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 Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby

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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 12:03 am

"Paige, please don't be mad." I avoided her eyes, and just looked at the ground between both of our feet. "I like Draco, and you know I do. I still like Blaise, but the way he just looked at me tonight and sounded, I don't think that's ever going to happen between us. And you don't even like Draco like that! You said so yourself!" I still couldn't look at her, but I did anyway. I glanced up through my eyelashes to see her not even looking at me.

"I know you must think I'm horrible, but I really didn't plan on kissing Draco. It just kind of . . . happened. And honestly, I'm not just doing this to spite you, or anything of the sort. I dunno, maybe he is just using me as a rebound. Maybe he really doesn't care." I was talking to myself now more than Paige. I was also crying. A lot. "Anyway, I'll go. I'll see you tomorrow?" I didn't give her a chance to answer, I just turned around and shut the door quietly.

I got into bed quietly, and before I shut my curtains, rummaged in my drawer to find the paper. I closed the curtains and lit my wand. There was a note written on there. Actually, it was more of a letter. And it wasn't even in Draco's handwritting. I looked to the bottom of the page to find who wrote it. Blaise. Fantastic.


I can't believe that you and Draco are a
thing now. I'm amazed at how quickly you can move from one boy to another. Draco, Oliver, Me, and Draco again. You need to make up your mind.

I'm not sorry for the things I said, because apparently, they were all true. And you know Draco is just using you as a rebound to make Paige jealous, and I guess you're naive enough to believe he actually likes you. It's pathetic.

I hope Draco does break your heart. You deserve every last bit.


That was great. Just stupendous. I wrote a simple reply. Gee Blaise! Thanks for being so great about this. You really are something. It was stupid, but I didn't care. I was tired, I was upset, and I could barely see because I was crying so much again. I shoved the paper into my drawer and laid down on the pillows. I heard Paige come in a few moments later and get into her bed.

"Goodnight Paige." I said. I know she heard me because she paused slightly.

"Night." I heard her whisper. I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be nice or curt. Maybe she didn't hate me after all.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 21, 2009 8:43 pm

"What do you want?" I asked her. I wasn't hiding any of my emotions so it kind of sounded like I spat the question at her. What's a girl to do when she's angry?

"Paige, please don't be mad. I like Draco, and you know I do. I still like Blaise, but the way he just looked at me tonight and sounded, I don't think that's ever going to happen between us. And you don't even like Draco like that! You said so yourself!" Kristen said and paused. I could tell she was getting emotional and I just wanted to stop. I was about to put my two sense in when she started up again.

"I know you must think I'm horrible, but I really didn't plan on kissing Draco. It just kind of . . . happened. And honestly, I'm not just doing this to spite you, or anything of the sort. I dunno, maybe he is just using me as a rebound. Maybe he really doesn't care. Anyway, I'll go. I'll see you tomorrow?" She didn't give me a chance to answer before she walked out the door.

Great just perfect, the girl that I thought was my best friend is mad at me. And I was actually mad at her too, to tell you the truth. I mean I just told her something personal that my subconscious may be thinking and she just went and turned her back on me. I couldn't believe that she would do something so...bitchy to me! I told her that I didn't know if I liked Draco or not, that I liked him as a friend but you never know if there could be more there.

I paced the bathroom two more times before I went to the sinks and brushed my teeth. I took all my already worn off make-up off and sighed. I looked like something ran over me; my eyes were puffy and swollen and my hair was a wreck. I quietly opened the door and silently shut it behind myself. I wasn't sure if Kristen was sleeping and I really didn't feel like having a fight right now so I tip-toed to my shrunk and got my pj's out.

As I was walking back to my bed I heard Kristen say "Goodnight Paige." I stopped in my tracks, not quite sure what to do so I kept walking a mumbled back "Night." I hopped into my bed, closed the curtains and put my pj's on. Reaching for my night stand I picked up my hair brush and Cotton's cage. Taking Cotton out I petted her and let her run around my bed while I combed my hair, humming a senseless tune. I put my hair into two braids and laid down on my pillows. Sighing I got a book, my journal connected to Taylor's, and Onyx out.

Cotton was laying on the top of my head and I was playing with Onyx between my fingers. I didn't know if I should complain to Taylor or simply tell her goodnight, so I went with both.

Hey Tay!

Okay I know it's kinda late and I know you're probably with friends right now but I have a huge problem on my mind. I had a dream today, and I believe it was a premonition. The dream seemed to take place a few years from now and included a very particular blonde. Ugh he makes me so angry now! He totally called me a tease and basically ripped my heart out a stomped on it. Then he goes and has the nerve to start dating Kristen of all the people he could date to piss me off! Pansy for one example.

I don't know why I care so much, I mean it is only Draco Malfoy. But he's using Kristen, I just know it, to make me mad or pissed or a weird way to get me back if that even makes sense. I'm so confused and I just wanted to talk to my big sister. You always know what to say to make everything make sense! Well I hope you had a good day and have a good night! xD

Love you,

Sighing I shut my journal and put it back in my night stand. I kissed Onyx and put him under my pillow. I was about to turn off the light when I heard a small squeak. Smiling, I turned my head and kissed the soft fur of Cotton. Whispering I said "Silly old Cotton Ball, you think your big enough to sleep in a big bed?" She replied with a squeak and I lifted her up and gave her a kiss. "Night Cotton Ball." I put her back in her cage and shut the light off. Yawning I turned over and tired to find the most comfortable position to try and fall asleep with all these emotions in my system.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 12:27 am

FUCK I HATE THIS THING. I had the whole thing written, and then my computer just went haywire and deleted it. :[ so here is the re-written version. Not as good, but it's okay.

I woke up the next morning super early. I always seemed to get up earlier when I fell asleep upset. All I really wanted right now was a very very hot shower. One that left my skin red and made me feel amazingly clean. I pulled myself out of bed after failing to fall back asleep. I wrapped my laptop into my arms and glanced over at Paige's bed. I couldn't tell if she was in there or not, but for my sake, I hoped she was either asleep still or down at breakfast. I was never able to hold a grudge for long, but I still wanted to put off seeing Paige for a while.

I went into the bathroom making sure to tiptoe past the beds of my roomates. I didn't want to wake them up. I prefered to take my showers alone. I set up my computer and started playing my music. I didn't listen to what was playing or who it was by, I just wanted to get into the shower. I jumped in and did everything, and then some. I shaved my legs, shaved the pits, and even deep conditioned my hair. I felt squeeky clean after my shower, and I managed to avoid thinking about Paige and Blaise and Draco the whole time. Even though I didn't fuck around in the shower really, it still took an hour and a half.

I got out of the shower and immediatly knew what to do with my hair. It was a Saturday, so I had to look fantastic because I would be wearing my clothes all day. I made my hair into perfect loose waves and then pulled half up (Think profile application picture). I padded into my room still clad in my towel. I examined my closet and just decided on something simple. I pulled on a pair of dark jeans that I knew made my ass look good. I also pulled on a thin white shirt and then a green tank top over it (I actually have this shirt, and i LOVE it.) that I knew complimented my body very nicely. And also made me look very scottish. Or irish. Something along those lines.

I pulled on my chucks and headed back into the bathroom to do my makeup. Just some black eyeliner on the top and bottom, green eyeshadow and some mascara. I skipped on the foundation and concealer for today.

I headed down to the Great Hall and as I entered i instictively looked for Paige. I saw here, and then my eyes caught the bright blond head that was Draco. He caught my eye and smiled, and I smiled back. I headed toward my table and sat across from Paige. "Morning!" I said brightly. I was hoping she still wasn't mad at me. She nodded at me, barely acknowleding me. Maybe she was just engorssed in her breakfast? I conned myself into thinking this, and ate a silent breakfast.

I got up to leave for the library. I'd planned on studying some and working on homework. As I was leaving the Great Hall, I caught Draco's eye and he waved me over. I went over and sat on the opposite side of the table from him and Blaise. I nodded curtly at Blaise and smiled at Draco.

"Morning boys!" I said brightly. Draco smiled at me.

"Morning. What are you doing after breakfast?" He asked me.

"I was planning on heading up to the library to study and do some homework." I answered. I hope he wouldn't be one of those clingy boyfriends.

"Mind if I join you? I need to do some transfiguration and potions."

"Of course! As long as you don't mind my music!" I smiled at him.

"Never! I'll meet you up there in a few minutes, I still have to finish up my breakfast and then run down to the common room to get my stuff."

"Sounds good. I'll see you in a few minutes!" I got up to walk away. I waved at Blaise and smiled at Draco and the rest of the Slytherins. They hated me, and it amused me to see them glare while I just smiled at them. When I walked away I could hear Blaise getting up and saying something to Draco. And it sounded very rude.

I got up to the library and found a table in the back for Draco and I. He just arrived a few minutes later looking a little upset. We started studying right away, and in complete silence.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 1:31 am

I woke up way too early for my liking. I think it was from all the sleep I got yesterday and I never sleep well when I fall asleep upset. I moaned and groaned as my feet fell into my pink fuzzy slippers and walked into the bathroom. I made sure to grab my curling iron and blow-dryer in with me. I made sure to make the lights dim, I hate taking showers in bright lights. I cleansed my whole body and did some shaving of the body as well (only the legs and pits (dirty minds people xD)). Once I was all clean I wrapped my towel around me and started doing my hair. I did the long process of drying it and curling it. I looked in the mirror and decided to leave it like that for now.

I quietly reentered my room and decided it felt like it was going to be a nice day, so why not a cute sundress? I found my favorite one (my aunt got it for me as a birthday present) and found the best shoes to go with it. As I laid out the outfit (I picked out a cute over shirt or something encase I got chilly), I sighed and knew my hair wasn't done enough to wear this dress. I went into the bathroom and did my hair up really pretty. My bangs were bothering me so I just put them in a clip, then I tried curling them, but ended up straightening them and adding a few little curls in. I dressed and went back into the bathroom to put on some make-up. I ended putting on light brown eyeliner on the top and bottom lids lightly. My eyeshadow was was a lite blue with a little bit of glitter in it. Finishing off I added some little crystal button thingys in my hair and necklace.

I grabbed my bag, took Onyx out of underneath my pillow and into my bag, and left my room quietly. I walked to breakfast in complete silence, not even saying hello to anyone. I was still in a mood as I entered the Great Hall. Sighing I sat in my regular seat and decided I wanted a big breakfast. I loaded my plate with hash browns, bacon, eggs, some strawberries and a big glass of apple juice and milk. My mind was so many places that I hardly ate any of my food before Kristen came down. She sat across from me and I just concentrated on my plate. "Morning!" She said brightly. I nodded in her direction, I still didn't know what to say or even if I was ready to talk to her. One thing was for sure, I had to talk to a certain blonde before I talked to Kristen.

She didn't eat a big breakfast, as usual, and ended up walking toward Draco. I could feel my cheeks getting all warm. I forced myself to forget about the situation and eat my breakfast. I finished about half of my plate before I just couldn't keep up the act any more. I wanted to go outside for some fresh air, which I haven't had for a while. I walked quickly out of the hall and almost ran smack into Draco but I stopped myself in time. He looked up and down my body, smirked, ran his tongue around his lips, looked at me and smiled. "Hi," was his plain response.

"Hi." I said angrily and walked around him, but he stopped me by grabbing my arm. Rolling my eyes I looked at him, "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to tell you that you look good today." "Whatever." I mumbled and he stopped me again as I yet again tried to walk away. "Were you wearing that to catch someone's attention or just to make me look at you? Did you think I would honestly want you for dressing that way? I don't think so darling."

"So then why do you keep looking honey?" I said, mocking his tone perfectly. He looked at me surprised which made me keep on going. "And no for your information I like wearing sundresses and thank you for the compliment I know I look good. Oh and if I wanted to catch anyone's attention it would be a different blonde with spiky hair and gorgeous deep blue eyes." I looked at him, daring him to say something. When he didn't I continued, "I don't know why you think your important enough for me to actually care what you think about my outfits. If I recall you have a girlfriend, and you should worry about her attire being too scandalous instead of me."

In a low voice with a serious tone he said, "What the hell are you talking about?" I could tell I hit something, I just don't know what it was, so I went with the outfit. "I'm saying that I can dress how ever I want. I'm single calling all the horny young men to me. Which means I can dress scandalous without anyone really caring. Oh and guess what I doubt Camden would be upset about my outfit today." I leaned into him, whispering in his ear, "I even bet he won't be able to take his hands off me." I leaned back and saw Draco getting pissed which made me smile.

"Paige! Paige!" I heard and looked at the top of the staircase to see Camden waving and coming down. "Speak of the devil. Well have a good day Draco." I said and started to walk toward the staircase, but turned and looked at Draco, "Oh and if you do anything to hurt Kristen in anyway I swear I will put the worst hexes I know on you, and maybe even use my new found gift."

"You think your petty little threats scare me?" He spat, "Besides I would rather date a classy girl than a slut like you." The next thing I did was just an instinctive reflex...I slapped him in his face. "That's for calling me a slut." Instead of slapping him again I punched him in his nose, pretty hard too. "And that's for all the things you said today and last night." I walked away from him toward Camden. I knew he would fix his nose, but I didn't care I totally felt so much better.

As Camden got closer my smile widened. "Hi Camden!" I said and he greeted me with a little kiss on the lips. "Nice hit." He said, which made me blush. "Thanks." I muttered and he grabbed my hand. "So I already ate, did you? (nod) Well how about walking around outside with me? It's going to be a beautiful day." I looked at him and smiled, "I had a feeling it was going to be when I woke up this morning. And I'd love to walk with you." He smiled as we headed outside.

http://www.celebrity-hair-styles-magazine.com/images/celebrity-updo-hairstyle-01.jpg (this is what my hair looks like.)
http://www.pyramidcollection.com/prodimages/P8641B.jpg (dress) http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jYn7eWFpL._SS400_.jpg (shoes)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 2:29 am

I finished my herbology quickly, and glanced at Draco. He was focusing on his Potions essay, and by focusing, I mean really focusing. His brow was wrinkled and just a little corner of his tongue stuck out of his mouth. I smiled and just watched him for a minute. I think he felt my eyes on him, because after a bit he looked up.

His face relaxed and he looked at me perplexed. "What?" He asked.

"You have a cute concentrating face." I told him, completely telling the truth. It was very cute, and very adorable.

"Really?" He seemed proud of himself that even when he wasn't meaning to he was cute.

"Yup. Anyway, I'm done with Herbology. How's the potions coming?"

"Just finished actually!" He said enthusiastically, and even threw down his quil to prove his point.

"Well, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

"Not at all." He answered, although he hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Why were you upset when you came in? You seemed fine at breakfast but then you seemed upset when you came up here."

"I ran into Paige." I gave him a questioning look. "Let's just say things didn't go over well."

"And by well you mean . . . what exactly?" He told me the whole story. Everything. He even told me how he thought she looked good today. And surprisingly, I was jealous. Very jealous, in fact.

"Oh." Was all I could say. I turned back to my books. Draco grabbed my hand.

"There's more to it though! I also told her how I would rather date a classy girl. And by a classy girl, I meant you. And then she slapped me."

"She did?!" I wasn't gonna lie, I was slightly proud of her. Not for slapping Draco, but for standing up for herself.

"Yup. Nothing big. But then she punched me. That one hurt."

"Oh! Are you okay?" I was worried, I wasn't gonna lie. He was my boyfriend afterall!

"Perfectly!" He leaned into my ear and whispered, "By the way, you look better today. I prefer a jeans type of girl anyway." Then he kissed me on the cheek, and it was really sweet.

"What happened to the old egotistical Draco Malfoy?" I asked jokingly.

"He got a girlfriend." He stated simply. I blushed brightly. One of my bad habits ((You guys have seen me blush, you can imagine!)). I smiled and started back on my homework. By ten we were both finished with all of our homework for every class, and even some extra studying.

"Let's go outside for a walk. It's nice outside!" I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan! I'm sick of this dreary old library." He grabbed my hand and we walked down to the grounds hand in hand. We walked around toward the other side of the lake. I saw some people walking together up ahead, seemingly holding hands. I looked closer and noticed it was Paige. I stopped dead. Draco stopped at glanced at me. "What's wrong, love?"

"Paige and Camden." I said simply. He understood.

"Screw them." He tugged me along until Paige and Camden were right in front of Draco and I.

"Morning Paige! Morning Camden!" I said brightly. I couldn't help it. I was always cheery. One of my many character flaws. I didn't know how to be angry.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 9:49 am

As we walked toward the outside hand in hand, I noticed that everyone kept looking at me. They weren't looking at us, just me which made me feel self conscious. I leaned in closer to Camden, who didn't seem to see the looks, and he put his arm around me hugging me to his body. I felt safe in his arms, and I was surprisingly comfortable, I'm not going to lie. As we finally stepped foot on the grass I gently slid Camden's arms off of me and into my hand.

"Your hands are cold Paige. What's wrong?" I looked up at him, his deep blue sea eyes full of concern.

