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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 17, 2009 4:44 pm

“What’d Blaise want?” I asked, glancing quickly at Draco. He looked just as worried as I did and I noticed Kristen looking at us.

She shrugged, “Nothing important.” I could tell there was something up with Kristen but I would wait until later to ask her about it.

"Well," Camden said and took my hand in his, "Paige and I are finished eating, we'll just leave you two love birds alone." He stood up and extended his arm to me.

I looked at Kristen and Draco and smiled, "I'll see you guys later." I winked at them and took Camden's hand. I glanced back at them and quickly looked up at Camen's face. We walked up the marble staircase together until we reached the library. I looked at him with a twinkle in my eye and he looked back with a questioning look. I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the doors.

"Paige what are we doing?" Camden said, trying not to laugh but I just kept dragging him.

"You'll see." I said. I led him through all the sections, giggling all the while. Finally we reached the back of the library and I turned to face him. "Hi." I told him and smiled.

"Hi." He said back. "So are you going to tell me what we're doing back here?" I looked looked at him and smiled.

"I was just thinking we could..." With that I unzipped my hoodie part way, revealing my bra strap, "maybe we could...I don't know hang out here for a while?" I said with an innocent accent. Camden had the goofiest look on his face, but I couldn't just stop my act.

"Paige?" I could tell Camden wasn't sure what to think at this point in time but I just looked at him, still innocently. "Paige I don't know...I mean it's a library and...are you ready? I-I mea I'm not even sure if I..." Camden wiped his hand across his forehead.

"It's okay Camden." I told him and took his hand. I don't know what was going threw my head right now, I just knew that I wanted him close to me right now. I turned his face to look at mine and I stood up to kiss him softly. I started moving my hand through his hand while the other moved across his back. I pulled away from him and touched his cheek, "I just want to be with you is all." I told him softly and he just stood there.

Before I knew it Camden leaned down and put his hands on my face and pulled me into a kiss. I pushed myself against him and he pulled me closer to him. Suddenly I felt myself pushed up against the shelves and I tugged at Camden's clothes to move closer to me. I tugged at his shirt, franticly trying to rip it off his body. As if reading my mind Camden tugged his shirt over his head and my hands couldn't help but roam his every flesh my hands could reach. He pushed me closer to the books, pushing his lips against mine franticly. I tugged at his hair and pushed my hand against his chest, wanting to feel how his body moved in every way. Finally I just wanted to his skin on mine. I ripped my sweatshirt off and I found Camden's eyes looking at me, lust or something in his eyes, which had me smiling wickedly.

I pulled him to me, feeling the warmth of his body on mine. "Camden closer." I found myself whisper, I couldn't find my voice. He moved his hands across my back, up and down my spine sending sparks across my skin. We tugged and pulled at each other's clothing until we were just down to our under pants. I was breathing heavily as was Camden.

He looked up and down at me and asked, "Are you sure?" I nodded and slowly brought his hand until it was just covering my chest. My heart started pounding and I started breathing heavier and looked at him, his eyes looking both hungry but nervous at the same time. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and put his hand on my chest. I felt him stiffen, as did I, then he moved his hand to my back. I looked at him, curious as to why he stopped but all I saw was shamefulness. He bent down and picked up his pants and he threw me my own.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked him, and stood there with my hands on my hips, not moving from where I was.

"Paige put your clothes on." He said with a monotone and without looking at me. I huffed and pulled my pants on and my hoodie. Once we were fully clothed he turned to me and reached his hand toward mine. "Come on lets go." He said.

"Wait hold on!" I told him and held my hands up. "What the hell was that Camden? I throw myself at you and you just blow me off?" I was pissed.

"Paige this isn't the time or place to discuss this." Camden said and moved closer to me.

"No Camden I want an answer first." I responded.

"First thing's first Paige, why here and now? Paige huh? In a god damn library none the less?! What if...what if I didn't want his hmm? Did you ever think of that?" He was starting to raise his voice.

"I don't know Camden! I just...I don't know!" I shouted right back. "I thought that's what you wanted."

"Why on god's earth would you assume something like that? Paige I'm only twelve years old, you only eleven! We're too young to be thinking about this in the first place!"

"YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME!" I yelled in his face. He looked taken aback and I shrunk to the floor, a sob escaping my lips. "I thought, I thought that's what you wanted. You said you loved me..."

"Paige I..." Camden ran his fingers threw his hair and looked around. We were making a lot of noise, but he knelt down next to me and pulled me into him. "Shh it's okay...it's okay." I cried into him and he just held me.

"Why Camden? Why did you say that to me? Why?" I sobbed and pushed him off me. I got up and ran toward the door. Behind me I heard him yell, "Paige!" but I just kept on running. I didn't know what to do, I felt dirty, I felt angry with myself and with him. He told me he loved me and, well isnt' that how people who love each other show that? For the first time, in a long time, I felt confused.

Before I knew where I was going I found myself running to the owlery. I burst through the doors and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I clutched my chest, steadying my beating heart and I looked around. It smelled horribly like owl fecies but at least there was fresh air. I walked up to where the owls stay and I heard a voice coming from inside. I shivered, it was cold outside and I was only wearing a sweater.

"Hello?" I called and the voice stopped. I walked up the stairs and entered the housing and saw a figure standing next to an owl. "Sorry, I just wanted to know if someone was up here." I said and started to step back down the stairs. "Sorry again, I didn't mean to bother you." I was walking backward and suddenly my foot missed the step. I flailed trying to find something to grab onto but instead a hand grabbed me and pulled me up. I held on to dear life to the person and for the second time in five minutes had to calm my breathing. I looked up to see a smirk, "Draco?"

"You just couldn't seem to leave me alone could you? You just had to follow me everywhere." He smiled and stood me up straight. I dusted myself off and stepped, carefully back.

"Thank you Draco, I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't...well thank you. I'll just be going, I didn't mean to disturb you and your owl." I said and smiled.

As I was turning away Draco caught my face in his hands, "Have you been crying?" I shook my head and looked away. "Paige." His tone was firm, "Look at me." I did as told and he ran his fingers down the trail that was still moist from my tears. "Why were you crying?"

As if on cue the tears started streaming down my face again. I grasped him to me and cried, "We were, I just...oh Draco!" I buried myself into him, feeling more comforted the closer I was to him. I could tell Draco wasn't expecting this but did what, I assume, came natural to him. To try and calm me he started to rub my back and strock my hair. Once I was done I moved away from him and wiped the tears. "I'm sorry." I told him.

"Paige what happened." He asked and I shook my head. "Paige tell me what happened or you're not going anywhere."

"I threw myself at Camden and he rejected me okay?!" I shouted at him and he looked taken aback.

"You did what?" Shock was plain on his face, but he seemed even more upset than shocked.

"We went into the library and we made out and I just...ugh! I threw myself at him and he turned me down! Am I ugly or something? Is there something wrong with me that Camden doesn't want me?" I was starting to sound hysterical.

"Wait a second! Hold up! Why would you do that in the first place?"

"Because the other night Camden told me he loved me! I just thought that's how people who loved each other expressed themselves." I told him and blushed. Why was I just blurting this out to him?

"Paige you have it all wrong! He may love you but, do you love him." I looked at him and he smiled. "Just what I thought. You're still trying to make yourself have feelings for him."

"I am not! Just so you know I have deep feelings for him!"

"Yes but you don't love him! Hell I think you're just staying with him to not hurt him."

"That's not true!"

"Really then why are you still with him when you know that you really want to be with me?" Draco grabbed my shoulders and was looking me straight in the eye.

"Because that's what I'm suppose to do!" I told him. "I'm not suppose to want to be with someone else when I'm with him! He's perfect for me, a gentleman and he's amazing. Yet I always find myself wanting you! And I hate myself for it! Why you Draco? Out of all the people in the world why you?" I looked at him and he just looked at me back.

"Well at least we're both on the same page now." I rolled my eyes and sat on the steps, Draco following behind me.

"I like him Draco, I do, but you there's just something about you that just drives me crazy. I don't want to like you because one I have a boyfriend and two you have a girlfriend and three she just happens to be my best friend! So tell me something, why is it you?"

"I could ask you the same question." I looked at him, shocked of course. "I keep having this dream that seems so real to me but yet so unimaginable that I can't understand it. It's about you and me and we sneek off to see each other, and it's been going on for years. I'm still with Kristen and you're still with Camden, but they seem to be catching on to us, but we just can't stop ourselves. The dream always ends with us...and I always wake up the same way." I look at him curiously. He rolled his eyes and laughed, "I'm always pitching a tent." Again I looked at him, "I'm always hard after those dreams! Jeez and you call yourself a Ravenclaw!" I slapped him lightly.

"That's just disgusting Draco."

"I can't help it, you just have that affect on me. I can't explain it." He looked deep into my eyes, searching for something that he wasn't finding. "I think about you all day long, and when I see you with Camden I feel that I have to do the same with Kristen but better. I find myself wanting to make you jealous but in the end I'm always the jealous one. I'm putting on an act like you, but I'm trying harder than you."

"How so?"

"Well Kristen's spending the day with my mom today." He said and I just smiled. "What?"

"I already met Camden's mom, actually his whole family. They love me by the way." I stood up and walked around the owlery. "Which one's yours?" He pointed to a very beautiful bird.

"There she is one of the smartest owls that you'll ever know. I blame that on her being a pure breed owl." I looked away from him, "What did I say?"

"If I...if we ever were together your parent would hate me."

"Why do you say that?" He asked and put his arm around me, in a comforting kind of way.

"I'm muggle born Draco and you come from a line of pure bloods. You know it always comes back to blood."

"If that were ever to happen I know my parents would love you." I looked at him and he smiled.

"How do you know that?"

"Because they want me to be happy. Well my mom at least anyway. Besides Kristen isn't pure blood and she's going to meet my mother. Oh speaking of that I have to go get her." He stood up and headed for the door. He turned back to me and held out his hand. I took it and smiled.

"Thank you Draco." I said. When he smiled, a real smile I leaned toward him and kissed him softly. Just as suddenly as I did that I pulled away. "I'll see you later." I said and was on my way down the stairs. I heard him mutter, "Everytime." and I smiled.

I walked briskley back to my room, I need to think about somethings. I needed to be by myself for a while and that's just what I was going to do.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 18, 2009 6:48 pm


I was meeting Draco’s mom, and I had nothing to wear. I stood in front of my wardrobe, hands on my hips, surveying my clothes. I started digging through them, trying to find something to wear. Jeans wouldn't work to meet his mom. I sighed in exasperation. I sat on my bed and started to think. What would I wear to Paris? Then, I had a bright Idea. I smiled to myself and pulled out my trunk from under my bed. In it was a cocktail dress my mom had given just in case there were ever any special occasions I needed it for, and I was pretty sure this qualified.

I unzipped it's sleeve and smiled as the silky cloth caressed my skin. It was perfect. I pulled out the matching shoes and smiled. This would be perfect. The dress was a forest green that I knew would compliment my hair, and it had a silver tie at the waist with a silver flower accent. The shoes were absolutely amazing. They were black and the heels were really pointy. I decided to take a really quick shower so I could shave and do my hair afterwards.

Once I stepped out of the shower, I waved my wand and my hair was perfectly curled. I pulled up half my hair up and left the other half down and secured it with bobby pins. I grabbed my dress and shimmied it on. It was strapless, so I made sure that it would stay up before putting on my shoes. I put on a small silver heart necklace and slipped on my shoes. I quick swiped on some eyeliner and mascara and I was ready.

I grabbed my purse and went down to the common room and I knew I was getting looks. I went outside to avoid the looks, and there was Draco. He looked me up and down and let out a low whistle. "You look amazing." He said and smiled I blushed and he kissed me on the cheek. "You ready?" I nodded. My nerves were pulled tight right now. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around his waist. "You really look amazing" he whispered.

"Oh, shush. I don't look that good!" I blushed and smiled.

"You do. And if I didn't know you were about to go see my mum, I would be all over you right now."

"Draco!" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I'm just telling the truth. Just wait until you get back." I blushed even more. Just the thought of kissing him made me blush.

"That could be hours from now. I might not look as good."

"Hm. Well in that case . . ." He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me passionately. "I better do this now." He smiled and he kissed me again. He ran his hands down my waist and his hands touched the skin of my leg. Fire burnt where he touched skin, and I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He ran his hand up my dress a little bit and kissed his way down my neck.

"Draco." I moaned into his ear. I ran my hands across his back. He pulled his lips back up to mine and kissed me roughly. "Draco." I stopped him. "We have to go see your mom." He sighed.

"Right. I forgot about that." He grinned mischievously. "Do we have to go?" I smiled.

"Probably." He grinned and straightened out my dress for me. I fixed my lip gloss and my hair. “Good?” He nodded and kissed me lightly on the mouth.

“We’ll continue this when you get back.” He wrapped his arm back around my waist.

“So, what exactly am I doing with your mom?” I knew I was going to get measured for my dress, but I didn’t think that would take to long.

“Well, you are going out for lunch at one of my mum’s favorite restaurants, and then going to get measured for your dress, then you guys are gonna window shop for a while, and go back to get the dress fitted.”

“Oh. And it’s just me and your mum?” I was really nervous now. We were walking towards the marble staircase now, and his mom was waiting at the front doors. He nodded. “But what if she doesn’t like me?” I asked in a semi-panic.

“She will. Don’t worry.” He kissed my temple lightly and we started down the staircase. I could see a cloaked figure standing by the doors. I grasped Draco’s waist tightly. “Calm down. You’ll do fine.” I nodded. We reached the figure and she turned around. Draco leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “Mum.” He muttered.

She looked at me, smiling slightly “So this is the girl that stole my sons heart.”

“Kristen Kennedy, ma’am.” I held out my hand and she took it lightly.

“Kennedy?” She glanced at Draco and he nodded slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We’ll be going to Paris via side-along apparation. I assume you’ve never done that before.”

“No, ma’am. I haven’t.” I said while shaking my head.

“Well, it will be quite an experience for you. Bye, son.” She said to Draco.

“Bye mum. And I’ll see you later, hun.” Draco kissed me lightly on the cheek, and then he kissed his mum.

“Bye.” I muttered, giving him one last panicked look. He smiled and nodded toward the door. I walked out with Narcissa, putting on my jacket. We walked down the path towards the gate in silence.

“When we get down past the gates, I’ll need you to grip my arm very tightly. It’s gonna feel like being squeezed through a very small, very tight, rubber tube. But you’ll be fine. We’ll arrive in the Paris equivalent of Diagon Alley.” I nodded, still unsure. “Once we get there, we’ll grab a quick bite, and then head over and get our measurements. Have you thought about what type of dress you’d like?”

I shook my head. “Not really. I’ve never gone to anything fancy enough to require a special made dress. It’s a new experience to me.”

“Well, we’ll see what Madam Vieux has in mind when we get there. I was thinking something green. You look fabulous in that color that you’re wearing now.” We’d made it past the gate and a I grabbed her arm Firmly. She twisted slightly, a look of determination on her face. Suddenly, I felt completely constricted. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think of anything but breathing. I tried to take a breath, but I couldn’t even open my mouth.

Finally, I felt my feet hit solid ground, and I took a deep breath. “You were right. That was an experience.” I gasped out. Narcissa still looked completely put together and there I was breathing heavily and probably looking a mess. She smiled and fixed a piece of my hair.

“Come on. The restaurant is right down the street here.” We walked down the street, weaving through the throngs of people. We entered an Italian restaurant right in the middle of the alley. The waiters came over immediately, muttering things like ‘nice to see you Mrs. Malfoy’ and ‘It’s great to have you back Mrs. Malfoy.’ It was almost as if I didn’t exist. One of the waiters, the one obviously in charge, led us over to a table.

“The best table in the house for Mrs. Malfoy and her guest.” One of the waiters pulled out my chair and I smiled and nodded at him in thanks. They presented us with menus and bowed as they left. Narcissa didn’t even glance at the menu. I read through it quickly and picked out something simple, but even as simple as it was, it was still very pricey. As soon as I put my menu down, a waiter was there to take out orders. He didn’t even bother to take Narcissa’s and I ordered mine.

Once the waited disappeared, Narcissa started speaking. “So, where are you from?” She asked politely, but I could tell she was judging me with every breath and every blink.

“Scotland, originally. We moved to Canada when I was six for my father’s job. We moved back into the area a year ago.” She nodded.

“And your parents are muggles?”

“Yes ma’am. My father was the ambassador to Scotland in Canada and my mother stays home. She sows blankets and quilts and things in her past time. She sells them once in a while.” She nodded again.

“And how are you in school?”

“Excellent, I like to think. I know Draco is fantastic in school and I beat him.” She smiled.

“Maybe I should hire you as his tutor.” She laughed.

“I don’t think he would like that very much!” She smiled at me.

“No, probably not.” Our food arrived, and we ate in silence. I think I passed her test. Maybe not with flying colors, but I at least scraped by. When we left, we headed down the alley towards the dress shop. You could tell it was the dress shop, because in a sad and tacky way, it was shaped like a dress with the name Madam Vieux on it. I mentally rolled my eyes as we entered. It was pink. EVERYWHERE.

“I know it’s a little garish,” Narcissa whispered, “But she is debatably the best tailor in the Wizarding world.” I nodded and glanced around. The dresses and robes here were beautiful. There were dresses of all colors and shapes and sizes, and even some of several colors blended together.

“Afternoon, Mrs. Malfoy.” I heard a voice call in an accent that definitely wasn’t French. I cast a questioning glance and Narcisssa. ‘American’ she mouthed. I nodded and made a slight ‘O’ face and nodded. “And who might this be?” A rather plump looking woman walked out from behind a rack of robes.

“This is Kristen.” I smiled and Madam Vieux took my hand a shook it vigorously.

“This must be Draco’s girlfriend. It’s nice to finally meet you. You look lovely in that color. Must be the house colors.” she smiled.

“No. I’m actually in Ravenclaw.” I smiled at her unsure. The smiled wiped clear off her face.

“Ravenclaw?” I nodded. “Oh. What’s your last name dear?”

I looked at Narcissa, unsure of what was going on. “Kennedy.” I glanced back at Madam Vieux, a look of mild panic crossing her face.

“Oh! Forgive me! I did not mean to be rude Ms. Kennedy!”

“It’s . . . okay?” I had no clue what was going on.

“Well, let’s get you measured.” Madam Vieux shuffled me over to the little footstool that you stand on. She measured my height, my waist, breasts, and everything in between. “Now, have you thought of colors?”

“Well, Narcissa says I should get green, and I agree. But I don’t want just solid green, you know?”

She nodded. “I think I have the perfect thing!” She turned and bustled into the back room. When she came back, she had some cloth in her arms that was green, but when the light hit it just right, it looked almost blue. I smiled.

“That’s perfect!” She smiled and held the cloth up near my face.

“And it definitely compliments your skin tone! And Narcissa, you want your’s like we discussed before? Black, silver accents, simple?”

“Yes. Very simple. You know how Lucius doesn’t like me to dress to garish. We’ll be back in two hours time to see the dresses and for the fitting. The we’ll be back at the beginning of December for a final fitting and to pick them up.” Madam Vieux nodded.

