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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 02, 2009 12:21 am

So after having the discussion with Kristen, I had fallen asleep right away. When I woke up the next morning I realized I had only slept for about five hours, I still had another hour before I usually got up. I tried going back to sleep but that didn't work out, so I decided to take a shower and do the usual routine. After that was over with, my alarm finally went off and I went to hit it. Not wanting to wake anyone up, I grabbed my things and headed down to the common room. Upon entering the room, I saw two people making out in one of the chairs. Thinking that I should give them some privacy, I quietly left the room and I prayed I didn't disturb them. As I'm walking down the stairs, I decided to go to the library, maybe read or make a few finishing touches on my potions essay.

I finally make it to the library, it really didn't take me that long. I entered and waved at the librarian and took a seat at a table near the back of the library. I opened my bag and pulled out Hogwarts: A History and started reading. I think I only got a few pages in before my head fell onto the book. That, though, didn't faze me for I apparently slept for a good half hour on my book. What did faze me though was the sound of someone sitting next to me, trying not to disturb me. My head shot up like a cannon and I blinked furiously through the blinding light only to hear someone chuckle. Once I was able to see clearly I saw Draco sitting in the chair next to me. "DRACO?!" I asked in a shouted whisper.

"Morning love." He said and smiled at me. He opened his potions book and started to write something on a piece of parchment.

"Draco did you not finish your essay?" I asked and peeked over his shoulder only to get his hand covering up what he was writing.

"Yes I finished my essay thank you for asking." I eyed him curiously and he just stared back. I sighed and looked back at the last page I was on. "Did you not get enough sleep last night?" He asked and I just glared at him, and he smiled.

"Why do you ask? Do you think I was dreaming about you?" I asked him and pushed my book aside, I was ready for a showdown!

"Of course. I bet you couldn't get the feeling of my lips on yours out of your mind." He said back as he leaned in closer to me, tempting me to say something. After he said that I had to admit that I really couldn't stop thinking about our kiss and I knew he couldn't either by the way he stared at my lips as I contemplated what to do next.

So doing the only thing that was on my mind, I leaned into him and kissed him. Instantly fire erupted between us and the table couldn't keep us separated for long, so I pulled away. He looked at me, well actually gaped at me. I flashed him a brilliant smile and said, "Did that answer your question?"

I sat back down in my seat and brought the book back in front of me. I began reading and then became engulfed in the book. Suddenly I saw a piece of paper fly down from the air. I looked up and saw Draco no where to be found. I frowned and opened the piece of paper. Inside a message was scribbled: Broom closet outside of the library fifteen minutes. I stared at the note in wonder. Was this Draco playing a trick on me? I looked at the clock, it was in the middle of breakfast and yet I wasn't hungry. Looking at the note again I sighed, packed my books up, and headed out of the library. I reached the broom closet and opened it with caution. I looked down the hall to see no one coming, so I went inside and closed the door.

As soon as I shut the door, I felt hands come from behind me and turn me to the person waiting for me. The person lit their wand and I saw the outline of Draco's smiling face. I shook my head and laughed. "I knew it was you." I saw him smile and then he leaned into me. We kissed softly and he gently pushed me into the wall. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. "So I see, you're not thinking of stopping this anytime soon." I mumbled into his lips and he pulled away and stared into my eyes.

"You're the one that came here and you told me yourself that you knew it was me." Draco said, he sounded upset but not in an angry way.

"Yes I knew it was you but I didn't know what you wanted. Besides what were you doing for the fifteen minutes I was suppose to wait for you?" I asked and pushed him away from me. I crossed my arms as if to tell him that he was suppose to answer me or I wasn't going to talk to him.

He sighed, "I went to have some quick breakfast. I was hungry, my bad." He said and leaned toward me again. I moved my face to the side and he looked at me. "What?" I could tell he was annoyed now.

"Did you talk to anyone?" I questioned him.

"Yes." I looked at him to continued. He bowed his head and said, "I was telling a new girl that I knew as a childhood friend about you and Kristen." He said honestly. When he finally picked his head back up I smacked him nice and hard. I didn't move from my spot but just glared daggers at him. "What the hell Paige?!" His lip was bleeding and I didn't care.

"You promised me you weren't going to tell anyone!" I screamed at him.

"It was just her and she wouldn't tell anyone." He quietly said back, I think he was worried about what I would do now.

"Yes Draco I figured that much, but did you even think that there are many people around you? I bet Blaise was close by...he could've heard what you said and could be telling Kristen right now!" He looked at me with a panicked look on his face, apparently he hadn't thought of that. "If Kristen finds out about us or if that girl doesn't keep her trap shut, I'm going after you! Then the stupid person who told!"

I was furious that he would do this. What kind of moron did this kind of thing anyway? More so I was furious with myself. I was letting this get way too far out of hand way too quickly. After all I was still dating Camden and Draco was still with Kristen, so that means off limits to both of us. Draco wasn't the only one to blame for the possibility of our secret 'meetings' getting out, I was also to blame. I just couldn't help it, he was my own drug that I felt I would lose my mind without. Snapping back into reality I saw Draco's face light up, as if he remembered something. I looked at him as if telling him to tell me what he just found out.

"Blaise wasn't at breakfast when I got there. He wasn't finished with his essay so he told me he was going to finish it during breakfast and to steal him a bagel or something for him. Also the Great Hall was almost empty when I got there and Emma and I were completely alone at the table we were at. No one would've been able to hear us." He told me and I practically jump on him. Well I actually did jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist as I kissed him wildly across his face, forehead, lips and of course once I reached his lips Draco kissed me too. Swiftly I was against the wall again but I was still wrapped around Draco. My hands wound into his hair and down his back.

I don't know how long we were like that, but we finally stopped when a sharp pain entered my leg and I pushed him away. He did and when I was back on my own two feet (rubbing at the sore spot in my leg), he just looked at me with a look of accomplishment on his face. "You shouldn't be wearing that face." I told him and smirked.

"And why is that?" Draco asked and moved closer to me, now starting to kiss my neck.

"Because for the rest of the week my focus is homework, Kristen, and Camden." I said and he pulled away, taken aback.

"What?" He asked shocked and I giggled. Opening the door I looked back and said, "Have a good week hon." With that I left the closet and walked down the hall.

As I was walking I realized it was half way threw first period and I couldn't just show up late and embarrassed without an excuse. Deciding to just skip, which I will never do again, I started to walk back to my common room but, again, someone caught my attention. "Camden?!" I said and ran to him. He looked to where the voice had come from and saw me running toward him and he smiled. I leap into his arms and hugged him tightly. It felt nice to be in his arms, but there was something missing. I pushed that thought aside and kissed him excitedly.

"What are you doing roaming the halls? Don't you have class?" He asked when he put me down.

"I decided to try and be a rebel today and skip Potions. Not my best choice of class to skip but still I've never done that before. So what about you? Don't you have class?"

"Actually I do. I woke up late and I was heading toward it before you showed up." He looked around the halls and said in a whisper, "We could actually skip this whole class together if you'd like. I have History of Magic right now. Binns' class is the most boring class I've ever had." He said and smiled. He kissed me on the forehead and he took me back to his common room. There we just talked about our favorite classes so far this year. I told him I was in love with Transfiguration, but I really disliked McGonagall (I don't think she likes me because of Taylor's history). He told told me he liked Flitwick and Charms, how odd? (giggle)

"Camden I'm going to be late to class!" I told him and quickly got up from the couch. He looked at the clock then and jumped up as well. I gave him a good bye kiss and ran out of the common room. It seemed to take me forever to get to the Charms classroom but got there just in the nick of time. I wasn't out of breath when I entered, and I immediately saw Kristen, but all the seats around her were taken. 'Where were you?' She mouthed and I mouthed back 'Later.' I had to take a seat in the back of the classroom next to Harry and Ron, who were late to class. I tried to focus my mind on what Professor Flitwick was saying, but Harry and Ron kept talking to one another while I sat between them.

"If you two don't shut your traps I will hex you into next year, and you could possibly be missing some very important body parts." I managed to hiss at them. They looked at each other with looks of complete terror on their faces because I was all to serious. After that they were quiet and I managed to get some good note writing done. We didn't have any homework, yet, for which I was thankful for. I left the room a little later than everybody else, but made it to History of Magic when Kristen did.

"We need to talk." She said as we took our seats.

"After this class...during lunch, we need to focus for this class. Camden says he's brutal when it comes to grading." I tell her as everyone else files in. She nods and takes out a notebook a quill and ink, I do the same. Camden was definitely right, this class was really boring, but really was interesting. After one of the longest classes I think I've ever had, and four and a half pieces of parchment later, Kristen and I were on our way to the Great Hall. We didn't talk on the way there, I blame that our heads were getting out of the boring monotone of Professor Binns' voice. Once we were at the table we took our normal seats, said our hellos to everyone, and I piled the food on my plate. Once again I was starving so my plate was full of goodies.

While pouring myself a glass of milk and taking a bite of my macaroni and cheese, I look at Kristen. "So what did we need to talk about?"

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 1:33 am

I didn't take a whole bunch of notes during class. Just the big ones, like the dates of the goblin wars. I was really good with remembering things, particularly good with random details. I wasn't really focusing to much on the class, just on what Paige could've been doing during the time that she wasn't in class. My mind kept drawing towards Paige's dream of her and Draco. Could she have been with him? I glanced sideways at her. 'No.' I thought. She wouldn't do that to me! At least . . . I didn't think she would. I shook my head lightly. I focused on my schoolwork, but it only lasted a moment. Would she?

At last class finished, and I noticed that Paige had a lot of notes. Like, 2 pages. I was amazed. I only had one! We walked to the Great Hall silently. We sat in our usual seats, and we both piled our plates up. I cast a glance at Draco, who was sitting with a pretty black haired girl. They were laughing loudly. I glared a little in their direction. Jeeze! I was becoming one of those jealous girlfriends now! Paige turned to me. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I swallowed my food, holding up the minute sign.

"Why weren't you in class this morning? And, Draco told me he was going to apologize to you last night, and I forgot to ask how that went." At this point, she choked on her juice a little. I patted her on the back. I glanced back over to Draco. I scribbled a note on a piece of paper and sent it over to him magically. 'You want to go on a walk during break?' It read. He glanced up at me and nodded a few times, and I noticed the girl next to him smile. I turned back to Paige. "And, about your dream." She nodded, also swallowing her food. I started eating again. I wanted to make sure that Paige wouldn't you know . . . do anything with Draco while I was with him. It's not that I didn't trust her. It's just . . . well, okay, I didn't trust her. I just wasn't sure whether or not she would be able to resist temptation of Draco. I sighed. I waited for her answer.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 04, 2009 10:41 pm

While pouring myself a glass of milk and taking a bite of my macaroni and cheese, I look at Kristen. "So what did we need to talk about?"

Before she answered she swallowed her food, holding up the minute sign and said "Why weren't you in class this morning? And, Draco told me he was going to apologize to you last night, and I forgot to ask how that went." At this point, I choked on my milk a little. 'Oh shit.' I thought. How was I going to tell Kristen that while he was going to apologize I kissed him? Wait, I wasn't suppose to tell Kristen about that. She was patting me on the back but I saw her scribble a note to Draco. I saw as he read the note and nodded excitedly to her. For some reason that made me a little upset but I pushed it aside. He was, after all, her boyfriend and should be excited to hang out with her. She turned back toward me and finished her question, "And, about your dream." I nodded and swallowed the mouthful of goodness that was in my mouth.

"Well Draco did catch up to me and told me he was sorry. I was still angry with him, but I accepted his apology anyway. After all even if I didn't accept it I would still have to deal with him hanging with you of course." I told her. It was the truth, I did accept his apology...only after we like made out. I hoped she didn't sense anything false in my voice. I didn't think I sounded guilty of something, after all I've heard I'm a really good liar. "So what did you want to talk to me about my dream? I told you about it already." I took another big bite of my food and looked at her. I really wasn't sure why she would question me about the dream again. I did tell her everything I knew.

"It's just that...you told me that you weren't sure how long you and Draco were sneaking off together. Because you said that you didn't know and I believe that. I just..." I could tell that she was uncomfortable with what she was trying to tell me. I touched her lightly on her arm, as if to tell her it was okay to ask. "I just was wondering if you would, umm, like do anything with Draco while I'm with him."

I felt like I was on stand for murdering someone and I had to lie about my innocence. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Once I did that I looked at her in all seriousness and busted out laughing. "Kristen are you serious?" I said through my laughter and she just looked at me. "Kristen I just accepted his apology about him being such a jerk to me! I'm still incredibly ticked at him for saying what he said. So why would I like do that to you? Besides I'm with Camden and for all I know I still have the same exact feelings for him." I told her once my laughter was done. It all was a complete lie but I could tell that she bought it.

"I know that Paige. I'm just saying, if I'm still with him like later in the year you won't like do anything with him will you?" I shook my head at her, smiled, and took a bite of my biscuit. She smiled and continued, "So where were you during Potions anyway? Snape wanted me to tell you to talk to him."

I swallowed my bite roughly and looked at her. "Snape wants to talk to me?" She nodded and I gulped. I was in some serious trouble now. "Earlier I was in the library, I woke up really early and wanted to read for a little. I ended up falling asleep on my book and when I woke up class already started. Then I decided instead of going to class and being late with no real excuse that I would just skip that class and go back to the common room and read. So on my way to the common room I bet up with Camden and we decided to skip together. And we talked and went to our second classes." I told her, and it was all true. She smiled at me and laughed.

"You picked a great class to skip." She said and I laughed. Once lunch was over I told Kristen that I was headed to the dungeons, I knew Snape didn't have a class, and Kristen told me she was going to hang out with Draco. I walked with her to the entrance of the Great Hall and we met up with Draco. "Paige." He said. "Draco." I nodded his recognition. We shook hands and once we let go he took Kristen's hand in his and they walked toward the grounds. In the palm of my hand was a little note, 'We need to talk about...meet me in the library in the potions section after dinner. <3 Draco' I looked toward the disappearing figures and rolled my eyes. I crumpled the note, tossed it in my bag, and walked to the dungeons. Once I was there I knocked three times on the door to hear muffled "Come in!" from the other side. I opened the door to see Snape sitting at his desk with papers around him.

"Hello Professor Snape." I said in a small voice. My heart rate started to pick up when he looked up from his work toward me. He looked back to his papers and with one long crooked finger, he motioned for me to come to his desk. I moved through the classroom and was standing right in front of his desk.

"You missed my class today Miss Morfey." He said, his eyes still on the papers.

"Yes I know sir. I'm really sorry about that." I bowed my head, waiting for my punishment. Instead of yelling at me, he extended one hand, palms up, and waited for me to do something. "Sir?" I asked. He sighed and looked up from his papers.

"You had an assignment due for my class. I would like to see it." He said. I nodded and dug through my bag until I found my Potions folder. I took out the assignment and handed it to him. "Have a seat." He said and motioned to one of the desks. I did as told and waited for him to read my essay. After about ten minutes, I looked up to see he was grading other papers.

"Umm Professor Snape?" I asked. He looked at me, a little upset for interrupting him again. "Am I in trouble for missing your class? If I am I take full responsibility and will take my punishment without any word." Then he surprised me. He smiled and started to laugh. I looked at him, full of shock. "Sir?" I asked and he just laughed some more.

"Is that why you think you are here?" I nodded. "Many students miss my class, most usually don't even turn the assignment in and that's when they get in trouble. You on the other hand turned in a perfect assignment and I can tell by the ink that you had finished the assignment before today. No Miss Morfey you are in no trouble at all. As for your assignment," Snape said and reached into a pile of graded papers. He handed me back my paper and my jaw dropped. In bold, underlined, and in red ink was an 'O'. I looked at him in shock and he smiled. "That is one of the best first essays I think I've ever read in the past five or so years."

"Th-thank you sir! Thank you so much!" I said and did a quick jump up and down and a little jig in front of him. Once I was done, I looked at him mortified that I did that in front of a teacher and he just smiled.

"You have a lot of your sister in you, but more of a drive in academics than she does that's for sure." He said and stood up from his desk. I gulped, I had to ask him the question that was burning my mind.

"Professor Snape?" I asked and he looked at me. He looked happy which was so unlike him, which made me already regret what I was about to ask him. "Do you like my sister? I mean I know she likes you, she talks about you so much. Even after her first year here all she could tell me about Potions was about how mysterious yet handsome you were. Then this year she told me that she started to like you and that you and her kissed." It all sort of rolled out of my mouth. Once I was done I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands and turned away from him.

"Well," He started and I could tell he didn't know how to explain this to me. "Your sister told you all of that?" He asked and I nodded. "I see, well for now I think we will leave it with I do care about your sister dearly. As for you, I want you not to tell anyone about that." I nodded my head quickly, my hands still covering my mouth. "Now for the rest of my free period I would like you to make the potion that you missed making in class. Here are the instructions, if you have any questions ask me, now get to work." And with that I spent the rest of his free period making my potion, which got another 'O'. I left when I heard students starting to enter.

I had Transfiguration next and had to run to get to that class in time. I was in time and sat in my usual seat next to Kristen, this was our last class for today. I looked at her once I had all my supplies out for class and said, "How was your break?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 05, 2009 11:50 pm

Draco and I walked together out of the building. I felt slightly reassured by what she said, but not a ton. I had felt like she was lying, but I wanted to trust her. Draco grabbed my hand, and squeezed it gently. "So, what do today?" He asked.

"Nothing, really. I just wanted to spend some time with you. And also to let you know that I wasn't mad at you anymore." We were standing in front of the lake now. He turned toward me, smiling gently.

"I'm glad." He leaned down and kissed me gently on the mouth. It was sweet and gentle. He pulled away from me, and I could see a softness in his eyes. We smiled at each other quickly. I got up on my tiptoes and kissed him. I just realized that he was about a head taller than me. He deepened the kiss slightly, and my head spun. When we broke apart, I layed my head gently on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around me and laid his rested his head on the top of mine. We stood like that for a second. "Come on. I want to show you something." He mumbled into my hair, before giving me a kiss on the head. "And by the way, I love how you're hair smells. It smells like green apples. And coconuts. It's amazing." I smiled at him. "What?"

"You're riduculous!" He laughed gently. We were walking up a flight of stairs I hadn't seen before. I looked around curiously. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"You'll see!" We kept walking, and stopped at the end of a corridor. There was a picture in front of us that wasn't moving. It was a simple portrait of a bunch of fairy's in a tree. Or maybe they were people. "This is my favorite picture in all of Hogwarts."

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's a scene of of Shakespears A Midsummers Nights Dream. It's the only picture in all of Hogwarts that isn't magical." I looked at his face as he studied the picture. He glanced at me. "What?"

"I'm amazed at you."


"You're different than I would've originally thought you were. I would've pegged you for an arrogant ass, not a guy that would appreciate even non-magical art."

He laughed gently. "How do you know I'm not an arrogant ass?" He managed to laugh out.

"Well, I know you are. But, I guess you're more than that!" He smiled, and kissed me gently on the cheek. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a little alcove with a bench. We sat together, facing each other on the bench. "You know, I really do love you're hair down like this." He ran his hand through his hair gently.

"It takes some getting used to!" He couldn't stop smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, completely perplexed.