"Nothing I feel fine. My hands are just a little cold. They usually don't get warmer until later in the day." I told him and smiled. I could tell he wasn't fully satisfied with my answer but didn't question it. I couldn't tell him that my real worry was that he and I would be together for a long time, but that our relationship actually end up being a lie. He would think I've gone mental.

He didn't say anything for a long time, almost until we were to the Whomping Willow. "Paige." He said and stopping in his tracks. I stopped too and looked at him. His face was hidden because he was looking at the ground. "Yes?" I asked him, hoping to give him enough courage to talk to me. "I want to know why exactly you...um hit Draco today, and why you are wearing that dress." I could tell he didn't mean those questions to offend me, and they didn't.

I smiled at him and lifted his gaze to me. "To tell you the truth, I like wearing dresses when I can. My aunt bought me this dress and I haven't found a day to wear it yet. Do you think it's too risque? Do you not like this dress on me? I can take it off, I just thought it was a dress..." I was rambling, I knew I was. I was trying to not have to answer his first question.

"No no Paige I looks really good. I mean you look beautiful in this dress. I just don't want you to feel self conscious of yourself because you are beautiful and you need to show it off." I smiled at him and kissed him sweetly. We continued on our way, closer to the lake. Then he stopped again and looked at me. "You didn't answer my question about Draco."

I knew he wouldn't forget, even if I wanted him too, so I took a deep breath and without looking at him told him, "Well yesterday in the Hospital Wing, Draco came in and we got in this really big argument. He ended up calling me a tease for flirting with him then kissing you." I looked at his face. Camden was looking away from me, toward the lake, and it looked like he was fighting an anger that was building up inside. I continued, "Then today he stopped me in the hallway to tell me that I looked good today. Then he started asking these ridiculous questions like; did you wear that to prove a point to me or just to get someone else to notice my dress. I had enough with his attitude and told him off. Oh and I forgot to tell you that last night after the argument with him, Draco went and asked Kristen out. (I rolled my eyes) Anyway, he said that he would rather date a classy girl than a slut. So I slapped him and punched him for everything he said last night." I finished and sat down on the ground, pulling Camden with me.

"So he called you a slut and a tease?" He asked, clenching and unclenching his fists. I put a hand on each of the his fists. "Yes but I already handled it. So you don't need to get yourself all worked up over nothing." I told him soothingly. I ran a hand over his face and he seemed to relax into my palms.

"That still doesn't make it okay for him to do that to you Paige." He said and gently took my hand in his. Camden's face was all serious and he looked really upset. "I know." I told him, and let my head fall to the ground. "I'm not going to let anyone talk that way about my girlfriend any more without there being some consequences." I looked up at him, shock written all over my face. "What?" He asked.

"You...you called me your girlfriend." I stated and he smiled his gorgeous smile. "Is that alright?" I nodded. "Good, because I was actually going to ask you out today anyway." I leaned into him and gave him the most passionate kiss that I knew. We basically made out for about ten minutes before he leaned away and touched my face. "Wow, you really know how to kiss. (blush) Oh I almost forgot." He said and pulled something out of his pocket. "I know how you like wearing necklaces and my grandma had given me this. I was wondering if you would wear this to show everyone that you are taken." He opened the box and my jaw dropped.
The necklace was clearly and antique, you could tell by the style of it. It looked like a golden flower with a blue sapphire gem as the center. Each petal had three small pearls on it.

"Camden the necklace is gorgeous, but I can't have that. It's too much I...I feel that I would be stealing from you." I told him honestly.

"Paige this was a gift from my grandma, she told me to give it to my first girlfriend. You are my first real girlfriend. Don't feel like you would be stealing, it's a gift from me to you." He said and moved behind me to unlatch my necklace and replace it with his grandmothers. The necklace wasn't as heavy as I thought it would be, it felt as light as the flower it portrayed. We spent the next hour or so just talking. By ten we started walking again, toward the lake.

We were making our way around the lake, hand in hand, when Kristen holding hands with Draco were standing right in front of us. Kristen waved and said brightly, "Morning Paige! Morning Camden!" Camden nodded his greeting and I gave a quiet "Hello." In return. I leaned closer into Camden and he wrapped his arm around me, I could feel a smile spread across my face when I saw the look on Draco's.

"That's such a pretty necklace Paige." Kristen said and walked toward me, leaving Draco behind. As she approached I felt myself stiffen, I didn't want to have a lot of contact with her just yet. Camden soothingly said 'shh' and rubbed up and down my arm, relaxing me. She examined and touched the necklace. "It's beautiful, where'd you get it?" She asked me. "Camden gave it to me." Was my quiet response.

Camden smiled proudly and said, "It was my grandma's first necklace that she ever got from a boy. She said he wasn't her first boyfriend, or her last, but he told her that she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen and wanted to get her a gift that tried to match her beauty. She gave it to me when I would find a girl that I felt the same way about." He looked at me and I gave me a few quick sweet kisses.

"So are you two like a thing now?" Draco asked as he took Kristen's hand in his. He didn't look upset, but he didn't look happy either.

I smiled at his reaction and said, "Camden asked me earlier by the lake. He was so sweet about it and I couldn't just say no. I mean look at his face. How could you say no to this face?" I touched Camden's cheek and kissed his other one. I heard Draco mumble "I could think of a few ways." Kristen didn't seem to notice but just looked at me happily.

"Well Camden and I were just about to go back to the castle, right honey?" I asked. I gave him the get-me-the-heck-out-of-here face and he smiled and nodded. "That's right. Sorry we couldn't stay and chat longer but oh well." We waved goodbye and headed toward the castle. I glared at Draco as I passed him and pulled myself tighter to Camden.

Once we were out of their hearing range Camden asked, "What was that all about?" I looked at him and said, "I'll tell you over lunch, but for now I need to check on my hamster and change my clothes. These shoes are killing me." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and hurried up the stairs to the castle. Camden was still holding my hand until we entered Hogwarts, then we parted and went our separate ways. I walked slowly to my room, smiling all the way and touching the beautiful necklace around my neck.

http://www.beverlyhillsestatejewelry.com/images/MEPM4a.jpg (this is what the necklace looks like)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 22, 2009 10:39 pm

Paige had such a pretty necklace. On instinct I reached out to touch it. I was hoping such a simple action would show her that I wasn't mad at her anymore. It didn't work. It was an uncomfortable moment. I noticed when Paige gave Camden to look to tell him to get her out of there. I had to talk to her later, but first I wanted to talk to Draco. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards him, keeping me close to him.

Paige and Camden walked away hand in hand looking happy as possible. I smiled, I was happy for Paige. At least she got her Prince Charming. Draco and I continued on our walk around the lake, but I wasn't paying attention really. I was bothered by something. Draco had seemed so . . . possessive as soon as Paige came around. Almost as if he did want to make Paige jealous. I pushed it out of my mind. I didn't want to think about it right now.

We came around to a spot on the edge of the lake with a perfect sitting tree. I ran up to it, leaving Draco behind. It was so pretty! The leaves were a luscious green and the grass nice and spongy. I spun around for a moment, just letting myself enjoy it. I turned toward Draco to see him leaning against a tree and smiling at me. His arms were crossed, and he looked purely amused. I smiled at him, and I swear it almost reached my ears.

I ran up to him and grabbed his arms and pulled him toward the tree. "Come on! Let's sit!" He chuckled and laughed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"If it makes you happy." He said and sat on the grass, and pulled me into his lap. I leaned back against his chest and set my head on his shoulder. I smiled happily. I turned and kissed his neck slightly, which made him shift under me. He smelled really really good. I inhaled him deeply, and just smiled into his neck.

"Draco, can I ask you a question?" I had closed my eyes and was completely relaxed against him.

"Mhm." He sounded. I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I had to ask, because it would kill me if I didn't. He seemed relaxed, and his head was leaning against the tree and his eyes were closed.

"Do you like Paige?" His body immediately tensed up, but I forced myself to stay relaxed.

"Why?" He asked. His voice was hard and cold. It made my heart beat faster in trepidation.

"Because, it just seems like you might." I paused. I didn't want to make him upset, I just wanted to know the truth. I got off his lap and twisted toward him. His eyes were locked on mine. I made sure not to move mine from his. "I just want to make sure you aren't using me to make her jealous."

He put his face close to mine, just inches apart. My eyes searched his, and I could find no fault. "No." He stated simply. "I will admit that I was interested, but never more than that. I prefer a girl that can make decisions and stay with them." He paused slightly, this time it seemed like his eyes were searching mine. "That girl is you." I smiled at him. He leaned in and kissed me lightly and sweetly.

"Good answer." I said. He smiled and leaned back against the tree, pulling me back against his chest. "Tell me about your family." I commanded. I felt a chuckle roll through his chest.


"I want to know about them. I want to know about you." He started talking about his family, about everything. When he talked about his mum, a certain softness entered his voice. One of love and of caring. Then when he got to his dad, it became hard as a rock. He told me about how his dad loved him, but just showed it in different ways. By the time we got through talking about his family, my family, my old school and basically everything it was almost dinner.

I felt as if I knew him better than a lot of people now. We started walking back up to the castle for dinner when he stopped me and the door to the castle. "Kristen, some of the things we talked about, they're private. I'd like for you not to mention it to anyone. You know things that a lot of people don't, and I'm trusting you with them."

"And you've trusted them with the right person." I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a light kiss on the lips. Draco wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer to him, deepening the kiss. It left me breathless and giddy inside. I smiled at him.

"And I promise I like you for you, and it has NOTHING to do with Paige." I smiled and he pulled me into his chest. I hugged him and breathed in his scent. I could hear the hundreds of pairs of feet entering the Great Hall for dinner. "Come on love. Dinner time! I'm starving!" He grabbed my hand and half pulled me into the Great Hall. We went to our separate tables, and I made a point to sit right next to Paige. I loaded my plate with food. Everything from chicken to potatoes to some salad. I caught Draco's eye across the hall. He smiled and made a funny face at me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him, and I could almost hear his laugh across the Hall.

I turned to Paige. "So, you and Camden, huh? That's one hell of a necklace he gave you!" 'Come on Paige! Talk to me!' I thought, and I hoped she took the bait. I missed her! I hoped she took it as a peace offering.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 12:22 am

I skipped my all the way up to the common room. I was in such a good mood that I completely forgot about how I have to answer a question, so I ran smack into the door. Suddenly the handle started asking the question.
Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I'm double, I'm single,
I'm black, blue, and gray,
I'm read from both ends,
And the same either way.
What am I?

I thought about this...three letters but pronounced as one...I'm read from both ends..."You are an eye." I stated. The door opened and I quickly ran to change.

First I went into the bathroom to fix my hair. At first I wanted to take it out of it's 'pretty' state and into a different up do, but when I took it out everything just flowed. It was a good thing I didn't use any hairspray or else it would've never looked this good. I smiled to myself and put some sparkle spray on my hair. Now I'm usually very good at finding an outfit right away but it was very difficult for me to find one. I threw out three skirts, two shorts, and five different pairs of pants. Then I added four short sleeved shirts, three halter tops, and three jackets. I mix matched as many items and finally found the right one. It consisted of: a pink and white halter top with the straps going around my neck, a white crop jacket to go over the shirt, a dark blue pair of skinny jeans, and some really really cute high heal white boots and of course the necklace Camden gave me.

Once I was finished dressing I 'ran' out of my room and made it, surprisingly quick down to the Great Hall. Camden was waiting for me in a nice Abercrombie Fitch shirt. My heart skipped a few beats when I saw him looking so...dashing! I smiled at him and walked toward him. Once I was next to him he swooped me into a mind melting kiss. I heard a couple of gasps of surprise coming from around us but I didn't mind. I threw my arms around him, getting closer to him to deepen the kiss. After a few seconds I pulled my head away from him, keeping my arms locked around his neck. I whispered in his ear "Ready for lunch?" I asked and he mumbled "Mmhmm" Into my neck, making me shiver.

I unlocked my arms from his neck and instead wrapped them around his waist, "We make a cute couple don't you think." I said to him as we walked into the hall together. He chuckled and he had a small cute little conversations as we walked toward his table. People stared and mumbled their thoughts but the only thoughts I was concerned about were those of Camden. I sat with him at the Hufflepuff table, around his friends. We had a very enjoyable lunch with small talk, some little whispers between Camden and I, and not a lot of eating. His friends, and really all off the Hufflepuffs were really nice and did mind their own business. I really felt as ease here. Sadly lunch ended much too soon for my liking and I had to say good bye to his friends.

"It was nice to meet you guys." I said and waved to them as they walked toward the library. I turned my attention back to Camden. He stood next to me, smiling at his friends and at me. "Go on with them." I stated and he looked at me. "What?" I giggled, "You should go finish your school work with them, I there's always dinner and then maybe a nice walk outside?" His smiled widened (if that was possible) and he bent down to kiss me. "I'll see you at dinner." He mumbled into my lips. He ran to catch up with his friends and I just laughed as I watched him. It was good he was able to spend time with his friends. I didn't want to be one of those needy girlfriends.

I decided to go back outside (I still had my bag with me) and read my book. The sun was shinning and there was a nice breeze that welcomed me when I left the castle. I sat on a bench facing toward the lake and took out one of my all time favorite muggle books,
East. I probably could've stayed outside for the rest of the day, but it was almost dinner time and I wanted to save the best part to read in my room. I got up from the bench and stretched my arms to the sky. Putting my book back into my bag as I walked, I entered the castle and went straight for the great hall.

I sat at my usual seat and looked around the hall. There was no sight of Camden yet so I decided to fill my plate with my goodies; one piece of chicken, some salad, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a nice hot roll. I took a drink of my pumpkin juice, keeping my eyes peeled for Camden. Instead of finding him, I saw Kristen heading toward me. I silently prayed that she wouldn't sit next to me, I still didn't have the guts to talk to her, and yet she did. From the corner of my eye I saw her load her tray with almost the exact same things I had.

Kristen took a small bite of food and turned to me, "So, you and Camden, huh? That's one hell of a necklace he gave you!" I knew she just wanted us to be friends again, but I was a chicken.

"Yup." Was my plain reply. I could tell she was disappointed and so was I. I silently hit myself in the head, I had to say something. "So you and Draco still...you know?" I asked. Come on this shouldn't be that hard after all she is your best friend.

"Yes we are, thanks for asking." She smiled at me, I could tell she was being sincere. This made it harder for me to speak.

"That's great...really fantastic. I didn't tell you earlier that you look nice today." I smiled at her, this time it wasn't forced, maybe this was easier than I thought.

"Really? I think I look like plain Jane compared to you today. Why'd you change? You looked really cute."

I shrugged, "Some people thought I looked sluttish. Others thought I looked nice. I thought I looked good, but it was very uncomfortable to tell you the truth. The shoes, I think, gave me blisters the size of Pansy's head (she did have a big head), and I kept on worrying if my dress was going to fly up so everyone could see my underwear!" I said and started laughing. Kristen joined in and we were instantly back into our groove as if nothing had ever happened.

I looked at her, "So what did you do this afternoon once I left?"

http://heretodaygonetomorrowboutique.com/images/limited_halter_top.jpg (shirt)
http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=24063 (jacket)
http://www.themakeoverguy.com/blog/skinny-jeans.png (jeans)
http://z.about.com/d/shoes/1/0/8/W/white_knee_high_boots.jpg (boots)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 10:03 pm

I smiled inwardly. I was glad Paige and I were back to normal! I had been afraid that she wouldn't respond and that things would still be suckish. But they weren't!

"I didn't do much. Draco and I sat by the lake and talked. We talked straight through lunch!" Paige nodded kindly, although I wasn't sure if she really was interested.

"What'd you talk about?" I think she was just being polite. I didn't think she really cared about Draco, and I noted nod to talk 'Draco Talk' around Paige.

"Everything? Draco's family, my family, life pre-hogwarts. Just things like that. What'd you and Camden do?"

"We ate lunch, but then Camden went to study and hang out with some friends so I read a book." She said, while also taking bites of food.

"Really? What book?"

"East. One of my favorites!"

"I've read that book! It's really good! I love the ending. And just the whole Idea of it! And Tuki! He's my favorite!" Paige smiled at me.

"You've read it?"

"Yes! I love all books, particularly fiction!"

"Me too!" I smiled and we finished our dinner talking about the many books we've read and how amazing they are. As soon as we were done eating, Paige excused herself. "I'm going on a walk with Camden." She practically squeeled.

"Have fun!" I called after her. I got up and headed over to where both Draco and Blaise were sitting. It seemed like they were having a heated discussion, although it was mostly in whispers. They hadn't noticed me, and I could hear what they were saying almost perfectly.

"You can't keep doing this to her!" Blaise whisper yelled passionatly.

"I'm not doing anything to her!" Draco replied, just as passionatly.

"Yes you are! You're leading her on, and I will tell her!"

"No. You won't! If she's dumb enough to believe me, then let it be!" I had finally reached them.

"Hi boys!" I said brightly, not letting my confusion show at all. Blaise got up angrily and glared at Draco. If looks could kill, Draco would be dead right there, right now.