“It was nice to meet you Ms. Kennedy. I’ll see you in a few hours.” I nodded and waved as Narcissa and I walked out the door.

“That was odd.” I told Narcissa as we walked down the street looking into the shops.

“She’s an odd woman, but a fantastic tailor.” She admonished.

“It almost seemed as if she knew me. Or knew of me at least. It was weird.” Narcissa nodded but didn’t say anything, but instead changed the subject.

“What do you think about finding some shoes?!” She asked excitedly. She was almost like a teenage girl the way she sounded excited. I knew it was fake, but I appreciated the effort.

I smiled. “Where would you find shoes here?” I asked.

“At the Shoe Emporium, of course!” I shook my head.

“Original!” I mocked, and she laughed. We entered the Emporium and immediately headed for the heels. We looked at shelves and shelves of shoes. Narcissa picked out a nice pair for her, but I couldn’t find one that was perfect. We scoured all of the shelves, and we were on the last shelf, the last row of boxes, when I finally saw them. The were silver with circling ankle straps. I smiled, and then Narcissa grabbed them off the shelves.

“THESE!” She exclaimed.

“I was thinking the exact same! And it’s the last pair!” I picked up the shoes and looked at the size. “And my size!”

“Perfect! We’ve spent just about the whole two hours in here, so how ‘bout we go pay for these and then go get fitted?”

“Sounds fantastic!” We paid for the shoes and left to go back to Madam Vieux’s.

I stepped into the dressing room and pulled on the dress. It glided over my skin and I pulled the straps on over my shoulders. I stepped out, holding up the dress. Narcissa came around and zipped up the dress for me. She was in a simple black dress with black gloves up to the elbows. I slipped on my shoes so Madam Vieux could get an accurate measurement for how it would look on Christmas. She came up to, pins in hand, and started pinning here and there. “I’ll add details later, honey, but right now you look amazing.” I blushed and muttered a quick ‘thanks.’ Once I was done being pinned, it was Narcissa’s turn. I sat on a chair and waited, making polite conversation with Narcissa and Madam Vieux.

Finally, it was time to go back to Hogwarts, I was tired. I grasped Narcissa’s arm outside the shop and we disapparated to outside the Hogwart’s gates. Narcissa gave me a hug and disapparated. I walked up the path towards the doors, anticipating changing out of this dress and out of these shoes. I stepped into the Entrance Hall and smiled. Draco was standing there, his hair falling into his eyes, in a white button down and some black slacks.

“You have no idea how glad I am to see you.” he said as he approached. He kissed me. “You still look as good as when you left. Maybe even better.” He held my hands and started pulling me along.

“Where are we going?” I asked. He was taking me down into the dungeons.

“We are going to relax.” He stated simply, still pulling me along. I smiled and rolled my eyes, knowing it was pointless to argue with him. We took a few rights, a few lefts, and even went around in a half circle. By the time we stopped, I had no clue where we were.

“I hope there’s a place to take a nap in there! I’m tired.” He just smiled.

“You’ll see.” He covered my eyes and opened the door. We walked in, and it was amazingly warm, and smelled like chocolate and cinnamon. He moved his hands so I could see. There was a bright and cheery fire burning in the grate, a soft looking couch, and two cups of hot chocolate with cinnamon cookies.

“Draco, what is this?” I turned to him. His eyes were sparkling and a smile tugged at the side of his mouth.

“A surprise.” He stated simply, a little smirk coming onto his face. It made me melt. He led me over to the couch and sat me down. He sat at my side and covered my legs with a blanket. He handed me one cup, and he took the other. I leaned against him, and put my head on his shoulder. I took a sip of the hot chocolate and started to drowse off.

“Thanks for this.” I murmured, finishing off my hot chocolate. He took it out of my hands, and I fell asleep.

Dress to go shopping in - http://www.sungboutiquela.com/green-strapless-taffeta-cocktail-dress-p-701.html?cPath=42&osCsid=a1qndn89heo3fjdbglk02vro67 (
Shoes - http://www.1fashion.com/HF/50/E1230BK.JPG
Hair - http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrsemerald/2294251766/
Dress for ball - http://www.nexteve.com/shop/prom-dresses/green-strap-ballgown-offsize-F04_A4_OS.html
Shoes - http://www.promgirl.com/shop/dresses/viewitem-PS32540
Narcissa’s dress - http://www.promgirl.com/shop/dresses/viewitem-PD259793
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 19, 2009 10:31 pm

When I entered the common room everything was cleaned and I was thankful that my house would do the cleaning for us. I took the steps two at a time as I ran up to my room. I threw open the door and ran to my bed and laid myself in the pillows. Today was just a confusing, amazing, suckish day and I just wanted it to go away, but I knew it wouldn't. I'd have to talk to Camden sometime about my actions in the library, and I'd have to still figure out the thing with Draco. I groaned into my pillows and flipped over looking at the ceiling. I wish Kristen was here so I could talk and bitch and moan to her about my issues, excluding the Draco part, but sadly she was gone. Oh that's right she was with Draco's mom today, but he didn't really explain to me why. He never really tells me anything except for the fact that he likes me, a whole lot, and that he wants me to be with him.

I huffed and pushed myself out of bed. I couldn't stand it, I can't be by myself thinking about these things I'll drive myself crazy. I jumped out of bed and walked to my closet, maybe if I changed into something different maybe I'll feel better I told myself. I looked through everything and stuck with a pair of cute jeans, a plaid top and matching shoes and I put a head band in my hair. I took a deep breath and left the room in search of Camden and or Draco.

As I walked through the halls I said my hellos to the people I knew and also to the ghosts and paints I passed. I entered the Great Hall, hoping one of them would be there but to my disappointment neither were. I decided to go to the grounds, I needed the fresh air to clear my head. It was a litttle cold, but not too bad just a little breeze. I wrapped my arms across my chest and kept walking. There were many couples holding hands and laughing while they walked around the lake or sat and watched the day go by and I smiled. Ten minutes arrived quickly and I found myself getting really cold, but I still hadn't searched everywhere on the grounds and I was determined to find one of those two boys before dinner.

"You look cold." I heard a voice say behind me and I turned to see Camden. I gave him a slight nod of my head. "Here." He said and took off his jacket right off his back and held it out to me. I looked at it, then him and looked away, still saying nothing. "C'mon Paige you'll freeze without this on, at least I have long sleeves." I glared at him but took the jacket for consideration, it was getting cold out here. I quickly snatched the jacket out of his hands and put it on and the warmth engulfed me.

"Thanks." I muttered to him and sat down, sighing.

"Listen Paige I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be, but I'm just not ready for that. I'm only twelve years old and I don't want to do something stupid that could harm you in anyway." I stared straight ahead while he said that until he sighed and nicely moved my head to look at him. "I'm sorry for making you feel rejected by me. Paige you caught me off gaurd, I didn't know that you were ready for that. I got scared and nervous and I acted wrongly."

"It's not just your fault Camden." I told him and moved into his arms, resting my head on his shoulder as I looked at the setting sun. "I wasn't thinking straight, I just acted on a strange and new impulse to me and it turned out horribly wrong." I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm sorry too for making you do that then feel horrible for doing what I wanted you to do, if that makes any sense."

He chuckled, "It does and doesn't at the same time, but I accept." Camden leaned down to kiss me sweetly. My hand cupped his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb. When the kiss ended I smiled at him and he just looked at me, the caring and loving look that he's always given me. "Come on it's dinner time."

We walked back to the castle together, hand in hand, and laughing and talking. That was much easier than I thought it would be and I was truely blessed to have someone so understanding like Camden as my boyfriend. Throughout dinner all my attention was on him; the way his eyes squint when he laughs or smiles, the way his lips form each word he speaks, the way he looks at me. By the end of dinner I was happy again, hell I wasn't even worried with what Draco was thinking right now. Draco who? Camden walked me to the Ravenclaw tower.

Along the way he stopped me and turned to me, "Paige I have a question to ask you, and it's a very serious one at that."

"Okay." I told him.

"Every year the Malfoy's throw a huge Christmas party at their mansion. I know I know it's the Malfoy's but it's a big thing for many pure blood families. This is the third year my parents are invited and I was actually given an invitation too, seeing as I'm their son. So I was wondering if you would go to the party with me?" His eyes had a pleading look in them. I gulped, not only would I have to try and impress his family but the other pure blood families there and not to mention Draco's parents.

"Of course I will Camden! How could you think I wouldn't?" He smiled and kissed me. I was nervous, yes, but this is something that will make him happy, and since he does so much to make me happy, why not repay the favor. When we finally made it to Ravenclaw tower I kissed Camden good-bye, answered the riddle and entered the common room. I went straight up to my room, wanting a shower horribly bad. When I opened the door Kristen was there reading a magazine.

"Hi Kristen! What did you do all day?" I asked as I took off Camden's jacket, I had to remember to return that, and sat on my bed.

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=5193389 (they match her shirt)
http://content.backcountry.com/images/items/medium/SNI/SNI0034/BKIW.jpg (Camden's jacket)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 20, 2009 4:49 pm

I woke up covered in blankets, my head on a soft pillow. I yawned and stretched my hands above me head. I glanced over to see Draco laying beside me, shirt off, his hands behind his head. He was looking at the cieling, but when I moved he glanced over at me and smiled. "Good morning sunshine." I rubbed my eyes and glanced at him, sleep still blurring my vision.

"It can't be morning already." I glanced at the bedside table, only to remember I wasn't in my bed. "Where are we?"

"We're still in the dungeons. And it's only dinner time."

"How did I get in the bed?" I glanced under the blanket. "And how did I get changed out of my dress? And how can I be so hungry?!" He laughed at me, and leaned down and snuggled against me.

"I put you in the bed. I changed you out of the dress. And you haven't eaten in quite a few hours."

"Oh." I nodded, quiet for a minute. "WAIT!" I said shooting away from Draco but still staying covered under the covers. "You changed me out of my dress?! Draco!" I practically screamed at him.

"What?!" He seemed confused and a little insulted

"Draco! I wan't wearing a bra!" I said, wrapping my arms around my chest area.

"Kristen! Relax!"

"How can I relax?! You . . . I . . ."

"KRISTEN." Draco grabbed my shoulder's. "Stop. I used magic to change your clothes. I didn't see anything. Nor did I touch anything." I visibly relaxed. Draco had a hurt look on his face. I scooted toward him from under the blanket, and grabbed one of his hands and put it around my shoulders. He let me do this, but he wouldn't look at me.

"Draco? Please don't be mad at me."

"How can't I be? You don't even trust me with you." He sounded dejected, and he refused to look me in the eye.

"Yes I do Draco. It's just . . . I dunno. I just jumped to the worst conclusion, and I shouldn't have done that."

"No. You shouldn't have. Come on. We have to go." He got out of the bed and pulled on his shirt. I couldn't help but marvel at his physique, but I looked down, embarrassed, when he caught me looking. He had an amused look in his eye and a smirk on his lips, but not the one I usually see. This one was cruel. I went over to the stairs and grabbed my dress and shoes. I kept on the clothes Draco had changed me into, a simple white wife beater and some plaid boxers.

I padded down the hallway after Draco, my feet freezing. I glared at his back as I went. He stopped at an intersection about 5 minutes later. "The stairs are straight up this corridor." I nodded and leaned in to give him a kiss. He turned away.

"Draco Malfoy, I will not be treated this way." I stated, my hands on my hips. "My reaction was completely rational and I will not have you act as if I'm the bad guy." He glared at me.

"And I will not be treated as if I'm the bad guy. I didn't do anything."

"I know that now." I walked up toward him and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. "Can you just forget about it?" He hesitated at first, but he eventually wrapped his arms around my shoulders, which I took as a yes. We stood like that for a second, but I finally pulled back enough to look into his eyes. I smiled a little and he did too, but there was still a little resentment there.

"You better get back." I nodded, and leaned up and kissed him. I laid my head back against his chest and inhaled his smell, my favorite smell now.

"What if I don't wanna?" I muttered. I could feel a chuckle in his chest, although it never really came out of his mouth. He started rubbing his thumbs in little circles.

"Then come with me." He moved one of his hands down toward my knees and whipped me feet out from under me. I screamed a little and held on to my grip around his neck for dear life. This time, the chuckle really did reach his lips. We walked straight down the hall from where we came and then hooked a left. He stopped in front of a portrait. He put me down, and I saw him tickle a pear.

"What are we doing?" I asked as he pulled on the door handle formed by the pear.

"Didn't you say you were hungry?" He said with a smile. He helped me up into the kitchens and pulled out a seat for me to sit on. He went over to the house elves and came back with two plate fulls from dinner. We ate in silenee, holding hands under the table, shooting glances and smiles at each other over the table. After we ate, I headed back up to the Ravenclaw common room, ready to get some more shuteye.

I walked upstairs and immediatly laid out in bed. I dug through my bedside table to find my magazine to read before I fell asleep. While looking for the magazine, I stumbled across the two way parchment. Written on it in Draco's very distinguished scrawl was written Kristen, I love you. --Drake I smiled, and flopped back onto my bed. I reached in and grabbed the magazine, absent mindedly flipping through it while thinking of Draco.

"Hi Kristen! What did you do all day?" Paige asked, taking off a very boy like jacket and sitting at the end of my bed.

"I went and met Draco's mom, and guess what?! He asked me to go to his family's Christmas Ball! I went to get fitted for the dress I'm gonna wear while there."

"That's great!"

"Yeah, but the dress lady was really weird. She acted as if she knew me. Or at least knew of me in some way. It was odd. I know I've never met her before too."

"Weird! But guess what?!"

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 24, 2009 10:41 pm

"Hi Kristen! What did you do all day?" I asked as I took off Camden's jacket, I had to remember to return that, and sat on my bed.

"I went and met Draco's mom, and guess what?! He asked me to go to his family's Christmas Ball! I went to get fitted for the dress I'm gonna wear while there." Kristen told me excitedly.

"That's great!"

"Yeah, but the dress lady was really weird. She acted as if she knew me. Or at least knew of me in some way. It was odd. I know I've never met her before too."

"Weird!" I told her, agreeing,"But guess what?!"

"Hm?" She asked and took her hair out and laid down on her pillows.

"First off, I made up with Camden!" She looked at me with a questioning look. "What?"

"Why did you make up with Camden? You guys were all cozy earlier today." She said.

"Oh." I had totally forgot that I didn't tell her about what happened earlier. "Long story short we got in an argument and I got pissed at him but I forgave him within like three or so hours, it's my new record." I told her and smiled.

"Congratulations!" She said and fake applauded and sat up, clearly interested now.

"So I forgave him and we started talking and he asked me to go to a Christmas ball with him!" I told her and squealed! "He said something about Draco but a ball! Oh I'm so excited! I need to find a dress and shoes and oh gosh what am I going to do with..." Kristen stopped me.

"What did he say about Draco? Like are you going to the Malfoy Christmas ball?" She looked kind of upset.

"Umm I think so, why does it matter?" I didn't understand why she would be upset about that. Did she not want me to go there or something?

"No reason." Kristen said and picked up her magazine again.

"No really tell me, do you not want me to be there or something?" She turned away from me. "'Cause if you don't want me to go I'll decline Camden, but that'll crush him and I'd have to have a good reason for him..."

"Okay okay I don't want you to go!" She finally faced me.

"Well why then?"

"Because of what Blaise told me this morning."

My body froze, "What did Blaise tell you?" I asked.

"He just said that he saw you and Draco making out, of course I don't believe him but it's just that. *sigh* You and Draco seem to get along really well and he seems to like being around you more than he should. I don't know, maybe I just felt special."

"But you are special Kristen, don't you see. You got yourself a great guy who's crazy about you and obviously you made a great impression on his mum already. You should be jealous of me or whatever because you should know that I only have eyes for Camden and that I'm crazy for him. And I would never do anything to hurt you, you know that too." I told her and sat on her bed. I looked at her, wondering if she had changed her mind or not.

"You're right Paige. I'm sorry." We hugged and after a few seconds or a minute or however long we were embraced I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"I'm happy that you're not mad at me any more but I stink and need a shower." I laughed and opened the door. I started the shower and let it warm up. I was in there for who knows how long, but it felt good to be clean and feel fresh. Once I was done I quietly opened the door to find everyone, including our two other never there room mates, sleeping. I opened my wardrobe and pulled out my pajamas. I tucked myself into bed and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up to a beautiful cloudless Sunday morning. I stretched and walked to the bathroom to clean my face and brush my teeth. After that I curled my hair into spiral curls and put on a regular t-shirt with a pair of my favorite pants and my new chucks that my parents had just bought me. I smiled at my reflection once I was dressed and skipped down to the Great Hall. When I entered the Hall I found Camden with Ryan and his other friends. I snuck up behind him and fell into his lap and kissed him. We got 'ow ows' and what nots from his friends and we rolled our eyes at them.

"Hello beautiful," Camden smiled at me. "You smell like citrus." I giggled and nuzzled into the space of his neck and I whispered into him 'thanks'. "So why are you in such a good mood this morning if I may ask."

"Because I you're the first thing I saw this morning." I said and hopped off his lap. "So how is everyone doing this morning?"

"Obviously not as good as you two." I heard someone muttered. I turned to see Ryan snickering with two other boys.

"Oh Ryan are you still upset about the whole Kristen being with Draco thing?" I asked and smirked at his face.

"Shut it Paige." He said and turned to his plate. Camden turned to him, about to say something but I whispered to him, 'It's okay, don't waste your breath.' I spent the rest of my breakfast talking with Camden and his friends, without a care in the world. When breakfast was almost over I turned to Ryan and took his hand.

"You know I bet if anything happened with Kristen and Draco," Which would never happen I thought to myself, "I know that Kristen would totally be interested in you, she was before they started dating anyway." I told him and kissed him on his cheek as I left with Camden. I turned to see Ryan blushing but I could tell he was jumping for joy on the inside. I leaned into Camden and smiled to myself as he lead me to who knew where.

"Did I ever tell you that yellow looks very sexy on you?" I asked him and he laughed.

"No you didn't but thank you for telling me, I'll wear yellow more often now." I laughed now too and smelled the very distinct smell that was Camden; fresh like a summer's day on a beach with a hint of cologne.

"You smell good too you know." He laughed again and kissed my forehead. "So where are we going exactly?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't know. All I know is that I want to be around you today." He pulled me closer to him and melted into him, not caring what people saw or thought.

"Camden." I stopped him and he looked at me. "What am I going to wear to the ball?" I asked and he laughed.

"It's not a ball-"

"I know that but when I say I ball I feel even more like Cinderella, just ugh forget the whole ball thing. I just want to know what I'm going to wear."

"Don't worry about a thing, I'll talk to my mum about it. Speaking of her I have to go message her." He kissed me and started up the stairs to the owlery.

"Umm and what am I suppose to do while you do that?" I asked and crossed my arms across my chest.

"Why don't you go find Kristen and hang out with her. Don't worry where you are, I'll find you. I promise." I rolled my eyes and nodded. I walked back down to the Great Hall to see a few people still sitting there, talking with each other. Two of those people happened to be Kristen and Draco. I took in a deep breath and walked over to them and sat across the table.

