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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 3:30 pm

I closed my eyes, hoping that would somehow help my transformation. I felt every piece of my hair with my subconcious, and focused on the magic in me. I let my magic spread up to the roots of my head, all the way to the tips. I felt a slight tingle at my scalp, and I let my magic slowly change my hair. It felt like I was doing this for 5 minutes, before I finally felt my hair change. I had a wrinkle on my brow, and a line of sweat settling on it too. I clenced my fist, focusing even more, focusing on the way Phyres hair was, shorter than my own. I felt it start to get shorter and shorter, and I gasped in exertion.

I felt my hair settle around my ears, and panted, unclenching my fists and opening my eyes. My hair was in my face, shorter and annoying. I blew it away slightly, and shook my head. "Jesus, that was hard, even if it was only a few inches!" I smiled a Phyre, proud of myself for my small accomplishment. He nodded slighly. "What's next? Nose? Ears? Eyes? Color? Feet? Hands?" I asked him, excited and energized for more, even if I was kind of tired from just the hair. I grinned, boucing on the balls of my feet, waiting for his reply. I felt like a little ball of perkiness, just ready to burst.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSun May 10, 2009 8:52 pm

I laughed again "You're looking at the newest Hufflepuff beater, though I think Cedric just put me on the team because he wants us to date." I roll my eyes and ease my leg up on the bed. Thank god Quidditch is on brooms, my ankle hurt like a bitch. Pulling my bag up I grabbed Snape's potion and set it on the night stand. Slowly I took off my soiled clothes and changed into the pajamas the house elves had brought me, thankfully it was my long yellow night gown and matching slippers. before I changed into it I spread Severus's potion on the places that hurt the worse and were most noticable, my face, arms, upper chest were all bruised and cut, I'm glad Paige didn't see that.

Feeling my bruises heal and my cuts turn cold and slipping the night gown over my head I sigh content. "So anything interesting happen while I was gone?" Paige then launched into a story that tied my stomach in knots again, meaning my stomach was knoty-er than a pine wood floor. Snape had come to check on me? Was worried about me? Frowning I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, grabbing a pair of crutches I neglected earlier I smiled at Paige. "Let's go see Dumbles aye?" Paige opened her mouth flabergasted "What are you talking about? Do you want to get in more trouble tonight? Can't you just go to sleep?"

I know she's right so to make nice I put the crutches back and get back into bed. Before Paige is fully asleep the hospital doors open and soft footsteps approach me. "Harry? You should be in bed." I say flatly and he grins taking a seat next to me. "I heard what happened I wanted to make sure you're okay." Smiling I ruffle his black hair, we're both whispering as Paige has finally fallen asleep.

"Thanks for that, but I'm sure you didn't really how I got hurt...I'm not going to tell you either. I just want you to know that when you need my help, and you will...to come and find me please." He doesn't fully understand me, hell I don't fully understand me, but he nods and hops out of the chair. He's just about to go when someone else enters the room. My pulse spikes and I gesture for Harry not to move, the wand lights the room dimly and only Harry's and Snape's faces are visible.

"Mr. Potter?" Snape asks questioningly cold and Harry gulps. "Y-yes Professor?" Harry says and I see Severus's face curl into his trademark snarl, I can see now that he is repulsed by Harry for the same reason he is drawn to me, her eyes. "What are you doing in the hospital wing after hours? This will certainly merit a d..." I grab Snape's hand that is resting on the bed rail, without thinking his fingers link with mine. "Severus, he was supposed to come to a lesson with me for animagus training tonight, he just wanted to make sure I was okay." I see Snape relax but tense when he remembers that Harry's in the room.

"Harry, we'll talk more tomorrow okay? And I'd appreciate if you don't tell anyone that Snape came to visit me." Harry nods and gives me one last look before he skitters out of the room. Snape sits in the Harry was and takes my other hand in his, wow his hands a way bigger than mine are, and all scar-ish. Without thinking I start running my fingers over the scars, he he starts gently rubbing my hands.

"That is the first time you've called me Severus." He says to me finally and I look up at him. "You call me Taylor all the time, I figured I could...Can I not?" It's his turn to look taken aback "Well, I actually enjoy it, hearing my name come out of your pretty mouth." I blush and I think he does to, if he can even blush I've never even seen him get red in the face.

"Severus...why do act this way? Towards me I mean." He looks at me and his hands grow still "I don't know." My heart sinks "When I saw you in your first year you reminded me of someone I knew before, you were always a good student...Then this year when I saw you hurt something stirred in me. I haven't felt this in a long time."

I don't know what to say, I'm shocked but then I know his history or at least peices of it so I'm not surprised, until he continues. "I enjoy feeling this way about you, it makes my life a little less dark. Does this bother you?" Does it bother me? Is he asking me if I want him to stop? Do I?

No, I don't. Leaning up I press my lips to his gently and pull away "No it doesn't." I say softly. It happens quickly and yet so slow, almost like a dream. Severus smiles at me and wraps an arm around me pulling me closer to him. His other hand touches my face and smooths back my hair before drifting to my neck and holding firm there as his lips touch mine.

Fire. Oh the blazing heat is there under the snow though who's snow I can't tell. Our lips move together better than mine and Cedric's, I sigh into him and wrap my arms around him. The kiss deepens and I feel myself start to swim as he gently tugs on my lip and his tongue makes it's first gentle, tentative sweep of my mouth. It surprises me and my pulse jumps a bit. He quickly pulls away taking all the warm fuzzies with him.

"I'm sorry, that was much too...soon...too fast..." I giggle I've never heard him apoligize before, I press a finger to his lips and shush him. Pressing myself to him I kiss down his neck and then back up ending at his nose. "No, that just happened to be my first french kiss." Why is it that boys always get that smug look on their faces when you tell them something like that. "Well then now unto business." I laugh "Now that is moving too fast." He doesn't smile like I expect him too. "What happened today?"

I tell him, each vivid detail, everthing...even the stuff I didn't tell Paige. "Lucius said that?" I nod "And Voldie sounded okay with it, like he'd enjoy it." Snape growled "He'd watch, that's what kind of a man he was and what kind of monster he is." I shrink into my bed, Snape pulls me forward and sets me on his lap, cradling me. "I won't let them take you Taylor, I promise you." I nod and kiss him again, now that I've done it once I can't seem to stop, I don't think he wants me to either. "I know, I'm not worried I know if anything were to happen you'll rescue me." He smiles down at me, and that boyish smirk returns. "So your first french kiss?"

Pushing him I climb back into my bed. "Don't worry, we'll have many first together Severus." I say, I don't think it shocks him anymore because he kisses gently and touches my face "Go to sleep now, I'll see you tomorrow." I nod and watch him leave the room, I'm so pervy watching him leave imagining him in nothing but trousers, somehow I'm certain he'll look sexy in a pair of dark wash blue jeans...for our first date. Giving a girlie squeal I dive underneath the covers, not knowing how I'll be able to sleep now.

Phyre's PoV

I watched her trying to change, and got a little bored with it so I changed my fingernail colors until she was done. "Very good, now I know you're excited I was the first time too, but boringly now you have to change your hair back to normal. If that doesn't take too much out of you then you can try going longer. It's a back and forth until you can do it in a finger snap, then we'll move unto color, I'd like to think that by Friday (Three days away) you'll have the length down pat and perhaps a little color then we can move on to more complex things, then we'll hit the wall the one part you can't change...skip that and go to the next..." I smile and nod rapidly "Sorry it's so boring, it would be easier if you had known from a young age, most don't only the lucky few." I shrug and set her about to trying again "If you feel wobbly you can sit down."
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon May 11, 2009 7:49 pm

"You're looking at the newest Hufflepuff beater, though I think Cedric just put me on the team because he wants us to date." I clapped when she told me that. Smiling even more because she thinks Cedric only did that because he likes her, and who wouldn't? I watched Taylor slowly bring her leg up to her bed. I gave her the I-told-you-so look and she just rolled her eyes. She pulled out the potion that Snape must've been talking about earlier. She put that stuff everywhere! (and I mean everywhere!) Then she looked at me, "So anything interesting happen while I was gone?" I looked at her and completely told her everything!

"Well first off I think Madam Pomfrey put some sort of potion or something in our food, to make us sleep better. Then, oh then, I started to fall asleep and someone loudly opens the doors and walks loudly in. I jolt awake and see that the figure in the dark was moving toward your bed. I didn't know what to do! I couldn't perform a spell or charm or anything to make it look like you were actually there! So what I did instead was get quickly and quietly out of my bed and run over to your bed. I knew the person didn't see me because they didn't say anything."

I looked at her, to make sure she was still following me. She nodded her okay to continue so I did. "Okay so I'm in your bed right? and the person keeps on coming toward it. So I'm freaking out, hoping the dude just leaves but no they whisper 'Taylor?' and I didn't have a clue who it was, so I made it look like you were asleep. Then they started asking if you were okay and if you would tell them what happened. When I didn't answer they told me, well you, to get some sleep and use the potion that he gave you. That's when I knew who the person was!"