I took a seat next to Draco. "What were you and Blaise talking about? It seemed like a pretty heated discussion."

"Nothing for you to worry about." He promised, and leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I could feel eyes glaring at me from all over the Slytherin table, and I knew Draco did too. "Let's give them a bit of a show." He mumbled into my lips, and then proceeded to deepen the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he in turn wrapped his around my waist. I let my hands run through his baby hair at the base of his neck, and he shivered just a bit. I smiled through the kiss as Draco's tongue ran lightly across my lips.

We stopped and we both were breathing heavily. "That was nice." I stated.

"Only nice? Well then, I'll have to show you fantastic sometime. I blushed at this, and he ran a finger lightly across my cheeks. "I love your blush. No girl I've ever met has a blush like yours." He kissed my cheek lightly. He stood up suddenly. "Let's go for a walk!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. We walked out of the Great Hall like that, and when we got into Entrance Hall he pulled me close and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I put mine around his waist. We walked like that around the grounds just talking about anything and everything. We had talked about some of the more important things earlier, so we just talked about the stupid stuff. Most embarrasing moments, first kiss and stuff like that. It was perfect.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2009 11:43 pm

I looked at her, "So what did you do this afternoon once I left?"

"I didn't do much. Draco and I sat by the lake and talked. We talked straight through lunch!" I nodded and ate some of my food.

"What'd you talk about?" I was trying to be polite, I really didn't care that much about Draco to really give a crap, but I tried to look interested for Kristen's sake.

"Everything? Draco's family, my family, life pre-Hogwarts. Just things like that. What'd you and Camden do?"

"We ate lunch, but then Camden went to study and hang out with some friends so I read a book." I told her as I continued eating. I was really hungry since all I think I at for lunch was like a bite of a sandwich and for breakfast a couple bites of eggs.

"Really? What book?" Kristen asked. She looked at me with complete curiosity.

"East. One of my favorites!" I told her.

"I've read that book! It's really good! I love the ending. And just the whole Idea of it! And Tuki! He's my favorite!"

I smiled at her, "You've read it?"

"Yes! I love all books, particularly fiction!"

"Me too!" I said and our discussion for the rest of dinner was about our favorite books. Kristen said that she would write me a list of her top ten favorites that I would like, if I hadn't read any of them yet. Once we were finished with dinner, I looked over at the Hufflepuff table to see Camden look at me and excuse himself from his table. Wiping my mouth I stood up, "I'll see you later. Camden and I are going on a walk around the grounds." I told her and squealed, I was so excited for tonight.

"Have fun!" Kristen said excitedly for me. I smiled, happy that Kristen and I were practically sisters again. As I walked to the entrance I realized we always were sisters. Sisters fight but always get over the fight and make up, just like Kristen and I did. My smile widened when I met Camden in the hallway outside of the hall.

"Hey!" I said and walked up to him. I kissed him lightly on the lips. "Ready for our walk Mister McKinley." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me. I could feel his chuckles starting at his chest, it was a strange yet nice feeling. "Of course I am Miss Morfey." He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him as we started for the grounds.

"So how did your studying go? Did you guys actually study or just talk?" I asked him once we were outside. I looked up at him, giving him the accusing look. I think I knew the answer before he said it.

"The studying went well. Yes we did actually study, for a while, but then we got to talking. That's why I was late to dinner." He looked at me. I stared back at him, waiting for him to continue. He chuckled again and continued, "I was actually going to ask you to join us for dinner, but then I saw you talking to Kristen and laughing." He kissed my hair and mumbled into it, "I'm glad you two made it."

"Me too." I said and moved my head so his lips were touching mine. I broke the kiss to ask him a question, "So, if it's not too personal to ask, what did you guys talk about?" The look he gave me had me holding back a giggle. He had this really weird, yet cute, smile on and was blushing and looking away. Was he embarrassed at what they talked about?

"No it's too personal, just a little...embarrassing." He said. "Okay...so does that mean you're going to tell me?" I asked. "If you really want to know. (nod) Well when I caught up with them they were talking about what a catch you were. About how they hadn't met a first year as, um I don't remember what they said exactly but it was basically cool. So they asked me how I first met you and I said my first glimpse of you was on the Hogwart's Express." He kissed my forehead again as we continued to walk. Once we were by the lake I found a log that we could lean against and sat down.

"Okay, so then what did you guys talk about?" I was really interested. I felt like I was always the one talking, he needed to talk more.

"Then we entered the library and did study for sometime. You should be happy to hear that I finished two of my three assignments during that time." I kissed his cheek and nudged him to continue. "Since we really don't do well studying for a long time, we started talking about people that we liked. They told me of their crushes, my friend Ryan, said that he liked your friend Kristen. I told him she was taken by Malfoy and you should've seen the look on his face! It was hilarious, he looked like he was going to explode!" I laughed with him. "That was basically it. I told them about our date tonight, they told me to tell you hi."

I smiled, "Well when you see them tonight tell them they are very sweet and hi back. So are you glad you went with them?" I asked.

"Yes I am. Thank you for forcing me to go by the way."

"Of course." We smiled.

"It would've been so hard to study if I was with you because I would be so tempted to do this." He leaned down and kissed me.

It was more of the shock what he said that he was tempted to do that caught me off guard. The kiss started out soft and sweet, delicious actually. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him to deepen the kiss. His arms slipped around my waist. His hands were warm on my back and made me shiver. My hands roamed his back and one hand slipped into his golden hair. This made him shiver, which made me feel proud on the inside.

We continued to kiss this way for a while. Then I think he was getting bored and wanted to try something new. Suddenly his tongue slid over my lips and I gasped. His tongue skillfully slipped into the small opening of my mouth and roamed. I broke the kiss suddenly and wiped my lips. "Sorry." I whispered and looked at him.

He looked at me, concern on his face. "Did I..? I'm sorry Paige I didn't mean to...it's just that...I'm so stupid." He bent his head toward the ground and kept beating himself up over this. I put my hand under his chin and lifted it. He looked at me and I kissed him lightly. "What...I..?"

"Cam don't worry so much about that. It's not your fault, I just wasn't...ready for it to go that far just yet." I kissed his forehead and blushed. It was the truth and since he was my boyfriend he deserved to know what I was thinking, sometimes. "Besides you know they say practice makes perfect." I winked at him and he smiled. "You never know, by the end of next week we could be pros at this!" We laughed.

The night didn't end there. We walked around the lake holding hands, sometimes getting closer than that. One time I thought I saw another couple, but it was too dark to tell. I thought we should spend tomorrow getting to really know each other, so we just talked about silly things. He told me that he is deathly afraid of balloon animals and I told him I was petrified of clowns and spiders.

As we came closer to the entrance I heard something from behind me. I turned to see Kristen and Draco walking toward us. They were laughing, that's the noise I heard, apparently they hadn't noticed us just yet. I smiled and lightly punched Camden in the ribs and jerked my head behind us. He looked and smiled. We stopped walking and let them see us, making it so we hadn't noticed them before. I started talking about a random subject in a whisper as they came closer. "Paige?" I heard Kristen say.

Turning my head I looked at her and smiled. "Hi Kristen! Hi Draco. What are you two doing outside?" I asked. I was actually really curious. Had they been outside the whole time Camden and I were?
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2009 12:56 am

"Okay, first kiss!" I said.

"My first kiss? I can't tell you that!" He laughed

"Aw, why not?" I asked, pouting just a little.

He chuckled lightly. "Because, I've tried to block that out of my mind!" I pouted at him some more. "Okay, okay! I can't say no to that face." I smiled in accomplishment, and I could feel a chuckle ripple through his chest. "I was about 8, and she was nine."

"You can't have a first kiss at 8!" I objected.

"If it wasn't when I was 8, then it was with you."

"8 works then!" I smiled and laughed. "I want to here a story I don't already know!"

"Well then, we were really good friends at the time. Our families were good friends. Her name was Emma. Anyway, one day when she was staying at our house, we were playing Marco Polo in the pool. Anyway, I was the Marco, and She was the Polo. She snuck up on me and she kissed me. I was so shocked I fell back into the water and almost drowned! She had to rescue me from the pool, and then proceeded to tell me she was never gonna kiss me again." I couldn't stop laughing at his story as we approached to doors to the castle. "It's not funny!" He objected. "I could've died!"

"Yes. Death by kissing. That would be horrible!" This time, he started laughing to. I looked up just in time to see another couple standing by the door. "Paige?" I asked.

"Hi Kristen! Hi Draco. What are you two doing outside?"

"Just out for a walk! It's so nice out!" I said. "Oh, and Paige! I didn't notice before, but I LOVE your boots!" I could practicaly feel Draco roll his eyes at us.

"Yes, yes. They're very adorable." Draco said sarcasticaly. "I just LOVE the whole ensamble. Much less whorish than that tramp costume you were wearing earlier." This time, he was dead serious, and I could see the hurt and anger on Paige's face, the pure hatred on Camden's, and the shock on mine. I pushed away from him.

"Excuse me?" Paige said rather loudly.

"I think you heard me." Draco said, just as loud. Paige looked like she was gonna punch him. My head went from one to another like it would at a Tennis match. "You looked like a tramp today Paige, and you know it. And what's worse, the whole school knows you're one now." He stated simply. I could see Paige clench her fist, but before she could do anything, Camden stepped forward and punched him. I knew it would leave a black eye, but I didn't care much. He fell to the ground hard, and there was a very audible thud.

"Come on love." Camden basically pulled Paige from where she was standing. Draco sat up and gave me a sad look like he didn't expect to get what he got.

"That was a surprise." He said lamely.

"And you deserved every bit, you prick." I marched up the stairs angrily and away from Draco. I could hear him shouting at me as I entered the Entrance Hall. I marched up the stairs and made my way in the general direction of the common room. I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going and eventually, I ended up in the dungeons. How that happened, I wasn't entirely sure, but I was there. I decided to quite for a while and sat against a wall under a torch. A few minutes passed, and I was about the get up, when I felt the wall behind me disolve completely. I fell backward into a hidden room and landed right at the feet of Blaise.

I looked up at him, and I could see a small smile tugging at the edges of his mouth. "What's up Blaise! Just thought I'd drop in and say hi!" I laughed at him. He smiled and reached out a hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

"I was actually meaning to talk to you." He said as I dusted off my clothes. I looked around the common room in amazement. It was gorgeous! It made me wish I was put in Slytherin and not Ravenclaw.

"About what?" I turned around preoccupied with my surroundings.

"Draco." He stated, and I turned back toward him.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

"How about we go for a walk? I can show you how to get out of here!"

"That sounds like a plan!" We walked out of the common room together, and I knew he was putting off what he wanted to say.

I decided to get him started. "Well, what did you want to say about Draco?"

"You shouldn't date him."

"This again?" I cried. I was tired of it. "Why?"

"This time I have reasons other than my own emotional ones." Our hands brushed breifly between us, and I jerked mine away. There was a spark between us, and I couldn't deny it. But I was with Draco.

"Really? What reasons?" I snapped.

"He's using you." I sighed and rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to hear this. "At least hear me out! He's using you to make Paige jealous. He does like you, but he likes Paige more, and he's royaly pissed that she and Camden are together. He was telling me about it last night, and how he thinks it's working." I just rolled my eyes again.

"Blaise, if you would stoop so low as to try and break Draco and I up with this bullshit, then you aren't quite what I thought you were."

"You know you've been thinking it the whole time! You can't deny it! And if you are sooo in love, why am I with you now and not Draco?"

"We just had a little fight." Was all I could say.

"And let me guess, it was either about Paige or something to do with Paige." I didn't reply, and I guess that was all he needed. "See?! It's true, and you know it! If you end up giving your heart to Draco, it's just going to be shattered."

"And who should I give it to? You? Who hurt me even before I started dating Draco? Who got pissed over something that was absolutely nothing?" I asked him.

"That wasn't nothing! You were practically flashing him!" He said loudly.

"I was not!" I said indignantly. "I was trying to help Paige out. Maybe if you knew the whole story, if you knew what was actually going on before that entire thing, maybe I wouldn't be dating Draco right now!" I yelled back.

"So, what? Are you just trying to make me jealous?" We were at the Gargoyles now.

I had to think about that for a second. Was I? Could I just be dating Draco to make Blaise jealous? "I don't know." I answered quietly, and truthfully.

"If you are, it's working very well!" He exclaimed, and then he leaned in and our lips touched. It was soft and gently. Sweet, but passionate at the same time. It took my breath away. And I kissed him back. I couldn't help it. Even if I was dating Draco, I still liked Blaise.

"Kristen?" I heard from down the corridor. Paige was standing there with Camden, both of their mouths agape slightly. Blaise and I broke apart, and I instantly felt my face heat up hot as an oven.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kristen." Blaise whispered, and he left down the corridor, leaving me alone with Paige and Camden, caught red handed. I was screwed.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2009 2:30 am

"Hi Kristen! Hi Draco. What are you two doing outside?" I asked. I was actually really curious. Had they been outside the whole time Camden and I were?

"Just out for a walk! It's so nice out!" Kristen said. "Oh, and Paige! I didn't notice before, but I LOVE your boots!" Kristen was such a sweetie! I should let her borrow one of my outfits tomorrow, it would look so cute on her!

"Yes, yes. They're very adorable." Draco said sarcastically. "I just LOVE the whole ensemble. Much less whorish than that tramp costume you were wearing earlier." This time, he was dead serious, and I felt even more hurt and angry than I was before. Why did he keep saying these things about me? Behind me I felt Camden stiffen and shift from one foot to another, then I saw Kristen push away from him.

"Excuse me?" I said rather loudly.

"I think you heard me." Draco said, just as loud. I wanted to punch him so much right now, but I wouldn't do that since Kristen was here. "You looked like a tramp today Paige, and you know it. And what's worse, the whole school knows you're one now." He stated simply. I clenched my fist, I would have to endure whatever Kristen said to me later, but Camden beat me to it. All he did was step forward and POW! just like what you see in the comic books. Draco fell to the ground hard, and there was a very audible thud.

"Come on love." Camden basically said to me and pulled me away. I think he knew that I wanted to kick Draco and he didn't want me getting into any trouble tonight. I wrapped myself around him as we walked to the entrance. I kept my cool as we walked past random students but then suddenly Camden changed directions and we in front of a closet. He opened the door and we walked in.

"Camden what?" He shushed me by putting his lips on my forehead. Gently he pushed my head on to his shoulder and I felt my strength dampen. I started to cry on his shoulders and he just held me, comforting me with his hands softly rubbing my back and playing with my hair. Once the tears started to slow I kissed his neck and mumbled "Thank you."

He sighed and pulled me gently back, "Paige I'm sorry for that to Draco. He has no right to say something like that to you. I just couldn't control myself. How dare he say those things to you in front of me?!" Camden balled his hands into fists and moved away from me. "I'm usually not a violent person but he just..."

I stepped closer to him and kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and then moved them to his face. I leaned back, my hands still softly around his face. I looked deep into his eyes, "Don't be sorry Camden. What you did was so thoughtful and sweet and, actually very sexy." I told him and his eyebrows practically disappeared into his hair.

"You're not mad?"

"Of course not silly! You stood up to me and actually made me not have to punch or kick Draco in front of Kristen. You know I was thinking of kicking him right bellow the belt." I said and he laughed.

"No matter what he says to you, remember he's just saying that because he wishes he had you." Camden told me and I kissed his nose.

"I actually think that's the reason too, but he's with Kristen and she is beautiful too. Plus she is my best friend, so I'm trying not to think badly about her boyfriend, even though he is an arse!" I said and clenched my fist.

Camden gasped, "Why Paige how unladylike of you, swearing in front of a gentleman." He teased and I gave him a playful jab in his chest.

We left the closet and I was going to walk him to his common room, I was curious as to where it was located, when we stopped at a sight that even my eyes didn't believe. Kristen was kissing Blaise, and Draco was no where to be seen. What is going on in this school? "Kristen?" I asked, not holding back the shock in my voice. My jaw was practically to the floor, and Camden's seemed to be under the tile floor. They broke apart and looked at us, Kristen all red and Blaise looking slightly disappointed.

I heard Blaise whisper, "I'll see you tomorrow Kristen." as he turned and walked away. Camden and I stood in place, too shocked to even move. "Hey guys." Kristen said in a shaky voice.

"Hi yourself." I said back. She walked up to us, I could see she was embarrassed that she was caught, but she didn't look like she regretted kissing him back.

"Well you two shouldn't be caught with me in the halls at this time of night. I'll see you two tomorrow." Camden said and bent down to give me a goodbye kiss. "I know you're sad but I'll show you tomorrow after breakfast." I nodded and gave him one more kiss.

As he walked away I looked at Kristen and jerked my head toward the staircase. I crossed my arms trying to think over everything that I just saw. "Kristen why were you kissing Blaise?"