"Morning Kristen." I nodded toward her, "Draco." The same with him. "Mind if I join you?" Without waiting for a reply I sat down. "What did you two love birds do all morning?"

https://2img.net/h/oi17.tinypic.com/6b1fqqt.jpg (My shirt)
http://chicstories.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/truer2008021770-prod-medium.jpg (My pants)
http://www.zappos.com/images/108/108000/3034-15650-p.jpg (My shoes)
https://media.photobucket.com/image/brunette%20anime%20boy/Sara_Shadow/Other/AnimeBlonde-1.jpg?o=12 (this is what I pictured Ryan to look like)
http://img.diytrade.com/cdimg/910553/8811766/0/1240579547/Abercrombie_Fitch_Men_s_Stripy_Polo_Shirts.jpg (Camden's shirt)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 25, 2009 8:12 pm

I laid in bed for a while, thinking. It was cool that Paige was going to the ball, but I had been excited to be the only one of my friends that got to go. And the whole thing Blaise told me. Yes, I trusted Paige and Draco, but it wasn’t enough to stem my fears. I sighed in exasperation and tolled onto my back. Paige was in the shower so I was safe with my thoughts for now at least. I glanced out the window and started counting the stars. One, two, three, four I counted in my head. I heard the water turn off in the shower and curled up into the fetal position, pulling the blanket up to my chin. I pulled my spare pillow close to my chest and hugged it. What was it about Paige that made me feel so self-conscious? I was the one that got Draco, even though I knew she wanted him, even now. I could tell. I could see the longing in her eyes, even though there was joy in them when she looked at Camden.

I kept counting. Thirty-six, Thirty-seven, thirty-eight. I was lulling to sleep and I heard the door to the bathroom open. I forced myself to close my eyes and breath slow and steady. Paige got dressed and got into bed and soon, I could here her light snores, slow and steady. I pulled open my eyes, and knew that I wasn’t going to get much sleep tonight. I had to many things running through my brain. Did Draco want Paige like she wanted him? Was he only with me to make her jealous? Was I slowly being screwed over by my boyfriend and my best friend? I rolled over to the other direction, sighing heavily. I studied my bed curtains until I finally drifted off.


I woke up the next morning, Paige already gone. I forced myself up and into the bathroom. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes hoping today would be a good day. I jumped in the shower letting the cool water run over my body. It was Sunday, therefore no classes, but I had tons of exams throughout the week. I resigned myself to stick myself up in the library all day and study. And because I was going to be studying, I was going to wear pajamas. All day. I quickly got ready, pulling my hair into a quick ponytail and slipping on my favorite study shorts. They were short, about mid-thigh, and had colorful zebra stripes on a black background. I slipped on a plain black tank top and grabbed my jacket for good measure. I threw on some flip flops and decided to go get something to eat and come back for my books.

I made my way down to the Great Hall distractedly. I practically skipped down the stairs, jumping over the trick steps. I stuffed my hands into my jacket pockets as I made my way over to the Ravenclaw table, grabbing a bagel and some strawberry cream cheese along the way. I sat in the usual seat halfway down the table facing the rest of the hall, grabbing some good old’ OJ. I hummed to myself as I spread my cream cheese on my bagel. I took a big bite, not caring who was watching and started shaking my foot. For whatever reason, I was in a good mood. Relaxed and not caring.

“Well aren’t you little miss perky this morning!” I heard a familiar voice mutter in my ear. Draco plopped into the seat next to me, a wide smile on his face.

“I have nothing not to be perky about!” I beamed at him, staring into his completely clear eyes. There was doubt in my mind about him and Paige, but I kept my cool. I would get to the bottom of Blaise’s accusations eventually. I always did.

“So, what are you doing today?” He asked conversationally playing with a strand of my hair that managed to escape my ponytail.

“Studying.” I stated simply, taking another big bite of my bagel.

“That doesn’t sound like anything to be perky about!” He tugged on the hair lightly, teasingly.

“Unlike some,” I shot him a pointed look, “I actually enjoy doing schoolwork.” An innocent look overcame his face.

“I do enjoy school. All my work gets done!” I shot him a look, and a Cheshire grin crossed his face. “Not necessarily by me though.”

“So,” I started conversationally, trying not to let anything slip. “Camden invited Paige to your party on Christmas.” I watched his reaction closely, but he was the epitome of cool.

“Really? Well, he is pureblood, so naturally he gets an invite. But I’m not sure if Mother and Father will embrace the idea of Paige being there.” I shot him a confused look, and he sighed slowly. “Mother and Father aren’t fond of people like her. Like you.” He moved his hand from my hair to his lap, looking uncomfortable.

“What are we?” I asked, genuinely confused.

“Muggleborn.” He stated simply. “The only reason they put up with me talking to Paige is because of her ‘powers.’” He put an air quote around powers. “They like special things. Exceptional things actually. They only like the best.” I was catching on.

“And to them . . . Muggleborns . . .”

“Aren’t the best.” He finished for me. I nodded, understanding.

“Then what about me? Your mom seemed to like me. And they’re letting me go to the party.” I wrinkled my brow slightly. Maybe I didn’t get it.

“Ah, but you are the exception.” He said, moving his hand from his lap to grasp mine, pulling it toward him. He lifted one of his fingers. “One, you are dating a person in the family of the people throwing the ball. Two,” He lifted another, “That person happens to be they’re one and only son. And they can’t afford to make him unhappy. Three, you are absolutely amazing. Four, my mom loves you. Five,” He flipped my hand over and started tracing random designs on my palm. “I love you.” He muttered, drawing a small heart. My own heart skipped a beat. Draco looked up at me through his eyelashes and the hair that fell into his eyes. I pushed the strands aside and kissed him gently.

“I love you too.” I muttered, making his eyes light up. I glanced over passed Draco’s shoulder and noticed Paige walking toward us. I straightened up quickly, and Draco, shooting a quick glance over his shoulder, did the same. He shot a small smile at me as Paige stood across from us. I noticed she looked a little nervous, but I didn’t understand why. She didn’t have anything to be nervous about, or at least, she said she didn’t.

“Morning Kristen.” She shot a nod towards me. “Draco.” A nod at him. “Mind if I join you?” Before either of us could answer, she sat. “What did you two love birds do all morning?” I noted her nervousness. The purposeful tone, and deep, determined breaths. Oh yeah, our conversation shook her last night. I put a smile on my face, knowing that it stuck and looked genuine. I’d perfected this at my old school. Faking nice to people you hated and who hated you was an art form in Canada.

“Slept in late. I needed it!” I let my smile widen, and felt her tension ease, and mine along with it. Maybe my readings were wrong, and maybe she just was unsure whether I wanted to talk to her, but I was certain that wasn’t the case. “You?”

“Woke up, at breakfast. The end!” She smiled a genuine smile, one that had nothing but happy in it.

“So, Paige,” Draco leaned forward, his forearms resting on the table, “I heard Camden asked you to my party.”

“Yup!” She smiled happily. “I’m so excited!” She practically gushed. I finished off my bagel and smiled at Paige, giving Draco a quick kiss.

“I’ve got to get going. Lots of studying to do!” I walked out of the Great Hall, and looked over my shoulder quick. Draco sat with his hands to himself, making what looked like polite conversation with Paige. I didn’t have anything to worry about. I ran up to the common room, grabbed my bag, and headed off to the library. I took a seat in the very back in the farthest corner, hoping no one would find me. I popped in my head phones and settled myself in for some long hours. I cracked open my Charms book first, and started reading.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 25, 2009 10:27 pm

"Morning Kristen." I nodded toward her, "Draco." The same with him. "Mind if I join you?" Without waiting for a reply I sat down. "What did you two love birds do all morning?" I felt nervous for some reason, and I wasn't sure why. Maybe it's that Kristen seems to be catching on to Draco and my relationship, or maybe it's because being around Kristen now made me nervous, or did I think Kristen was mad at me? I just wasn't sure.

“Slept in late. I needed it!” She smiled at me and I felt my nervousness subside and I smiled back at her. "You?" She asked.

“Woke up, ate breakfast with Camden. The end!” I smiled a genuine smile, one that had nothing but happy in it, maybe to ease her state of mind.

“So, Paige,” Draco leaned forward, his forearms resting on the table, “I heard Camden asked you to my party.”

“Yup! I’m so excited!" I told him and looked at Kristen. She smiled and I just continued talking. "He asked me last night when we were walking the grounds together. I still need to find a dress! I mean these things do tend to sneak up on you some times you know?" Draco nodded and I saw Kristen lean down and kiss him and whispered, “I’ve got to get going. Lots of studying to do!”. He nodded to her and started talking to me.

"You know you don't have to stress about it, I'm sure whatever dress you pick will be fine." I saw him glance toward the door and I did too, Kristen was gone and I seemed to relax more. He grabbed him hand that was on my lap under the table and I smiled. "You'd look good in anything you wear you know that right?"

I nodded and smiled, "So what were you and Kristen talking about?" I saw him tense and I leaned closer to him, "I promise not to tell."

He sighed, "Nothing too important, she told me about you and Camden going to the party together. I told her that Mother and Father wouldn't be too thrilled about it, because you are muggle born." I nodded him to continue, "Then she asked about what Mother would think of her and so on and so forth, just talk." He told me and squeezed my hand and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sure that's all you talked about. So do you think your parents would be okay with me coming to the party though, I mean I don't want to upset them."

"No I'm sure once my father finds out he'll be ecstatic!" Draco said and smiled widely.

"And why would that be?"

"Well because of your powers of course." He froze and I sighed.

"You told him about that?!" I shouted at him. "No one but the teachers here and my fellow classmates were suppose to know about that Draco!"

"Why not?"

I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "Because people might want to use me for it! Duh! And..." I paused, I didn't want to offend Draco in anyway, "Isn't your dad a *whispers* Death Eater?" Draco looked upset at first then he bursted out laughing. "What?"

"He is but the Dark Lord isn't around right now, so what purpose would you be to him? Like I told Kristen he likes special things that are better than the best and extremely exceptional. Like your sister's power also, I'm sure he wouldn't mind meeting her either. And before you say anything he some how found out about her I swear."

"Fine. You're off the hook for now but I swear if I find out that you're lying to me it will be the end of you." I told him and squeezed his hand. He smiled too and I noticed he gaze switched from my eyes to behind me. I turned and smiled hugely, Camden was screening the Great Hall for me. I turned back to Draco and noticed his smile was gone replaced with an annoyed expression. "Stop it Draco he is my boyfriend and I don't get that look on my face when Kristen's around."

"Yeah that's because Kristen's your friend, right now Camden's my competition." He winked at me and smiled. "Your lover boy spotted you, better pick up and leave before he tries to start small talk with me." He gave my hand one quick squeeze and stood up. He started to walk away but turned back and leaned down to me, "Will you meet me after lunch by the lake?" He asked and I nodded and he smiled. Then he straightened up and left.

"What was Draco whispering to you about?" Camden asked from behind me. I turned to him and smiled, patting the spot next to me. "He was wondering if I would tutor him in Transfiguration, he didn't want to spill it to the whole Great Hall. So what did you ask your mum about that was so important that it couldn't wait until later?" I asked and kissed him on his cheek when he was sitting down.

"Just about a dress and if taking you would be okay with the Malfoys. I mean I could've just asked Draco but him and I don't really see eye to eye on things some times. So what do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Well I have studying to do so I'll start that after lunch, but I'm game for whatever you want to do." I told him and smiled. I found out that what he wanted to do was play mindless computer games with Ryan. Ryan is half muggle half wizard so he was raised in the muggle world and has a lot of up to date muggle things which is so fascinating to Camden. By lunch I was ready to pull my hair out, even in the wizarding world boys still like the same thing as muggle boys. Like breakfast I ate with Camden and his friends and once lunch was over I gave Camden a kiss and headed off to the library. Once I made sure Camden was no where near me I turned my course and went out to the grounds.

It was a gorgeous day today, there was a breeze but other than that it was quite comfortable. I walked briskly toward the lake, enjoying the breeze and the sunshine. Once I was at the lake I found a log close to the lake and decided to wait there. I sat on the ground and leaned against the log and looked out at the lake. My mind wondered from thing to thing but then Kristen came across my mind. How she and I instantly clicked and connected on the first day and were best friends since then on. How we both liked the same guy at one point but then me getting a boyfriend and her now dating our crush. Then it struck me that I didn't want to ruin or lose my friendship with her, no guy was worth it. At that point I jumped up and ran my way back to the castle. When I entered the castle I ran upstairs toward Ravenclaw tower and kept running once I was inside. I threw open the door and looked around, no Kristen insight. I sighed and fell on my bed.

My lungs gasped for the air they were deprived of while I ran. My heart was pounding in my chest, feeling like it was going to break through. I couldn't believe I was sneaking around for Draco, it was crazy! He's with Kristen and I'm with Camden and that's how it should stay, until both of us are broken up with our current relationship. I sat up and took deep even breaths and picked up my school books, I did have a ton of homework to do.


Hours went by, well only like three or less, and I was done with my homework. I dusted off my shoulders and looked around the room. Kristen still wasn't back and it was a couple hours till dinner and I didn't want to just sit around my room. I got up and grabbed Camden's jacket and was on my way out the door. I skipped down the halls, in a good mood after finishing my homework, and I skipped down the stairs too. Once I was on the main floor I turned and WHAM! I ran into someone and fell right on my butt, hitting my head on the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry! My fault, my fault." I said and sat up, rubbing my head. The person didn't say anything and when I opened my eyes I realized it was Draco. "Hi." I said and looked away.

"Where were you? I looked everywhere for you." He said, clearly pissed off. I stood up and looked at him.

"I can't do it anymore Draco I'm sorry." I said and walked past him. He came up behind me and pushed me into a dark corner.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, his forehead touching mine.

"I don't want to sneak out anymore. This time I mean it too." I told him, looking right in his eyes. He closed his eyes and took some deep breaths then he bent forward and kissed me softly, so softly, on my lips. My eyes shut and I kissed him back, sinking into the corner. When I opened my eyes Draco was looking at me, smirking.

"Now that doesn't look like you don't want to stop." I sighed and purposefully hit the back of my head on the wall.

"You don't get it Draco! I want to but I just can't take lying anymore! I'm not going to hurt Kristen! You can do whatever you want with whom ever you want, just count me out. I'm not that kind of girl." I told him and pushed past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him, I feel into his chest and he pulled my face up to look at him.

"Okay Paige I understand, but I need to be with you but my parents want me with Kristen."

"Why? I mean she's muggle born like I am."

"Never mind why, I can't be without you though. Something inside me needs you and I know you feel it too, you've told me before." His eyes were pleading but I looked away.

"I know what I said and it still holds true to this day, but I'm not going to risk my friendship with Kristen to please that urge inside me. It will die down sooner or later I'm sure." I told him.

"Tonight." He said.

"Tonight what?"

"Tonight meet me, one last time." He looked around, noticing people starting to come. "Some things need to be said between us."

I nodded, "Fine. Then after tonight, unless you give me a better reason than 'something inside me needs you', we will not sneak out to see each other anymore."

He smiled and kissed me sweetly and my mind went numb. "We'll meet here twenty minutes after dinner and walk from there." I nodded again and walked away, I really needed some fresh air.

I walked outside and let the now cold breeze hit me head on. I took in deep breaths, trying to calm my pounding heart and clear my mushy mind. I looked around, people were heading inside and I didn't blame them, it was freezing outside. I decided I wanted to walk toward the lake and just look and not think about anything. I shoved my hands in my pocket and bent my head down and walked to the lake. I was about half way down the hill when I noticed a certain red head sitting against a tree. I smiled and headed straight toward the tree. Once I was close I noticed that red head was crying and I ran the rest of the way.

"Hey Kristen." I said, concern in my voice and I pulled her to me. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 7:46 pm

I studied for hours. Hours and hours and hours. I made it through all of my History of Magic notes, made flashcards for Charms, Transfiguration, Potions and History of Magic, read through my Herbology chapters and got in some Astrology studying, even though we didn't have a test in that. I felt very accomplished. I had an hour and a half left until dinner, so I decided to do something I hadn't done in a while. I wrote. I didn't write very often, and it never was fantastic, but sometimes it's just what I needed to clear my head. It was just a little quick poem, absolutely nothing special. More of a ramble that rhymed.

By time I squeezed all that I could out of that one poem, I felt tons better. And I’d also realized some things. I gathered my books together and put my computer into it’s special bag. I practically ran out of the library and to the common room, up the stairs and into my dorm. I glanced around. Empty. I deposited my bags on my bed and went back down to the common room. I stopped some random student. “Have you seen Paige?” I asked hurriedly.

“Yeah. She left about five minutes ago . . .” He trailed off as I practically sprinted out of the common room. I had to find Paige and apologize. I was being so stupid about this whole thing. Of course she wasn’t doing anything with Draco. She was my best friend, and if I couldn’t trust her, then who could I trust? Certainly not Cho and that chick with the name. I ducked behind a tapestry that led right down to the main level. I had seen some older students duck in there a few days earlier and had followed them. I came out behind a tapestry to the left of the Marble Staircase. Just as I was about to pull the heavy tapestry aside, I heard voices. One of them distinctly male, one of them very female. They were talking in hushed whispers.

“I can’t do this anymore, Draco.” I heard the girl mutter. Draco? What was he doing? I heard some hurried footsteps and they shuffled right past me into a little alcove across the way. Unfortunately for them, their whispers were magnified by the echoing and I could hear them perfectly.

“What are you talking about?” Draco muttered in a rush. He sounded furious, and hurt.

"I don't want to sneak out anymore. This time I mean it too." That voice. I knew it. But really, it couldn’t be. I heard slight kissing sounds. Obvious kissing sounds.

"Now that doesn't look like you don't want to stop." The girl sighed, and by now, I was frozen, tears running down my face.

"You don't get it Draco! I want to but . . .” I never stuck around to hear the but. I knew who’s voice that was. I knew who the two people were. I slipped out from behind the tapestry and ran my way to the grounds, silently as possible. I found the first tree that would possibly afford me some coverage from the many students lingering around the grounds.

“Why is my love life always so fucked up!” I muttered to myself, sitting on the ground and pulling my knees up to my chest. I sighed and laid my forehead on my knees, breathing in deeply. I sniffled a little bit, but continued to breathe steadily attempting at calming myself.

I pulled my head up. And I was about to forgive her. That was a lesson learned. Writing was a sham, and gut instincts were pretty damn accurate. I was starting to get cold and pulled my legs even closer to me. I heard running feet and glanced up to see Paige sprinting at me full speed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Yeah. Now she cared.

"Hey Kristen." Her voice was filled with nothing but genuine concern as if she never figured I’d find out. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me to her. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I shoved myself away from her.

“Oh, please! Like you really care. Hell, you know already.” I stood up and pulled down my shorts, wiping off my butt. Here eyes started to well up, but I couldn’t afford to be distracted. “Just how long did you think you could go on without me finding out?! Really?! You think I wouldn’t figure it out eventually?!” I snapped at her, and stormed off. I heard her get up and say my name. I turned around. “No. Don’t even bother.” I continued my way up to the castle. I was pissed. More than pissed. I was furious.