She looked at me like 'tell me now!' so I did, "It was Snape! He came all the way down to see you, and he was acting like you were his whole world and without you he wouldn't survive. Okay so I made it threw that, but then he said he was going to check on me! I freaked out silently a little more and watched as he started walking to Madam Pomfrey's door. Quickly I jump out of your bed and into mine and I made a loud, um bump or something, and he instantly turns in my direction, wand pointed. I asked quietly 'Who's there?' He lit it up and made my eyes water, so he dimmed it down. He was all like 'Ahh young Miss Morfey' okay pause why does everyone refer to me as young Miss Morfey? Anyway, so I said 'Professor Snape' and I could somewhat see him smirk or smile, I'm not sure. So then he starts acting all nice and caring 'So I hear you took quite a tumble down the stairs' and I'm thinking to myself wow news travels fast! So I ask what the hell he's doing here (well not exactly) and he said that Professor Dumbledore wanted him to check up on us. Oh and that Dumbledore wants us to meet him in his office, he told me the password." I finished telling her and slunk back in my bed.

Taylor looked shocked and yet she still stood up and grabbed crutches. Looking at me she said "Let's go see Dumbles aye?" I look at her like she's crazy and open my mouth flabergasted "What are you talking about? Do you want to get in more trouble tonight? Can't you just go to sleep?" The look she gave me told me that she wanted to object but she actually listened to me and put her crutches back and goes to her bed. I smile and tell her good-night and start to fall asleep. I'm almost asleep (yet again!) when I hear someone walk through the doors. I roll my eyes and turn away from the noise, trying to get comfortable again. I hear Taylor whisper "Harry? You should be in bed." Somewhat more awake I hear Harry answer, "I heard what happened I wanted to make sure you're okay." They start whispering so low I can barely hear them, and finally unconsciousness wins over and I fall asleep.

The next day I wake to see the sun rise and I smile, stretching a little. My left wrist hurt and I remembered that I was in the Hospital Wing. I look around, really only looking for the bathroom in this joint, when I see Madam Pomfrey walking toward me. "Good morning dear, I trust you slept well?" She asked and gave me another potion. I drank it in one gulp and said "Yes I did, thank you Madam Pomfrey. Um do you know where I could use the little ladies room?" She smiles and laughs as she pointed over to a corner. I smile and start to get up from my bed. "Oh don't forget these my dear." I grab the crutches she offers me and I walk over to the bathroom. I hadn't peed since I left for dinner the night before, so I really had to go bad.

As I walked out of the bathroom, Madam Pomfrey had left me breakfast and the house elves had brought me my robes. I smiled and quickly put them on. Once I was finished I looked over at Taylor, who was just starting to wake up. "Good morning sleepy head!" I tell her and smile as I took a big bite of pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries on it. Just then Madam Pomfrey comes out again, giving Taylor a potion. Looking at her I ask, "Will I be able to go to my classes today?" Smiling she helped Taylor get out of her bed (even when Taylor's not hurt it's still a struggle to get her out of bed) "I had specific orders to not let you go to classes today, either of you. After breakfast you are both to report to Professor Dumbledore's office immediately. Then once he is finsihed you are to come straight back here. You both should be fully healed by tomorrow." She said and started walking away. "Oh and you are allowed visitors but only after you are finished with the meeting with Dumbledore." At that she started for her office and shut the door.

Taking a big drink of my apple juice I look at Taylor, who was just starting her way to the bathroom. I finish my pancake and take a bite of the eggs we were given. Taylor had changed in the bathroom and was almost finished with her waffle. "So what do you think Professor Dumbledore wants to talk to us about?" She shrugs her shoulders and takes another bite of her waffle. "I'm scared Tay-Tay. You don't think he'd kick us out do you?" She laughed and I crossed my arms. "Well I'm a worrier you know that!" I tell her, "Yeah I know, which means you should tell me the password, encase you forget." I look at her and roll my eyes. "Fine! His password is Carmel Corn, but you better not bother him with it unless it's an emergency!" I point at her. "Oh and don't go into his office without his permission or without him being there either Missy!" She laughs and I look at her, actually stare her down. "Swear? If you don't I'll tell him to change his password." Taylor looked up from her breakfast, a glare in her eyes. "Do you swear you won't do any of that?" Rolling her eyes she says, "I swear." We finish our breakfast and head out to Professor Dumbledore's office.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue May 12, 2009 8:20 pm

I once again, and focused all of my energy back on my hair. I felt the tingle, but this time, my head kinda hurt from it. I grimaced slightly. I didn't wrinkle my brow, it wasn't very painful, just uncomfortable. I felt my energy draining slightly, but I refused to sit and be a weak little girl. I focused more, and felt my hair settle around it's regular length. I took slow, deep, deliberate breaths as the tingly stopped and all the magic in my body settled into place.

I opened my eyes slowly, and looked around the room. I found the table behind me, and leaned against it slightly. I was a little tired. I shook my head slightly, a headache developing between my eyes. I smile weakly at Phyre. "I think that's good for tonight!" I tell him, my arms were shaking slightly like I had a muscle twitch. I sighed tiredly. "I need some sleep." He nods, and tells me that we can try again soon. We leave the room, both of us turning right.

"Kristen, I think your common room is the other way." He says, a smile in his voice and a chuckle right behind it.

"Oh, right! Night Phyre!" I say to him, and turn and head to my common room. I managed to follow some older Ravenclaws to the common room, and I let them answer the riddle. I wasn't up to any riddles, I was just to tired. I couldn't think at all. I walked my way up to the girls dorm, skipping the trick step, and went into the dorm. Once again, it was empty. 'Jeeze, doesn't anybody sleep in this dorm!' I thought to myself. I collapsed on my bed, exhausted. I managed to get out of all of my clothes except my shirt, and crawled into bed. I turned off the light, and was settling down for sleep when a slight vibrating noise came from my drawer.

I whipped out my writing paper, only to see a new message on it. I heard what happened with Wood. Blaise told me. You okay? it read. I sighed, and wrote a quick scribbled reply. Yeah, just fantastic. Go to bed Draco. And tell Blaise to get in bed! I sighed to myself, waiting for the reply. You know us so well! Night Kristen, sweet dreams. Blaise says good night, and that he's gonna kick Wood's ass tomorrow. I smiled to myself, and shut my paper back in my drawer. I was glad I didn't have a class right after breakfast. I might be able to manage to sleep in! I sighed contentedly, and snuggled into my blankets a pillows. I was out within minutes.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 12:36 pm

So Paige is on two crutches as we hobble to Dumbledore's office. I don't have the heart to tell her that I never really needed his password, Hogwarts lets me in whenever I want but I try really hard not to abuse my special connection with Hogwarts. I'm on one crutch laughing as we go, thinking of skipping a whole day of school and Dumbles doesn't scare me. I'm humming as we walk, Paige is all nervous so I decide to lighten the mood a bit. "Weeee're....Off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Hogwarts. Who really is a whiz of a whiz if ever a whiz there was!"

Somehow I manage to skip on my crutch and leap on to Paige's back. "Because of the wonderful things he does!" I yell and aggrivated she somehow spins around in her attempt to fling me off. "Get off! Taylor stop it!" I climb off her grinning like an idiot, I really can't help that I'm in such a good mood after last night it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. We approach Dumbledore's office and Paige says the password.

Climbing those stairs brings back a lot of memories, from various pranks I've gotten in trouble for to the first time I met Dumbles face to face after my first vision here.

I'd been in charms class, we were learning to levitate feathers, and being as disinterested as I was at that moment (I was thinking about the flying lessons that afternoon) my feather ended up soaring to the ceiling where it began to shoot sparks, I had no idea what was going on and the moment Flitwick touched my hand to still my wand I saw him die.

That was when I had a violent physical reaction to visions and projection (I still have them occasionally but now it's more of a splitting headache), I came to on the floor both nostrils were bleeding and Flitwick was rushing about calling for people to get help. After Madam Pomfrey checked me out I was summonded to Dumbledores office.

He spoke to me about my duties to the wizarding world, as a seer or phrophet I owed it to the magical community to tell them what I saw each time I saw it. We started having tri-weekly visits about my abilities and they usually ended with me running out of the room to get away from him. He may not be considered evil but the manipulative power he possess was enough to keep me away from him, except for when it was unavoidable, like today.

"Taylor?" Paige whispers, I force myself to snap out of my memories and stare into those damned twinkling eyes. "Ah the Morfey sisters please have a seat." He's being plesant, my mouth tastes bitter and stale I try to keep the dirty look off my face and know that I succeed in everything but my eyes, they are the gateway to the soul after all.

Paige and I sit next to the fire and when he offers us tea I still Paige's hand "No thank you sir, we brought our own." I pull Paige's favorite water mixer of of my pocket and give that to her with my water bottle, I don't want her to eat or drink anything that man gives her. "Very well then. Ladies I wanted to talk to you about your impressive displays of power."

I smirk, of course he does, and I hear the disappointment in his voice he must have put veriteserum in the tea or something. "Go ahead and talk." I say and Paige looks like she wants to wet her pants, she's not a fan of my being rude to those authority figures. Dumbles clears his throat, not taken a back but angry that I talk to him this way. "You two are very special girls, and I know you have another sibling. Taylor will she have extra abilities?"

I narrow my eyes "That sounds like an order. I won't take orders from you when it comes to my family, I will protect them with everything I have in me." The tension between us is electric, I'm surprised sparks aren't flying up, he takes the challenge I'm sorry that Paige has to be in here for this I know it makes her uncomfortable. "That sounds as if you are saying you'll turn against the light if it means protecting your family."