"I...well...you see, " She told me the story about how she left Draco outside, she was disgusted at him, and about how she randomly ended up at the Slytherin common room. "Blaise thinks Draco's using me to get to you. I don't think so, I trust Draco to tell me the truth. Then he asked if I was just dating Draco to make him jealous and I said I wasn't sure and he kissed me."

We were almost to our common room, "I see, and why does Blaise think Draco's using you? What proof does he have exactly?"

"He said that Draco likes me but likes you more and that he's upset that you are dating Camden. He said he was telling him about it last night and about how he thinks it's working." Kristen said. I think she sort of believed Blaise but wasn't quite sure because of the way Draco acted tonight.

Kristen answered the question and we walked into the quiet common room. I stopped her, "I don't know if Blaise is telling the truth or not but I have a theory. What if you are the girlfriend from my dream? You know the one that Draco was making sure wasn't following him." Her eyes grew bigger.

"But that would mean that I would be dating him for over a year."

"Yes and what? Do you not see yourself dating him for that long?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I don't know Paige, I really don't. So many things have happened that I'm just confused and I want to go to bed." I nodded in agreement. We headed up the stairs to our dorm room arm in arm. It had been a long confusing day for both of us.

Before we entered I told Kristen, "When you wake up, I'm dressing you tomorrow. I have a really cute outfit that you would look absolutely hot in!" She smiled and said 'okay.' We walked into the room quietly and went to our beds. All I did was take off my boots, pants, and jacket (my shirt could almost be a short dress) before I climbed into bed. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

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Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2009 1:41 pm

As we entered our room, I stopped listening to Paige. All I could think about was how warm and comfy my bed was. I didn't even bother to change into my PJ's. I just took of my pants and my green tank top, and slept in just my undies and my white t-shirt. I climbed into bed and as soon as my head hit that pillow, I was dead to the world. I didn’t sleep well, though. I tossed and turned all night and had random dreams. I would start one, and then a second later, it would be a completely different one. In one particular dream, it made me toss and turn so hard, I fell out of bed. When I hit the floor, I woke up. My alarm was going off soon anyway, so I just decided to stay up. I rubbed the sore spot on my head and got into the shower. I didn’t bother with music this morning, I was to preoccupied.

I took a warm shower, and spent extra time in there. It was Sunday, and I had deemed this my all day study day. I didn’t want to get behind in school, but I didn’t see how I was going to anything done. My mind seemed like it was having a seizure, it just wouldn’t stay still. I got out of the shower, and padded into the room. I didn’t bother with looking cute. I threw on my favorite pair of pajama pants and a comfy t-shirt. I went back into the bathroom, and pulled my hair into a quick ponytail. I grabbed my bag and headed down to the Great Hall for a quick breakfast, then I planned on heading to the library.

When I got to the Great Hall, it was almost completely full. I avoided looking at the Slytherin table, and kept my eyes trained on the spot next to Paige. I sat next to her, and poured myself a cup of juice. I sipped it, and grabbed a piece of toast and a bit of sausage. I never ate much in the morning. We ate quietly. I didn’t want to discuss the events of last night, and I was hoping she didn’t want to either. Just as I finished eating, she spoke. “What are you doing today?” She asked.

“I’m going up to the library to do a bit of studying. You?” I asked back. Just before she could answer Camden came up behind her and kissed her gently on the neck. I blushed, and she giggled just a little bit. I got up. “I’ll leave you two alone!” I said, and left.

When I got in the Entrance Hall, I spotted Draco’s blond head. I pretended I didn’t notice, and headed up to the Library. “Kristen!” I heard him yell behind me. I stopped halfway up the staircase.

“Yes Draco?” I asked, and I know I didn’t sound welcoming.

“I was hoping we could talk.”

“Sorry, I’m going to do a bit of studying. “ I stated, and continued up the stairs. He grabbed my arm.

“Please?” I looked at him, and he looked pathetic. I gave in. Really, who could say no to that face? Well, maybe Paige, but not me.

“Fine. You can walk me to the library.” I continued up the stairs at a brisk pace, and Draco hustled to keep up.

“About last night . . .” He started, but I cut him off.

“You were a prick, and you got what you deserved.”

“I wasn’t talking about that.” Oh. My heart sped up a little bit. Did he know I kissed Blaise? I kept silent, and he continued. “A friend of mine saw you with Blaise last night, after what happened with Paige.”

“Yes. What are you doing? Having people keep tabs on me?”

“No. He just happened to see you. What I want to know, is what you guys were talking about.”

“Oh. So do you have a secret that I shouldn’t know about? One you think he was going to tell me?”

“Well, yes.” He answered honestly.
“Well, why don’t you tell me yourself! That would save us both a lot of trouble.” We went up another staircase, and Draco helped me skip the trick step. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome. This secret is a secret for a reason. I just want to know what he told you.” We had reached the Library.

“He told me that you were using me.” I turned to face him. “That you were just dating me to make Paige jealous. Oh! And that you thought it was working.” His face fell slightly.

“Oh.” Was all he said.

“Well, don’t you have anything else to say? Like that it’s not true?” I was practically begging. I didn’t want it to be true. He stayed silent. “That answers things then, doesn’t it?” I started into the library and was Halfway down the main aisle before he ran up and caught my arm. He turned me around and kissed me square on the mouth. I melted into it for a second, and then instantly backed away.

“Look! I don’t care about Paige! She’s with Camden anyway! And I’m with you, doesn’t count for something?!”

“No, not really. I’ll see you later Draco.” And I walked away. I explored the shelves and pulled down spell books and charm books and transfiguration books and potion books of all nature. I had at least 7 books when I finally sat down, and I started to read. My goal was to at least finish all of these books by dinner time.
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2009 9:10 pm

Tabby's POV

I'm lagging behind my teammates who are trying to be sweet by flying me to Hogwarts rather than having Marius Longbottom our Captain and my possible cousin take me by side-along apparation. With my things shrunk and securely in the inside pocket of my traveling cloak my new Nimbus 2000 should be one of the faster brooms here, if not for the newness for the sheer fact that I weigh less than one hundred pounds. However it is my dislike of the current situation that causes me to lag behind, and not even Remus sitting on my lap can get me out of the duldrums I'm in.

"Tabitha you need to speed it up or we won't back it before dark." Marius is right up beside now his dark brunette hair blowing messily around his face, his grey eyes are twinkling at me and I can't help but smile at him. Marius is such a kidder considering it's dark now we left at like three this morning, he's like my older brother, and he's currently the only boy that Remus will allow to touch him. Marius scratched behind Remus's ears waiting for me to answer proving my point once again.

"Sorry Mar...I just...miss Durmstrung already." I can already feel the heat creeping into my cold bones, it's a weird sensation sure enough. I miss the starkness of the North, the black and white contrasting against the grey castle. I miss Viktor and his weird jokes, just like I know I'll miss speaking in the mix of Russian, Slavic, and German.

Marius gives me a sympathetic look "I know Tabs but trust me you'll really like Hogwarts, most of us went there and you like us all." He tries to ruffle my hair which is pinned up tightly and I veer off course, spin around and practically knock into his broom. Laughing we both correct and take shite from the team about messing around in the morning, when no self respecting person should be awake. "I only like you most of the time there is a difference."

So I decide to start up a game of tag which most certainly keeps me and the other entertained for the rest of the flight, of course poor Remus had to cling for dear life at speeds nearly seventy miles an hour but he knows he enjoyed it.

We arrive at castle just as the breakfast bells are ringing. We walk past the breakfast hall and I can't help but stare in awe. "They seperate the students!" I say to Marius and he chuckles "Yup, when I came here they were fierce house rivalries, whatever house you get they'll be after you to join the Quidditch team." I make a gagging noise and Marius laughs as we go past the halls and up to the Headmasters office. "I couldn't possibly play for a school team after two years professional." "Hey it might keep you in practice better than our infrequent visits." Ariel, one of my besties and chasers says to me before pinching my butt as we step into the office.

Ariel is a bit off her rocker when you first meet her, but once you get to know her she really is completely insane. Obsessed with saving the enviornment she only wears recycled materials except for her uniform, and refuses to bathe unless the water can be reused in a bucket. She is also currently the only out and about lesbian in all organized Quidditch, her conquests on this feild are noted in most of the gossip rags.

"It is a pleasure to have such a grand team in our school and so many former scholars." The head master, Dumbledore I think his name is, says to Marius shaking his hand. "It is a pleasure to be back Headmaster and we plan to come and check up on Tabs a lot, like we agreed, we need to keep our Seeker in practice." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkle and I can't help but give a slight shiver, that twinkle kinda scares me.

Rissa wraps her arm around me and gives me a tight squeeze. Having gone to Durmstrung herself she understands why I don't want to be there, and she is most noteably the first non-magic born student to attend Durmstrung a fact that is kept under wraps (the school even went as far as to change her last name to Bones). In the league she is noted as being the most un-feminine and yet most attractive female, I happen to hold third on that list thanks to the fact that I have no boobs to speak of.

"Yes, I'm glad you understand why she can't be missing school to travel to matches." Marius nods and they start to chat again, leaving me to wiggle my toes in the new sandals the team got for me. J.T. takes this oppurtunity to stick his very wet finger in my ear, and it takes all I have in me not to scream at the sudden onslaught. Andrew pulls me over to him and very loudly sticks his tongue out at J.T. leaving the headmaster to smile at their antics.

J.T. Parkin is the noted ancestor of the Parkin family who started the Wigtown Wanderers and he shares his grandfathers need to be overly competetive. Andrew King is the bad boy of the league where J.T. is the funny boy, though they are called Twins by anyone who's spent any time around them. They often finish each others sentences and are most often seen fighting over the same girl, I prefer Andrew but both of them are equally brotherly to me.

"If you're done, Ms. Potter needs to try on the sorting hat." Dumbledore says and plops the smelly old hat on my head. What a weird way to be placed in a house, but then magic is a strange and beautiful thing that I shouldn't question...most of the time.

'Ah, Tabitha Potter I knew your father quite well...It seems to me you share his personality however you are more driven, ambitious than he ever was...so smart and energetic and so brave where, where to put you. Blood would beg for one of two houses and I simply seem to think that you'd be better in...SLYTHERIN!'

The Headmaster looks slightly displeased at this decision but he smiles brightly anyway as the boys hug me and start to bombard me with questions about what the hat said, or trying to tell me what house they were in, or there Slytherin experience.

"That's enough, she's frazzled enough and you lugs are making it worse. Come sweetie let's get you away from this group of hooligans." Daisy grabs me away from the frenzied hoarde of our teammates and drags me (mostly) to the door.

Daisy is the most girly girl I have ever met, but she did attend Beaubaxton so what can you expect. Everyone is always surprised that she is currently the player holding the most fouls in the game this year, considering Daisy is the most soft spoken person you'll meet (and again very girly) but the red head has a lot that the public doesn't know and nothing surprises me about her anymore.

"Yes right let's move you into your common room, I have your class schedule made up in almost all of your studies you are a third year but in the few more...sensitive areas of magic you are advanced so you will be in a few fifth year classes understood?" Smiling a bit I follow Marius and Andrew (two former Slytherins) down to the dungeon's where Dumbledore opens the door with a password that apparently no one outside of my house should know. I thought it was funny that I was only advanced in the 'certain area' which was the dark magic favored by Durmstrung.

"Sir about testing will I be tested as the normal age or by the class?" Dumbledore smiled at me "Well I wouldn't want the other students to be even more jealous of you than they already will be with your famous status and friends coming to visit, we'll have you tested normally." Did I detect a hint of arrogance and disdain in his voice?

"Here is your common room, your Head of House Severus Snape is waiting inside, I hope you will be pleased with your stay here." Dumbledore tells me sounding more like a hotel host than a teacher. He leaves and I'm not sorry to see him go, that fake friendly act is somehow worse than Igor. Giving everyone a seperate good bye was painful, we should be traveling together and training for upcoming matches. We all lived together at Durmstrung and I hadn't really parted from them since I joined the team two years ago. To say the parting was painful is an understatement.

When they left I entered the common room to find a very agrivated looking teacher and a brunette girl filing her nails. Remus is perched on my shoulder looking intently at them both, as I start to unbutton my heavy flying cloak Remus in a practiced movement shimmies down my shirt to rest in my robe pocket.

"If you are done making yourself comfortable I'd like to continue." I wince at this and then smile brightly "Sorry! Go ahead and talk." I plop down in the nearest seat and I hear him mutter something about 'another Taylor' before looking at us both pointedly. "I am your head of house Severus Snape, since you are transfering in we had to place you each in a differnt boys dorm. I am highly against this and have taken measures so that though you are in the dorm you are seperate from the men. Tabitha you are with the first year boys, Irisa you are with the second year boys."

The hook nosed teacher took out two sheets of parchment and handed one to each of us. "These are your class schedules, I expect both of you as Slytherin's to do well in my potions class and keep up in your studies, Tabitha it seems you are in my fifth year potions class?"

"Yes sir, Durmstrung was ahead in Potions, The Dark Arts and their Defense, and Charms and their Negatives." Snape gives me a smirk "I expect you to be well prepared for class then." Feeling his eyes on me heat for a moment I'm glad when he switches over to the other girl.

((Tabby's outfit is very dark and made of heavy fabric this is something like the dress she's wearing http://www.ravenswoodleather.com/Dresses/Images/Saberist%20Dress/saberist9.gif except with long sleeves she has heavy leggings on under this. Her cloak is much like this http://www.dragonflyhouse.net/Childs_Hooded_Cloak.GIF except it is the durmstrung reddish and has silver buttons going up the front and fur in the lining.))

Last edited by Spock's Girl on Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Number of posts : 114
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 24, 2009 11:45 pm

I got the most sleep last night than I've had in the past two weeks. I didn't dream about anything in particular, just my usual random dreams. One consisted of two butterflies flying in circles together, another was one of the scenes from 101 Dalmatians, actually a lot of pairs together. It was really weird yet very soothing and peaceful. I woke up really early, but I wasn't tired at all, I was well rested. I decided I wanted to just wear comfy clothes, I would dress Kristen up next weekend. I took a nice, long, hot shower. Let me tell you it felt wonderful. I decided to let my hair air dry today, so I put it into two really cute braids that way if or when I decide to take my hair out it will be curly without me having to curl it. My make-up was similar in taste, a little bit of brown eyeliner on the top and bottom then some mascara and lip gloss. I was officially done for the most part, except for my clothes.

Here's the history of my outfit I choose to wear today. Mom took Taylor and I shopping two weeks before school started for some new clothes. Since I'm more developed than most girls my age, we stopped at Victoria's Secret to get some bras and undies. Well I saw a really cute pink jump suit (or sweatsuit) and mom bought it for me. Since I had one, mom bought Taylor three (a blue, green, and yellow), and bought me a gray one and a yellow hoodie (why just a hoodie I have no clue). Then we left and continued our shopping. Well the night before we left for the train, Taylor gave me all her sweatsuits besides for the yellow hoodie. So now I have five of the Victoria's Secret jump suit set things. Anyway, I choose the blue one and I really was tempted to just wear my fuzzy pink slippers but decided to wear one of my pairs of Ugg boots, they were white.

Once I left the common room, it seemed like every person I walked by looked at me. I think they were expecting something more flashy, but I didn't care I was in a comfy mood today. Like usual, I was the first one in my year (of girls) to be in the Great Hall. I looked around the room and spotted Blaise's face at the Slytherin table. Draco wasn't with him, so I decided to go and talk to him before breakfast really started. "Hi Blaise!" I said cheerfully.

He looked at me and sighed, "I bet you want to ask me about the kiss huh?"

"Actually no, I have a bigger question." I said and sat next to him so we could have a whispered conversation.

"Alright what is it?" He asked, leaning closer to me.

"Kristen told me what you told her last night." He nodded his head as if he expected this. "Now I thought from the very get go that Draco was using her but I didn't know what for. I didn't say anything to Kristen because she's my friend, but I want to know exactly what you know from Draco." I said rather quickly, I didn't want anyone to catch any of what we were saying. And I didn't want Draco to show up and ruin the conversation.

"Like I told Kristen last night, he is using her to get to you. It's not that he doesn't like Kristen cause he does, but he just says that there is something more to you than there is to her, more intriguing. I don't know what's going on in his head. All Draco told me was that Kristen is just a pawn in his little game of chess; he's going to use her to get to the Queen. The funny thing is that the bastard thinks it's working and that you want him now. Apparently he thinks you like jerks, which I don't see cause Camden is actually a pretty cool dude." He finished and I looked at him with a questioning look. "My cousin's in his year and house, I saw you talking to her yesterday, Emily Banks."

"Oh I remember her, she was a sweetheart, the first one to talk to me. It must run in the family." I said to him and he blushed. I looked up to see Draco walking in. Once he saw me sitting next to Blaise his pace quickened. "Well it seems I must say goodbye. If you have any other news about you-know-what find me and keep me posted." I got up and then leaned back down toward him, "Thanks again for the talk, I hope you don't get into too much trouble." I kissed his cheek and went the other direction than Draco. Looking back I saw Blaise blushing slightly and Draco glaring at him.