I made my way through the entrance hall to the Great Hall. I could hear dinner going on. Voices chattering and happiness abounding. I pushed my way through the doors and stormed my way over to the Slytherin table, right to where Blaise and Draco were sitting. I grabbed Blaise and pulled him up, and planted my lips against his. He was shocked, and so was the rest of the school. Gasps rang around the hall. We stood like that for a good five seconds before I pushed Blaise away and turned toward Draco. I leaned down, right into his face. “How’s that for cheating with a best friend, you fucking asshole?” I spat at him. Those who could hear gasped, and those who couldn’t just kept on staring.

I didn’t care how much trouble I would get in. I didn’t give a rats as. I was livid. I stepped on the seat between Draco and Blaise, stepped on the table, and climbed down the other side, right to where Camden was sitting. I grabbed him and pulled him up, practically dragging him out of the great hall. He had a shocked look on his face, and we left everyone in silence.

The doors slammed behind us sending shockwaves throughout the school. I dragged Camden down the stairs and towards the Hufflepuff common room. “Kristen, what -”

“Not now.” I muttered, cutting him off, my anger still boiling. I stepped in front of the portrait I knew housed the Hufflepuff common rooms. “Open it.” I commanded, and he did just that. I pushed him in and came with him.

“Kristen, what is this all about?” He commanded, looking stern.

“Okay, look, I’m sorry. I just don’t have very many friends here and I needed someone to talk too.” I paced back and forth, running my hands through my frazzled hair.

“Well, you can start by telling me what the hell that was in there.”

“I heard Draco and some . . . Some slut.” I spat. I didn’t want to tell him about Draco and Paige. They could sort that out themselves. “They were talking about secret meetings. And meeting later today. And . . . And . . .” I sat on the couch, unable to finish. Camden sat next to me, rubbing my back. I calmed after a few minutes.

“I just knew me kissing Blaise would hurt him the most.” Camden nodded. “Camden, do you think I can stay here tonight? I don’t think I could face everyone.” I muttered, laying my head in my hands and sighing. This was all to much.

“Of course. Come on.” He led me up to his room and pulled back the blankets on his bed. I crawled in laying my head on his pillow. He tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead lightly. “Night.” He muttered, and I just muttered some nonsensical sound before drifting off.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 26, 2009 10:11 pm

"Hey Kristen." I said, concern in my voice and I pulled her to me. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

“Oh, please! Like you really care. Hell, you know already.” She stood up and my eyes started to well up. “Just how long did you think you could go on without me finding out?! Really?! You think I wouldn’t figure it out eventually?!” She snapped at me, and stormed off.

I stood up, "Kristen wa-"

“No. Don’t even bother.” She turned to say and continued her way up to the castle.

I stood there dumb founded staring at her disappearing form. How had she found out? Did someone else see us together? Did she somehow catch us in the act? When? All these questions flowed into my brain but then I finally realized where she was headed and that the most wonderful guy to ever enter my life was in there not knowing a thing. I quickly turned and sprinted up the hill after her, hoping to god I wasn't too late to stop her and whatever plan was going through her mind. I burst through the doors to hear sudden gasps coming from the Great Hall. Oh no I was too late! I ran to the doors to see Kristen planting a kiss on Blaise. Draco gaped at her his expression full of surprise and his eyes darted to me but quickly back to Kristen. I quickly walked to the Ravenclaw table and sat down next to Cho and her friend and tried to act as if I knew nothing of what was going on.

"What is Kristen doing?" I asked them and took my seat.

"I don't know." Cho answered and looked at me. "She just walked in here and then went straight over there and kissed Blaise. Obviously Draco did something to piss her off." I nodded and watched as Kristen bent forward and told Draco something. Oh god I'm dead I just know it. Then I saw her step on the Slytherin table then walked to where Camden was sitting. My eyes widened in horror as she grabbed Camden and yanked him out of the Great Hall.

"Paige aren't you going to stop her or get your boyfriend?" Cho asked and I shook my head.

"Camden's smart and so am I, we know when not to stop someone who may be having a mental breakdown. Oh don't tell anyone I said that, Kristen will hate me for it." I told her and a light bulb went off in my head. I finished my dinner chit chatting with my two other roommates about Kristen's behavior. Once dinner was over I stayed and watched everyone else leave, including Draco and Blaise. I caught Draco's eyes, knowing that I was still to meet him later. I nodded once and continued to pick at my food, thinking through my plan of action.

Twenty minutes after dinner I walked to the corner where I was suppose to meet Draco. I saw how empty the hall was, seeing as tomorrow was school again. It was kinda creepy walking down the hall by myself. Suddenly a hand grabs me from behind and I jump. I turn around to see Draco, looking pissed, worried, angry, and some how happy at the same time.

"I'm glad you came. I mean I didn't know if Kristen-" I put my finger to his mouth and looked behind him, seeing some light.

"What is that?" I asked and walked forward. I pushed against the wall and it opened, reveling a secret passage way. I walked up the passage and found that it was a fast way to get from the library to the Great Hall. "Did you know about this?" I accused Draco?

"What?! No! If I did why would I pull you to that corner?" He said and I hit him and stormed down the stairs, toward the Great Hall. "Paige!" He said and turned me around to face him.

"You did that on purpose didn't you!"

"Did what?" He said and looked guilty.

"Some how you knew Kristen would be coming that way to get to the Great Hall and it just had to be the corner where we were talking and you-" I couldn't finish but just stormed down the stairs before he stopped me again. "Why?"

"Because you told me that you didn't want to hurt Kristen but Kristen actually hurt herself and it was my fault so you're not to blame." He told me. "And because I wanted to see what she would do." Draco turned and mumbled to himself something very inappropriate. "Besides she knows now and we can be together, isn't that what you wanted?" I shook my head and left the passage way and stomped to the staircase, but turned around and went back to where Draco was.

"What I wanted was to not hurt Kristen at all but I realized that the only way not to hurt her is to not have anything to hurt her with. And you want to know something Draco, when I found Kristen, she was crying. Maybe I hurt her and our friendship but at least I didn't break her heart."

"Why do you say that?"

"It was the way she was crying and what resulted from me approaching her. That's the only reason she kissed Blaise like that in front of you. To hit you somewhere where it would hurt. You looked like an idiot in front of the whole school and worse is that your girlfriend had a break down. That's hurting your reputation of being macho and tough Draco." I told him and turned.

"Shit." I heard him say. "Paige." He said and I turned back. "What can we do to make it better?"

"Well first off we need to make her think she actually had a mental break down, and make her think she made it all up." I told him and grabbed his arm and walked up the passage way again. "I know this will work because Blaise keeps trying to tell her that you're a cheater and that he has proof. Kristen told me. Secondly she's been really stressed out lately: throwing the party, planning it, hearing nonsense from Blaise, you, homework, your parents, me, and you."

"Wait why am I named twice?"

"Because being around you is stressful." I told him matter of factly. "Now the only trouble is finding her." I told him.

"Didn't she take Camden somewhere? Maybe he knows." Draco said.

"Of course!" I said and changed our course instantly. When we reached the Hufflepuff entry way I turned to Draco. "Also, to make this work, you have to be willing to be the best boyfriend ever. Now when I say this I mean you can't sneak out to see me anymore, or even just talk to me when Kristen's not around or she'll get suspicious. That means there is no longer a me and you. You need to convince her nothing is wrong and that you are fully devoted to only her." I told him and he frowned.

"So this is sort of like good bye?"

I laughed and nodded, "Something like that and who knows maybe we'll feel differently about each other in a few months. Things change and so do people." I said and turned to the picture.

"Before we're over." He said and turned me to face him. When he kissed me all I felt was a needing from him and an understanding as well. The kiss was soft, sweet, and passionate. He wound his hand into my hair and the other wrapped around me while my hands wound around his neck. I wanted to remember every part of him because I knew this was the last time I could be with him for Kristen's sake. I pulled away and studied his face, every feature of his flawless skin, the way his eyes would look at me. I moved one hand to trace over his lips and face to remember the feel of them. I smiled at him and gave him one more sweet kiss.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded. We parted and as I opened the door I knew this is what was meant to be. We entered, me in front and him behind me, into the Hufflepuff common room. I saw a group of Camden's friends and walked up to them, "Hey guys, have you seen Camden? He was the last one to see Kristen and Draco wants to talk to her." I said and nodded behind me to Draco.

"Yeah Camden's in his room, I think Kristen's in there with him." I said my thanks to them and went to Camden's room. When we were in front of his door I knocked and stepped away. The door opened quietly and Camden's face peeked out from behind it. He smiled and quietly came out and shut the door quietly too. "Hi honey." I said and hugged him.

"Why is he here?" He said to me, he was sounding defensive.

"Draco wants to apologize to Kristen but we don't know where she is." I told him.

"She's in my room sleeping. You really hurt her you know! Once I find that bitch you were with I'll make sure, with the help of my friends, she never goes anywhere near you or Kristen ever." He said and cracked is knuckles and I gulped.

"He knows and I already saw him talking with the girl so don't worry about it." I told him and looked at Draco and he nodded. "Can you excuse us a second honey, I'm trying to help Draco not sound like an ass when he apologizes to her." Camden nodded and I kissed his cheek then dragged Draco down a hall away from Camden's hearing.

"What?" Draco asked annoyed.

"We have to get Kristen out of Camden's room! He obviously doesn't know about the 'us' part. I don't want Kristen to wake up and start screaming at you and ruining everything."

"How about you and Camden go out and talk to his friends while we talk, and if I'm in there for a long time be all like 'excuse me I need to check on Kristen and Draco.'" He said and I smiled and nodded.

"Sounds like a plan." I told him and went back to Camden. "Well he's as ready as he'll ever be. Why don't you and I go and talk with your friends while Draco and Kristen talk, privacy." I told him and he nodded.

"You're right I'd rather not hear Draco getting bitched out and crying like a girl." Camden said and Draco glared at him. I pushed Camden to the common room and looked back at Draco, "Remember make her think she had a break down of some sort." I whispered to him and quickly followed Camden.

Camden and I were laughing and talking with his friends. His arm was around my shoulders and I was snuggled close to him. I realized that when I'm with him I forget about everything else. Suddenly I looked at the clock and realized that Draco's been with Kristen for more than five minutes. I turned to Camden and whispered, "I'm going to check on those two, just to see how things are going." He nodded and I got up and walked to his room. I heard a very heated discussion taking place inside and I knocked twice and entered. Kristen was up in Draco's face and he was all red, I could tell he was trying not to get mad. When Kristen saw me she glared daggers at me.

"And you!" She shouted and stormed up to me. "You have the nerve to steal my boyfriend from me while you have your own! You're lucky that I didn't tell Camden about you two!" I looked at her making sure I didn't look upset at what she was saying.

"Kristen I don't know what you're talking about. That's why we're here to make sure everything is okay."

"Everything would be okay if you two weren't cheating liars! Blaise was right this whole time and yet I believe you two!"

"That's what I'm talking about Kristen, I think you need to sit down and hear us out real quick." She glared at me but sat anyway. I inhaled and continued, "You've been too stressed lately and I believe your subconscious made you hear whatever you heard. It just doesn't make sense that Draco and I would be together because I have Camden who is wonderful and Draco has you." I told her.

Draco pipped in, "I've been telling you that. You mean everything to me Kristen, if you didn't why would I ask you to my family's Christmas party and let you meet my mother? I told you I love you this morning, do you think I was making that up?" I looked at him, shocked but made sure that didn't register on my face, instead I nodded.

"You've been under a lot of stress lately Kristen. There was the planning for the Halloween party that we did, then you were invited to meet Draco's mother, and then there's the whole Blaise thing." I said.

"What about Blaise?" Kristen asked. The way she looked at us I think she was starting to believe us.

"Blaise is willing to do anything to you just so he can be with you." Draco said in disgust. "He's told me about it, he even has a little book with his plans written in it. I never thought he would stoop low enough to betray a friend."

"But Blaise-" Kristen started.

"Blaise will do anything to get you to be with him Kristen, even if that means ruining our friendship." I told her, all seriousness in my voice. I hated making Blaise look like the bad guy but he has said things to Kristen about Draco and me in the past. "Why would I do something to ruin our friendship. I mean you pretty much are my only friend her." I told her.

"Aww Paige." I heard Kristen say. I looked up to see Kristen standing and walking over to me, arms out in the hugging position. We hugged and that was when I knew we had her. "You're pretty much my only friend here too! I can't believe I might've had a break down but I have been pretty stressed lately." She told me and I nodded.

"You just need to remember that everyone gets stressed but people handle their stress differently. For me I usually just stop everything I'm doing and take time to take care of myself, like spend a day that is only for me." I told her and smiled.

Kristen turned to Draco who was looking at his feet, looking defeated. She walked over to him and kissed him on his cheek. He looked at her, smiled, and pulled her to him. "I'm sorry too Draco. I think I was just exhausted from all the studying I did. Who knows it could've been another couple kissing and talking. My mind really was focused on you." She said and looked embarrassed.

"You're always on my mind too." He said and kissed her gently. I smiled at them and we all hugged.

"But if I ever find out that you were or are cheating on me Draco you will be dead." She told him all too serious. He just nodded and kissed her forehead. We left the room and I walked over to Camden. "Thanks again Camden." Kristen said and left with Draco when Camden nodded.

"What happened?" He asked, confused.

"She loves him and he loves her, and she was willing to forgive him." I told him and kissed him.

I told him good bye and that I would see him tomorrow for breakfast. I headed straight up to my room. I was thankful that Kristen believed us and I was happy that Kristen was talking to me again. As I was thinking this Draco popped into my head. Yes I was sad that I had to call it quits on him but it needed to be done. I couldn't stand to hurt Kristen like I did tonight and I think he would agree. Still a part of me wonders what we could've been if we were together for real. Maybe I'll find out one day or maybe I never will. I thought back to the dream I had a couple of months ago and I realized that maybe even the feelings of others couldn't keep us apart.

When I entered the room I headed straight to the bathroom to take a shower, Kristen was no where in sight. When I was done I went back into our room and saw that Kristen was getting ready for bed also.

I smiled, "Hey Kristen!" I said and she turned and smiled at me. I climbed into bed and told her good night and shut my light off. There was a small doubt in my mind that Kristen didn't really believe us but that she loved both of us so much that she wanted to believe us to not hurt herself just the same. I thought of that possibility as I drifted off to sleep.

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 30, 2009 5:34 pm

I woke up to hear Camden talking out in the hall with some one. “Why is he here?” I heard Camden accuse.

“Draco wants to apologize to Kristen but we don’t know where she is.” Paige said. Paige? I sat straight up. What the hell was she doing here?

"She's in my room sleeping. You really hurt her you know! Once I find that bitch you were with I'll make sure, with the help of my friends, she never goes anywhere near you or Kristen ever." I heard Camden crack his knuckled menacingly and I could practically hear the glare in his voice. I smiled. Little did Camden know that the bitch was standing in front of him. At least Camden was protecting me. At least someone was being a real friend.

"He knows and I already saw him talking with the girl so don't worry about it." Yeah. Girl. I rolled my eyes. She was laying it on thick. "Can you excuse us a second honey, I'm trying to help Draco not sound like an ass when he apologizes to her." I could hear Paige dragging Draco down the hall. Probably for another make-out session. Camden came back into the room.

“Draco’s here.” He said to me. I pulled myself up into an Indian style sitting position.

“So I heard.” I said coldly, crossing my arms.

“You’re gonna have to face him sooner or later.”

“I’d rather it be never.” I looked toward Camden’s headboard and didn’t meet his gaze. He walked up to me jerked my face toward him.

“Kristen, you are talking to Draco.” He stated firmly, and I knew there was no room for argument.

“Fine.” I glared at him. He smiled at me and made a face that I couldn’t help but smile a little at. “You know, you really are a good friend.”

“I know.” He walked out of the room.

"Well, he's as ready as he'll ever be. Why don't you and I go and talk with your friends while Draco and Kristen talk, privately.”

"You're right. I'd rather not hear Draco getting bitched out and crying like a girl." And he would. I was going to kick that boys ass. I heard Camden and Paige walk downstairs. I was right not to tell Camden that Paige was the slut. I couldn’t break his heart too. I heard the door creak open and Draco walked in. I glared at him and didn’t hold back one bit.

“Draco.” I kept glaring and got out of the bed.

“Kristen.” He muttered quietly.

“You sure have enough audacity coming up here.” I walked up to him and stood a few feet away, my arms still crossed tightly.

“I don’t know what you mean.” He had a look in his eyes that told me he knew exactly what I was talking about. “And what the hell was that in the Great Hall? You made me look like an idiot!” He erupted. The famous Malfoy temper was coming out.

“What the hell was that?! What the hell was that in that alcove Draco?! You Told me you loved me this morning! That you fucking LOVED me! And then I hear you and Paige making out?!”

“What the hell are you talking about?!” He exploded.

“I’m talking about this. ‘I can’t do this anymore, Draco! Oh, what are you talking about? Do what?” I mocked. “That’s what the FUCK I’m talking about!” I was right in his face. “Do you have any idea how embarrassed I felt?! How . . . How. . . Heartbroken?! Can you even comprehend the fact that you can’t do whatever you want?!” I screamed at him

“How embarrassed you were? What about me?! You went up in front of the entire school and kissed my best friend! You had a fucking mental breakdown in front of the entire school!” I smacked him. Hard. “What the hell was that?!” He yelled.

“You fucking deserved that you asshole! How can you accuse me of having a mental breakdown when obviously you never even had a mind! Did you not think I would find out?! I’m not an idiot! You’re just lucky I didn’t tell Camden it was Paige that you were fucking!” I yelled.

“Fucking?! We didn’t do anything!”

“How can you stand there and lie to my face?! How can you stand there and pretend like I didn’t hear everything between you two?!”

“Because nothing did happen!” He yelled back.

“UGH.” I sighed. “I know what the hell happened! You and that dirty little slut have been sneaking behind my back!”

“Slut?! Paige is not a slut! If anything you are!”

“Me!” I screeched. “I’m not the one fucking around with someone else’s boyfriend!”

Draco’s face was red and he looked like he was about to explode. Just then the door opened and Paige walked in. I glared at her. “And you!” I stormed up to her. "You have the nerve to steal my boyfriend from me while you have your own! You're lucky that I didn't tell Camden about you two!" I yelled. She didn’t look upset at all, which threw me off a bit.

"Kristen I don't know what you're talking about. That's why we're here to make sure everything is okay." She stated simply.

"Everything would be okay if you two weren't cheating liars! Blaise was right this whole time and yet I believe you two!" I was so mad. How could she act like nothing happened?

"That's what I'm talking about Kristen, I think you need to sit down and hear us out real quick." I glared at Paige and sat in a chair. I crossed my arms and legs, fully telling by just body language alone that I didn’t want to hear her, but it appeared as if I had no choice. "You've been too stressed lately and I believe your subconscious made you hear whatever you heard. It just doesn't make sense that Draco and I would be together because I have Camden who is wonderful and Draco has you." She attempted. I rolled my eyes.