"I dunno. It's just, whenever I look at you, I have to smile. You just make me feel so . . . different than most girls." He leaned forward and kissed me. "And I can't stop kissing you." And then he kissed me again. "And I love your blush. Have I told you that?"

"Mhm." I mumbled against his lips as he kissed me again. "Draco, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" He smiled.

"Would you . . . if you and I weren't together . . . hypothetically . . . date Paige?" He seemed a little shocked, his mouth even gaped a little.

"Why do you ask?" He questioned in a small voice.

"It's just . . . I was curious. I don't know." I shrugged slightly, kinda feeling bad for asking now.

"I don't know." He answered honestly. I mean, I guess it could hpapen." I nodded. Not what I wanted to hear. I wasn't looking at him anymore. He grabbed my chin and pulled it to look at him. "Look, Kristen. I'm with you. If I wanted to be with her, and she wanted to be with me, we would be. But she's with Camden, and I'm with you. And I'm glad I'm with you, not Paige. Okay?" I nodded. "Good." He leaned in and kissed me on the forhead. "Come on. Last class of the day." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along to Transfiguration. He stopped us in front of the doorway. He brushed a hair out of my face and then kissed me gently on the lips. "Remember what I said. I'm with you because I want to be."

We went into the room, Draco and I separating. He went and sat next to Blaise, while I took my usual seat and waited for Paige. I got all my stuff ready. She entered looking breathless and sat next to me. "How was you're break?" She asked once she got out all of her stuff. I glanced toward Draco and noticed he was looking in our General direction. I smiled.

"Good, really good. Did you go see Snape?" She nodded. "How did that go? Good I hope!" She just was about to answer when the Professor started talking.

"Later." She whispered. Class went quickly, at least as quick as a double period can go. After class I caught up with Paige.

"So, how was the meeting with Snape? And did you remember to give him your essay?!" I asked. I hoped she didn't forget. We had worked really really hard on those essays!
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 28
Location : In the dark corner.
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2009 7:59 pm

I was walking down the hall, waiting for class to start. Okay, I lied. I was trying to find the next class. I scrambled through all my papers, and couldn't figure out where I was, or what class I had next for that matter. I stopped a girl who was with a handsome blonde.

"Hi! My name is Katelyn Mapes. What is yours?"

The girl looked blankly at me as she held out her hand.

"My name is Kristen Kennedy. Do I know you?" She asked very hesitantly.

I laughed.

"No. You don't, but hopefully you will. I'm trying to find my next class, and it doesn't show a 3rd period class. Would you care to help me?"

I looked at the handsome blonde.

"Hi!" I held my hand out to him. "I'm Katelyn, as I said earlier. And you are....?"

He smiled and grabbed my hand for a handshake.

"I'm Draco. Her boyfriend.".

I was a little disappointed at the fact that he had a girlfriend. I thought maybe I'd have a chance. I wanted to frown, but I kept a long bright smile across my face.

"So, Kristen, I was wondering if you could help me? I seriously JUST got here, and missed Transfiguration class. I should probably catch up to that class. I was on vacation, just to let you know why I've been gone." I smiled a warm smile.

Kristen gave me a weird look. "Uuuhm, sure? I guess. We'll have to go to the person in charge of all classes."

We started to walk to wherever it was.

*****Please read this:
I didn't look at the other posts, and I didn't know after Transfiguration there were no other classes.
Kristen: Please tell me that I don't have anymore classes or something.
XD Thanks guys. <33
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 06, 2009 10:43 pm

I looked at Kristen once I had all my supplies out for class and said, "How was your break?"

"Good, really good. Did you go see Snape?" I nodded. "How did that go? Good I hope!" I was about to tell her about my strange encounter with Snape when McGonagall walked in and glared at all of us, except for the Gryffindors.

"Later." I whispered. Class went quickly, which I was really surprised about. Of course the Gryffindors were rewarded with 10 points toward their house thanks to the Granger girl, when I actually knew the answers and she had totally looked at me first! Gah how I loathed McGonagall. After class, I exited quickly not wanting to spend another minute looking at McGonagall.

Kristen caught up to me quickly, "So, how was the meeting with Snape? And did you remember to give him your essay?!" She asked. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. Of course she would remember to tell me about the essay after the meeting!

"It was fine actually. I was able to make up the potion that I had missed in class, I got an 'O' on it, and I handed in my paper." I looked at her and she looked relieved. I giggled, "I was surprised when he gave it make to me though." I made my voice sound really sad, as if I was about to cry.

"Oh no! Let me see it!" Kristen said and stopped us in the middle of the hallway. I dug threw my bag and dug out the essay. I handed it to her and her eyes practically left their sockets. "Oh. My. God! You got an 'O'!" She said and threw her arms around me. We did a little happy dance and then quickly stopped. We laughed at ourselves as we continued to our common room.

"Yeah I know I couldn't believe it either! I guess hard work can really pay off!" I told her. Once we were at the tower, we followed behind a group of older Ravenclaws. We headed off to our dorm once we entered the common room. "I'm going to fix my hair and change quick! I'll be right back!" I told her and practically ran to my closet, grabbed the outfit I had laid out last night, then ran to the bathroom.

My hair was a mess! I grabbed my make-up bag and my brush. Deciding I didn't want to spend much time on my hair I threw it up in messy bun, clipping back my bangs. I then added some shimmer eyeshadow and fixed up the rest of my make-up. Then I took off my uniform and put on a dark mini jean skirt, one of my favorite pink ruffly tank tops, a crop jacket, and the finishing touch was a pair of pink knee high socks with see-through high heels. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I added some of my favorite strawberry pink lip gloss to my lips and fixed my necklace (the one Camden gave me). As I walked out I saw Kristen looking amazing as usual.

"Kristen I wanted to pick out your outfit!" I said in a whiny voice. "You can wear that but mark my words you will wear an outfit of my choosing sooner or later!" I said and grabbed her arm as I headed toward the door. We walked arm in arm, chit chatting, down the hallways. Once we were to the main level I looked at her. "Where exactly are we going?"

Kristen laughed, "I don't know, I was just following your lead!" We started to laugh again when we were interrupted. "Hi!" Kristen said brightly to our visitor and I saw that it was Draco. I smiled at him and looked back to Kristen. I suddenly felt really guilty for everything I had done in the last 24 hours. She was beaming at Draco, and he looked just as happy to see her, or maybe it was the two of us.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but I was wondering if I could borrow Kristen for a little while. I promise to have her back by dinner." He said to me. I smiled at him and he did the same to me.

"Sure I don't mind. We weren't doing anything really important anyway." I told him and Kristen and I laughed a little. "Just don't get into a fight, I don't want to have to hit you after I just forgave you." I told him and he smiled and laughed with us this time. I started to walk away but Draco's voice stopped me.

"Paige!" I turned. "I just wanted to say you look really nice today." He said and I smiled, "Thanks." I said and kept on walking.

I wasn't going anywhere in particular, I was just walking. Before I knew where I was going I was in the hallway leading to the Hufflepuff common room. I wanted to knock, even though I knew how to get in, but I wasn't sure if Camden was there or not. I decided against it and kept walking. I walked to the library and roamed the many shelves of books. I found one that seemed really interesting. It was about werewolves called Hairy Snout, Human Heart. I sat in my usual seat and began reading. I read about half of the book before I noticed it was dinner. I checked the book out, promising to finish it this week, and went to the Great Hall.

When I walked in I heard a lot of whistles and cat calls. I rolled my eyes, boys are so immature some times. I walked over to my table and sat in my usual seat. I looked over to the Hufflepuff table and I didn't see any sight of Camden or his friends. Where in the world was this boy? I shrugged and loaded my plate with fruit, veggies, and a roll and I made myself a big bowl of potato soup.

Kristen sat down suddenly, making me jump, and I looked at her and smiled. "So what did you and Draco do? And don't leave out any details!" I told her dipped my roll into my soup and poured myself a glass of pumpkin juice waiting for her to answer.

http://www.dressderby.com/images/TH%20Striped%20Socks.jpg (socks and shoes)
http://i.realone.com/assets/rn/img/7/6/7/5/15505767-15505769-large.jpg (hairstyle)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 12:49 am

It took me ages to decide what to wear. I couldn't decide whether to wear a dress, or some jeans and a shirt, or maybe a skirt. Or just not change at all. It was all so frustrating being a girl. I finally decided to just wear simple black dress with some reddish designs on the bottom. It stood out against my pale skin and made my red hair pop. I took down my hair and let the curls cascade over my shoulders and down my back. I slipped on some black flip flops and slipped a necklace over my head. I decided to leave the makeup off still.

Paige came out looking really hot, and I smiled. "Kristen I wanted to pick out your outfit!" she whined. "You can wear that but mark my words you will wear an outfit of my choosing sooner or later!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room while I just laughed behind her. We managed to get down to the first floor before we finally stopped. "Where are we going exactly?" Paige asked. I had to laugh once again.

"I dunno! I was just following you!" She laughed. I wipped some tears from my eyes and saw a bright blond head approaching us. "Hi!" I said brightly. I really was happy to see him. He beamed at me.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but I was wondering if I could borrow Kristen for a little while. I promise to have her back by dinner." Draco told her. I looked at him quizzically. Borrow me? For what?

"Sure I don't mind. We weren't doing anything really important anyway." I laughed. It was true, we weren't. "Just don't get into a fight, I don't want to have to hit you after I just forgave you." Draco smiled and laughed too. He grabbed my hand and started to pull me away down towards the dungeon. We stopped for a second.

"Paige!" I turned. "I just wanted to say you look really nice today." He yelled back to Paige. I smiled.

"Thanks." she yelled back. We continued on our way.

"Where are we going?" I questioned him. It was chilly down here. I shivered slightly.

"You'll see! I have another surprise for you." Before I could say anything, he pulled something out of his pocket and wrapped it around my eyes.

"Draco? Wha-?"

"Shush. Just go with it love!" He whispered into my ear. I smiled. We continued on our way. Draco's hands on my shoulders guiding me. We went up stairs, down stairs, and around corners. A few minutes later, we stopped.

"Are we there?"

"Yup!" I could hear the smile on his voice. He took off the blindfold with a flourish. I could see as far as possible right in front of me. I grabbed Draco's hand. It was beautiful, but also frightening. I was scared shitless of heights.

"Draco, it's beautiful." I whispered.

"Yes, you are." He whispered in my ear, kissing my neck lightly. I giggled, and not only because it tickled slightly. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. "Come on. There's more." He turned me around. I smiled. Laid out before me there was a beautiful arrangement of flowers scattered on a soft blanket.

"What's this?" I asked him.

"Your surprise." He pulled me over to the blanket and sat me down. From behind one of the many things in the room, he pulled out a tray of every sweet thing you can imagine.

"You know how to get to a girls heart Draco! Through good chocolate!" He laughed and fed me a chocolate covered strawberry. I did the same. He leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. We kept kissing, his tongue grazing against my lips. He deepened it, and pushed me gently onto the blanket. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed down my chin and onto my neck. "Draco." I breathed out. I came back up and covered my mouth with his. After a few minutes, he relaxed into my neck, and I could feel his soft breath tickling against the nape of it. I ran my hands through his soft hair. I felt his breathing even out. I relaxed too, and soon I was asleep.


"Kristen. Kriiisten. Wake up, love." I mumbled something to the voice. "Come on." I could feel someone kissing my neck and around the edge of my chin. That woke me. I smiled as the soft lips touched mine.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I mumbled against his lips.

"Come on. It's time for us to go." Draco pulled me up into his arms. We descended a silver staircase.

"What about the stuff?" I asked. He wasn't just gonna leave it there, was he?

"Crabbe and Goyle will come and get it soon." I nodded. My brain was still a little fuzzy from the nap. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "By the way," he whispered, "you have the most adorable sleeping face." I laughed.

"Well, thank you!" I laughed loudly. Suddently, a girl appeared in front of me.

"Hi! My name is Katelyn Mapes. What is yours?" I looked at her blankly. Who is this? Draco glanced at me, and I shrugged. I stuck out my hand, and she took it.

"My name is Kristen Kennedy. Do I know you?" I asked hesitantly. I wonder if I did . . .

She laughed a little loudly "No. You don't, but hopefully you will. I'm trying to find my next class, and it doesn't show a 3rd period class. Would you care to help me?" It was my turn to laugh. There were no 3rd period classes! She glanced to Draco.

"Hi!" She held out her hand. "I'm Katelyn, as I said earlier. And you are....?" He took the hand, shaking politely. Always the semi-polite one, Draco was.

"I'm Draco. Her boyfriend." I blushed at this. Nice Introduction! I had to smile too! I thought a moment of slight disappointed appeared on her face, but before I could even register it, it was gone. She smiled brightly.

"So, Kristen, I was wondering if you could help me? I seriously JUST got here, and missed Transfiguration class. I should probably catch up to that class. I was on vacation, just to let you know why I've been gone." How odd this girl was.

"Well, there actually aren't any more classes today . . ." I tried to smile kindly at her.

"Oh." She sounded a little embarrassed. "Well, maybe you can help me to my common room! I'm a slytherin."

"I'm a slytherin also." Draco piped up. "I can show you where to go!" I smiled at him.

"I'll see you at dinner. I have to run up to my own common room!" I turned to Kate. "I'm a Ravenclaw!" She nodded. Draco leaned down and kissed me with a few smaller kisses afterwards. It left me breathless, as did all of his kisses. We separated, Draco and Kate heading down, me heading up. I ran up to my room and grabbed a jacket. I'd decided that this dress was not made for this Castle! I headed down to the Great hall for dinner.

I ran in to the Great Hall and sat next to Paige making her jump slightly. "So what did you and Draco do? And don't leave out any details!" She demanded. I laughed, and helped myself to some veggie beef soup with a buttered roll.

I told her everything, even about the other girl, Kate. "What did you do? Either you were with Camden, or you did something entirely school like!" I laughed at her, and took a big bite of my roll. I glanced over to see Draco looking at me. I blushed. I was acting like a pig, and Draco was watching the whole thing! I swallowed quickly. I could see him laugh. I also spotted Kate sitting not to far from Draco. She was nice. I turned to Paige as she started to reply.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 7:45 pm

Kristen sat down suddenly, making me jump, and I looked at her and smiled. "So what did you and Draco do? And don't leave out any details!" I told her dipped my roll into my soup and poured myself a glass of pumpkin juice waiting for her to answer.

She laughed and filled her plate with some goodies as well. Kristen told me everything with excitement written across her face. I smiled at her, happy she had a good day. She finished and looked at me, "What did you do? Either you were with Camden, or you did something entirely school like!" Kristen laughed and laughed myself. I took another bite of my soup and scanned the Hufflepuff table, yet again, looking for Camden. I didn't see him so I turned back to Kristen.

"Actually I did neither. I walked around the school for a little and then went to the library and read a book. One random little book, well not little it's actually a decent sized book to tell you the truth." I laughed and sighed. My gaze drifted to the Slytherin table. Draco's eye caught mine and I looked at him for a second and turned back to Kristen. "I actually haven't seen Camden at all since this morning. I'm worried, maybe he got in trouble for missing his class." I was worried, this really wasn't like Camden. He usually always tells me where he's going to be, unlike me.

"I'm sure he's fine Paige." Kristen said. "Besides you know Camden's crazy about you, he wouldn't be doing anything to hurt you." I smiled, once again unlike me. I knew he was crazy about me and I was crazy about him the same way. We have a great connection, but could that connection only be for friendship?

"Thanks Kristen." I told her and hugged her. We finished dinner with some random small talk. "So what are your plans for this evening Miss Kennedy?" I asked as we were walking out of the hall.

"Nothing too important. Probably going to work on the Transfiguration packet and the History of Magic study guide. You?"

"Same here, but I want to finish this book first. I was getting really into it before my tummy started to rumble." I laughed. "I'll finish it in the library if you don't mind. I don't know if Cho and her weird friend are going to be in the dorm room talking about Potions. I promise not to be too long." I smiled at her. It was the truth I did want to finish the book, there was just something I had to do first.

"Yeah no problem! Finish the book and tell me if its a good read or not!" Kristen said and I hugged her. She headed up the stairs as I headed to the library.

I reached the library to find that hardly anyone was in there. Usually there were ten or less people walking around, studying or reading, but right now it was just me and Madam Pince. I smiled at her and made my way, scanning the sections, slowly making my way to the potions section. Of course I got side tracked by most of the titles, making a mental note to remember which sections they were located in. Once I made it to the Potions section I looked down the narrow way to see one person looking at the shelves in front of them. Slowly, yet purposefully, I started walking toward the figure. Then I was surprised by Draco spinning around just before I was going to scare him and having him scare me instead. I screamed and fell square on my butt.

"Shh! This is a library!" Draco said and started to quietly laugh. I just sat there and folded my arms across my chest. He put his hand out for me to take but I just looked at it and looked away. "Come on." He practically pleaded. Sighing he sat down next to me and I got up and walked toward the end of the shelving. "What did I do now?" Draco said as he got up and followed me.

"Oh nothing I just wanted to see what you would do." I said and smiled. "So what did we need to talk about?

"I want to discuss why we can't keep having our little meetings this week." He said and swiftly pushed me against the wall. Kissing from my shoulder all the way up to my neck, Draco didn't stop to let me explain. As always, my body melted to his, reacted to him without my will, and I found that I didn't want him to stop so I threw my arms around his neck. His hands roamed my body as his lips kept kissing me senseless. Before I knew it, his flesh was touching mine. I gasped and he locked my lips in his. One hand roamed the flesh it had discovered under my shirt, while the other was busy with my clothes.

I gasped and desperately tried to push Draco away, "Draco what are you doing?!" I hissed when I finally won. He stepped back and I fixed my shirt and hair. "I'm here just to talk, not anything else."

"Fine then lets talk." He seemed pissed and I didn't understand why. "I like you Paige, a lot, and I want you to break up with Camden for me." I stared at him, shocked.

"What?! Are you kidding me Draco?! NO!" I whispered screamed at him. "Why do you think I would do that to him and let you do that to Kristen?!" I looked at him then and realized he wasn't thinking the same thing I was. "You ass! You think I would break up with Camden but you would still be with Kristen and I would still give you something!? If you want me you can only have me not me and someone else! Ugh! You're a pig you know that?" I was furious. He wanted to continue to go out with Kristen, continue to cheat on her with me even if I wasn't cheating on someone else too.

"Well what do you want from me Paige?!" He seemed almost as upset as I was. "Do you really think Kristen would be okay with you dating me if she and I broke up? Isn't that some kind of rule; don't date your friends' ex? I was just trying to think literally. Besides you seem to really like sneaking off right now right!" He was being sarcastic now.

"Of course I don't but I actually wanted to finish a book here once we were done talking. I hate keeping this from both Kristen and Camden, but what am I suppose to do?"

"Be with me." Was his simple reply. Draco looked at me different than he's ever looked at me before. There was kindness and sincerity in his eyes. "Paige, I like you a lot, and I can see how this hurts you." He started rubbing my arm softly. "And I can't stop myself from liking you and wanting to be with you. But do you honestly think this is keeping them from hurting? Why don't we just do what we both want right now?" With that he leaned into me and kissed me softly. His kiss was full of passion, desire, and a needing I'd never felt before. Draco pulled away and looked at me, "Now what do you have to say?"