Once I made it back to my house table I sat at my usual seat and filled my plate with a bagel and cream cheese and some fruit. Kristen made her entrance into the hall later than she usually does, but I think it's because she slept a little longer. She grabbed her food and said nothing. I bet she didn't want to discuss anything that happened last night right now, but she would talk later that I was for sure of. Once she was finished eating I looked at her and asked "What are you doing today?"

She shrugged and said "I’m going up to the library to do a bit of studying. You?” I was about to tell her but Camden came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. I saw Kirsten blush, which made me giggle as did his kiss it kind of tickled. Kristen stood up and said "I'll you leave you two alone." She walked away and I yelled after her "I'll talk to you later!" I doubted she heard me but even if she didn't the talk would happen.

"Morning sweetie. You look comfy today." Camden told me as he took Kristen's spot. "You smell good too. Did you use a different spray?"

I laughed "I used the Pink perfume that my mom got me. It sort of goes with the outfit. And yes I am comfy today, I'm in a comfy mood today! Oh and good morning to you too hon." I said and kissed him. I heard whispers and looked to see Cho and her annoying friend talking.

"Can you believe that? PDA on the second day of their official relationship. It's like they have to show off or something." Cho muttered to her friend who replied "I know! And did you see her outfit yesterday? It screamed look at me! Just because she has a nice body doesn't mean she needs to show everybody."

I butted in, "Oh yes it does because then everyone will see that I'm hot shit and start talking about me. Boys will want me and girls will envy me. It's my mission in life. Just like your two's mission is to talk nasty about everyone who is better than you. And the only reason you don't like Snape is because he doesn't give a rats ass about your stupid excuses to everything." I stood up from the table, both girls were glaring at me. I wrapped my arms around Camden's waist and turned back to them. "I almost forgot to tell you to have a nice day." With that I walked away from them.

"Good job Paige. That was bloody brilliant! Their faces looked like they wanted to kill you." Camden was saying as we walked out of the hall.

"Yeah I know I'm good!" I told him and dusted off my shoulders. He laughed and kissed my forehead. We were heading for the grounds when I stopped him, "Umm aren't you going to show me your common room?"

He smiled, "I knew you weren't going to forget." We turned around and walked toward the main staircase and we entered a door to the right of the staircase. Then we went down some more stairs and entered a long hallway. He lead me to one of the many still life portraits. It was of a scene from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream. I looked at him confused and he laughed. "This is the entrance to my common room."

"Well don't you have a password or something? I know you don't just open the frame and walk into your common room, that would just be too easy."

"You're correct, but you see we don't have a password. We Hufflepuff's aren't that good at remembering things like that. So what we have to do is do something to the portrait. Last year one portrait was of a woman standing in front of a closet full of dresses, we had to pick out the right dress for her. The only thing is, everyday the portrait changes. Sometimes it will be of something we've had before or it could be something completely different. Are you still following me?" I nodded and he continued. "I've had this one before. You see the little purple fairy sitting on the ground looking sad? (nod) Well we have to try and make it laugh. You can try to tickle him, but I would try a joke instead."

I thought, let's see what's a funny joke that will make it laugh. "Okay I got. So there were two muffins in an oven. One muffin looks to the other and says 'Boy! It's hot in here!' The other muffin looks at the muffin and shrieks 'Ahh a talking muffin!'" Instantly the fairy started to laugh, as did Camden, and the portrait opened to the common room.

For the rest of the day, Camden and I hung out in the Hufflepuff common room, after he showed me his dorm room. We talked about family, school, hobbies, basically all the important things. Camden surprised me about how open he was to me. He told me everything about him basically. How he went deaf in his left ear when he was three, how he is not a pure blood like he thought but that he's a mud-blood adopt by a pure blood family, how he has never passed a class with flying colors, and one of his special quirks that he has to go to bed in a made bed every night. We talked straight through lunch and were joined by his friends. Once it was dinner time for dinner I walked with them to the Great Hall. I told Camden that I had somethings to do tonight but that we will have a 'date' tomorrow.

Kristen was already at the time. I sat down next to her all smiles and loaded my plate with lots and lots of goodies, I was starving. I shoved three mini pickles in my mouth and turned to her, with my mouth full of pickles, and asked "So what did you end up doing all day?"

http://www.filosofiayliteratura.org/Revista/1.%20Revista/second/midsummerpic.jpg (the entrance to Hufflepuff)
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Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
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PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2009 2:43 pm

Irisa's POV (first part)

I shoved the last of my clothes into my suitcase. I looked around my now bare room and sighed, a small tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away angrily, grabbed my suitcase and stomped out of my room, slamming the door behind me. I walked down the hallway and down the three flights of twisted stairs to the kitchen area, where my parents were waiting. My father was taking me to my aunts house, my mom and her never really got along. As I entered the kitchen my parents were arguing, this was their usual since I was kicked out of the school.

"Nous ne devrions pas la faire aller."(we shouldn't make her go.) My mom was telling him, while tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"C'est sa punition. Elle doit apprendre quand assez est assez." (this is her punishment. she needs to learn when enough is enough.) He was saying back. I cleared my throat, announcing my presents, and they both turned to look at me.

My mom ran to me and threw her arms around me and kept saying "Je suis désolé! Je vous aime!" (I'm sorry! I love you!). I hugged her back and told her I loved her too.

"I'm going to be later than I wanted to be. Let's go!" I told my dad as I gave my mom one final hug back.

She kissed both of my cheeks and looked me square in my eyes, "You need to promise me bébé (baby) that you will follow all the rules. No more of the bullying or getting into trouble. This is your last chance please don't mess it up." I shoved away from her.

"Oh and you're so much better? Tell me why you're not coming to say good bye to me there? It's because your too be headed to say your sorry about whatever happened between you and Aunt Ellie!" I screamed at her and put my shrunken bags into my coat pocket. Apparently it's really cold where Hogwarts is located.

"Irisa Ramira Alexander you do not talk to me that way!" she shouted back.

"Do not pull that whole motherly role on me! When have you ever cared about what happened to be besides for when it could hurt the family name?!" I walked to the fire place. "I'll see you there Papa." I said as I grabbed a handful of flew powder said my aunts address. With a sudden gust of wind I flew threw space and landed in my aunt's flew network fireplace.

"Irisa?" I squinted through the smoke to see a girl with the same brown hair as my own. She was a little shorter than I was, but still just as pretty. "Yeah?" I coughed, gah I hated using this type of transportation. "Christopher she's here! She's here! Come here sweetie lets get you cleaned up real quick. Come on, I'll show you to your new room." I stepped out of the fireplace to be embraced by the women. Quickly, she let go of me and blushed. "Sorry I know you don't like to be hugged. I'm your Aunt Eleanor or Ellie, your Uncle Christopher is in the kitchen getting ready for work. Your cousins are still sleeping, it is only five thirty, but we need to get back before they wake up and freak out."

"Hello Ellie, long time no see." My father said from behind me. He walked over to his baby sister and embraced her in a hug I've only seen in my memories. "How have you been? I haven't seen you since you still had some baby fat on you." He said and laughed with her, she had a nice laugh.

"Yes and I haven't had that baby fat on me for over six years. I was just going to show Irisa her new room and where everything is before I take her to Hogwarts." Ellie was telling him. "Nick I promise you I will take the best care of your daughter." She was telling him. I looked around the room that I entered, it wasn't as big as my house but it had a comfortable feeling to it.

"Come here little girl." I walked over to my dad and he hugged me, the way I saw him hugging my aunt earlier, the way he used to always hug me. "Promise to be on your best behavior and try to listen to what your aunt has to say." I smiled and he kissed my forehead. He leaned into me and whispered in my ear, "Vous êtes mon ange. Vous êtes mon soleil. Pour le reste de votre vie, vous serez toujours les miens." I smiled and cried as I heard him start to cry as well. He told me 'You are my angel. You are my sunshine. For the rest of your life, you will always be mine.' It was my favorite song that he used to sing to me every night as a child. "I love you forever, be good." He said as he stepped back and left back threw the fireplace.

"So where can I put my things?" I asked Ellie as I wiped at my tears, I hated crying.

"Oh right, sorry. Follow me." She said and wiped at her straying tears and lead me down one of the hallways leading from the room. "Okay you take a left then you have the second room on the right. Your next door neighbor is the two girls, Chrissy and Jamie. Your other two cousins, James and Camden, are across the hall from you." She opened a door to a blue and purple room, it must have been one of the other girl's room. I walked in and took three of my suitcases out of my pocket and set them on my bed. "This was Chrissy's room, but she said she was okay with sharing a room with Jesse until the basement room is finished for you. I bet you would like to have your own room." She was saying as I started to unpack my bags.

"Irisa don't worry about that, your father told me exactly how to set your room up. Why don't you go fix yourself up, this will only take a minute. Don't worry about your things, don't you want to look nice for your first day of school?" I smiled at her and followed her directions to the girls bathroom. It was nice, really small but the size a bathroom should be. I looked at myself and sighed, dust was everywhere, so I decided to fix my make-up and hair, maybe aunt Ellie would clean my coat real quick. "You look exactly like your mother, though I've only met her once or twice. Go look at your room and let me clean that jacket for you."

"Thank you." I said and walked back into the room. It looked exactly like my room at my parents house, but in a smaller portion. "So is this okay?" "It's wonderful! It looks just like my old room! How did you?" I took a breath, that was kind of weird for me. "Thanks but there are some things missing." I pointed out her flaws but it didn't seem to even phase her. I sat on my new bed and groaned, I really didn't want to go to my father's school, I bet he would have a record there or something that would creep up and make my social life a living hell.

"So are you ready to leave? I usually wake the kids up at six forty-five, and it's six fifteen, we don't know how long we'll be there." Ellie said.

"Whatever." I mumbled and got up. She handed me back my coat and I picked up my school bag/purse. "Hello hell here I come." I said as we started down the hallway. We went in a different direction this time and ended up in the kitchen.

"Chris I'll be back as soon as I can. Did you call your work and tell them you might be a little late?" Ellie was saying to a tall man leaning against the counter. He had sort light brown hair and hazel eyes, he was wearing a suit so he must work at the ministry here. "Oh I almost forgot! Irisa this is Chris, my husband and your uncle. Chris this is our niece Irisa." Chris started to walk over to shake my hand but Ellie stopped him, "We need to give her sometime to adjust to our way of living." He nodded and she kissed him sweetly, "I'll be back so soon you won't even notice that I'm gone."

We then went out the porch door to their lawn. She held out her hand, "We are apparating to Hogwarts. It's a little more time consuming but that way we won't have to worry about interrupting something." I rolled my eyes and took her hand. She squeezed it gently, she probably thought I was nervous. I felt the familiar tugging at my stomach and suddenly my body was flung to a different place. "I haven't seen this school in years." She mumbled to herself and let go of my hand.

My jaw dropped as I saw the sight of the castle. It was huge, much bigger than my old school that's for sure. We were a long way from the entrance. I turned to my aunt, "This isn't the entrance! Why are we all the way down here?" I asked her. These shoes were not meant to be walking on soft soil with.

She laughed, "It's because Hogwarts has a very strong ward protecting the castle and the students from...well people wishing them harm I guess." Was that the truth? Was Hogwarts so unsafe that they needed so many wards? Well I guess every school had to have it's ways of protecting their students. I looked around to see her already almost half way up the hill, "Are you coming or I am going to have to take your place?"

"If that's possible...yes." I said and quickly caught up with her. "So tell me about your Hogwarts years." I said, it would make this walk less annoying.

"Well unlike my parents wishes and like your father, I was put into the house of Gryffindor. Apparently it made me a disgrace to my parents and their family name. What is it with family names anyway? Ever since then I was an abomination to my parents. When I would return home they didn't care about my year except that I was passing all my classes, which I was they couldn't say that to your father though. Hogwarts I guess you could say was my haven of sorts. I had friends here, the teachers were more like parents to me than my own."

Before I knew it we were standing in front of the doors to the entrance of the school. I looked at her and she smiled and opened the door. The sight was unbelievable, you could see all the history of this school, and yet there was so many secrets that had still to be uncovered. "So wait they separate the students? Other than by years I mean?"

"Well yes, didn't your fa...never mind. Yes the night all first year students arrive they are to put on the Sorting Hat. You see this hat is really able to see what potential all the students have. Gryffindors are chosen for their courage, Ravenclaws for their knowledge, Slytherins for ambition, and Hufflepuffs are usually any other student that doesn't fit into one of the categories. Many pure blood families want to see their children go into the Slytherin house, they are also know for favoring pure bloods apparently. I think that's wrong because I knew a Slytherin that was...I'm sorry I'm rambling."

"No it's okay. Your stories are distracting me from being nervous." We were passing many hallways and statues. She told me of her friends, most of which she is still friends with today. Before I knew it we were going up the stairs to the headmaster's office. "Here we go." She said and I grabbed her hand. We entered the office and there was an older looking man. He turned, his eyes twinkled in a weird way, and smiled at me.

"Aw Miss Alexander, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your father is a legend in the Quidditch field, leading Slytherin to many wins in his years on the team. As is your aunt, one of the brightest Gryffindors we had ever had. Aw Eleanor such a pleasure to see you, Camden is doing very well this year."

"That's wonderful to hear Headmaster Dumbledore, but right now all I'm concerned about is my niece. I have things to tell her father when I return home; did she get there safely, how is she, and of course the biggest question which house did she get into? The basic question's of course."

"Of course. Well lets not leave him waiting no?" He laughed and picked up a very grungy, old hat, it must've been the Sorting Hat my aunt was talking about. He started to walk over to me, raising his hands as he was going to place the hat on me.

"Whoa whoa whoa! That thing is not going on my head! I just fixed my hair and that thing looks as if it hasn't been washed in over 100 years!" I shouted. Really the hat did look disgusting.

"Irisa you have to put it on your head." Aunt Ellie whispered in my ear. I gave her a pained look and grabbed the hat and slapped it on my head. Suddenly the hat was moving and became alive on my head.

Irisa Alexander it seems that you have finally chosen the school to lead you into your future. I knew your father and aunt, both so different and both so the same, unlike you. You have the ability to be great wherever I choose to put you. One pulls you here, another there, but where to place you my dear? Cunning, brave, smart, interchangeable...one will always be pulling you tighter than the others and that is...SLYTHERIN!

My aunt gasped and I could see Dumbledore nodding in agreement, but there seemed to be a hidden emotion in his strange twinkling eyes. He took the hat off my head and placed it back on its shelf.

Last edited by color_me_stupid on Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:55 am; edited 4 times in total
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 26, 2009 9:17 pm

I managed to get through 5 books before lunch. I decided to skip the whole meal and just continue reading. I wasn't particularly hungry, and I didn't want the company of tons of students. I wanted the quiet of just my ipod and me reading the book. I managed to get through half of a book before someone sat in the seat across from me. I put my music on pause.

“Hi, I’m Ryan.” He opened up a book.

“Kristen.” I nodded and turned back towards my book.

“Aren’t you Paige’s friend? The one that’s dating Malfoy?”

“Well, I’m not sure about Draco and I anymore, but yeah, I’m Paige’s friend.” He seemed to look happy for a minute, for which I wasn’t really sure about. We both turned back to our respective books and stayed quiet for a while. My stomach growled loudly. I looked at my watch. Dinner time. I turned off the music and closed my book. I had gone through 5 more books.

“You really read fast!” Ryan said enthusiastically. I smiled.

“Yeah, a bit.” We walked down to the Great Hall together, chatting amicably. We separated when we entered, going to our own tables. I sat next to Paige and Ryan went and sat next to Camden. I saw him say something to Camden and then both looked over at me. Ryan blushed when he realized I was still watching him. How odd!

I loaded my plate up with delicious food when Paige turned towards me, her mouth full of mini pickles. “So what did you do today?” She asked, I could barely understand her, but I got what she was trying to say.

“Nothing. I read a lot of books, and I think I’m ready for the rest of the school year!” I smiled. “And a nice boy named Ryan came and sat with me. He was really cute too!” I smiled.

Paige glanced towards the Hufflepuff table. “Wait, the Ryan that’s sitting right next to Camden now?”

“Yup!” I said excitedly. I shoved my mouth with potatoes and gravy on a roll. “Why?” I asked once my mouth was clear.

“Oh, no reason!” She laughed gently. I wrinkled my brow at her, but I let it go.

“Anyway, what did you do today? Probably with Camden all day!” I smiled. She kind of blushed a little. I laughed. I knew it!
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 12:25 am

I woke up early in the morning. The French sunlight streamed through my windows. I stretched in bed and sighed contentedly. I rubbed my eyes and threw back the duvet. I was going to Hogwarts today! After a month of waiting, today was the day. I put my feet into the plush carpet of my floor and opened my balcony doors. The brisk morning air carressed my skin and I shivered in enjoyment. I was always a morning person. I smiled to myself and immediatly went to the shower. I only had a mere 4 hours until mother and I left for Hogwarts, and I was ready! We would arrive around lunchtime where I would be sorted into my house and then I would be presented to the rest of the school as prefect.