Draco pipped in, "I've been telling you that. You mean everything to me Kristen, if you didn't why would I ask you to my family's Christmas party and let you meet my mother? I told you I love you this morning, do you think I was making that up?" Paige glanced at Draco, not exactly expecting the whole ‘I love you’ part. The shock barely registered on her face, and then it was gone. Everything Draco said was complete bull.

"You've been under a lot of stress lately Kristen. There was the planning for the Halloween party that we did, then you were invited to meet Draco's mother, and then there's the whole Blaise thing." She stated. She was good at this.

"What about Blaise?" I stuck a placid look on my face, although all I wanted to do was roll my eyes, slap them both in the face, and storm out.

"Blaise is willing to do anything to you just so he can be with you." Draco said in disgust. "He's told me about it. He even has a little book with his plans written in it. I never thought he would stoop low enough to betray a friend."

"But Blaise-" I started, but Paige cut me off.

"Blaise will do anything to get you to be with him Kristen, even if that means ruining our friendship. Why would I do something to ruin our friendship. I mean you pretty much are my only friend here." I think they were getting desperate, pinning the whole thing on Blaise, but they were partly right. Blaise was desperate.

"Aww Paige." I said. I stood up and extended my arms, ready for a hug. Inwardly, I was kicking myself. Why was I forgiving them? Really? I hugged Paige. "You're pretty much my only friend here too! I can't believe I might've had a break down but I have been pretty stressed lately." I was bullshitting. I knew I didn’t have a breakdown. But I think this was better than hating Paige and Draco, at least for now.

"You just need to remember that everyone gets stressed but people handle their stress differently. For me I usually just stop everything I'm doing and take time to take care of myself, like spend a day that is only for me." I rolled my eyes inwardly. Now she was giving me advice on handling stress? There seemed to be a lot of eye rolling in this conversation. Probably because all of this was such bull.

I turned toward Draco, who was standing there looking at his feet. He could almost pass for looking defeated, but I could see the anger still lingering in his features. I walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. He glanced up and smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest. "I'm sorry too Draco. I think I was just exhausted from all the studying I did. Who knows it could've been another couple kissing and talking. My mind really was focused on you." I knew I looked embarrassed, just like the good girlfriend should after something like this.

“You’re always on my mind too.” He kissed me gently and it almost felt real. Paige smiled and hugged us both.

“But, if I ever find out that you were, or are, cheating on me Draco, you will be dead.” I said, dead serious. He nodded and kissed me on the forehead. We all walked downstairs, Paige ahead of Draco and I. “We need to talk.” I mumbled, quiet enough so Draco could hear me but Paige couldn’t. He just nodded. We walked straight out of the common room, me yelling a quick thanks to Camden.

We walked down the corridor and once we turned the corner, we let go of each other.

“You know.” He stated simply.

“Of course I do. You think I was going to believe that bullshit Paige was spinning?”

“I knew you wouldn’t, but it was worth a shot.” I nodded and we continued walking. “What do we do now?” He asked.

“What do you want?” I countered. We rounded a corner and found a bench to sit on.

“I want you.” He stated simply. “And Paige. But I can’t have both. And apparently I can’t have Paige.”

“So I’m just the backup?” He looked shocked.

“No! No!” He sputtered. “I like you, but I like Paige too. It’s just, I like you differently.”

“Then where do we go from here?” I asked, confused, self-conscious, and angry all at the same time.

“I dunno.” He mumbled. “I mean, Paige and I are definitely done. That last little ‘meeting’ was so she could tell me that we can’t meet anymore.”

“But you didn’t want to stop?” I asked quietly, surprisingly hurt.

Draco seemed to realize what he had said. He scooted over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, but this time I didn’t resist. “I’m sorry for this whole thing. It’s just, I liked Paige before I liked you, you know? I guess I just had some latent feelings. But I’m done with her.” I nodded, believing him. “So, we’re good?” I nodded again. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face toward him gently, kissing me softly, sweetly. I kissed him back and then tucked my head into his neck.

“Draco, Promise me something.” I mumbled, my eye lids heavy.

“Hm?” He mumbled, the sleep evident in his voice.

“Next time, just dump me first.” This seemed to jar him, and he pulled away from me.

“What do you mean ‘next time?’ I told you, there isn’t going to be a next time.”

“I don’t mean with Paige. I just mean in general. Next time you want to be with someone else, just have the decency to break it off with me first.”

“No.” He stated simply.

“What?” I asked. It seemed like a simple request.

“I won’t. There isn’t going to be a next time, nor is there going to be anyone else.” He took my face between his hands. “That, I promise.” I nodded again, and he kissed my forehead. “Come on. We better get to bed.” I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked together as far as the intersection to where the Slytherin commons were and upstairs. He kissed me gently. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Night.” I mumbled. I was exhausted. What a night! I ran quickly up to the Ravenclaw common room and then up to the dorm. I changed into my Pajamas quick and was just getting into bed when I heard a voice come from behind me.

“Hey Kristen!” It was just Paige I smiled at her and then snuggled under my blankets, pulling my curtains closed. I could here Cho and her friend whispering in the bed next to me. I swore I heard my name more than once, but I didn’t stress about it. I just fell asleep.
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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 30, 2009 10:05 pm

I woke up the next morning still feeling tired and not well rested at all. I huffed and pushed myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face, hoping that would wake me up enough so I wouldn't look like the walking dead. It helped a little but I was still really tired and wanted I to do my hair really pretty today but I felt like I didn't have the energy to. So I ended up taking part of the front of my hair and braiding it to the right and then I put my hair into a side shoulder pony tail. I put on a small amount of make-up and went back into the room to get my uniform on then head to breakfast.

It took me forever to get down to the Great Hall that morning. My feet were dragging and I had trouble keeping my eyes open. When I finally made it to the Great Hall I went over and sat next to Camden. He turned and smiled at me and kissed my cheek when I sat down. I smiled back and laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"What's wrong hun? You look exhausted." He said and played with my pony tail. I nodded and nuzzled him more. "How's Kristen?" He asked.

"Don't know. Wasn't awake. Too tired." I said, not making any sense at all. I felt him laugh and I turned to look at him. "What?"

"Nothing it's just that you're normally really awake and happy in the morning. I've never seen you like this before." He said.

"Oh." I said and laid my head back down on his shoulder.

"You've got to be kidding me." I heard him mutter angrily and I picked my head up to see what he was talking about.

Kristen walked into the Great Hall with Draco by her side. Her head was on his shoulder and she was laughing and smiling with him. He looked at her, love showing clearly in his eyes. They both looked as if what happened yesterday never happened at all. I smiled and looked at Camden. For some reason Camden looked really pissed off and angry at them.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked and sat up. "Their happy, that means we should be happy."

"I know I know it's just that. Malfoy always gets what he wants no matter what happens to anyone else. He really hurt Kristen yesterday, you could see it in her eyes and just how she acted. He clearly broke her heart and with just a little apology with the help of you she forgives him. It just sickens me." I looked at him, shocked, and he laughed. "I know I sound stupid. I guess I feel sort of protective of Kristen, like she's my little sister or something. I just have a need to protect her I guess." I kissed him softly.

"That's the sweetest thing ever Cam. Kristen's lucky to have a friend like you."

"Thanks. I just think of what I would do if someone did that to my little sister and that's what I'll do for Kristen. She's a great girl, you picked a keeper there Paige." He said and I smiled.

"I know." I told him. We talked and ate together for the rest of breakfast. Slowly I became less tired and more energetic, ready for the day. I kissed him good bye and caught up with Kristen and Draco as they headed for class. "Hey you two! Oh I'm so happy you guys are talking again and I'm happy that you're not mad at me anymore!" I told Kristen and gave her the biggest hug I could muster.

"Same here baby!" She said and hugged me back.

"I think you and I should do some girl stuff after classes are over today." I told her.

"Like what?" She asked and grabbed Draco's hand as we all walked to Transfiguration together.

"I don't know. Paint our nails, do make overs? I know, a spa day!" I told her. We only had morning classes today and it would be a perfect time for us to talk. "What do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan. I hope you didn't have anything planned for us Draco." Kristen said and looked at him.

"Nope not today at least." He said and smiled. Kristen leaned forward and kissed him. I smiled but caught Draco looking at me for a quick second then he looked back at Kristen. "Whatever makes you happy." He said.

I hoped classes went quickly today. I was so excited for Kristen and my spa day! We really hadn't had a real girl time with each other in a long time so I think this is something we both needed. I wondered if Kristen was as excited as I was about this.

http://media.onsugar.com/files/ons1/352/3526500/29_2009/31/braided-hairstyles5.jpg (my hair)
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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 10:08 pm


Things have been pretty interesting around here since I started seriously dating one Severs T. Snape Potions Master and my very own professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For one I was getting graded a lot harder in class than I normally did but that was because of all the extra 'potion lessons' I'd been receiving. Which is really unfair I think considering all my lessons consisted of Sev taking me out to dinner, to the theatre, the zoo (magical and non), dancing, even to the Muggle movies (which we both adore) and out of the country for a long weekend basking in Greece. I've been happy to spend so much time with him because the happier we get, the closer we become to each other the more my visions showed his death or worse I'd tried to block these out as much as possible.

I wasn't blind to the drama going around on the tiny Hogwart's grounds but I had a lot on my plate juggling not only a relationship with Severus but with my pack which was now minus one member (Cedric had severed all communication with the twins and Lee after the pj party). Cedric was also becoming increasingly difficult to deal with, refusing to comprehend that I was off limits, taken and certainly not interested in him romantically. Sev was becoming infuriated with poor Cedric and I was reaching the point in my patience that soon I'd let Severus deal with the Diggory problem in his own Slytherin-y way.

In the middle of all the drama concerning the first years and my fellow 'Puff Camden was my sister. I decided not to interfere, which is increasingly becoming my policy with all matters concerning family and this school. Sometimes people need to make their own mistakes, it would cause a lot of heart ache but in my heart and mind I knew it was for the best. Paige, Draco, Kristen and Camden...their choices would shape them I could only interfere when I knew something would certainly end in tragedy.

Walking down the halls of Hogwarts I felt and heard the school groan in appreciation as I ran my hands lovingly threw the walls, Hogwarts was the best pet I could have. "Taylor?" I heard the confused voice ring out, turning I saw Draco at the end of the hallway. Perfect. The blonde had been avoiding me for quite sometime now perhaps he knew that some of my premonitions had concerned him or maybe that look of fear on his face was because of my sisterly involvement with Kristen more likely he was concerned that his fellow housemates had sold him out to me. Any of these would have been a correct guess though substitute housemates with Hogwarts and you would have the right answer.

Turning on his heal Draco started to skitter away until I muttered a spell that had him sticking to the floor, magic was so useful I didn't have to chase anyone down anymore. Walking up to him twirling my wand I smiled my sinister smile. "Draco let's go have a talk yes?" He nodded and I could just tell that his mouth was dry, fantastic.

Unsticking him I took his arm firmly in mine and we began walking to the lake. Everyone we passed gave us a wide berth and began whispering amongst themselves I knew by the time we returned I'd have a worried Kristen to deal with, well I wouldn't hurt her sweetie...unless I had too. Once we reached the shores of the lake I tossed Draco carelessly under the branches of my willow tree. Walking inside I magically sealed the branches so that Draco couldn't leave and I cast a charm that would keep our conversation secret, I wasn't just going on dream dates with Snape during our detention time together.

"Taylor I can explain." He began not even attempting to stand, which took the fun out of magic-ing him to the ground. Holding up a hand I silenced him, without magic. "Listen I don't want to hear excuses Malfoy. I know everything." When I said everything I tapped a finger to my head to draw attention to my special gift. "I know what's going to happen to almost everyone in this school for at least the next fifty years." A bit of an exaggeration but I was allowed that. "I try not to interfere but let me tell you something, you are a child soon much sooner than everyone expects you will be a man. Plots that you have no idea about are in motion that will cause everyone a lot of pain and I will only tell you to tread lightly...soon I won't be this nice." I unmagiced him and when he stood I socked him in the face.

I didn't interfere with the future but I could take some pleasure in that knowledge. I left Draco with a bloody lip and a swollen face, I was smiling as I strutted back to the castle.


Life continued on even after my mother's death. In mourning my hair was long and black stretching down to my knees, my eyes were the same shade of black peering out from my ghost white face. I received stares, my brothers for once ignored me knowing that my grief for the woman that bore me had changed me, perhaps forever. Trying to cheer myself up I walked into the Gryffindor common room and sat down with Harry. Harry was such a beautiful boy and he reminded me of my younger self, sadly the first year was up to his ears in homework and I couldn't bring myself to disturb him.

So here I was wandering the halls in my dazed stupor not looking at the faces around me when the urge took me. Rushing outside I stowed my clothes in a hole Taylor had showed me and transformed myself into my animagus. I began to run, I didn't care where my paws took me....though I remembered that later that night Kristen and I had a lesson planned so I had to be back after dinner.

Annie: I walked into the school my extra long robes swishing loudly on the floor or at least it was loud to me but then everything was a little louder to me. My Muggle Aunt had had to leave me in Hogsmeade to travel to Hogwarts in the company of Hagrid the school's ground keeper. I kept my eye on the half giant having known one in Japan that had been extremely violent however this man seemed quite tame I wonder if he has a spell on him.

The school was larger than I expected though I was glad for a sprawling grounds and forest, though I'd been told to stay out of this, flying at night would be easier with all the land available and I didn't fear the forest I was a creature myself though not as much as I could be. Now that I wandered the halls alone searching for the Transfiguration class room I was able to walk the way I preferred silently like a shadow moving across the moon. I entered the classroom stocked full of students in my own colors though this was not the corrected timetable for me to be here. Blushing a deep scarlet I tried to leave the room without anyone noticing, unfortunately I tripped over the robes designed to hide my wings (DAMN) and fell down the stairs to rest at the feet of the professor.

"Mr..." She said in a cold crisp voice, that was also puzzled having not seen me before. "Walker. Anakin Walker..." I said trying to make myself invisible, it didn't work the way I wanted I felt all the eyes in the room on me. "Ah the new transfer student, well you've realized this is not your class so perhaps you should return to your common room." The color drained from my face as I bowed and began to climb the stairs, once more I tripped on my robe and managed to catch myself on a leg. Not knowing what to expect I looked up and saw lovely green eyes staring out of an ivory pale face shrouded in a startling red. The dazzling beauty this first year had couldn't be ignored and I felt my fangs slide out returning me from my star struck state to the now where I skittered quickly out of the room.

Outside I managed to catch my heart which was pounding in my throat, I wanted to possess her in a way I had never wanted to possess another and yet I feared her more than I did anything else. Pondering this I allowed myself some free time and floated back to my room, the halls were empty and therefore I didn't even have to stay close to the ground, I reached the common room with my feet planted firmly on the ceiling, trying to get that face out of my brain.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 01, 2009 10:17 pm

The next morning when I woke up, I felt completely awake. I jumped out of bed to see everyone else was gone and glanced at the clock. No wonder I was so awake! I slept an hour and a half later than normal! I ran to the shower and quickly did my deeds and then scrambled into my uniform, not doing anything special. By time I was making my way down the Marble Staircase I was only ten minutes off schedule and very proud of myself. I jumped down the last few steps and started skipping to the Great Hall. Just as I started my skip into the Great Hall, I felt someone grab me around the waist and sling me over their shoulder, carrying me away.

“Draco Malfoy, if you fart, I will kick your ass.” I could feel his laugh rumble through his body, but instead of hearing it, he bit me on the leg. I squealed and squirmed as Draco dropped me in front of a statue. I sat down on the ground in a huff and checked the back of my leg. “You left marks!” I exclaimed pointing the spot on the back of my leg. He grinned and proceeded to get down to my level and kissed the spot on my leg.

“Better?” He asked, his grey eyes sparkling with mirth and a grin breaking out across his face. I nodded and kissed him.

“You’re practically my hero.” He smiled again and kissed me. “Except for the fact that you put it there.” Right then, my stomach growled audibly. I pouted and pointed to my stomach. “Hungry.” I stated staring at Draco.

“Yes ma’am!” He scooped me up into his arms and carried me toward the Great Hall. He put me down just before we entered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I laughed as Draco nibbled on my shoulder and I turned my head into his to get away from it.

I started to veer toward the Ravenclaw table, but Draco held fast. “You are eating with me today.” He stated firmly. I glanced over to the table seeing Blaise already sitting there, glaring at us.

“But -” I started, only to be silenced by his lips.

“No Buts.” He stated, steering me towards a seat opposite Blaise. I sat down reluctantly, nodding towards Blaise politely, unable to meet his gaze. He got up without a moment to spare and stalked out of the Great Hall. I ate quietly as all the Slytherins either stared in awe or glared. Draco would turn and smile at me every so often, but for the most part we ate in silence. When we finished eating and got up to head to the first class of the day.

As we headed out of the doors Paige caught up with us. "Hey you two! Oh I'm so happy you guys are talking again and I'm happy that you're not mad at me anymore!" She gave me a huge hug, and I hugged back. I wished she just wouldn’t talk about it. At all. Ever. Knowing for sure that she had a thing with Draco just made me sick, and I’d rather forget about it.

“Same here baby!” I smiled and hugged back.

“I think you and I should to some girl stuff after classes today.” She exclaimed.

“Like what?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Paint out nails, do make overs.” She gabbed. “I know! A spa day! What do you think?” I grabbed Draco’s hand and he interlaced our fingers. I glanced at him and his eyes were only on me, dead serious, almost as if he was trying to show me he meant what he said last night.

“Sounds like a plan!” I turned toward Draco. “I hope you didn’t have anything planned Draco!” I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

“Not today at least.” I leaned in and kissed him gently, and I could sense he was uncomfortable for a second. “What ever makes you happy.” We walked to class quickly, Paige and I talking nonsense about what we would do that day.

Classes went by way to slow, and I made it back to the room before Paige. We had separate classes last period and I had apparently gotten out earlier than her. I pulled out my extra bath stuff from under my bed, setting it out on my bed. I changed into comfier clothes; A wife beater and a pair of plaid boxer shorts. Paige came in just as I slipped on my slippers.

“You look comfy!” She said as she ditched her bag.

“And you don’t!” I replied, laughing as she stripped off her clothes with exaggerated groans. She changed into her pajamas and climbed up onto my bed.

“What first?” She asked. “Hair, makeup, nails, girl talk?”

“Facials, then nails, then hair, then makeup, and girl talk the entire time!” I responded.

“Deal!” We both pulled our hair back into high ponytails and kept our bangs back with headbands. I got out my facial stuff my mom had sent me for my birthday, and we started putting it on, giggling as we drew dinosaurs and dragons on each others faces. I got out my giant basket of nail polish, grabbing a nail file. We started filing our nails in silence. I mentally promised myself to attempt and stay away from the subject of boys, at least for a while.

“Did you notice today, in Herbology, when Terry Boot’s pants fell down?” I asked her, attempting to lighten the mood.

“Yes!” She laughed. “And he was wearing dinosaur boxers!”

“And they were pink!” I exclaimed, laughing really hard.

“They were? I didn’t notice! How’d I miss that?”