Straightening my shoulders I give him my sweetest smile "If that's what it sounds like it must be true." More sparks more heat, before he chuckles and leans back "Well I'm glad it won't come to that. Now if you'd like to explain your vision to me that put you in this state, I'd like to speak with your sister alone." I bristle but don't say a word, explaining my vision in less detail than I did with the others and keeping my suspicions to myself about what happened, I watch him absorb every word and then smile at me. "Very good, now back to the hospital wing." I stand and hug Paige whispering 'Watch your back, he's tricky, don't tell him anything I wouldn't.'

Leaving the room instead of going back to the hospital I decide to go out to the Quidditch pitch, I need to be outside, alone. Underneath my willow I lean back and let the sun caress my face. "Taylor?" Opening one eye I glance and see Cedric, he takes a seat next to me leaning content against the trunk. "Hi Cedric." I shift my body so that I'm angled facing him he smiles. "What happened? We were supposed to have a meeting last night." He's got that boyish trust on his face and I can't help but smile.

"I fell down like four flights of stairs before tryouts, I was banished to the Hospital wing, I'm not even supposed to be here right now." He slips his arms around me and holds me close. "I like it when you're rebelious." We laugh and joke until he suddenly grasps me tighter. I try to pull away and he holds me tighter. "Cedric stop it." I say and his faces gets hard. I've never seen it like that, never has he been mean or cruel, he's a fucking Hufflepuff for godsake! How did this change come about him so fast?

"I'm never going to be good enough for you am I!" He's louder now, his fingers digging into my shoulders, the breath leaves me and all I can do is stare into his dark eyes. So stormy, so conflicted with anger, confusion and caring...and enjoyment? "I'm good enough to be your friend but nothing more! Why not? Why am I never good enough!" He's screaming, I'm glad everyone else has classes away from the lake or else a crowd would be gathering.

I feel my body trembling, I'm crying as he shakes my shoulders, I hate hurting him like this when he's already been so hurt in his life. "Cedric stop I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Raising my hand to his face I try to smooth the harsh look there, instead he grasps my hand and wrenches it down, the pain is nothing compared to my arm that he still holds in a vice like grip.

"Tell me you love me!" Cedric's face is the only thing I see now, he's crying as well but still angry something foreign is in him, and I can't help but wonder. I put both of my hands to his face and kiss him softly, I feel nothing except the sting of tears on my lips and the smirk widening on his face. "Cedric, I love you...But I can't be your girlfriend I love someone else."

I said the wrong thing but I won't lie to him anymore. Cedric raises his hand to strike me and whispers "I knew you were a bitch..." when the pale hand grasps Cedric's wrist and and. "Mr. Diggory is there a problem?" I look up to see Snape, relief must be plastered on my face and suddenly Cedric shudders and slumps down. Suddenly he shoots back up and looks between me and Snape "What happened?"

I give a shaky laugh, and Snape looks at me curiously "Back to classes Mr. Diggory, if I see you out class again I will give you a months worth of detention." Cedric looks at me, confused and hurt before running back to the castle. Again I laugh as Snape sits next to me. "What happened?" His eyes are soft as he wraps me in his arms, that warm, secure feeling engulfs me again and I sigh. "I think he was possesed by one of the dark lord's servants, most likely Lucious. They must have discovered a way to enter the body experienceing high emotions." Snape kisses my forehead, I sigh into him. "We won't worry about that now, I wanted to ask you a question..." I look up at him and kiss his nose "Yes. Pick me up at seven-thirty I'll be right here." He eyes me. "You knew?"

"For a while now, I don't know where we're going though." He smiles "Wear a nice dress if you have one." Standing I smirk and he stands up to take my hand, "Of course I do, but if I dress up you had better deliver." Giving me what can only be described as a flirty wink he whispers in my ear "I always deliver." Before kissing my neck and stalking back to the castle. "What are you fifteen!" I yell and I see his shoulders shaking with surpressed laughter.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed May 20, 2009 10:32 pm

I'm so nervous...I mean who wouldn't be? I'm about to meet one of the most powerful wizards alive, who is also the headmaster of the school I go to, and I'm a cripple! I start out on my crutches clumsy, as usual, with Taylor practically skipping next to me on her one crutch. As we keep going a little farther I start to get the hang of these things, and almost start running in them (not really it was more of a fast walk-ish thing). My head is swimming with reasons Dumbledore wants to see us when suddenly I hear Taylor start singing, "Weeee're....Off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Hogwarts. Who really is a whiz of a whiz if ever a whiz there was!" I roll my eyes and continue my pace with Taylor skipping around me. She can really be immature some times, but I wouldn't ask for her any other way.

When she gets to the 'because, because, because,' and so on part she leaps onto my back! "Because of the wonderful things he does!" She screeches in my ear. Usually I would laugh and carry her along, but right now I'm on crutches and feeling queasy from all the potions in my system and meeting Dumbledore that I practically lose it. I try to pick up my pace but that didn't work so I finally spun in a circle to try and fling her from my back. That, of course, doesn't really work either. Annoyed I yell "Get off!! Taylor stop it!" She jumps off and grins madly at me, "Try to act your own age will you?" I ask and she just rolls her eyes. We finally get to his office door and I say the password "Carmel Corn." The statue moves and a staircase start winding toward Dumbledore's office. We both step on and ride the stairs up.

Once the stairs stopped moving I lightly jab Taylor "Taylor?" I say and she blinks and walks in, in front of me. "Ah the Morfey sisters please take a seat." We go to the chairs near the fire and Dumbledore offers us some tea. I go to take one and Taylor slaps my hand away, "No thank you sir, we brought our own." She pulls out my favorite water mixer our of her pocket and gave that to me with her water bottle, I guess she really has a bad relationship with him and doesn't trust him that well. He looks disappointed but tries to shrug it off "Very well then. Ladies I wanted to talk to you about your impressive displays of power."

Taylor smirks "Go ahead and talk." She says and I really am speechless, I have no clue why she is like this toward him, maybe she had some really bad experiences with him. He clears his throat as if nothing happened, "You two are very special girls, and I know you have another sibling. Taylor will she have extra abilities?" Taylor narrows her eyes, "That sounds like an order. I won't take orders from you when it comes to my family, I will protect them with everything I have in me." The tension between them is like two magnets with the same side trying to force the other one to turn. It's a little uncomfortable for me but I can take things better than Taylor may think. Dumbledore narrows his eyes in return, "That sounds as if you are saying you'll turn against the light if it means protecting your family."

Then she smiles, a sweet smile that she only gives mom and Tom if she wants something special from them, "If that's what it sounds like it must be true." He looks at her and smiles, "Well I'm glad it won't come to that. Now if you'd like to explain your vision to me that put you in this state, I'd like to speak with your sister alone." She goes on with this 'vision' of hers, probably something she made up because it sounds nothing like what she told me earlier, but Dumbledore believes every word of it, "Very good, now back to the hospital wing." She stands up and hugs me whispering, 'Watch your back, he's tricky, don't tell him anything I wouldn't.' I gulp and smile back at her as she leaves his office.

"Your sister is one student I never really could understand." He tells me and shakes his head. "Well, I've heard from a few teachers that you have an ability just like your sister as well." I nod. He looks at me with his piercing blue eyes that don't show any kind of kindness in them at this point, more like hunger for information. "And what would they be?" I take a deep breath. What I tell him isn't anything I would ever ever say to an adult but Taylor said to be careful and she always tells me the truth. "Well what have you heard?" Dumbledore smiles, "Well I've heard that you can cause explosions with your mind is that true?

I smile, he must've heard that from a student because the only teacher that knows anything about my gifts is Snape. "I guess you could say that." I tell him. The look he gives me is cold, it almost has hatred and resentment in it. "Well that truly is something...has your sister told you anything about your other sibling?" I shake my head, "No sir, why?" "No reason at all, just wondering if we should brace ourselves for another surprise like you and your sister." I give him a weak smile and grab my crutches, "Well if that is all I..." I stops me and I look at him. "Paige, you don't always have to do what your sister tells you to do. She may be wrong at some point in time, and I don't want her to bring you down with her."

I glare at him. How dare he say that about Taylor! I knew that she was telling the truth about him this whole time, he just wants to use us for his advantage. Well he's not going to be able to do that to me I can tell you that right now! "Actually sir, if that time does come I think I would learn enough from my sister not to follow her. If I do it would be on my own without anyone telling me what to do. I don't like taking orders from people sir, and that includes you and my sister as well. You may be the headmaster and yes I thank you for giving me the letter, but if you think for one moment that you can use me you are thinking wrong." I grab my crutches and head toward the door. Turning I look at him, "I guess I'm a little more dangerous than my sister in one way Professor." "What is that?" He asks and I smile. "She gets in trouble for her curiosity and humor, if I'm ever here it's because once I put my heart into something I never...ever change my mind." I walk out of his office with a slam at the door and let the stair case take me down.

As I walk toward the hospital wing I think about what I just did. I have a right to say what I did, and I'm not going to say sorry for that. He may be thinking for the good of the people but using kids for his gain is just plain wrong. I'm not really paying attention as I enter the room and go to my bed. My head is just spinning and spinning with everything that I've done/been through/heard in the last almost five days. I lay my head against the pillows, laying on my left side and shut my eyes when I feel hands start rubbing my back. I open my eyes and look over my shoulder to see Camden sitting on a chair by my bed. "Camden!" I practically scream and turn and pretty much leap into his arms. I kiss his cheek, his forehead, his nose and smile at him. "What are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

He smiles and put me back on the bed. "I have a break today and I heard about what happened to you. I'm so sorry I didn't visit you last night. When I heard about it, it was already past visiting hours." I smile and lay back down, moving a little so he could sit next to me. I was laying on my right side and he on he left, and we were just looking into each other's eyes. "I'm so happy your here Camden." He put his hand on my left arm and rubs it up and down, almost stopping every time he got near to my cast. "I'm glad I'm here too." I lean in to kiss him. He gives me a sweet kiss and moves his hand to my chin, rubbing it as he deepens the kiss. Wishing my wrist wasn't in this stupid cast I just move my hand (carefully) around his waist and start stroking his back. He laughs and pulls away, "What?" I ask.