I jumped into the cold shower and just let myself enjoy it. I washed my hair slowly, making sure to enjoy every moment. I wanted to remember every second of this day. I took a long and luxurious shower, and afterwards, began to figure out my clothing situation. I was told I wouldn't have to wear my robes today, seeing as I wouldn't be attending the classes. I had already packed some of my clothes, but I had purposely left out 3 outfits to choose from.

1. A pair of jeans that made my butt look amazing with a simple shirt.
2. A white mini dress with blue trim
3. A mini skirt with an amazing top.

I tried each one on. I examined front and back and eventually decided on the dress. I pulled on a pair of cute heels that matched the dress perfectly. I walked over to the mirror and re-examined. Good to go! I shoved the 2 remaining outfits into my trunk. Well, one of the trunks. I had 4 total. I had one for school stuff, 2 for weekend clothes, and one for shoes. I smiled to myself and called Marvin up to send my bags ahead.. Marvin was our butler. My mom was horribly against house elves.

I sauntered through to my vanity room. One thing about being rich - amazing bedrooms. I sat at my vanity and applied my make up laboriously. My mom insisted on taking away my wand when I was home, so everything was done by hand. I only did my eyeliner and mascara before heading down to the kitchen. Mother was making pancakes with some bits of chocolote. My favorite!

I gave her a kiss on the cheek with a nice 'Morning mum!' ((I'm going to write it in english, even if it's in french)) I sat at the table and quickly at my breakfast.

"Honey, it's almost time to go! Do you have everything?" Mum asked, grabbing her purse and coat. I nodded, swallowing my last bite.

"I had Margarite check my bags to make sure I didn't forget anything." Margarite was Marvins wife. I grabbed my coat and bag off the rack in the hall and headed to the car. I slid into the backseat with mum while Marvin and Margarite sat in the front. They both had wanted to come see me off. My had kept them even after the divorce. They had been with us since I was tiny. Mum and I held hands all the way to the destination. We lived in Muggle Paris, so we had to be careful about where we did out magic. I grasped mums hand tightly, and with a slight twist and a pop, we were in front of Hogwarts. Marvin and Margarite appeared a few minutes later.

I looked up the lane toward castle. I smiled. It was almost as big as Srbija. I held hands with mum and Margarite all the way up the lane and into the castle. The building was very quiet. My shoes clacked at we crossed the Entrance Hall and up the staircase. Seven floors later, we stood in front of a stone gargoyle. Marvin had attended school here, so he knew exactly what he was doing. Dumbledore had sent the password earlier in the morning. I smiled as we ascended the staircase. I was here, I really was!

Dumbledore wasn't quite what I expected. A little older, and a little more whithered. We all sat in the chairs in front of the desk, and he gave us the ever so over-used pep talk. I smiled politely and nodded in the right places. Even if he did seem a bit eccentric, I liked the old bat. After about 10 minutes of this talknig nonsense, he placed the hat on my head. "Cunning. Bright. Determined. And just a little sneaky. You would do great in Ravenclaw, but my dear, that just isn't the place fore you! I think you would be quite suited in SLYTHERIN." It said loudly. I wasn't really listening, the stench was just awful.

"Now, Miss Newman, it's time to introduce you as the new Slytherin prefect!" I smiled at him excitedly. Mum got teary eyed, and Margarite was just bawling. I hugged them both hard, but I hugged Marvin the hardest. I knew he was trying hard not to cry.

"Bye love!" They shouted. This time, they apparated right out of the office. Dumbledore told me on the way down to the Great Hall how they needed special permission to apparate within Hogwarts grounds. I had already read the books, so I barely listened. I observed my surroundings. It was a dreary place. I had wished I brought my coat, but Dumbledore told me just to leave it in his office, and that it would get to my room.

I could hear the murmur of voices as we approached the doors. "Are you ready?" He asked. I took a few deep breaths, shook out my hands, and nodded. "Good, then let's go!" He said in a very excited voice. I raised my head and walked proudly beside Dumbledore. When we finally reached the top of the Great Hall, Dumbledore took his place behind an odd golden podium, me standing a few feet away. "Students, may I have your attention!" He said loudly, clapping twice. It wasn't necesarry. As soon as we had entered, it went deathly still. "This is Miss Emma Newman. She is a new student here at Hogwarts, but she is also a 5th year. She is in Slytherin house, and will be one of the 2 Slytherin prefects. She comes from Srbija Academy of Magic in Northern Egypt. Please respect her as you would any other. That is all." He clapped again, and the chatter started up again. Dumbledore placed a hand on my shoulder. "Your table is over there." He said gesturing to a table full of angry looking people. I nodded again to him, and headed to my table. Immeadiatly, I spotted the bright blond head. I could see his gaping look. I found an empty seat at the table, although it was far from Draco.

I was immeadiatly barraged with questions. "So, you're a prefect?" "Where do you come from?" "How old are you?" I attempted to answer all of them. It was exhausting! Soon, the hall started to empty. I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hell, I'm Jonathan. The other Slytherin Prefect. I'm to show you to the dungeons and the Slytherin Common room. There you'll meet the head of house, Professor Snape. He'll inform you of everything you need to know." I nodded, and we headed out. 10 minutes later, after a set of complicated turns, hidden passageways and staircases, Jonathan stopped at a wall. Why this wall, I had no Idea. He leaned in and whispered something to the wall. I could barely hear it, but I managed to get it. The wall started to dissolve right away and into a doorway.

How creative! I thought. We entered to see a sullen and greasy looking man sitting on one of the couches. Jonathan left. "I'm Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin house. You must be Emma." He said in a dreary voice. I nodded. I was feeling depressed already. There was no sunshine in here, no warmth. And this guys voice was much either. He whipped out a piece of paper. "Here is your class schedule. You start classes tomorrow. You are in 5th year classes, are you not?" I nodded again.

"Yes. My last school was a few years ahead of Hogwarts."

"But you are only 13." He said.

"Correct." He nodded absentmindedly.

"You will be rooming with the other 5th year girls. There are only 2 of them. 3 now." I nodded. He took me up to my room, and then left me to get settled in. At least I had my own closet. I had to make it bigger to fit all of my clothes, but I managed. The shoes were the real problem. I a shoe rack and placed them on there. I hung up posters and made my little area my own. A few hours later, I was finished. I came downstairs to the common room and heard more voices. I stood waiting. It seemed as if Professor Snape was giving the same talk to some other students. After he finished talking to a girl named Tabby, he started on the Other, Irisa.

After 5 minutes, it seemed like he was done. I entered the common room to find the Professor walking out of the room and two girls sitting there. One with long black/pinkish hair, the other with a very pretty brown color. I walked up to them.

"Hi, I'm Emma!" I said nicely. I stuck out my hand, and both took their turn to shake it, although they seemed a little weirded out by this, but I had no Idea why. "I'm new here. I just got here a few hours ago!" I said. It was all very exciting!




SHOES (Imagine them in a blue-ish)

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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 12:54 am

Irisa's POV ((This is the second part to Irisa's entrance or start or whatever...apparently it was too big so I had to split it! lol))

"Let's get you to your common then." The headmaster said as we followed him out his door. "Don't forget the password that I give you, that will be your only key to your room. Here you go," He said and handed me a piece of paper that said 'pepperup doxy' on it. "Now you are in the middle of our forth and third years is that correct?"

"I guess it must be Headmaster." I said as politely as I could, how the hell was I suppose to know what year I was in? "May I ask why I am?"

He chuckled, "Well your age asks us to put you in forth but some of your academics aren't high enough for forth years, yet some are higher than our third years. Since most of your classes will be in the third year age bracket you will have some classes more advanced than other students. Does that make sense dear?"

"Yes Headmaster, you couldn't make that more crystal clear." Great. Just peachy. Now I'm going to be known as the creepy third year from a different school.

"Aw well, I must leave you two. Eleanor I believe you remember the way to the Slytherin common room. I have some business to attend to in my office. I don't like to keep people waiting." He started to walk off, "And Irisa I will be making an appointment for you to speak with me about how your schooling is different here, in a couple of weeks. Until then, I hope you enjoy your schooling at Hogwarts." What a creepy old man!

"Come on honey, we need to get you down to the common room quickly. I have to be home soon or else the children will be worried. This way, come on keep up." She was basically running down the hallway in front of me. I was not going to run after her like I was lost, but I clearly was. I made sure to remember every step and every picture as I followed her, I didn't want to forget anything about finding my way to my room. "Okay, we keep going down and now one, two, three, four...here we are! Now Irisa say the password to that wall." Aunt Ellie said and I did so.

"Um...Pepperup Doxy." The wall suddenly began to shake and before I knew it I was looking into a room! "Oh mon Seigneur Dieu!" (oh my good lord!) I was in awe of this place. It was so much cooler than Beauxbatons ever dreamed to be!

"It is amazing isn't it." I nodded in agreement and grasped her hand. "What? Do you want me to walk you in? I don't know."

"Please Aunt Ellie. I just need to see you go in without getting hurt or caught on fire or something." She laughed and tugged me along with her threw the entrance.

"See no harm done! Now where are you suppose to meet your head of house? Did the headmaster say in the common room or in the his or her own chambers?" She was pretty much talking to herself and looking around the room. While I was just looking at the tall man leaning against the fireplace, with a silly grin on his mouth. I lightly punched Aunt Ellie in the arm and she looked up at me. "Now that was uncalled for Irisa! I'm trying to remember...why are you looking at me that way?" I was basically pointing to the man with my eyes. She finally caught on and looked in that direction and a gasp escaped her lips. "Severus?"

"Hello Ellie, it's been a long while hasn't it?" Said the tall man as he walked toward us. His voice was calm almost soothing, and I heard his tone lighten as he started to speak to her. "What gives me the pleasure of seeing you here? I don't have Camden in my house as you probably know."

"Yes I do know this Severus, actually I'm bringing my niece here. She will be staying with my family while she finishes her schooling here. After all these years I didn't know you would still be in this school, let alone this house! I always thought of you being something more. Yet I bet this school would be nothing without you Professor Snape. What subject do you teach again?" I practically gagged when she started talking to him, no more along the lines of...flirting? Gross.

"Eleanor you always gave me too much credit, unlike your brother, yet he was one of my friends here. I am the potions master. I would've thought you would know this."

"Oh! Your the teacher that...well I always knew Cammy wasn't cut out for potions." She started to laugh, as did the professor. I had taken a seat close to the fire, it was freezing in this place.

"So you said your niece? I didn't know Nick had any children. Where did he run off to?" He asked when he saw me take a seat.

"Oh right! Sorry I sort of forgot it's been so long Sev! This is my niece Irisa." "Irisa? That sounds like a foreign name for your brother's liking." Aunt Ellie laughed, "It is foreign, Irisa is half Greek. My brother met her mother when he was traveling in Greece. Apparently it was love at first sight. They lived there until...how old were you when you moved to France?"

"I was six years old Aunt Ellie." I told her and sighed, well this was something I never thought would happen. My aunt meeting her long time crush after a century or however many years it's been. Whatever, I decided my nails needed to be filed so I pulled out my filer.

"Right! So Nick and Adonia moved Irisa to France and she went to Beauxbatons until this year when her parents got a letter. And the rest of the story is kind of personal. So now she's here and she is in Slytherin house, taking after her father! Oh crap! I have to go! Chris will be freaking out with the children waking up and he'll be late! Bye bye honey, make sure you write to me if anything goes wrong or happens okay?" She said to me and kissed me lightly on my forehead. "And if you have any difficulties that I can't handle threw a letter I'm sure Sev...I mean Professor Snape here will gladly help. I'll be sending Oreo as soon as she comes to my house." She started toward the door then turned around and whispered something to Professor Snape. "Please make sure she stays out of trouble, her parents are worried about her. I'll write to you about what I mean." "You have my promise." "Thank you Severus, thank you so much!" She kissed his cheek and walked toward the exit. She turned around and waved at us before leaving.

"Well..." He said and went back to the place where he was standing when I first got here.

I started to mumble to myself, "Attendez jusqu'à ce que le papa n'en entende. N'attendez non jusqu'à ce que je dise à l'Oncle Chris de cette rencontre." (Wait until dad hears about this. No wait until I tell Uncle Chris about this encounter.) I couldn't help myself, I liked causing misery or pain or whatever, drama always made life more exciting.

"Ah, mais ce sera notre petit secret ou devrai-je aborder votre petit plan à votre tante?" (Ah, but this will be our little secret or will I have to bring up your little plan to your aunt?) I looked up to see him staring at me. He didn't look upset, rather more worried about what would happen if I did what I was going to do.

"Vraiment vraiment quels que soit. Je ne le ferai pas maintenant, je lui permettrai de lui dire. Heureux?" (Yeah yeah whatever. I won't do it now, I'll let her tell him. Happy?) I was upset that he could understand me, no matter I'll start talking to myself in German then.

"Oui merci." (Yes thank you.) He said and cleared his throat, apparently he wasn't finished talking to me. "If you would care to insult me I'd rather you do it in a different tongue that I do not speak fluently in. Your father taught me most of my French by the way."

"Really? That's interesting cause my father never taught me anything besides to be the best of the best. It seems to me that you know my father better than I know him myself." I was getting angry, so I muttered my last thought in German, "Arschloch." (asshole). I crossed my arms and he looked at me, taken aback. We kept quiet for the most part, I didn't understand why we were waiting but I didn't dare ask him either, so I continued to file my nails.

At times he would mutter, "Like her father." or "She's different but intriguing." I knew he was talking to himself or answering his own questions so I let him, the only time I would ever really care what he was talking about would be when he's teaching or telling the whole student body something important.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked a sort black/blond girl with a big heavy jacket on. I heard Snape mutter something to himself like, 'took long enough' and watched as the girl unbuttoned her coat and saw the cat walk down her arm. Once she was seated he looked at her, I could tell he was still upset about our confrontation earlier, and it reflected in his voice.

"If you are done making yourself comfortable I'd like to continue." I saw her wince but said brightly, "Sorry! Go ahead and talk." She sat down and I heard him mutter, 'another Taylor' before looking at us both pointedly. "I am your head of house Severus Snape, since you are transferring in we had to place you each in a different boys dorm. I am highly against this and have taken measures so that though you are in the dorm you are separate from the men. Tabitha you are with the first year boys, Irisa you are with the second year boys."

"What?! That's totally bogus! Why can't we be in with the girls?" I asked, I didn't want to share a dorm room with boy younger than me no matter what measures he took! But the look he gave me said I would have to deal with it so I shut my mouth and crossed my arms across my chest, pissed.

He then took out two sheets of parchment and handed one to each of us. "These are your class schedules, I expect both of you as Slytherins to do well in my potions class and keep up in your studies, Tabitha it seems you are in my fifth year potions class?"

"Yes sir, Durmstrung was ahead in Potions, The Dark Arts and their Defense, and Charms and their Negatives."

Snape gave her a smirk "I expect you to be well prepared for class then." His eyes seemed to heat for a moment before turning to me. "Irisa it also seems that you are in my fourth year potions class? Was Beauxbatons as advanced in Potions like Durmstrung?" I could tell he was enjoying this as another smirk lite his features.

"No sure they weren't. I was the only student my age to be an advanced Potions, Herbology and Transfiguration classes. Apparently I have a brain unlike the ditzes that were in my class that only wanted to study love potions." I took a deep breath, "Potions was the one thing my father actually taught me to do, I guess that's why I enjoy learning it so much." I looked down at my folded hands, upset that I let my emotions get to me like that.

"I see then, well I guess we will see if your father's love and pure talent in potions transferred into your genetics. I now expect both of you to be well prepared for class tomorrow then." He turned away from us for a moment then turned back as if remembering something. "I see you both have brought your things with you. Please to your rooms and make yourselves comfortable, all of the other students are at breakfast right now, and I will make sure no one disturbs you until you are ready." He pointed us in the directions of our new rooms.

Before I left I looked at him and said "Le merci et je m'excuse plus tôt." (Thank you, and I'm sorry for earlier.) He looked at me and smiled, slightly and said in return, "Je vous en prie." (You're welcome.) I smiled and started for my room. Suddenly the girl from the common room, Tabby, was right in front of me. "Hello." I said and she beamed at me.

"Hi! I'm Tabitha Potter or Tabby for sort. So you're transferring from Beauxbatons? How exciting I love France! I think we should be friends! That way we both know someone right away!" She smiled and I couldn't help but smile too. "Well I'm going to unpack! I'll see you later new buddy!" And she was off like lightening. I shook my head as I made my way toward my room. This was going to be some year!

https://media.photobucket.com/image/black%20anime%20girl/s_and_dfan/CopyofEditedanimegirlShizuka.jpg?o=225 (this is her aunt)
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Number of posts : 169
Age : 33
Location : Behind You...
Registration date : 2008-12-30

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2009 7:01 pm

After a quick fire introduction to Irisa I ran off to the common room instantly smiling when I saw the room. The boy's beds were in green on the grey wall, each surrounded by personal touches and I was quiet happy to see a Falmouth Falcon poster, it's always good to know you have fans...My bed was silver and the stone around it marking off my area was pink giving the room a watermelon feel. I made quick work of putting away my things, I didn't have much seeing as almost all of my things were built for the winter and it was warm here, I'd have to ask the team for some spending money to get something for this hot weather. Snagging Remus out of my pocket I went into my private bathroom to strip out of my flying gear. It was a strict rule at Durmstrung that we keep to the traditional ideals of the pureblood culture, as such I owned no pants or normal 'teenage' wear. Feeling slightly out of my league without my team beside me I slipped into the lightest dress I had.