“I dunno how you could’ve! I have a sneaking suspicion Ron Weasley is behind it!”

“I wouldn’t doubt it!” I had finished filing my nails, and dug through the basket to find a good color.

“What color do you think?” I asked, holding up two different colors, one ruby red, and one emerald green.

“Green. What about for me?” She asked, holding up a bright pink bottle and slightly less pink one.

“Hm. Pink, or pink?” I asked, giggling. “I think the hot pink one! Because you’re so hot.”

“That is a valid conclusion.” She stated, opening up the cap. I did her left hand while she did mine and then we switched.

“I think it’s time to take these masks off! I can’t move my face!” I exclaimed, blowing on my finger nails.

“Me neither!” We raced to the bathroom and started scrubbing the green goop off our faces, and then wiping off the extra from each others.

“Hair next!” I exclaimed

I smiled and dragged her out of the bathroom, sitting her down in a chair. I took out her hair and started running my hands through it and then brushing it out.

“Hm. What to do.” I muttered, playing with a few strands.

“French braid.” She whispered.

“Huh. I think me subconscious is telling me to do a French braid.” I said, while starting it.

“I believe so too.” She muttered, he eyes fluttering closed and sighing slightly. I slowly pulled the strands of her hair together tightly, tying off the end when I finished. Without missing a beat, Paige’s eyes opened and a grin spread across her face. “Your turn!” She exclaimed sitting up and examining herself in the mirror. “I think I might have to have you do my hair more often. This looks awesome!”

“Thanks.” I muttered as she pushed me down into the chair. She maneuvered her way around the chair, grabbed a brush, and slowly ran it through my hair. She put the brush down and started playing with my hair, pulling it this way, twisting it that way, holding it up here and there.

“Hm.” she muttered. She grabbed a few bobby pins off the bedside table and started pinning. She twisted my hair a bit, and pinned some more. She came around to stand in front of me and swiped a few strands of hair out of my face before standing up straight, hands on her hips, and a broad smile covering her face. “Perfect!” she stated, grabbing the hand mirror and holding it out for me. My hair was relatively off my face with a few strands still remaining, the rest pulled back into somewhat of an updo.

“It’s gorgeous!” I exclaimed, turning my head from one side to the other, admiring Paige’s handiwork.

“Makeup next!” She smiled, grabbing her makeup bag and mine, pooling the contents together on the desk. “Close your eyes.” She commanded, and I did so. I felt her messing around with foundation, blush, and other things. “Open.” I did so, and she started applying eyeliner. And so it went. I would open my eyes and close them on command. She worked on me for nearly 45 minutes until declaring me ‘finite.’ I reached out my hand, attempting to grab the mirror, but she swatted my hand away. “No looking!” She commanded. “Now it’s my turn!”

I stood up and she sat in my place. I examined the array of contents scattered across the desk. “Close your eyes!” I sang, and started applying the skin area makeup, and once that was finished, I started on her eyes. I did her eyeliner first, dark black on both top and bottom lids, before starting on her eye shadow. I started by applying a darkish purple to the outer corners, and then a lilac near the crease and then a lavender to the actual lid part. I blended this together, making it look absolutely perfect. I touched everything up quick. All in all, it barely took me a half an hour. I was quick.

“Done!” I exclaimed. “Now for the unveiling!” I pulled her up out of the seat and raced to the bathroom. I glanced into the mirror, examining my eye makeup. My eyes were all smokey looking, the green of my iris standing out startlingly. I glanced over at Paige to see her smiling broadly.

“It’s perfect!” She exclaimed, and I grinned back at her.

“No, Mine’s perfect!” We hugged laughing. I glanced at the clock. It was nearly 5! I had a lesson with Phyre in 15 minutes. “Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed, running back into the room. “I’m late for my lesson with Phyre!” I yelled at Paige. I quickly changed out of my boxers and tank top and pulled on the first thing I found: A black and white sundress. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my bag. “Bye!” I yelled dashing down the stairs.

I managed to make it down to the marble staircase without tripping or running into anyone. I wasn’t paying attention though, when someone tripped in front of me. I felt a hand grab my leg, and I glanced down to see a very cute, very shy looking boy holding on to my leg. He had black hair and blue eyes so dark, they nearly looked grey. I smiled uncertainly at him, noticing the Ravenclaw robes, but having never seen him before, I didn’t know what to make of him. “Are you -” I started, but he scurried off before I could even finish. I watched him turn a corner, glancing back at me, his eyes looking a purple-ish color now. I was intrigued, but I didn’t have time to think on it. I ran down to where the empty classroom to where Phyre and I planned to meet to see him already there, leaning against a desk, looking very cool and collected.

“Evening.” I muttered, setting my bag down. For whatever reason, I was always put on edge around Phyre. Maybe it was his always changing appearance, or maybe it was because his appearance was always so dramatic. “What’s on the lesson plan for tonight?” I asked, slipping off my shoes and enjoying to cool stone against my feet. I flexed my toes a little bit, sighing as the cool cobblestones penetrated my skin. I turned to look at Phyre, to see him studying me.

“This time, we’ll be changing more physical features than just hair and eyes.” He said, wandering toward me. “Hands, height, ears,” he muttered, trailing a finger across my cheek, making me shiver, “and other things.” He continued, glancing down to what I thought was my breasts, but I was sure I was mistaken.

“What first then?” I asked, turning to face him, only to find him standing closer than I expected.

“Something easy. We’ll start with hands.” He grabbed mine, and held it up against his. I want you to change it, just like last time, to the relative size of my hand.” I nodded, and focused. I could feel the bones and muscles in my hands start to flex and stretch, but it hurt. I ground my teeth together in concentration, and eventually my hand started to stretch, little by little, until I had a very large had at the end of my arm.

“This is weird.” I stated, flexing my hand.

“Now, change it back.” I did as told, although it took a while. We continued like this, me changing certain parts of my body to match Phyre’s. We went at this for a while until dinner time. We walked together toward the Great Hall, but then went our separate ways to our separate tables.

I sat next to Paige, glancing down the table to try and find the boy I had run into. I didn’t spot him at all, so I resigned myself to eating with Paige, Cho, and Marietta, who was apparently the other girl in our dorm. Paige and I kept rolling our eyes at their meaningless gossip.

After dinner, I made my way up to the dorm, and collapsed into bed. I didn’t even bother changing before I fell asleep, and I was out in minutes.

Paige's Hair - http://cdn.content.compendiumblog.com/uploads/user/32d7512b-dd95-44aa-ab2a-25940f98d1f8/3102d7b7-1b23-4012-822a-2726715fb7c2/Image/6b7e44e2975cb4749ffa50a9be786cea.jpg
My Hair - http://www.updoprincess.com/Half_Updo_with-soft_curly-long-hair.jpg
My Makeup - http://www.flickr.com/photos/daisydisaster/3358045479/
Paiges makeup - http://www.flickr.com/photos/daisydisaster/3358862556/in/photostream/
my dress - https://media.photobucket.com/image/sundresses/champagnemaiden/peos/charlotterusse.jpg
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue Nov 17, 2009 7:15 pm

While I was doing Kristen's hair I decided to break the silence with some gossip that I had heard. "So did you hear about Ryan yet?"


"You know Ryan, Camden's friend."

"Oh jeez I feel stupid, okay what about Ryan?"

"I hear that he and Cho have a thing for one another." I told her and she turned to look at me, almost wrecking my master piece.

"Are you joking?" Judging by the look on her face Kristen looked really pissed about that.

"No I am not. You should've heard Ryan talking about how yesterday he and Cho bumped into one another and they started talking and one thing lead to another apparently. He also said they have a date tonight, I can't wait to hear about it tomorrow at breakfast." I told her and laughed, "I beat, if they do start dating though they won't last that long."

"Why do you say that? Cho is really pretty." Kristen said and faced forward again so I could continue with her hair.

"Well yeah she is pretty that's probably why he asked her out in the first place, but she can get so damn annoying. I mean all she talks about is guys, and her hair, and her friends, and about how teachers are so unfair to her, and blah blah blah!" I said in disgust. "I mean if I have to listen to her and her friend complain about anything during lunch or whatever when you're not around I will kill myself." I told her and she laughed.

"I would do the exact same thing." She told me and I smiled.

Once I was finished with her hair we moved on to make-up. And we just talked about the most random things in the world! About our favorite dog and why mustard is so much better than ketchup and what not. We must've been having our 'spa' day for at least two hours, maybe even close to three, it was almost five o'clock and Kristen gasped when she saw the time.

"I’m late for my lesson with Phyre!” Kristen said in a panic. She quickly undressed and changed into something more suitable for her lesson. As she put on her flip-flops she ran out the door yelling "Bye!" as she shut the door behind her.

I laughed a little, even though it wasn't funny that she was late, it was just funny how quick she had changed her attire. Sighing I decided to change my outfit myself, but I didn't want to ruin Kristen's awesome work so I went for something that matched my make-up and hairstyle. I picked out a pair of cute skinny jeans with a cute t-shirt. I was about to leave when I decided I wanted to go on a walk outside and I turned around and eyed my closet. I rummaged through it again and found a cute gray jacket and a pair of half finger gray gloves. Then I realized that it was actually cold outside so I took a cute white hat and a cute pink scarf. To finish off the outfit I put on my favorite boots. I smiled and headed out of my room, with a book in my hand.

I skipped down the stairs humming a little made up tune, waving to the people I knew and nodding to the people that I didn't. I was in a really good mood even though earlier I was very grumpy, I need to sleep more I decided. As I was heading out the door someone called my name and I immediately came to a stop. I turned around to see Camden and Ryan jogging toward me. I smiled at them and walked to meet them. I gave Camden a kiss on the cheek and nodded toward Ryan.

"What are you two doing?" I asked with a slight suspicion in my voice.

"We were actually just walking around talking about this big guy's date tonight." Camden said and lightly punched Ryan's shoulder. Ryan's face turned a bright red and I smiled.

"Yeah I heard about that. Congrats Ryan, Cho she's-" I had to think of something nice to say, "she's something." I decided to say and nodded.

Ryan smiled and nodded, "Yeah she is something, different something, but a good something."

"Well I was actually going to go for a walk outside around the grounds before dinner, would you guys like to join me?" I asked and Camden just took my hand and Ryan just shrugged. I put my book in my pocket and wrapped my other arm through Ryan's and lead them toward the door. At first Ryan seemed stiff and wasn't really okay with me touching him but he eventually.

"So Ryan tell Paige what you've been asking me all day." Camden said as we were walking down the hill. It was a good thing I decided to put on my hat and scarf because it was really cold.

"What do you need to know?" I turned to Ryan and cocked my head to the side, looking at him.

"Well, I was wondering if Cho was one of 'those' girls." He said and I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "I mean you're not one of those girls because you're you. I mean, uh, is she a needy, jealous girl that always gossips and complains about almost everything?"

"I see." I said and pondered that question. I really didn't know Cho that well but what I did know of her I didn't like at all, but I wanted Ryan to be happy so I told me a little white lie. "Well I'm not sure I should really answer that for you because I really don't know her that well. But what I do know is that she is nice and funny and she is very good in school. Other than that we really don't talk or see each other that much." Some of it was true but I didn't want to hurt him, sue me.

"Well that's a relief." He said and sighed. I squeezed Camden's hand and he looked at me with a questioning look. I gave him the 'I'll tell you later' look and he nodded.

"So what are you and Cho going to do after dinner tonight?" I asked, trying not to fall into an uncomfortable silence.

"You'll just have to wait and hear about it tomorrow. I don't want you going and telling Cho all about my plans at dinner." I looked at him and Camden confused.

"Ryan has requested that you sit at your table for dinner. Apparently he's going to tell us his plans during dinner and he doesn't want you to hear about them from him. Don't worry hun I'll tell you what they are when they leave, then we can both hear how things went tomorrow for breakfast." Camden said and kissed my forehead. I sighed but nodded that I was alright with the arrangement.

When the wind started to blow really hard we decided to head in, seeing as dinner was going to start soon. Once we entered the Great Hall, I had forgotten that my arm was wound with Ryan's. We quickly separated and went our separate ways and me telling him good luck. Camden bent down to me and told me that he'll tell me about all the details Ryan will tell him tomorrow seeing as he always meets me at the bottom of the staircase for breakfast. I nodded and gave him a sweet kiss and went over to my table and took my usual seat.

Suddenly Cho and her friend Marietta sat down across from me. Cho had this evil look in her eye, so I just smiled and said, "Hi Cho."

"Oh don't 'Hi Cho' me! I saw you with Ryan! What were you two doing together? Is he already cheating? I can't believe him and with you of all people!" Cho said accusing me of nothing. I put my hand up and that shut her up on the spot, her friend looked about as pissed as Cho.

"Okay for one thing don't talk about me like that in front of me or you'll be sorry." I said in a threatening tone and I saw Cho gulp. "Second off I was friends with Ryan way before you knew him and for a third thing I'm dating his best friend. Also I'll let you know that Ryan was just telling me about how he hopes you're not the jealous type and I told him no. If you want I could go over there right now and tell him differently." I said and raised my eye brow, waiting for her to say something.

Cho smiled and put her hand on mine, "Oh you won't have to do that, we are friends after all right. So what was Ryan saying about me? I'm so excited about our date, he is such a sweet heart. Oh and I'm sorry about what I said about you, I can get that way but I really like him and I would be heart broken if he ever did something to hurt me. You know what I mean right?"

I nodded and we just started small talking about Ryan and I listened to what Cho was hoping their first date would be like. When Kristen joined us after her lesson with Phyre, we were on the topic of boyfriends. "So Kristen how are you and Draco doing?" Cho asked.

"We're doing fine, and I rather not talk about my private life right now. I just want to drink something." Kristen said and chugged a glass of water. Cho then started talking with Marietta and I turned to Kristen.

"How was the lesson?"

"Long and tiring. I'm surprised I'm still alive right now." She said and I laughed.

"Well I'll help you walk up the stairs after dinner, Camden and I have nothing planned for tonight." I told her and took a bite of my dinner.

"That sounds amazing and thanks." Kristen said and took a bite of her own. We ate in silence and rolled our eyes at what Cho and Marietta were talking about.

Once dinner was over I helped Kristen up from the table and watched Cho practically run over to Ryan. I saw Camden mouthed 'good night' to him and he did the same back blowing me a kiss too. I smiled and walked with Kristen up the stairs, slowly. When we finally made it to our room Kristen collapsed
on her bed, without taking her clothes off. I smiled and went to the bathroom deciding to take a shower tonight. I washed myself and then stepped out of the shower and brushed my teeth and combed my hair and put it into two braids. When I walked back into the room I saw that Kristen was still in the same spot that she was before I sighed and put my pajamas on. I walked over to Kristen and gently, trying not to wake her, took her dress off and put on her long night shirt. I also gently took out most of the bobby pins from her hair and let her hair fall across her sleeping body. I also gently moved her so I could pull the covers around her. I pushed her hair out of her face and whispered good night to her. I walked over to my bed and hopped in. I dimmed the light, knowing that Cho wasn't back yet, neither was Marietta. To my surprise I was still really tired and fell asleep quickly and fell into a dreamless sleep.

http://www.collegefashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/winter-outfit-4.jpg (the whole thing without the shoes)
http://theglamourouslife.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/ugg_black_boots.jpg (the top left one)
http://z.about.com/d/teenfashion/1/0/I/-/-/-/AmericanEagletee.jpg (shirt under the jacket)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeFri Nov 20, 2009 8:53 pm

I woke up the next morning, not in the clothes I had fallen asleep in, but I didn’t really worry about it. Today was promising to be an uneventful and boring day. I pulled myself out of bed, feeling extremely tired, and really lazy. I dragged my feet to the bathroom, and only half assed went about my business. I quick dried my hair, making it into really tame waves so I didn’t have to bother with it later in the day. I quick changed into my robes, and dragged myself down to breakfast.

I glanced up and down the Ravenclaw table looking for Paige, but instead finding the boy I had run into last night, or, ran into me, as it was. I smiled, walking down the aisle between the two tables, sitting next to him. He was hunched over his breakfast, his to large robes hanging loosely off of him.

“Hi!” I said brightly, grabbing some apple juice and a blue berry muffin. “I’m Kristen.” I didn’t know if he knew I was there, or if he just didn’t want to register me sititng next to him a prattling off like an idiot. “I didn’t get a chance to actually introduce myself last night. You kind of disappeared before I could. And you are . . .?” I asked, trailing off and taking a big bite of my muffin.

“Annie.” He muttered. I had a feeling I made him uncomfortable. I subtly checked to make sure my boobs weren’t hanging out or anything like that, and they were far from it.

“So, you’re a Ravenclaw? Well, obviously you are!” I said, not even giving him time to respond, although I had a feeling he wouldn’t anyway. I gestured toward the crest on his robes. “I am too. Obviously. I’m a first year.” I stated, attempting to entice conversation out of him. It didn’t work. He sat in brooding silence the entire time. I glanced up to see Paige gesturing toward me, motioning for her to come to her. “I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting slash talking to you.” I said, placing a hand on his should warmly before departing toward Paige, who was sitting with Camden and Ryan at the Hufflepuff table.

“Who was that?” She asked, nodding her head toward Annie.

“That’s Anakin Walker. He just transferred.” Ryan interjected, a curious tone in his voice.

“Wait. Anakin Walker. Like Anakin Skywalker? From star wars!” I burst out, excitement pulsing through my veins. Those were some of my favorite movies ever. Camden and Ryan gave me perplexed looks, while Paige’s face lit up.

“No way!” She exclaimed. It made me glad I had a muggle-born best friend to relate to my muggle world references. I glanced at him, noticing him still sitting by himself. I resigned myself to make him my friend, and maybe he’d break out of his shell in the process.

Paige and I left for history of magic, and I had a feeling that I would be falling asleep, or at least day dreaming in class.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 10:18 pm

When I woke up I felt refreshed and ready for the day to start. I did all my morning rituals and fed Cotton before leaving and going down for breakfast. Once I hit the last step Camden comes out of no where and started to tickle me. I slapped at him while I screamed, at first, then I fell into a pit of laughter. When I caught my breath I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a sweet kiss.

I pulled away and looked at him, "You know that was entirely uncalled for." I told him and he just smiled and kissed me again.

"Oh I know it was, but I haven't heard you laugh in a while so I decided to tickle you." He said and winked. I just rolled my eyes and took his arm as he lead me to the Hufflepuff table for breakfast. As we approached the table he turned to whisper in my ear, "Ryan hasn't talked to anyone since the date last night, he's planning to tell us this morning, so don't ask him how it was right away. Let him tell you when he's ready." I nodded and looked up to see all of Camden's and my friends waiting for us. We sat down and I could tell right away how uncommonly Ryan was.

We ate in silence for a few moments before Ryan slammed down his cup and looked at everyone. "What is wrong with you all today? You are usually so chatty that I can hardly think! I can't take the silence anymore! It's driving me mad!" He shouted at everyone. We all looked taken aback until Ryan burst out laughing and we fell into a weird group laughing.

"So Ryan, how was the date." A girl named Jennifer asked.