"Draco I...I..." I put my head on his shoulder. I didn't know what I felt at this point. I was nervous, happy, scared, worried all at the same time. I kissed his neck softly and felt him gasp and sigh into me. He held me to him for a while. I pushed back and looked at him, "Draco I want to be with you I do. But I have this feeling that we should just wait a little while longer. It just feels like I hardly know you and I'm scared of being hurt by you." His expression changed, he looked hurt, sad, like a little boy realizing that what he wants is too far out of his reach. I lifted his chin and kissed him tenderly on his lips, "That doesn't mean we have to stop our 'little meetings.' For now this is how I'll get to know you."

His smile warmed my heart and made me breathless. It was the smile a man would give his one true love when she agreed to marry him and say I do. Draco kissed me and twirled me around in a little circle in his arms. I smiled into the kiss and I suddenly felt the only person I was scared of hurting me was myself. I always let people in too quickly and get hurt by it, but with Draco it seemed that he needed me to let him know and understand me before I would understand him.

For the half hour or more I was in the library. Half of the time I was in the potions section with Draco. For the rest of the time after, I finished my book. I left the library feeling happy yet even more worried than before. If Draco was telling me the truth about how much he like me, than how will that affect my friendship with Kristen once his feelings went public? I told Draco that I wasn't going to sneak off to find him for the rest of the week. I felt that Kristen was starting to not trust me anymore and I needed to gain her trust back at whatever cost. As with Camden, I just had to find the boy and see what happens next.

I entered the common room to find it almost as quiet as the library, yet there were more people here. All of the older students were hunched over their books reading, doing homework and studying. I made my way quietly past them and into my dorm room. Kristen was hunched over her small little desk area reading as well. Cho and her annoying counterpart weren't here yet, they never were here until it was time for students to be in there house common rooms.

I walked over to Kristen and plopped myself on her bed. I smiled at her, "So the book is amazing...a really good read! How much work did you get done?" I asked.
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
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Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 07, 2009 11:41 pm

Over the past few weeks it seems like not only has my magic grown strong but my strange relationship with not only Snape and Hogwarts has grown as well. To me it felt that not only was I intricately entwined with Severus and his destiny but also with Hogwart's on a level that not even I could completely comprehend yet.

Today marked the end of our first month back at school and as was tradition Hufflepuff hosted a sexy pj party for third years and above, of course all houses were invited and each shipped their second and first years elsewhere. Of course I hit that party hard with my twin's in tow keeping me gaurded from Cedric as we were not on speaking terms.

About halfway threw the shindig right after I'd had enough sexy dancing with my fellow short and small breasted year mate Tabby, whom I adored except for the biting that would take a bit to get used to, I could only think of Severus. My visions of him and I together had been becoming more frequent as of late and certainly more intense, it was almost as if I needed to see him every day not just to fuel our budding romance but to reassure myself that he was still here.

So I found myself standing in front of a wall in nothing but my white jammies and high heels (the twins' idea not mine) watching as the spell work in Hogwarts flowed over the stone. This was something new that had come with my growing link to the school I could see each spell that made up Hogwarts, flowing threw each object, place, and person some of them were dull with age and others bright and new as if they had just been cast.

Counting on my hunch to me right I laid my open palms on the stone and felt threw the spells, in a way it was like they were tickling inside my brain as I shifted and rearranged them, it was quite pleasent. This was something I can't tell Severus, he'd probably freak out and set boundaries about me coming into his room unannounced or something of the like. Well as I was shifting and splaying the spells out of wack the wall began to ripple under my fingers, appearing to be a pond that had been touched by a leaf. I pushed threw and I felt like I was wading threw pudding; the wall being all smooth and creamy like I'd imagine a pool of pudding to be.

When I made it threw I was so proud of myself that I didn't realize which room I'd come out in until there was no longer a solid surface under my feet and I fell unto a plush bed covered in pillows and proceeded to bounce unto a very hard stone floor.

"Ow...sun of a..." I groaned and stood wobbly on my white heels (I had absolutely refused the angel wings...damn red heads) and skittered out of the room, far too many of my premonitions took place in Severus' room for me to be completely comfortable there. It just so happened as I was 'skittering' I rammed into Severus and once more landed on my arse.

"Taylor? What are you doing in here and what are you wearing?" I looked up at Sev who sounded surprisingly and delightedly amused by my sudden appearance.

"Wearing lingerie and I don't know what I'm doing here." I said standing myself up with Sev's help, his hand was very warm on my stone chilled arm causing me to be instantly covered in a rush of goose bumps. It wasn't just the fact that he was very warm but the way he was dressed or lack there of that caused my sudden shortness of speach.

Yellow is my favorite color and Severus was currently in a gold pair of boxer breifs that fit him quite well, then there was the light dusting of black, silky hair that splayed across his chest leading all the way into those boxers. His skin was pale almost more so than mine and if it weren't for the intricate patchwork of scars across his body it would have the feel and look of butter. His hair I was pleased to note, was back in a small tail with loose pieces curling around his face, not many know that his hair has a natural wave, but he hides it considering them to be frivolous. Sev's eyes are soft now, not the harsh cruel they are during the school day, but warm, soft and trusting.

As I studied him I could feel myself being studied and wondered if he was seeing the same glory in me that I was finiding in him. True I had not reached the peak of my physical promise but I thought I brought it. Apparently Severus thought the same thing because soon I felt his lips against mine and I couldn't help but melt into his arms.

We'd shared many a secret kiss but this was the first time we had been together where we had no fear of getting caught. He scooped me up with ease and took me to his bedroom, the air escaped from my lungs when he laid me down and began to kiss me like we never had before.

Sev's body was lightly pressed on mine one hand was under the small of my back keeping me pressed tight against him the other was running threw my free flowing hair. The stirring I felt from his kiss grew into a full raging storm as his lips found my ear, my neck, and my collar bone. I let my nails score lightly down his back and recieved a hiss of pleasure from him.

"You are quite the little minx, such a tease." He said lightly into my neck before biting down on the place where neck meets shoulder, a shock of electricity ran straight threw me causing to moan in shock and pleasure. I was enjoying the kiss until his hand traveled up my leg and to my breast. All my sensors were going into over drive, I'd never felt so frightened, so intune, and so fullfilled in my entire life. I stiffened and Severus took the hint removed his hand, gave me a final peck on the nose and rolled to the side to simply sit and stare at me.

"So did you dress like this just to tease me? Because it's certainly working." Severus nibbles on my fingers causing me to giggle "No it's the monthly Hufflepuff pj party celebrating another month done with school." As soon as the words are out of my mouth I know I've made a mistake. Severus doesn't physically shift from me but I can feel the distance form nearly a mile wide.

"Other's have seen you like this? Other men?" I sit up and stare at him "It's for third years and up those that are there are only boys Sev, you are the only man in my life." His eyes harden. "Did these boys touch you?"

I can't believe he's asking me this, we'd just shared an intensely intimate moment and now he was accusing me of..."Are you asking me if I cheated on you? We never said that this...whatever it is is purely monogumos." Oops, again the wrong thing to say, now he sits up and stares me straight in the face. "When I am with someone for any stretch of time it is only that person I assumed you felt the same way but now...Perhaps this should be over."

My world crashed around me, suddenly I was swamped with images of my life without him in it, everything was dark and full of pain. I created pain, felt pain and was pain, I was the darkness bringing death...I was nothing, not even a glimmer of soul shone in those eyes.

When I came too tears were streaming down my face and I was clinging to Severus for dear life, my nail's biting into his flesh drawing tiny droplets of blood. "Are you alright?" He asked in a calm voice, not entirely sure what was happening, welcome to my world. "No, when the future tells me of my life without you it is nothing but death, pain, despair and darkness." He shivered in my arms.

"And with me?" He asks, and I know the meaning behind his question. He wants to know what our future will be, and I have no choice but to show him. I grab Sev's face with both my hands and we lock eyes, my last vision swims to mind and soon everything is a blur as Sev begins to read my mind.

The cold, dewey grass of the Quidditch pitch cools my heated flesh until once more skin meets skin and it heats once more. The light of the full moon lights our faces and I see Severus above me, older, more worn but still the man I had fallen in love with all those years ago, the man I was going to marry.

His kisses brought bruises to my fragile flesh but the pain felt amazing and fresh, we hadn't been able to see each other for nearly two months my body had forgotten the feel of his but yearned to remember. Rough, scared but skilled hands travelled down moon lit flesh until he reached my core. "Call for me, my love..." He rasped in my ear as he began to torture me slowly.

I crooned his name into the still night air, breaking the silence with my love filled cries of delight and want for my perfect partner. Soon the cries stopped for the silence of our joining was too magical to be broken by any sound other than a pleading sob or a content sigh.

Together we are broken under the moon light and it is with my gift that I know I have concieved this night, kissing him I can only cry into his shoulder knowing soon that the future I had seen for him all those years ago would soon come to fruition. "Do not weep my love, this is a happy day, your eighteenth birthday..." Our kiss is almost chaste as our salt tears mix. We hold no secrets from each other, Severus knows my mind almost more than I do. He caresses my stomach with his hand and we laugh, the joyful sound mixing with our sorrow.

"I will have to leave you soon..." It is something I've tried so hard to prevent and yet here it is leering me in the face. "I will never let you go...I love you far too much."

The premonition ends then and when I release myself from Severus' mind magic he is holding me close and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "A good life then." I sigh into him and begin to feel the need to sleep engulf me.

"Yes very good, with happiness and light...Please don't let me sink into the darkness without you..." For that path I know will come too, Severus kisses my head and gently removes my shoes before covering us both with his heavy quilt. "I will never leave you, I will always protect you, you are mine."

Tabby's Pov

People are weird. I've been at this school for like a week and everybody is completely obbsessed with either getting me to join the Quidditch team or with classes or why I always wear sandals. It seems that there can be no happy medium here, so when I got invited to the party I basically ran around the door screaming my head off.

"What the bloody hell are you so excited about?" One of my roomies, Draco I think his name is, asks me as I climb up on top of my canopy to swing off the side. "Oh there's a party for third years and up that I get to go to..." I see the look on his face and shake my head "Sorry no firsties or secondies not even the house that is throwing the party is keeping theres around."

"What kind of party is it?" The boys ask and I rush into my private bathroom to change into my outfit lovingly provided by Ariel, Daisy, and Rissa. Walking out in some of my favorite stilletoe sandles. "What do you think?" They're speechless which must mean I'm ready.

Working my boy frame I manage to make it to the party in record times and with no teachers catching me, which is part of the point of going. "If you get caught you know nothing about this!" Was the motto of the party, and boy did some people get caught, so the people who made it were considered VIP's.

The music was loud and throbbing, the stuff you feel inside your bones and the drinks were flowing. I always stick to butterbeer of course but there was much harder stuff that had been smuggled in. My night really started when I started dirty dancing with a girl named Taylor. We really clicked together and made a great combination, me with my dark hair and outfit her being blonde and in white, basically the boys were calling for us.

She disappeared and left me to climb all over the boys, most didn't mind that I liked to ride on there shoulders. Like all good parties though it had to end and each of us leaving at different times as to not arise suspiscion left me stumbling threw the halls like a retard at oh two in the morning. Which was not good because I had Transfiguaration right in the morning.

Once in the room I kicked off my shoes and snuggled into my nice warm bed for sleep, making sure I was all cuddly with my stuff cat before falling asleep....

"WHAT THE HELL! TABBY?!?!" I woke up with a mild headache and a screaming Draco. "Oh good morning Draco, apparently under the influence of many rounds of butterbeer and a late night you highly resemble my stuffed kitten Mittens." I said before jumping out of his bed and running into the shower. Leaving him quite speechless in my wake. When I emerged from the bathroom in my uniform he was still looking quite shocked.

"It could have been anyone, I'm a snuggler and I was tired, your bed is just the closest to mine." The other boys seemed to accept my answer but apparently Draco was some kind of lady slayer lately so he thought he'd snared my heart. "I know it must be hard to resist me but I am dealing with a few women at the moment."

Eye roll, "Seriously boy you kinda remind me of a handsome ferret, maybe if you ya know develop a personality that doesn't involve your head stuck up your ass we could be friends. But as a rule I never date younger and I certainly don't date non-Quidditch players...Marius and Viktor would be ashamed..." This stunned him until he composed himself, and that seemingly knocked the dick out of him because he became as pleasant as the rest. I even let Blaise and him escort me to breakfast, where I gave each an embarassing sisterly peck on the cheek and told them to make good choices before I cartwheeled to my normal breakfast seat.

Okay maybe the school wasn't so boring but if one more person asks me to..."Hey Tabby so we were just wondering if you'd considered joining the..." "I WILL NOT JOIN QUIDDITCH UNLESS I WANT TO STOP ASKING!!!" I screamed at the poor boy who smiled and wiped the syrup off his face. Note to self, never eat waffles and yell, it's rude to spray people with mashed food from your mouth. "Actually I was talking about Gobblestones Club..." I gave him a sweet smile "Sure that'd be fun, I was VP at Durmstrung..."

Oh yeah this was shaping up, however Flitwick taking away points for me hexing a boy in class was something I'd have to get used to, at Durmstrung it was encouraged...Man Hogwart's teachers are weird.

Taylor's- http://img.alibaba.com/photo/11649789/Sensual_Lingerie_And_Underwear.jpg
Tabby's- http://www.globaltextiles.com/html/images/upload/tradeleads/379/378522.jpg
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Number of posts : 114
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 12:06 am

~Irisa's POV~

My first week here was, to say it in one word, interesting. My room, for instance, was so weird for me to sleep in. I was used to my school sheets being of blue silk and not having the need for a comforter. Also I felt like I was isolated from my year because I was stuck in the second year boys. They got less annoying as week went on, but at first they kept trying to sneak peeks at me. I finally had to hex one of them to get them to knock it off. I wasn't used to the whole different houses thing but whatever I would live. Classes were very more complex then they were at Beauxbatons yet that seemed to be the best part. I never was bored during a discussion unless I didn't like it.

So when I was invited to the party I was, okay I'm going to say this, very excited. I hadn't really made many friends here, besides for Tabby of course, and I was looking forward to meeting and mingling with students my age. Finding my outfit was probably the hardest thing for me because I usually sleep in my birthday suit or in one of my daddy's old shirts. Good thing I had my gran-gran make me a special outfit for, well I don't remember what I told her I would wear it for. I took it out, nodded and quickly changed in my private bathroom. I put on my favorite clear stilettos with the same color lace as my pajamas to add some flavor to them. As I put on my favorite blue silk robe, that I got from Beauxbatons, I added a few curls to my hair and walked out.

The boys, all of them were in the room for some reason, looked at me mouths gaped. "What?" I asked.

"What are you wearing that for?" One of them asked, I think his name was Craig.

"Can't a girl wear lingerie without men asking questions?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, my unique accent really coming out.

"We've never seen you wearing that before though and we heard there was a..."

"Shut it or I'll hex you into next week. The party is only for third years and up, so if some how Snape or some other Professor finds out about this party it's on your heads even if it isn't your fault. Got it?" They all nodded and I smiled. "I'll be back late. I'll try not to wake you up." I said and waved them good bye.

As I walked down the halls, I tried my hardest not to make a sound. It was almost time for all students to be in their proper dorms and I think some of the Professors sensed something was happening tonight since this party apparently is a tradition. I rounded the corner to the Hufflepuff common room and down the hall I saw a group of students gathered in front of a portrait. I quickly walked to them, they looked at me, smiled and looked back to the picture.

"Why are you guys staring at this picture?"

"It's the entrance to the party, but we can't seem to figure out how to get in. The Hufflepuffs don't use passwords like us Gryffindors." A cute dark haired boy said to me.

I nodded and then suddenly I heard a noise down the hall. The other students heard it too and we all turned to see someone running down the hallway. Once the person stopped we saw it was a regular student, he smiled at us.

"You lot having trouble getting into the party?" We nodded and his smile seemed to grow. "Well it's a good thing I'm the guide for the final hour of welcoming." He said and turned toward me. His expression seemed to have changed some how, like he had forgotten all about what he was talking about. He shook his head and continued, "What you have to do is make the cat come out of its bed to greet you." We looked at him and he laughed and started making kissing noises. Following his lead we all did the same and the cat came toward us and the door opened.

When I entered the room the party was in full motion. I noticed Tabby dancing around with some guys and smiled. I took off my robe, put it on the coat rack and started walking around the room. I grabbed a bottle of butter bear and took a nice swig of it. As drink was sliding down my throat a hand on my shoulders had me chocking.

"Oh sorry, sorry." I turned to see the brunette from outside saying. "I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Cedric Diggory. I haven't seen you around here before are you new?"

"Yes. Very new actually." I said and smiled. He seemed nice, but nice didn't always mean a good thing for you. "So your a Hufflepuff I can see. I'm a Slytherin, third year." I said and took another drink. We continued the small talk, but he seemed to want to try and impress me which was a definite turn off.

I excused myself to the dance floor and grabbed Tabby and started dancing. I always loved dancing and it felt so good to have my body moving this way and that again. I don't know how long I was out on the dance floor but I had to leave to get another drink. I grabbed a glass of Fire Whiskey and drank it in one shot. I grabbed another and another as the party seemed to get even more wild. All around the room were couples hooking up, one I noticed to be a fellow third year in my house with a Gryffindor, I could tell my his outfit. I giggled and then a figure in a corner caught my attention. His looked like he was bored of this party and it was only midnight. I walked over to him, a glass of fire whiskey still in hand.

He was surrounded by a group of guys with similar looks. I noted the green of all of their pants and knew that they were Slytherins. I drank the last bit of my drink and set it on the mantle. The guys around him whistled and he smirked, apparently he wasn't all that impressed with me.

"Hey there sexy lady. Want a drink?" One of them asked. I winked at him and whispered in his ear, "No thanks tiger but I noticed a girl in a hot little pink outfit giving you the looks. Why don't you go ask her." His breath smelled heavily of something stronger than fire whiskey. He walked into the crowd, looking for the girl and I made my way to the guy in the middle.

"These your body guards?" I asked him, nodding to the two beefy men on each side of him.

"Could be...what's it to ya?" He said, I could tell he handled his alcohol much better than his other friend.

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering if I could snag one of them to the dance floor." I said and winked at the somewhat more attractive one of the two.

"Go right ahead." He said and turned his attention back to the Slytherin and Gryffindor couple. Silently I walked to him until we were face to face. "You know I don't quite understand why you are here if you're not going to dance." I whispered to him. His looked me square in the face and snapped his fingers and the two men left his side. I smiled and sat in his lap, swinging my legs over the arm of the chair.

"Who are you exactly to tell me why I can't be here? Are you one of those pathetic Gryffindors trying to seem sexy to get a Slytherin?" He spat in my face and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Actually no, I'm one of those sexy Slytherins that know that they can do better than those Gryffindor girls in trying to look sexy. Because quite frankly, I know that you were watching me." I said into his ear. He seemed to stiffen for a moment but relaxed just as quickly. "I'm Irisa by the way. A new third year Slytherin and you are?"

"Marcus Flint, forth year Slytherin." I nodded.

"So what's so great about you that you need body guards to protect you? Are you afraid you couldn't handle a real fight?" I teased him.