The top part of the dress was a pretty cream color and the way if flowed around my figure made up for the fact that I had little to no bosom as J.T. liked to put it the bottom like most of my clothes was the Durmstrung burgandy color in a pattern. Feeling the nerves leave me I slip into the roman style sandals Daisy gave me for my last birthday. They give me about a three inch boost and the thick straps that go up past my knees keep my chicken legs from looking quite so chickeny. Deciding my hair is useless as per normal I give it a good comb and quickly braid it tieing it with a peice of lace. Remus hops off the counter climbing into my shoulder bag, which I slip on and walk back out to the common room.

Irisa is already sitting in her chair looking a little cold, so I sit to join her. Suddenly a another girl arrives with black hair not unsimilar to my own. She introduced herself and shook our hands, I don't know what she expected but whatever. "Oh we're new here as well, I'm Tabby Potter and this is Irisa." Standing I realized that she like most was taller than me but with my heels were were almost even. "It's a pleasure to meet you but I have some serious flying to do before tomorrow's classes start." My Nimbus was stashed in the corner so I quickly snatched it up and made a break for the door, before being snatched up by the nap of my neck like a kitten.

"The Slytherin Quidditch Team has the feild right now, so if you intend on disturbing them...is that a Nimbus 2000?" It's Snape holding me and as he turns me around I'm sure I look quite like a bad kitty. "Yes it is sir." Snape's eyes quirked and he set me down on the floor. "Where did you aquire that broom?" Smiling I held it out to him like the prize it was "My Quidditch team chipped in with my mother and got it for me, since I've had it we haven't lost a match we were on our way to the cup until I had to come here." I can see the enthusiasm shining in his eyes reflecting my own as we talked, to be interupted by one of the other girls clearing her throat...how annoying.

Dress http://instepwithstyle.com/teen-style/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/rosette-peasant-dress.jpg
Sandals http://www.fenvy.com/ebay/photos/EI-LA420-Roma_2.jpg
Bag http://www.nwtrader.com/images/medium_neck_bag.jpg
Braid http://www.hairstyles-haircuts.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/english-braid.jpg

Taylor's POV

My date with Severus was...to say it lamely magical. He took us into muggle Paris where we went to a fancy resturant where he paid, we then procceded to go dancing until three in the morning.
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 29, 2009 11:55 pm

Kristen was already at the table. I sat down next to her all smiles and loaded my plate with lots and lots of goodies, I was starving. I shoved three mini pickles in my mouth and turned to her, with my mouth full of pickles, and asked "So what did you end up doing all day?

“Nothing. I read a lot of books, and I think I’m ready for the rest of the school year!” She smiled and I sort of laughed, if I really had laughed I would've choked. “And a nice boy named Ryan came and sat with me. He was really cute too!” She smiled again and blushed a little.

I looked over at the Hufflepuff table and saw Camden and Ryan talking. “Wait, the Ryan that’s sitting right next to Camden now?”

She looked over at the table too, “Yup!” she said excitedly and shoved some food in her mouth. “Why?” She asked once her mouth was clear.

“Oh, no reason!” I laughed. Was going to have to ask Camden if Ryan had been planning this once he found out Kristen was taken.

“Anyway, what did you do today? Probably with Camden all day!” I blushed and giggled a little. The look on Kristen's face was full of glory, she must've know the answer.

"Well isn't it obvious? He did come to get me this morning or do you not remember book head?" I laughed and jokingly knocked Kristen on her head. She laughed too. We ate the rest of our dinner telling each other random information that we learned today. I told her about the entrance and about how the picture always changes and she went on and on with everything she learned in the books she read. Actually what she was telling me was pretty interesting, I was going to have to find those books to read now.

Dinner was almost over and I looked up to see Camden still talking with Ryan. I bet they were planning his next 'attack' on Kristen. I stood up and leaned down to Kristen, "I'm going to the library real quick to get some books. We need to talk when I come back up to the room." She looked at me, as if she were pleading for her life and I just shook my head and walked toward the exit.

On my way to the library I saw a lot of people I knew and waved at them. It's weird, after being here for over two weeks this whole school and castle are basically my family and home. That reminded me that I had to write to mom tonight or tomorrow and tell her how everything is. Of course, thinking this, I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone. Luckily I didn't fall on my butt or on the person, I just wobbled a little bit.

"Sorry sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going." I mumbled as I tried to see clearly, I think I actually hit the person in the head. Suddenly my eyes were covered and I was shoved into something, or someone, I really wasn't sure what was happening. "What the hell?!" I shouted but then my mouth was covered by a hand. Now I was starting to panic. After a few seconds I heard a door shut, so I knew I must be in a closet or something, then my eyes were uncovered. It was pitch black wherever I was and I knew there was someone else in here with me too. "Who are you and what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Relax Paige, calm your jets." I heard, but couldn't see where the too familiar voice was coming from.

"Draco!" I shouted and I heard him lean toward me trying to cover my mouth again, but I moved at the last second. "Why the hell am I in a closet...with you?!" I was pissed. He had no right to do this, plus I was just pissed that I was in here with him.

Suddenly there was light everywhere and I could see Draco staring at me. I looked down at myself and saw that he must've accidentally unzipped my sweatshirt. I wasn't wearing an undershirt just my bra which is why he was looking, well actually drooling to be exact. I quickly zipped it up and slapped him hard across his face. He looked at me, taken aback, and rubbed his cheek it was already getting red. I was upset with him for shoving me in this closet, yet I felt bad for hitting him. For some strange reason, I'm blaming the head injuring from earlier, Draco looked different to me. His hair wasn't it usual greased back look, but it was natural and in his eyes which made him, for some reason, look mysterious and...sexy.

I shook my head at the thoughts that were flooding my mind right now. That didn't help at all, because then his whole face looked different, more perfect more angelic than usual. His lips, a light pink color, looked more plump and...kissable? Some how my body was reacting with my knowledge and I found myself leaning toward him. My hand ran across his cheeks, one stopping where I hit him. I realized I wasn't looking at him in the eyes, just at his lips. I glanced up at him and saw him looking at me in shock but he didn't seem upset, well at least at that moment in time. Then I bent toward him and kissed his cheek.

I heard Draco gasp at the sudden contact but he didn't shove me away. I was so entranced by the way he looked that I kept my head where it was, and I ran my fingers through his silky smooth hair. I leaned back from him, my hands still in his hair, and just looked at him. His eyes were full of surprise, acceptance, and lust. Without warning, I suddenly leaned into him and kissed him softly, but passionately. He didn't gasp or move, he just kissed me right back the same way. Draco, wanting to deepen the kiss, lightly pushed me back to the wall opposite of him. At this time I had wrapped my hands around his neck, one hand in his hair the other pulling him toward me, and he had his hands wrapped around my waist exploring my backside. Suddenly his lips left mine and started kissing across my chin, then down my neck, leaving fire and goosebumps where his lips leave my skin. Then an image flashes across my mind and I see my dream and how this is almost exactly how I felt in the dream.

I shove him away and heard him hit the wall. I open the door, light blinding me and him for a few seconds and run out. I couldn't let this happen! Was this when I started cheating? No I wouldn't allow it I just couldn't! I kept running but suddenly I heard someone running behind me, trying to catch up. All I could focus on was getting away, but I had to get a book from the library to make Kristen not suspicious. I quickened my pace and ran all the way to and into the library. I run to a random section, stopped and start to breath in deeply. What was I thinking? It's Draco! Kristen's Draco! Yet I knew I had always was attracted to Draco, but up until just now I didn't know how much. I looked at the wall of books surrounding me and began to search for interesting titles. There were a lot that really caught my eye, but I decided to go with one that, I think, is a must know; Hogwarts: A History. I smiled at myself, knowing Kristen didn't read this one today.

As I was walking toward the check-out a hand grabbed me from behind and pulled me back. "Draco?" I whispered, both horrified and bothered that he found me. "What do you want?"

"Paige I need to talk to you...about what just happened." He said, his tone was urgent.

"Nothing happened Draco!" I hissed at him, and tried to walk away but he just pushed me back. As if he was trying to prove a point, he kissed me again. I wasn't prepared for it but to my disappointment I melted again. When he unlocked his lips from mine he just stared at me. "What?" I asked, trying to clear my mind. The way he kissed me made me feel different than the way Camden kissed me. With Draco there was fire, burning yearning fire. With Camden it was just a spark, a small fire but not big enough to make me melt. I was so confused.

"Are you seriously telling me that that was nothing?" He leaned closer to me. I could feel his quick breaths on my skin, leaving goosebumps, and I could smell the sweet scent of his breath. This clogged up my mind and made it hard for me to concentrate. "Paige you kissed me and I kissed you. I don't know what to say. I'm confused, happy, shocked..."

"Really?! Well I'm pissed at myself!" I screamed whispered at him. "You're dating Kristen, my best friend! I'm dating Camden, who I really really like! Yet you think you have the right to let me kiss you and feel...just I don't know! I'm so confused and frustrated with myself right now!" I said and slid down to the floor. I didn't know what I was going to do now.

"I'm sorry I kissed you just now, but I had to try something out." He sat down next to me and gently pulled my head to look at him. "When you kissed me, something felt different with you. When I kiss Kristen I feel a connection and a good feeling, but with you there is fire and passion and a melting desire. To tell you the truth, I only wanted to talk to you about what I said last night, about how it was uncalled for. I didn't push you into the closet to kiss you, and I just want you to know that right now."

I looked into his eyes, and I knew he was telling me the truth, which I think hurt worse than a lie. My eyes filled with tears, but they didn't waver my voice, "So what do we do now?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I don't want you to tell Kristen or Camden. Maybe we need some time to think about this you know?"

"Fine. You have to not tell Blaise either, because he will tell Kristen. I can assure you that." I could picture the look on Kristen's face if she found out from Blaise and I didn't tell her. I shook the thought away.

"One question for you Paige." Draco said as he wiped a stray tear from my cheek. "Yeah?" "What did you feel when you kissed me? Be honest, because I was honest with you." I could tell he was nervous, I was too. Knots were forming in my stomach as I tried to breath.

"To be honest, I felt the same way you did." Sort and simple I guess. He smiled and kissed me again. I was sort of ready for it this time, but didn't push away. It felt like my body needed him, like he was a drug that it needed to stay alive, almost like air. When he pulled away I still got light headed but in a good way. "So?" he asked, a smile trying hard to not show on his face. "The same as before." I said and smiled at him. He got up and pulled me up as well.

He walked me to the counter where I laid my book down to be checked out. The librarian looked at us and shrugged, I knew she didn't know or want to know what we were doing back there. As we were walking out Draco stopped me.

"Remember you can't tell Blaise, Kristen, or Camden about this." He said and I said, "I know. Same goes for you too." He smiled and, looked ahead of us and behind us and leaned down to kiss me once more. "I promise." He mumbled against my lips. He walked away, toward his common room I was guessing, a wide smile on his face. I shook my head, smiled, and made my way up to my own common room.

Once I was inside I went straight for my dorm, waving at my house mates as they passed me. I opened the door to see Kristen laying on her bed, listening to her iPod. I ran over to her and jumped lightly on her bed. She opened her eyes in horror then just burst out laughing with me. "Jesus Paige! Don't do that ever again!" She said through her laughter.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help it! You should've seen your face though!" We laughed for a while and then once we were done, I became serious, remembering not to tell her about Draco. "Honey you need to tell me what's going on with your noggin right now. First you like Blaise, then you hate him, then you start dating Draco, then you hate him, then you kiss Blaise and don't say anything to him or Draco, and now you like Ryan. Seriously let me into your mind right now. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to understand what's going on right now." I told her, and put my book on my lap waiting for her to reply.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 12:38 am

I finished eating quickly. I wanted to get back up to the room, and just be away from the eyes of everyone. I could still see Ryan and Camden glancing over every so often, but I had no clue what that was about. I just kind of shrugged it off. I saw Draco get up from his seat and leave the Great Hall, heading off in the same direction as Paige. He caught me eye and I smiled slightly, and he smiled back. He changed his course and came over to my table.

"I'm really really sorry about earlier. About last night. All of it. I'm going to apoligize to Paige right now. Just don't hate me forever, okay?" He said in a rush, I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but the truth. I nodded and he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'll talk to you later." He muttered and rushed after Paige. I was happy that he was gonna apoligize. I got up from the table, casting a quick glance around before I left. I recognized most of the faces in the hall, and I was feeling at home.

I left the hall and decided to make a quick detour to the owlery. I hadn't visited my little fatty for a while! I dug around in my bag for a second to find the owl treats I kept stashed in there. After successfully finding the little baggie, I pushed open the door to a raw stench. I stopped breathing through my nose and just focused on in through the mouth, out through the mouth. "FATTY!" I called. I never was good at naming pets, so I had let my younger cousing name her. Fatty is what she got. My owl immeadiatly came down and landed on the wooden post in front of me. "Hey love!" I cooed, petting her lightly. She 'hooed' back at me. I pulled out a treat and watched her gobble it down. I hugged her to my chest and she nipped at me affectionatly. I giggled. "Sorry, but I can't stay for long." I gave her another treat. I glanced at my watch. "I got to go, Fatty. I love you!" She hooed at me and I gave her another treat before leaving.

I followed some of the older students into the common room. Taking the lazy way was good sometimes. I charged up the stairs to my room and opened up my wardrobe. I pulled out the comfiest pair of pajamas I had, and changed into them like it was no one's business. I had a feeling Paige and I were gonna have a long talk, and I wanted to be prepared. I turned on my ipod to calm my nerves and laid myself out in bed and closed my eyes. I had a feeling that she was gonna ask me about my boy problems. I felt a light bounce on my bed and opened my eyes. I saw it was Paige and just busted out laughing. "Jesus Paige! Don't do that again!" I laughed out.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't help it! You should've seen your face though!" We laughed for a while, but all the sudden Paige went all serious. I was a little scared, not even gonna lie! "Honey you need to tell me what's going on with your noggin right now. First you like Blaise, then you hate him, then you start dating Draco, then you hate him, then you kiss Blaise and don't say anything to him or Draco, and now you like Ryan. Seriously let me into your mind right now. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to understand what's going on right now." Oh dear. She placed her book into her lap and sat cross legged on my bed. I glanced at the spine. It was 'Hogwarts: A History'.

"I've read that book! It is really informative!" I smiled at her, and she gave me a stern look. "Alright, alright! It was worth a shot!" Again, she gave me that look. "Okay. Well, with all these new guys, it's hard to keep occupied with one?" I said. It sounded more like a question than anything. Again with the look. Nope. She wasn't buying any of my bullshit. "Well, first I like Draco, but then you had dibs on him. But then I started liking Oliver, and he was an ass in the end. And then Blaise was really really nice to me about Oliver. So then I liked him. But then he was an ass when I was just trying to save your ass! And then Draco was there, and all I really wanted to do was make Blaise jealous. Which worked!" It was all coming out in such a rush. "But then Draco was just so perfect! And then I really started to like him, and we just had so much fun! But then there's still Blaise, and I still liked Blaise and never stopped!" I took a deep breath. "And, I don't like Ryan. He's nice, and a little cute. But really, I think my heart can only handle 2 guys at once!" I sighed again, breathing heavily.

I attempted to gage Paige's reaction. It was all kind of quick, and I just expected her to make one of those 'what the fuck' faces and ask me to say it all again. I really didn't want to. I pulled my knees to my chest, and waited for her reaction. What I really wanted to know is why she wanted to know. I thought she knew. This was crazy. I had been pretty sure we had gotten through all of this already, and that she knew it all. This was crazy stuff here.
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 1:13 am


I shook both girls’ hands before one of them grabbed a broom and left. They were talking about Quidditch. I never quite understood that game. I smiled at the other girl uncertainly. This was a little awkward for me. I cleared my throat. I didn’t mean it as one of those rude ones. I just had a tickle in the back of my throat. All three of the people in the room glanced at me. “Sorry.” I mumbled, looking down at my feet. I could hear one of the girls’ giggle. I couldn’t tell who it was. I itched the back of my neck lightly. “Well, I think I’ll go!” I said brightly, and walked out the door quickly. I had memorized the way before, so I had no trouble. I figured that I would explore the school some. I managed to find my way outside, and I went to the Quidditch pitch. I sat myself in the stands and watched everyone flying around. I smiled up at them. I never did like Quidditch much, but I did like to watch them flying. I never was a fan of flying. I saw a girl in the stands too. She was really pretty. Blond, with really big blue eyes. I smiled. She was pretty, and instantly I was attracted to her. All of the girls are really pretty here, at least the ones I’d seen, but she was outstanding. I smiled to myself lightly. I noticed someone else walking out onto the pitch. It was that girl. What was her name? Tabby! That was it. The other girl wasn’t far behind. She spotted me in the stands and came and sat next to me.