"I see, so that's why you guys have been so silent." Ryan said and took a sip of his drink. "Well what do you guys want to know?"

"Everything!" We all said in unison, which caused us to laugh for a small moment.

"Fine fine since you're begging me. I met Cho at the entrance and we took a short walk outside just talking about anything. It was amazing how smart she is, I mean not as smart as you Paige, but she amazed me with the depth she took our conversations in. Anyway, once we came back inside I took her to the kitchen where there was hot cider and hot coco waiting for us. We sat alone, talking some more and she pulled out a book." At that Ryan reached inside his own bag and pulled it out. The cover was a picture of a wizard holding his wand and many colors and sparks appearing from it, the book a collection of famous charms and who created them. "She got this for me, she remembered that I love Charms and bought it so I could be more 'advanced' than everyone else in my class." He smiled at the book and I couldn't help but smile at him as well.

"Is that all that happened?" A boy named Aaron asked him. "Well that's...lame. I mean why would she just give you a book?"

"No that's not all." Ryan said and it seemed that he was lost in the memory of last night. "After we talked for about an hour or so in the kitchen I walked her up to her common room. When we reached the door she told me she had a really great time and that she was happy I asked her on the date. Then, I kissed her." He said and turned red. "I told her good night and I asked her to have lunch with me today." He looked up at me and I smiled and took his hands.

"Congratulations Ryan! What do you have planned for lunch?" I asked.

"Well I wanted to ask you what I should do. I mean you're a girl and all and I wanted your opinion on what you think I should do." All the other girls looked upset, and Ryan looked at them embarrassed "It's not like I don't like your guys' opinion or anything but Paige is the only one here with a boyfriend and I just thought if she could plan a dream date what it would be." I looked at him and turned a shade of red.

"I don't know Ryan. *sigh* If it was me, which Cho is sort of like me because we are both Ravenclaws, I would want to be around somewhere interesting and just talk about it. Maybe have lunch privately somewhere then go to that place and study it and talk about it. Maybe it has something of importance to you and that will help her get to know you better." I told him and turned to Camden and whispered, "Our second date was amazing by the way." I told him and he kissed me. Ryan nodded and thanked me and quickly got up from the table and ran down toward the doors.

Camden and I stood and I looked at Kristen and motioned her to come join us, I saw that she was talking to some new handsome Ravenclaw that I had never seen before. When she came over I asked her, "Who was that?" nodding my head toward the strange boy.

“That’s Anakin Walker. He just transferred.” Camden interjected, a curious tone in his voice.

“Wait. Anakin Walker. Like Anakin Skywalker? From star wars!” Kristen burst out. Camden gave Kristen a perplexed look, while I just lit up.

“No way!” I exclaimed and she nodded excitedly at me. We both started laughing, glad that we had a muggle best friend. When we hit the hallway I told Camden good bye and turned to Kristen as we headed to History of Magic.


At lunch Camden raced to the Ravenclaw table, excitement written all over his face. He grabbed my hands as he tried to catch his breath, he must've ran all the way here.

"Camden, honey, breathe. In and out, catch your breath before you talk will you. I don't want to take you to the hospital wing." I told him concerned and he just shook his head and took a drink of water.

"What are you doing on Friday?" He asked and grabbed my hands.

"I don't know, it's only Monday babe. I don't plan that far ahead or else I get coo-coo bananas over that and worry and get stressed." His face dropped and I smiled at him, trying to make him feel better. "Why do you ask?"

"Well you know how I asked you to the Malfoy's party?" I nodded. "I mailed my mom and asked her about dress shopping with you and she said she would love to help you find a dress. She said Friday would work perfect for her and she would talk to Dumbledore about letting you have the whole day off to find the, in her words, 'perfect' dress for you." He looked ready to apologize for asking me but I just squeezed his hands and smiled.

"I would love to go dress shopping with your mum. I just have to ask my own mum to mail me some money or let me go into my bank account and get some money out."

Camden kissed me and looked at me, "Mum already took care of that and she said she would help pay, it would be like an early Christmas present for you." I looked at him, upset. "What?"

"Nothing I mean it's so thoughtful of you mum, but I can't take money from her. I mean I barely know her and, I don't know, I like paying things myself. Camden I love you, you know that, but it's just against my nature."

"Paige, please just accept it. Or else neither of us will hear the end of it until you go crazy and give in anyway." He told me and I rolled my eyes.

"How much is she paying for? Is it under half?" I could tell by the look on his face that it wasn't. "Half then?"

"No. It's more like 80 for her and 20 for you."

"What?! No! I won't do that!"

"Well it's for the total cost, the dress, the shoes, the accessories, the hair, and all that jazz. I can't stop my mum once she has her mind set darling." He gave me a pleading look and I just couldn't bare it.

"Fine!" I said exasperated, "But I'm not happy about it and she will be getting a very expensive Christmas and birthday present from me to pay off her debt. How is she paying for this anyway?"

He smiled and winked, "She has some money saved up." With that he started eating and I just rolled my eyes and looked at my plate, suddenly not hungry at all. Now I had to add the stress of spending a whole day with Camden's mom to add to my plate.

(the shopping will be in a different post)
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2009 11:16 pm

*the shopping day*

Friday had gotten here quicker than I had imagined it to. I woke up shaking, worried about how I should act, I mean I had been around her before for my Halloween costume but this was different. I was finding a dress that I will try to impress the most wealthy pure blood families with, and that plus looking good for Camden was just enough pressure to push me over the edge. As I walked into the bathroom I showered and washed, knowing that I had to smell good. I dried my hair and curled it, then brushed my teeth added my make-up and looked in the mirror. Something was off and I found that I should put my hair up. About 10 or so minutes later my hair was up in what I would call a 'pretty' or 'decent' hairstyle. I quietly rummaged through my closes looking for on outfit to wear. I found a nice long sleeve shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. I picked a nice warm jacket, seeing as it was starting to snow, and a purple scarf with a pair of boots. I grabbed my purse, and put the money my mum had sent me in it. I added some other necessities and left the room.

As I headed to Dumbledore's office, that's where I was suppose to meet her, I noticed a girl in front of me walking the same way I was. She was dressed pretty fashionably and looked like she was a super model or something. I picked up my pace, hoping that she wasn't going to his office but my luck ran out when I saw her stop at the entrance. She was swearing, at least it sounded like she was swearing, at the door.

"Hi." I said and gave a smile smile. I looked up and clearly saw a Slytherin necklace around her neck. I gulped and stepped a little to the side, hoping I wasn't being pranked or anything.

"What do you want? Or are you just going to stand there looking at me?" She hissed at me.

"I actually have to go to the headmaster's office." I told her.

"Oh really? Hmm, well if that's the case do you have to know the password? I have to get up there and I'm not used to having to remember stupid passwords all the time."

"Yes I do." I told her and walked to the gargoyle and said, 'licorice snaps' and it started to slowly revolve up. I stepped on the first step and the girl followed behind me. Once it stopped we both walked toward his office, at the same pace and we knocked at the same time. She glared at me then turned back to the door, rolling her eyes. I instantly felt self conscious and was thankful I brought a pack of gum and mints and spray, hoping I didn't smell bad. When we heard a voice saying 'enter' we both reached for the door and touched hands. She pulled hers away as if mine had a disease on it and looked at me disgusted. I rolled my eyes, getting upset at her attitude and opened the door.

I walked in first, with the girl behind me, and saw Camden's mother sitting on a chair, talking with the headmaster. She looked up smiled, and walked over to me with a smile on her face. "Oh you look so beautiful Paige! Are you as excited as I am about today? Hold on one second." I nodded and saw her walk over to the girl and give her a hug. I was completely confused until I over heard her talking.

"Irisa I'm so glad you decided to come shopping with me. Your grandmother sent over your dress to get fitted at the dress shop where we will be shopping." I noticed her motion to me and I saw the girl, named Irisa, look at me in shock.

"Are you telling this is the girl Cammy is dating?" Camden's mum, Ellie, nodded and walked her over to where I was standing.

"I think you two need to be introduced. Paige this is my niece Irisa, Irisa this is Paige Camden's girlfriend. Now that you two know each other I think it's time that we get headed out." Ellie said and turned toward the old wizard, "Headmaster thank you so much for allowing the girls to not be in school today. I appreciate it. Oh and thank you for allowing me to apparate out of your office. I will send them back by apparation as well but outside of the school."

"It is my pleasure my dear Eleanor, give Chris my blessings this season and I am looking forward to having your next child entering Hogwarts soon." Ellie smiled and nodded to him. "Girls behave yourselves and once you return please be sure to come to my office, so I know you have arrived. Other than that, have a wonderful day." Irisa and I both nodded toward him and he did the same in return. I walked over to Ellie grabbed her arm tightly as Irisa did the same. I felt a tugging under my naval and finally a push and then a horrible headache as we landed outside of a beautiful dress shop.

"Okay girls, this is the best dress shop in all of Wizarding world, at least in England anyway." She winked at Irisa. "Here is our agenda for today. Find Paige a lovely dress and shoes to match, have Irisa fitted in her dress and find some shoes, then have lunch, set up appointments for hair and make-up, then do whatever else we want. You girls won't need to be back until around 9ish." I smiled and I saw Irisa simply nod.

We walked into the shop and my jaw dropped. There must've been hundreds of dresses in this store, all hand made and one of a kind. "What do you think?" Ellie asked.

"It's amazing." I said and took her arm as she took me toward the section for teens.

"Now find a few that you like, try them on and if you need me or need any advice on anything I will be over here. I need to help Irisa with her fitting, I mean you can help with that if you want."

"I'd like that." I said and walked with her toward the fitting section. "So I've never heard Camden talk about her. Irisa right?"

"Yes that's right and he wouldn't. Camden and Irisa haven't really been able to have a cousin relationship. You see Irisa has lived in a different country her whole life, in Greece and Franch actually, and her mother and I never have seen eye to eye on things. My brother, sided with his wife on the situation and pushed me out of his life until this past year."

"What were you arguing about? If you don't mind me asking."

"Of course I don't mind, you'd probably hear it sooner or later from Camden. As I'm sure you know, Camden was adopted by myself and my husband. We had been married for about two years and had been trying to have children. When we heard about his situation with his parents we decided to adopt him, I mean we weren't sure if we could have kids. My family was fine with that but Irisa's mother thought of us as traitors to pure blood families everywhere, but my brother didn't think anything of it, seeing as I told him that we thought we couldn't get pregnant. Then when I found I was pregnant with Crissy my brother was furious. He wanted me to send Camden back, even though he was already part of the family. Long story short I got into a huge argument with my brother and his wife and was disowned by him and my father, my mother sided with me." Ellie sighed and rubbed her head.

"I'm so sorry about that Mrs. McKenny, I don't know what I'd do if my family was mad at me for something that I couldn't really help."

She laughed and smiled at me, "Paige please call me Ellie, when you call me Mrs. McKenny I feel old." We heard movement and saw Irisa walk out in a breath taking dress. The color was a burnt yellow almost a tanish color, making her obvious naturally tanned skin accented. The bodice of the dress was very fitting, showing off a very slim yet, well, developed upper body. The bottom of the dress, however, flowed out into many sections, each seeming to move a different direction when she herself moved. My jaw dropped as did Ellie's.

"Well what do you think?" Irisa asked and turned to look at it in the mirror.

"It's beautiful honey! Your grandmother definitely out did herself with this one. Oh I think it needs to be tightened a little more on your straps, you don't want those falling down." Ellie said and talked and mingled with Irisa and her fitter. Fifteen or so minutes later Irisa was done and we were walking back over to the section to find a dress for myself.

"So how did you and my cousin meet?" Irisa asked as she started looking through the racks of dresses.

"Through my sister and when we had the animagus testing after the second or third day." I told her. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I, well, we're not official, yet but I would say I do. We met about a week after I moved here." She said and Ellie looked at her.

"You never told me that." She said and we laughed. The talk was light but comfortable, I learned some things about Ellie and Irisa and I felt comfortable around them as well. About ten minutes into looking Irisa stopped and pulled out a dress and handed it to me.

"This is the one. I just know it's the one, trust me, I know clothing and this is the dress for you." I took the dress and added it to the pile of five or so dresses we had already found. I excused myself and tried on, and modeled the dresses. When I came across the one Irisa found I instantly feel in love. It was a thin strap with a design of white and gold that had a bow just below my chest, and when I tried it on it fell almost to my feet. After the bow it started to flow, evenly, out toward the floor till it looked as if it were a wedding gown (sort of like this http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_MFk42OQg7C4/SLlb8vEBmEI/AAAAAAAAAAM/wL1aaUa-f4Y/s400/white_bridal_gown.jpg). When I walked out Ellie clasped her hands to her mouth and Irisa just smiled and nodded her head.

"I love it. I think this is the one guys." I said and smiled. Ellie clapped and Irisa smiled. I twirled around and walked over to the fitting section. Shortly after I was finished we looked for shoes and it took us no time to find the shoes for our outfits. At lunch we chatted about our findings and how we were looking forward to the party. We made our appointments for our hair and everything when we stopped at a jewelry shop. I have no clue how long we were in there but I felt my wallet hurting but thankful that they were rented and if they came back in the same shape they did when they left you get 75% of your money back.

"Well girls I had a wonderful day today! It was nice being able to talk with you girls, learn a little more about you. I can't wait until our appointments, another girl's day out." With that we wrapped our arms through Ellie's and apparted to the entrance of Hogwarts. "Have a nice weekend and I'm really glad you both came today." She gave Irisa a hug and kissed her on her cheek. Then Ellie wrapped her arms around me and whispered, "Give Camden my love, and take care of him. I know he's been better in school because of you." I nodded and she kissed my forehead. Ellie smiled at both of us and apparated away.

We walked in silence up to the entrance. Then we walked, just as silent, up to Dumbledore's office. Once we checked in we headed down to the Great Hall where dinner was almost over. I sat next to Camden and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me into him. He kissed my head and I smiled up at him. "How was your day?"

"Amazing." I told him and wrapped my arms around him and held him to me for a long time. I felt safe in his arms and I closed my eyes then I slowly pulled back.

"What was that for?"

"Your mother asked me to give you her love, so I decided to hug you like she hugged me. Well she didn't hug me like that but you get the point right?" I said and smiled. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"Anything special happen that I need to know about?" He asked.

"Nope, except that I went shopping with your cousin as well as your mother." I said and he looked shocked.

"My cousin?" I just shook my head and gave him a quick kiss.

"I'll let your mum tell you about that." I said and took a drink of my pumpkin juice. "So what happened with Cho and Ryan?" I asked.

"Well," Camden said and smiled at me and looked toward the end of the table. Ryan and Cho were sitting together talking and laughing. "He asked her out, officially at lunch today. He actually did what you said and I heard that Cho was just going around saying how amazing Ryan is and how romantic he is." He rolled his eyes and I lightly slapped him. "Anyway they've met up with each other after every class today and spent the whole afternoon together. He still hasn't introduced her to us, maybe he's nervous." He said and I laughed.

"Oh yes your group of friends are definitely the scariest people ever." I said and continued to eat. After dinner I caught up with Kristen and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey Krissy!!" I said and laughed. I had never called Kristen that but she just laughed along with me.

"How was your day with Camden's mum?" She asked.

"Unbelievable! I can't wait to show you my dress and I can't wait for Camden to see me in it. What did you do today? Or should I say what did you and Draco do today?" I said and winked as we entered our common room.

http://www.collegefashion.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/winter-outfit-1.jpg (the outfit i wore shopping)
http://image.ec21.com/image/kingfa/oimg_GC02655241_CA03707078/CA_Women_Long_Sleeve_T_Shirts_Ladies_Tee_Shirts.jpg (shirt under jacket)
http://www.herdaily.com/blogimg/Fashion/taylor-swift.jpg (hairstyle for the day)
http://stylefrizz.com/img/jean-paul-gaultier-fall-winter-2008-2009-collection.jpg (the one in the middle (Irisa's outfit/hairstyle)
http://www.promgirl.com/shop/dresses/viewitem-PD461683 (dress for party (it's longer, like where you can't really see my feet almost))
http://www.promgirl.com/shop/shoes/viewitem-PS317253 (shoes for party)
http://www.chicagomag.com/galleries/148/0603Fash_Latest2.jpg (Irisa's dress)
http://www.promgirl.com/shop/shoes/viewitem-PS407524 (Irisa's shoes)
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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 25, 2010 10:23 pm


I walked into the ball by myself. All around me the women were dressed in glorious dresses of all colors though green and black seemed to be dominant, and the men were all elegant in their dress robes. I touched the white mask on my face covered with whisps of my blonde hair. The peice itself was covered in jewels, made of soft white lace. That same lace matched the dress I wore, white lace with silver woven into it and dimonds speckled about like candy. I brushed my hand over that dress and sigh, a gift from Severus something of his mothers. So here I was at this ball and I didn't know what was left and right, with so many high class, pureblood, deatheaters running around. It was almost like I can taste the evil on the air. Speak of the devil, there was the silver haired lacky now, Lucious Malfoy. Maybe I'll dance with him but right now I headed for the punch table, spotting a few classmates but no one worthy of talking to yet.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeMon Feb 01, 2010 6:04 pm

I glanced around, feeling slightly awkward. I was surrounded by people in gorgeous gowns and astounding dress robes. I don’t know how Narcissa managed to pull this together. It was just amazing. I smoothed my hand over the stomach of my gown, smiling at the smooth feeling of the silk. It was dark green, with white fabric over the bodice and on the train. Little white flowers were embroidered across it, and my mask matched, green with white flowers. My hair was up in long, tight curls, with little white flowers scattered throughout. I felt amazing.

Narcissa had come up with the theme: A midnight masquerade. No one knew who I was, and I had no idea who they were. It was brilliant. A charm had been put upon everyone, restricting them from saying their real name until midnight, when the charm would be lifted, and the masks would come off.

I glanced around the party, looking for Draco. I had no idea what he looked like, and he had no idea what I looked like. It was all part of the theme. I was trying to find Paige or Taylor, too, but I had no idea what they’re dresses looked like, so I was at a loss.
“Don’t worry, love. I would know you no matter what you looked like.” Strong arms wrapped around my waist and lips pressed lightly against my neck. I turned around in the arms encircling my waist.

“And what is your name?” I asked. I knew it was Draco under the mask, but I had no idea what his fake name was.’
“Alexander. And you, dear lady?” I smiled. It was all so tacky.

“Isabelle.” He bowed, and kissed my hand. “You know, there are other things you can kids.” He smirked at me, and then wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close.

“Really?” I nodded as I wound my arms around his neck, pulling his head down, connecting his lips to mine. “I missed that.” He mumbled against my lips. “It’s been a long week without you.” He pulled away, and wrapped his fingers through mine.

“Have you seen Paige anywhere? We’re supposed to meet up.” I was a little hesitant to ask him, all things considered, but as of right now, he was the only one I knew here.

“I haven’t. If only you could yell out her name, but technically, it’s not her name tonight.”

“True.” I glanced around again. She told me her dress was ivory and gold, and floor length, and that’s what I was looking for. Blond hair and a white like dress. “Wait! Is that her?” I pointed to a figure a few feet away. “I’ll be right back!” I went up to the girl, surveying her. I tapped her on the shoulder, and when she turned, her face lit up.