He smiled slightly to me, "Actually I'm the main Chaser on the house team. Those two are trying to get on my good side because they know I'm going to be named captain next year and they want to keep their spots."

"Your a Quidditch hunk then? I'm a pretty good Chaser as well, maybe we should practice on the field sometime. Who knows maybe I could make the house team next year." I said and ran my fingers threw his hair. "I have a thing for dark haired Quidditch players." I told him.

"I see...well I have a thing for girls who can think on their own." He smiled at me and my belly did a little flip.

"What's the deal with the girl over their snogging the brains out of that Gryffindor? I mean she is a Slytherin isn't she?" I asked and instantly regretted asking.

"She was my girlfriend until she got wasted. Lets just say we didn't see eye to eye on somethings and she grabbed the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Oliver Wood, just to piss me off." He spat in her direction.

"Well she definitely made the wrong decision." I told him.

"And how would you know that?"

"I can see it in your eyes. Your exterior self tries to be all macho and tough but your eyes tell me that you have a good heart and that your are hurting." He gave me a questioning look and I giggled. "I'm really good at reading people."

The rest of the party went with me on Marcus' lap. We talked for a while then went to snogging. All I have to say is that he is probably the best kisser I think I've ever kissed, and that's saying something. As all great parties do, they had to end and the rule was that we had to all leave at different times, but I stayed hooked to Marcus' side. At sometime during the party, when we weren't snogging, he had grabbed a bottle of some kind of alcohol and we had a drinking contest. I won of course, but he grabbed two more bottles for the road.

Once we reached the common room he set the bottles on the ground and swept me up in his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck I snogged him senseless until he stumbled into his room and onto his bed. That was all I could remember after that. I woke up the next morning with the worst hangover I'd ever had. I made a mental note to take my potion that I made to help with hangovers. I opened my eyes and noticed that I wasn't in room and I wasn't dressed either. I heard a noise that was very close to my ear and I noted the arm wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to see Marcus fast asleep on my shoulder.

I gently shook him awake. He stretched, opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Morning beautiful." He said and yawned.

"Morning." I said in a shaky voice. "Marcus we didn't..."

Marcus then started laughing and I slapped him, "Don't worry Iris, all we did was get naked and pass out. I promise you that." He said and gave me kisses up my shoulder and nibbled on my neck, "But we both wanted to." He said and took my lips in his.

I left his room shortly after that, fully clothed and made it to my room. I changed quickly, threw my hair up in a ponytail and added some light make-up, not really feeling up to doing much more. I took the potion and made my way down to the Great Hall. Once I walked in I saw Marcus and he winked at me and motioned for me to come toward him. I smiled and walked to him, sitting in the seat right next to me. He gave me another sweet kiss, in front of everybody and introduces me. I smiled the whole time and enjoyed the small talk. During the breakfast his, now ex-girlfriend showed up made a scene but he just dismissed her.

Once breakfast we walked together to Transfiguration, a class that I had with forth years. We sat next to each and talked quietly amongst ourselves. Class was nothing too exciting but it was all the more exciting with Marcus next to me. After class was over he pulled me over to the side.

"Irisa you sure are something else. Last night I thought I knew the kind of girl you are but today you surprised me. I want to keep seeing you, but maybe we should try to take things slower than they went last night." I blushed and nodded. He kissed me lightly on the cheek. We went our separate ways, he off to Care of Magical Creatures, me off to History of Magic. I entered the room and grabbed the seat next to Tabby.

"Hi Tabs! I haven't seen you since the party. How'd you like it?" I asked before class started, I couldn't wait to gush about my night to her.

Her outfit- http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41iAPkzjzvL.jpg (her butt is covered fyi, it isn't a thong lol)
Her shoes- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_iS9RSxGDSDU/SfgpH7J-ujI/AAAAAAAAAMM/Gf7J4rndh-Y/s400/Stilettos2%5B1%5D.jpg
Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Jake1 ((This is what I imagine Marcus Flint to look like. I always thought he should be somewhat cute but have this bad boy rebel look to him.))

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:27 am; edited 2 times in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 21, 2009 7:57 pm


“I actually just finished!” I smiled. This homework was always so easy. I glanced at my watch. 25 minutes and finished two subjects? Not bad at all. I stretched my back out, hearing a few pops here and there. “You know, these desk chairs are NOT the comfiest chairs ever!” I stood up, stretching my legs a bit. I rubbed my eye with the back of my hand slightly, very glad that I wasn’t wearing makeup to smudge. I had changed out of my clothes and into my green pajama shorts and a white tank top. I’d pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. I was glad for the chance to just be relaxed. All of this worrying about what I’m wearing and stuff was starting to wear me down!

“I’m gonna go and take a shower!” Paige said. “I feeling the need to shower!”

“Okay! I’m gonna go down and see if I can steal something from the kitchens! I’m starving!” She smiled and laughed, and I dug under my bed to find my slippers. They were fuzzy, big, cute, and in the shape of a frog. They were very well broken in, I’d had them for years! I heard the shower start and I grabbed my dressing gown and pulled it around myself. I hoped I wouldn’t run into anyone, because strictly speaking, I was not dressed to impress. And I wasn’t wearing a bra. That too.

I managed to get down to the kitchens fairly quickly. I tickled the pear and stepped into the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. It was warm, and it smelled like brownies. I smiled at all of the house elves as they surrounded me. I sat on the stool they sat in front of me. “What would miss like?” One asked me.

“Do you think I could get a cup of tea with honey? Please? And some snack cakes?” The house elf asked me, and disappeared to the other side of the kitchens. I glanced around, noticing it was about the size of the Great Hall. They must send the food straight up from here to there. In my perusing I noticed a boy with blond hair nursing a butter beer. “Camden!” I practically screamed at him. “Where have you been? Paige has been looking for you all day!” I ran over and sat next to him.

“I’ve been here.” He muttered.

“Why? What’s wrong?” A house elf brought me my stuff and I muttered a ‘thanks’ receiving a low bow that made it’s nose brush the floor. He shuffled away quietly.

“Nothing. I just like to come here to think sometimes.” I nodded and took a sip of my tea.

“What do you think about?”

“A little of everything. It’s a good place to think. And it has fantastic food.” He gave a weak smile. Again, I nodded. “I’ve been thinking a lot about Paige today.” He glanced at me with a weird look in his eyes. “I really like her, you know? She’s fantastic.”

“And she really likes you too. She talks about you a lot.”

“She does?” He asked in a semi - excited voice. I nodded. “I’ve just been thinking a lot about her. Maybe a little to much. And also about Malfoy.” He spat the name in obvious dislike. “Do you think they would ever . . . You know?”


“Get together.” He hesitated for a second. “While me and her are together.”

“What? Why would you think that?” I asked, shocked. “Of course they won’t!”

“They had a thing before though, didn’t they? A kind of fling.”

“Yeah. I can’t deny that. But that doesn’t mean anything. At all.”

“I know. But still. I think Malfoy would try. To get with her.”

“Camden. I am dating Draco.”

“That doesn’t mean shit to a Malfoy, Kristen. Nothing. You don‘t know what they are, who they are. They think they‘re better than everyone else, and therefore entitled to whatever they want. If he wants Paige, they he feels he should get to have her. If he wants you too, then there is no reason he can‘t have both of you in his mind. ” I took another sip of my tea, barely even tasting it. Draco wouldn’t cheat on me. He just wouldn’t. I knew him.

“Even if it doesn’t mean shit to a Malfoy, Paige is a Morfey. She isn’t like that.” He nodded gently.

“You’re right. I dunno what I was thinking.” We finished our drinks in silence. Me thinking about what Camden had said, and Camden thinking about what I said.

“Come on. I’ll take you back to your Common Room.” I pulled him up by the elbow and guided him slowly to the door. Even if butter beer didn’t have that much alcohol in them, he’d been drinking all day. That was enough for him to get a little buzz or something. I walked him to his portrait hole. I guess the point was to make the little thing in the corner laugh, but as soon as it saw Camden, it bust out laughing. I glanced over and realized he did look a bit disheveled. I guided him to the couch in the common room and then let myself out. I decided not to tell Paige any of what happened.

I went back to my dorm and glanced in. Cho and her little friend, Marrietta or something along those lines, were both asleep. I glanced over to Paige’s bed and heard a slight snoring noise. I laughed and climbed into bed myself. I grabbed my wand and turned out the lamps in the room. I snuggled into bed, and fell asleep thinking about Draco. About Paige. About Draco and Paige. But mostly about what Camden had said.


I very much don’t like this school. It’s nice enough, I guess. But the classes are so boring! Like, amazingly so. The teachers are okay, but they don’t do anything to make the learning exciting. Ancient Runes dragged on and on, even though the class was very ridiculously easy. Potions at least had a bonus, the teacher was pretty damn good looking. Although he’s much to old for me, I did some shameless eye batting and a little flirting. It wasn’t gonna hurt anything just to smile pretty at him. It gave me something to do while I schooled these idiots in how to make a good potion. But then, History of Magic rolled around, and I instantly missed my other classes. My god, this teacher just had one of those voices that put you to sleep, and sleep I did!

After History of Magic, I heard a whispering of a party. I eavesdropped a bit, and managed to gather that it was in the Hufflepuff common rooms, and that it was a sexy pajama party. And only for 3rd years and up, and I decided that I was totally gonna get my party on there. Except, I didn’t quite know where the Hufflepuff common rooms were. The girls I heard whispering about it were Gryffindors, and of course, knowing the hostility they had with Slytherins, I decided to ask the first non-Gyrffindor that I could find. I glanced around and saw a Malfoy blond head in the crowd. Seeing as he was Malfoy like, I figured he was a safe bet to ask about the party. Malfoy’s were never Gyrffindors.

I approached said boy, and tapped him on the shoulder lightly. “Excuse me, but I have a question.” I smiled brightly at him, but when he turned around, I could tell it faltered for a moment. He was a Gryffindor. “Uhm, I was wondering if you could tell me about the party tonight?.” I blushed slightly, but I knew it was barely noticeable. I had learned to control it when I was young. “I heard it was in the Hufflepuff common room and I’m not really sure where that is . . .” I trailed off slightly. Whoever this boy was, he is one good looking person. And I hoped to god he would be at the party tonight.

“It’s down by the kitchens. Just ask your bunkmates.” He said curtly, and it sounded as if he thought I was an idiot for not thinking to ask them earlier. Which I was thinking to. He turned and started walking away.

“Okay. Thanks.” I managed before he started walking away. “Hey! What’s your name!” I caught him right before he turned the corner.

“Phyre.” He yelled back. I watched him round the corner thinking about how his name matched him. Both very sexy. I even noticed that he had a very nice ass. Things were looking up in this school!

Classes were over, so I headed to the Slytherin common room, running through all of my lingerie things in my head. When I arrived, I noticed all of my bunkmates were digging through their trunks and dressers trying to find something to wear. There were night gowns, corsets, garters, underwear and all manner of things laying on beds and scattered about on the floor.

I had no clue what to wear so I started to dig through my own trunk. I held up a pair of boy shorts and knew that they would get me attention. I held up a nightgown and knew that most people would be wearing them. It was so difficult! I eventually decided on a little black thing. I looked around the room quickly and decided that my outfit was indeed appropriate. I slid it on and dug through to the bottom of my trunk for my heels to match. I quick did a wave of my wand and made my hair a little curly ((Like the picture with her outfit kinda) and put on some light makeup. Just a little eyeliner and mascara.

I gathered the other girls and wrapped my white silk dressing gown around me, and snuck down to the common room, all of our heels clicking against the floor. Draco was still in the common room, and I smiled as he stared at me. I grabbed my wand and tapped my head, casting a disillusionment charm. I tapped the head of the rest of my fellow 5th year girls, and we snuck off to the Hufflepuff common room. Giggling and laughing as we went.

Luckily, the rest of the girls knew where we were going. Once we reached the portrait hole, I took the charm off of the me and the girls, and I poked the little thing in the corner. It came to life, and one of the girls with me mooned him, instantly causing him to fall into a fit of giggles. The portrait hole creaked open, and instantly my ears were barraged with the sound of music and voices. We all entered, and I was instantly happy with what I saw. Girls in tiny lingerie, boys in boxers. It was a bisexual girl’s dream. I saw the girl from the Quidditch Pitch dancing with Tabby, and Phyre standing over in the corner with two redheaded twins. Two of the girls in my dorm grabbed my dressing gown, pulling it off me. There were catcalls all over the place as the rest of them took of their dressing gowns too. I smiled brightly, enjoying the attention. A guy grabbed me and pulled me toward the dance floor, gyrating his hips against mine. I glanced over to were Phyre was standing and winked at him slightly. The guy I was dancing with was replaced with another, and another.

I danced for hours, but soon enough, I escaped and managed to get some fire whiskey. It burned as it went down, but it felt amazing. Who knew Hufflepuffs good throw such a party? After barely a break, I was grabbed by one of my bunkmates and we started dancing. I still had the bottle of fire whiskey in my hand, and she pulled it away, tacking a shot straight from the bottle. I grinned, and we started to pass the alcohol back and forth, from me to her, and a few extra hands in between. I may have been small, but I could take a lot of alcohol. Dominic and I snuck out all the time and used to get drunk together.

Soon enough though, I was pretty wasted. Maybe it was the alcohol, or the party atmosphere, but I felt brave enough and grabbed Phyre’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. I started to grind against him, gyrating my hips against his in time to the music. I looked up seductively through my eyelashes into his eyes, and smiled broadly. He started to loosen up, and he too, started moving his hips to the beat. It was quite an experience. I could see the two twins he had been with giving him devilish grins as they danced with two girls of their own.

The party started to calm down after a few hours, and I managed to gather my bunkmates. I was able to cast a decent disillusionment charm on everyone, and we crept out way back to the Slytherin common room not-so-silently. Once in the dorm, I passed out my anti-hangover potion, and passed out on my bed before I could even change out of my lingerie. When I came to, I realized I still had on my shoes, and I had left my dressing gown in the Hufflepuff common room. I laughed to myself, and took a really long shower, trying to wash the smell of alcohol out of my hair. I dressed quickly and raced up to breakfast. I was extremely late, and I barely had 10 minutes to eat.

“Good party then?” Draco asked me, a knowing look on his face. I nodded, my mouth to full to answer. “I can’t wait till I can go. Hot girls in sexy pajamas, getting wasted? It’ll be great.” I smacked him on the arm lightly. I attempted to change to topic. I could barely remember the party last night, so until I figured out if I did anything bad, I didn’t want to discuss it.

“How are your girlfriends?” I smiled at him sweetly.

“Girlfriend.” He corrected me, raising his eyebrow and jerking his head toward Blaise slightly. I made a slight ‘O’ face. “She’s fine. And I do mean fine.” He glanced over to the Ravenclaw table. I saw another girl sitting next to Kristen and assumed that must be Paige. And I finally understood what Draco meant about her being a looker. She was. Even I would probably date her, although maybe it was the blond hair. I always was a sucker for blond hair. I shook my head slightly. This boy was going to break their hearts! I got up quickly, noticing the Hall was practically empty.

“Anyway, I have to get going! Bye guys!” I waved to Draco and Blaise, and headed out. I could tell I would’ve had a massive hangover if I didn’t take that potion last night. It was obvious several of the students were sporting one. I looked up toward the teachers table and noticed Snape sitting there, very much looking in my direction. I smiled a cheeky smile, and winked at him before heading down to the dungeons. I had double potions this morning, and I was determined to have some fun in it!

SHOES - http://www.1fashion.com/HF/50/E1230SL.JPG

PAJAMAS - http://www.nails-art.fr/lingerie-FELISTIA.jpg
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Number of posts : 114
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Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 1:17 am

I walked over to Kristen and plopped myself on her bed. I smiled at her, "So the book is amazing...a really good read! How much work did you get done?" I asked.

“I actually just finished!” She smiled and stood up and stretched. “You know, these desk chairs are NOT the comfiest chairs ever!”

“Well that's good to know! So I'll just start doing my homework on my bed." I laughed and she did too. "I think I'm going to take a shower! I'm feeling the need to shower!"

“Okay! I’m gonna go down and see if I can steal something from the kitchens! I’m starving!” She said and ducked under her bed.

I laughed, "Have fun! You should bring me back a brownie if you're not too late!" I said as I shut the door.

I turned on the nearest shower and let it warm up. I made sure to bring my favorite smelling body wash in with me (it smells like berries!). I hopped in the shower and felt my troubles just wash away. All the worries about Draco, still fresh in my mind, seemed to slip toward the back. I knew all I needed to worry about now was my real boy friend. I thought about where he could've been this whole time, he would never just not tell me where he was. Then my thoughts drifted toward Kristen and how she would feel if she ever found out. I shuddered at the thought and turned off the water, after I was done cleaning myself.

As I shut off the lights and shut the door I grabbed my favorite pjs and hopped on my bed. I combed through my hair, put it in a few braids and started on my homework. Surprisingly it was very easy and got almost everything done, just a few finishing touches here and there would do the trick in the morning. I stretched out my legs and looked to the door as Cho and her friend, Marrietta?, came in and headed straight for the bathroom. A few minutes later they were dressed in their pjs and headed for their beds. They instantly fell asleep and I couldn't help but giggle a little.

I tried to stay awake for Kristen to come back but I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I awoke at the sound of my alarm going off. I actually got a good night's sleep for once. I sat up, hit my alarm clock off and hopped off my bed. I grabbed my uniform out of my closet, put it on and headed toward the bathroom. I put my hair into a high ponytail. I brushed my teeth, added some sparkle strawberry lip gloss to my lips. I added some light eyeliner and some mascara. I left the bathroom and grabbed my bag, heading down to the Great Hall.

The Hall, as usual, was kind of empty when I entered which is just how I like it. I sat at my usual seat and took out my assignments. I finished them and I kissed them each, hoping to get a good grade, as I put them back in my bag. When I looked up from my bag the Hall was almost full.

I looked down the hall and saw Kristen walk in. She was wearing her bright Kristen smile and when I looked to her right I instantly knew why. Draco walked with her, hand in hand down the hall. They were whispering to each other and I could see Kristen's face just light up. I couldn't help but smile and look around the hall for my sweet heart. As my eyes went across the Hufflepuff table for the third time there was still no sight of Camden. I sighed and took a bowl of cereal and some milk.

"Morning!" Kristen said to me brightly.

"Hi!" I said with a mouthful of cereal. We both laughed at that and I chewed and swallowed my food. "So what took you so long last night? I tried to stay awake for you but I couldn't." I laughed and sighted, "Camden still not here. I'm kind of worried." I told her.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 2:05 am

As usual, when I woke up, Paige was already gone. That girl must be a morning person, because I get up super early already! I forced myself out of bed and did the usual morning rutine. Yawn, stretch out back, scratch head, take shower, get dressed, do hair/makeup blah blah blah blah blah. I left my hair down today, but pulled it back from my face with a simple white headband that had a little bow on it. I did light makeup today, in gold/brown hues, very simple and natural. I pulled on my chucks, grabbed my bag with my O homework on it, and headed down to the common room. I grabbed my library book off the table where I left it and shoved that into my bag too.

I walked out the portrait hole, and felt an arm slip around my waist. "Good morning beautiful." Draco whispered in my ear before giving me a light peck on the cheek. I chuckled under my breath.