"You were tickling me." He tells me and I start laughing too. For the rest of his break he told me about the classes he already had and which ones he had left. I wish I could go to my classes, I know it's weird but I don't like being in here alone. ALONE?! I look across the room to see Taylor's bed empty and glare at it. I look back to Camden, my face still in the angry mode and he said "I hope that face isn't for me." My features immediately soften and I smile, "No, no I would never give you that face." I kiss his nose and play around with his hair. "It's just that Taylor is suppose to be here and she's not. I don't want her to get into trouble." He laughs "Well you know her middle name is trouble." I look at him, giving him a fake confused look, "I thought her middle name was Marie." We both crack up laughing when the bell rings, meaning Camden is leaving. He sighs "I wish I didn't have to go." I smiled and I give him a little kiss on his soft lips, "Just promise to be back after your classes are over." He kisses me again and leans into me, whispering "I promise." and kisses my neck.

As I watch him leave, goose bumps rise up my arms and I smile to myself. Camden is the most amazing wonderful person ever. As my thoughts drift, most about Camden, I hear a "Paige!" I look up to see Kristen running over to my side. "Hey there! What have you been up to?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2009 8:56 pm

That morning when I woke up, I was so rested, i was sure I had slept until noon! I turned over towards my bed table. I checked the clock. 5:30? It was an hour before I actually had to get up! I sighed and sank back into my pillows. I let my thoughts drift around before finally pulling myself up. I might as well use this time positively.

I grabbed my laptop and tip toed my way toward the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door quietly. I set the laptop on the sink, and let it power up. While it warmed up, I stripped off my shirt and underwear, heading over to the shower to turn it on and let it heat up a bit. I went back over to the computer to find a good song. I put on a song by Juanes, it was in spanish. I had taken spanish before I went to hogwarts, and I loved music in spanish. It was Fotografia, and it was one of my favorites.

I stepped into the shower, and washed up while singing to the song. I did all of the necesarry things, and then I just stood under the shower head. I rolled my head as the jets beat down on me. Finally, once I'd gone through a few songs just not doing anything, I got out. I dried off my body with a towel, and dried my hair with mywand. I wrapped a towel around my body, and looked at my mess of hair. I turned my head back and forth. I picked up my wand, deciding I was gonna do tight perfect curls, like Shirley Temple. I waved the wand around my head, muttering the spell. My hair curled itself tightly, and it looked good. I smiled to myself before heading into the dorm. I opened my amoire, glancing at the clothes hanging up. I sighed. I didn't have class until later, so I didn't want to put my uniform on just yet. I grabbed a black mini skirt and a white and red Band Tee. It was kind of a baseball shirt. I pulled on the clothes, and then dug around for some socks. I found red baseball socks with white strips, and pulled them on. Then went the chucks.

I grabbed my make up bag and headed into the bathroom. I lined my eyes with black eyeliner, doing cat eyes. I put on a red eye shadow and my mascara. I was ready to go.

I grabbed my jacket and headed out of the common room. I passed a few of the older boys as I went, and I new I got some stares. I just smiled to myself and left the common room. I headed down the 6th floor corridor, turned left, right, left, down a flight of stairs, behind a tapestry, and another left. I walked down the grand staircase, and jumped over the trick step.

There were only a few people in the Entrance Hall, and only a handful more in the Great Hall. I went to the Ravenclaw table, and grabbed a doughnut. I bit into it, and poured myself some orange juice. When I finished my doughnut, I glanced over to the Slytherin Table looking for the tell tale blond head. I saw Draco sitting at the Slytherin Table, Blaise right next to him. I grinned and got up from the table, walking straight for Blaise.

I sat down across from the two of them, earning glares from a couple of Slytherins. I stuck my tongue out to them and rolled my eyes. I looked back to Blaise, almost completely ignoring Draco. "Blaise, I wanted to thank you for, you know, last night."

"It was my pleasure." I could see Draco's mouth open slightly. I glanced at him and burst out laughing.

"Draco, you look like a fish!" I smiled and laughed loudly. He closed his mouth.

"What did you guys do last night?"

"Nothing Draco!" I looked back to Blaise. "I just wanted to come and say thanks Blaise, I really appreciated it. I needed it." I smiled brightly at him, and he smiled back. His white teeth offset his dark skin in a nice way, not a weird creepy way. "Now, if you guys excuse me, I have to go visit paige!" I smiled at them both, getting up and walking away.

I could hear Draco mutter "What did you do last night!?" To Blaise. I shook my head and laughed to myself. I was in a good mood, and I refused to think about oliver. I skipped into the hospital wing, my curls bouncing around my face. "Paige!" I called to her as I approached her bed. "How are you? What did you do in here all night?" I asked her, plopping myself into the seat right next to her bed. I crossed my legs and smiled brightly.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2009 2:57 pm

I looked over to see Kristen looking extra cute today, something good must've happened last night! Her curly hair bounces as she walks toward me and sits in the chair. "How are you? What did you do in here all night?" She asks as her hand grabs my right wrist (that one isn't in the cast).

"I'm fine, a little hungry actually, but couldn't be better. Well except to get these stupid casts off. Madam Pomfrey said I should be back to normal by tonight since I didn't have any broken bones or anything." I tell her and the look she was giving me I knew she was taking in everything I said. Smiling I put my left hand over her's (which is just wrapped in a band-aid right now), "Last night all I did was sleep actually. It was kinda creepy sleeping in here though, I wish I was in my own bed but oh well." I look at her, all serious now "So...what happened last night?! Did Oliver kiss you? (gasp) Are you two a couple now?! Oh tell me all about it!!"

Kristen was about to answer me when the doors burst open and Draco and Blaise walk in. "Hi boys!" I say excitedly. I'm so happy everyone cares so much about me to actually come and visit me, it makes me feel special. "What are you two doing? Don't you have class?"

"No, we have a break actually." Blaise said and took the seat next to Kristen. I saw Kristen blush a little as did Blaise, which made me curious as to what actually did happen last night. Draco looked at the two, disgusted, and sat on the chair on the other side of me. "How are you feeling?" He asked and lightly touches my left wrist and his eyes stop at the cast around my right leg.

"I'm feeling great Draco thanks for asking! Madam Pomfrey says all I needed was a day of rest and I'll be good as new by tomorrow." I tell him and put my hand over his. Looking into his eyes I tell him "It isn't your fault I'm here, I'm just really clumsy!" He laughs, as do Blaise and Kristen which makes me laugh too. It's so weird, as I look around my bed, how two Slytherin males are actually friends with two Ravenclaw mud-blood girls. We were friends, really good friends actually and yet we are so different, which makes are friendship even more unusual.

"Well," Blaise says as he gets up from the chair "Draco and I are going to watch the Slytherin Quidditch tryouts, you want to come with us Kristen? Sorry Paige but..." I laugh "I know it's fine. I actually just want to relax." I look at Kristen, "You can go if you want, but we will have to talk later tonight!" I tell her with a wink and she smiles. "Bye guys!" I tell them. Draco stands up and kisses the top of my head "I'll see you tomorrow in Potions then." He whispers in my ear and follows Blaise and Kristen out. I see Kristen wrap her arms through Blaise and Draco's arm and walks with them to the tryouts. Smiling I shut my eyes and try to take a little nap before lunch.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri May 22, 2009 9:50 pm

I wrapped my arms through the Draco and Blaise's, glad to be leaving Paige and avoiding the uncomfortable talk that would surely come soon. I walked with them down the long corridor chatting about nothing and anything. We finally got down to the Quidditch Pitch, and up into the stands. "I hope you guys know that no matter who you guys have on your team, you're never gonna beat Ravenclaw!" The two boys laughed at this.

"Kristen, you don't know anything about Quidditch!" Draco told me through his laughter.

"I don't care! You're still going down!" I Told him pointedly.

"Yeah, but you don't know what's gonna be happening!" Blaise said. I shot him a glare and stuck my tongue out at him as we took seats in the stands. He just smiled sweetly at me, and then stuck his tongue out at me.

"Then teach me! I know about chasers and beaters and seekers and keepers. Is it like football on brooms?" They shot each other confused looks.

"Football?" They said in unison. It was my turn to laugh.

"Oh, sorry. Muggle sport!" I laughed, and then relaxed into my seat and watched to tryouts. I watched as they flew around, and wished I could fly. I crossed my legs, and I could feel Blaise sitting right next to me. My arm was on the armrest next to him, and I kind of wished he would just grab my hand. I followed one of the players as he went around the pitch, and when he spun in a little loop-de-loop, I couldn't help but smile. I heard both Blaise and Draco chuckle. I turned and glared at them both, shutting them up completely. "Don't judge!" I told them, earning another laugh. I laughed to.

