you doing here?" I really did need to know. Did he only come here to check up on Taylor? Did he have the same feelings for Taylor as I knew Taylor had for him? "Professor Dumbledore asked me to check up on you and your sisters health, he had heard of both of you being in the hospital. He also wanted me to ask of you and your sister, when you are feeling better, to meet him in his office. His pass word is Caramel Corn. Have a nice night, Miss Morfey...and do keep an eye on your sister would you?" I nodded my okay and he started out of the room. Before he left though, he took a glance back over at Taylor's bed and I could almost feel the sigh and hear the smile cover his face.

Once he was gone I let out a breath and clutched at my chest. Taylor so owed me big time for this! I started to relax, yet again, and then all of a sudden the doors opened again. I sat straight up and looked at the figure walking in. "Where the hell have you been? You almost got caught! You owe me so much for this Taylor!" I shouted at her and I just got a little chuckle out of her. "So how was tryouts?" I asked once she was back in her bed.
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