"Good morning." He slipped his hand through mine and we started down the corridor. "What are you doing up here at this early hour?"

"I came to escort my lovely girlfriend to breakfast. I tried to get into your common room, but I couldn't solve the blasted riddle." He looked a little upset about it, but I just laughed loudly.

"It's okay! I generally just follow behind some other students so I don't even have to bother."

"You sneaky little devil!" He smiled and poked me in the side causing me to scream and wiggle away from him. "Are you ticklish?" He smirked at me, and evil little smirk.

"No! I'm not!" I said loudly, attempting to be convincing.

"Really?" He asked, moving toward me, wiggling his fingers menacingly. He approached me and started tickling my sides and any part that I couldn't jerk away from him.

"Draco!" I gasped between my laughs. "Draco! Stop!" I managed to escape and run down the corridor a bit, but soon enough I felt his strong arms wrap around me, and I could hear his laughs in my ears.

"Gotcha!" He whispered into my ear, sending shivers up my spine and goosebumps along my arms. I grinned and I felt his lips press against my neck. I turned in his arms and our lips connected lightly. "I'm gonna have to remember this."

"I'm just gonna have to terrorize Crabbe and Goyle and find out something I can use against you." He smiled and chuckled, walking us backwards down the corridor.

"Come on love, we're gonna be late." I sighed heavily, and unwrapped myself from him. He grasped my hands firmly in his, intertwining our fingers. He whispered random things into my ear the whole way down to the great hall, and when we separated he planted a firm kiss on my lips and my forehead. I beamed at him, and I could see his smile slip through.

I headed off toward where paige was sitting.

"Morning!" I said brightly.

"Hi!" She attempted to say through a mouthful of cereal. We laughed and she swallowed her food quickly."So what took you so long last night? I tried to stay awake for you but I couldn't." I opened my mouth to start, but she cut me off. "Camden's still not here. I'm kind of worried."

"I ran into him in the kitchens last night." I could see her face light up. "He said he'd been there all day, thinking. He talked about you quite a bit. He said he really likes you." I smiled at her, happy for her. Her face was brighter than a lightbulb.

"Really?" She squeeled. I nodded. And managed to get down a piece of toast. Draco and I had taken so long coming down, I had only a few minutes to eat. Paige dragged me up and I downed a glass of pumpkin juice on our way out. "Come on. We can't be late! I got an O on that packet last night, and I don't want to miss it!" She practically dragged me to the greenhouses for Herbology, me going over what happened on the way to breakfast in my head the whole time.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 06, 2009 2:13 pm

"Hi!" I said with a mouthful of cereal. We both laughed at that and I chewed and swallowed my food. "So what took you so long last night? I tried to stay awake for you but I couldn't." I laughed and sighed, "Camden still not here. I'm kind of worried." I told her.

"I ran into him in the kitchens last night." Kristen told me and my mood brightened a little. I was wondering what he was doing in the kitchen last night, and why he didn't tell me. "He said he'd been there all day, thinking. He talked about you quite a bit. He said he really likes you." Kristen smiled at me. I could tell she was happy for me and I was really happy too, knowing how much he likes me.

"Really?!" I squeeled. She smiled and nodded and I couldn't help but smile all the while we were eating. I found my gaze wondering to the Hufflepuff table and this time I spotted the blond haired Hufflepuff I was missing yesterday. As if he knew I was looking at him his head popped up and he looked at me. I smiled at him and blushed, he did the same and went back to eating.

I turned back to my food and looked at my watch. We were going to be LATE! I yanked at Kristen, trying to pull her up as she downed a glass of pumpkin juice in record time. "Come on! We can't be LATE! I know I got an O on that packet last night, and I don't want to miss it!"

I really actually dragged her to the greenhouses for Herbology. We really did get there in record time too. We sat in our regular seats and class started. She handed back our packets and written in a very different style of handwriting was a green 'O'. I grabbed Kristen's arm, squealed, pointed to my paper, and smiled. She did the same and we gave each other high fives. Today's lesson was really interesting, talking about which plants could be used to harm and also heal others.

After Herbology we had a double Transfiguration class with all four houses. Great, not only would I have to deal with that Granger girl getting my points but I'd have to deal with the stares from the Slytherins. As we walked down the halls together, arm in arm, I poked Kristen in her side, trying to get her attention.

"Hehe...what Paige?" She asked after she slapped my hand away.

"Do you know why Camden was there all day? I mean I know he told you that he was thinking, but do you think he had any other motive to be down in the kitchen all day?" I asked and she just shrugged.

"I really don't know the answer to that Paige. I know he told me he was just there thinking about you, but he didn't say anything else. I swear to you he didn't." She said to me and I squeezed her arm. I hoped this was true, I hope he was down there drinking away his worries or thoughts of me.

"So what exactly did he say about me?" I asked once we reached the Transfiguration room. We sat down and I grabbed her hands. I really wanted to make sure that she wasn't just saying things to protect him.

"Well..." She started but was interrupted by Draco kissing her on her head. Kristen instantly blushed and giggled, which made me smile. "Hi Draco!" She said cheerfully.

"Mind if I sit in this seat next to you? Paige and I could make a Kristen sandwich." He said and Kristen giggled even more.

I was annoyed at him right now, it's cute that he makes Kristen smile and all that stuff but I needed my best friend's advice right now and he was just stealing all of her attention. "Actually I mind." I told him, clearly annoyed.

"Paige." Kristen looked at me as if pleading that I not start something.

"I know he's your boyfriend or whatever Kristen but I need to talk to you. Without an extra pair of ears listening in." I told her, making sure I was loud enough for Draco to hear.

He held his hands up, "I swear on my mother's life that I will not repeat or judge whatever you two talk about. It'll be like I'm not even here."

I looked back from Kristen to Draco and rolled my eyes. "Fine! But so help me if this gets out I will hex you so much no one will even be able to tell who you are." He nodded and Kristen smiled. "Anyway, what exactly did Camden say about me?"

"Well he said you are fantastic and that he thinks about you a lot, he really likes you. I think he was just worried about how people look at you two and stuff like that." She said.

"Was he drinking?" Instantly she stiffened and knew I struck gold. "He was wasn't he?! I knew it! Why would he do that to himself? I hate guys who get all mopey and drink their worries away." I wasn't mad at him, I was more mad at myself for not being a good enough girlfriend for him. "What did I do wrong Kristen?"

"What?! Nothing! You did nothing wrong. Why do you think you did?"

"Because apparently I'm not there for him to talk to and he has to take it away on drinking!"

"Hold it! You think you're the reason Camden drinks?" Draco butted in.

"I thought you said it would seem like you weren't even here!" I accused him.

"Yeah whatever! There are other reasons why people drink or why people do stupid things to themselves. They feel like they don't have anyone. I'm not saying that's true for Camden. But do you think he was just drinking to calm himself down? Do you think it would be weird for him to tell you how he's feeling about you? Besides I know his and his family's history, pretty bad stuff."

"Oh really Draco you know the answer to everything now don't you!" I said and slammed my books down the table and stood up, as did he. We were in each others face. "For your information I know about his history too. About how he really is muggle born living in a pure blood family because he was adopted. Do you really think being pure blood is a turn on or the greatest thing to be? Because earth to Draco it's not! It just makes you look like an arrogant ass!" I yelled at him.

He just looked at me, bent over whispered something in Kristen's ear and left the table, grabbing his books. I sat down, still fuming and looked at Kristen. "I'm sorry." I whispered to her. I really couldn't say anything else because class had started. I didn't know what I just did but I knew it wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 12:03 am

We seriously ran our asses to Herbology. I don't know why Paige had to hurry so fast, we weren't that far behind! We even passed most of our classmates on the way there! Paige and I both got 'O's on the packets and high fived over the success. Next was Transfiguration with a pretty good amount of the first years, including Hermione. She was smart, but dammit, I was gonna beat her on a question today! We walked toward the transfiguration class arm in arm, both of us overly happy of our 'O's. I felt a little poke in the side and squeeled a little. I laughed, and swatted away Paige's persisting hand. "What Paige?"

"Do you know why Camden was there all day? I mean, I know he told you that he was thinking, but do you think he had any other motive to be down in the kitchen all day?" She asked. I shrugged slightly and though about the question for a moment.

"I really don't know the answer to that, Paige. I know he told me he was just there thinking about you, but he didn't say anything else. I swear to you he didn't." I really really didn't want to tell her what he had said. I didn't want to crush her or something.

"So, what exactly did he say about me?" She asked quickly once we reached the room. We sat in our usual seats and she grabbed my hands.

"Well," I started, but I felt something on my head and I instantly knew who it was. I giggled and blushed and Paige smiled at my girlishness.

"Hi, Draco!" I said brightly.

"Mind if I sit in the seat next to you? Paige and I could make a Kristen sandwich." he attempted to say seductively, and it just made me laugh even more. I looked to Paige, and I could tell she was annoyed.

"Actually, I mind." She said, annoyance creeping into her voice.

"Paige." I gave her a very pointed look telling her not to start something.

"I know he's your boyfriend or whatever Kristen but I need to talk to you. Without an extra pair of ears listening in." She said just loud enough for Draco to hear. I gave a sigh of exasperation.

"I swear on my mother's life that I will not repeat or judge whatever you two talk about. It'll be like I'm not even here." Draco's hands were up in mock surrender, and an innocent look on his face. Paige looked between the two of us and rolled her eyes slightly.

"Fine! But so help me if this gets out I will hex you so much no one will even be able to tell who you are. Anyway, what exactly did Camden say about me?" I gave a hesitant smile. I could feel tension or something, and I had a feeling that this wouldn't turn out well. I felt one of Draco's hands on my knee, attempting to tickle me. I managed to just barely hold in my laugh before starting.

"Well he said you are fantastic and that he thinks about you a lot, he really likes you. I think he was just worried about how people look at you two and stuff like that." I told her. Not exactly a lie, but I was NOT going to tell her everything about what Camden talked about, least of all the part about Draco and her, even if I had my own sneaking suspicions about that. It was best to leave it for now.

"Was he drinking?" My muscles tensed. I was also going to leave that little tidbit out of the story, but I could tell by the look on her face, she had picked up on my reaction. "He was wasn't he?! I knew it! Why would he do that to himself? I hate guys who get all mopey and drink their worries away.What did I do wrong Kristen?"

"What?! You did nothing wrong! Why would you think you did?!" I practically whisper-yelled at her. Really? She thinks that it's her fault? Well, maybe it is a little, but not in the way she thinks.

"Because apparently I'm not there for him to talk to and he has to take it away on drinking!" I opened my mouth to respond, and I felt Draco's hand pause on my knee, and I knew that he was about to interupt.

"You think you're the reason Camden drinks?" He sounded annoyed at this. Very annoyed.

"I thought you said it would seem like you weren't even here!" She shot at him, her anger seeping through in every word.

"Yeah whatever! There are other reasons why people drink or why people do stupid things to themselves. They feel like they don't have anyone. I'm not saying that's true for Camden. But do you think he was just drinking to calm himself down? Do you think it would be weird for him to tell you how he's feeling about you? Besides I know his and his family's history, pretty bad stuff." I put my hand on his arm, attempting to stop him, but it didn't work. I could tell he was angry, not only by his tone, but his eyes were a dark grey now. And it was kinda scary.

"Oh really Draco you know the answer to everything now don't you!" Paige slammed down her books and got right in his face, and Draco did the exact same thing. I was caught between the two, and the rest of the class started to stare. "For your information I know about his history too. About how he really is muggle born living in a pure blood family because he was adopted. Do you really think being pure blood is a turn on or the greatest thing to be? Because earth to Draco it's not! It just makes you look like an arrogant ass!" She was yelling at the top of her lungs now, and the whole class was looking on in awe, probably hoping that they're head didn't explode by a flick of her very angry wrist.

Draco didn't do anything to respond. He looked at her clear in her face, disgust evident on it. He grabbed his books and leaned down to me. "Meet me in the library. 15 minutes after last period." I nodded slightly, and I felt a light pressure on my cheek. He was angry. Very angry. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, in every fiber of my being. I had the faint impression that there was something more going on her besides Paige being angry about Draco insulting Camden's family. A lot more. I didn't dwell on the thought right then. Paige plopped herself into her seat and whispered to me a hurried sorry. Class began right after.

We didn't talk on our way to History of Magic. Paige wrote notes furiously during the whole thing, and I didn't take any. I had a brilliant Idea last night and I was testing it out today. I brought my laptop to class, and recorded the entire lecture onto it. I smiled to myself about my inginuity. This gave me time to think about Draco and Paige. I glanced toward him the whole time, staring at the back of his head most of the class period. I was meeting him in the library after this and I couldn't help but think about what he wanted. I slowly fell into daydreams about us and the bell startled me just as I was getting to a good part of one of these dreams. Paige and I packed up our stuff.

"You going to the common room?" I asked her conversationally.

"No. I actually think I'm gonna go see if I can find Camden . . . cheer him up a bit." I smiled at her. I had a feeling I knew exactly what 'cheering up' meant.

"I'll see later at dinner then?" She nodded, and we parted. I headed toward the library, but made a quick trip to the bathroom. I really really had to pee. I made it to the library at exactly the right time. I walked through the towers of books and looked down every aisle. "Draco?" I whispered into the great abyss that is the Hogwarts Library. I got back to the divination section when I felt a hand grasp my arm and pull me down the aisle. I felt blinded for a few moments. My eyes still hadn't adjusted to the horrible lighting in the library yet. "Draco?" I whispered to the person who had a hold of me. In response, I felt myself shoved up against a bookcase and lips pressed against mine. I kissed back and our lips moved together in perfect harmony. My arms wrapped around his neck on instinct, and I ran my fingers lightly through the hairs at the base of his neck. I felt him shiver in response, and he grasped at my hips, pushing me farther against the bookcase and pushing himself against me. I could feel the contours of his body against mine perfectly.

His lips slipped down leaving small kisses on my jawline down my neck. He started suckling and the hollow between my neck and my collar bone gently. "Draco . . ." I breathed out gently, enjoying the way his lips felt on my skin. He came back up and left a searing kiss on my lips. We broke apart, both of us breathing heavily. I placed my head on his shoulder and breathed in the familiar scent. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me close to him. I could feel the way his hands shook gently against my back. I pulled away from his shoulder and left a gentle kiss on his lips, which he responded to eagerly. I grinned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck, clasping my hands together. He leaned his forhead against mine and I could feel the smile on his lips. I realised that I was sitting on the little ledge of the bookcase, one of my legs wrapped around Draco. I laughed gently to myself. I didn't remember that happening! We were both breathing heavily our breath mingling between the small space between us. "That was . . . " I mumbled. I couldn't find a word to describe it. My brain was all fuzzy.

"Amazing?" He finished for me. I nodded gently. He pulled me off the bookcase. "Wouldn't want Maddam Pince to find us in this . . . 'situation.'" I smiled brightly at him. He leaned down and kissed me gently.

"What was that for?" I asked gently.

"Everytime you smile, I just want to kiss you."

"Maybe I should start smiling more then." He grinned at me seductively.

"If you do, you never know what might happen."

I pushed him against the bookcase, pushing my whole body against him, and leaving my face just centimeters away from his. "Really?" I said.

"Mhm." He mumbled, and we restarted what we had just finished.


45 minutes later, I entered the Ravenclaw common room still on a high. I glanced around looking for Paige, hoping we could go down to dinner together. I didn't see her blond head, so I ran up the steps to the dorm, which she wasn't there either. I sighed to myself, and went down to dinner myself. I sat at my normal seat, waiting for Paige. I glanced toward the Hufflepuff table, hoping to see Camden so I could ask if he knew where Paige was. No such luck, although, I did find Ryan. I got up and sat across from him. "Hey Ryan!" I said brightly. He seemed slightly flabbergasted that I was sitting across from him, actually talking to him. "Do you know where Paige is?" I asked as nicely as I could. I know he likes me, but I didn't want to lead him on.

After a few seconds, I raised an eyebrow at him. "Y-yeah. She's with Camden out by the lake. I think he had something planned for them to do out there. A date or something."

"Oh, really? That's so nice!" I said. "Thanks for you're help! I was getting worried, I haven't seen her since last class!" I smiled at him and got up and went back to my seat. I ate with Cho and that one chick whose name I could never remember. Marcia? Marrietta? Margarita? As soon as I was finished, I high tailed it out of there and up to the common room. I got a head start on my History of Magic homework and waited for Paige to come back from her date with Camden. I wanted to hear EVERYTHING, so I made sure to stay up. She came into the room shortly after dinner was finished, a bright smile on her face. "So everything went well with Camden I take it?"
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 12, 2009 6:03 pm

I could tell after Draco and my little fit in Transfiguration Kristen was really mad. I gave her her space in that class but when she wouldn't talk to me on the way to History of Magic or even when we sat down, I knew I had to try a different tactic. I kept writing her notes saying, 'I'm sorry.' 'Please don't be mad', 'I didn't mean to sound so mean' and it went on and on. So after about five to ten minutes of frantic note writing I gave up and instead focused on the class. During part of the class I noticed Kristen kept staring at Draco and I could tell she was thinking about our fight earlier instead of the class. I really really wished she wasn't mad at me, I would hate that. By the end of class we packed up our things and headed out together, like usual.

Surprising me, Kristen asked "You going to the common room?" I could tell she wished just as much as me that this wouldn't hurt our friendship.

"No." I said and looked at her and blushed, "I actually think I'm gonna go see if I can find Camden . . . cheer him up a bit." She smiled at me as we continued down the hall.

"I'll see later at dinner then?" Kristen asked and I just smiled and nodded. We went our separate ways, Kristen going toward the library and me off to find Camden. I first checked the Great Hall, he and his friends sometimes studying there to get away from the hassle of Hufflepuffs trying to study. (I never knew what that meant) To my luck, they weren't there and I was certain he wasn't in the library so the next place to look was his common room. I walked slowly down the hall, my heart beating faster and faster in every step I made. I was really nervous about what I would say to him.

I finally made it to the portrait and thankfully there were other Hufflepuffs about to enter, so I just followed them in. The common room was trashed and all around the first years were picking up the trash. I stepped over one of the piles as I made my way to the dorms. I walked through the many little holes leading from hallway to dorm to bathroom and everywhere again. The whole set up of this house was very confusing to me, but thankfully Camden had showed me the way many times.

As I walked through the 'maze' I was thinking a lot about what Draco had said, before he really pissed me off. I knew it would be weird for Camden to talk to me but I never thought he would take to drinking. Then a thought struck me, maybe he wasn't just drinking because he didn't want to tell he how he felt, maybe he was worried about something completely different. As I was contemplating this idea, I found myself standing in front of his dorm room. I took in a deep breath and knocked quietly on his door four times, that was our code to know that it was me, not someone else. I stepped back and waited a sort time before the door slowly opened.

Camden stood there, shirtless and in his nickers wearing a dumb founded expression that I couldn't help but giggle at. "Hi." Was his simple reply.

"Hi." I told him back and smiled. "May I come in? I want to talk" I told him. He seemed to stiffen as he opened the door further, letting me in. I had only been in this room once or twice before and it looked the same. Except the times when I was here there were other people here, this time it was empty with only Camden and I standing by the doorway. I looked back at him, smiled, and walked to his bed and sat down. He followed my lead and sat next to me.