When the tryouts were over, Slytherin had a new seeker and one new beater. I still had 20 minutes until class, so I excused myself from the boys to go change into my uniform and grab my books. I left the two of them and headed up to the common room to change my clothes. I had to hold down my skirt as I left to prevent the wind from blowing it up, and I could hear the two of them laughing even when I had left the pitch. I just rolled my eyes at them. I had Astronomy first. I figured Astronomy would be at night, but I guess this was just an introduction or something. Whatever. I promised myself I would go visit Paige after my classes, and when I had break after lunch.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2009 12:24 am

To my surprise I fall asleep right away, which is so unlike me. My dreams usually jump from one to another, which makes it hard to remember a really good dream, but now all I can focus on is one dream. I'm outside of Hogwarts during the autumn season, looking out at the lake. I'm leaning against a tree branch seat reading The Host, one of my favorite muggle books. The sun is about to set, which means that its either during or just after dinner. I'm so content with how my life is going right now. The thoughts that are going through my mind are strange, they really don't make any sense to me right now, but in the dream then make perfect sense. I'm thinking about Camden and how are relationship is on the rocks, but strangely I'm okay with that. There is a noise from behind, but I don't move to look around, I concentrate on what I'm reading as the sound gets closer and louder. Suddenly hands come gently down on my shoulders and move up and down my arms. I close my eyes and lean my head back. I open my eyes and smile at the sight. The reason Camden and I aren't as perfect as we thought we were after a year and a half, the reason I can't seem to think at night, the main reason I'm out here right now. His eyes shimmer with anticipation and his smile is warming. I try to think about how long I had been sneaking out or canceling dates with Camden to see him. Six months? A year? Does time really matter when you know that you were meant to be with him?

"What took you so long?" I whisper to him and he kneels down and kisses my neck all the way up to my ear, "I was making sure your boyfriend wasn't following me, or my girlfriend for that matter." I smile to myself as his kisses trail across my collar bone, leaving goosebumps and fire in its trace. His arms move along my arms more and then travel across my body, leaving a trail of fire behind. How could this one man make me feel so perfect, so loved, so beautiful, so venerable all at the same time? A slight moan escapes my lips and I turn my body to kiss him passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck and slip into his gorgeous hair. He lightly nips at my lower lip, making me gasp and gently yank at the perfect locks. He leaves my mouth to explore the other side of my neck as his arms move across my whole body, making be feel like I'm burning. I moan again and his name escapes my lips "Oh..."

I jolt awake. I was covered in sweat and had goosebumps up and down my arms. I look around the empty hospital, trying to calm my pounding heart and slow my breathing. That dream was so weird, not only because of the content but because it seemed so realistic, but how could that be? It seemed like this wasn't going to be taking place for other two years when I was in my third year or was it later than that? As my breathing slows I look at the clock and see its half way through lunch now. Suddenly a house elf appears and looks at me. "Afternoon miss. May I ask what the miss would like to have for lunch?" I smile and say in a whisper "Could I have some mixed fruit, a small salad and some potato soup please. Oh with some juice too. I don't care what kind of juice." The house elf nods and pops out. As I wait for him to return I think about the dream some more. What possessed my mind to think of something like that? It couldn't be true at all, or could it be? I knew one thing for sure, I was going to have to talk to Taylor about this and ask her if it was some kind of demented premonition. The house elf returns with my lunch and I thank it and dig in. The food here is always so good I just can't help but to want to over eat.

I had just finished my salad and was making a good dent in my soup when Kristen comes in, well actually skips in. "Hi hi!" She says and takes a seat next to me. I smile at her and swallow my spoonful of soup. "Hi! Break?" I say, she nods, and I look at the door behind her, making sure no one else was going to come in and interrupt us. "So tell me what happened with you and Oliver! And the thing that I think I saw just happen a few hours ago in this very room with Blaise! Go on spill!" As I wait for her I finish my lunch.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2009 11:02 pm

Astronomy was gay. Really gay, to tell the truth. Maybe it would be more fun at night, looking in a telescope. But really, looking at a chart and labeling it from a book while learning constellations wasn't my idea of fun. Not at all. I was happy to leave that class, and very happy for lunch. I was hungry, and I was hoping there would be something delicious. I sat at my table, across from a girl named Miranda. She was pretty with black hair so dark it was almost purple. I smiled at her. "Hi! I'm Kristen!" I said excitedly, pulling a turkey and cheese sandwich off of the tray. I bit into it hungrily.

"Hi, I'm Miranda. I think you were in my Astronomy class this morning."

"The one with the boring charts? Yeah I was." I said. "It was really boring! I can't wait to go to the top of the tower and actually look at the stars! It sounds so much more fun!"

"That it does!" We chatted about our classes the rest of lunch, and I excused myself after I finished eating. I had to go see Paige. I walked out of the Great Hall happy that I had made a new friend. She wasn't in my dorm, but maybe in the one below me.

I smiled as I turned a corner, and I ran smack dab into a solid object. Very solid in fact. I looked up at the object, blood pouring out of my nose. A statue. Of course. Because who wouldn't want to put a statue right around a corner? I sighed, and gingerly touched my nose. Swollen, and bleeding. "Fantastic!" I muttered, my eyes starting to tear up. It really did hurt.

I just started to get up when I heard clapping coming from down the hall, and chuckles. I turned in the direction, but I could only see blurs. Stupid tears! I wiped my eyes to see Blaise and Draco down the hall, laughing. My eyes started streaming then, both from shame and pain. I wiped my eyes, and they stopped laughing.

"I think she's really hurt Draco." Blaise said, and briskly walked in my direction, Draco right on his heels. I turned away from them, and attempted to wipe the blood off my face. Of course it didn't work, cause I was still bleeding. Blaise got on his knees on one side of me, Draco on the other. "Are you okay?" The asked simultaneously. I nodded, but I was still crying. Blaise took out is wand, and I started sobbing. He said something, but I couldn't quite hear, but my nose instantly felt better, and the blood cleared away.

"Thanks." I managed to get out. He wiped a tear off my face, and looked right into my eyes.

"Always." He said. I squealed inside, and smiled on the outside. I looked to Draco.

"You too fatty!" He looked offended for a second, then chuckled good naturedly. He leaned in and kissed my forhead.

"You okay?" I nodded, and looked over in time just to see Blaise glare at Draco.

"I'm fine! I've got to go though, I'm going to see Paige!" They both helped me up, one on each elbow.

"We would come, but we have papers to go do. Stupid transfiguration!" Draco muttered.

"You haven't finished that yet? Paige and I did it two days ago!"

"Then you won't mind sharing!" Draco stated, raising his eyebrow slightly.

"Never!" I told him, and started off in the direction of the Hospital wing.

"PLEASE!?" I heard him call behind me.

"NOPE!" I yelled over my shoulder, and continued on my way


I skipped into the Hospital Wing, happy as a clam. "HI! HI!" I said to Paige, a plopped down in the seat next to her.

"Hi! Break?" She asks. I nod, and tuck a hair behind my ear, knowing what she was gonna ask. She looked not-so-descretly around the room, and once she saw it was safe, spoke. "So tell me what happened with you and Oliver! And the thing that I think I saw just happen a few hours ago in this very room with Blaise! Go on spill!"

I grinned slightly, and blushed a lot. "Well. Oliver is a slut. Only a manly one. And Blaise is . . . " I trailed off, not knowing what to say. Nice? Charming? Cute? Amazing? All of the above?

"Blaise is what?" She asked, leaning in closely. I guess the suspense was killing her. I bit my lip, not knowing how to proceed.

"Blaise is . . . OH! I don't know!"

"Then just tell me everything!" She half whispered, half shouted. So I did. And the look on her face wasn't quite what I expected. A little more shocked than anything. Or maybe not. I wasn't good at reading faces.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2009 11:43 pm

She smiled at me, tucked a piece of hair behind her face and said, "Well. Oliver is a slut. Only a manly one. And Blaise is . . . " Then she stopped, just stopped right there leaving me hanging! I knew she was thinking of what to say but I needed to know...pronto! "Blaise is what?" I asked and leaned closer to her, maybe it would be easier for her to whisper it to me then to say it out loud. She bit her lip and I knew this was complete, sort of, torture for her.

"Blaise is . . . OH! I don't know!" She said and yet smiled the only kind of smile someone smiles when they fancy someone.

Rolling my eyes I try not to scream but don't really whisper, "Then just tell me everything!" The look she gave me was one of complete horror! Seriously the girl looked like she was going to faint, but she spilled it all anyway. When she tells me about Oliver I kinda sort of want to punch him in the wiener the next time I see him, something I sort of picked up from Taylor. Then she tells me about Blaise, and I can basically feel the butterflies she was getting in her stomach just talking about him. I smile, happy that my bestest friend is happy with a good guy (who isn't that bad looking either).

"So on my way down here I ran into a statue! A freaking statue! How does someone do that?! I mean seriously! Anyway, I fall flat on my butt and hear clapping and laughing behind me. It was even more embarrassing than just running into a statue, now I had an audience. So they keep laughing and then I hear Blaise say 'I think she's actually hurt' and he comes to my side, with Draco at his heels. Then he heals my nose and I look up and say 'Thanks' and he wipes a stray tear off my face and says 'Always'. I swear Paige I want to squeal like a little girl. Then Draco kissed me on the forehead and Blaise glared at him, but I didn't feel anything when Draco kissed me, it sort of felt like you kissing my forehead. I mean like a friend kissing my forehead. Anyway, they said they would've came with me but they had to finish the Transfiguration paper and I told them how we finished it 2 days ago and they wanted to share but I said no. So...that's basically it, what do you think?" She looks at me and takes so many breaths, like she could hardly breath the whole time she was telling me this.