“Hi!” She squealed, wrapping her arms around me, and squeezing me tight so that I couldn’t breathe. “What’s your name for tonight?!”

“Isabelle. And yours?”

“Piper! And where is the lover?” Paige asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You mean Alexander. And I’m right here.” Draco said, sliding his arm around my waist.

“And where is your lover? And your sister, for that matter.”

“If you mean Selene, she’s over with her date, Godric..” Paige pointed to somewhere near the snack table, where I could barely see Taylor standing with Phyre, looking bored. Her dress was absolutely amazing, It was a sparkly. “And Leo is over with his mom.”

“Leo?” Paige nodded. “Did you pick that out?” I grinned at her look.

“Maaybe!” We both laughed, and started heading toward Selene and Godric.

DRESS - http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/ProductDisplay.aspx?productID=3657750d-5422-419e-9dc2-174724b0a06e&categoryID=32e5a88c-cbf1-498f-afcf-dbfca138c5d3&pg=0

HAIR - https://mob256.photobucket.com/albums/hh180/Tiff_28/prom-hairstyles-updos67.jpgv

Draco's Tux - http://www.tuxedoroyale.com/images/FUM%20191%20Tuxedo_322.jpg
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2010 3:28 pm

One week by myself stuck at my aunt's house, great this is always what I wanted. She always gets me up early to help her with the house work. I've never done any chores before! Then there are the kids, well my cousins, but they're so much younger than me and I don't do well around kids. I'm in Chrissy's room (her name is Christina (after her father Christopher)) and it's so small! Hardly any of my things fit in that room, but thankfully my aunt and uncle have been trying to make their spare room, which is much bigger by the way, my new room but I don't know how much more I can take of being surrounded by so many people! Yes I'm glad to away from that school, but every time my aunt or uncle try and talk to me it's always about Hogwarts. So I keep telling them the only thing that Hogwarts is good for is bringing me to you. I miss you seeing you Marcus but thankfully the Malfoy's Christmas party is coming up. I will be known as Violet and I cannot wait to see your beautiful face 'Declan'. I have to go she's calling for my help with the dishes. Owl as soon as you can! ~With love forever, Irisa

I folded the letter and wrote Marcus' address upon the envelope and kissed it as tied it to the Ellie's owl. For the past week Marcus and I had been sending letters back and forth between each other talking about our time away from the other. For the past week I had been dreaming about seeing Marcus again at the party. Right when I opened the window I heard, once again, Aunt Ellie yelling for me. Sighing I shut the window and walked up the stairs, murmuring profanities under my breath, this was getting ridiculous.

"Nice to see you today Irisa, now come and help Camden with the trash please then we'll be off to pick up the dresses. Now hurry please or we're going to be late. Jessie and James get that bird out of here this instant!" Ellie said and chased after the six year old twins while I just rolled my eyes and went off to find my mysterious cousin Camden.

Even when we were being picked up Camden wasn't anywhere to be seen, apparently uncle Chris had come to pick him up earlier that day and I still haven't met the guy. Of course I knew what he looked like, blond hair, dark blue eyes, and surprisingly tall, I mean there were pictures of him and his siblings every where in this house. This house seems like a giant photo album to me, pictures of different memories everywhere and pictures of new memories being taken everyday. Apparently aunt Ellie and uncle Chris didn't want to forget a single moment they had with their little devils, I mean 'angels'.

I approached Camden's and James' room and knocked twice, "Camden your mom want me and you to get the trash!" When he didn't answer I swore at him in French and knocked again, "Camden I swear to god that if you don't open this door right now..." I stopped when his door suddenly opened and I was standing face to face with him and I had to say that he wasn't too bad on the eyes, even though that's weird for a cousin to say. I just looked at him and said, "So your the mysterious Camden. It's about time you showed me your face, I'm Irisa. Now help me with the trash so I can pick up my dress." I said and swiftly turned on my heal and headed off to get trash. Five minutes later all the trashes were collected and my hands were washed, multiple times. Ellie and I picked up the dresses and came back within an hour.

Before I knew it the day had finally arrived and I woke up early, excited for once. I spent the whole morning getting ready. Finally, with a sitter for the younger kids, I grabbed Ellie's arm eagerly and was soon standing right outside the Malfoy manor. I reached into my bag and pulled out my mask and waited for Camden, or should I say Leo, to put on his own.

As we entered the ball room my heart skipped a beat, everyone looked so much alike. I looked at Camden and mouthed, 'Good luck' and he did the same and we went off to find our other half. I must have walked up to fifteen different men, asking if their fake name was Declan. When I had given up all hope two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me toward them. I felt a head leaning on my shoulder and heard, "Hello my dear Violet."

I turned to see Marcus and I smiled, "I would've never picked you to be wearing such an old fashioned mask with such clothing. Then again maybe I would." He smiled and pulled me to him and held me, never wanting to let me go.

"I missed you, so much." He breathed into my hair. "Well now that you are here my dear, why don't we dance?" At that Marcus stepped back, bowed while holding his hand out. I smiled and took his hand.

As I danced and twirled with Marcus on one of the most beautiful dance floors I've ever seen, I looked around the room. I spotted Camden, well at least I think it was, he was talking with a group of people. Then I finally spotted another head that I had missed for over a week. Marcus and I twirled off the dance floor right over to where Tabby was.

Irisa's Mask- http://www.maskitalia.com/assets/images/masks/fulls/libellula-silver-black-l39.jpg

Irisa's hair- http://www.bride.ca/wedding-ideas/images/blog/weddinghair/crystals-hair.jpg

Marcus' Tux- http://z.about.com/d/mensfashion/1/0/f/8/Tuxedo.jpg

Marcus' mask- http://www.amasquerade.com/images/products/masks/tregrazie_silver.jpg

Camden's Tux- http://www.specialoccasionsbridal.com/images/jimspic.jpg

Camden's Mask- http://www.maskitalia.com/assets/images/masks/fulls/luigis.jpg (the one on the far right (in the front))
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed Feb 03, 2010 7:38 pm


I took a deep breath dug into my bag and took out my mask and made sure it was secure on my face. I had got it when I went shopping with my mom during the previous week. We lived down the street from a costume and party shop and across the street from that was a vintage store, or something like that. The mask jumped out like it was meant to be mine all along; it reminded me of a caterpillar finally finding it's wings and turning into the beautiful butterfly that was inside, just like how I felt about myself. Then this morning I went to my hair appointment with Ellie and Irisa and got my dress. For the next several hours my mom fussed with Taylor's and my attire until it was time for the ball. Ellie had left me a portkey to take me and Taylor to the Malfoy manor, but Taylor decided to skip out.

So now I was standing outside the manor all alone because Taylor said she had other means of transportation, whatever. I grabbed the door knob and entered the manor and was escorted to the ball room and when I entered I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb or something like that, not only because I was by myself but because almost all the colors of dresses were black, green, or a brilliant silver. I glanced everywhere, trying to find a familiar face but then remembered that everyone was wearing a mask. I sighed and walked over to the refreshment table, waiting for Taylor to finally arrive. I turned my back on the crowd, my nerves were starting to get the best of me. I realized that not only would I not know who I was talking to but that everyone had to go by a different name. Mine was Piper and Camden agreed to go by Leo, a little muggle joke between me and Taylor.

As my mind raced on the worst possible situations that could happen a hand touched my shoulder and I let out a little scream. I heard laughter from the culprit and turned to glare daggers at...Draco. "So you think that was funny don't you..." I had to stop because my tongue and mouth wouldn't allow Draco's name to come out. "What's your fake name tonight good sir." I said, sarcasm intended.

Draco just laughed and said, "Alexander and you?" I told him and he just smiled again. "Have you seen your beautiful red head friend anywhere? I've been looking for her and you're the only person I recognized."

"If I knew where she was do you think I would be standing here by myself?" I asked and he shook his head. "Why don't you look for her again, I'll just stay here waiting for someone else to notice me. Oh and I'm Piper by the way."

"Piper, why don't you dance with me?" He asked and even under the mask, his blue grey eyes still had the power to mesmerize me.

"Alexander I-I think I just found my boyfriend." I said and looked again over his shoulder and saw the familiar spiked hair that made my heart beat. "Go find, whatever her name is, and then fine me again." I turned to leave but turned around again, "Promise me one thing though, that you won't tell her that you saw me first. I think it would kill her." He nodded and I walked quickly across the room to where Camden was. "Hi." I said and Camden turned to me and his face instantly brightened.

"Piper?" He asked and I nodded. He smiled and took me in his arms and twirled me until I fell on his chest, heck I wasn't expecting that. I looked up into his beautiful eyes and leaned to kiss his sweet lips. "You look beautiful."

"So do you." I said and smiled. "My dear Leo, would you like to accompany me with this dance?" He bowed and extended his hand to mine. When we started dancing I felt it was only Camden and me on the floor, everyone else was a blur, no one else mattered except him. I laid my head on his shoulder at the end of the song and we walked over to the area with all the seats to sit. "How have you been?"

"Fine, much better now that I finally have you in my arms once again. Your mask is beautiful, like a beautiful butterfly finally learning to fly, I like the necklace as well." Camden leaned down and kissed me sweetly, making my head spin slightly. "I have to find my mom, tell her that you got here safely. Wait, where's your sister?"

"She's here, I can just feel it," I said and he gave me a questioning look, "I mean I saw her somewhere near the snack table with her escort." I looked over his shoulder and saw that she was, in fact, over where I said. He just shrugged and kissed me again before he went on the search for his mother. Then for the second time that night I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to face, who I thought was Draco again, the culprit.

“Hi!” I squealed, wrapped my arms around her tightly, “What’s your name for tonight?!”

“Isabelle. And yours?” Kristen replied.

“Piper! And where is the lover?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, secretly praying he kept his word.

“You mean Alexander. And I’m right here.” Draco said, sliding his arm around her waist. My eyes darted to his arm, but I quickly looked back at Kristen's smiling face.

“And where is your lover? And your sister, for that matter.” Kristen, well Isabelle, asked as she leaned closer to Draco.

“If you mean Selene, she’s over with her date, Godric..” I said, rolling my eyes and pointing toward the snack table, where Taylor and Phyre stood standing looking bored. “And Leo is over with his mom.”

“Leo?” Kristen questioned and I nodded. “Did you pick that out?” She asked with a silly grin.

“Maybe!” We both started to laugh. "Why don't we go and cheer up those two over there. Leo knows where Selene is, so he should be able to find me." I said.

"So why Godric? I mean the name, not the person." Draco asked.

"Selene said it was more of a joke, seeing as he is the only Griffindor in his family of Slytherins. I think it was to piss everyone here off." I said and laughed. Once we reached Taylor's and Phyre's faces instantly brightened and I quickly gave Taylor the 'I-need-to-talk-to-you-later' look and she just nodded and continued her conversation.

My Mask- http://thewildrose.blog.bg/photos/23395/original/farbella-black-silver-l36.jpg

My Hair- http://www.heresyourshampoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/classic-wedding-hairstyles-3.jpg

My necklace- http://www.beverlyhillsestatejewelry.com/images/MEPM4a.jpg
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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 31, 2010 9:20 pm


It was a like being stuck in a premonition. Everyone around me in masks, I recalled only the worst of my nightmares, all those I loved and cared about trapped in the horrendously dark world of Death Eaters and black magic. I sipped the drink Phyre had gotten me, it was green and smoking but tasted like watermelon. Pure bloods it was all about looks wasn't it? Glancing at the ones who'd just sauntered up to us I smirked and continued sipping my drink, well that was before Lucius decided to to saunter his pure blood butt over to me. "Miss Selene may I have the pleasure of this dance?" He asked using my fake name. Swallowing the rest of my drink I made a face at Phyre and took the scuzzes hand. "Of course my Lord I would be happy to dance with you" If he were the last living thing on Earth and all the rocks were gone I'd be happy! Swirling into a dance I gritted my teeth as we waltzed unto the floor, how I so hoped Severus came to cut in soon. As I danced I took the oppurtunity to glance around the room, spotting out the rest of my classmates as well as those I knew to be death eaters. I tried to memorize where they were but it was hard to do spinning around the way I was, plus everyone seemed to be moving around to purposely confuse me, how rude.


I hate my family. All of them. Such rude horrible people, not even in mourning for my dear mother one of their own. That's why I was dressed head to toe in black, everything but my ghostly skin, eyes a wicked black stared out of my mask, I made sure that they flickered with that dark light and emotion I felt. Tonight I had my hair in a waist length braid of black pitch. Sipping my own smoking drink I peered at the first years in front of me. "Enjoying the party everyone?" How could they not? These parties were alluring for those who did not yet see the dark underbelly of it all, the hypocrisy and contradictions were was thick as mud in these rooms, but for innocent eyes it was all glamour, glitz, and glitter.


Working for the family could mean many things, seeing as I was a mutt I had the displeasure of serving drinks in a full mask, only eye slits to see out of, apparently it didn't matter whom the help was we were shadows. Though I certainly didn't understand the concept of shadows dressed completely in white, ghosts seemed like a better name to me. Well I ghosted, see ghost again, threw the crowds of people in sparkling gowns and fancy robes, serving little treats to the well established and high to do purebloods here at the Malfoy christmas party. Fuck I'm bored, of course when I spotted that familiar hair coupled with that alluring scent I was glad for the mask, then no one could see the affect the sweet girl had on me, stupid fangs. Flustered I nearly ran into her, trying not to breath I scampered away hoping to make it to the back before blood lust took me over.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 7 Icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 11:48 pm


The conversation was dull, I could tell that neither Taylor nor Phyre wanted to be here and I couldn't understand why. I mean yes there were a whole lot of pure blood families here and being a muggle born could be the death of us, but why would Taylor even agree to come? As I was about to pull her aside to talk, a tall man with long blond hair came over to her, "Miss Selene may I have the pleasure of this dance?" I could see distaste clear in Taylor's face but trying not to be rude, which is unusual for her, she replied "Of course my Lord I would be happy to dance with you."

Once they were on the floor I asked "Who was that?"

Draco was the only one to answer, "That's Abraxas, my father." He said the name as if it were poison, and the look on his face showed the same distaste that Taylor had had.

"I don't understand, why would your father ask my sister to dance with him? He does know that we aren't pure bloods right?" Confused I looked over to Phyre who started to chuckle darkly.

"Blood status isn't the only thing that matters to ol' Abraxas over there." He said and took another sip of his bubbling drink.

"I'm sorry I still don't understand." I said.

"To Abraxas you, your sister and your friend over here are special, something to cherish, something that could be used...if you catch my drift." Phyre said with a wink. I looked to Kristen, who looked just as confused as I was, while Draco looked ready to punch Phyre in the face.

"What did I miss?" I looked next to me and saw Camden walk toward us smiling.

"Nothing of importance." I said and smiled, it was better Camden didn't know what was said. But now more than ever, I needed to talk to Taylor, to know what the hell was going on around here.


It felt like Marcus and I had danced for hours when he finally twirled me off the dance floor. I wrapped myself into his form and let him guide me. "Would you like anything to drink my dear?" I nodded and we headed toward the refreshment table. Picking up two drinks he handed one to me and sipped the other.

I took a sip and looked up to him, "I'd like you to meet my aunt and uncle." He looked at me taken aback, "Come again?" I smiled and set my drink down and took his hand, "I said I'd like you to my aunt and uncle. Don't give me that sour look face Declan, they're nice and they'd really like to meet you. I've told them all about you and all you'd have to do is introduce yourself. If things get too sticky I'll get us out of there."

"It's not that I don't want to meet them Violet, it's just..." He stopped and looked away. "It's just what?" I asked. Sighing, he looked me in the face, "It's what they've done to dishonor their pure blood status. Adopting that muggle born boy and then continuing to raise him as their own, it's despicable."

"Do...do you actually think that way?" I asked and all he did was nod. "Well if they're such a dishonor then you shouldn't be seen with me, excuse me." I dropped his hand, and swiftly walked around him. I felt him grab my shoulder and pull me toward one of the many doors leading from the ball room. Once we were in a secluded hallway I looked at him and slapped him hard. Hurt clearly evident on my face I was about to turn and leave when he grabbed me again, "Let me go." I had meant to say it with the anger I felt, but it only came out as a whisper.

"Violet, please I didn't mean to hurt you it's just that my family..."

"Let me guess your family hates blood traitors and to them that's what my family is. I'm sorry Declan but I don't see what's so horrible about raising a child that is technically theirs, who has magic in him. Would you say the same to a pure blood family raising a squib, that they are blood traitors?" I asked, never raising my voice. "No." Was his simple reply. "Then why are they?" I asked, knowing I had won this argument.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry Violet, I can't lose you, I need you here with me." I looked into his eyes and kissed his sweet lips. He pulled me into him, not letting me move from my spot.

Once we broke the kiss and I smiled at him "Shall we go back to the ball?"

"No. I have to ask you a question, you don't have to answer me right away, but I need to ask you this."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Do you stand behind pure bloods?"

Confused I answered, "Of course, unless they act how you just acted. But what does this have to do with anything?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead, "Nothing, just thought I'd ask you."

Smiling I grabbed his hand, "Alright now that that's done with let's go back to the ball."

We were about half way down the hall Marcus pulled on my arm and stopped me, "There is something else." He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a wrapped box and handed it to me, "Happy Christmas my dear Violet." Smiling he handed it to me. I took the box and pulled off the wrapping paper, I looked at him as he nodded and I opened the box and gasped. Inside the box was a silver necklace, the hanging part was a beautiful emerald, the encasing of the emerald were two intertwined serpents.

"Declan, it's beautiful. I-I love it thank you." I looked at him, smiled and kissed him. He took the necklace out of the box, I lifted my hair, as he clasped it around my neck. I kissed him one more time and smiled, "You'll just have to wait a little while longer for your Christmas present." I wrapped my arm around his arm as we walked back into the ballroom, forever intertwined like the serpents.


Stupid, simply stupid.I shouldn't have told her that. I glanced around the room, several eyes were now on us. I knew I had to make this better, knew that without fixing this she could be in danger. I grabbed her and forced her to follow me, showing no emotion. I let her go on her little rant, knowing that it was more of a protecting her family than really feeling that way. I have feelings for her, that much is obvious, and I'd rather have her happy and unaware than scared and worried for me. I had known something bad was going to happen soon, but how soon I don't know, and I had to protect her however I could. Nothing mattered except for her safety right now. I had bought the necklace two weeks ago for her Christmas present, but just yesterday I had placed an undetectable charm on it making sure that whenever she was wearing it she would be safe from any unexpected danger. She should never know that, never, or else she'd give it up to protect others but herself. She's so stubborn in that way, yet that's what I like the most. I smiled, and my heart fluttered. Shit! No emotion, never show that much emotion in a place like this, they'll feel it somehow. Emotion is weakness, but Irisa has to be protected until she's with us, until it's safe.

https://media.photobucket.com/image/emerald%20necklace/EVEntide91/Jewelry/P10103642.jpg?o=4 (this is what the necklace looks like but without the serpents)
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