"What did you want to talk about?" Camden asked, his voice seemed to shake. I could tell he was nervous about what we were going to talk about.

"Cam, you can relax this isn't THE talk I swear." I told him that and laughed. He seemed to loosen up at this and smiled at me. "I just haven't seen you in a while, I didn't see you at all yesterday actually. Where were you?" I wanted to hear what he had to say about is whereabouts before I said anything more to him.

"I decided to take a day off of school, to think about stuff. I was basically in the kitchens all day, just thinking." He told me.

I nodded and took a deep breath, "I know you were drinking yesterday." The look that he gave me was in complete shock and he almost looked hurt. "Kristen told me she saw you last night, and I pieced together everything else."

"I see...so what." He said, and I knew he was taking a defensive on me.

"I'm not mad at you Camden, I just don't understand why you had to drink to think about stuff. If you were really so concerned about anything, why didn't you come to me and talk to me? I will never ever judge you! That is something that is so against my morals, but drinking Cam? Why?"

"Why not?! It helps me loosen up and I wasn't drinking anything hard and I wasn't drinking all day. I know that I can come to you about stuff, but I can't come to you about everything! What am I suppose to do let those thoughts just sit in there?" Camden was starting to yell now, and I just looked at him taken aback.

"No Camden you don't and I don't like you yelling at me!" I told him and stood up and walked across the room. I knew he stood up, ready to comfort me but he decided to just stay where he was. While facing the wall I said, "Drinking ends up hurting someone in the end. Right now, you drinking has hurt me." I said in a whisper.

"I-I didn't mean for it to hurt you. I just needed to clear my head for a few hours." He said softly back, his anger leaving him quickly. "Why do you think drinking always hurts someone?"

"Because I knew some kids from my old school who's parents drank everyday and hurt them almost every night." I said, raising my voice so he knew exactly how I felt. I turned and faced him, tears streaming down my face, "Drinking is what caused my father to loose control of his car four years ago." I told him in a barely audible whisper. Immediately his arms wound around me in comfort and I cried into him, holding on to him. "Please don't make me go through that feeling again. Please, please, please! I just can't stand that. Please, just stop. Please, please, please..." I kept saying random things into him while I cried like I hadn't cried in many years. He just listened to everything I said while he stroked my head and did everything he could to comfort me.

In time my tears dried out and I found my voice again. I stepped back from him and looked him square in the face, "Camden I like you a lot, probably more than you know. It hurts me to see you hurting yourself, even if you think you're not. I just want you to be able to talk to me about your problems and if not me one of your friends or even Kristen. Just please, stop drinking."

With that he walked straight up to me and gave me the most passionate kiss I had ever had from him. I wound myself around him and my hands desperately tried to pull him closer to me. He twirled me around in a couple of circles while we were still embraced. Once he set me down, he pulled away from the kiss and kissed my forehead, making me smile.

"I'm sorry." He said and I just nodded, while I pulled him down to kiss me once more. Then, as he slid his arms down around my waist, he picked me up and carried me to his bed. I laid down on his pillow, smiling, as he crawled on the bed. I pulled him onto me and we stayed there for awhile. We only moved when I felt like I couldn't breath, from the snogging and from the little weight he was putting on me. Then I moved on top of him and I snogged him senseless like that for who knows how long.


Half an hour later I woke up on top of Camden, with his arm draped on my back, the other other his eyes. I looked at him and smiled, before I realized I was shirtless. An even bigger smile formed when I remember me practically ripping my shirt off to feel closer to him, but I stopped at the shirt (I still had my bra on jeez I'm not that much of a slut! xD). I started to softly kiss every inch of body I could find before I made it to his lips. I knew he was awake before I reached his lips because I could see him trying his hardest not to smile, which just made me smile. I gave him a soft passionate kiss and laid my head on his shoulder, sighing.

"Well that was a good wake up call," Camden murmured, sleep still clear in his voice. He softly kissed my forehead and sighed into my hair. "I love the way you smell." He said and I giggled.

"Well at least I know I smell good, that's always a plus to a girl." I said and sat up. He leaned up on his elbows and smiled. "What?" I asked him.

"Go get ready, I have something planned for you." He said and kissed me softly.

"What is it?" I asked and he just gave me a look and I knew not to press him anymore. I grabbed my shirt, threw it on and left his room smiling. I walked quickly to my common room, knowing exactly what to wear. I entered the common room with a group of older students and actually ran to my room. I opened the door to my closet and found the perfect dress. It was a sort blue spaghetti strap dress with the fabric across my chest and back covered in a different design. I put the dress on, quickly straightened my hair, put on a little more make-up and my shoes and headed out of my house.

As I walked down the stairs leading to the great hall I saw Camden waiting for me, talking to his friend Ryan. He was dressed in a nice pair of jeans and a very nice polo shirt. I saw Ryan motion with his head toward me and when Camden turned he instantly smiled, which made me blush. I walked up to him and he gave me a soft, sweet kiss.

"Is this okay?" I asked and twirled around.

"It's perfect." He said. We said our good-byes to Ryan and he took me out toward the grounds.

"So where are we going?" I asked and he just smiled and shook his head.

"It's a surprise." Was all he said and we continued down the grounds, hand in hand, toward the lake. Once we were there I saw a set up under a willow. The branches were decorated with lights that were even dangling from them. There was a spot under the many branches that didn't have lights dangling, but had a blanket laid down with a basket on it. I looked at Camden in surprise, shock, awe and something else that I couldn't put a name to. "Do you like it?" He asked.

"It's beautiful! How did you do all of this?" I asked once we were under the lights. I looked at the lake and the reflection was almost as breath taking as the real thing.

"I was planning on this last night. I wanted to surprise you and show you how much you mean to mean." He said and took out some food and drinks for us, setting up our dinner. "You're an amazing girl Paige and I wanted to show you that you deserve some amazing things once in a while." I kissed him softly and he continued. "You're still wearing the necklace I gave you." He said in, well, shock.

"I never take it off. It reminds me of something wonderful that I have in my life, plus I love the history and story behind it." I said and smiled. Camden cupped his hand under my face and gave me another passionate kiss. For the rest of dinner and some time after we basically just talked and well snogged. We left the grounds a little after 8:30, because we both had schoolwork that was needed to be done. Once we entered the entrance, Camden kissed me once more and gave me a single white rose. I walked up to the common room in a sort of daze, my whole still dreaming about today/tonight and Camden. I was suddenly in front of the door. I answered the question and walked into the room. I got some stairs, but they quickly turned back to the books that were in front of them.

As I entered my dorm room I looked over and saw Kristen completely engulfed in a book, while listening to her iPod. She looked up just briefly before she recognized me. She smiled and put her book down and pulled out her earbuds. "Paige!" She said and patted a spot on her bed.

I smiled and sat there. "Kristen I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean for it to get that far out of hand like it did. I hope I didn't make Draco mad at you. If I did I will tell him right now that he shouldn't be mad at you but mad at me..." I just kept apologizing and I couldn't make it stop. I did feel horrible for what had happened in Transfiguration. Kristen finally stopped me by covering my mouth with her hand.

"Paige, it's okay really. Draco and I...kinda talked about it already." Kristen told me and she had this look that told me she meant something completely different.

"Oh really, and what else did you and Draco 'talk' about?" I said and sat Indian style on her bed, waiting to hear about her night.

http://myshoppal.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/03/19/prom2_4.jpg My Dress
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 13, 2009 11:50 pm

"Screw what Draco and I talked about! Or didn't for that matter! I want to hear all about Camden! You guys were gone for hours! Ryan, you know his friend, told me he had 'something special' planned!" I giggled at her bright blush. "It must've been good then!" I smiled brightly at her and leaned against my pillows getting comfy. I knew it was gonna be good!

"Wait one second!" She giggled. "I asked you first! Tell me about Draco!"

"UGH! FINE!" I laughed towards her and though of what to say. I took a deep breath. "Well you know when he whispered to me in class?" She nodded gently. "Well, he told me to meet me in the library after last class. Anyway, I did so. I dunno what came over him and he pulled me into the dark of the divination section and basically . . . I dunno. But it was great!" I laughed lightly. We pretty much didn't talk at all! "NOW! Tell me about camden woman!" I hit her lightly on the arm, causing her to giggle slightly.

"OKAY OKAY!" She managed out.

"I said now!" I said sternly, although it was all fake. My smile slipped through in the end and then we both ended up in a fit of giggles. "Okay, okay!" I managed. "Tell!" I smiled at her. "I bet it was amazing." I mused.

"Boy, was it!" She smiled lightly. I leaned back to hear the juicy details.

"WAIT!" I stopped her right as she was about to start. "I DO NOT want to hear about any nude scenes. Just thought I'd through that in."
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 23, 2009 8:43 pm

"Oh really, and what else did you and Draco 'talk' about?" I said and sat Indian style on her bed, waiting to hear about her night.

"Screw what Draco and I talked about! Or didn't for that matter! I want to hear all about Camden! You guys were gone for hours! Ryan, you know his friend, told me he had 'something special' planned!" I blushed and she giggled. "It must've been good then!" Her smile was so wide I swear it almost took up her whole face.

I giggled at her smile and said, "Wait one second! I asked you first! Tell me about Draco!"

"UGH! FINE!" She laughed and took a deep breath. "Well you know when he whispered to me in class?" I nodded. "Well, he told me to meet me in the library after last class. Anyway, I did so. I dunno what came over him and he pulled me into the dark of the divination section and basically . . . I dunno. But it was great!" She laughed lightly. "NOW! Tell me about Camden woman!" Kristen lightly hit me on the arm which sent me into a little fit of giggles.

"OKAY OKAY!" I managed to get out.

"I said now!" She tried to say sternly, but her smile slipped through in the end and then we both ended up in a fit of giggles. "Okay, okay!" She finally managed. "Tell! I bet it was amazing." She smiled.

"Oh boy, was it!" I told her and smiled. Kristen leaned back on her pillows and I took a deep breath.

"WAIT!" She stopped me right before I was about to start. "I DO NOT want to hear about any nude scenes. Just thought I'd throw that in."

"What do you think I am?!" I smiled and giggled. "Don't worry there aren't many nude scenes." Kristen smiled and laughed lightly but urged me to continue. "Well it all started when I went to his common room. I was thinking of what I was going to say to him and stuff, really not paying any attention to where I was going until I was standing right in front of his room. So I knocked and," I giggled and blushed slightly.

"What?!" Kristen said, shifting forward a little.

"Well is seeing him in only his knickers a 'nude' scene in your book? Because that's what happened." I blushed even more, I hoped Kristen wouldn't give him any crap for that.

"Sort of...just continue." She said and I smiled.

"Anyway, we went in his room and we talked about some things. He was starting to get angry at me about something I said and I basically broke down."

"What did you break down about?" I could see the concern in her eyes.

"I never told you this I forgot," I mumbled and took a deep breath. "You know how my mum is remarried," She nodded. "Well the reason for that is...four years ago my real dad died in a tragic car accident because my mum threatened to leave him and he started drinking and went out for a drive and...well never came back." I told her, my eyes on the comforter the whole time and I felt a stray tear trickle down my cheek. Suddenly her arms were wound around me and I wound my own around her. Kristen held me for a short time as the silent tears kept coming.

"I'm so sorry Paige. I-I didn't know you had something so horrible happen to you that young. I'm just so sorry." She told me once we ended our hug.

"It's okay Kristen, and thank you for that." I cleared my throat and wiped at my face. "Back to my story. So when I told Camden that he did the same thing you did, he comforted me and I sobbed into him telling him to stop drinking because it only causes pain. After that things kinda got...you know...so about a half hour later I woke up from a short nap on top of him. Then he told me to go get ready, that he had something planned for me."

"This is the part I was waiting for!" Kristen practically squealed and sat forward, anticipating what I was going to say next.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, "So I came up here and changed into this dress. Which I absolutely love! I think this color looks fantastic on me! Any way, I headed back down toward the Great Hall where I met up with Camden. He lead me out to the grounds and to a beautiful set up he had planned since yesterday night. We were under a willow with tuns and tuns of lights dangling from its branches and there was a blanket with a basket set up under it. I felt like I was in a fairy tale the whole time. So we had dinner and talked about anything that we could think of. Then once we were done we parted at the staircase and..." I turned around and picked up my rose and Kristen gasped. "He gave me a single white rose!" I told her and fell back on her bed, my head was starting to spin just remembering my night.

"Oh my gosh Paige! That's so sweet and romantic!" Kristen said and picked up the rose.

"And he told me that the whole reason for the set up was to show me how much I mean to him and that I'm an amazing girl and that I deserve some amazing things sometimes." I told her and squealed. "I couldn't ask for anyone better." I told her and hopped off her bed and walked over to mine. I fed Cotton and changed my clothes and crawled into my bed.

"I told Camden that I had homework to do, which is true! Did you finish any of yours? I know we only have Herbology and Transfiguration packets but was it difficult?" I asked her and took out my packets for those classes and started to work, while waiting for her reply.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2009 12:29 pm

It’s been just a few weeks since Draco and Paige’s spat in class. Halloween was just a few days away, and I couldn’t wait. Paige and I had been spending forever trying to figure out our costumes. There was gonna be a special Halloween party just for the first and second years since 3rd years and above had one. Paige and I had planned the whole thing by ourselves. The upper grades had the party in the Gryffindor Common room, so ours was gonna be right here in Ravenclaw.

“Okay,” I said. “Should we have matching costumes, or not?” We were sitting on the floor in the dorm by the window two days before Halloween. Different magazines were scattered all around us. I picked one up and flipped through it. “I know a lot of the Slytherins are going as muggles. One of them is going to go as ‘Harry Potter.’ Some of the Hufflepuffs are going as Slytherins. Cho and that one chick are going as ‘sexy bookworms’ or something like tacky like that.”

Paige busted out laughing. “Sexy bookworms? Oh god!” She smiled sheepishly. “Well, you see, Camden and I were actually gonna go together. Matching.”

“Aw! Cute! Draco and I would do that, except he’s the one going as Harry.” I smiled, and she laughed. “What are you two gonna go as?”

“It’s a secret!” She smiled.

“Fine! So, I’m stuck on my own. Maybe I should go as Dumbledore!”

“No! Oh my god! You can go as a Quidditch player!” She said excitedly, showing me a picture. It was perfect!

“I could even change it up for Ravenclaw colors!”

“And it’s pretty hot. Like the muggle football costumes girls wear.”

“Okay, now that we have costumes decided, we need to get everything else ready.” I pulled out a list. “We have the drinks all set. Draco’s getting those for us. Apparently he has ‘connections.’ The house elves have the food under control, they promised to have it up here by 8 so we can start the party after the feast.” I lifted up the bed skirt on my bed. “And we have the decorations.” Boxes and boxes were under my bed. All shrunken down, but you could still see that there were at least 15. Thank god for magic so we didn’t have to do it all by hand.

“I think that’s everything. I’m so excited!” Paige squeeled. “I can’t believe we actually thought of this. This is the first 1st/2nd year party that Hogwarts has had. EVER. We are genius’s!”

“Just two days! Thank god Halloween’s on a Saturday. I’m predicting a lot of hangovers! Now come on. I’m hungry, and it’s dinner time!”
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 11, 2009 10:09 pm

So Kristen and I had come up the most amazing idea anyone could ever think of, a Halloween party for 1st and 2nd years only! We had everything planned; the decorations, food and beverages. Even Draco helped us plan this event of all events for our years. Camden wished he could help us but his family was having money issues at this time, he didn't tell me why though so I'm trying to be supportive. Two days before the party Kristen and I were double checking our list, making sure everything was in order when she brought up costume ideas.

“Okay should we have matching costumes, or not? I know a lot of the Slytherins are going as muggles. One of them is going to go as ‘Harry Potter.’ Some of the Hufflepuffs are going as Slytherins. Cho and that one chick are going as ‘sexy bookworms’ or something like tacky like that.” Kristen was telling me and I couldn't help but laugh.

“Sexy bookworms? Oh god! Well, you see, Camden and I were actually gonna go together. Matching.” I told her and blushed.

“Aw! Cute! Draco and I would do that, except he’s the one going as Harry.” She smiled, and I laughed. “What are you two gonna go as?”

“It’s a secret!” I said and blushed again.

“Fine! So, I’m stuck on my own. Maybe I should go as Dumbledore!”

“No! Oh my god! You can go as a Quidditch player!” I said excitedly, showing her a picture. It was perfect!

“I could even change it up for Ravenclaw colors!”

“And it’s pretty hot. Like the muggle football costumes girls wear.”

“Okay, now that we have costumes decided, we need to get everything else ready.” Kristen pulled out a list. “We have the drinks all set. Draco’s getting those for us. Apparently he has ‘connections.’ The house elves have the food under control, they promised to have it up here by 8 so we can start the party after the feast, and we have the decorations.” Boxes and boxes were under her bed. All shrunken down, but you could still see that there were at least 15. Thank god for magic so we didn’t have to do it all by hand.

“I think that’s everything. I’m so excited!” I squealed and bounced on the bed. “I can’t believe we actually thought of this. This is the first 1st/2nd year party that Hogwarts has had. EVER. We are genius’s!”

“Just two days! Thank god Halloween’s on a Saturday. I’m predicting a lot of hangovers! Now come on. I’m hungry, and it’s dinner time!”

The next two days flew by without a thought, and before we knew it it was Saturday morning! Kristen and I were a reck, making sure everyone was out of the common room while we decorated, even the older years were sent to another part of the castle. Everything was perfect, the way we made the walls seem to ooz with slime, how the candles were dimmed and we had flickering lights everywhere and ugh! everything was just perfect! The only thing we needed now was some extra muscles to come in and help us with the coffin and other heavy objects. We heard knocks on the door and I went up to it.

"Password?" I asked since I knew neither Draco or Camden would be able to answer the question. Kristen and I had kindly asked the doorknob for just one night if she would keep just a simple password, but be able to change it on it's will. Thankfully it agreed, I think it knew how important this party was to us first and second years. So we sent a two packets of passwords to each house to let them know that the doorknob would be changing them throughout the night.

"All Hallow's Eve." answered the voice behind the door, and it swung open. Both Camden and Draco walked inside and gaped at our decorations. "This is amazing! I wish we would've thought of this last year." Camden said as he walked toward me and embraced me in a hug.

"Of course it's amazing! Our girls were the ones who thought of this and did all the decorating." Draco said to Camden and gave Kristen a small kiss on the cheek, "It really is amazing." He said to her.

"Thanks guys." We said at the same time and laughed. "Okay but there is still much to do. We have to finish decorating, double check with the house elves on the food, Draco you need to make sure the drinks are here, and then we all have to get ready before dinner so we can come up here right before the party." I told them in one breath. They looked at me and I clapped my hands, "Come on guys I wasn't kidding!" With that we went to work. Camden and Draco really were the perfect team, they lifted and set up everything we needed them to while Kristen ran downstairs to double check with the house elves. Once that was all done Draco checked his owl to make sure the drinks would be in the kitchen on time. Finally everything was done!

"Wow girls! Now THIS is what I call amazing decorating!" Camden said to us and pulled me into his arms. I looked up at him and he smiled, "I mean it, this is going to be a great party." He kissed me sweetly and I swayed in his arms.