I was shocked, happy, pissed, and more emotions that I don't even know what to call them and Kristen looked at me confused. I gave her a reassuring smile and say, "Well apparently I missed a lot these past what 2 days?" I shake my head, trying to remember what I was going to say. "Okay I was going to say something witty but I can't seem to....oh I remember! The next time I see that Woods kid I'm going to punch him in the wiener!" I burst out laughing and Kristen just looks at me then starts laughing herself.

"You always seem to make me feel better!" Kristen tells me through her laughter. I smile and give her a one armed hug. "That's what friends are for dummy!" I say and smile. "So do you want to hear something really strange?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2009 11:52 pm

I smile through my laughter. "What? Did you have a sex dream Paige? Your first ever?!" I laugh, and she just had a disgusted horrified look on her face, which makes me laugh even harder. "Kidding! Kidding!" I take a few deep breaths, trying not to laugh anymore so Paige can speak. It takes a few minutes, maybe even more than few, but eventually I'm done. "Okay! Tell me!" I smile as Paige starts to speak, although I can't quite get an image of Paige punching 'that wood kid' in the wiener.

OOC: Juno reference? Nice. C=
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 12:20 am

She smiles at me, laughing harder and says "What? Did you have a sex dream Paige? Your first ever?!" And I look at her horrified, which seems to make her laugh harder. "Kidding! Kidding!" Kristen struggles to say and I wait for her to finish so I can tell her. It seems to take her forever my she eventually looks at me, a serious look on her face (with a smile of course) and says "Okay! Tell me!"

"Alright, but you have to promise not to laugh or tell anyone! Swear?" I ask and she holds up 3 fingers (pointer, middle and ring finger) on her right hand (the girl scout honor thing) and says "I swear." I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. How the heck was I going to tell her about my dream? It wasn't a wet dream or even a sex dream for that matter...or was it a sex dream? I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths and open my eyes again.

"Okay, so when you left with Draco and Blaise earlier I was tired so I took a nap." Her grin seemed to widen and I looked at her. "It wasn't a sex dream, I think, just listen." I take a deep breath and continue. "So I usually have about 10 to 15 different dreams when I sleep, so I usually don't remember them or I really don't focus enough on one to make it last longer. But today this dream was different, it was clear just perfect like I was meant to see this dream and remember it you know? Anyway in the dream I'm sitting outside of Hogwarts reading a book, and it's mid autumn or something like that. I think I was older you know like two or so years older. And I could hear the thoughts that were going through my mind in my dream. I was thinking about Camden but not in the way I expected. I was thinking about how I was happy that our year and half relationship would end soon." I look at her before I continue. Kristen looked at me like her brain was taking notes on all of this, and I smiled.

"Then I hear a noise behind me but it doesn't startle me or anything, I just continue reading. Then warm hands are on my shoulders and moved slowly down my arms, leaving a trail of fire in its place. It's so weird that I actually felt the fire on my arms in real life. Sorry off track um...so I lean my head back, my eyes closed, and then I open them and smile. I'm looking into the eyes of the reason I'm there, the reason why Camden and I may break up, the reason why I can't sleep at night. His eyes are shimmering with anticipation and his smile seems to warm my heart. I think, then, about how long we have been secretly together 6 months or a year? I ask him what took him so long and he says 'To make sure your boyfriend and my girlfriend weren't following me' and I smile." So by this point in the story I sort of forget that Kristen is there and close my eyes, remembering the feeling of his lips and his touch as I continue. "I think how could this one man make me feel so perfect, so beautiful, so loved, yet so venerable at the same time while he kisses my collar bone leaving behind goosebumps and fire behind. His hands are moving down my arms and leaving fire trails in its absence and I moan. Then I turn to him and kiss him deeply and passionately. My hands are in his hair and he nips at my lower lip, making me moan and yank at his perfect hair. Then he breaks the kiss by kissing down my chin to the other side of my neck. Then I moan his name and then I woke up." I open my eyes to see my arms are moving across my body as if reenacting the dream to show Kristen. I gulp and say "Weird huh? What do you think it means?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 12:34 am

"I think that . . . hm. How do I say this?" I knew perfectly well what I wanted to say, just now how to say it. I couldn't put it into words. "It wasn't a dream, I guess. Like it was, cause you were sleeping, but it wasn't exactly a dream, you know? From my experience, you don't usually have concious thougts in dreams. Or 'trails of fire and goosebumps.' I dunno what it could be. Maybe a . . . promonition? Like it really is going to happen someday. I don't really know. I'm just spewing thoughts. But, did you see the boys face? Was it a boy you know? Cause then it could mean a completely different thing! Then it could mean you like him or something. I'm not really sure."

She nodded, seeming as if to absorb it all. I gave her a couple minutes to digest what I said. "So. Did you know him? Or see his face? Was it Draco?!" I bet it was Draco. I just had a feeling.
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Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 12:48 am

"I think that . . . hm. How do I say this? It wasn't a dream, I guess. Like it was, cause you were sleeping, but it wasn't exactly a dream, you know? From my experience, you don't usually have conscious thoughts in dreams. Or 'trails of fire and goosebumps.' I dunno what it could be. Maybe a . . . premonition? Like it really is going to happen someday. I don't really know. I'm just spewing thoughts. But, did you see the boys face? Was it a boy you know? Cause then it could mean a completely different thing! Then it could mean you like him or something. I'm not really sure."

I nodded, and I had the exact same thought that she was telling me. I tried to think about what I was going to say when she said, "So. Did you know him? Or see his face? Was it Draco?!" I looked up at her, shock written across my face. I gulped and nodded, I couldn't believe this.

"Y-yes it was Draco." I said in a complete whisper. I felt like I should explain myself or something so I did. "But I don't like him like that. I mean I like him, yes, as a friend but nothing else..." Kristen interrupted me, "Right now you only like him as a friend. But you said yourself that it seems to have taken place when your older. Who knows what you'll feel like next year let alone three or so." I nod. Kristen was so good at figuring out problems and she always uses some sort of knowledge with what she is saying.

"So what does it mean Kristen? Did I have a premonition or was it some kind of weird sex dream?" I shuddered at the thought. I looked at her, tears forming in my eyes. "Kristen I'm scared. Not because it could be a premonition, well yes that, but because it felt so real and so...good. Part of me wanted it to continue, but part of me felt disgusted with myself for thinking that way and feeling that way. I'm so confused." I said and put my head in my hands and cried, "What do I do?" I say to her and myself.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 1:01 am

"What do I do?" She asked, crying her eyes out. I'd prepared an answer, and damn it, it was a good one.

"Nothing." Simple. To the point, and logical.

She looked up at me. "Nothing?" She asked through her tears.

I nodded. "Nothing. We don't know if it was a premonition, or a dream, or just something you secretly want to happen and that you won't admit to yourself. There's no way to know. So, you go on as normal, and treat it as a dream. And if there ever is a time when you want to get with Draco, or cheat on someone, namely Camden, you'll just be better prepared. There is nothing to do." It was true, at least for me. "And as for the disgusted/happy part of the dream, that's easy! You were happy cause, simply, a hot guy was making out with you. And disgusted because it was Draco, and at this moment in time, you don't like him." I nodded encouragingly, hoping she bought all my cheese.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 9:09 pm

Through my tears I heard he simple answer, "Nothing." I looked up at her, confused beyond belief. What did she mean nothing? "Nothing?" I said and wiped at my tears.

"Nothing. We don't know if it was a premonition, or a dream, or just something you secretly want to happen and that you won't admit to yourself. There's no way to know. So, you go on as normal, and treat it as a dream. And if there ever is a time when you want to get with Draco, or cheat on someone, namely Camden, you'll just be better prepared. There is nothing to do. And as for the disgusted/happy part of the dream, that's easy! You were happy cause, simply, a hot guy was making out with you. And disgusted because it was Draco, and at this moment in time, you don't like him."

I thought about this. Yes there was nothing I could do but I wanted to do something that may stop this from happening. I really like Camden and the thought of hurting him just disgusted me. I looked at Kristen who was nodding her head so much, she looked like a bobble head. The sight made me laugh, "Thanks Kristen. I guess all I have to do is wait." I didn't want to add anything about the fact that a small, very very very small part of me likes Draco more than just a friend. I doubt that I will ever truly like him more than a friend.

Kristen looks at me, as if wanting to ask me something more. "What?" I ask her and she just looks away. "C'mon Kristen you know you can ask me anything and I will try to give you the best answer." I look at her, making my eyes dig into her so all she can do is answer me.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 9:45 pm


The strangest part of not being able to go to class is actually wanting to go to class. Nothing seemed to keep the boredom from burrowing into the small spaces of my mind. So after a light breakfast, and leaving Paige sleeping in the hospital wing I went to seek out something to keep my thoughts from straying to my date tonight. Thankfully I didn't have to search far for entertainment as I encountered my favorite pair of red headed twins.

"Wow you almost look worse than you did yesterday." Fred said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "But as always you look extremly fabulous." George says and wraps an arm around my waist. It is offical I am now a Taylor sandwhich squashed between my two red haired companions. "You are the creme to our cookies!" The boys say together to keep me giggling, laughter is the best medicine and by echoing my thoughts.

I spent the day with Fred and George down by the lake. They made me laugh until my sides hurt and they listened to me when I told them about what had been going on with my premonitions.