“You know, Tabby’s a famous Quidditch player!” I smiled.

“Really?” I watched her fly up into the air, and she really did have some skill. I smiled, and noticed the pretty blond girl get up. She was wearing Hufflepuff colors. I smiled. The girl next to me was talking about something, but I didn’t pay attention. My eyes were only for the Hufflepuff. I sighed to myself. I was liking this school already. Irisa and I made polite conversation up in the stands. Eventually the pitch started to empty. I guess it was dinner time. Or lunch. I was used to this time! We both got up and headed to the Great Hall. I hoped they had something good to eat here in this place!
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Number of posts : 114
Age : 32
Location : In your closet...partying with ur skirts! lol
Registration date : 2008-12-31

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 2:26 am


"Honey you need to tell me what's going on with your noggin right now. First you like Blaise, then you hate him, then you start dating Draco, then you hate him, then you kiss Blaise and don't say anything to him or Draco, and now you like Ryan. Seriously let me into your mind right now. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to understand what's going on right now." I told her and put my book on my lap waiting for her reply.

"I've read that book! It is really informative!" She smiled and I gave her a stern look. "Alright, alright! It was worth a shot!" Again, I gave her the look. "Okay. Well, with all these new guys, it's hard to keep occupied with one?" Again I gave her the look, I wasn't buying any of my bullshit. "Well, first I like Draco, but then you had dibs on him. But then I started liking Oliver, and he was an ass in the end. And then Blaise was really really nice to me about Oliver. So then I liked him. But then he was an ass when I was just trying to save your ass! And then Draco was there, and all I really wanted to do was make Blaise jealous. Which worked!" It was all coming out in such a rush, I had to really focus on what she was saying to get it all. "But then Draco was just so perfect! And then I really started to like him, and we just had so much fun! But then there's still Blaise, and I still liked Blaise and never stopped!" She took a deep breath, probably calming her nerves. "And, I don't like Ryan. He's nice, and a little cute. But really, I think my heart can only handle 2 guys at once!" She sighed again, breathing heavily.

At first I was confused but then I wiped that from my face, trying to re-listen to what she was telling me in my head. "So let me get this straight, you're only dating Draco to make Blaise jealous?" That was the first thing I sort of understood from her rushed explanation. She nodded, I could tell she felt about that. "Okay, so you're upset that you only started dating Draco because you wanted Blaise to be jealous. Then you started to really like Draco, but you still like Blaise?" I asked, slowly understanding her. She nodded again. "Alright I think I understand everything now. Oh I forgot to say that Oliver is just an ass who's going to marry someone really ugly and annoying like Pansy and be stuck with her his whole life!" She laughed and I smiled. "Well I have to tell you one thing."

"What?" She asked, I think she thought I was going to get pissy with her or something.

"Camden was telling me last night that Ryan had a crush on you since he first saw you. I think, when you told him today whatever you told him, he thought that it was good news. I bet that he's going to confront you tomorrow and ask you to go on a walk with him or something!" I punched her lightly on the leg. "Way to get 'em tiger!" We laughed. "Kristen, you need to know that you can tell me all your boy troubles anytime, and I promise not to judge or get mad at you. Unless you tell me that you are secretly dating Camden, then you'll just get punched in the face." I smiled and she gave me a shocked look.

"How did you find out?" We both burst out laughing. We continued to talk for a while, just about silly little things. When I started to yawn every couple of minutes I knew it was time for me to go to bed. I tell her good night and go to my wardrobe and pick out one of my dads old t-shirts and throw it on, then I put some pink boy shorts on. I check Cotton, to make sure she has enough water and food, put my book on my night stand, shut my light off and start to drift to sleep.


Irisa's POV

When I went to my room, I saw that the way Snape had the rooms was actually okay. My bed was silver, while the other boy's were green. There was also a wall marking off where I was sleeping, the wall was pink which made me roll my eyes, which was an okay size for me (right now). I didn't want to take forever in here, it was really cold, so I un-shrunk my bags and my trunks. I put all my hanging clothes in my wardrobe and decided that I needed my parents to send me another wardrobe for my shirts, I didn't want them to get wrinkled. Everything else took a breeze, sort of. I hung up some posters, add some pillows to my bed, put a lamp up, then finally my side of the room looked almost exactly how I wanted it to look. I dug threw my wardrobe with my warm clothes were. When my father told me it was going to be cold I didn't think it would be this cold.

I dug up one of my favorite, and warmest, sweater dresses and the matching hat. I went to the bathroom, Snape had marked off an area only for me too, and changed quickly. After I put this on I was much warmer than I was, but still cold. Since the fire wasn't lit in the room just yet, I decided to go to the common room and sit on one of the many comfy couches and chairs. I knew I had missed lunch, but I didn't care I wasn't that hungry anyway. I sat in the chair closest to the fire, and I grabbed my legs and pulled them into me hoping that would warm me up.

Tabby showed up about five to ten minutes later, smiling at me. I smiled too, but my teeth chattered together a little. Then another girls shows up with black hair, about the shade of Tabby's. She introduced herself as Emma and shook both of our hands. I knew mine were cold, but she didn't seem to notice. Thank goodness Tabby was here because I didn't have to explain to her that we were new as well. Tabby stood and told the girl that she had some flying to do, I knew she was on the Falmouth Falcons Quidditch when I first saw her, I was a fan and Tabby was an amazing Seeker.

Right when Tabby was going to walk away, Snape came from behind and snatched her up by her collar. I stood up immediately thinking there was going to be trouble, I don't know why though. They started talking enthusiastically about Quidditch and how she hasn't lost a match since she's had her broom when Emma cleared her throat. We all three looked at her, I was really enjoying listening to them talk about Quidditch. She looked a little scared and said, "Sorry." I made a mimic of her face when we looked at her, thinking no one saw me, and turned to see Tabby giggle at me. I tried to muffle a giggle myself when the Emma girl quickly said, "Well, I think I'll go!" She turned and quickly left the common room.

"What a weirdo. How'd she get into Slytherin anyway, she looks like she should be in Ravenclaw more than here." I said and it was true. Even from what I'd heard about Slytherin, I think I described what a Slytherin should be, I bet Tabby did too.

Snape piped in, "Yes I agree with you Miss Alexander, seeing as she is 13 and in my fifth year." I looked at him, shocked. He smirked, "I know what you're thinking, but you better not give her any trouble, Dumbledore has appointed her with Prefect status." He finished talking to Tabby and told us what time dinner was, seeing as we did both miss lunch, and he excused himself to his own quarters.

Tabby started toward the door, "Are you going to come watch me fly? It will be fun." I rolled my eyes and got up and followed her to the Quidditch pitch, I grabbed a Slytherin colored blanket on my way out. Once we were getting really close to the field Tabby started running, I could tell she couldn't wait to get into the air. I smiled at her and followed behind, wrapped in the blanket. I looked up at the stands and saw a girl. I wasn't sure who it was at first until I got closer and realized it was Emma. I sat next to her and watched Tabby fly into the air with grace.

"You know that Tabby's a famous Quidditch player?" I told her.

"Really?" She said and looked up at Tabby flying around the field.

"Yeah she the Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons." She nodded and I looked down, at my feet. I shivered a little and said, "I'm sorry about earlier. We didn't mean to scare you out of the common room."

"It's okay, don't worry about it." She said and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked to the field to see that the Slytherin team was watching her fly, not worrying at all about practice. Emma and I continued some small talk until I saw the team leaving the pitch. I looked at my watch and saw it was dinner. I got up, as did Emma, and walked to the Great Hall.

Once we were there I spotted Tabby and took the seat next to her. Her smile seemed to had widened since I saw her last, must've been the flying. It was nice and warm in here, which was a relief to me. "Yum, the food looks so good." I said to her and she smiled and loaded her plate with food. I did the same and looked down the table to see Emma sitting next to a young blond. She was making friends already. "So Tabby," I said and she turned her full attention on me, she actually had some noddles hanging out of her mouth and I had to stifle a giggle. "Why are you wearing sandals? Aren't you freezing?" I took a bite of my pasta as I waited for her to respond.

http://www.woodsidealpacas.co.uk/images/hat.jpg (imagine its the same color as the sweater dress)
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Kris Kringle.
Kris Kringle.

Number of posts : 109
Age : 31
Location : Outside your window. Watching.
Registration date : 2009-02-15

Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby   Hogwart's Forgotten Lullaby - Page 5 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 30, 2009 11:34 pm


Paige and I chatted for a long while, but eventually, we both started to yawn non-stop, and we took that as our cue for bed. I snuggled into my blankets, but I couldn't really fall asleep right away. What was with all of these boys? My god! If Draco and I didn't work out, I was gonna stay single for a while! I just didn't need all of this stuff! I snuggled into my pillows and fell asleep a while later. It wasn't a bad sleep either! I didn't dream much, but then again, I never did. I woke in the morning and did the usual stuff. Shower, music, clothes. I wasn't really preoccupied with how I looked today. I pulled my hair up into a quick ponytail and skipped completely on the make up. It was a lazy day! I grabbed my bags and headed down to breakfast. I briefly thought of how Paige and I never seemed to wake up at the same time. And then my thoughts turned to how Draco's apology with her was last night. And then I just thought of last night. Ryan liked me, Draco liked me, Blaise liked me, Oliver had liked me. Just to many boys to deal with!

I sighed loudly as I entered the hall. I looked around for Paige at the Ravenclaw table, but didn't spot her little blond head. I sat toward the middle of the table. I wasn't particularly hungry, so I just had some juice and a bit of toast. I had double potions first. We had that essay to turn in too. I felt confident with it, but pulled it out for a last minute look through just to be sure. About halfway through it, I looked up to see the hall was half empty. "Shit!" I muttered to myself, and headed off for the dungeons. I had gotten to know this place pretty well, so I didn't even pay attention on my way to class. I finished going through the essay on my way down, and by the time I got to the classroom, was fully confident I had an 'O' paper in my hands. I took my normal seat in the front row, right in the middle. Usually Paige sat with me, but again, she wasn't there. I shrugged my shoulders. I had to focus on my potion.

"Miss Kennedy, where is your little Morfey friend?" I heard Snape hiss in front of me. I glanced up from my potion briefly, before continuing to stir it. I counted in my head silently as I answered.

"I don't know, sir. I haven't seen her all morning." I reached 50, and added the crushed beetle horn. I lowered the flame slightly, making the potion turn a very light blue. Perfect! I smiled to myself.

"When you see her, tell her to come to my office." I nodded, and he began to walk away. "Good job on the potion." He added as an afterthought. How odd! Snape was being nice! He must've had one hell of a night last night! I laughed to myself at the thought of Professor Snape having a 'hot date.'

Next I had Charms, my favorite class. I smiled and took my seat. I saw Paige enter the room, but all the seats close to me were taken. 'Where were you?' I mouthed to her in urgency. 'Later' she managed to mouth back. She sat in the back of the room, next Harry and Ron. I didn't have a break until after lunch. After this was double History of Magic. I sighed. Where had that girl been all day?! Maybe she had slept in. But that was unlike Paige. I once again shrugged off the thoughts and focused on my class work. I promised myself I would catch up with Paige either at lunch or during break.


I wasn't sure about this school. The people seemed nice enough. Although, I got the feeling that people didn't like me being in Slytherin. I walked with Irisa up to the school and into the Great Hall. We walked down the table, but about halfway through, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bench. I didn't think Irisa even noticed. I glanced over to see who it had been, and saw the familiar blond head from my childhood. "Draco!" I squealed, and gave him a big hug. Damn, I was good at this 'goody goody' act. He hugged me back.

"Emma. It's been a long time! I didn't know your family moved back!"

"They didn't. Mum and Dad got a divorce, and I came back with mum." He nodded apologetically. I glanced around the table, seeing a few faces I recognized. "Blaise! How are you? Good I hope!" I said to the dark boy sitting across the table. He nodded.

"I must say, Em, you are a lot different than what I remember." He stated. I nodded.

"Not so much, you'd be surprised!" They both looked at me curiously. "Well, I have this theory of sorts. You know how everyone likes the goody two shoes? And how they do anything they ask just cause they're sooo nice?" They nodded. "I've decided to use it to my advantage. No one hear knows me. I can spin it however I like." They nodded in appreciation. I took a bit of the food on my plate. Not quite what I'm used to, but it was okay.

"So, I've heard that you're taking 5th year classes." Blaise said.

"Yup! I'm a regular Einstien." They laughed. I had always been the smart one between them.

"Well, how come? You weren't that smart!" Draco teased.

I punched Draco lightly on the arm. "Gee! Thanks!" They laughed. It was like almost nothing changed between us in the years since I had seen them. "The Academy of Magic I went to in Northern Africa was a few years ahead of Hogwarts."

"Oh!" They both said, sounding impressed. We spent the rest of dinner talking about what we had done the last 2 years or so. Eventually, when dinner was over, they escorted me back to the common room.

"Okay guys! I'm off to bed. I'm still not used to this English time! Or is it Scottish? I don't even know!" They laughed warmly, and I headed off to bed. First class was Ancient Runes. Another thing about Hogwarts, they didn't have nearly as many classes to choose from. I changed into my PJ's and settled into bed. I didn't like the uniforms here either. They were a little ugly. I sighed. I couldn't even modify them. 'Maybe I could get away with making my skirt shorter . . .' I thought, just before drifting off.


I woke the next morning missing the sunlight that usually streamed through my windows. I was not cut out for this castle Scottland/English life. I sighed, dragging myself out of bed, with the thought of a nice Chocolate croisant and a steaming cup of coffee waiting for me at breakfast. I climbed into the shower, taking my usual freezing one. I hated hot showers in the morning. Cold ones woke me up and made me feel very refreshed. I stepped out soon afterwards, and resigned myself to getting into the ugly thing they called a uniform.

I groaned as the cheap fabric brushed against my skin. I made a mental note to have some uniforms made out of some real fabric. I analyzed myself in the mirror. I took the hem up on the skirt just a little bit, making it at least somewhat acceptable. I fixed the shirt so that the top 3 buttons were undone, and so that the tie went inside it. Not a monumentally huge difference, but at least the uniform was wearable now. I never was one for make up, but I put on some mascara quickly before heading out.

The common room was nearly empty and when I left, I had to recall my memories from yesterday to help me find my way. I had memorized the way before, but I was afraid of making a wrong turn and getting lost in the vastness of the dungeons. I had read about them, and they were some of the biggest dungeons known in any of the ancient schools. I eventually got out and into the Entrance Hall without to much hassle, and I could hear the low murmur of voices coming from the Great Hall. I entered and headed straight for my table. I picked the first chocolate croisant I saw and sat right near where the whole plate was. I poured myself a cup of coffee, added some cream and sugar, and drank it down quickly.

I felt someone sit next to me. "Excuse me, but aren't you supposed to be a prefect Miss 'I'm-gonnna-change-the-school-uniform-to-my-liking?'" I glanced over to see Draco sitting next to me, sort of oogling.

"I'm sorry, but you're uniforms are ghastly." He nodded in agreement.

"So, Draco, which girl are you preying on at this school?" He gave out a low chuckle.

"Actually, you see the girl two tables over from us? Right in the middle?" I nodded. "Her." He said, and I saw a slight smile light up his face.

"Really?" I examined her. She was pretty. She seemed like a good girl though, not really Draco's type. "And there aren't any other girls?" He gave me his smirk, the one that ran in the Malfoy genes like black hair ran in mine.

"Well . . ." He started. I gave him a look that plainly said 'go on.' "Her best friend isn't to bad to look at."

"Draco! Even you aren't that horrible!" He looked at me, giving me just a 'duh' look.

"You obviously don't know me that well. You see, Kristen, for that's her name, is intriguing. A mystery, for sure. But Paige, her friend, is a challenge. And you know how I like challenges!" I nodded. That I knew.

"So what makes this Kristen girl such a mystery?" He shrugged.

"I can't ever understand her. I think I know what she's going to say, and then something the exact opposite comes out! It's just like, around her, I actually have to think. I don't know what it is about her, but she's the one girl that I have no clue what I'm doing around."

"And what about her friend?"

"Well, Paige, she's just . . . amazing. When I'm with Kristen, I can be completely honest, no bullshit. But with Paige, I don't know what it is. It's exciting, it's fun. There's a fire between me and her. She's just one of those girls you can't help but want to be with. One you can't help but be attracted to. And, she is very good to look at." I slapped him lightly on the arm.

"Well, I should be off. I've got Ancient Runes first!" I downed another quick up of coffee before Draco and I headed out of the Great Hall. We parted ways, Draco going down to the dungeons, me going up to the 5th floor for Runes.
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