*Cough cough* I turned away from Camden and saw Draco covering his mouth and Kristen trying not to laugh. "Sorry, but is me being in like with Camden amusing to you?" I asked pointedly at Draco.

"In like? What the hell does that mean?" Draco asked and Kristen rolled her eyes.

"It means you like them, a lot, but you're not in love with them just yet...you're just in like with them. It's kind of the phase before love I guess you could call it. That's how I am with you Drake." Kristen told him. I rolled my eyes when she called him Drake, it was her little nickname for him and it was really annoying to me, and I don't have a really good reason to be upset about that. Draco and I really hadn't a 'meeting' in a long time, it was my idea of course, I wanted to really prove to Camden how much he meant to me since that night however long ago. It seemed to work for us, Camden and I have never been closer and for what I can tell it helped Draco's and Kristen's relationship too.

"Draco, try not to act so childish." Camden said and I smiled. I looked at Draco and I saw that he was ready to get into an argument so I decided to change the subject.

"Okay guys out! Get your costumes on and ready, it's almost dinner time. It's almost dinner time?! Where did the day go?" I said astonished that we spent most of our day setting up for this party. Shaking my head I looked at Kristen, "Us girls are going to go upstairs and get ready too. We'll see you at dinner and we'll walk up together, sound good?" Both boys nodded and I smiled and walked up to Camden. "I had the house elves deliver your costume up to your room earlier, it's all ready for you."

"You're wonderful you know that?" He asked, "I know." I said and gave him a kiss goodbye. I looked over and say Kristen and Draco doing the same and with that the boys were off. "Okay now missy let's get us ready for a party!" With that I grabbed Kristen and yanked her upstairs. We laughed as we burst into our room and ran to our wardrobes and took out our costumes. Kristen's was amazing, she was the cutest Quidditch player I'd ever seen, it was exactly how the muggle football girl costumes were. I told her she should wear her hair in pigtails and to put that black stuff under her eyes like football players do.

As she was doing her hair I had found the most amazing hairstyle for my costume in a magazine. I finally learned how to do my hair with magic and it was done in a jiffy. Kristen looked at me once I was done applying my make-up, "What are you suppose to be a fairy? Oh my gosh are you and Camden going as Tinker Bell and Peter Pan?" It was one of our favorite books/movies ever.

"No, just wait you'll see. Stay in here I'll be right in with my dress." I went into our room and shut the door to the bathroom. I picked my dress up and just smiled. I slipped into it and slowly twirled around. I felt like Cinderella in this dress, especially when I put on my white shoes and my necklace from Camden, it just finished the outfit for me. I walked into the bathroom and Kristen gasped, "So what do you think?"

"It's beautiful! Paige you look like a fairy tale princess!" Kristen said and rushed up to me and started looking at my dress.

"It isn't all that Kristen really. Camden's mom actually made it for us. That's where I was a couple of weeks ago, she was getting my measurements." I told her and blushed.

"Now I wish I could've persuaded Draco to dress up with me! What is Camden as? And what couple are you guys suppose to be?" Kristen kept asking.

"Just wait and see! Come on dinner's ready." We went down to the Great Hall, people commenting on our outfits and us doing the same to there's. It was tradition at Hogwarts to let those students wanting to dress up for the Halloween occasion. Once we entered the Hall Camden walked up to me and he was melt worthy. I started to walk to him and we bowed to each other and then he walked me, arm in arm, to the table. When we sat down Kristen sat across from us with Draco trying to be Harry Potter.

"Now what couple are you guys? Oh and Camden you look really good!" Kristen said. Camden bowed his head to her and grabbed her hand that was lying on the table and said "Thank you dear lady." and kissed her hand. I saw Draco get red but he covered his jealousy quickly.

"Camden and I are just a Medieval couple, I was thinking Romeo and Juliet or Rosalind and Orlando, but you can call us whatever you want." I told her and she just nodded her approval and turned toward Draco and started talking. "You do look quite handsome in that my dear." I whispered to Camden.

"As do you my love as do you." I blushed a deep red when he said 'my love' and he did the same. I just looked at him and he looked away. I touched my hand to his cheek and made him look at me.

"Do you really feel that way Camden?" I asked him, all seriousness in my voice.

"I-I do, at least I think I do. -sigh- I just wanted to tell you that in a more romantic way." I looked deep into his blue eyes and gave him a sweet passionate kiss. "What?" He asked.

"What isn't more romantic than you being my Romeo and me your Juliet?" I asked and kissed him again.

"So do you feel that way about me?" He asked. I felt my cheeks heating up and I glanced over at Draco, who did the same at that moment. I looked back at Camden and smiled.

"Of course I do. I just, never knew this is how it felt." I told him. His smile reached to both sides of his face and he bent his head so that our foreheads were touching and we were still looking in each other's eyes. I closed my eyes as he kissed me and I felt dizzy, my heart was pounding and my brain was all mushy. Then an image flashed through my mind: Draco's eyes full of compassion and childlike, telling me how much I meant to him even though he barely knew me he felt something deep for me. I opened my eyes and looked into Camden's and we unlocked lips. He kissed my forehead and we started dinner. We shared small talk throughout dinner but my mind was still going back to the image in my head earlier.

When dinner was over Kristen, Draco, Camden, and I quickly left the Great Hall and went up to Ravenclaw tower. We answered the password and double doubled checked everything. Kristen and I started the music as Draco and Camden turned on the lights. We heard noises coming from outside and I looked to everyone, "It's party time!"

http://www.mistythicket.com/ebay/renaissance_merchant_doublet_07.jpg Camden's costume
http://www.yourfantasycostume.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/img_0019-225x300.jpg my costume
http://www.life-styl.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/wedding-hairstyle2_img.thumbnail.jpg my hair
http://z.about.com/d/shoes/1/5/W/6/01_sexy_shoes.jpg and my shoes, can't forget about those!
http://www.beverlyhillsestatejewelry.com/images/MEPM4a.jpg this is what the necklace looks like if y'all forgot! lol

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 12:57 am

The days before Halloween wound down so quickly, I wasn’t even sure what day it was when it came around. Draco kept pestering me to tell him what my costume was, but I steadfastly refused, only telling him that he would love it. This what met with whining like ‘I told you mine so it’s only fair!’ It was really amusing, to tell the truth.

Paige and I pulled out all the stops for this party. We had convinced the gargoyles to use passwords instead of riddles just for the night. Although, I had to give him a bribe to get it done. I think Filch is still a little pissed about having to pick the gum out of it’s teeth. We woke up early on Saturday an shooed everyone out of the common room. This was our baby, and we would get it done ourselves. With a bit of help from Draco and Camden.

We made it appear as if the walls leaked goo and the candles burned just low enough to give off a creepy feeling. Real spiders webs were strung from the ceiling along with orange and black streamers tangled in. We re-arranged all the furniture to leave a space for dancing in the middle and had a table up against the back wall that would hold the horde of candy and sweets. There was a cauldron in the middle of the table that would hold the fire whiskey and it would steam in different colors throughout the night. After all the details were done, we just had a few more things, but this required the men.

There was a knock on the door, and while Paige went and got the door, I fixed the stairs so the boys could go up and down. When I turned back to the common room, Camden and Draco were complimenting our work. “Of course it’s amazing! Our girls are the ones who thought of this and did all the decorating!” Draco came up to me and pecked me on the cheek. “It really is amazing.” He whispered into my ear. It sent goose bumps up and down my arms.

“Thanks guys!” Paige and I said simultaneously. Then Paige went into command mode, telling the boys what else there was to do. You could tell she was under pressure to make this the most perfect party to ever grace the halls of Hogwarts. I was too, of course, but I tended to just go with it. She was like the general of an army! It really was a site to see. Paige and I had planned on where everything would go beforehand, so I wasn’t worried when I left to go check the food.

I left to the kitchens and when I got there pulled out my list. I checked off all the food as the house elves presented them, and the best part was, I had to taste test every single one. They would be setting up during dinner, and I gave them the plan for how things would be set up on the table. Paige and I would go up after dinner to make sure things were right, just in case. When I came upstairs, the entire common room was decorated. I siddled up next to Draco.

“This is amazing.” He whispered to me. “I must have the best girlfriend in the world.” He muttered and kissed me sweetly on the cheek.

“I won’t argue with that.” He smiled one of his rare smiles and we turned back just in time to see Paige and Camden practically eating each others faces. I tried to stiffen a giggle and Draco coughed lightly. "Sorry, but is me being in like with Camden amusing to you?" She asked pointedly to Draco. I stifled my giggle into Draco’s shoulder.

"In like? What the hell does that mean?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. How do boys not know these things! I mean, every girl on the planet knows it, how don’t they?

"It means you like them, a lot, but you're not in love with them just yet...you're just in like with them. It's kind of the phase before love I guess you could call it. That's how I am with you Drake." I told him. I hated calling him Drake, but he hated it even more, therefore, I kept doing it.

“You’re crazy.” He muttered to me.

“That may be, but who’s dating the crazy one?” I countered.

“Touché.” He laughed out. Next thing I knew Paige was shuffling the boys out the door so we could get ready. Draco kissed me goodbye and I ran upstairs immediately once he was out of sight to get my costume on. I could hear Paige right at my heels. We were laughing so hard when we got upstairs we had to stop to catch our breath. That lasted all of 2 seconds before we opened our wardrobes to get out our costumes. I unzipped mine and grinned. I was gonna look HOT.

“You should put your hair in pigtails and do the black stuff under the eyes!” Paige told me excitedly.

“I was thinking the same thing! I even managed to steal one of the school brooms!”

“Awesome!” I made sure to do my hair first before putting on my costume so I didn’t get gunk all over it. I put my hair into pigtails with one big curl for each. I tied them off with blue and bronze ribbon to match my costume. Next, I started on my makeup, which was a long process. I rimmed my eyes in black and then set about the tedious task of my eye shadow. I had on blue and bronze eye shadow that sparkled perfectly ((Look at the picture, there’s no way I can describe it!)) The last thing to go on was the black stuff under my eyes. This I did with my wand. I didn’t have a steady enough hand to do it with out magic.

I glanced over at Paige to see her makeup. “What are you supposed to be, a fairy? Oh my gosh, are you and Camden going as Tinkerbelle and Peter Pan?!” I asked excitedly.

“No, just wait and see. Stay in here. I’ll be right in with my dress.” She left and shut the door. I fixed my hair, tightening up the pigtails and fixing the flyaway’s with magic. I spritzed some hairspray for some extra hold and by time I was done with my touch up Paige was back and in her dress.

“It’s beautiful Paige! You look like a fairy tale princess!”
“It isn’t all that Kristen!” Camden’s mom made them for us. That’s where I was a couple of weeks ago. She was getting my measurements.” She was blushing.

“Now I wished I could’ve persuaded Draco to Dress up with me!” I quickly ran into the room and changed into my outfit. All it had to it was a robe that tied in my boob area and luckily, still let me wear a bra, and a pleated mini skirt with brown knee high lace up boots. All of the costume part was in Blue and Bronze. ((You have to use your imagination a lot. It looks pretty good in mine! :]))

“Come on, it’s dinner time!” Paige called. I checked myself over one more time and we left. I badgered Paige about what she was all the way down to the Great Hall. I knew we were getting looks, but I chose to ignore these. When we finally got down the marble staircase, Paige and I split her heading over to find Camden and me to find Draco.

I came up behind him and poked him right in the back. Even with black hair, I still knew that butt anywhere. He turned around and I couldn’t help but laugh. He really did look like Harry! He must’ve got one of the older students to change his hair and eyes. He let out a slow breath. “You look . . . Hot.” Was his simple statement.

“Gee, thanks!” I smiled. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close to him. He kissed me lightly.

“You look gorgeous.” He muttered against my lips.

“That’s better.” I smiled lightly at him. I looked into his eyes, and I was glad I could still see some of the grey in them.

“I don’t think I’m gonna leave your side all night.”

“How come?”

“Because I don’t want anyone to try and steal you. You are all mine.” I swooned slightly. No matter what any girl says, the hottest thing a boyfriend can do is be protective and jealous.

“Come on, tiger. I’m hungry.” I grabbed his hands from my waist and pulled him over to the Ravenclaw table. We all ate quickly. I finally found out what Paige and Camden were: A medieval couple! And they looked so good together!

As soon as we finished eating we all rushed off to the common room. Everyone had express orders not to show up before 8:30. We gave the password and rushed inside. Paige and I made sure the food was set up perfect and that the Firewhiskey was steaming perfectly. We turned on the music and made sure everything was in order. Draco and Camden got the lights. Everything was absolutely perfect. I smiled at Paige. “I can’t believe we pulled it off!”

There were noises at the door and Paige smiled. “It’s party time!” We all smiled toward each other. 2 minutes and everyone would be inside. We had arranged it so that everyone could stay in the dorms tonight so we didn’t risk anyone getting busted for curfew. Paige and I had thought of everything. At Exactly 8:30, the gargoyle came to life and asked for the password, just as told. Everything was going without a hitch. Floods of first and second years poured into the common room marveling at our hard work. There were ‘good works’ and ‘it looks amazing’ passed towards Paige and I. Draco had his arm around my shoulder and mine was around his waist.

Minutes later, the party was underway. People were drinking and eating happily, and the dance floor was filled with dancing students. Draco pulled me out into the middle of the dance floor and I grabbed Paige, and she grabbed Camden. It really was perfect. I danced with Draco for what seemed like hours, but we eventually retreated into a corner for a little break. We had lost Paige and Camden a while ago. I leaned up against him and he wrapped his arms around my waist. His head rested on my should as we surveyed the crowd. “I have a feeling this is gonna become the newest Hogwarts tradition.” He said. It was nearly midnight and the party was still going strong.

“I think so too.”

“Kristen, I have a question for you.” He murmured.

“Hm?” I half asked back. I was getting sleepy.

“What would you think of coming home with me for some of Christmas?” That jolted me awake. “My parents want to meet you and I want to take you to our Christmas ball.” I spun around in his arms.

“Really? You want me to come home with you?” I asked, astounded.

“Yes. Of course, you can still go home to your house to see your parents. But I want you to be there for the feast and ball.”

“Of course I will, Draco!” I pressed my lips to his and he pulled me close. I lost myself in his kiss and the fantasy of meeting his parents. When we broke apart, he had a faraway look in his eyes, but he quickly snapped back.

“I’ll write my parents first thing tomorrow to let them know.” We smiled at each other, but I felt a tugging on my arm and I was being dragged away. I looked over my shoulder. Looked like I’d found Paige! Draco smiled at me and nodded his head telling me to go ahead. Paige and I made our way to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing to a song I never heard before, but it was catchy. I looked over my shoulder to see Draco standing next to Blaise, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Tonight really was the perfect night.

MAKEUP - http://www.flickr.com/photos/beautymakeupadvice/2233196122/

HAIR - http://www.flickr.com/photos/horselatitudes/3757196524/

SHOES - http://www.cutesyshoes.com/ebayauctionimages/get25_browna.jpg (Imagine the cuter. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, and they were the closest!)

SKIRT - http://deadthreads.com/images/plaid_schoolgirl_skirt_red.jpg (Imagine it solid blue with bronze for the color inside the pleat. And a little longer!)

The rest of the costume you'll have to picture yourselves!
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 8:03 pm

When dinner was over Kristen, Draco, Camden, and I quickly left the Great Hall and went up to Ravenclaw tower. We answered the password and double doubled checked everything. Kristen and I started the music as Draco and Camden turned on the lights. We heard noises coming from outside and I looked to everyone, "It's party time!"

By 8:30 the common room was crowed with almost every first and second year that I knew and so much more. As people looked around they gave Kristen and I 'good work', 'it's amazing' and 'you are genius's'. I couldn't help but smile and thank them for their praise. Within minutes the party was started, people were drinking, eating, mingling and the dance floor was full of students already. Before I knew it Kristen grabbed me and I quickly yanked on Camden and I followed her out to the floor. This was really a dream come true I couldn't picture a better party than this one. Everywhere I looked people were laughing and smiling. Kristen and Draco practically wouldn't let go of each other and I did the same with Camden. I felt so much like Cinderella, except for the fact that my shoes weren't made of glass and I didn't have to be home by midnight. Everything I needed was there in Camden's eyes and the way he looked at me, I felt so beautiful in his eyes. Yet there was something missing, some part of me felt alone felt empty.

"Camden I need a drink!" I told him out of breath after we were dancing for what felt like an hour or more. I dragged him off the dance floor and over to the drink table. I poured him a cup of punch and I took a butter beer for myself.

"What do you think you're doing young lady?" Camden asked and he grabbed it out of my hand and took a big chug.

"Excuse me, that was mine!" I reached for it but Camden moved away, with the butter beer still in his grasp. "Uh, Camden seriously!" I punched him lightly on the shoulder and rolled my eyes and grabbed another one for myself. "Don't even think about it mister." With that I took my first drink of butter beer. It had a sweet yet very light bitter taste to it and I ended up chugging it down.

"Woah there! Even though it's only a butter beer there still is a good amount of alcohol in there." I looked at Camden as he took the almost empty bottle out of my hand. "Are you okay?"

"I've never felt better sexy man!" To tell you the truth everything was dizzy but I felt like I was in the best mood ever. Camden wasn't lying when he said there was a decent amount of alcohol in those. "Come on lets go dance! Oh but first I want another one of those!" I reached for another butter beer but instead I grabbed Camden's hand.

"No more of those for a while, come on our song is on." I listened carefully and found that it was my favorite song ever.

"How did you know I love this song?" I asked and looked into his eyes.

He smiled and looked at me, "On our last date we were talking about our favorite songs; slow dance songs, up beat songs, and every song we could think of. You told me that one of your favorite songs of all times was 'If I Never Knew You', so I put it on the play list."

I kissed him sweetly and pulled him onto the dance floor with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked in to his eyes as the song played through my every being. I laid my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him and closed my eyes. I let my feet guide me to the beautiful beat of the song then I felt Camden lay his head on mine as we danced together. I looked up at him and he sent me out in a twirl and back into his arms with a dip at the end. My head started to spin, Camden really was my prince tonight but when I looked around the room I saw one more prince tonight. When the song ended Camden slowly lifted my head to kiss me softly.

"You are a wonderful dancer Camden, I never knew that." I told him as we walked off the dance floor, with me snuggled closely to his side.

"Of course you didn't, I've never got the chance to show you. My mom always liked to dance and ever since I was a little boy I would always dance with her around the house. I guess since I grew up with it, it's implanted in my mind." Camden said and smiled. I took a piece of a chocolate brownie and then a faster, up to beat song came on.

"Oh my gosh this is so Kristen and my song! I'll be right back I promise honey!" I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and wound my way through the crowd to find Kristen. I found her with Draco and instead of asking I just pulled her to the dance floor. When she looked back and saw it was me she smiled and I just pulled her quicker to the floor. Once we were there we just started dancing and we couldn't stop it. I danced up on Kristen and we both feel into the beat of the music. Within seconds all eyes were on us and I can't deny, but we looked hot the way our bodies moved together. When that song ended our other favorite song came on and we continued to dance until we both were out of breath, by the end of the song.

"Kristen this is the best party ever!" I told her breathless on the edge of the dance floor. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see 'Harry Potter' (Draco of course) standing there smiling. "Hi Draco!" I said and smiled.