"That's horrible!" Fred cried and wrapped his arms around me when I finished telling them about Lucius. George nodded but said nothing, his knuckles white from the way he clenched them into a fist. Fred was the more energetic twin and more into showing how he was feeling George bottled, and exploded.

"Yeah but it gets better." The twins knew about my fasination with Snape and though they kept up appearances in the Gryffindor Common room of hating the teacher they had deep respect for the man. Even more so when they learned how he seemed to have captured my heart.

You can only skip so many classes and soon the twins were taken from me by a very angry McGonagal. Left to my own devices I began to chew my lip and pace random hallways thinking about my date with Severus.

Six rolled around far too quickly and I realized that I wasn't anywhere close to my dorms...where was I? Glancing around me I noticed that I was in the Slytherin Common room and they were just staring at me as I wore a hole in their carpet with my constant pacing.

"Oh, very well then." I said and went to leave turning to the fireplace and grabbing the silver snake candle holder. To the casual watcher it looked like I simply pulled it down to open the secret hatch but really I had to recite this lame poem under my breath and press a few particular scales at the same time...It was so time consuming I never really used this exit.

Stepping into the tunnel the passage closes almost instantly making sure that no one could follow me. I followed the tunnel lit with a low green light to Sal's office, I gave him a quick wave and switched tunnels into the one that took me to my dorm room. It was mercilessly empty as I dove into my trunk and whiped out the dress I'd bought when I first had the premonition.

It was pink with black lace trim, I had to say that I looked very adorable in the dress. Stumbling to the bathroom in my black heels that laced up to my knees I let my hair down and start the very arduous task of combing my hair. I love that my hair is long, but it really does take a lot out of you when it takes ten minutes to brush your hair.

I decide to leave it down a golden fall down my back nearly reaching my hips. Makeup is applied with care and when I really look at myself I see how much I've changed already. My eyes look more serious than they ever have, the scars give my body a certain edge to it that wasn't present before. I can only imagine what I'll look like once Snape and I start duel practice.

At seven thirty sharp a knock came on the common room door. Grabbing my bag I open it and see Severus, dressed in a black suit jacket. His inky black hair is tied back in a green ribbon. Needless to say he looks amazing...

((More later must do laundry))

Last edited by Spock's Girl on Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 10:17 pm

I blushed slightly, and I was a little scarred to say what I was thinking, and a little embarrassed about what I was thinking. "It's nothing." She gave me a pointed look. "Really! Nothing!" Again with the look. I gave an exhasperated sight. "Fine! I wwas just wondering if you thought Blaise . . . you know."

"No. I don't." She said.

"Well. If he . . . likes me." I sounded like a 12 year old school girl. Of course, I was a 12 year old school girl. It was ridiculous. "So, what do you think?" I was anxious to her here answer. "Or even if we would look cute together. I mean, I know I'm only 12 and I don't need a boyfriend, but someday, maybe. It could happen." I was rambling. I was nervous to here it, that much was obvious.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 18, 2009 11:15 pm

"It's nothing." She said and I just kept looking at her with 'the look'. "Really! Nothing! Fine! I was just wondering if you thought Blaise . . . you know."

"No. I don't." I said, actually confused at what she was trying to tell me.

"Well. If he . . . likes me." I smiled and she just looked at me. "So, what do you think?" I could tell she was anxious to hear what I thought but she just kept on going, "Or even if we would look cute together. I mean, I know I'm only 12 and I don't need a boyfriend, but someday, maybe. It could happen..." I put my hand up to stop her.

"Kristen," I said and took in a deep breath, "Of course he likes you! I mean duh! He just keeps 'randomly' running into you and makes you feel all warm on the inside! He totally digs you! And yes I think you two would look amazingly cute together even though you are only 12!" I clapped my hands together and sat up. "Oh what should you wear to dinner tonight? It has to be something casual but yet stand-out-ish so that he can't take his eyes off you!" This time she held up her hand to stop me.

"Paige aren't you taking this a little too far too quickly?" She asked and I just shrugged. "So? What's bad about being prepared?" I asked and my reply got me thinking. Maybe I should start preparing myself for a relationship with Camden. I mean, wasn't the whole point of my dream to tell me that Camden likes me as much as I like him? And that we are going to have a long relationship? Then of course the dream was also to warn me that temptations are everywhere, even in the most unlikely places. I actually think it was to keep me from cheating on Camden so we can stay together, because I did hear wedding bells in our future. WAIT! Hold the freaking phone! I'm I in so total crush mode that I think Camden and I are going to get married? Ugh! I can't believe myself right now! I'm acting like I've never liked a guy before.

So I'm spacing off into space, dealing with my own weird thoughts when I don't even notice the hospital wing door opening and someone coming in. Kristen starts to shake me and I snap back into reality and see the person that was on my mind...and the person that was on Kristen's mind too. "Hey Paige! Hey Kristen!" They say at the same time. Draco takes a seat on the other side of my bed and Blaise sits right next to Kristen. She looks at me, giving me the 'OMG' look and I give it to her right back with a panicked look too.

"So what have you boys been up to?" I ask trying to calm my nerves from the blonde sitting next to me. I look over at Blaise and I can see all he is paying attention to is Kristen and vise verse. I roll my eyes and made my gaze move to Draco. "So?"

I could tell Draco was jealous, he was practically staring daggers at Blaise but he shrugged it off and turned his attention to me. "Blaise and I had to write a paper. So many words can fit on one page and it had to be three pages long!" He complained and threw his head on my lap. My eyes bugged out of their sockets for a for seconds and instinctively my hand started running threw his hair and up and down his back.

"Oh poor Draco and Blaise." I said, sarcasm very visible in my voice. Draco popped up and stuck his tongue out at me then wiggled his eyebrows and puckered his lips. I rolled my eyes and said "Only in your dreams Malfoy!" My heart started racing. Did Draco have a thing for me or was he just being the arrogant ass I know him to be?

"You know, dreams have a way of becoming reality." I knew then Kristen was listening in. I gave her a panicked look and mouthed 'help me' and she did just that.

((OOC: I don't know what you would say so you can finish the post however you'd like!))
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 2:21 am

I rolled my eyes at Blaise. These kids and their flirting. He smiled and laughed, which made my stomache do a little flip. I glanced back just in time to here Draco say something about dreams and then Paige mouthing 'help me.' I sighed. Rescuing this girl was a full time job! I leaned forward a little bit, resting my arms on the bed, and I knew it drew Draco's eyes to me. I smiled seductivly. I was attempting to rescue Paige, and I knew I'd have hell to pay later.

"Just what type of dreams are you having, Mr. Malfoy?" I raised my eyebrows slightly, and I knew he was intrigued, after all, I didn't act like this in front of him.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Was his simple reply. I saw him raise his eyebrows at Blaise, and I could practicaly feel Blaise's eyes boring into my back with glares.

"I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to figure out." I leaned forward more, showing off just a little bit more, and I could tell Draco was enjoying this. I was doing my job well.

"Really?" He was amused by this conversation, and Paige's mouth was just gaping a little more each time, and Blaise's glares were getting a little more obvious.

"Really." *GAPE*

"And I'm sure you're dreams are much more . . . interesting." *GLARE*

"Of course." *GAPE* *GLARE*

"And just what type of dreams are you having, Ms. Kennedy?" I chuckled slightly. Apparently I was better at this then I thought. And Draco was playing right along. Paige was starting to get amused now, and I figured that this was enough. At least until next time I had to save Paige. And I was starting to get uncomfortable with Draco's eyes going back and forth from my eyes to my boobs.

"That, I will never tell." I smiled a cheeky smile and leaned back in my chair, Draco and I having a slight starring contest all the while. I could feel Paige's shocked and amused looks. I don't think that was the type of 'help' she had imagined.

I turned my whole body toward Blaise, and ignored the slight glares he sent toward both Draco and I. I folded one of my legs under me and put my arm up on the back of the chair. I smiled at him. "So, what did you think of Astronomy today?" I kept my eyes only on him, hoping he would get the message that I wasn't trying to hit on Draco.

"Fine." Was his short and curt answer. "I've got to go. Have fun." He gave Draco and I pointed looks before storming out of the Hospital Wing, the doors slamming behind him. I jumped slightly when the bang hit my ears.

Immediatly, without hesitation, I got up, leaned close to Paige, and whispered in her ear. "I'm going to talk to him. And that's NEVER happening again." I got up and she gave me a panicked look that plainly read: Don't leave me here!

I walked out, and mouthed sorry to her. Draco looked at me, and while Paige wasn't looking, I mouthed 'Use Protection!' which earned a slight chuckle.

As soon as I got out the door, I ran down the hallway. When I reached the cross section 'T' I looked both ways, and just managed to see Blaise going down one of them, turning into another corridor. I sprinted after him, and when I was close enough, grabbed his arm. "Blaise!" He turned and looked at me, obvious upset on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Why do you care? Why don't you just go oogle over Draco some more. He was obviously enjoying it."

"Draco is a pompous arse and enjoys anything with boobs looking at him."

"And apparently you like anything with a penis looking down your shirt." He stated simply, leaving me winded. It made my eyes water, and my heart crack just a little bit. He started to walk away, and I let him for a second, but right before he turned the corner, I did the only thing I could think to do. I grabbed his shirt, turned him around, and kissed him. Not one of those kisses in the movies that just make you go 'ah.' Just a kiss. I pulled away from him, and walked away toward my common room. I think he was shocked, because he just let me go.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 19, 2009 10:16 pm

I saw Kristen sigh and started talking to Draco. Immediately Draco's full attention was on Kristen and, well, her ladies. At first all I thought she was going to do was tease him about having wet dreams, but then she started 'flirting' with him. The conversation between them then turned a little down hill. She was saying things that I never thought Kristen would say, so of course my mouth was gaping open. I know it's rude to listen to other people's conversations, so I would sometimes look at Blaise, who was glaring at Draco and a little at Kristen. That, of course, made my mouth gape wider. Then suddenly the conversation ended and Kristen turned her full attention back to Blaise. Draco shrugged and looked at me with my mouth hanging open. I quickly shut my mouth and listened to Kristen and Blaise's conversation.

"So, what did you think of Astronomy today?" Kristen asked.

"Fine." Blaise rudely replied. "I've got to go. Have fun." He gave Draco and Kristen pointed looks before storming out of the Hospital Wing, the doors slamming behind him. This mademy mouth fall open, yet again.

Kristen immediately got up and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to talk to him. And that's NEVER happening again." When she got out of her chair I gave her a panicked look that clearly read: Don't leave me here! She then walked quickly to the door, and turned my gaze from her, I was kinda pissed she would leave me here with Draco. Suddenly Draco started to chuckle and I looked toward the door in time to see it shutting. Sighing I threw my head back against the pillow.

"What's eating you?" Draco asked. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, thinking of something to say. It took me enough time for Draco to take my hurt wrist (my left on) and start rubbing it. This made it that much harder to concentrate. Not because I have the hots for Draco (or did I?) but because he was being so gentle that it made my heart skip a few beats. "Sorry 'bout that." He muttered to me which had me sitting up and looking at him.

"Draco I already told you, me hurting myself wasn't your fault. I tripped down the stairs remember?" I said and he smiled, not looking at me but at my hurt wrist. I gently pulled it away from his grasp and brushed a little fly-away piece of hair out of his face. "I like your hair today. You didn't use all that gel crap like you normally do." I smiled at him and he looked at me. Something was hidden beneath his features, but I could see it through his eyes. Pain was clearly shown behind his blue gray eyes (they were more blue today than usual). "Draco what's wrong?"

He shrugged and the pain was gone replaced by his normal arrogant self. "Nothing, why do you ask? Is this how you get boys to kiss you or fall into your little mind fuck game?" I could tell he was upset, but what he was saying was really hurtful.

"Draco I..." I started to say but he just stopped me with a hand in my face. "I don't want to hear your stupid excuses, I've already heard all of them." He stood up but I grabbed his shirt, trying to stop him. He tried to pull free of my grasp, but I have a very firm grip. "I'm sick of all your shit Paige. First you flirt with me, then you make-out with a freaking Hufflepuff then a Slytherin!" Draco was starting to yell, but I kept my grip firm and tight. He wasn't really looking at me, and for that I was grateful because he couldn't see the pain on my face, filling my eyes with tears. "And yet you still think you have the right to tell me that you care for me when clearly you don't. Don't you care about anyone else besides yourself?"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at him and pulled him tighter. "Just shut up!" I was crying but you really couldn't tell from my voice, it was strong showing no emotion. "Draco your just a little ass hole who gets his high off of hurting other people! Why Draco? Is it because secretly you feel just like them, vulnerable and little? I thought I knew the real Draco but I guess I was wrong." I said and let go of his shirt. My eyes were getting blurry from my tears and I had to wipe them away.

Draco started for the door. Without looking at me he said "You weren't even close to knowing the real me." and he walked out the door.

I cried silently until I heard Madam Pomfrey come out. "Well deary you're all healed up, you can go back to your room. Just remember not to put too much pressure on your wrist and leg right away." I could tell she knew I was upset but she was kind enough not to press any question on me. Once she left I put my shoes on and, going against her orders, ran all the way to my room. I answered the question out of breath and ran to my dorm, thinking I would be the only one there.

When I opened the door I saw Kristen laying on her bed, sniffling. "Kristen what's wrong?" I asked her and climbed into the bed besides her and started rubbing her back and playing with her hair.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 8:59 pm

I had walked only about halfway to the common room before I ran into Draco. He was upset, that much I could tell. Then again, so was I. "Draco, what are you doing here?" I said breathlessly. "I figured you would still be with Paige."

"Paige." He spat. "Why would I be with Paige?"

"I dunno. You just seem to like being around her." I said. It was true.

"Well, what if I wanted to be around you from now on?"


"What if I said I likked you better than Paige?"

"I dunno. I don't think I would believe it."

"Well you should." And then he stepped forward, and was only inches from me. "Because I do." And then he kissed me. Two kisses in one night? Jesus! It was soft and sweet, not anything you would expect from him. I kissed him back, of course, and it wasn't the tight lipped kiss I had with Blaise. It was better. Sweeter. More involved. I let myself melt into it.

"Draco." I breathed out, as soon as we had separated.

"Yes love?" He replied, his eyes focused on me.

"What does this mean?" I was curious. Was he trying to get back at Paige with me? Or did he really like me. I was so confused I couldn't even think about this.

"Well, I'm hoping it means we're dating." Simple, and straight to the point. No bullshit with this boy. I smiled. I like the straightforwardness of his statement. I think he took my smile for a yes, because he kissed me on the forhead and stepped away. "You'd better be going. Paige was let out of the Hospital Wing just a few minutes ago." He started to leave, and I just smiled. Although, I was still confused, I liked the way he was tender with me. It was a different Draco than usual.

"Oh Draco!" I yelled at him. He was already halfway down the corridor. "I love your hair this way better!" He chuckled and gave me a smile.

"Suprisingly, so do I!" He yelled back, and then continued on his way.


When I made it up to the dorm, Paige wasn't there yet. I sat on my bed, and relaxed into my pillows. Was I really dating the great Draco Malfoy? Weird, because I think I was. I started to think about Blaise then, and the things he had said. And then, of course, how he would feel about Draco and I. It would hurt him, I know. Although, school had only just started a few weeks ago, and it wasn't like he could like me THAT much. But of course, I was a moody teenage girl, and I started to tear up. I sniffled just as the door opened.

"Kristen, what's wrong?" Paige asked. She was playing with my hair and rubbing my back.

"Nothing. Boys are just stupid."

"What happened between you and Blaise?"

"Well, he insulted me, basically called me a whore, I kissed him, and I left." It was true, that's basically all that happened. Just a shortened version. "What happened between you and Draco? I ran into him, and he seemed upset." She told me the story, and I instantly felt bad. I had kissed him, and now I was dating him. Well, kind of dating him.

"What did he say to you?" I told her. I told her about how he seemed upset, and how he and I kissed.

"You guys kissed!" I couldn't tell if she was mad or upset or happy. I hoped it was happy.

"Yeah. And I guess we're kind of . . . dating now." Oh geeze, I hoped she wasn't mad. She probably just thought I was some rebound or something like that.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 20, 2009 10:38 pm

"Kristen what's wrong?" I asked her and climbed into the bed besides her and started rubbing her back and playing with her hair.

"Nothing. Boys are just stupid." Was her reply and I just nodded and kept playing with her hair.

"What happened between you and Blaise?"

"Well, he insulted me, basically called me a whore, I kissed him, and I left. What happened between you and Draco? I ran into him, and he seemed upset."

My breath hitched when she said his name. "Well in a shortened version he basically called me a tease. He said that I put boys in a um, 'mind fuck game' and that's how I get them to kiss me. I was so shocked and really hurt that he would say something like that to me you know? Then he started talking about how I made out with a Hufflepuff and Slytherin! You know that's a total lie! I kissed Camden and Adrian kissed me! Grr! Then the next thing he said really hurt me. He said something like 'you think you have the right to tell me that you care for me when clearly you don't! Don't you ever care about anyone but yourself?' So I yelled at him to shut up and told him how he is an arse to everyone because he secretly feels like them, like he isn't really all high and mighty. Then I told him that I thought I knew the real Draco Malfoy when I guess I didn't and he said 'you weren't even close to knowing the real me.'" I told her out of breath. She didn't turn to look at me or anything, for that I was happy because I could feel my cheeks were all hot.

Taking a breath I asked her, "So what did Draco say to you?" So Kristen told me about how he seemed upset, and how he and she kissed.

"You guys kissed!" I was happy for her, but really actually pissed off. I mean didn't she just want to be with Blaise? I mean I know he called her a name but Draco called me a lot of names and yet I still care for him. Which made me ticked at Draco for going to her.

Kristen nodded, "Yeah. And I guess we're kind of . . . dating now." Oh my god! Draco's dating her? He is just using her to get back at me or as some kind of sick and twisted rebound? I was so pissed now more than I was at remembering my conversation with Draco, but this is going way too far.

"Oh." Was all I could muster to say to her. I got up off her bed and walked to the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. I really hoped Kristen didn't think I was mad at her because, well actually I kind of was. I paced the bathroom, kicking random things, probably breaking a toe or two but I didn't notice. I didn't know why I was so mad. Was it because Draco was using Kristen to get back at me? Or was it because Kristen just jumped on the band wagon and started kissing Draco and dating him? Then I stopped. Why would any of this even matter unless I liked Draco? No that wasn't it, because I really really like Camden! Oh this is so confusing!

As I was contemplating this I heard a knock at the door. "What?!" I yelled from the shower area. Kristen walked in and I looked away. "What do you want?" I asked her. I wasn't hiding any of my emotions so it kind of sounded like I spat the question at her. What's a girl to do when she's angry?
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