"You two looked so se...good on the dance floor together. Paige, I was wondering if I could ask you to a dance? That is if it's alright with Kristen and Camden." I looked around and saw Camden standing right behind Kristen. Draco nodded to Camden and Camden nodded back, at least they were getting along well tonight.

"It's alright with me. I have to use the restroom anyway, and take Ryan up there too." Camden leaned down to whisper to me, "He had way to many drinks tonight." I nodded and kissed him on his cheek as he left with a very clumsy Ryan. I looked at Kristen who just smiled.

"Of course you two can dance together! I'm still happy you guys are being this friendly toward each other. Plus I have to use the ladies' room anyway." She gave Draco a kiss on his cheek and was on her way. Once she turn the corner 'I Am Your Angel' started playing.

"Draco?" I asked him surprised as he whisked me onto the dance floor. Couples started to form around us and we were invisible in the crowd. I put my hands around his neck and started dancing to the tune. "Draco did you request this song?" I asked.

"I did, yes why do you ask?" He said and looked deeply into my eyes. "I've missed you Paige. I'm not saying that I'm not happy with Kristen but I miss you more than I can stand it." The look in his eyes were all too serious for me to doubt he meant what he said.

"I've missed you too, but I'm happy with Camden Draco." I searched his eyes, pleading with mine for him to understand. "But I've had this feeling that something has been missing inside of me for a while, actually since I stopped seeing you all the time." I looked down and said, "Your eyes are the ones I see when I close mine to sleep. Your words that you say to me are always replaying in my mind, but I don't want that but yet I feel I need those things." I looked in his eyes for an answer that I didn't find. Suddenly the song changed to 'Taking Chances' and I smiled.

"What?" Draco asked.

"This is really how I feel about you at some times." With that I started dancing with him to the beat of this faster song. I could tell Draco was listening to the lyrics and finally he looked at me in the eyes and looked around the dance floor, making sure no one was looking. He leaned down and took my lips in his. I felt, at the moment our flesh met, that whatever I felt was missing was suddenly found. I wound my hands threw his hair but suddenly I stopped. I looked around the dance floor and I caught one pair of eyes, ones full of hate and joy at the same time. "No." I breathed and ran toward the owner of those eyes with Draco following right behind me.

"Blaise!" I yelled at the boy running from me, then suddenly I saw Draco zoom past me and tackle Blaise to the ground. He wrestled with him for a while but I had to break it up. "People are starting to watch! Quick take him in here!" I said and pointed to a closet. We both pushed Blaise into the closet and shut the door behind us. "Blaise what you saw...it's not what it seems." I told him frantically trying to make him understand.

"Paige wait..." I looked at Draco confused, "smell his breath." Blaise breathed on me and his breath smelled strongly of alcohol. "He's been drinking." I nodded and I saw how Blaise looked ready to either pass out or throw up so I quickly opened the door and lead Draco up to the beds. Once we were upstairs and Blaise was laying down he looked at me.

"I saw you two kiss." He slurred to me.

"Shh no you didn't Blaise, you're drunk you must've been seeing things. Draco and I had to run to you or else you would've fallen to the ground and hurt yourself." It was wrong of me to lie to him but encase he saw Kristen or Camden him to think he was seeing things due to alcohol assumption. He looked at me again and shook his head but I nodded slowly and laid a gentle hand on his hand. "Shh Blaise just go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning." I told him and with that his eyes closed and his breathing started to even out.

"Wow Paige." Draco said and I just shrugged my shoulders and started walking out of the room. "Wait Paige I didn't finish talking to you." I turned to him. "I feel the same way, we need to take a chance to get to know each other and find out why I can't stand to be away from you for so long." His eyes, even though they were the green of Harry's were so fragile looking but yet needing of answers just as I was.

"I know Draco but we need to lay low for a while, just encase Blaise doesn't believe us." Looking around I quickly gave him a sweet kiss on his perfect pink pale lips. "But I would like to see you more often. We'll talk about that later though, I have to find Camden and you need to find Kristen." With that we parted our ways, both of us going to our boy/girl friend.

Once the party started to die down Camden and I went into my room, with Kristen on Draco on our tails. Kristen and I walked into our bathroom, changed into our pjs and took our hair out. "That was the best party ever Special K!" I told her and she agreed. We hugged each other and walked back into our room. Camden had already changed into his boxers for the night, as did Draco. I cuddled up to Camden on my bed and quickly feel asleep to the sound of his even breathing and the sweet smell that was him.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Lb8SNvWrJ8 (Camden and my song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nV_p6cvr2A (Draco and my song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vghj4bqDQIw (2nd Draco and my song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m34xyw8E-Qs (Kristen and my song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq77pTi03qQ&feature=channel (Other Kristen and my song)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 12, 2009 8:51 pm

By 3am, the party was finally winding down. People were passing out on the floors and in chairs and some went up with some Ravenclaws to the dorms. Paige and I led Camden and Draco up to our dorms. I grabbed my most modest pajamas out of my wardrobe before heading into the bathroom. Unfortunately, that still consisted a pair of really short shorts and a tank top. I made sure to take off my makeup before going back in the room to avoid the dreaded morning coon-eyes. When we re-entered Draco and Camden were changed into their boxers. I blushed a lot because I could tell their eyes were on both of us. I could feel Draco’s eyes on me, but Camden too. I quickly crawled into bed and Draco joined me. I curled up to his side and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. I could hear his heartbeat and feel all of the contours of his body. ALL of them. I blushed even more.

“Why are you blushing?” He whispered to me. I blushed even more. “I can feel it.” I could hear his smile.

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” I murmured. He chuckled and I could feel it start in his belly and roll up through his chest.

“Sure you don’t.” He smiled and kissed me gently on the head. “Goodnight, love.” I snuggled in closer to him and breathed in his scent. He smelled like pine trees, mint, and fresh cut grass. I smiled to myself and I could tell I would fall asleep with this smile on my face.


When I woke up, Draco and I were in a completely different position. This time, I was the one laying on my back and his head was laying on my chest with his arm splayed across my tummy and his hand dangerously close to copping a feel. I smiled and ran my hand through his silky smooth hair and kissed his forehead. He stirred gently, but only enough to snuggle in closer. I ran my hand through the little baby hairs at the back of his neck and down his back. He shivered and snuggled in even closer.

“That tickles.” He murmured to me. I sighed happily and laid back onto my pillow. Draco slowly lifted his head and I could help but smile at his bed head. He let out a huge yawn and kissed me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him there. We laid there for a few minutes just kissing. That is, until Something flew through my curtains and hit Draco in the side of the head.

“Oi! We can hear you, you know!” Camden said and I could hear Paige’s attempt to stifle a giggle. Draco smiled good naturedly and threw the pillow back.

“And you think we couldn’t hear you two last night?!” Draco countered. I smiled at him and he kissed me lightly. He placed his head on his hand behind my head and looked down into my eyes. “I wouldn’t mind waking up like this every morning. Minus the pillow throwing part.” He leaned down kissed me softly. He started playing with my still in place pigtails. We stayed like that for a few minutes, whispering things to each other and kissing gently before I finally decided that I needed to get in the shower. I kissed him gently and got up to go to the bathroom. I could feel his eyes on my arse as I left, and when I turned and glanced at him he smiled innocently. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way.

After my shower, I completely forgot that both Camden and Draco were in the room and came back in my towel. Camden was zipping up his pants and Draco was still lounging in bed. I stopped for a moment, both Camden’s and Draco’s eyes on me. I blushed redder than ever before. I could tell Draco was watching Camden for his reaction, and Camden’s face tinted just a little. I didn’t see Paige anywhere, and I was glad for that. I double checked to make sure everything and continued to my wardrobe. I quickly grabbed some clothes and scuttled my way back to the bathroom muttering a quick sorry to Camden. I knew Draco wasn’t sorry about it.

When I came back out, Draco was still lounging and smiling at me. “Good to see you decided to dress this time.” He grinned at me and I blushed. I settled on the bed next to him and he pulled me in and we kissed.

“I forgot you were both in here when I came out.” I muttered against his neck and inhaled his smell again.

“Well, I’m gonna go borrow your shower for a sec and then we can go down to breakfast.” He smiled and quickly got up. Just a few minutes later he came out in just a few minutes. In just a towel. I blushed even more. “I forgot my clothes.” His eyes were bright and a huge smile was covering his face.

“Uh-huh.” I smiled at him and he turned around and shed his towel. I got a quick glance of his butt and quickly gasped and diverted my gaze. I could hear him laugh and knew he did it on purpose. I grabbed one of my pillows and threw it at him blind sighted.

“You missed!” He sang-sung. “You can turn around now. When I did, he was buttoning up his shirt. When he was done, he grabbed my hand and we went down to lunch. We waded through the mass of people still passed out in the common room and went down to breakfast and sat across from Paige and Camden. I gave Paige a meaningful look clearly telling her I had to talk to her later. All through breakfast I could only think of Draco’s perfectly sculpted butt and how I would be tempted later to give it a nice grab.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 16, 2009 10:49 pm

For some reason I only slept until around eight in the morning! Which means that I only had five hours of sleep, and that is never a good thing for me! I decided maybe taking a shower would relax me enough to go back to sleep, so of course I went and hopped in the shower. After I was done I crawled back in bed with Camden, who had snuggled next to me all night. As I snuggled into him he turned to me, smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning." He said to me in a whisper and stretched. "I don't know about you but that was a good sleep. You guys have really comfy beds you know."

I laughed and kissed him sweetly, "I slept great too, and of course I know we have comfy beds! I never want to get out of them!" He laughed and nuzzled his face into my neck, which tickled me like you don't know.

"You smell so amazing." He breathed into flesh and sent a shiver down my spine and goosebumps across my skin. "Is it alright if I use your shower?" He asked and I nodded. I watched him walk slowly into the bathroom and I admired the muscles on his arms and the abs on his chest. I sighed content with everything right now. I was the luckiest girl in the world having a boyfriend so wonderful to me and so beautiful as well. A noise pulled me out of my thoughts and I looked around. Draco was sitting up in Kristen's bed, while Kristen was still fast asleep. Was he up the whole time Camden and I were talking and snuggling? Was he watching the whole thing with his all too famous sneer?

"What?" I hissed at him.

"Oh nothing." He said and slowly got up from his bed and quietly walked over to stand in front of me. "You two are just so adorable I forgot to barf. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I love those pajamas."

I looked down and realized I was wearing my 'Hello Kitty' pajama dress thing. Which was actually getting kind of small on me and when I say small it was getting shorter. I to my realization I found that I wasn't wearing the shorts under it that I usually was, but just my undies. I blushed a deep shade of red and I saw Draco smirk. Then he suddenly sat down next to me and started running his fingers across my skin, burning my flesh in return. I shivered and turned to him and I searched his eyes for what he wanted and yet I found nothing.

"Draco just stop." I told him and pushed his hand away from me. "I have a boyfriend and last night we, he...never mind. The point is that I'm not going to go sneaking off to see you anymore. I-I want to have an honest relationship with Camden." Suddenly Draco stood up and clenched his fists. "What?" I asked him quietly, I didn't want Kristen to wake up.

"You know the fuck what Paige! Damn it don't you see! You're just saying that so you'll actually feel that way for him! If you really felt that way you would've never started seeing me, you know that right?!" Draco was slightly shouting but I threw a pillow at him to shut him up.

"Shut it! Draco I don't understand why you're so upset at this! You have Kristen and she makes you happy, you should stay happy with her and not worry about me. I'm happy with Camden, why don't you see that?" I asked him and stood up. I double checked and saw Kristen was still asleep and Camden was still in the bathroom. I walked over to Draco and put my hands on the sides of his face to make him look at me. "Please Draco, for me?"

"I can't, I'm sorry." He said.

"Why?" I pleaded with him. I didn't understand his reasoning why he couldn't let me know. When I was about to question him further I heard the shower shut off, as did Draco. "Draco." I said one last time and he just shook his head and looked down as he went back over to Kristen's bed. I crawled back in my bed and pretended to be asleep. I heard Camden enter the room quietly and lay down next to me. He started playing with my hair and rubbing my back. How could continue to be asleep when he was doing something like that? I found myself slowly drifting back to sleep but not before I looked at Camden and smiled.


I woke up a half hour later. I heard snoring from across the room, Draco and Kristen must still be asleep. Camden's body was wrapped around mine and I could hardly move. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now so I struggled to not wake him up but so I could get up instead. Once I finally was up I changed into some comfy clothes; sweat pants, a sweatshirt and my favorite slipper ugg boots. I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and didn't bother with make-up, today was my lazy day.

I quietly left our room and walked quietly downstairs. There were still a decent amount of people still there, but the mess really wasn't that bad. The house elves had promised me that once everyone fell asleep they would clean up most of the difficult mess we made. I smiled remembering the awesome party Kristen and I had last night and walked out the door. I was slightly hungry so I made my way to the Great Hall. It was past breakfast and too early for lunch, so instead I went to the library. I went past the sections and went into the potions section and found a very interesting book to read. I went back to the Great Hall and sat down and started to read.

An hour went by and I looked around and saw the Great Hall was filling up with students. When some passed me they cheered and said their thanks for the great party last night. I smiled and said your welcome to them while I awaited Kristen, Camden and Draco. Camden came down and hugged me from behind and I leaned back into him and smiled. We kissed and he sat down next to me. We talked quietly until Kristen and Draco came and joined us. Camden avoided Kristen's face, which had me questioning what happened while I was gone. I looked at Draco and I saw that he was avoiding my gaze as well. I sighed, I didn't want anyone bad at me, especially Draco or Kristen.

"Paige I have to announce that we can throw one hell of a party!" Kristen said and we high fived. I laughed and agreed.

"Now we have to think of something for the end of the quarter. I've been thinking, since third years and up have a party for the end of each quarter, why not us?" I told her and took a big drink of milk.

"That sounds awesome! Yeah we definitely need to do that! Let's start the planning soon, so it's fresh in our minds." Kristen said and looked at Draco. "What do you think?"

"You girls have it all under control, don't be asking me." He said. I wasn't upset with him but the way he was acting really was getting on my nerves.

"What's wrong Draco? Did Kristen not let you have enough last night?" Camden asked and I started laughing, spitting some of my milk on the table. I slapped him and shook my head 'no' I mouthed and he laughed. "What? I don't understand why he's being so childish." Camden said.

By the way Draco was looking at Camden I knew he had a come back waiting to come out. "Um...excuse me?" I heard and turned around. Blaise was standing right behind me and my heart started pounding. I glanced and saw that Draco had the same expression I had on his face. "Sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if I could talk to Kristen." He said.

"Yeah sure. Guys I'll be right back." Kristen said and kissed Draco on the head. I watched as Blaise and her started talking. I sat there scared silly in my seat, waiting to see what Kristen said when she came back.

http://www.webundies.com/images/agh8461.jpg my pjs
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 6 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 3:54 pm

“Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if I could talk to Kristen.” I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Blaise standing behind Camden and Paige. I smiled quickly.

“Yeah, sure. Guys, I’ll be right back.” I stood up and wiped my hands on my jeans. I kissed Draco quickly and walked down the aisle between the tables with Blaise. “So, what’d you want to talk about?” I asked him.

“Sshh. Not here. Just a minute.” He replied quickly. We continued walking until we got to the corridor on the other side of the Marble Staircase. He pulled me into a room quick.

“Okay. Really now. What do you want?” I was getting annoyed. What was with all of the covert ops?” I turned around and leaned up against the table. I crossed my arms across my chest. He pinched the bridge of his nose.

“I think there’s something you should know. About Paige and Draco.” I sighed.

“Okay. What?” I was getting really annoyed now.

“I saw them making out. At the party last night.” I sighed again, and this time it was my turn to pinch the bridge of my nose.

“Blaise, you were wasted. I saw you drinking fire whiskey and rum and shots all night.”

“Yes. I was drinking. But, Kristen, why won’t you believe me?! They were dancing and making out! Right on the dance floor.” I briefly remembered a moment when Draco asked me if he could dance with Paige. I shook my head.

“And you’re the only one who saw this? Out of everyone there, you’re the one that saw them making out?”

“Yes.” He stated simply.

“Sorry, Blaise, but it just doesn’t work out. You have a reason to make up a story like this and you’re the only one who saw it. It does not work.” I pushed myself off the desk and started walking for the door. “I’ll see you later Blaise.”

My hand was on the doorknob when I felt his hand on my shoulder. He spun me around and pushed me up against the door. He pressed his lips against mine roughly. He shoved his knee between my legs to prevent me from escaping and he had his hands holding mine. I attempted to protest, but he took that as an okay and deepened the kiss. I protested more, but eventually I sunk into the kiss. He felt my body relax and let go of my hands. I wrapped them around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. He moved his lips from mine and moved them down to my neck. I realized what I was doing. “Blaise. Blaise. Blaise! No!” I pushed him away and groped for the doorknob. I whipped the door open and walked briskly down the hallway.

“Kristen! Kristen, stop!” I heard Blaise yell. I continued walking and veered into the girls bathroom. I knew that Blaise wouldn’t be able to enter. I checked all the stalls quickly and slumped against one of the sinks. “What am I doing?!” I muttered to myself. I banged my fist against my head. “What am I doing! Jesus. I am dating Draco. He wants me to go home with him for Christmas, and now making out with him?! God.” I turned and checked myself over in the mirror. Good thing I wasn’t wearing any make up, so all I had to do was fix my hair and my shirt. I adjusted my jeans so that they weren’t crooked and straightened my shirt, pulling it back up to it’s right spot. It’s amazing what a bit of kissing can do to your outfit. I checked myself over once more.

I walked out of the bathroom, and Blaise was standing outside. I ignored him and practically ran down the hallway. “Kristen, you can’t ignore me forever. You kissed me back. You can not ignore this.”

“Yes. I can.” I moved around the marble staircase, and he grabbed my shoulder. I pushed his arm off. “Blaise. Stop.” I walked away and into the Great Hall. I sat across from Paige and Camden again, and Draco grabbed my hand under the table.

“What’d Blaise want?” Paige asked, glancing quickly at Draco. I registered that quickly and shrugged.

“Nothing important.” I intertwined my fingers with Draco and he squeezed them.

Draco leaned in towards me. “What are you doing later?” Draco whispered to me.

“Nothing, why?” I whispered back.

“I tell you later. Just be ready to go into town in one hour.” I shot him a questioning look, and all he gave me was a smile. I finished my lunch and left with Draco.

“So, where are we going exactly?” He smiled brightly.

“You are going to Paris with my mom for a fitting.” I stopped in the middle of the corridor.

“Wait. Paris. Your mom. Today. Now. What?!” I sputtered. He laughed and kissed me lightly on the lips.

“Well, you can’t wear jeans and a t-shirt to a ball, can you?”

“No. I guess not. But you are coming, right?” He smiled and shook his head. “You aren’t coming?!”

“Nope. You and my mom are going to have a ‘girls day.’”

“Oh god.” He smiled and started to drag me toward the Ravenclaw common room.

“You have to go get dressed. No jeans though! Remember, you are going to the fashion capital of the world! And you want to make a good impression on my mom. We made it to the common room and he shoved me inside. “My mom will be here in one hour. I’ll be back in 45 minutes to get you.”

“Okay.” I squeaked. What was I getting myself into?!
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